Heads up to HTC EVO 4G Wifi Tether people with sprint - EVO 4G General

I am friendishly warning you to NOT USE IT. It will void your contract and they will drop you. If you didnt know this before hand, you may want to stop. I love wifi tether but sadly it will end up getting me droped =/ Its in the sprint contract terms and what not

Thanks, were you dropped?

Nah. Just as a noob would, im new to all this root stuff, so i looked up if its illegal or not and it is with some companys. Especially sprint.. they can tell if your using wifi tether without paying their $30 a month for wifi. They'l drop you first off lol

ReapersDeath said:
Nah. Just as a noob would, im new to all this root stuff, so i looked up if its illegal or not and it is with some companys. Especially sprint.. they can tell if your using wifi tether without paying their $30 a month for wifi. They'l drop you first off lol
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It's NOT illegal. Yes, it voids your contract, but as most people will tell you, you have unlimited data, they can't tell you how to use it.
And FYI, sprint can NOT tell if you are using wifi tether or not. To them, it just looks like regular data being used on the phone.

sitlet said:
It's NOT illegal. Yes, it voids your contract, but as most people will tell you, you have unlimited data, they can't tell you how to use it.
And FYI, sprint can NOT tell if you are using wifi tether or not. To them, it just looks like regular data being used on the phone.
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Bingo! Data is data no matter which way you look at it. You can lift its skirt or drop its pants, it all looks the same.
Sent from my EVO

Hmm ok. misread some info.. But you have to think.. they can notice.. When you go from suttle data usage to some rapid burning usage its sort of obvious

Yes that is correct. If your a constant 1gb user every month for like a year then jump to 10gb's they'll question that. Just don't go throwing up red flags and you'll be fine. There's been threads on here with ppl being dropped only cause in their words 'I'm gonna stick it to sprint' and they go and use 20+ gb's. And you wonder why sprint sends out the we're letting you go letter
Sent from my EVO

ReapersDeath said:
Hmm ok. misread some info.. But you have to think.. they can notice.. When you go from suttle data usage to some rapid burning usage its sort of obvious
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As long as you don't abuse the tethering and rack up 10s of GBs of data consistently, Sprint could care less right now about whether or not people who choose to stick with them are tethering for free, as Sprint continues to lose customers.
Sprint is more concerned right now with how much data is going over the air than how people are sending it, because too much data over the air slows service to everyone.
There have been more people who have had their contracts cancelled who were paying the $30 dollars per month, but racking up enormous amounts of data (more than 10GB consistently) than people who do not pay the $30 dollars, but use tether more sparingly. In fact, there are many users right here on this site who have tethered for a long time, who Sprint has never done or said anything to.

I was about to say,i've been using my tether for over 6 months and i've never been repremanded for it,from sprint.

tethering is to risky imo.. sprint is unpredictable

Speeding is illegal too, doesn't mean I won't do it on the way home. I figure Sprint told me, that my phone would connect to their advanced 4G network, as they would eventually cover most areas with it and yet now my phone will never be usable on their 4G if they get disgruntled about my tether then they let me go to VZW
Sent from my Synergized Evo with aggressive Freedom using the XDA app

ReapersDeath said:
tethering is to risky imo.. sprint is unpredictable
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If you read the terms and conditions, racking up enormous amounts of data (whether you are paying for tethering or not), as well as tethering for free are both violations of your contract. However, Sprint will cancel your service quicker for the excess data usage (even if you are paying the $30 per month), than they will over free tethering, because too much over the air usage slows down service to everyone, which is one of the biggest complaints about Sprint (Service being too slow).

Well they probably would drop you if you had like 50gigs+ every month and the only way you could do that is downloading major porn or like downloading world of warcraft 3 or 4 times lol

I've been tethering since we had what seemed like a 20 step rooting sequence using adb commands. In other words ancient history in terms of the Evo. They've never given any indication of caring, but I only tether when I need to. I've downloaded torrent sized files, but never very often. I probably use more data flashing roms from my dropbox than I ever have by tethering.

I wonder if the can supposedly glean this info from CIQ. They do take user stats and most likely apps stats.

