[Q] Internal memory problem need help! - Wildfire General

Ok before u send me to another topic or tell me to install App2SD read first please!
So the problem - mainly i have problems with the low memory on the phone but... the last problem happend when i tried to install Google +. So the app is about 10 MB wich measn it needs around 20MB (download and install) so I freed around 27MB but still install failed saing not enough memory. After that the MB for the install went away the 10 MB for the install (I presume) went missing, meaning i have that 10MB less from my storage.
Well that problem hapened also before but not with so many MBs. Little by little i am losing memory and now I have very little. I tried 1click cashe cleaner, App2Sd and some other but those 10Mb went into the unknown.
So PLEASE!!! If someone knowes how to fix this (best without installing new rom or hacking my phone) please do tell me becouse I am getting really mad here. Thank U!
Btw i am using Android 2.2.1

Apparently this resolves itself after a reboot, because I had a broken install of Opera Mobile and didn't get the storage back. A couple of days later the battery died so it promptly got charged and rebooted. After it "settled" (all apps appear in the launcher, icons return to normal) I looked at the available storage and some 15MiB was freed so it was no longer hungry for available storage.

Didn't help. Also removed the battery and waited but still nothing!

Can you still uninstall any packages?

Yes I can but have removed almost everything from the phone as apps i have only youtube and gmail now everything else is on sd wich is not much at all

Do you have a nandroid backup? Titanium backup? Anything?

Wipe dalvik cache then reboot,
sent from my wilderbeast:buzz

slymobi said:
Wipe dalvik cache then reboot,
sent from my wilderbeast:buzz
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how to do that?

Boot into recovery, then depending on version it will be in wipe or advanced option. Wipe/clear dalvik cache.
?? are you rooted ?? With custom recovery??
If not then ignore my post cos dalvik can't be wiped this way on unrooted phone. Your gonna have to factory reset to totally clear,sorry.
sent from my wilderbeast:buzz

Well tx mate but as i sad i am using original sense rom i do not belive i have the option to

Check your HBOOT version, there's a chance you can still install CWM.

Well as it seems for everyone who has that problem - factory reset! Nothing else works


Weird problem with wipe data/factory reset

Hey guys. I am facing a weird problem.
A little background first. I have the u8800 pro. When i bought the phone, the internal storage space was from what i recall 900+MB(almost 1 GB) and was available to me. I installed some apps, a few days passed and then i saw that an update was out(official 2.3 from huawei website).At this time, i had about 700+MB available.
I did the update, everything went fine but after i installed THE SAME apps i had before(through the huawei backup app) i noticed that now the available internal storage space was reduced by 150MB(about 550 total).
So today i decided to do a wipe data/factory reset to free some space because i thought that the "missing" 150 MBs were "garbage" left from the previous installation.
I did the reset , and i noticed that i had only 470 MB available.Without installing anything. I had a "clean" phone, only with the stock apps and i expected that i would have again all of 900+MB available. I did another factory reset,back to back, and when i turned on the phone, the storage reduced even more, now at 420 MB! And after the installation of all the other apps i had before, there is only 200MB storage.
What the hell is going on? Is there a solution?
One thing could worth trying: Re-install the 2.3. Download it from Huawei and install it. If you dont want to try it, you can go to the store that sold it to you and ask them. If you go to store, it will probably be sent to warranty for repair.
I installed DiskUsage from market and the results it shows me are:
Applications 135 MB
System Data 560MB!
560 MB for system data seem A LOT to me...
I did a clean installation of 2.3 again, but the storage now, is even lower. With NO 3rd party app installed, 320 MB available.
In that case, restore stock rom and take it to warranty. We cant do anything to it here.
Could you please tell me how to restore stock rom?I already have it, i just dont know how to flash it.
(I , now, have rooted phone if it makes any difference).
did you resolve the issue? can u tell me?
sheikgr said:
Could you please tell me how to restore stock rom?I already have it, i just dont know how to flash it.
(I , now, have rooted phone if it makes any difference).
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Download B528 Latest official version (02-03-2012) Here and Copy dload folder into the root of the SDCard.
Press and hold Vol + and Vol - and Power button and wait for the updating.

