[Q] Sprint SGT Update - Galaxy Tab General

Just got a system update notification... taking forever to install... anyone know what it entails?
Edit: SO I see that Sprint ID / EW!!!) was installed, and my Firmware is 2.2.1, and baseband is S: P100.08 S: EB28, and Build is SPH-P100.EB28...
Problem is, I can't remember if that's new or not...lol. Damn me for not paying attention, and DAMN ME for thinking that the possibility of a HC release was possible... stupid hopes and dreams....
Edit II: Just found this report... compared to the rest of the updates, the SGT got the short end of the stick YET AGAIN!!!
"The Samsung Galaxy Tab update adds Sprint ID features."

I updated also and 2.2.1 is new, also ot updated the modem as seen by hitting the soft menu key during the update and looking under about phone, baseband. I would like to see if the update package had a whole modem.bin in ot but i installed the update before I got the temp file. The last update only had a modem file of a few kbytes so it just patched the modem. It would be great to get hold of a whole modem.bin as there are none for the sprint tab currently.
Sent from my SPH-P100 using XDA App

I was just going to as if anyone was able to grab the modem.bin. Hopefully we get luck and someone is able to do so.

What about root status? I'm hesitant to update if it breaks root because of the issues I've had with the stock gallery app (removed it via a root file explorer).

I updated my rooted Gtab and the root seems unaffected. I use mine without a data pack - wifi only. I used the root to get rid of the activation nagger in the notification bar - and it's still gone and SuperUser is still operating.
However: Sprint ID only works through a Sprint Subscriber Data Pack - not over WiFi, unless you have a company "Keyword". Alas - I don't like Sprint ID anyway.

sprint tv
i installed the "sprint" id, and it says in the description about sprint tv. i had this on the evo, but i feel like i'd make better use of it on a 7 inch screen. any ideas how to get it on the tab? i searched the market under the sprint tab and had no luck finding it.. any suggestion would be great

I got the OTA shortly after trying to install clockwork and patching an overclocked kernel. I wasn't expecting the OTA until Monday, but I went ahead and try to install it (it failed, of course).
I managed to pull the downloaded zip file out of my cache and check if there was a modem.bin. Unfortunately, once again, there's only a modem_delta.bin, so no luck there.
I tried running the update again manually after rolling back my kernel, and apparently I still had a modified boot.img, so after doing a full wipe, rolling back to DJ30, and then manually updating to EA24, I was able to get the EB28 update installed, with all of its Sprint ID goodness. It's very late now so I don't have time to actually play with it much, but I'm actually happy to be back to an official build. I'm hoping they fixed a few of the bigger issues I had with EA24, but I somehow doubt it.

Previously I was rooted and had the Bauxite kernel. I flashed the original kernel back and then installed the EB28 update. I lost root, so I tried superoneclick again. It said it rooted but superoneclick locked up while "Remounting system with read-only access..." My tab is unresponsive but the buttons are still lit up.
Update: I finally got it to reboot and I am rooted again.

matt6x7 said:
Previously I was rooted and had the Bauxite kernel. I flashed the original kernel back and then installed the EB28 update. I lost root, so I tried superoneclick again. It said it rooted but superoneclick locked up while "Remounting system with read-only access..." My tab is unresponsive but the buttons are still lit up.
Update: I finally got it to reboot and I am rooted again.
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Would you mind attaching your file for the original kernel? I forgot to make a backup when flashing Bauxite.

powermatt said:
What about root status? I'm hesitant to update if it breaks root because of the issues I've had with the stock gallery app (removed it via a root file explorer).
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I applied the update last night and can confirm that root is still intact, so the super one click method should still work if you haven't rooted your tab prior to this update.
Unfortunately, what is also intact is my long standing issue with the stock Gallery app (rogue sensor usage causing massive battery drain). Ah well, removed with Titanium backup, replaced with Just Pictures, problem fixed. Again.
Other than the addition of Sprint ID, this seems to be a pretty minor update. Could be my imagination, but it seems a tad snappier than the EA24 update. Could be the incremental increase to Android 2.2.1. But other than Sprint ID, there are no major new features.

powermatt said:
I applied the update last night and can confirm that root is still intact, so the super one click method should still work if you haven't rooted your tab prior to this update.
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Thanks for the useful info. I was hesitant to run the update after the previous hassles. I've just updated mine without any noticeable detrimental effect.
Tony C.

