[Q] Samsung Movies help please - Galaxy Note GT-N7000 General

Hi All
I wonder if you could be of some help.
When I purchase my note I was given voucher codes which included Samsung movies.
I wouldn't normally purchase DRM protected files from anywhere but as they were 'free' I thought I may as well.
Now, to play them on the note you have to first play them on the PC to get the usage rights. My problem is that WMPlayer tells me that the WMV DRM component encountered a problem and won't play the file.
I have uninstalled WMplayer 11 and reinstalled, reset my DRM library and made sure all the correct settings are checked in the WMplayer 'privacy' tab, all to no avail.
Has anyone else encountered this or is it just my PC?
Thanks for any help

After one single DRM-protection purchase of a song on Nokia store years ago, I quickly decided honesty isn't worth all that hassle. Really, go to a torrent site.

Dancairo said:
Now, to play them on the note you have to first play them on the PC to get the usage rights.
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Seriously? I got a voucher code too (from the "exclusives" tab in the Samsung Hub). Was then asked to download Samsung Movies which I did. Then needed to register. When I do so it takes my details (including email address and a password, but without asking me to choose a username). It says "account created" - but it doesn't then send me any email etc. and trying to login using email address or surname as the username fails.
I was going to email the 3rd party who runs the site to complain but given your feedback I don't think I'll bother, Viamonte's solution is soooo much easier (and from the look of the movie selection, I've already torrented all of the content they host which would have interested me anyway

Thanks for your replies guys...
I usually get my films from 'other' sources too but thought i'd use the voucher as it was free. There were a couple of older films which interested me, from the 30's, 40's and 50's.
@ -pigro- I had to email them too to get them to enable the code at their end! seriously, I wouldn't bother if I were you.
Anyway, I'll download the movies from other sources now as I've 'paid' for them ...
Thanks both anyway.


HD2 Transformers Movie

Hello, I accidently deleted the Transformers movie off my storage card when I formatted it. Can someone upload it on here for me. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
that question has been posted so many times on here, pcgeeks, and tmobiles forums, nobody has been able to zip up the contents and upload it somewhere unfortunately
if i hadnt done the same thing i would gladly do it.
i have heard others say to go to a tmobile store and bring a laptop to transfer the files, but not sure if that works.
also, others have suggested calling HTC and see if they can send you a replacement card, but they may charge you like $70.
i still have it but im not sure about posting those videos online. idk if its considered piracy since our devices came with the movie. if its okay i'll make a torrent of those two movies.
mods is it okay to post or is it considered piracy?
Its piracy if someone other than an owner of the t-mobile HD2 were to download it but you should make the file pass protected and post it on this thread or something so as to cut down on piracy.
Well I actually own the phone though, I never even got to see all of it! Could someone make it password protected for only me to download? I asked HTC (they respond within a few hours) and said that I would need to contact t-mobile.
do u have a torrent client? i could post em up by torrent and seed just for you.
i might as well upload on megaupload but that may take forever.
pretty sure it piracy and just by xda-developers keeping this thread open is open to them getting in trouble. I would suggest PMing if you guys wish to keep this conversation open.
Yes I also need a Magnet link in My PM for a Torrent backup of the missing movies, I bought mine on craigslist today from a young Vietnamese kid who said the phone was too big, sdCard was formatted already, but got it for $300 bucks cannot complain!!!!
Still would like the transformer films
still open for people who'd like to help us!
Let me try and be as clear as possible about this:
It is illegal for anyone to post a copy of those movies online. In any form.
The problem isn't whether or not you have the right to watch or download the movie.
The problem is that only the copyright holders of the movies have the right to control the distribution of their content. The copyright holders did grant the rights to distribute the movie to the new owners of an HD2 strictly to T-Mobile and under very specific circumstances.
Not you, not I, not even T-Mobile can give you a new copy of these movies legally. Any promises otherwise are made either in ignorance of the law or in direct violation of it.
You can own 20 DVD copies of these movies, bought direct from the producer and you still do not have the legal right to distribute them to other people. You do not even have the right to download them from someone else, if that person does not have written permission from the copyright-holder(s).
It is not about who owns what, it's about who has the right to distribute it and how.
T-Mobile does not own the right to distribute the movies. They have leased the option to distribute them via very specific circumstances. If they offered these movies to their customers via any other method, without leasing the right to do so, they could and would be sued.
Please do not post links to or offer to post links to any copyrighted material on this website.
a similar request
I got rid of the movies when I reformatted my disk. I still have the transfomers icon though. When i tap it says the movies are not able to be found.' Thats fine. However, i would like to map the icon to a file on my disk called movies" and have them show up. Does anyone know the registry chain that will allow me to do this?
steve austin said:
I got rid of the movies when I reformatted my disk. I still have the transfomers icon though. When i tap it says the movies are not able to be found.' Thats fine. However, i would like to map the icon to a file on my disk called movies" and have them show up. Does anyone know the registry chain that will allow me to do this?
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You can't others have already tried, there is a whole thread about this very issue.
As for people who have formatted their cards there are two outcomes. One if you do not have a tmobile store near you, you're SOL and won't be able to get the movies back.
The other option is go into your local T-mobile store and see if they have any HD2s in returns and see if they are willing to trade SD Cards with you. Back up all your stuff on your original card first before going into the store. If they swap the card for you then go home and copy the movies to your computer for backup. That way if you delete them again for some reason they are saved on your computer. Just copy them back to your SDCard in this file order: Sdcard->Transformers->Movie Files.
just go download the movie, convert to mp4 format and change the file name to match the program... i
Agree with Snarksneeze.
What you are requesting is pirated material (whether you owned the movie or not). It is against forum rules to request any kind of copyrighted material unless it is explicitly written by the author of such that it is ok to share it (and something tells me that Michael Bay hasn't told any of us that it could be done).
Having said this,
a. Don't request this kind of material (against it is against forum rules)... consider this a "friendly warning".
b. I am closing this thread before someone does get a chance to upload the movie in here...