stuck on HTC white screen after clearing dalvik

Hey all,
I have an ext3 partition for my apps, and I noticed that it was using 400+ mb when I only have for about 200 mb MAX of apps. So I wondered if it was my dalvik cache (which i also store on that same partition) since it had been using 80 MB before.
So I cleared dalvik cache and cache (not data), and now my phone won't boot anymore.
I can still go to recovery. I tried backing up (ofcourse AFTER I had the problem) and then restoring, hoping somehow that would work, but nothing. I have waited an hour on the HTC logo, so I doubt that the dalvik re-initializing would take that long?
Anybody knows what I should do? Should I try to reflash my ROM (without clearing data first) to try if that works. Or if that does not work, is the last resort really using a previous nandroid backup?
nobody? :s
wolfway said:
Hey all,
I have an ext3 partition for my apps, and I noticed that it was using 400+ mb when I only have for about 200 mb MAX of apps. So I wondered if it was my dalvik cache (which i also store on that same partition) since it had been using 80 MB before.
So I cleared dalvik cache and cache (not data), and now my phone won't boot anymore.
I can still go to recovery. I tried backing up (ofcourse AFTER I had the problem) and then restoring, hoping somehow that would work, but nothing. I have waited an hour on the HTC logo, so I doubt that the dalvik re-initializing would take that long?
Anybody knows what I should do? Should I try to reflash my ROM (without clearing data first) to try if that works. Or if that does not work, is the last resort really using a previous nandroid backup?
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Hi, strange one this!!! Dalvik cache normally regenerates itself on boot after a wipe,But you say you backed up after the problem!!! Why would you back up knowing you had the problem? So I guess that's why you can't boot up your rom. So yes I would definitely try a rom install like you said and failing that then its either a fresh install wiping everything except sdcard of course or an old nandroid. Goodluck.
" once its gone,its GONE."
I made the backup after the problem to see if restoring it somehow would fix the bug that I had (which as I suspected was not the case). But it was not the origin of the error.
Anyway I reflashed my ROM and it seems that everything is okay again, still have all my data etc.
Still my ext3 is using way to much space but that's another thing to look at

[Q] Cache partition / market problems

Hey guys, got myself into a bit of a problem here. First, an app I'd installed disappeared....I went to the market to redownload it, and it kept saying "Package file has a bad manifest". So I went to the Application settings and uninstalled it.....same problem. So, I figured I'd wipe the system cache to see if that helped. So I booted into recovery (stock recovery, stock rom) and wiped the cache. Rebooted.....and the Market started telling me that I didn't have enough internal storage and all my downloads would fail. I read some things saying to wipe the market cache and data, etc, so I did all that and uninstalled the market updates, leaving me with the old market instead of Google Play. Now, it still wouldn't download anything. I managed to find an apk of a log viewer, since I couldn't download one from the market, and it was saying download aborted - internal storage is full whenever I tried to download an app. I have plenty of storage. From what I could find, the market downloads apps to /cache. I tried to copy some files to /cache, just to see what would happen, and they copied fine. They disappeared a few minutes later. I've tried wiping the cache a few more times. It says it wiped it, and then says it can't mount cache:recovery/log. I found one guy who fixed this by repartitioning his cache. Can I do this? I'd try a hard reset but I'm a little hesitant because if it didn't work, I'd be stuck unable to download any apps. At least now my phone is usable. Amy help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Well, what a surprise. I installed 2ndInit for the Defy, booted into its recovery, wiped the cache, and it's good as new all of a sudden. How strange.
Feel free to lock/delete this. Or leave it in case anyone else happens to have this odd issue..

Not enough memory to install app..

I have a big probleme with my nexus 4, I can't install any app anymore, I use to unistall and reinstall a game but yesterday I have been surprised when it say "not enough moemory" to install the same app I juste unistalled..
I searched on google but all solutions found were with people who installed "lucky patcher" but I did not installed it so I still can't install app.
My Nexus works with PA, the last version.
Someone can help me ?
Sorry for my english, I hope you can understand!
Are you with CWM recovery?
Try on recovery to delete unused back-up data or old nandroid back-up you still have on your device, however sounds very strange, got only once a similar issue with my Nexus S after installing black market, but after a restoring an old nandroid everything went fine
Just boot into recovery, wipe cache and dalvik cache. Hope this helps
Love U Guys ! Wipe data/cache worked !
Thanks a lot !

