Email client? - Thinkpad Tablet General

Have the ThinkPad Tablet OS 3.1
Stock email client (POP3) doesn't always show the message.
On my laptop, no problem - using Opera.
On the Tablet, I see the sender but no message - body of the email is blank.
Anyone know why?
What is a better replacement for the stock email client?

Never tried stock client. K9 works excellent for me both on Thinkpad Tablet and on Nexus One
Sent from my ThinkPad Tablet using xda premium

When you use K9 do you disable the normal Android email client?

I beleive I never opened stock email client. I just installed K9 as I used to on N1 and started to use it...
Sent from my ThinkPad Tablet using xda premium

i never opened the stock one either, never used pop 3 but I can vouch for Touchdown, its well worth the money as far as exchange is concerned, i believe it does pop but i would double check. quicker on the notifications than my Photon with the blur e-mail


Vibrant default mail client (Exchange, etc.)

Does anyone know who makes the default "Email" named client that ships with the Vibrant? Is that a Samsung app, Google app, or other? I ask because it seems to be *dog slow* doing even the simplest of things -- opening a message, refreshing, deleting, etc.. Has everyone else noticed this? Any fixes? In contrast, the built-in Gmail app is super-speedy.
On that note, is there a better Exchange-enabled client that I can install on this phone? Can the Android 2.1 client be ported to this phone? I need Exchange (mail, calendar, contacts) sync support. Also, I don't want to use Touchdown.
I had exchange before I moved to google apps for business. Exchange push worked flawless.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Yep, I saw that you said you didn't want to use it.
Touchdown's still my recommendation.
I have no problems getting exchange email in a timely manner via the default client...
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
It's not that I *can't* get my Exchange email -- the syncing appears to be working fine. The issue is the client itself: very slow and laggy. The Gmail client, by comparison, is fast and responsive.
Are others seeing the "Email" app slowness as well?
Lastly, does anyone know who makes the included Email app? Google? Samsung?
the default exchange client in the nexus had zero lag.
yipcanjo said:
It's not that I *can't* get my Exchange email -- the syncing appears to be working fine. The issue is the client itself: very slow and laggy.
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It also can't display HTML messages, doesn't highlight complicated URLs correctly (ones with & or = symbols), and has no copy & paste. At least, not from what I can tell.
Sent from my Samsung Vibrant
Can we install the apk from the nexus on the vibrant?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I have not had a problem with the default email program. It has been fast and syncs all my email that I want it to. I did increase the size of the mail since our work uses a jpeg as a sig.
Minker17 said:
Can we install the apk from the nexus on the vibrant?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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I second this. Anyway to grab the Nexus One mail client and install onto the Vibrant?
Have you tried K-9 mail?
I hate the default email app. Tried touchdown but it is not great. I switched to Google apps for business and migrated from my exchange server and I'm much happier all around.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I agree. I just moved my exchange to google apps for business too.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Yes, Google Apps is a fine solution, and I'm using that for my *personal* email, but my work uses Exchange 2007.
Anyhow, I'm trying out K9 Mail and MailDroid, though I can't get either of them to connect just yet. I'll keep trying.
Otherwise, this really looks like a "wait until Froyo" situation, since the initial 2.1 solution didn't support Exchange calendar syncing. Version 2.2 should have what we need.
Hurry up and wait
K-9 is much better, although it randomly goes for long amounts of time without getting some email, even though I can get them on my computer.
If it's mission criticle to get your emails on time, it's not very reliable, unfortunately (neither is the stck client).
WHOA! Hold the phone (no pun intended)...
I was looking at the "stalling" issues threads, and came across this *FIX* (Method 1) that was pretty easy to do:
Assuming that you're rooted, just install Busybox and Terminal Emulator (from the Marketplace). Alternately, you can use ADB from your computer, though I've never been able to get this to work. I was able to complete these commands directly on my phone from the emulator and reboot.
Anyhow, after applying this change, the default mail app is ABSOLUTELY FLYING. I kid you not. Just as fast as the Gmail client, if not somewhat faster. Really amazing. To be honest, the entire phone is much, much faster all around -- not just this mail client.
The downside? Well... technically the "app data space" is limited after this update, but I was only using 28megs (of 130megs total). Not too concerned. On that note, they give you the command to check your app data space, if you're wondering.
So....I am absolutely good for now. Happy with the mail clients and their performance.
Thanks for your help, everyone.
The e-mail app in Android 2.2 is pretty great, I was running it on my G1 before I switched up to a Vibrant last week.
The e-mail clients from Google (before 2.2) were/are dismal, but I'm pretty sure they hired Marc Blanc, the guy who wrote the excellent ChatterMail client for the Palm Treo, who then went on to begin developing AndroidMail in 2009. I was a beta tester for AndroidMail, and in the middle of the beta he announced Google was soliciting his input about some sort of secret project. There was never another AndroidMail update after that, much to my dismay.
Then about eight months later I got my hands on the Froyo e-mail client in CyanogenMod6, and I had this nagging feeling I'd seen it somewhere before. Eventually I realized it looks like a super-polished version of what Marc was doing in ChatterMail and AndroidMail.
This is huge for me, because the problems in earlier Android e-mail apps were becoming a serious problem.
So my recommendation would be to sit tight, 2.2 is just around the corner...
For what it's worth, I don't see any slow down or lag with the Exchange client. It is just as responsive as the GMail client and everything else on the phone.
Flak_Munky said:
For what it's worth, I don't see any slow down or lag with the Exchange client. It is just as responsive as the GMail client and everything else on the phone.
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Glad to hear it... but clearly I am *NOT ALONE* on this issue: there was some serious lag going on specifically with the default mail client. To the point that I really tried to avoid checking the email in that client at all, if I could avoid it. It was really, really slow....and the Gmail app was snappy & fast.
Anyhow, the "fix" I posted has totally resolved that issue, as well as speeding up a number of other apps/functions. Really amazing!
Out of curiosity, did you ever apply a "factory reset" that many folks seem to recommend? I never did.
Nope. No factory resets. No lag fixes. No GPS fixes. Only thing I have done is root and install Clockwork. Everything has been working great for me since day one. Guess I got lucky.

