MIUI OC? - EVO 4G General

Can you OC MIUI ROm like the other ASOP roms cm7, decks ect?

Yup. Just flash a kernel.

I flashed the salvage zen but I still dont see an area to change CPU settings? Its not like the dragons ahead menu =()

Pivo187 said:
I flashed the salvage zen but I still dont see an area to change CPU settings? Its not like the dragons ahead menu =()
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You have to use setcpu its available in the market
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App

Nofrills also works well and its free.
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Over clock widget

Over clock widget
Any one had any good or bad experiances.with.this.app
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
yea its pretty good if you have a.capable.kernel
yep, that's what I used when I had HTC Hero, worked great, and yes, u gotta have a compatible overclockable kernel.
haven't tried it with Epic yet, its fast enough for me so far.
Does it work with the mixup kernel
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epicroot said:
Does it work with the mixup kernel
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It will but it isn't really necessary as the kernel will scale up and down on its own. Running that widget is just one more service occupying memory.
The defaults on MixUp are set to default 1000 Mhz which is same as stock -- You will need SetCPU or overclock in order to boost your speeds to 1200 Mhz. I recommend SetCPU. When I was on hero had bad experience w/ overclock. Never once have I with SetCPU.
Argh! I stand corrected. Thanks for the heads up; I've got setcpu installed now.
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[Q] SetCPU

Does anyone know if this is safe to use on a stock DI18 Epic? (rooted of course)
b3nny said:
Does anyone know if this is safe to use on a stock DI18 Epic? (rooted of course)
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Yes it worked for me went up till 1200
No you need a custom kernal like phenoix that's the one you want to use for stability and battery life.
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Yes it works on stock,i just can't seem to overclock, but it does save on battery.
Sent from my Ass using Angry Birds app.
edr1983 said:
Yes it works on stock,i just can't seem to overclock, but it does save on battery.
Sent from my Ass using Angry Birds app.
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You need a custom kernel to oc buy you can under clock. Make sure tutu keep it on conservative govnor out you will hasn't issues. Change the min to 200mhz our you will have problems with unlocks.
Next time do a search as this information has been posted many of times
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk

Q about faux's kernel

With faux's smartass/minmax, etc kernel I will need go run set cpu correct? Im on my rooted stock sensd that ivd removed some of the bloat from.
Again ty!
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Crazydaddy said:
With faux's smartass/minmax, etc kernel I will need go run set cpu correct? Im on my rooted stock sensd that ivd removed some of the bloat from.
Again ty!
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
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to overclock, yes you would need to use setCPU. However, I am unsure whether the smartass governor would take effect whether or not you had setCPU to OC with.
Thanks! I'm new to this but figured it would make no sense to install the kernel with no way to actually OC. I like alot of the roms out but I'm happier with the stock setup the way I've modded it. Removed the bloat I know I'll never use, changed the boot ani, battery icon on status bar....etc. Short press google/long press Genius (the way it should be!)
This phone is amazing once rooted!
Crazydaddy said:
Thanks! I'm new to this but figured it would make no sense to install the kernel with no way to actually OC. I like alot of the roms out but I'm happier with the stock setup the way I've modded it. Removed the bloat I know I'll never use, changed the boot ani, battery icon on status bar....etc. Short press google/long press Genius (the way it should be!)
This phone is amazing once rooted!
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It sure is also, while setCPU is a paid app, its increased my speed and battery life several hours beyond that of the normal speeds with no profiles set for screen off or battery level. Well worth the buck, in my opinion.
btw, dont forget the thanks button
Hmmm all I get is boot screen locks or loops. With and with out cache/dalvik wipes. Is it a requirement to have set cpu installed prior to flashing this kernel?
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
Crazydaddy said:
Hmmm all I get is boot screen locks or loops. With and with out cache/dalvik wipes. Is it a requirement to have set cpu installed prior to flashing this kernel?
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no, it shouldnt be.. I had it installed, but I dont think its required.
Hmmm I wonder why im having no luck then.....
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
And I meant to say if you wanted to try this kernal in my first post, not rom... I bet on the stealers and am still pissed...lol
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
Lol I figured so!
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
I dunno if this'll help at all, but I'm on pretty much the exact same setup (rooted, stock, removed bloatware, changed battery in status bar, changed genius button to google search, etc.) and faux123's kernel loaded right up for me, I followed his instructions and came from grankin's kernel.
I have SetCPU but I only use it to OC it a bit, I have max to 1209, no profiles. I'm not sure how much it changes and helps, some days it's really good but today it's been unplugged for 3 hours and it's at 80% with a few texts, about 20 min of internet and 20 min on XDA app.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App