Root was not intact for me after upgrade. I tested with root explorer, and font changer. Both failed after trying to get root permission. I just used SOC after upgrade. All was good...

Here is my backup kernel prior to the new EB28 update. Sorry for the delay, I've been engrossed in basketball.

matt6x7 said:
Here is my backup kernel prior to the new EB28 update. Sorry for the delay, I've been engrossed in basketball.
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Thanks I really appreciate it!

I was previously rooted with SuperOneCLick (rageagainstthecage method). I did not unroot prior to the upgrade. The upgade said it failed but a look at About Phone proved otherwise. I would suggest that people unroot before the upgrade but it did not matter for me.
After the update I no longer had root access. But I was able to root with SuperOneClick again. I have had no problems since the upgrade/reroot. There are no interface differences that I have spotted so far.

Can someone please post the application name for the Sprint ID so I can remove it. I had gotten rid of all the Bloatware and now after this update I get this which I will not use.
By the way I was rooted with Super One Click and using the Once Click lag Fix and after update I did lose Root. Just re-rooted and am fine now. Got scared because the orientation was not working and I thought it broke it. Sohow the update set the orientation lock.
Also I deleted a couple files hoping these were the new Sprint ID update.
Does anyone know what they are and if I need them can somone please post them? I will take the best guess of what I remember them being called.
Perhaps someone can post there Sprint file names.

Can someone post the update.zip for the update? I got the OTA notification but when it attempted to install (using Stock recovery), it failed, somehow.
Thanks in advance.

I need the update.zip as well.

Hell, mine still tries to update my tab to EA24 which always failed. Can't even get the notification for 28. Time to go to Sprint and raise some hell....
Sent from my SPH-P100 using XDA Premium App

My sprint galaxy tab was updated the EB28 the day I got it (two days ago), today I was trying to get CWM on the tab, got stuck at Samsung screen, so I used odin and flashed back to DJ30 (without baseband, which is already at EB28) and have been trying to get back to EB28 since.
Can any of you kind gentlemen who updated to EB28 do a roto backup and upload the file? I think this is the only way I can get back into EB28 at the moment.
Many thanks!


OTA update safe with just rooted phone?