Native email app

I'm coming from a blackberry to android.
I had a Nexus One for leisure purposes and it got me hoocked to Android.
Now I'm giving up on the blackberry for a Desire HD and I still cannot figure a way to replace the awesome email service from my old blackberry.
Downsides I'm facing:
-battery drainage;
-difficult or multi step configurations;
-delays receiving email notifications, when compared to the immediate blackberry delivery.
I'm looking for solutions.
Tried K9 and other email apps and the native app, but it seems that Android is still struggling to get multiple accounts working efficiently at the same time, specially business oriented.
Any tips?
It should I just stick to blackberry for email solutions?
Tks folks.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
I switched from BB as well. For my work email/calendar/contacts. I use Touchdown. Easy to set up exchange and does pretty much everything I need. The only issues I have are related to recurring events and contacts sorting. TD also works very well with Pure Calendar Widget. Of course BB is the email king for business use, but this setup is not bad either.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
I'm using K9 with multiple accounts, setup as push and I always get my mails delivered instantly.
For me it works perfectly, what problems do you have?
Also +1 for Touchdown. All of the people I know coming from Blackberry find it to be a good replacement.
Thanks guys.
I have one gmail, one yahoo and one corporate email.
When having my blackberry and the DHD side by side, the difference on receiving emails is enormous. It's taking more then two minutes to get it on my DHD. Blackberry is instant.
Battery drainage is also a problem since I have to keep fetching ans polling emails.
Perhaps I'm doing something wrong. Any further insights?
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
Yep, never set K9 to do any fetching or polling.
Only use push, this way the mail sever will push the mail to you as soon as it arrives. It will be instant and it also won't drain your battery.
Edit: in account preferences, set verification frequency to "never".
And enable push.
Anyone using yahoo?
Does it work with push?
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
The email side of things is making me want to go back to my iphone. Never had this kind of annoying, unreliable service with my 3gs iphone.
Installed stock froyo app as the htc mail app doesnt work with push hotmail, that is flaky at best, sometimes mail doesnt even arrive even tho it says theres mail there and doesnt work with html.
I think its awful that it cant even work with probably the biggest email domain on the net.
Hotmail is at best reciving junk mail, desire hd works pretty well for my gmail. Sorry the MSN lovers.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App

Any experience with TouchDown for Tablets on the XOOM ?