I use about 12 gigs monthly since 06. No hitch

I personally don't use the tethering all that much. I find that it decreases my battery life by like 726237x. And I don't know about you guys, but I don't bring my phone charger with me everywhere. So.
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium

Doesn't matter. I can't even use Wifi tethering.
My 3G speed is honestly making me think about switching to VZW, even though I wont get unlimited data. I can literally only pull 24 kB/s down (yes, 193 kbps - TERRIBLE) during the day. At night (1am+) I can pull about 1000 kbps.
I used to be able to get way better speeds, but over the last month or two it has literally come to a crawl. I only use Wifi on my evo now, i can barely use the market on 3g. I attribute this to the recent S2 and iPhone 4s. It's probably also related to my area, Southern Cali. Very populated and probably too much traffic (no 4g either... stupid.)

try boosting your 3g. theres a thread somewhere to do it.. it like calibrates your 3g to the best it can do

Tried searching around, no such luck for this thread. All I've come across is a some other users getting speeds just as bad as me.
Can't believe I'm paying the $10 dollar data fee per month, I could probably get a better connection from dialup.


End of unlimited data could be near.

Dan Hesse said today sprint could rethink it's unlimited data plan if usage gets crazy.http://www.engadget.com/2010/09/22/sprint-ceo-hints-unlimited-data-could-end-if-usage-gets-crazy/
Wouldn't you?
Edit: I barely hit 1gig a month. About 50% of the time when I am actually on my phone, I am at home and using the WiFi.
If sprint messes with my contract, its an automatic bye bye without an ETF.
ya know i like to think i use my phone alot... and i dont evrn hit a gig and a half or never ever more than 2gig.
i cant even imagine someone using 3 4 5 or mote gigs unless all you did was download roms all day or stream a **** ton of youtube.
frankly sprints network isnt good enough most places to even allow that much usage.
and why oh why people dont use the fracking wifi at home if they have wifi is beyond me.
my wife just cant get it thru her head to turn the f'ing wifi on when she gets home.
they had better remove the $10 fee off our bills if they ever do it. i too will drop them like a bad habit.. and go back to att in a heartbeat with a iphone 3gs
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
MSmith1 said:
If sprint messes with my contract, its an automatic bye bye without an ETF.
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this ! as much as i would hate to i would with out thinking about it i needz my data lol
Reminds me of the fools who download huge torrents just to see a high data count.
Anyway, it's still a possibility that we will be grand fathered into unlimited plans and new users will be subjected to data caps.
Metro is cdma correct? $40 unlimited is sounding better and better.
MSmith1 said:
If sprint messes with my contract, its an automatic bye bye without an ETF.
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Just to end up somewhere with limited data anyways right? haha
In all honesty, I have no respect for the people burning through data for the hell of it and getting on various forums and bragging like it is a cool thing. Not to point any fingers but there was someone bragging about 44gb recently on other forums and that burns me up. I have no high speed where I live and 3g data is as close as it comes. If we get data limits due to people just working the system it hurts everyone like me that have dial up access only. Seriously people, if u are burning that much data for the hell of it, STOP please. You have already gained their attention enough!! Sorry for ranting bc I know it will fall on deaf ears only and it will surely be my fault for living in a place with only dial up (which someone actually said before).
Sent from my EVO, the true iPhone killer!
They should have focused on perfecting 3g before releasing 4g, my speeds are unbelievably slow. Some people must abuse their data, like using it at home when they could connect wi-fi.
My 3G speeds are just fine. I just want 4G in my area already.
shortbus182 said:
Metro is cdma correct? $40 unlimited is sounding better and better.
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$40 for unlimited crap? Sounds like a good deal.
