Nexus S - £199! SIM-Free - Member-Found Deals

Nexus S, runs official ICS. Only £199. Hot. Sim free too!
Hit the thanks button if this helped
Sent from my HTC Desire S


Unfortunately looks like the deal expired!
It was £199 earlier today...
Check HotUkdeals website
Sent from my HTC Desire S

Saw the deal too.... good deal as I was close to buying it for £300 last week before I decided against it. In my local carphone warehouse the deal was still ongoing today

mmmcfc said:
Saw the deal too.... good deal as I was close to buying it for £300 last week before I decided against it. In my local carphone warehouse the deal was still ongoing today
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Yep, still going on their webiste too actually! theres a new link!
are you going to replace your Desire s?
you could have potentially got a Xoom 32Gb for £199 at CPW


Tab price slashed (again) in UK.

News today that Tesco (Kind of a UK grocery store/Wallymart) Has cut the price of the Tab. Again. Was 449. Now 359.20. No contract. Unlocked.
Doh!!!!! I paid 429 for myne
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
I think it is part of a promotion where they pay the VAT as similar discounts are available on loads of computer and phone stuff.
BTW it also appears to apply in store too as I got mine there yesterday.
gutted, I paid £550 for mine from Comet and I'm paying monthly for it so I still have about £549 to go!
damn. thankfully I love the tab, but it sucks knowing that it has dropped from £499 to £359 in just 3 months after launch... Maybe they should offer the early-birds some incentive when the next version of the tab is being released later this year. I'm now not making the same mistake and will wait a few months before upgrading...
i just about bought one today but was unsure if they were unlocked or not.
no staff on hand to ask either
Mine was free!
(ok so i straight swapped my Desire HD to get it, but no money changed hands )
Thanks to a salesperson not connecting the sim and me keeping quiet i got a tab for free! Unlocked and unbranded goodness for nowt lol.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
just in case anyone is still after a tab, your best deal right now is to get it online with best buy via quidco. they are matching the £359 price, throwing in a free 16GB sd card and with quidco you get 10% off right now. not too bad!
This is an unbelievable price for a fantastic piece of kit! I'm still happy that I bought mine in December last year, but woudl have liked to save the 100 quid!!!
Just spotted that Amazon UK have dropped the price again to £341.24!

Samsung S2 [AUSTRALIA] (OZ) Thread

Expansys Australia has just put a pre order on thier page for Samsung Galaxy S II pre order. Its priced at $1145. Sorry guys just not worth it.
Everyone keep discussion in this thread to Australia zone only.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App has phone listed but no price tag.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
tids2k said:
Expansys Australia has just put a pre order on thier page for Samsung Galaxy S II pre order. Its priced at $1145. Sorry guys just not worth it.
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Yeah its rip-off!! But its inline Expansys UK.
Holy Cow! Thats US$1200!
eskasi said:
Holy Cow! Thats US$1200!
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Yep, and given that for $741 USD you can get it in Switzerland/Germany, there's no way I'm forking out over $800 for it.
Seems that in the netherlands they list it for €590 (us$815)
I always hate it when a device is more expensive in specific regions
mobicity and both have them now.
mobicity- $899
smoothmobiles- $895
im not sure whether to get one or not, its a extremly hefty price. i was planning on getting a normal galaxy S again, ( other died, no warranty cause i bought it 2nd hand and the owner is not here no more ) so i was going to get a brand new one
not sure what to do now.
Yeah, I'm gonna have to buy one me thinks - I'm addicted to my SGS and an upgrade will be awesome
Techrific has it for $889
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA Premium App
Big bump.
So the Australian release will be around June, you guys going to get it now or what?
If its on the Optus $59 I will, if its on the $79 its too much imo, I'd rather get the Arc
I'm selling my iPhone 4 and will just buy it outright from uk, Australia is just such a ripp off.
I'm half way through my contract with optus so, I sell my iPhone for $700 and the gs2 was $724 so for $24 dollars I have upgraded. to top it of when my contract runs out I'll get the sgs3 lol yayyyyyy
Yeah replacing my Atrix with my SG2 which will hopefully be here by Friday. Ordered from Handtec as i didn't wanna get ripped off by Aus online resellers lol
Hey guys, who's getting their SGSII from where?
How much did/will it cost you (in AU$)
Is it NextG?
Which processor?
Anyone here ordered a UK versrion of the sgs2? I take it ill have to get an adapter for the charger considering the sockets are different?
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA Premium App
I bought from Mobicity, $900 (yay for disposable income). It says NextG compatible, no NFC and with the Samsung CPU (not NVIDIA Tegra 2)
hmmm.... I might get one from expansys.... will probably wait until next week and scope out a few other places as well.
I was upset that it won't have NFC because I believe NFC will become common use in everyday life sometime soon.... but after a bit of research I think NFC will be more commonly built into sim cards instead of phones themselves, so it's not so much an issue for me now. Also it's probably not going to hit mainstream until after the London Olympics by which time I'll have a new phone anyway.
handtec, price was AUD $700, i don't care about NFC, it is gonna be switched off constantly anyways, don't think it will get popular soon
Where to buy
Hey guys,
I've been doing some research on where to buy, I'm listing them in cost order, cheapest first. If I've missed out on a site, let me know.
If there is any reason why you wouldn't buy from the cheapest, please let me know.
I've never bought a phone online before and I'm kinda anxious about it.
I've gone as far in the checkout as I can, and prices include shipping to Melbourne, the cheapest option (no more than 7 working days).
Not VAT. Is that correct?
Currency conversions using Google on 4/05.
Unlocked Mobiles £435 $663
Handtec £456 $695
Clove £464 $707
Expansys $720
Smooth Mobiles $924
So the cheapest is from Unlocked Mobiles, and the cheapest Australian store is Expansys.
Which store are you going to buy from, and why?
!!!!!!! I had it all nicely formatted, and the name of each site was a direct link to that website's listing for the SGSII.
But I can't post links.
Spent ages typing it up too...
my DHL online tracking still says Departed Facility in LONDON-HEATHROW - UK, same as 30 hrs ago... hm..... hope i can get it tomorrow
SuperTheMando said:
Hey guys, who's getting their SGSII from where?
How much did/will it cost you (in AU$)
Is it NextG?
Which processor?
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I can't afford to buy outright just now, so I am waiting patiently for it to be released so I can grab it on my plan with Optus! Waiting, Waiting, WAITING!