Does anybody tried to use TouchDown for Tablets in the XOOM ?, does it work OK ?, thanks
Best email program out there if you use Exchange. Nothing even comes close. This email program was the nail in my iPad's coffin.
Its pretty good. Way better than the native email app for exchange.
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
I use it everyday. Works great.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium App
I have both RoadSync and Touchdown, and Touchdown is the best, hands down. It looks good and offers better end user configuration such as the ability to delete or not delete a message from the server when deleted on the device AND the option of not marking.the message as read on the server. I have it installed on my Xoom and Incredible. RoadSync is just a little rough around the edges, but it did work on my Xoom as well.
I uninstalled it. Too many crashes while composing and does not support drafts folder. Support said they are working hard to improve stability on Xoom and they were the ones to tell me it doesn't support the drafts folder - when you save message as draft, nothing shows up in drafts folder, although you can get to it with the drafts button displayed when you are composing a new message.
it actully works really well!
While I prefer the looks of the default exchange client it doesn't come close to the functionality of TouchDown. I highly recommend it!
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium App
Tried it...then uninstalled
I have three Exchange accounts, each of which requires a separate Touchdown profile because Touchdown does not support multiple Exchange accounts within a single profile. Accounts in the off-line profiles are not updated. Further, switching between profiles often causes the application to crash.
Customer support is great!
My biggest disappointment was that I cannot see the folder structure of my exchange account. I contacted support and they were very responsive. If anyone is interested here's what I wrote and the reply:
Dear support,
I downloaded the trial version of TouchDown upon recommendation in a forum. So far I am not really that impressed with the offered features. I was wondering if that is just a matter of updates until this will change:
1. On the main screen it reads "Emails: x (n unread) and
Appointment(s): y. Why can't I get to the emails/calendar when I tap on the summary info?
2. I haven't found a way to browse my exchange folders. I am sure that's a mistake on my behalf but it shouldn't be that hard to figure out!
3. Is there a way to (de)select all emails and delete/move them instead of clicking one after the other?
I understand that this is a new product for tablets but if I were to spend $20 on it I would like to see more features.
Thanks for listening!
Are you working on a Xoom? Are you saying that you see the email list but when you select and email it doesn't open? Or that you can't get to the Inbox?
You can choose what folders on Exchange to sync by going to settings>advanced>choose folders. Select what email folders you want to sync there. We are not a browser. We sync mail and you read it, forward etc...
There is a menu>more>select all function in the Inbox. You can then choose to delete or move.
Bottom line is that many features seem to be there but might be hidden and not intuitive. Don't think I'll pay $20 since I am fairly happy with the stock client.
The one thing I hate about touchdown is that he hasn't updated the UI since the days of Windows Mobile. It's just plain bad sometimes.
Bauxite said:
The one thing I hate about touchdown is that he hasn't updated the UI since the days of Windows Mobile. It's just plain bad sometimes.
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Agreed. The UI is painfully out-of-date. I banished it from my Xoom until they freshen up the design and usability.
I used Touchdown for a long time and it has by far has the most options. Tons O options. It was first to give you emails displayed as HTML instead of just text. The UI does need some refinement especially if using on a tablet (yes I know they have a tablet version now) and it is a hare buggy sometimes.
Since the Xoom I went back to just the stock email app. As it's faster/simpler than Touchdown and prettier. I don't like the fact that you can't tell the stock one to sync more than 30 days worth of emails though. (I have a couple saved folders, that I want it to sync all the saved emails in them). Plus the Stock calendar on the Xoom is much prettier than touchdowns calendar.
It Works
I'm using Touchdown and it works very well. It syncs my email, schedule and contacts. This is one of the apps that convinced me to keep the device.
Another touchdown user here, I'll agree with everyone else in that it's far more functional than the stock exchange client. I can deal with the UI because I go a free license from Moto.
Functional but in serious need of a facelift. Maybe one of our themers from XDA could take on the task.
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I've been using Touchdown since I moved to Android. It has its quirks, but I could never use the stock client since it doesn't support push to folders under the inbox. You have to manually sync those folders.
Coming from BlackBerry, it was the closest I could find to their email functionality (I still miss the email experience from my old 8830). They update pretty often. Buy the license from the market, but download the beta off the website. Just Google "Touchdown beta"