epphllps said:
Just to end up somewhere with limited data anyways right? haha
In all honesty, I have no respect for the people burning through data for the hell of it and getting on various forums and bragging like it is a cool thing. Not to point any fingers but there was someone bragging about 44gb recently on other forums and that burns me up. I have no high speed where I live and 3g data is as close as it comes. If we get data limits due to people just working the system it hurts everyone like me that have dial up access only. Seriously people, if u are burning that much data for the hell of it, STOP please. You have already gained their attention enough!! Sorry for ranting bc I know it will fall on deaf ears only and it will surely be my fault for living in a place with only dial up (which someone actually said before).
Sent from my EVO, the true iPhone killer!
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Yup to end up somewhere with limited data. One of the main draws for me to sprint was the unlimitted data. If sprint messes with my contract and takes that away, there is no reason to stay with them anymore is there?
It's plausible that data usage could go crazy. What a great excuse, since the competition has announced. No price fixing. ..
pretty sure it was directed to 3g. 4g is provided by clear, and clear is a different company than sprint. Unless clear announces that it will do limited wimax, then it wont happen on sprint either (clear would never do this either since they provide homes and computers with wimax, and that would be retarded).
In about 5-6 months, no one will even care if 3g is limited. Sprint/clear will have a ****load of towers up to cover like 70% of usa, if not more.
If they restructure the contracts so if I did want to use my phone as a continuous modem I could then whatever. I remember my internet was shut off for a month and I used this as a modem for the whole month (general web browsing but some downloads of MP3s) and I was paranoid the entire time.
If they ease my anxiety then i'm all for it.
If they do change it we wouldn't see any difference.
sent from your stolen evo
Damn it. I better stop torrenting porn using my evo as a hotspot. Jk.
I saw this today, which is sad that we might loose it someday, but it makes sense, too. It's all S/D+$ related.
I actually only use 1.8 GB/mo. And I use the hotspot and my phone all the time...maybe att was onto something when they said that the majority if people don't use over 2/mo.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
With the amount of money people pour into mobile services, we shouldn't ever have to worry about data caps. Sadly, I think we will always have to because that is a way for them to make bank. They just use "abuse" of data as an excuse to implement more strict caps sooner rather than later. Same as text messaging, we know the massive amount of money it costs them to support that service (major sarcasm included) and look at what carriers charge monthly for that. If Sprint keeps what they have going for them they will rise to the top.
werxen said:
What the **** did they expect?
I don't consider myself 'abusing' anything but I use my 3G as much as possible. I pay a ton of cash and an extra $10 bull**** charge a month - ya damn straight I'm using my unlimited bandwidth to the max. No such thing as abusing anything when you have the right to do it.
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I bet you take food home from all you can eat restaurants also.
Just because its unlimited, doesn't mean you've got to see how far you can go to get the absolute most out of it. There was actually a thread here the other day where someone asking for the most efficient way to download as much as possible.
Another thing to remember is that (naively or not) Sprint was counting on recuperating some of what it spends to give us unlimited data with fees from the hotspot feature. But I'm willing to bet that one of the first things that the guys using the most data did, along with everyone else who rooted, was get wireless tether for free. I don't think Sprint took that into consideration.
Sent from my blah blah blah blah
this has been taken well out of contexts... hesse CLEARLY stated that unlimited data was not going away anytime soon... people would do a little more research before just reposting bad reporting that other site post