I searched and found no answer. My Vibrant is just rooted to turn off the boot up and turn off sounds. Nothing else has done, is the OTA safe for my phone?
parahelium said:
I searched and found no answer. My Vibrant is just rooted to turn off the boot up and turn off sounds. Nothing else has done, is the OTA safe for my phone?
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There are reports that it works with RyanZA's lag fix and root in some instances.
There are reports that the OTA update bricks even virgin stock phones, so it is a shot in a dark.
Personally I think I'm gonna wait till some one uploads the update and does some testing to see what is making the phone soft brick .
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
parahelium said:
I searched and found no answer. My Vibrant is just rooted to turn off the boot up and turn off sounds. Nothing else has done, is the OTA safe for my phone?
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Root is ok but you will have to undo any lagfixes if you applied them.
It will most likely unroot your device but you can use the same method to root again.
dublued said:
Root is ok but you will have to undo any lagfixes if you applied them.
It will most likely unroot your device but you can use the same method to root again.
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Not to be a downer but not necessarily. I was rooted with no lag fix (currently or prior) at all and it soft bricked my phone. I had the Samsung AP installed but that is about it, didn't remove bloatware or change the startup/shutdown sounds.
Got the phone running again with ODIN so I am back to stock now, without the update
gancho said:
Not to be a downer but not necessarily. I was rooted with no lag fix (currently or prior) at all and it soft bricked my phone. I had the Samsung AP installed but that is about it, didn't remove bloatware or change the startup/shutdown sounds.
Got the phone running again with ODIN so I am back to stock now, without the update
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What a bummer...I'm rooted w/ Ryans LagFix....hope to hear some good news in a few on a solution...
lqaddict said:
There are reports that it works with RyanZA's lag fix and root in some instances.
There are reports that the OTA update bricks even virgin stock phones, so it is a shot in a dark.
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does the virgin stock phones mean that it is unrooted or nothing is changed in the out of the box phone?
No Success Here
My Rooted Vibrant that also went through OCLF failed to boot and hung on the Vibrant splash screen. Had to use Odin and the stock build to get it back and running. Thankful I had made backups prior to trying the OTA.
I've since renamed /etc/system/otacerts.zip to stop the OTA update but I would love to get rid of the OTA update icon. Anyone have any ideas?
mine was rooted with just the ji6 modem flashed from odin.. and some other mods like mobile ap and metamorph..
so i got the update.. and it failed on install... ahhh.... flashed back pure stock on odin.. waaaaiiitning.. praying it comes back again!
Stock phone, rooted with no lagfix ever applied.
Phone is toast. I'm at work so waiting for Odin to download slowly so I can reflash the phone to stock.
Might just say skip it and apply one of the custom roms. It seems neither TMO or Samsung can get their **** together. I waited patiently for the OTA and got screwed.
Updated ok with root
My phone had the OCLF v 2.1 plus root installed. Yesterday I removed the lag fix since most folks recommended this prior to updating. Crossed my fingers and hoped my update would arrive soon.
Today my update arrived. It installed with no issues, after which my phone is still rooted. It did pause for several minutes at the Galaxy S screen, I was wondering if I had bricked it but I waited and it came through ok.
I'm not planning to reinstall the lag fix anytime soon as I don't notice that much of a change - except in the Quadant scores ;-)
d01100100 said:
Stock phone, rooted with no lagfix ever applied.
Phone is toast. I'm at work so waiting for Odin to download slowly so I can reflash the phone to stock.
Might just say skip it and apply one of the custom roms. It seems neither TMO or Samsung can get their **** together. I waited patiently for the OTA and got screwed.
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That's what I ended up doing. I didn't want to potentially wait until the end of October so I just went ahead and flashed Bionix. I don't think I'm going back to stock ever.
atatistcheff said:
My phone had the OCLF v 2.1 plus root installed. Yesterday I removed the lag fix since most folks recommended this prior to updating. Crossed my fingers and hoped my update would arrive soon.
Today my update arrived. It installed with no issues, after which my phone is still rooted. It did pause for several minutes at the Galaxy S screen, I was wondering if I had bricked it but I waited and it came through ok.
I'm not planning to reinstall the lag fix anytime soon as I don't notice that much of a change - except in the Quadant scores ;-)
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How many "minutes" did you wait? The notice before the update said it would take 10 minutes. I'm willing to wait, but not all night
The update portion with a status bar went my pretty quickly. My phone's been sitting on "Vibrant" for about 5 minutes and I'm starting to sweat.
I had been rooted and had OCLF but reversed both before applying the update. I also had the mobile AP, customized swype skin and custom battery meter but everything else was stock.
gancho said:
Not to be a downer but not necessarily. I was rooted with no lag fix (currently or prior) at all and it soft bricked my phone. I had the Samsung AP installed but that is about it, didn't remove bloatware or change the startup/shutdown sounds.
Got the phone running again with ODIN so I am back to stock now, without the update
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i want to remove mobile AP just incase that is what is causing the soft bricks. ive noticed many people have problems have flashed the mobile ap. is there a way to remove with like uninstalling an application?
--without odin or flashing back to stock
I was rooted and removed some of the Samsung bloatware apps such as MediaHub etc...saw the update was available this morning and started it, phone was stuck on the Samsung Vibrant screen ever since. I put in for a replacement, could probably fix it with ODIN but new phone should be here tomorrow. I was actually having issues before that, so it could have been the phone itself...no way to be 100% sure.
For the people who had issues with their OTA, did you have a file named update.zip previously on the /sdcard directory? It's the only thing I can think of that might interfere with the OTA download, causing it to truncate. Phone is recovered and re-rooted, but the Update Firmware shows no update available. I'm going to Odin flash the 9-28 JI6 image.
That is what I am thinking as well. I have removed the update.zip from the internal storage now. The OTA is here and I postponed for a day just to be safe. I really need the GPS fix.
d01100100 said:
For the people who had issues with their OTA, did you have a file named update.zip previously on the /sdcard directory? It's the only thing I can think of that might interfere with the OTA download, causing it to truncate. Phone is recovered and re-rooted, but the Update Firmware shows no update available. I'm going to Odin flash the 9-28 JI6 image.
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fine over here
My phone is rooted with RyanZA's one click lag fix and the update worked fine for me. I've never removed bloatware or anything though. Total I think it took about 8 minutes from start to finish.
I received the update this morning but my battery was below 10% and said I need more juice in order to install. I recharged and it kept saying the same thing after postponing a couple times. I restarted my phone and all works good now.
I'm noticing very good improvements in signal strength and flawless gps now. Maybe a speed increase also? I'm not sure about the speed thing just yet. Seems a bit snappier to me.
Lost Root
I updated to JI6 using odin based on the info in android development section, and I most definitely lost root.
Trying one click root/unroot to see if I can get root back
Nightfall983 said:
I updated to JI6 using odin based on the info in android development section, and I most definitely lost root.
Trying one click root/unroot to see if I can get root back
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Using the recovery mode / update.zip (the classic root method) worked for me after Odin flashing JI6.

