Errors installing windows 8 - Windows 8 General

I partitioned my laptop's HDD so i can dual boot into windows 8, but i keep getting an error message.
"A Required CD/DVD device driver is missing"
A quick google search just says try again or re-download the ISO.... neither of these have helped at all. Any suggestions?

Tried this on an old desktop I got from work, same error. I downloaded a fresh 32bit ISO and burned to to DVD, and giving "device driver missing" errors.....

I would recommend you to try using another burning program as that can be the problem, and be sure to burn your dvd at slowest speed possible to make sure that it dosent skip any files
BTW, are you trying to install windows from dvd or from desktop?


urgent help.i lost my os in my shift

dear friends .i tried to change my windows 7 to xp but that happend
i used usb_multiboot steps to do it and when i format my hdd and try to install it from the usb i get a lot of missed files to be copied to install xp
i tried to make others xp copies with more than 20 times it show me same(missed files which can not complete install) what can i do?????
Okay so what did you do now? How exactly did you try to install XP. What version of XP did you use, and what error does it give you exactly.
thanks so much for reply
what i do now is crying beside my htc shift ca not do nmothing with message every time say "setup cannot copy the file" and escap alot of file then not complet install
i used 2 copies of xp
tablet and other service pack 3 following usb-multi boot software by format my 2g usb and copy files from my xp source and boot well from usb it show me text install and go on then get copying files to install but that message come over and over "setup cannot copy the file"
what shall i do?
Alright so let me be sure that I have this right. You have tried to install XP from a 2GB USB drive, and it starts to install, then says that it cannot copy a file to the hard drive. Have you formatted your Shifts HDD using the Windows installer, and made sure to format it as NTFS? Also, are you using a legit copy of XP? Sometimes ones that you download from the net have things removed to make them have a smaller footprint once installed, but they also don't install correctly via USB. If you have a real retail XP copy, or have downloaded a copy of plain XP, I would redo your USB stick as it sounds like not all of the files where copied correctly to it. Let me know what happens.
first thanks so much for share and rely
second i formated it to ntsf after make 10g for c and the rest for d
second i downloaded the 2 copies from internet the tablet and the sp3
thanks so much again
i can not study and that bother me a lot cause i use my shift in my study thanks guys
Thats what I thought. You need to format both your USB drive and your Shift's HDD to NTFS. You should be asked what you want to format the HDD as when installing XP onto your Shift from the USB drive. I would also reccomend getting a clean version of XP Service Pack 2 as it seems to be about the most stable version to install from a USB drive. Download/get XP STOCK SP2, no modifications just the stock image, format your USB drive and Shift HDD as NTFS, and try again. Let me know.
thanks man so much i will do your advice and tell you
but i can not get real guide to format my usb to ntsf from windows thanks
Heres a sure fire way to format it as NTFS:
1-Open a command prompt.
Replace the (X) with the name of your thumbdrive under My Computer.
Wait for it to finish, then close that window and voila! Your USB drive is formatted as NTFS and ready for use.
i did it only show my 0 disk of my desktop hard eisk but never show me the usb
Can you format it through My Computer?
thanks man so much i already change my usb stick to 4g ntsf one and it work now great
i am now install the xp sp2 retail
when i finish what shal i do for make other stuff worki like wifi 3g fingerprint and touch screen???/
i did it.........................thanks guys
how to enable 3g and wirless now
and change display??
Just install the drivers from the HTC website and it should work.
thanks man i already done but problem with
intel graphic for xp
control center
Download the graphics drivers from Intel. You MUST install the Control Center and ECD drivers before the WiFi drivers. After you install the Control Center, go into it and turn on WiFi, Windows will then (hopefully) find a driver and install it. And for 3G I don't know as I don't use my SIM slot on my Shift, I tether my HD2 via WiFi for mobile internet.
thanks so much man you are so good kind person for that great help and care
everything is working now well but the vga and 3g....any way thanks so much

[Q] Error when installing

I try to install win8 to my htc shift. The setup loads after I remove the sdcard from the card reader. But when I start the install It ask for cd/dvd driver... Obviously the shift don't have one. I read somewhere I need to install my disk controller driver, but when I try to install the intel ICH7 drivers It says It can't find new devices. But the setup process sees my hdd because I can browse for the drivers and there I see my drive with the win7 files. This same error happens on two other PC-s. Whats the matter? Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!

Use 64bit, I had this problem also till I tried 64bit
Thanks, but i think the shift's processor is only supports 32bit.
having the same problem tried 64 bit, 32 bit and 64 bit developer, all the same
same problem here. Works on other computer with DVD but not with USB for me.
Solved for myself. Installed using DVD rather than USB

Need help, venue 8 pro missing hard disk error. possible windows re-installation?

