[Q] Update Fascinate to GB on Pageplus - Fascinate General

Hello, I just got a used clean esn fascinate, Ive successfully activated on pageplus and pretty happy with it. Now to the problem, I cannot OTA to the latest 2.3 update and after some research I've found that i'm on pageplus and it only works on verizon. Is there anyway I can update thru my pc instead of Over the air? I'm also interested in rooting it as I was told it improves speed.
Btw, please explain to me in layman terms as I'm a total noob with android A step-by-step video would be very much appreciated!

I am on PP also here is a link to a video that will show you how to do it
It also has links to the files you need


Help Rooting Google G2

A friend of ours gave us a T-Mobile Google G2. My wife would like to use it on AT&T but its locked to T-Mobile.
I was reading various threads and attempted some of em but with no success. One I read suggested that since its on 2.3.4 that it should be downgraded to 2.2.
I would really appreciate if someone could point out to me a thread that would work with 2.3.4 and potentially put ICS on it.
Thanks in Advance.

Kitkat 4.4.2 Leak Instructions

Big fan of rooting my phones but things have gotten alot more complicated to me since I finally upgraded from my Motorola Droid Bionic (Verizon) to my Note 3 and with all these different files I need to get the leaked kitkat I need major in doing it. Are there any video links on step by step directions to each file I need to download? Is there a number I can call from anyone willing to inbox me with some help??? Go ahead and laugh now, but I have been smart enough to keep my unlimited data with verizon up to this point lol.

How to upgrade rooted Note 3 from 4.4.2 to current (Newbie here)

TL;DR Help a newbie with upgrading my rooted Note 3 from 4.4.2 to a more current version please. I'm old and dumb and really tried to find an answer before embarrassing myself on a forum of experts. Knowing me, the answer is probably right under my nose. Go easy on me <3
Hey guys,
I used the search function on this site and on google but was unable to find what I'm looking for.
I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 with T-Mobile. I have Android aversion 4.4.2 and my model number is SM-N900T.
I rooted my phone using a guide I found on youtube to get superuser for the purpose of being able to play emulators on my phone, such as Snes9x EX+, Nostalgia.NES Lite, ePSXe, etc. They all work great. I am not using a custom ROM.
The problem I'm facing is that I don't understand if I need to unroot (correct term?) my phone and just get the auto updates, or to download and install them manually, but I'm unable to receive auto updates over the air as I'm sure you guys would know since this is your hobby and are versed in this sort of thing. I don't even know how to do either really properly but am not afraid to try.
The reason I'm wanting to upgrade now (which might be completely unrelated) is that I haven't been receiving text messages from either my sister or my roommate, whom both of their last messages were received by me on Aug. 5th. I tried contacting my carrier and they said they didn't detect a problem. Both of their carriers said the same thing (one being T-Mobile as well). I guess this is just another step in troubleshooting but I would like to believe this is a network issue.
Any advice would help and would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.

S5 tmobile g900t - build FOJ4 Help!

Ok lets prefacethis with the fact that im a very new user to the whole andriod rooting community. so il need someone to talk slow and show me the way.
Alright i recently bought an unlocked tmobile g900t build foj4 (edit* its also running 5.1. lollipop) which im am using on the rogers network in canada. ive just started to play around and try and get my phone rooted as i like the thought of it
the problem is i just need help navigating and installing all this ****.
i have twrp installed on the device (tripped knox already and dont care regardless, im not getting any warranty **** done on the phone anyway), anywho it wouldnt let me install anything in the recovery menu, saying the file couldnt be verified or something to that effect
ive found this post but i need a step by step for it as my tiny mind cant process whats happening in it well enough.
All help is greatly appreciated thank you to all that read this post

Reflashing VZW S8 to Tmobile s8

Mods please move if this is in the wrong section, I tried posting in the VZW s8 forum , but since this is my 1st post it would not allow me to.....
So I recently switched carriers from VZW to Tmobile, swapped the sim card at the store and went about my day
Soon after I realized certain things didnt work, service seemed it wasnt to its full potential, no wifi calling, unable to update the OS because its unable to verify, and still had a bunch of VZW stuff on my phone
After searching how to reflash firmware on my phone I found a thread on here and a thread on reddit that seemed to be the 2 most popular guides
I am pretty new when it comes to this but I gave it my best shot, ive tried regular odin, prince modified odin, and phonlab version of odin, and I either get stuck in the connection phase, or it sayss failed device mismatch, or it freezes at 32%......
Also im not 100% sure which firmware im supposed to be uploading as certain links recommend something different.
All I want to do is take my VZW S8 and make it as if I have a Tmobile S8, I dont mind the factory T mobile bloatware and all that stuff, just want to be able to take advantage of the carrier specific features
My build number on my S8 is G950USQU1AQDE
If someone knows of a clear cut thread or video guide that they have used and it actually works please share
Thanks in advance guys