[Q] Updating while in in-between rooted state

Allow me to explain my vague topic.
My son and I both have a droid pro, and are both running update 3.8.7
However, both of our phones were rooted before the update came and simply let it update.
After it got updated I noticed I was not rooted anymore. And z4root would not unroot my phone, or root it anymore.
Basically it was in sort of an in-between state, between rooted and unrooted.
The way I had to fix mine was by running the 2.2.6 (or whatever it was )sbf I had found on TBH, and from there going through the update progress.
Problem with that was that I had to set it back to factory settings.
So, my son's phone is still in that in-between state. Does anyone here know if it will pose a problem when this new gingerbread update hits his phone?
Will I be forced to do a factory reset with a previous sbf in order to be able to do it without it bricking?
I can't speak from personal experience, but others here have strongly suggested unrooting before update to prevent problems like what you described. As for the latest update, there are not really any reports yet on how it has gone for rooted users yet.
Before the last 3.8.7 updated, my phone was rooted with z4root and I had some unimportant apps frozen, nothing that is really crucial. I went ahead with the update (using the update.zip) which worked just fine. Yes, z4root is a bit confused of what is going on but I would not worry about it - I guess it is just logging events and thinks that because u havent unrooted it thru the program, it must still be rooted. The update removes the root anyways .. but I went ahead to unroot it with aroot again which worked like a charm on 3.8.7. At the moment, I am going to updating to Gingerbread also using an update.zip and I can give you a detailed report on how things went in a little bit ...
tnt118 said:
I can't speak from personal experience, but others here have strongly suggested unrooting before update to prevent problems like what you described. As for the latest update, there are not really any reports yet on how it has gone for rooted users yet.
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You might be able to go through just fine without flashing the SBF, but it's always a good idea to unroot/unfreeze apps and be stock for an update. Always.
Not always.
After the update from 2.26 to 2.63 (cant remember?) I had rooted my phone with z4root and froze some unimportant bloat ware, I didnt touch any programs that I deemed important for the system. I then proceeded to update to 3.8.7 without unrooting or unfreezing apps! It worked fine. After this, the system was unrooted again, I rooted again with aRoot without any problems.Now, I upgraded to Gingerbread, also coming from being rooted. The individual updates remove the rooting and you are back at point zero and, as long as you dont have any important system utilities frozen, it will work absolutely fine.
vivid22 said:
Before the last 3.8.7 updated, my phone was rooted with z4root and I had some unimportant apps frozen, nothing that is really crucial. I went ahead with the update (using the update.zip) which worked just fine. Yes, z4root is a bit confused of what is going on but I would not worry about it - I guess it is just logging events and thinks that because u havent unrooted it thru the program, it must still be rooted. The update removes the root anyways .. but I went ahead to unroot it with aroot again which worked like a charm on 3.8.7. At the moment, I am going to updating to Gingerbread also using an update.zip and I can give you a detailed report on how things went in a little bit ...
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Interesting. Well if the root has been removed then there is no problem.
My son has a lot less problems then I do so I never had to freeze any apps. Meaning I basically never had to root his phone to begin with. So I may just get away with doing nothing then.
I mean I had rooted his phone on the previous system, on 3.8.7 it never worked with z4root so I'm guessing it's not rooted at this point.
I'll try to double check
As for my own phone, I will need to keep an eye on how to after the new update. I have serious battery problems that I blame on useless background processes.
I'll just tell him to go ahead and run it, if it ever comes to us that is.
Thanks guys
That is true, but z4root is just mistaken in a sense that it is confused and thinks its still rooted while its actually not ... Unless you click unroot in z4root, it will always assume its still rooted. z4root will not work in the 3.8.7 version as its not compatible. You need to use aRoot for that. And I can confirm that all updates work, even when the phone is left rooted before the update! Every update automatically unroots (locks) the phone again anyways.
I just found the update on droidforums and went ahead and installed on my phone because I couldn't wait for Verizon
Later on ill do my sons phone as well. Im sure it will go well so ill report back to help ease the mind of others.
yeah so it wasnt a problem. I ran the same update.zip file i found and my sons phone is running nicely.
vivid22 said:
Not always.
After the update from 2.26 to 2.63 (cant remember?) I had rooted my phone with z4root and froze some unimportant bloat ware, I didnt touch any programs that I deemed important for the system. I then proceeded to update to 3.8.7 without unrooting or unfreezing apps! It worked fine. After this, the system was unrooted again, I rooted again with aRoot without any problems.Now, I upgraded to Gingerbread, also coming from being rooted. The individual updates remove the rooting and you are back at point zero and, as long as you dont have any important system utilities frozen, it will work absolutely fine.
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It may work just fine, and it may even work fine most of the time, but it's still a good idea to unroot before installing a stock update. A lot of issues can potentially come up. Unrooting doesn't hurt anything since the updates break root anyway. It's just a good precaution. A lot of people had major issues with the last 2.2 update when they installed it without unrooting first.
It looks like all is well on updating with the Gingerbread release. But better than safe than sorry I say.