AT&T Cracking down on 3rd Party Tethering

According to this article from wired, ATT is starting to crack down on people who've jailbroken and have been tethering their data connection.
I've been using BigBoss' TetherMe to tether my iphone to my XOOM for a few weeks. I've been using it sparingly and haven't seen any harassing emails/texts from ATT. Just wondering if anybody else out there has seen or received a notice from ATT.
Ouch yea saw this on engadget, too.
The article said there that if you don't reply, they're simply going to sign up your account for the $45/mo. 4GB Data Pro Tethering plan.
I too saw this on engadget. I tether with my android sometimes, using a built in hotspot feature that came with the cooked rom. Does anyone know how ATT is finding out that ppl tether w/o a tether plan or is this just isolated to iOS right now?
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
Yeah I'm curious as to how far in depth AT&T tracks your usage on the phone. I'm not sure how much privacy we're entitled to on their network, probably none?
It's quite simple. I saw one of the iPhone user posted that his monthly data usage is 167GB. It doesn't take a genious to figure that one out.
foxbat121 said:
It's quite simple. I saw one of the iPhone user posted that his monthly data usage is 167GB. It doesn't take a genious to figure that one out.
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geez wth they're downloading?
inspiron41 said:
geez wth they're downloading?
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He's using tethering as his only way of broadband connection at home. Ppl like this spoiled things for everyone else. I'm not sure if what AT&T did is fact a good thing for rest of us.
i use my phone as my home broadband too. Only cause I can only get 56k where I live and refuse to pay for such ****. I only use about 5-7/8 gigs a month though, and I even use it for work. So this guy must be doing a lot of movie downloading or something. I didn't even think my iPhone could use that much data in a month even if i surfed nonstop for the whole month.
That is a lot, he must be doing some kind of gaming through his phone.
So far I haven't received anything from At&t and hope it stays that way.
You should be fine. Ppl who got the notice so far seem to be the ones who are really abusing it and the monthly usage makes it easy for AT&T to spot.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
manthedan211 said:
Yeah I'm curious as to how far in depth AT&T tracks your usage on the phone. I'm not sure how much privacy we're entitled to on their network, probably none?
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Doubt you're entitled to any privacy, but I too am wondering how they would ever figure out what the difference is between sites visited on your phone, and sites visited through your phone on your DC.
But yes, I bet they just sent it out to anyone with more than 15gb or so of usage per month, because that would be tough to do if you weren't tethering.
I personally don't pay for tethering on T-mobile, and only use it when I need it out and about, and i've never been noticed about it. But they're a bit different, and throttle you after about ~5GB anyways so it doesn't really matter.
Like I said, if you're on a limited cap plan (aka 2gb or 4gb), then why wouldn't you be able to use your data however you want? if you hit your cap and are aware of the overage charges or data cuts, what's the problem??
martonikaj said:
Like I said, if you're on a limited cap plan (aka 2gb or 4gb), then why wouldn't you be able to use your data however you want? if you hit your cap and are aware of the overage charges or data cuts, what's the problem??
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So far all those got caught are on 'unlimited' plan.
they are using apples built in usage monitor to detect tethering, the iphone has always been set to monitor what apps use data and how much, and reporting back to the mother ship, now att is using that to see who is tethering via apps, and sending it out, if you haven't gotten your notification yet, you will, they are doing it in waves of a random assortment of heavy, medium, and light users of the illegal tethering.

