stuck on HTC white screen after clearing dalvik - Wildfire General

Hey all,
I have an ext3 partition for my apps, and I noticed that it was using 400+ mb when I only have for about 200 mb MAX of apps. So I wondered if it was my dalvik cache (which i also store on that same partition) since it had been using 80 MB before.
So I cleared dalvik cache and cache (not data), and now my phone won't boot anymore.
I can still go to recovery. I tried backing up (ofcourse AFTER I had the problem) and then restoring, hoping somehow that would work, but nothing. I have waited an hour on the HTC logo, so I doubt that the dalvik re-initializing would take that long?
Anybody knows what I should do? Should I try to reflash my ROM (without clearing data first) to try if that works. Or if that does not work, is the last resort really using a previous nandroid backup?

nobody? :s

wolfway said:
Hey all,
I have an ext3 partition for my apps, and I noticed that it was using 400+ mb when I only have for about 200 mb MAX of apps. So I wondered if it was my dalvik cache (which i also store on that same partition) since it had been using 80 MB before.
So I cleared dalvik cache and cache (not data), and now my phone won't boot anymore.
I can still go to recovery. I tried backing up (ofcourse AFTER I had the problem) and then restoring, hoping somehow that would work, but nothing. I have waited an hour on the HTC logo, so I doubt that the dalvik re-initializing would take that long?
Anybody knows what I should do? Should I try to reflash my ROM (without clearing data first) to try if that works. Or if that does not work, is the last resort really using a previous nandroid backup?
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Hi, strange one this!!! Dalvik cache normally regenerates itself on boot after a wipe,But you say you backed up after the problem!!! Why would you back up knowing you had the problem? So I guess that's why you can't boot up your rom. So yes I would definitely try a rom install like you said and failing that then its either a fresh install wiping everything except sdcard of course or an old nandroid. Goodluck.
" once its gone,its GONE."

I made the backup after the problem to see if restoring it somehow would fix the bug that I had (which as I suspected was not the case). But it was not the origin of the error.
Anyway I reflashed my ROM and it seems that everything is okay again, still have all my data etc.
Still my ext3 is using way to much space but that's another thing to look at


[Q] Internal memory problem need help!

Ok before u send me to another topic or tell me to install App2SD read first please!
So the problem - mainly i have problems with the low memory on the phone but... the last problem happend when i tried to install Google +. So the app is about 10 MB wich measn it needs around 20MB (download and install) so I freed around 27MB but still install failed saing not enough memory. After that the MB for the install went away the 10 MB for the install (I presume) went missing, meaning i have that 10MB less from my storage.
Well that problem hapened also before but not with so many MBs. Little by little i am losing memory and now I have very little. I tried 1click cashe cleaner, App2Sd and some other but those 10Mb went into the unknown.
So PLEASE!!! If someone knowes how to fix this (best without installing new rom or hacking my phone) please do tell me becouse I am getting really mad here. Thank U!
Btw i am using Android 2.2.1
Apparently this resolves itself after a reboot, because I had a broken install of Opera Mobile and didn't get the storage back. A couple of days later the battery died so it promptly got charged and rebooted. After it "settled" (all apps appear in the launcher, icons return to normal) I looked at the available storage and some 15MiB was freed so it was no longer hungry for available storage.
Didn't help. Also removed the battery and waited but still nothing!
Can you still uninstall any packages?
Yes I can but have removed almost everything from the phone as apps i have only youtube and gmail now everything else is on sd wich is not much at all
Do you have a nandroid backup? Titanium backup? Anything?
Wipe dalvik cache then reboot,
sent from my wilderbeast:buzz
slymobi said:
Wipe dalvik cache then reboot,
sent from my wilderbeast:buzz
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how to do that?
Boot into recovery, then depending on version it will be in wipe or advanced option. Wipe/clear dalvik cache.
?? are you rooted ?? With custom recovery??
If not then ignore my post cos dalvik can't be wiped this way on unrooted phone. Your gonna have to factory reset to totally clear,sorry.
sent from my wilderbeast:buzz
Well tx mate but as i sad i am using original sense rom i do not belive i have the option to
Check your HBOOT version, there's a chance you can still install CWM.
Well as it seems for everyone who has that problem - factory reset! Nothing else works