Blocksuter Application Issues with Custom ROM's

Anyone successfully use the Blockbuster on Demand application? I used it to download the two give-aways when I first got the phone (Forest Gump & Ferris Buelers Day off) - But since going to the 23569 May 23 Cookie ROM, I can no longer download anything.
Now I know this is not NRG's issue, and he really shouldn't have to chase solutions for T-Mobile Apps, as there has to be a limit to what he can do, I am just wondering if anyone here has had time to work on this and figured anything out.
I did the forced update from 1.45 to 2.45, with the primary difference being that the earlier version sent you your browser to do the download, and 2.45 does the download within the app. Or should. But in my case, I have had Blockbuster refund the movies, reselected them, re-installed the app, even deleted my account and then created a new account. The tech I worked with was limited to "remove and re-apply" techniques, and we got nowhere.
I currently have two movies in the "Ready to Download" state, and I kept these two specifically because each has one of the two errors I get:
"0x00d2764" - This is known to be a DRM issue, but the only fix is to go to Application data/Microsoft/Media Player/WMDRM and delete all the files in that folder.
Part of the problem on this one was, when I went to check out that folder, I didn't HAVE a WMDRM folder (so of course tried CREATING ONE, but that didn't have any effect. The only file in the Media Player folder was "XMEMediaLibrary.mlb" - I also tried playing with media player, recreating the library etc.
"NullReferenceException" - This was the one I got right away when trying to download on Energy ROM
Anyone have some ideas? I would really like to get this working again, even if the Blockbuster Movies (at least the two freebies I got) were NOT FORMATED for HD2 screen. If you were expecting them to look like the Transformer conversions, you will be woefully disappointed. I mean, this IS a wide screen format (if not 16:9) but you end up with two SUBSTANTIAL black bands Top & Bottom. Ugh.
Okay, so much for delivering content to the "Hardest working Screen in the Movie Business" Who then has a tried and true method for converting Ripped DVDs into our beautiful media device? I don't have the patience to try this and that ripper, this and that converter, get the demos, look at 5 minutes of video, or have a huge watermark all while NOT getting a nice conversion to begin with. What I dream of is a 2-3 step process, not a 8-10 step process, that I have to lord over the whole time. I would GLADLY pay for a properly done ripper/converter so I could simply watch a movie on this device that was made to do just that. Anyone?
^bump^ I need this too. Has anyone gotten this figured out??