IMAP Not working

I am having random issues receiving / syncing emails using our corporate IMAP server (MailEnable).
I can usually get the device to receive one download of message headers and then no new emails will be downloaded. I am running the stock mail client that comes with the phone. Anyone else having any issues?
It seems to be the stock mail client. I used maildroid and everything works fine.
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I have two different IMAP accounts setup on mine and have no problems (MobileMe & T-Online).
Have you tried removing the account and setting it back up?
Can you use Exchange instead?
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
I am using the stock mail client for IMAP account since three months. Everything works like charm. Maybe deleting the accounts or wiping data will help. Check your settings if u r missing out on anything.
Never used maildroid.
aplusmiami said:
It seems to be the stock mail client. I used maildroid and everything works fine.
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It was working initially and then it became sporatic and then just stopped. This is on three phones. I removed the accounts, deleted them on the mail server and still no go.
Anyway MailDroid FREE works like a champ. I liked it so much that I purchased it and it works FAST. I also installed it on my EVO, it works so much better than the stock app feature and performance wize.

Slow push times on samsung email app

I set up my gmail on the stock samsung email app using activesync. I have tested it a couple times sometimes but sometimes it doesn't, I wont get emails until I refresh, I have the settings to push emails during peak and non-peak hours, any idea what the issue may be? didnt have this issue before...thanks
PolishDude said:
I set up my gmail on the stock samsung email app using activesync. I have tested it a couple times sometimes but sometimes it doesn't, I wont get emails until I refresh, I have the settings to push emails during peak and non-peak hours, any idea what the issue may be? didnt have this issue before...thanks
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When in mail, hit the "settings" button, the soft-touch button next to the middle one, when the settings menu pop-up, hit "more" and then go to "Account settings", in the "email check frequency", you can set to every 5 minutes.
I don't think that's what he wants. Checking every 5 minutes means the email app asks the server if there are new mails. He wants to use the push method of googlemail. With this method the server should tell the app there is a new mail without asking before. This is the technic blackberry uses.
It's just like SMS. These technic consumes less power and causes lower traffic.
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Kanalcommander said:
I don't think that's what he wants. Checking every 5 minutes means the email app asks the server if there are new mails. He wants to use the push method of googlemail. With this method the server should tell the app there is a new mail without asking before. This is the technic blackberry uses.
It's just like SMS. These technic consumes less power and causes lower traffic.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
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Then probably an activesync issue and not really a Note-related issue? Should probably bring it up with the app developers. I was assuming he meant the stock Email app that came with the Note.
I have found all emails to be very slow on my new Samsung Note. Whether it be Yahoo or Gmail. At the moment my Gmail says "Your Email will appear shortly". Waited for 5 minutes and still no email.
Yahoo and Mac emails on Note are also very slow to load. On my iPhone 4 on the other hand are very very fast and load instantly.
Tried the Samsung email app. Even the minimum 5 minute interval was annoying.
Returned to the gmail app and get mail instantaneously. Not a necessity, but quite convenient.
Go to the Market and get an app called: Microsoft + Seven, this is the official Microsoft Android mail application. This will do everything you want from the Exchange but much better. Exchange push is flawed from the server side.
I have both installed while + Seven fetches instantly the Exchange sometimes fails to do so.
hagba said:
Go to the Market and get an app called: Microsoft + Seven, this is the official Microsoft Android mail application. This will do everything you want from the Exchange but much better. Exchange push is flawed from the server side.
I have both installed while + Seven fetches instantly the Exchange sometimes fails to do so.
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That application has so many bad reviews on it.
Is there any updates on why emails are slow to load on the Samsung Note? On my iPhone 4 and Blackberry Bold 9900 emails download very fast with pretty much no waiting while with this Samsung Note it seems like it takes ages to download Yahoo and MAC emails.