AT&T Gunning for Tethering Users

Please respond here if you are using the portable wifi feature of your nexus one and getting any SMS or e-mail notification from AT&T that they want you to pay for tethering.
I hear stories about people who get the "unlimited" data plan and then straight up abuse it (by providing internet for their entire household), which is probably why this is happening.
150+GB a month is what I consider abuse btw.
I don't see why you should pay for tethering. I think its just another way for them to make more money. Maybe for some people they don't wanna pay to have a separate internet source when they can use their phones as their internet source. I don't tether since atm I don't have unlimited data lol.
Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using XDA App
Should be free and only pay for data...just another reason why I left at$t years ago!
I have T-Mobile and as of right now my "unlimited" is still unlimited but once you exceed 5GB for the month is DRAMATICALLY slows down.
I just moved in to a new place with my wife and son and I'm trying to cut down on extra bills (I'm the only working parent right now) so I don't have internet, I just tether off my phone.
I just exceeded 5GB for the first time ever and its horrible. I'm moving so slow, on my phone that is, its unreal.
uoY_redruM said:
I have T-Mobile and as of right now my "unlimited" is still unlimited but once you exceed 5GB for the month is DRAMATICALLY slows down.
I just moved in to a new place with my wife and son and I'm trying to cut down on extra bills (I'm the only working parent right now) so I don't have internet, I just tether off my phone.
I just exceeded 5GB for the first time ever and its horrible. I'm moving so slow, on my phone that is, its unreal.
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That is a bummer and I'm in simular boat...
Check this work around info for some possible help:
The only people getting flagged are iPhone accounts that are extreme abusers.
If you are abusing the service that much, then you should be paying for the higher package IMO.
I tether on my unlimited plan and have never had a problem, but I also don't abuse it. I barely break 1gb a month.
GldRush98 said:
The only people getting flagged are iPhone accounts that are extreme abusers.
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Because iOS's silly separate tethering config makes it easy to know exactly how much it's getting used. Not so simple on phones that route tethered data through the normal APN.
Yeah, I use tethering on my N1 on AT&T everyday and I haven't gotten anything from them yet. I don't abuse it, but where my house is, sort of in the woods (in Pennsylvania) where I can't get anything better than dial-up, so I use it just for basic email, Facebook, etc.
3UK now offer "all you can eat" data on Pay as you go. i plan to swap my T-Mobile SIM to my old 3 after this contract is up, i really hope the plan is still available then as i can see this being abused from day one!!
I tether my tablet to my phone almost daily, but it's pretty small usage. I am only using 300-400 megs a month on 3G now since AT&T took my unlimited away when they screwed with my account a while back. I mostly update or do stuff on wifi at home.
machina77 said:
3UK now offer "all you can eat" data on Pay as you go. i plan to swap my T-Mobile SIM to my old 3 after this contract is up, i really hope the plan is still available then as i can see this being abused from day one!!
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They don't allow tethering on PAYG. Same as Giffgaff, unlimited data without FUP, but no tethering.
I got a similar message from Cincinnati Bell Wireless, but they have not charged me. I don't really use tethering all that much.
Rusty! said:
They don't allow tethering on PAYG. Same as Giffgaff, unlimited data without FUP, but no tethering.
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Ah! cheers for that info
Doesn't mean they'll ever notice you doing it, of course
XDA is no longer worth my time.
What I am having trouble understanding is what evidence is at&t Mobility using to determine if one is tethering or not.
They have a few choices, but as far as I can tell, none of them are perfect and all will have false positives.