Hello guys, my brother had this tablet for a short period of time and he upgraded it to windows 10, everything was fine but then he wanted to revert back to windows 8.1 so he wiped everything. After that nothing worked, he kept getting a partition error (missing partition) and could not do anything about it. He gave me the tablet in hopes of fixing it so i got a fresh copy of windows 8.1 from the microsoft downloader and put it on a pen drive. I also used to tool to make it into a bootable storage space and even injected the drivers from the CAB from the dell website using NTlite, but every time i start the setup the touch screen doesn't work (so i used a keyboard) and it also says media driver is missing. When i start the tablet without the usb i get missing hard disk error and can only access the BIOS and diagnostics check (shows no errors there).
This community has helped me before, hopefully they can help me again because i can't seem to wrap myself around the problem

nuvision windows tablet tm800w610l

hi i have a nuvision windows tablet tm800w610l,couple days ago when windows updates installing blue error screen come and i think say(ssd error) after that windows not booted say(bcd error),so i downloaded windows frimware from website and put in bootable flash and connect with otg to tablet(via simple hub for flash and keyboard)now i have a problem with installing new windows,i think usb speed is very very slow,it cant boot windows for installing(take 20-30 minuts just on the windows install loading screen)after that black screen and nothing happening,im tested other bootable iso files but speed is very very slow i cant do any searched net some people think its on bios setting,some think usb hub is problem(before that i have a another windows tablet and installed windows via same hub)
so i dont know where is the problem,in bios there is very very settings i dont know which setting must changed.
had to reload mine from scratch worked fine with a OTG hub, keyboard , mouse and flash drive .
Got touch working?
where did you get the image from?
the one on the nuvision website is corrupt.
I tried new and old versions of winrar and it has checksum errors
same with the drivers. what the f***. tried googleing filenames etc and get almost no results.
djmdesign said:
where did you get the image from?
the one on the nuvision website is corrupt.
I tried new and old versions of winrar and it has checksum errors
same with the drivers. what the f***. tried googleing filenames etc and get almost no results.
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Just an FYI, the version that’s currently on the Nuvision website works.
It’s not an iso, at least it doesn’t download as one. I took that file and created an iso and used a usb bootable maker to create the usb drive.
It recognized it upon restarting in advanced mode. The installer is in another language but it got me up and running again.
Just wanted to put this out there.
You can use the NuVision image if you wish (You just extract the RAR to your USB drive and then boot it in your tablet), or you can create installation media using the Windows Media Creation tool (or UUPtoISO if you want to use Insider Preview downloads from another machine).
As long as you use the correct processor architecture, you don't need the NuVision restore package (It's also out of date and no longer supported by Microsoft as it's version 1511, or maybe it was 1603 either way it's unsupported as of now). Some drivers maybe, but a lot of those are available via WU (I've never had to actually install any drivers doing a clean install from a Windows ISO).
This also applies to the NuVision TM800W560L, any 32-bit image will boot and work properly for installing Windows. If you look into installing 64-bit Linux on the W560L though, it's a little more complicated (yes, you can install 64-bit Linux, but not Windows. This is because the Linux kernel can replace UEFI Runtime Services if it needs to, which booting a 64-bit Kernel with a 32-bit version of GRUB causes UEFI to disable access to Runtime Services, which is why Windows cannot run like this and bugchecks with UNSUPPORTED_PROCESSOR.)

Question Cant install fresh copy of xp

So I had this old ass desktop donated to me and the hdd was filled with so much crap I couldn't even install rufus to burn an xp iso to a USB drive. So I finally get to my PC, which is not easy to get over to use, and burn an a supposed untouched xp iso with sp3. So I boot up from USB everything seems to be going smoothly I format the entire drive because there were a few partitions on the hdd I figured I didn't need all that crap, if I remember back to around 2003 multiple partitions weren't needed to install xp. Anyways the drive formats fine, I hit install, and run out the door to handle a few errands as I was late meeting with a friend. I get home and I can't remember the exact error it threw at me when I walked in the door but basically I started a reinstall. Except now, everything from my USB drive loads normally but before the installation screee. Actually starts up it tells me that there is no valid xp operating installed on the hd and that I need to insert a windows xp cd to verify that my installation is legit or something like that. So it's either f3 to quit or enter to continue. I hit enter hoping it will read from my USB but that didn't work. So I'm a little stuck here because the only PC I have that can burn cd or DVDs is this laptop doesn't have a rw drive.
bigrooster88 said:
So I had this old ass desktop donated to me and the hdd was filled with so much crap I couldn't even install rufus to burn an xp iso to a USB drive. So I finally get to my PC, which is not easy to get over to use, and burn an a supposed untouched xp iso with sp3. So I boot up from USB everything seems to be going smoothly I format the entire drive because there were a few partitions on the hdd I figured I didn't need all that crap, if I remember back to around 2003 multiple partitions weren't needed to install xp. Anyways the drive formats fine, I hit install, and run out the door to handle a few errands as I was late meeting with a friend. I get home and I can't remember the exact error it threw at me when I walked in the door but basically I started a reinstall. Except now, everything from my USB drive loads normally but before the installation screee. Actually starts up it tells me that there is no valid xp operating installed on the hd and that I need to insert a windows xp cd to verify that my installation is legit or something like that. So it's either f3 to quit or enter to continue. I hit enter hoping it will read from my USB but that didn't work. So I'm a little stuck here because the only PC I have that can burn cd or DVDs is this laptop doesn't have a rw drive.
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Your assumption that multiple partitions are not required is incorrect. Windows requires an MBR parition that occupies the first 512 bytes of your hard disk. This acts as a loader to start Windows.
You should be able to simply remove all partitions on the drive when you start the Windows installation process; Windows will then automatically configure the necessary partitions for you. This article should provide the information you need.
Also, don't forget to enable legacy boot in your BIOS, assuming the BIOS supports UEFI.
Yes, I am aware of the mbr but like you said the installation media should have no problem creating that after formatting the whole drive and starting install. I'll check the bios settings thanks for the tip. I'm leaning towards running one of the android os compatible with x86 arch. Anyone have any experience with those. I have bliss and prime downloading right now.
I turned USB legacy mode from auto to enabled but no dice. I would think that once I hit enter it would recognize the USB I have plugged in as the CD ROM. What if I disabled the CD ROM drive for the time being?