How did you setup your gmail through the stock email client? IMAP or exchange?
As for push mail service, my company exchange emails are pushed out instantly without any issues exception of no new email notifications if the email app is open
desiregeek said:
Is there any updates on why emails are slow to load on the Samsung Note? On my iPhone 4 and Blackberry Bold 9900 emails download very fast with pretty much no waiting while with this Samsung Note it seems like it takes ages to download Yahoo and MAC emails.
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I also had the same issue with the stock app. It is sick and pathetic. Id you are looking for an alternative use Touchdown. I an using this and feel very happy about it.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA App
PolishDude said:
I set up my gmail on the stock samsung email app using activesync. I have tested it a couple times sometimes but sometimes it doesn't, I wont get emails until I refresh, I have the settings to push emails during peak and non-peak hours, any idea what the issue may be? didnt have this issue before...thanks
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I did not face this issue at all. Maybe something to do with your data connection carier or your gmail account. Try create new gmail account and see if the same problem happen..
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA App
naimmkassim said:
I did not face this issue at all. Maybe something to do with your data connection carier or your gmail account. Try create new gmail account and see if the same problem happen..
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Thats great u nt facing any issues but i agree its nt as instantenous like bb or iphone
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Same here, android is slow. Sometimes I even need to open My mail to get What google shamelesly calls push... Same with facebook and twitter set to push.
If I was paranoid I would almost suspect man in the middle attack on both wifi and 3g. Lmao
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
I forgot to mention the same issue on Microsoft exchange mail,
Other then instantanious connectivity, this still is the best phone I ever had
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I agree with the above. The push notifications are in my experience temperamental. Sometimes I get push for my e-mails, facebook and other times there is a very long delay and sometimes I have to open the application before anything shows up.
I've never used blackberry but push used to work nearly flawlessly with my old iphone 3GS (although the iphone e-mail client has many other drawbacks IMHO). I used to get notifications for e-mails instantly.
It is a real shame because I use e-mails a lot for my working life. I have found TouchDown and Moxier Mail to also have flaws and significant battery drain in comparison to stock so don't wish to spend that kind of money on those applications.
npras42 said:
I agree with the above. The push notifications are in my experience temperamental. Sometimes I get push for my e-mails, facebook and other times there is a very long delay and sometimes I have to open the application before anything shows up.
I've never used blackberry but push used to work nearly flawlessly with my old iphone 3GS (although the iphone e-mail client has many other drawbacks IMHO). I used to get notifications for e-mails instantly.
It is a real shame because I use e-mails a lot for my working life. I have found TouchDown and Moxier Mail to also have flaws and significant battery drain in comparison to stock so don't wish to spend that kind of money on those applications.
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Agree with you.the stock app sucks bad. I have found refuge with Touchdown. The push is still laggy but it does not slow down my note like the stock app.I only wish that the ICS had a better app for Microsoft active sync.
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wendyalison said:
Then probably an activesync issue and not really a Note-related issue? Should probably bring it up with the app developers. I was assuming he meant the stock Email app that came with the Note.
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I am having similar problems with my Note and push email. It worked flawlessly on my HTC EVO. Both are running Gingerbread.
Push email on all android (not just the Note) seems to be lagging. I wish there was a solution. With my Note, if I click in inbox, then it is forced to check email. Push email works great on blackberry and apple.
Any solutions will be greatly appreciated. Will ICS improve this any?
Not having problems with the PUSH in Microsoft Outlook Activesync email and Gmail here. Even Facebook push notifications work like charm and PUSH comes as the emails and/or notifications arrive. I actually observed this while using my laptop.
In Manila here.