The ethics of tethering on a non-tethering contract

A different thread (Here) degraded into an angry, but compelling discussion of tethering ethics.
Since the other thread was so lively, but off of original topic, I figured this would be a better, less phone specific, location.
This guy burned through 105G of data in a billing cycle.
Twiddler said:
This guy burned through 105G of data in a billing cycle.
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I don't care if people tether provided they keep it at a reasonable rate. I think the T-Mo 5 GB limit is plenty for tethering and I don't care if they throttle past that point. 105GB is completely and utterly retarded and I wouldn't hesitate to say that he was probably downloading illegal files while tethering.
You're using AT&T and you're concerned about ethics LOL. They're screwing you every chance they get. If you get the chance to return the favor, be my guest.
The only crisis of conscience I might have is degrading the user experience of someone else on that same antenna.
The 'I don't give an F' users eventually bring the issue to a head; they push the limits and draw the attention of the carriers.
On the positive end, this (kind of) spurs bandwidth and rollout plans.
On a negative end, this hurries security and monitoring development that closes off these avenues.
There's no reasoning with 'power' users though; they'll take anything that's not nailed down. We all just have to live with it.
Turducken said:
You're using AT&T and you're concerned about ethics LOL. They're screwing you every chance they get. If you get the chance to return the favor, be my guest.
The only crisis of conscience I might have is degrading the user experience of someone else on that same antenna.
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I've never had any issue with AT&T, but I have had issues with T-Mobile. It's funny that a provider can be so cheap (T-Mobile), yet can't seem to get any subscribers... wonder why? :C
Could it be their poor service/coverage? Probably.
I used to tether a while back, but I got a letter from AT&T telling me if I continued I'd lose my unlimited data and be automatically enrolled in their 4GB for $45 tethering plan. I since stopped, and bought myself a 5GB "4G" data connect card @ $50 per month ($10 for every GB over). Seemed like a reasonable deal.
If you're gonna tether, good luck, you will get caught eventually. c:
MikiOCN said:
I've never had any issue with AT&T, but I have had issues with T-Mobile. It's funny that a provider can be so cheap (T-Mobile), yet can't seem to get any subscribers... wonder why? :C
Could it be their poor service/coverage? Probably.
I used to tether a while back, but I got a letter from AT&T telling me if I continued I'd lose my unlimited data and be automatically enrolled in their 4GB for $45 tethering plan. I since stopped, and bought myself a 5GB "4G" data connect card @ $50 per month ($10 for every GB over). Seemed like a reasonable deal.
If you're gonna tether, good luck, you will get caught eventually. c:
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So instead of using something you were already paying for, you now are paying for another monthly charge to continue doing what you were already doing before? Yep, definitely. Sounds like you've never had an issue with AT&T. At least not one that you want to admit.
But in all honesty, it cripples the system when people are overusing. Then again, we should be getting what we pay for. And considering the unreasonable rates carriers provide compared to elsewhere in the world... f*** them.
I honestly don't tether that much these days. I only use it when the internet is down and at best, I use about 200MB worth of data from tethering. Haven't been caught and I am pretty sure T-Mobile doesn't care enough to send me a warning about tethering on a non-tethering contract.
With that being said, I did hit my 5GB limit. Twice. Without the use of tethering. Throttled speed is honestly not that bad, I can still do some stuff.
upichie said:
So instead of using something you were already paying for, you now are paying for another monthly charge to continue doing what you were already doing before? Yep, definitely. Sounds like you've never had an issue with AT&T. At least not one that you want to admit.
But in all honesty, it cripples the system when people are overusing. Then again, we should be getting what we pay for. And considering the unreasonable rates carriers provide compared to elsewhere in the world... f*** them.
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When you say unreasonable rates VZW certainly comes to mind
I don't tether but really don't see the problem with it. As someone else stated when it comes to 'power users' they are out there and we all have to deal with it no matter what the service you use, ie DSL/CABLE/SAT etc.
What about the 'ethics' of locking bootloaders and loading my phone full of bloatware? ROFL...
I don't think its unethical to use your data the way you want to use it. You are paying for the data. I think caps, for the price of unlimited home broadband (and not achieving close to the same speeds as those of home broadband) is unethical.
If my contract says unlimited data, I see nothing unethical about it. It is my data to use when and how I want to. The only thing unethical is the fact that I pay $160 a month for 2 lines.
Whats the difference between using 2GB of data on your phone compared to using 2GB of data when you've got a laptop tethered to it? You should just be able to pay for data and thats that. No paying extra if you want to tether.
It is abusing it if you have unlimited data and rinse it all since it's never really unlimited. Maybe they should say how much data you're ACTUALLY allowed to use.
people should stop using 3G/4G as a replacement for home internet, sigh...
I am about to go a little off topic.
I think it is the fault of the carriers themselves. Earlier it was allowed for me tether as much as I wanted. I had an unlimited data plan (A real one).
Now I am limited to 2 gb (or not yet, only when I renew my contract) This is not caused by power users but because of wrongly anticipated investments. They need to get back their investment of economically aged techniques.
Also I am forced to buy more calling minutes and text when I want more data.
I think, especially compared to earlier, that giving us this little data for a ridiculously high price is unethical. 10 gb should be more fair. I mean they tell us to watch youtube on my phone at home. Why would I do that when I have a laptop or maybe later even a tablet?
Its not really unethical to download 105 gb unless you are downloading illegal stuff and causing others unable to use mobile data.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