Dalvik Cache Wipe triggers Starting apps dialog box every boot

I have got this issue since I wiped the dalvik cache on Android 4.2.2 to fix a Play Store issue which I should of deleted that dalvik cache file with Titanium Backup or use Lucky Patcher to remove that left over file in /data/app/ but also wiping the cache somehow broke the APN API not allowing me to add the wiped APNs and such.
Since then I had to reflash EVERYTHING using the Nexus Stock Image flasher from Google Developers, since then I had no issues until a recent Android 4.3 update which caused the dalvik cache issue to arise since it wiped the dalvik cache.
I also do not have root because of the update but the su binary and SuperSU is still there so I cannot fix the issues manually.
When I come back on holiday I will root the device to see if I can fix the issue
but if that does not help then I can use the root to backup ALL the user apps, backup ALL the internal SD contents and reflash also rooting it.
Because I paid for the TB licence I can just restore my stuff in a touch of a "button".
I have removed apps which I don't use and the ones which I suspect is causing the issue but that does not help.
It seems that wiping the cache partition now does not break anything.
The dialog box says in the title "Android is upgrading..." and it says below "Starting apps..." and then gets off in a second.
I have seen forums of people having this strange issue but there are no replies.
I am getting back from holiday on the 31/8/13.
I really want this haunting issue to stop so please help so others can fix this issue without going though annoyance caused by this issue.
andyabc said:
I have got this issue since I wiped the dalvik cache on Android 4.2.2 to fix a Play Store issue which I should of deleted that dalvik cache file with Titanium Backup or use Lucky Patcher to remove that left over file in /data/app/ but also wiping the cache somehow broke the APN API not allowing me to add the wiped APNs and such.
Since then I had to reflash EVERYTHING using the Nexus Stock Image flasher from Google Developers, since then I had no issues until a recent Android 4.3 update which caused the dalvik cache issue to arise since it wiped the dalvik cache.
I also do not have root because of the update but the su binary and SuperSU is still there so I cannot fix the issues manually.
When I come back on holiday I will root the device to see if I can fix the issue
but if that does not help then I can use the root to backup ALL the user apps, backup ALL the internal SD contents and reflash also rooting it.
Because I paid for the TB licence I can just restore my stuff in a touch of a "button".
I have removed apps which I don't use and the ones which I suspect is causing the issue but that does not help.
It seems that wiping the cache partition now does not break anything.
The dialog box says in the title "Android is upgrading..." and it says below "Starting apps..." and then gets off in a second.
I have seen forums of people having this strange issue but there are no replies.
I am getting back from holiday on the 31/8/13.
I really want this haunting issue to stop so please help so others can fix this issue without going though annoyance caused by this issue.
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that android is upgrading dialog box is the dalvik getting rebuilt, it get rebuilt after you wipe it, it is SUPPOSED to happen when you wipe your dalvik. it isnt an issue. if not, you wouldnt have a bootable or usable phone. the real issue here is you using lucky patcher. we all know what it is used for, and is disrespectable to the developers that hang out on xda.
simms22 said:
that android is upgrading dialog box is the dalvik getting rebuilt, it get rebuilt after you wipe it, it is SUPPOSED to happen when you wipe your dalvik. it isnt an issue. if not, you wouldnt have a bootable or usable phone. the real issue here is you using lucky patcher. we all know what it is used for, and is disrespectable to the developers that hang out on xda.
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I only use Lucky Patcher for important stuff and not really for what you think so that is NOT the issue what so ever and misleading to this thread and plus, other people use it.
I mean that in EVERY boot it says that it is starting apps, nothing to do with building at all.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
andyabc said:
I only use Lucky Patcher for important stuff and not really for what you think so that is NOT the issue what so ever and misleading to this thread and plus, other people use it.
I mean that in EVERY boot it says that it is starting apps, nothing to do with building at all.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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Late reply, but Lucky Patcher did this to my phone just now and I don't know what to do, other than reflash. Which sucks because I spent all night modding out my phone and was stupid enough to not to a nandoid backup.
Edit: The first boot it upgraded everything then everything force closed, 2nd boot everything upgraded, but seems to be working fine. Woo. Was scared for a moment.
evilpig said:
Late reply, but Lucky Patcher did this to my phone just now and I don't know what to do, other than reflash. Which sucks because I spent all night modding out my phone and was stupid enough to not to a nandoid backup.
Edit: The first boot it upgraded everything then everything force closed, 2nd boot everything upgraded, but seems to be working fine. Woo. Was scared for a moment.
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Well you was LUCKY (pun alert!).
Anyway it seems that the stock rom was always the issue, even reflashing does not fix this issue when you wipe the dalvik cache.
I am on ParanoidAndroid 3.98 at the moment and I am not getting any issues just by wiping the dalvik cache and/or the cache partition.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4
I have found fix for this error, it is mainly due to odex files which are created by lucky patcher so deleting these files using lucky patcher itself will surely remove this error with 50 percent success rate. Here's the fix; open lucky patcher, there in lower left section you can see Toolbox, click that Toolbox then select 4th last option i.e Remove all odex files.Thats it android will reboot on itself and vola no android is upgrading. .
Check out attached image for help.
:good:Hits Thanks If I helped u:good:
Garu8 said:
I have found fix for this error, it is mainly due to odex files which are created by lucky patcher so deleting these files using lucky patcher itself will surely remove this error with 50 percent success rate. Here's the fix; open lucky patcher, there in lower left section you can see Toolbox, click that Toolbox then select 4th last option i.e Remove all odex files.Thats it android will reboot on itself and vola no android is upgrading. .
Check out attached image for help.
:good:Hits Thanks If I helped u:good:
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I just removed the odex files and worked great. Thank you.