[Q] How Do I Prevent OTA 4.3 Update

So my Nexus 7 has downloaded the OTA firmware before I realized that Google was doing a roll-out. The Nexus 7 want me to reboot and do the FW upgrade but I don't want to upgrade the tablet. There does not appear to be a easy way to retain Root, and i'm not interested in teh steps for CFW, etc so it easier for me to stay on v4.2.x. Is there a way to prevent the upgrade? can I delete the downloaded OTA update or something? What is the path to the OTA update files? I would like to know before rebooting as I'm not sure if rebooting will just force the update. I have rooted the tablet but no other hacks such as unlocked boot loader have been performed on the device. I did a web search but did not see a in dept conversation on how to refuse the update once it has been downloaded onto the device
You could try a root keeper app that will retain root after the update. As for preventing the update, I'm not sure how that would work. Should be easy enough to keep root though.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
A RootKeeper does not work with 4.3 due to the way that secuirity is implemented in the new FW. This has been noted in the description of the RootKeeper app on the Play store
The OTA file is in /cache and should be called ab67ca07c4b2e03eca795ada10ff041b77fbb7bf.signed-nakasi-JWR66V-from-JDQ39.ab67ca07.zip (that is, if you're using wifi-only device, otherwise the name will be slightly different)
But in another thread it came up, that at some time the update will spring up again, so you should keep an eye on it
p.s. that should be the update file, but still take this with a grain of salt, i don't have much experience messing with ota updates.
Sound Anarchist said:
The OTA file is in /cache and should be called ab67ca07c4b2e03eca795ada10ff041b77fbb7bf.signed-nakasi-JWR66V-from-JDQ39.ab67ca07.zip (that is, if you're using wifi-only device, otherwise the name will be slightly different)
But in another thread it came up, that at some time the update will spring up again, so you should keep an eye on it
p.s. that should be the update file, but still take this with a grain of salt, i don't have much experience messing with ota updates.
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I checked the cache folder using es explorer and it showed no data files(zip) in that folder. maybe the file was not downloaded yet or was already applied and the device is just waiting for a reboot to consummate the upgrade
Or you could just flash CleanROM and have 4.3 and root.
Sent from my NookColor using xda app-developers app
u could take a look at this thread:
Thanks for all of the input. I resolved this issue. I just enabled root in es explorer which showed the hidden OTA zip file in the Cache folder. I renamed the file, but the OS deleted it after the rename so I could not even save a copy of the file. I have since rebooted and the OTA did not re-download (which is a good thing) although I still get an icon in notification indicating that the OTA is ready to install.
I'm just not interested in updating to the latest 4.3 build due to lack of time. I have many Android devices and spending the time to Root and or unlock the boot loader on each device is just taking to much of my time. So I'll just stay on the current build until I have time to tinker again. Thanks again everyone for your input
I clicked the update (stupid I know) and because I was stock 4.2.2, but rooted, got bootloop. I had to use fastboot to update to the stock 4.3, now hunting for root instructions. I post this so folks running anything non-stock don't blindly accept the OTA update or headaches will ensue.
downwiththebanksters said:
I clicked the update (stupid I know) and because I was stock 4.2.2, but rooted, got bootloop. I had to use fastboot to update to the stock 4.3, now hunting for root instructions. I post this so folks running anything non-stock don't blindly accept the OTA update or headaches will ensue.
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It's a shame I saw your warning too late, couldn't resist the OTA update.
Now I'm stuck at logo.
Do I have to use fastboot as well to manually update to 4.3? What instructions did you use?
timnik said:
It's a shame I saw your warning too late, couldn't resist the OTA update.
Now I'm stuck at logo.
Do I have to use fastboot as well to manually update to 4.3? What instructions did you use?
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I wish I had seem this warning earlier too. I blindly accepted the OTA update yesterday thinking "Oh hey Android 4.3! Awesome!" and now I'm running in a whole load of problems and glitchs. I'm also not rooted yet which makes another problem because I can't find anything to root 4.3 yet. Also can't find anything on how to restore back to stock Android 4.2.2. Does anyone know anything about this? Will factory reset do the trick? I have all my stuff backed up.

Error while trying to update to 4.4 (D800)