What governer do u use on cm7?
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I use smartass
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lilhaiti said:
I use smartass
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Is the battery life better than the stock way?
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Ive used on demand for the most part. I've been trying out Interactive the past couple days and it seems just a hair snappier. I haven't noticed a negative impact on battery either.
Sent from my cm7 Aria.
Javi97100 said:
Is the battery life better than the stock way?
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You don't need profile for screen off 120-320 screen off 400-806(or whatever Max you have set) screen on scaling like interactive
Been good on battery life for me
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drowningchild said:
You don't need profile for screen off 120-320 screen off 400-806(or whatever Max you have set) screen on scaling like interactive
Been good on battery life for me
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what do all the interactive, userspace, and conservative do? i get the other ones.
I'm going to try smartass. I've turned off screen off profile on setpcu. Since yesterday I was using interactive 120/78?. Not bad, the battery life been pretty good to me.
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foreverzero89 said:
what do all the interactive, userspace, and conservative do? i get the other ones.
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Governors Explanation
Which ROMs are you using that have support for this new fangled smartass governor?
I'm currently running 7.0.0 with the stock kernel and I have access to all but smartass.
It's kernels, not ROMs, my friend.
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Flash smartass over any cm7
Sent from my Liberty
Funkmon said:
It's kernels, not ROMs, my friend.
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Right, I am aware of the difference. I was curious as to which ROMs people were using that included the kernel, I didn't realise everyone had specifically flashed a smartass kernel.
Thanks for the clarification.
There aren't any roms that include this kernel. You flash separately.
cm7 rc4 ladios, 6-7 kernel
Jimmeh83 said:
Right, I am aware of the difference. I was curious as to which ROMs people were using that included the kernel, I didn't realise everyone had specifically flashed a smartass kernel.
Thanks for the clarification.
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I'm personally using drowningchilds 6-7 kernel, which has the smartass governor. The thread can be found in the aria development section
Sent from my cm7 Aria.
Drowningchild has a kernel for CM7 and one for Liberated. I use CM7 with the 6-7 kernel on smartass governor overclocked at 320-787.
On a side note, I did take the advice from drowningchild's kernel thread and it has proven to work: if you flash the kernel, do not flash the GPS old libs, as it will make your CPU usage skyrocket and you'll get horrible battery life.
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lsusparky621 said:
Drowningchild has a kernel for CM7 and one for Liberated. I use CM7 with the 6-7 kernel on smartass governor overclocked at 320-787.
On a side note, I did take the advice from drowningchild's kernel thread and it has proven to work: if you flash the kernel, do not flash the GPS old libs, as it will make your CPU usage skyrocket and you'll get horrible battery life.
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its the gps libs period that cause errors
and i have no liberated kernel built
My apologies
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What are some apps that will allow me overclock and undervolt on my EVO??? Other than setCPU.... Is there anything newer and better???
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eazzy28 said:
What are some apps that will allow me overclock and undervolt on my EVO??? Other than setCPU.... Is there anything newer and better???
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I like using OS Monitor. I believe you can adjust the clock freq's with Process Monitor Widget as well, although i've never used that option before. You can't use either of those two apps I mentioned to set profiles. You can only adjust the governor and the clock speed.
And you need a kernel that allows overclocking, you probably knew that though
We're comin from a pure power source.
If you're running an aosp rom like cm7 or decks you can do over/under clocking from the advanced options. You can install viperboys script for undervolting. My favorite kernel is savagedzen but I'd recommend trying them all.