No double threads, instead use the report button so we can act on the original thread
Twiddler said:
A different thread (Here) degraded into an angry, but compelling discussion of tethering ethics.
Since the other thread was so lively, but off of original topic, I figured this would be a better, less phone specific, location.
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Ekamsaral said:
I am about to go a little off topic.
I think it is the fault of the carriers themselves. Earlier it was allowed for me tether as much as I wanted. I had an unlimited data plan (A real one).
Now I am limited to 2 gb (or not yet, only when I renew my contract) This is not caused by power users but because of wrongly anticipated investments. They need to get back their investment of economically aged techniques.
Also I am forced to buy more calling minutes and text when I want more data.
I think, especially compared to earlier, that giving us this little data for a ridiculously high price is unethical. 10 gb should be more fair. I mean they tell us to watch youtube on my phone at home. Why would I do that when I have a laptop or maybe later even a tablet?
Its not really unethical to download 105 gb unless you are downloading illegal stuff and causing others unable to use mobile data.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
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Well, people would tether because why bother having two Internet es, one at your home and one in your pocket? Sounds easier to have it all on your phone as you can tether to your other devices. Also, some people don't have tablets or aptops, etc. To even use, so they use whatever they can but I mean this is unlikely since they can afford such an Internet service on their device.
Also, it's the isp fault of their network can't support thousands or millions of users using their network, they should get better networks, etc since you're paying for the service. For the ones who download like several gigabytes of stuff, why not? It's the Internet and they paid for it. Watching a million videos, movies, watching live tv, etc. Why don't they leech off starbucks? Because they are paying for an "unlimited" service.
For the throttling, I find it stupid, or good. Stupid because unlimited users shouldn't be doing because they use a lot, it's a service they paid for. Well, how much they throttle anyways? But it's good because at the end of the month, that's when team network is the fastest, if the heavy users get throttled.
Either way, I think throttling is stupid and bad for user who paid for unlimited Internet,.
---------- Post added at 08:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:37 PM ----------
AllGamer said:
people should stop using 3G/4G as a replacement for home internet, sigh...
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Why not? Although home Internet is faster, why pay for home when you have unlimited 3g/4g?
Im on sprint, so we have unlimited data in our contracts. I think its my right to use it in any way i like just like i do at home with fios. i can plug in any device i want into my router. I could give my dog her own videophone and verizon wont care. Cell carriers should be the same, they should treat it as a just a connection, thats it. we would all be happier.
I was on AT&T. Got the tethering notice and decided no more with them. I switched to Verizon.
When I tether, I really don't use that much data than I would on my phone. I average around 6.5GB a month on my phone usual data. From there, I would venture to say 2GB of data is tethering and when it's done, it's usually not even their peak network times. I don't think it's unethical because data is data. A byte is a byte whether it originated on the phone or the other device. The company has the capability, they just want more money for it.
Really, it boils down to moderation. If everyone tethered, but did it moderately, we could all enjoy it. But for the 105GB guy, he ruins it for all of us.
xplus93 said:
Im on sprint, so we have unlimited data in our contracts. I think its my right to use it in any way i like just like i do at home with fios. i can plug in any device i want into my router. I could give my dog her own videophone and verizon wont care. Cell carriers should be the same, they should treat it as a just a connection, thats it. we would all be happier.
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I agree.
As our devices become capable of higher volumes of data in a billing period, AT&T markets faster speeds (translation: greater volume in less time), more apps (translation: more downloads, more apps pulling data), we are expected not to use greater volumes of data if we have an unlimited contract.
As for people who say that power users cause network bottlenecks, I would like to see data to prove this allegation. I haven't seen any information to support this allegation. I believe that AT&T's network problems, including cell towers that lose internet, are a much bigger problem.
Power users don't cause the bottleneck. There's so few who actually use over a fairly small amount of data that it's ridiculous for the carriers to say that power users are the cause of network congestion and general slowness, which prompt data caps and other unpleasantness.
The actual issue is similar to Comcast's handling of torrenters. The whole Sandvine debacle wasn't caused because so many people were torrenting that the network couldn't handle it. The cause was simple greed and laziness--the provider sold more bandwidth than they actually possessed. The same is true for the mobile networks, as well. These guys know that "unlimited" is the magic word to sell data plans, but they don't want to spend the money necessary to expand network infrastructure to actually handle unlimited data access from thousands upon thousands of subscribers. So they blame it on the handful of folks who actually make use of the whole unlimited part, and throttle or cap bandwidth.
If they had been honest to begin with, we probably wouldn't be so torqued about it all.
I'm on T-Mobile and I tether fairly often, but not to excess, mostly because I have a 2GB cap and I'm almost always in a place where I can get wifi. The tethering is there for those 1% of times when there's no 802.11 nearby and I need to get my laptop online for whatever reason.
I pay for my bandwidth, I ought to be able to use it however I please. T-Mobile doesn't seem to mind whether my bits are pulled down through my Nexus S or my laptop.
Now if I could only figure out how to stop their proxies from compressing JPEGs...
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App