Nexus S £199 at Carphonewarehouse

Not a bad deal I think. Well I have put my money where my mouth is so I hope so.
I wish I had a 9020 instead of my 9023 I love amoled
I am wondering if it will be AMOLED.
I like it but am wondering if it's worth it over my Xperia Arc S?
Well on the link it advertises that it has a 4" Super AMOLED touchscreen so it should be.
Aye but I know Vodafone have been selling them as a S-LCD.
Jygar said:
Aye but I know Vodafone have been selling them as a S-LCD.
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they are sim free, and amoled
Yes; this Nexus S was £199 and has the AMOLED.
Wow I might pick up one of these if it's amoled.
I'm wondering do you think this phone will last me for two years?
I'm kinda thinking I'll regret not getting a dual core phone later down the line.
I'm thinking maybe I should get a 2nd hand sensation, but the slcd really puts me off.
I'm thinking of selling my Desire for £85, buying this for £200, then in the summer selling the Nexus S for £80ish i hope.
So my question, how big of a step up is this from the Desire? Worth the small hassle to get it for 6 months?
I bought one earlier on today (26/12/2011) and it is indeed a 9020T (The AMOLED one)
It came with 2.3.1 on it, but it didn't want to update OTA, so I had to install the updates from a thread somewhere around here on it.
Glad another friend of mine pointed them out to me, they're an absolute steal!
Same, picked up one today.
Very happy with it.
brins0 said:
I bought one earlier on today (26/12/2011) and it is indeed a 9020T (The AMOLED one)
It came with 2.3.1 on it, but it didn't want to update OTA, so I had to install the updates from a thread somewhere around here on it.
Glad another friend of mine pointed them out to me, they're an absolute steal!
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If it says sim free then why are they shipping the i9020t. Just curious. I think they are out of stock also. Is the 199 euro =259 American ?
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk
Got one as well, flashed it to 4.0.3 already, so much faster than my Xperia Arc S
yeah i picked one up today aswell, lovely AMOLED and a bloody nice phone aswell quite frankly, mine also came with 2.3.1 and doesn't want to do any OTA updates aswell.
I'm actually in two minds about flashing to 4.0.3, since some people have reported some battery issues with ICS
I'm popping down to my local carphone warehouse today.
Fingers crossed.
Jjday7 said:
If it says sim free then why are they shipping the i9020t. Just curious. I think they are out of stock also. Is the 199 euro =259 American ?
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk
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The 9020t is also known as the 9020 which is the SIM free SAMOLED version originally sold in the UK through CPW. The 900/1700/2100MHz UMTS bands are used by all the major networks here in the UK. The phones aren't T-Mobile branded in any way.
yeah it is the i9020 as its the only official one in UK and I'm hoping it lasts until at least the 5th next month as otherwise I will have to buy the i9023 from amazon....
Sent from... somewhere...
Jjday7 said:
If it says sim free then why are they shipping the i9020t. Just curious. I think they are out of stock also. Is the 199 euro =259 American ?
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk
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Its 199 Sterling so about 300 usd
Sent from... somewhere...
That is a good deal.
I wish I had known earlier as I bought the missus a Galaxy Ace for £149 a few weeks ago.
She doesn't like the look of the Nexus S anyway, says it's too big.
Women, eh?
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
Just been to the Carphone Warehouse
Uploaded with
9020 Amoled

