Nokia N9 firmware released - HD2 MeeGo Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and General

The Nokia N9 firmware is released on navifirm!
Now it's time to port it right?
Hope that a developer can do that!

Source code
It looks like the guys at have already made a source code request
http: //
that would probably make it easier for everyone

would love to have meego on hd2 <3
devs, pleasee ;D

If someone makes something cool of this, I will be quite happy!

Any updates?

arkatis said:
Any updates?
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No, not from DFT at least.!/CotullaCode/status/168657179342155776

That would be great to get it on HD2..
Sent from my HTC HD2 using xda premium

It would be great to see Meego on our HD2


would like the MeeGo OS and Nokia N9's firmware able to install on Android device.


HTC Desire HD Android 2.3 Update

Have you already talked about it with HTC?
ppaajjaa said:
Have you already talked about it with HTC?
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Ok you need to breathe buddy, it's just been announced it will most probably take a month before it will be available on HTC as they need to incorporate Sense to it.
well if you recall the desire made the jump from 2.1 to 2.2 pretty soon after the 2.2 announcement, considering the DHD is the new flagship phone id imagine a very similar situation if not there is always custom roms
Wonder if cyanogen will publish it before htc that will be sweet
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
The DHD will most likely be the first HTC handset to receive the update. However, how long this takes is anyone's guess. Then your carrier will modify the update, unless of course you got a stock unbranded DHD.
My money is on Cyanogen, real money. If CM releases 2.3 before HTC I'll donate again.
andyharney said:
If CM releases 2.3 before HTC I'll donate again.
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+1 me too
andyharney said:
The DHD will most likely be the first HTC handset to receive the update. However, how long this takes is anyone's guess. Then your carrier will modify the update, unless of course you got a stock unbranded DHD.
My money is on Cyanogen, real money. If CM releases 2.3 before HTC I'll donate again.
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me 2 well .. not again ... but just donate
It's only been released for developers apparently.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
Aamir.Badat said:
It's only been released for developers apparently.
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from what i understand, the actual rom hasnt been released, just the sdk for app developers - but i might be wrong
panyan said:
from what i understand, the actual rom hasnt been released, just the sdk for app developers - but i might be wrong
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dont you compile the roms from the sdk ?, pretty sure all the android files are available in the sdk you just need to create a rom from them. (i think)
noobdeagle said:
dont you compile the roms from the sdk ?, pretty sure all the android files are available in the sdk you just need to create a rom from them. (i think)
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Nope, the roms can't be made until the source code is released or another device gets it to be ported over.
Roms can be made from the sdk but don't turn out very well to say the least.
I expect an announcement soon from HTC, i doubt they will let their flagship higher specs phone fall short against their direct competitor, classic desire was the first device to get froyo after the nexus
I'm betting on it being out around Christmas time,
Probably in 2 weeks we'll start to get them trickling out...
I hope that dhd will get it as soon as possible, but wouldn't be surprised if Samsung s get's it first considering cooperation of Google with them on new G phone.
andyharney said:
The DHD will most likely be the first HTC handset to receive the update. However, how long this takes is anyone's guess. Then your carrier will modify the update, unless of course you got a stock unbranded DHD.
My money is on Cyanogen, real money. If CM releases 2.3 before HTC I'll donate again.
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Me too. I haven't donated yet if this happens ill be sending beer money to the boys for sure
I only started using CM last-night and i am already in-love
kermez said:
I hope that dhd will get it as soon as possible, but wouldn't be surprised if Samsung s get's it first considering cooperation of Google with them on new G phone.
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Maybe... But then again, I doubt google let samsung anywhere near the software for the nexus s. At least, I sure wouldn't after the galaxy's "interesting" software decisions.
hamdir said:
I expect an announcement soon from HTC, i doubt they will let their flagship higher specs phone fall short against their direct competitor, classic desire was the first device to get froyo after the nexus
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Unfortunately the N1 was pretty much the same as the Desire. And was built by HTC. Now the situation is a little bit different having Google cooperating with the plastic-toy manufacturer . Then again I doubt Galaxy S will get 2.3 sooner than the DHD, because they got to 2.2 about a month ago.
tkolev said:
Unfortunately the N1 was pretty much the same as the Desire. And was built by HTC. Now the situation is a little bit different having Google cooperating with the plastic-toy manufacturer . Then again I doubt Galaxy S will get 2.3 sooner than the DHD, because they got to 2.2 about a month ago.
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Plus in all fairness we all kno that Samsung products are for females... lol DHd's are a man thing
Lol meh
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
I'm not that fussed on gingerbread tbh. I have had sense since the hero but have tried many vanilla roms. Now you can change "skins" on the dhd and with not a huge increase in an already blistering device for me its not that important?
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
anything new about Android 2.3 on the Desire HD?