[Q] Is that ICS Bug or Kernal Bug?

well i tested some roms like slim ics, dark night, aokp and gamerz. But i seen one similar issue which i was facing and it irritates me alot . The problem is when i installing some apps the phone becomes slow. Even when i press the menu button it will open slowly and touch sensitvity becomes lag. Is everybody facing this issue please let me know
Have you tried to wipe cache, dalvik cache and data?
Do you restore your apps from Titanium Backup? That could be the problem if you made the backup when you were on Gingerbread.
MortenJ said:
Have you tried to wipe cache, dalvik cache and data?
Do you restore your apps from Titanium Backup? That could be the problem if you made the backup when you were on Gingerbread.
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Every time i will do wipe/factory settings, wipe cache, dalvik cache and data. Rom runs extra ordinary at the first time after using some days, the phones becomes slow when i touch on menu button it will opens very slow and i checked the ram the phone is using only 200mb rest 140mb is free.
I didn't restore any apps from titanium. For every new rom i will install new apps from Google Play.

[Q] Dalvik Cache doesn't exist

I was flashing CM9 from CM7 on my Motorola Defy, botched it up intially due to a slip of my finger which led to me to Clear the cache first. But then I restarted the entire process by Clearing Data -> Installing -> Flashing Kernel and so on...
But when I tried to clear the Dalvik Cache, the phone didn't delete it. It didn't give me a message that it wiped the cache, but it didn't say otherwise either. This led me to believe that the cache just didn't exist anymore.
As a result, I'm unable to install apps - Says there is no memory and I need to make more. Also, everytime the phone comes on is treated as the first time. It takes me through the whole process of Setting up an account and everything. This has rendered my phone obsolete.
Please help me!
Thanks in advance.
~Bloo (newb) ^_^
EDIT: Solved, just flashed the stock SBF. But is that the only solution?

[Q] GT-I9505 trouble wiping and date/time

I'm trying to fix a problem for a few days now, but without any luck.
I flashed CM11 using CWM, which is the latest.
But for some reason there is a problem with the date & time. My whatsapp keeps telling me my date was wrong, while it was actually set right. Didn't matter if i changed it and changed it back, or put it on automatic. It keeps resetting at boot but for some reason it shows the right date.
So i tried flashing another rom and i have the same problem.
But then i found out i did a full wipe and to be sure i formatted System and Data (also cache and dalvik), but when i did a clean install after the wiping, i still could restore a whatsapp backup and i see all my photos which are located on my internal storage. (/storage/emulated/o).
I think the wiping isn't done right or something.
Does anybody know what i should do?
I just want to wipe everything possible, except for CWM and then do a clean install.

Help With Backup - Urgent

hi guys,
so i was trying to clear the phone's cache for some gallery cache problems... anyway long story short from the recovery menu of TWRP (the external one) i chose "wipe" by mistake and that included data+dalvik+cache and the phone reverted back to original settings which sucks.
Now i have a GOOD backup of EVERYTHING (which i did 1 week ago) with the same TWRP and i tried to restore that one right away - but when the phone restarts there's quite a few apps errors, gmail apps, etc etc... and it seems i dont have root anymore.
I previously restored that backup and it was perfect, - although i didnt wipe the data first - it was because installed exposed and the phone went in bootloop, restored backup, put up proper version and all was good.
Anyway what's the best way to have my backup to work properly in this situation? hopefully there's a simple way.
many thanks,
Seems i managed to find the "way out" - i restored yet again the same backup but before restarting phone after restoring, i did a "fix permission + wipe cache + wipe dalvik cache" - That seems to have worked! phewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
that should be it right?????