4/11/12 For 24 hours, new Xoom's for $329.99 & $4.99 shipping

On, I just saw they have new Xooms for $329.99. I bought a Lapdock for my Bionic last week for $80 from them, among other things in the past. I've had good luck. No idea about warranties though.
That's a pretty good price...if I didn't have one I'd jump on it.
I bought mine from them about a month ago when they were $399. It takes about 2 weeks to get it, its also a refurbished model and they give you a 90 day warranty. It works great for me so far I recommend grabbing one if you don't have one.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
dougeq said:
I bought mine from them about a month ago when they were $399. It takes about 2 weeks to get it, its also a refurbished model and they give you a 90 day warranty. It works great for me so far I recommend grabbing one if you don't have one.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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According to the website today's are new.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
They are a good site, but slow as molasses in January when it comes to shipping. I ordered two things from them on 04/02/2012, and they still haven't shipped!
wasserkapf said:
They are a good site, but slow as molasses in January when it comes to shipping. I ordered two things from them on 04/02/2012, and they still haven't shipped!
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I have seen that deal and jumped on it . As for slow , on consumer report website , some people claim to get their stuff in 8 days . Have you seen website called dealextreme ? I ordered some accessories for my Galaxy note on march 12 . Don't have it yet . ( it's april 11 ) as for xoom .. I'll wait
budalica said:
I have seen that deal and jumped on it . As for slow , on consumer report website , some people claim to get their stuff in 8 days . Have you seen website called dealextreme ? I ordered some accessories for my Galaxy note on march 12 . Don't have it yet . ( it's april 11 ) as for xoom .. I'll wait
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I ordered my Lapdock from 1saleaday on 3/30, got it on 4/6, in CT. So, not bad.
jumphour said:
On, I just saw they have new Xooms for $329.99. I bought a Lapdock for my Bionic last week for $80 from them, among other things in the past. I've had good luck. No idea about warranties though.
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Is this deal legit, or a scam? I'm a little cautious of deals that seem too good to be true.
Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk
ItnStln said:
Is this deal legit, or a scam? I'm a little cautious of deals that seem too good to be true.
Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk
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I've bought stuff from them before, always happy. But it's over now, so you don't have to worry about it.
I bought mine on clearance at Target for $329.99, bought it the day it went down
ItnStln said:
Is this deal legit, or a scam? I'm a little cautious of deals that seem too good to be true.
Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk
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I'm brought mine for $298 before Christmas so its definitely legit.
I actually just got mine for 299$ (wifi 32gb) with free shipping and a free dock and gel case. From a reputable ebay seller
xoom on sale for $250 today here (32gb wifi/3g-Verizon)
dailysteals is the website. Add com to the search.
Might the chance to pick one up if you have been wanting one (or a second one).
Good luck

Where to buy in Germany (without contract)

i heard release of htc one is delayed a bit ... but not in germany i heard
i also saw some people here who got it already ... all from germany
so ... where do you guys got it ... pls tell
That's a good question! I really want to know if it's true and where.
But I don't think it's true.
misterthomas32 said:
That's a good question! I really want to know if it's true and where.
But I don't think it's true.
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o2 Germany has some device´s but only on contract. They send preorders since last weekend to consumer.
All Retail Reseller in Germany had problems getting the device.
thats dumb
and i sold my note 2 a week ago to get the htc one fast when it ships ... thats the dumbest think of it all
Saturn offered pre-orders, but they stopped taking new ones ..
Now I would check This Page to compare all stores what they say when they hope on getting it in stock or who still offers pre-orders
voltron2k11 said:
Saturn offered pre-orders, but they stopped taking new ones ..
Now I would check This Page to compare all stores what they say when they hope on getting it in stock or who still offers pre-orders
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I pre-order mine at Media Markt. They supposed to sell the HTC ONE to the pre-ordered customers on 15th. But on their website, they wrote that the delivery time is not clear. So, today I will just keep my fingers crossed.
Order it on and get the HD Media Link for free.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
HTC One in Stock
Hey everyone,
today i recieved a phone call from Media Markt in Frankfurt (NordWestZentrum)
They got sone HTC One (Silver) in Stock now.
But no BlackOne
Mux89 said:
Hey everyone,
today i recieved a phone call from Media Markt in Frankfurt (NordWestZentrum)
They got sone HTC One (Silver) in Stock now.
But no BlackOne
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Really? When did you ordered? I ordered on 1 March in Berlin. Black one.....hope I don't have to wait for another week. You also get a free HTC Double Dip Flip Case.?
AW: Where to buy in Germany (without contract)
I ordered in february. But i think next Week they will geht More devices. Hopefully some black HTC one too
Edit: im still waiting for my black HTC one
Sent from my Sensation using xda premium
I ordered mine from O2 the very first day it was available as order (not pre-order). So 14th march i could order, 15th march i had it.
I have an O2 contract, but chose only the phone to buy. They had no rule to sell only to new sim activation or anything.With Galaxy S3 and other phones they did that,the first period they sold it only to new contracts,if you were a client already you had to wait.
Anyway...try O2. Phone is unlocked.