[Q] Question about android 2.3 for desire hd

android 2.3 sdks have already been ported to quite a few number of devices. I understand they aren't fully functional yet but still they have it. Was just wondering if anybody here thinks that it's time that we started porting them to DHD as well.
Mods please move this topic wherever you think it will be answered best.
irteza_h said:
android 2.3 sdks have already been ported to quite a few number of devices. I understand they aren't fully functional yet but still they have it. Was just wondering if anybody here thinks that it's time that we started porting them to DHD as well.
Mods please move this topic wherever you think it will be answered best.
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No, SDK ports tend not to run very well, wait until the source code drops and the dev's get there teeth into it. TBH there doesn't appear to be that much revolutionary stuff in 2.3 that we can't wait for
wait until HTC give us a release date. if they say its gonna be ages then someone will port it, but otherwise i think i'l wait for the official version.
rossysaurus said:
wait until HTC give us a release date. if they say its gonna be ages then someone will port it, but otherwise i think i'l wait for the official version.
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ya i guess i will wait too ... was just getting excited by this ..see the froyo gave us a huge performance boost ... well then gingerbread should be much better..but i like sticking to roms as closest to the stock rom as possible so am gonna wait too..

GREAT News! Dev of Oxygen Rom (Desire) gets an SGS2!

The title says it all
The dev (AdamG) of THE BEST AOSP Rom (Oxygen) for the HTC Desire is getting an SGS2!
Expect a fast, clean, simple, feature rich and bug-free ROM for the SGS2!!/adamg_xda
Nice. Seems like alot of devs moving towards the SG2 in favor of the sensation and atrix(lol)
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
Yeah, was quite happy to read that! Since he just got a Nexus I didn't think he would be developing for the SGS2. Let's just hope CM get AOSP working (properly) soon...
The Sensation new screen shape is horrible, remembers me of 5800!
At least the SGS2 is a real evolution in all levels (just needed better plastic) and its rooted.
The promises of CM7 and MIUI have pushed many ex-HTC devs to try the SGS2
Where are you Paul Obrien??
Whoop whoop, loved Adam's work on the Desire, can't wait for his development on the SG2....
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Adam G is one of the best rom chef on the Desire forum. It's great news that he is coming to our device
Nice! I love Oxygen on my Desire and looking forward installing it on SGS2
His last tweet: "Royal mail just delivered me an early xmas present ".
It shouldnt be too hard to port Oxygen to SGS2, Im suprised there have been no other AOSP ROMs made when its been out for 2 months now.
Love Oxygen for my Desire, and can't wait to see it on my SGS2!
So happy to see so much development going on for the SGS2, looks like Samsung really have it together and understand how to please everyone. I'm sure this phone will be their best selling so far and rightfully so!
I'm not manufacturer loyal and the SGS2 is my first Samsung, but I can't really think of any reason so far why my next phone wouldn't be another Samsung.
there has been 1 attempt by ryanza
AdamG said:
It shouldnt be too hard to port Oxygen to SGS2, Im suprised there have been no other AOSP ROMs made when its been out for 2 months now.
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I hope thats true, i cannot stand touchwiz, currently using miui on my sgs2 but loved using aosp on my htc desire, i wish you the best of luck to get aosp working.
AdamG said:
It shouldnt be too hard to port Oxygen to SGS2, Im suprised there have been no other AOSP ROMs made when its been out for 2 months now.
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Hey, good to see you here. Atinm and Codeworkx are the guys who are working hard to get AOSP working at the moment, but they're struggling with some issues. There are several threads here where they give progression updates every now and then. I know things haven't always been good between you and CM developers on the Desire, but I believe Atinm and Codeworkx are happily sharing information with other -serious- developers so it might be worth contacting them. Well, it's great to see you here and I hope you get it working soon!
What's the Oxygen rom guys?
Razer(x) said:
What's the Oxygen rom guys?
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you have to see desire thread for oxygen rom,
i have used same on my desire.
but some how its battery life was not good as that of sense roms leedroid or coolexe.
also there are not more ports as we have seen in desire ,
devs have ported all most all present roms to HTC desire that was very cool.
something i am missing out here in SGS2 forum.
but hope for best future of samsung galaxy s2 will have ports like our old desire.
Razer(x) said:
What's the Oxygen rom guys?
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Oxygen coming to sgs2. Most excellent. I have Oxygen on my Nexus S and love it. Looking forwards to getting the SGS2 when available plus Oxygen Rom.
Adam G is one of the best devs out there : ) not only in the desire section..... lucky galaxy 2 owner
Really great news... I was using Oxygen on my HTC Desire.
ludow said:
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coooool how did you do that!