[Q] Torrent Privacy

I have wanted to use WM Torrent for my HD2, now i use to download torrents from home, i had recently received a letter from my local service provider that my IP address was found with suspicious activity. i only downloaded old movies, and tv shows, nothing big, not like i was selling them., any way, so i was wondering, is there safe and secure way when using the "WM Torrent" app for the HD2? just want to be sure.
primus123 said:
I have wanted to use WM Torrent for my HD2, now i use to download torrents from home, i had recently received a letter from my local service provider that my IP address was found with suspicious activity. i only downloaded old movies, and tv shows, nothing big, not like i was selling them., any way, so i was wondering, is there safe and secure way when using the "WM Torrent" app for the HD2? just want to be sure.
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I guarantee you will stick out like a sore thumb if you start torrenting over your cellphone!
im with you. I turn my up/l down all the way trio slow up their effort. but I know that's not a fix all.
its a great app, how can we get it to work better!
on a side note, downloading torrents is not illegal at all, it is when you download warez and pirated movies and stuff like that when it becomes illegal.
ya,kinda figured i just download tv shows i miss cause of work and school,hate waiting 3 or 4 days for them to show up on website. ill give it a try,maybe look for a torrent privacy progran compatable for smartphones.
You may want to look into UseNet (SSL Usenet).
There's a UseNet application for Windows Mobile called NZB Mobile.
if youre set on doing this, why not just tether your laptop to the phone or get a usb wifi stick if its a desktop and torrent using a full fledged client on a pc?
You're likely going to hit your 5gb monthly limit pretty quick
As stated previously, either look into Usenet, or purchase a VPN Subscription (cheaper than usenet). I have been using StrongVPN for a while now, and PPTP is perfectly fine for your needs (OpenVPN 2048 bit encryption is an overkill).
Torrents is not the way to go.
Really your best bet is to not download tv shows, I have been around since the AOL days of downloading, talking about private room .............., irc, etc.
Several people have told me they have received letters from their ISP, I do not understand, first off, I rarely use torrents.
Your best bet is to legally wait the extra days and just watch the tv show on the Networks website. If you're looking into watching your shows on your HD2, you may want to get a DVR that is capable of being hacked, at least that way you can download the shows you record to your PC, or better yet, get a TV Tuner card for your computer and record the shows directly to your hard drive.
Stay away from torrents and UseNet unless you plan to download LEGAL files.
Suprised the Mods that be are even allowing us to discuss this topic.
Good Luck, need any help looking for a good TV Tuner Card, let me know.
cdguider said:
Really your best bet is to not download tv shows, I have been around since the AOL days of downloading, talking about private room .............., irc, etc.
Several people have told me they have received letters from their ISP, I do not understand, first off, I rarely use torrents.
Your best bet is to legally wait the extra days and just watch the tv show on the Networks website. If you're looking into watching your shows on your HD2, you may want to get a DVR that is capable of being hacked, at least that way you can download the shows you record to your PC, or better yet, get a TV Tuner card for your computer and record the shows directly to your hard drive.
Stay away from torrents and UseNet unless you plan to download LEGAL files.
Suprised the Mods that be are even allowing us to discuss this topic.
Good Luck, need any help looking for a good TV Tuner Card, let me know.
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I in no way endorse or condone piracy in any way. I posted to offer methods that will keep the OP anonymous while downloading/browsing the internet. What he/she chooses to do with that is totally up to them. Nothing illegal has been discussed here, VPN's are perfectly legal.
a bit OT but if youre strictly downloading tv shows that just seems like a gray area to me, its content that was previously provided for free, and theres nothing illegal about recording tv broadcasts, and the networks generally provide the content for free on their websites after a period of time. I would kind of hope anyone that got dragged into court strictly over tv shows would have the case thrown out or just get a warning/slap on the wrist
Downloading movies and music is a whole nother beast in my opinon. Even though i hate the MPAA/RIAA with a passion,you deserve whats coming at you if youre downloading that content