Hey all. I have a rooted D800 (AT&T variant) with stock recovery and on firmware version D80010q. I am trying to update to the KitKat, but It's giving me an error every time I download and try to update. The error is: Err: 0x1111004. When the phone reboots, it says "This device is suspected in rooting. Software update is not available for rooted device".
I have tried using OTA rootkeeper to temporarily unroot, but it doesn't seem to work. Is there any way for me to get the update without having to flash back to stock?
This is my problem too. Hopefully there is a way.
Sent from my LG-D800 using xda app-developers app
Maybe doing a factory reset from stock recovery?
Sent from my LG-D805 using xda app-developers app
rohan611 said:
Hey all. I have a rooted D800 (AT&T variant) with stock recovery and on firmware version D80010q. I am trying to update to the KitKat, but It's giving me an error every time I download and try to update. The error is: Err: 0x1111004. When the phone reboots, it says "This device is suspected in rooting. Software update is not available for rooted device".
I have tried using OTA rootkeeper to temporarily unroot, but it doesn't seem to work. Is there any way for me to get the update without having to flash back to stock?
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Its due to the custom recovery you have on it..Go back to stock dont root and update...maybe try root keeper to see if that can help
antawnm26 said:
Its due to the custom recovery you have on it..Go back to stock dont root and update...maybe try root keeper to see if that can help
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nope. as i said in the OP< i have a stock recovery.
rohan611 said:
nope. as i said in the OP< i have a stock recovery.
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then try root keeper it will disable root but back up root path and reinstate it once the update is done
antawnm26 said:
then try root keeper it will disable root but back up root path and reinstate it once the update is done
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as i said in the OP...I tried root keeper to temporarily unroot and it didn't work. I'm going back to stock and going from there.
rohan611 said:
as i said in the OP...I tried root keeper to temporarily unroot and it didn't work. I'm going back to stock and going from there.
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lol..yeah i read each statement in your OP just wanted to get to that last part of you saying your going back to stock and going from there, because thats your next option....
Let us know if you went back to stock then did the update and it worked.
I've read that some people kept root through their OTA. Why are some people able to update and others aren't. I've been reading up on this for the VZW update whenever that happens. I hope I haven't kept all this bloatware on my phone for no reason!!
Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk
hinduboy74 said:
Let us know if you went back to stock then did the update and it worked.
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I reverted back to stock using the instructions in the Stickied post. I was then able to update to D80010o. I had to call to request a rep to push out the D80010q update again though. They're calling it a "security update" so you should use that phrase when talking to the rep so that they don't get confused and think that you're just requesting that they push out the KitKat update.
Once I got the D80010q update, the KitKat update was available and I was able to update. Unfortunately, I didn't try to root it prior to updating - though to be honest, I don't really feel the need to root anymore. Only reason I had it rooted before was to get the multitasking button, but I'm okay with using an S3 layout (Menu, Home, Back) since that's the phone I'm coming from.
I have posted this in Other thread too.. may be this helps (Or save some time)
1.What ever the phone came with (never saw the version)
2. Rooted: Then just froze the apps I don't need (DID NOT DELETE) NO Exposed Or anything fancy. PURE STOCK just at&T bloat froze.
3. Then the Silent update came... I guess it was 10q (few weeks back), It was fine... ROOT remained.
4. Kitkat update came..
5. I de-froze all the apps before the update..
6. Tried to installed KITKAT after download... (After 1 of 2) it says Err: 0x111004