[Q] [REQUEST] [ICS PORT] WE SCREAM FOR ICE CREAM (Sandwich) - HD2 port possible?

I'm sure you've seen Beezy's (on AndroidCentral) and DrewGaren's work on a stable ICS port for the Nexus S. Beezy's original ROM for the Nexus S 4G originally comes from a leak-of-sorts of ICS Build 13 (that's the one that was on that Nexus S off eBay a month ago that was all over the Net, Build 14/15 is the final version that's hitting with the Galaxy Nexus), and DrewGaren worked on making it all compatible with the Nexus S 3G and pulling in more newer UI features from the SDK. It seems to be VERY stable as well.
Here's the link to DrewGaren's site:
And there's also a thread on the Nexus S version:
Current version is Beta 4, Beta 5 should be out this weekend, and he claims it's stable enough to be a daily ROM... He's also working on a SDK port for the Nexus S and the Nexus One.
So, the question is, are any of the HD2 devs willing to port this? If it's that stable, it will be a brilliant thing to use on our HD2s until source hits just after Nov 17 (that's when the G-Nex is out in the UK at least, according to I'm actually impressed how they got a stable (-ish) port out for the Nexus S!
it's here already.. not that perfect but at least you can feel them already before the official release..
JeremyGuan said:
it's here already.. not that perfect but at least you can feel them already before the official release..
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Thanks, so is that basically a port of the We Scream For Ice Cream ROM, because I can't really work out from the posts on that thread if it is...
antovolk said:
Thanks, so is that basically a port of the We Scream For Ice Cream ROM, because I can't really work out from the posts on that thread if it is...
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Nope, this is a port of the Android SDK.
Nigeldg said:
Nope, this is a port of the Android SDK.
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Saw that, thanks! I'm just hoping that they can use this ROM to work off for a stable HD2 port...
I'm sure it's coming we just have to be patient.
antovolk said:
I'm sure you've seen Beezy's (on AndroidCentral) and DrewGaren's work on a stable ICS port for the Nexus S. Beezy's original ROM for the Nexus S 4G originally comes from a leak-of-sorts of ICS Build 13 (that's the one that was on that Nexus S off eBay a month ago that was all over the Net, Build 14/15 is the final version that's hitting with the Galaxy Nexus), and DrewGaren worked on making it all compatible with the Nexus S 3G and pulling in more newer UI features from the SDK. It seems to be VERY stable as well.
Here's the link to DrewGaren's site:
And there's also a thread on the Nexus S version:
Current version is Beta 4, Beta 5 should be out this weekend, and he claims it's stable enough to be a daily ROM... He's also working on a SDK port for the Nexus S and the Nexus One.
So, the question is, are any of the HD2 devs willing to port this? If it's that stable, it will be a brilliant thing to use on our HD2s until source hits just after Nov 17 (that's when the G-Nex is out in the UK at least, according to I'm actually impressed how they got a stable (-ish) port out for the Nexus S!
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Tytung is like the Master when it comes to the Nexus for the HD2. So if the Nexus has a stable enough rom to be use every day I'm sure the HD2 will have it. It will complete the collection. Froyo, Gingerbread and Ice Cream Sandwich.
HD2 never had Donut/Cupcake?
daedric said:
HD2 never had Donut/Cupcake?
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Why are you going back in time?
Sent from my HD2 using XDA App
venky80 said:
Why are you going back in time?
Sent from my HD2 using XDA App
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I'm not... just asking
Actually... i'm curious if the HD2 ever had anything bellow 2.2...
if nexus 1 cant run ICW, i doubt we can.. hoping to get a try of ICW before deciding if i should get the galaxy nexus as my next phone after hd2..
fi3ry_icy said:
if nexus 1 cant run ICW, i doubt we can.. hoping to get a try of ICW before deciding if i should get the galaxy nexus as my next phone after hd2..
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I'm going to disagree with you here, I think you're over looking one big thing. The HD2 wasn't suppose to run Android period, now it does. And... We have a lot of different versions now, like Sense 3.5. If memory serves me, our awesome phone wasn't suppose to run that cause it's for dual core phones, but it does and now we have a graphic's fix for it that smooths everything out. It's just a matter of time and how determined people/devs are.
If someone feels the need to correct me, please do so.
fi3ry_icy said:
if nexus 1 cant run ICW, i doubt we can.. hoping to get a try of ICW before deciding if i should get the galaxy nexus as my next phone after hd2..
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dermann said:
I'm going to disagree with you here, I think you're over looking one big thing. The HD2 wasn't suppose to run Android period, now it does. And... We have a lot of different versions now, like Sense 3.5. If memory serves me, our awesome phone wasn't suppose to run that cause it's for dual core phones, but it does and now we have a graphic's fix for it that smooths everything out. It's just a matter of time and how determined people/devs are.
If someone feels the need to correct me, please do so.
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He said IF. And those suspitions come from a google-employee-wannabe that has been spreading FUD long before.
The nexus is more than capable of running ICS, what MIGHT happen, is Google not releasing it officially.
As to the HD2... and the Diamond, and the Fuse, and the Blackcomb... and the Rhodium... and the Vogue... and the Kaiser... and the Polaris... None of them was meant to run Android.
I can't speak for all those devices, i only have a HD2 and a Kaiser... and both of them have a amazing support. On the Kaiser at we're only missing a better power manegement, and camera auto focus. The rest, works as it should.
Kaiser came with WM6.0... it got 6.1 officially..... it got 6.5 unofficially... it got Android unoficially... Ubuntu...
If we're all going to "Don't think about it... the [insert device name here] was not meant to run [insert os here]", XDA would not exist.
Besides... the "it's not possible" or the "it's not going to work" idea... is really really Apple'ish. And they got android on the 3g or 3gs IIRC
daedric said:
He said IF. And those suspitions come from a google-employee-wannabe that has been spreading FUD long before.
The nexus is more than capable of running ICS, what MIGHT happen, is Google not releasing it officially.
As to the HD2... and the Diamond, and the Fuse, and the Blackcomb... and the Rhodium... and the Vogue... and the Kaiser... and the Polaris... None of them was meant to run Android.
I can't speak for all those devices, i only have a HD2 and a Kaiser... and both of them have a amazing support. On the Kaiser at we're only missing a better power manegement, and camera auto focus. The rest, works as it should.
Kaiser came with WM6.0... it got 6.1 officially..... it got 6.5 unofficially... it got Android unoficially... Ubuntu...
If we're all going to "Don't think about it... the [insert device name here] was not meant to run [insert os here]", XDA would not exist.
Besides... the "it's not possible" or the "it's not going to work" idea... is really really Apple'ish. And they got android on the 3g or 3gs IIRC
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This was the point I was trying to make, but you have done it far better than me.
Sent from my Android HD2 using XDA Premium App
Alright guys...lets face it. Our HD2 will definitely run ICS and even Jelly Bean...its just a matter of how fast and stable it will be compared to the amzingly stable and speedy 2.3 builds we have now. Also, its also a matter of time till CM9 hits ICS...Hope Google releases the AOSP code soon!...
uhm..? click me!
*roll eyes*
fi3ry_icy said:
if nexus 1 cant run ICW, i doubt we can.. hoping to get a try of ICW before deciding if i should get the galaxy nexus as my next phone after hd2..
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Who said Nexus 1 can't run ICS? I'm sure it can. All I've heard is that it will not get an official update to ICS. Screw the official update. This is XDA and everything is possible.
Alot of sources are now saying the source code for ics is being released on the 17th, So not long to wait now!
tsddave said:
Alot of sources are now saying the source code for ics is being released on the 17th, So not long to wait now!
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Looks like the sources were off a couple of days
Now the waiting to see who, if anyone, is going to work on a ICS rom - and if it will be better then what we have now!

Sailfish is out of beta
Hopefully focus will now lie on porting to other devices and making Sailfish a more wide OS. Happy reading guys.
Zenety said:
Hopefully focus will now lie on porting to other devices and making Sailfish a more wide OS. Happy reading guys.
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As i know, opportunity to port will be provided to community members.
Zenety said:
Hopefully focus will now lie on porting to other devices and making Sailfish a more wide OS. Happy reading guys.
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There are still quite some bugs to sort out and obvious features to add like MMS support. However many of those might get fixed once they manage to release the OS for wider audiences, not only Jolla phones. Exciting months to come for Sailfish OS!
hi guys,whether nexus4 can use this beta. thank you
one step closer to being on my phone
lk46155978 said:
hi guys,whether nexus4 can use this beta. thank you
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Soon my friend
I'm really excited for the upcoming port...let's see!