Kids & The Nexus 7

Hey Nexus 7 peeps!
Santa Claus brought my kids (7 & 8yrs old) N7 tablets for Christmas. I've been researching alternatives for locking them down, and haven't found anything (yet) that really meets the needs. For reference, I've setup the kids Windows 7 PC with Microsoft Family Safety & Security & about a thousand group policies. Given all that I have no worries right now leaving them with the PC with minimal supervision. They use chrome and I have it setup to use the Microsoft FSS site to do any websearches they do.
So.. I'd like to do something similar with their tablets. I have about 3 days before they come back from their grandparents house to get these things configured. I'm currently setup as the "owner" and my kids have their own users setup. For the moment, they are hooked up to my google account. I'm not adverse to changing that, but want to figure out what the options are first.
Heres my thoughts on what they should have:
Chrome, only if I can put some kind of filtering on. Not opposed to OpenDNS (router is setup with DD-WRT already). I'm not obsessed with allowing chrome (or web browser access) right now.
Play store hidden or disabled. I've required a pin for purchase & in-game purchase, which is fine for now but not ideal.
Google now/etc fine if some parental controls can be added.
Email available only to/from people on parent managed contact list, or disabled completely.
Prefer to have a launcher that has a subset of all available apps, and perhaps drawer restrictions/etc
I'm totally not opposed to rooting or whatever would help with this, or even installing CM10 or something if it would help.
I feel like I must be missing something. All of this seems so very basic to me, yet I've not yet found what I'm looking for. There must be other people who got N7s for kids, and want to have a little bit of parental control over whats going on here. I'm looking for recommendations on how to proceed.
Thanks in advance, appreciate any advice offered.
This is to get you started, I haven't done much other research.
check out this post of mine: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=35197028&postcount=2
OP was asking whether create a separate account for her daughter or not.
And answers to your specific questions:
- Chrome doesn't support any plugins, there are system-wide apps that filter content (probably root required)
- disable it with link2sd or any app that handles apps, nova launcher (and many others) can hide apps from app drawer, its still there, just not in the drawer. (though with filtering, i dont know why you would disable play store, with no credit card its harmless)
- I don't really understand what you mean, but google search does have filtering.
- either remove gmail/email completely, or filter emails in gmail filter settings (sth like anything not from dad, mom, relatives, directly remove. Can be done with no problems, the same way you would handle labels in gmail)
- any aftermarket launcher pretty much. check nova, apex (those are built on stock ics/jb launchers) both enable to hide apps from drawer, but everything can be reset with some tinkering. Google for some kid launchers or sth, I'm sure there is stuff.
I think you're panicking too much to be honest. Its not a gsm device, it doesnt send txts, so you will not get a 100$ bill at the end of the month, apps in play store are safe with filtering (I'm pretty sure you can lock that too), and if they're not tech savvy they shouldn't find their way around your little tricks, but don't underestimate them, kids are very smart, and just may surpass you sooner then you know.
If you have to set so many restrictions on devices, you shouldn't have gotten them in the first place, rather get nintendo DS or PSP.
Awesome, thanks for the advice. I'm looking through your recommendations now. This is my first experience with "Real" jellybean.... I've been using a seriously hacked CM10 for my Droid X2. So this is the first time I've had the opportunity do deal with mutliple users. The cool thing I've found is that apps can be disabled per-user, which makes things a lot easier. Many of the apps that I dont really want them to have, I've just disabled and all seems to be well. I signed them both up with their own Gmail accounts, and I'll monitor that on my own.
My kids are definitely tech savvy, I'm an application developer & generally a white-hat hacker; some of that has rubbed off on them. I think everything is cool now, your point about the google store w/o credit card is totally valid, and I hadn't even considered that. Given that, I've setup restrictions on content from store, content in chrome, and content in youtube. I still want to do a little research on content control in Chrome (plus it will give me a valid excuse to root it, everydamnthing in my house needs to be hacked in some way :good
It may well be that I've panicked too much. Its just that the windows setup is so completely perfect, that I'd like it to be on par. I trust my kids, but only so far. My elder has a form of autism that complicates discussions about what to/not to do.
Appreciate your recommendations!
Quite sure the play store got an update recently that requires the account password when attempting to buy any pay apps. It does on mine here anyway. just checked my sons stock tablet and it looks like Google have finally got their act together and are using server side authentication for purchases.
Oh and if you do get the tablets rooted this little program is a must
Allows you to share and control apps between user accounts on same tablet. I use it to let my son play my paid games whilst restricting him from using my account.
Cheers Danny
I know that go launcher allows you to hide apps, and you can use a password program to restrict access to the go launcher settings. Just my 2ยข.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
Thanks for the appshare. That is brilliant. Haven't used it yet, but I'm certain I will. Both are now rooted w/ CWM installed. For now I'm going to leave them with stock browser.... at 7 & 8 they're not yet actively searching for things they shouldnt be. I'll address that as it comes, but I'm way glad I rooted them now, as unlocking kills user data.
My wife is an Apple junkie (yes, yes, you can save the comments) but even she was impressed with the 4.2 ability to switch users, a feature starkly missing from iThings. I explained that it was a decision brought down by the Ghost Of Steve Jobs, and not an oversight.
End of the day... getting very close to having them configured properly, and none too soon. The kidlets return tomorrow afternoon from grandparents....
toidimaet said:
Quite sure the play store got an update recently that requires the account password when attempting to buy any pay apps. It does on mine here anyway. just checked my sons stock tablet and it looks like Google have finally got their act together and are using server side authentication for purchases.
Oh and if you do get the tablets rooted this little program is a must
Allows you to share and control apps between user accounts on same tablet. I use it to let my son play my paid games whilst restricting him from using my account.
Cheers Danny
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It only does that when I try to use my play credit. If I use a credit card, it doesn't prompt me
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
XxSHaDoWxSLaYeRxX said:
It only does that when I try to use my play credit. If I use a credit card, it doesn't prompt me
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
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Ah, I am using a debit card in the UK. It could be a card type thing or even a country thing.
Sorry it took me so long to post and you have set up the tablet, but here's what i did for my daughter's N7:
I set her up with her own Gmail account. Rooted and unlocked the N7 and set it up as hers.
I added her account to my N7 so i can see activity etc. Case, screen protector and stylus.
Adfree of course
Avast! In case it is ever lost, & some nice anti virus etc
Smart App Protector - password protect any app....so although I got her her own email address, she can't read, or send email without password...you can lock down the browser too, which I did, because she has games with links that will open a browser. THIS app is awesome.
Parent Dashboard, because it has some fun videos and apps -
I toyed with this being her desktop for a bit but too restrictive - I do like the ability to send her video messages (shared custody).
Skype so we can video chat (only for contacts, natch).
I don't have a credit card attached to her account, but if she wants to buy, I can do a couple things...add it on my N7, buy add to her wishlist them she can d/l on her. Our i can add cc and buy on hers and remove cc.
I think that's about everything and let her go to town.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app