Once booted it said this update is not for rooted device. (or something similar)
7. I thought may be it recognized SuperSU/Super USer so I Uninstalled (Removed complete ROOT through the app) Download again the Kitkat.. Same ERROR And SAME message. I went it Recovery (Button combo) to complete wipe (Noticed RED Rooted below on the screen on Recovery) did the complete wipe and Still No Luck.
8. Go back to Complete stock through flash method as I realized ROOTED written on recovery so no wipe will help that...
9. chat with AT&T asked them to push 10q the silent updated.
10. once it was done I asked her if she can push Kitkat too.. she did.
The only thing was lost all the data in the process.. But I kept my pic's Auto backup through g+ so they are safe.. rest everything I lost which I don't care anyway. (Chat etc)
SO the BOTTOM LINE IS... If you see ROOTED on your stock recovery NO matter what you do... It will not update. If you dont see it.. then your are fine I Guess ("I guess" is the keyword)
Also I'm not sure if there are 2 versions of root methods... So if anyone has Root and was able to update to kitkat.. Can you link which Root method you guys used.. Thanks in advance.
streetsmart999 said:
Also I'm not sure if there are 2 versions of root methods... So if anyone has Root and was able to update to kitkat.. Can you link which Root method you guys used.. Thanks in advance.
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I used ioroot to root while on D80010d. I think some people who have had success rooted while on D80010o
rohan611 said:
I used ioroot to root while on D80010d. I think some people who have had success rooted while on D80010o
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That is correct. I was on D80010o all four times I updated to Kit-kat and kept root everytime.
streetsmart999 said:
1.What ever the phone came with (never saw the version)
2. Rooted: Then just froze the apps I don't need (DID NOT DELETE) NO Exposed Or anything fancy. PURE STOCK just at&T bloat froze.
3. Then the Silent update came... I guess it was 10q (few weeks back), It was fine... ROOT remained.
4. Kitkat update came..
5. I de-froze all the apps before the update..
6. Tried to installed KITKAT after download... (After 1 of 2) it says Err: 0x111004
Once booted it said this update is not for rooted device. (or something similar)
7. I thought may be it recognized SuperSU/Super USer so I Uninstalled (Removed complete ROOT through the app) Download again the Kitkat.. Same ERROR And SAME message. I went it Recovery (Button combo) to complete wipe (Noticed RED Rooted below on the screen on Recovery) did the complete wipe and Still No Luck.
8. Go back to Complete stock through flash method as I realized ROOTED written on recovery so no wipe will help that...
9. chat with AT&T asked them to push 10q the silent updated.
10. once it was done I asked her if she can push Kitkat too.. she did.
The only thing was lost all the data in the process.. But I kept my pic's Auto backup through g+ so they are safe.. rest everything I lost which I don't care anyway. (Chat etc)
SO the BOTTOM LINE IS... If you see ROOTED on your stock recovery NO matter what you do... It will not update. If you dont see it.. then your are fine I Guess ("I guess" is the keyword)
Also I'm not sure if there are 2 versions of root methods... So if anyone has Root and was able to update to kitkat.. Can you link which Root method you guys used.. Thanks in advance.
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Same thing happened to me. I followed your advice in the other thread and did a reset using the LG flash tool, following rootjunky's guide on youtube and using the files from his website. Everything went smoothly except for at the end I got the same check flag error thing, but it completed the reset perfectly.
I then chatted with ATT and had him push the update to my phone which brought me up to d80010o. It finally went through the update and didn't get me the root error. So I think I'm in the green now. He said that he didn't have an option to push the kit kat update to my phone but it told him to have me do it through the software update in the settings. Which I tried and it said it was up to date. But he said that since they roll out in batches my phone might just not be ready for it yet. I will keep trying though and I'm one step further than I was before. At least it let me update. Shout out to ATT though, chat service is on point.