T-Mobile is now throttling those who use excessive amounts of data on the "unlimited"

T-Mobile is now throttling those who use excessive amounts of data on the "unlimited"
This is probably what everyone gets because of those hacking their wifi tether and thinking it's okay to use their cell phone as their home ISP. :good:.
Apparently they've always reserved the right to do this in their TOS, but are just recently starting to enforce it due to heavy abuse.
T-Mobile CEO John Legere has made comments on the situation
Unless you have unlimited high speed data. But ur paying for it out the butt
Apparently this is affecting everyone, even on the "truly unlimited plans". One person reported a phone rep trying to sell him a 21GB data plan.
People always abuse there data I get your paying for unlimited but nothing in this world is what it seems. I've heard of people using even 500GB of data almost even a terrabite dude. Like WHOA! Who uses that much data? Guess people who don't want to pay for WIFI. It does affect all of us. All that traffic by one individual now imagine thousands. I'm glad they are cracking down on this.
nano303 said:
People always abuse there data I get your paying for unlimited but nothing in this world is what it seems. I've heard of people using even 500GB of data almost even a terrabite dude. Like WHOA! Who uses that much data? Guess people who don't want to pay for WIFI. It does affect all of us. All that traffic by one individual now imagine thousands. I'm glad they are cracking down on this.
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And I'll be the first to admit I have bypassed the tether allowance, but not for use as my main ISP. I've done it to send a few work emails and what not when I'm away from the office. I don't think I've ever gone past 50GB.
nano303 said:
People always abuse there data I get your paying for unlimited but nothing in this world is what it seems. I've heard of people using even 500GB of data almost even a terrabite dude. Like WHOA! Who uses that much data? Guess people who don't want to pay for WIFI. It does affect all of us. All that traffic by one individual now imagine thousands. I'm glad they are cracking down on this.
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Problem is the same as Verizon. They punish those who are just using the unlimited service on their phone by using it as a phone as well.
The whole punish everyone thing seems to be popular anymore.
Sent from my SM-N910T using XDA Free mobile app
I've never passed 20 gb on my plan on the 2 years that I have tmobile. Even when I was tethering when I didn't have WiFi. Be a nice civilian and let us eat! Lol sometimes my speeds are not even 1MG and people with 60mbps I'm sure are the ones that do it the most. Lol..I'm just saying people.
nano303 said:
I've never passed 20 gb on my plan on the 2 years that I have tmobile. Even when I was tethering when I didn't have WiFi. Be a nice civilian and let us eat! Lol sometimes my speeds are not even 1MG and people with 60mbps I'm sure are the ones that do it the most. Lol..I'm just saying people.
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i get why they are doing it but they also mentioned the top 3% of heavy data users. Last time i checked i used 31gigs this month and I have not been throttled yet. Ive seen as far as 60 gigs. I admit, i do download stuff time to time but i never watch tv. I stream all my music while at the gym, i stream netflix/other media apps to my chromecast when at home so yeah, i do use a lot of data. What i dont do is mess with my tethering. I have wifi at home. If i were to be throttled, i would pitch a fit as i would think this isnt fair to discipline a user for using a lot of data when they pay for unlimited.
knarfies said:
i get why they are doing it but they also mentioned the top 3% of heavy data users. Last time i checked i used 31gigs this month and I have not been throttled yet. Ive seen as far as 60 gigs. I admit, i do download stuff time to time but i never watch tv. I stream all my music while at the gym, i stream netflix/other media apps to my chromecast when at home so yeah, i do use a lot of data. What i dont do is mess with my tethering. I have wifi at home. If i were to be throttled, i would pitch a fit as i would think this isnt fair to discipline a user for using a lot of data when they pay for unlimited.
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Dude you pay for unlimited of course your going to use what you pay for lol. I also pay for unlimited(extra $20 a month) and if my speeds where actually good I'll probably be at 25 to 30 GB of data lol but I have WiFi at home.
nano303 said:
Dude you pay for unlimited of course your going to use what you pay for lol. I also pay for unlimited(extra $20 a month) and if my speeds where actually good I'll probably be at 25 to 30 GB of data lol but I have WiFi at home.
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I watch maybe 40 hours a month of Netflix at work. Take a guess what that adds up too. I don't have a WiFi network off an ISP at work.
Sent from my SM-N910T using XDA Free mobile app
Um, I call BS on this reddit post.
This has been happening since last year when they announced it.
The throttle "improper" usage. I think it's a good thinG because too many people abuse it.
Haven't seen a problem.
I did 50GB last month. Currently at 20gb or so. We have 3 lines unlimited Data on Family Plan.
I'm unlimited and rarely use 10 gigs. Just pay for the moments when a WiFi isn't around. I've tethered maybe 500mbs a month, don't see a problem with that. Those using huge amounts for their home should be throttled.
Sent from my SM-N910T using XDA Free mobile app
They better not be throttling my internet I pay for the truly unlimited plan $80 a month per phone I will call lawyer and sue if they are I don't care how much data i use that's why I'm paying $80 a month for Internet
as long as it doesn't affect the *unlimited lte plans* they were offering back in december. i'm good.
techjunkie702 said:
They better not be throttling my internet I pay for the truly unlimited plan $80 a month per phone I will call lawyer and sue if they are I don't care how much data i use that's why I'm paying $80 a month for Internet
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I don't think they're throttling people who are using a ton via legitimate means.
The note did say they will throttle those who are using massive amounts of data via means that are in violation of the terms and conditions of use.
People using hacks to get around tethering limits are one of them.
rjohnstone said:
I don't think they're throttling people who are using a ton via legitimate means.
The note did say they will throttle those who are using massive amounts of data via means that are in violation of the terms and conditions of use.
People using hacks to get around tethering limits are one of them.
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Nor do I but they might be, at&t did but then again at&t are a bunch of worthless ass hats
Did 132gb last month legit + illegit. No problems there. I did see the hotspot screen a few times but that was it. Don't intend to keep it this much though
Tmobile signal in my area took a dump, called and complained mainly because my signal at work disapeared completely and HSPA+ is non existant around work, only LTE and edge, but LTE signal sucks for going into buildings.
Called Tmobile and they tried to blame my data usage for it....lol.
Was their "advanced repair" and they seem to have 0 idea how it works...*sigh*