Very strange problem with Samsung Video (Hub)

i have a problem with Samsung Video;
i'm on N9005 latest stock firmware never rooted, knox 0x0 and i was able to play Samsung Hub videos. On 08/12/2013 i was watching aSamsung Hub movie, i stopped it and when i tried to resume the movie i got a message saying: "This item has expired. Connect to PC and download licence". The BIG problem is that now i got that message for any content (Video) downloaded from Samsung Hub. I have tryed everything including full wipe with no result. I have also tried to put another Samsung account on my note 3, downloaded a free video (Helicopter) but i got always the same message. So the problem is not my Samsung account but my Note 3.
Anyone know how to solve?
Please help me.
code72 said:
i have a problem with Samsung Video;
i'm on N9005 latest stock firmware never rooted, knox 0x0 and i was able to play Samsung Hub videos. On 08/12/2013 i was watching aSamsung Hub movie, i stopped it and when i tried to resume the movie i got a message saying: "This item has expired. Connect to PC and download licence". The BIG problem is that now i got that message for any content (Video) downloaded from Samsung Hub. I have tryed everything including full wipe with no result. I have also tried to put another Samsung account on my note 3, downloaded a free video (Helicopter) but i got always the same message. So the problem is not my Samsung account but my Note 3.
Anyone know how to solve?
Please help me.
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Anyone please?
Same problem
code72 said:
Anyone please?
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Hi there. I have not got a solution for you, but rather the same problem. I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 and the issues started very recently - shortly after the last Android update, in fact. I have been in contact with Samsung several times and they keep proposing the same, useless solution: delete Samsung account, delete Video Hub data, sign back into Samsung account and download Video Hub data again. It does not work. I have just asked them for a refund for all of my downloaded content.
This item expired. Connect to PC and download licence
Same issue
1) Error code/message: This item expired. Connect to PC and download licence
2) Application version: Video Hub ver 1.1.83
3) OS version: 4.2.2
4) Date & time of error, and duration of error: All of tme
5) Description of error: When I try to play video that I have purchased, it will not play. Error as above.
Anyone know how to sort this out, these are videos that I have bought.
How do you download the licence?
Looks as though this will be a challenge, I see various reports of the problem but no solution.
I bought the videos and downloaded on to 10.1, they all worked, now they do not. I have them on SD card, a lock is now displayed against each film. I have just put card into a Tab 2 7, lock still showing but when I played them they acquired a licence and played. Put them back in 10.1 but they will still not play.
I then downloaded a new free film to 10.1 but this will not play either.
I then removed the 10.1 from the video hub which then removed all the films from the card and the tablet. Then linked it back to hub and downloaded one of the films but again it will not play.
Error constant - This item expired. Connect to PC and download licence.
I believe that the problem is with the tablet not the hub account.
After trying various suggestions from Samsung, they said that there was a problem with the software which they needed to update.
Yesterday the Video Hub did update but I still have the same problem.