I just received notification on my phone that there is a new software update. I didn't, nor can i install it because I've removed all of the bloat ware and rooted the phone, and installed TWRP. I'm already on 21q so this must be something newer that AT&T is pushing out. Anyone else get the OTA?
Ahh, it is more security updates. It brings the software version to 21r. It came out on September 10th. They probably patched the ability to root it. Lol
ATT 850
I think you're right, I went back to stock "D" and then took all updates. I didnt like what I saw so went back to stock "D" and now I cant root with any method. My Recent apps is now in a thumbnail format instead of tabs.... not sure there is anything I can do to root.
The Root.bat seems to work but then just hangs at the LG screen and never boots.
louvass said:
I think you're right, I went back to stock "D" and then took all updates. I didnt like what I saw so went back to stock "D" and now I cant root with any method. My Recent apps is now in a thumbnail format instead of tabs.... not sure there is anything I can do to root.
The Root.bat seems to work but then just hangs at the LG screen and never boots.
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Were you able to get your phone to boot at all? Now I know not to flash it!
Egrier said:
Were you able to get your phone to boot at all? Now I know not to flash it!
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No it never booted I had to reflash back to stock "D" I am trying it again this time I am taking the "F" update then trying the root
louvass said:
No it never booted I had to reflash back to stock "D" I am trying it again this time I am taking the "F" update then trying the root
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I was able to root 21q. I'm not going beyond that if you had issues after updating it.
Egrier said:
I was able to root 21q. I'm not going beyond that if you had issues after updating it.
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I'll keep you posted I'm still playing
UPDATE: after a few tries I was able to stump root "D" once again. I'll install TWRP and a ROM and leave it at that
I think the stupid update tried to install itself without any interaction from me. I had my phone laying next to me on the desk and heard the AT&T jingle playing. I turned to look at it and was rebooting. After it rebooted, a box was up on the screen saying that there was suspicion of my phone being rooted and that it wouldn't install. Fine by me.
Pretty sure this is the patch for the stagefright vulnerability.

