CWM Recovery not working for me :( - Galaxy 3 General

Any idea why does CWM Recovery not work for me ?? i tried to install g3mod 2.1 2.1 2.2.1 but none of them worked. Then i thought of installing a custom rom so i flashed kyrillos' rom 9.0. but still no luck. the problem is that the phone boots into recovery but none of the features work like .zip update from sdcard. Backup/Restore etc... it says erroro can't mount E:/... something like that. the only case when cwm works for me is while using marcellusbe's cm7.1. Any idea how to make it working on kyrillos' rom 9.0. Beacuse of the same reason i am not able to upgrade to kyrillos' 9.2 which is an

flash kyrillos rom again using odin, and then flash g3mod kernel using odin.
this should solve your problem

Same problem with me....
If not work anything try kyrillos rom 7.0 and don't flash g3mod..
Sent from my GT-I5800 using xda premium


CWM rom manager and cwm rom recovery

Can someone please answer me this.
I downloaded CWM rom manager and i am trying to recover my original rom.
In the cwm manager i need to flash a cwm recovery but when i press flash recovery there is no galaxy 3 or galaxy i5800 phone in the list.
How do i install cwm recovery and where can i get it to work with my galaxy i5800?
I would like to try some of the custom roms.
EvgeniyDragunov said:
Can someone please answer me this.
I downloaded CWM rom manager and i am trying to recover my original rom.
In the cwm manager i need to flash a cwm recovery but when i press flash recovery there is no galaxy 3 or galaxy i5800 phone in the list.
How do i install cwm recovery and where can i get it to work with my galaxy i5800?
I would like to try some of the custom roms.
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try to flash g3mod latest kernel...or just flash custom rom with odin...
Sent from my hybrid sg3
Kyorarom Infinity b2 powered by
g3mod 2.1 b2 OC
rkkoby said:
try to flash g3mod latest kernel...or just flash custom rom with odin...
Sent from my hybrid sg3
Kyorarom Infinity b2 powered by
g3mod 2.1 b2 OC
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I see you have dual boot with some roms i wanted to try.
Could you be so kind and point me to the posts where i can find kernels roms and tools?
And the procedure if i want to revert to stock.
EvgeniyDragunov said:
I see you have dual boot with some roms i wanted to try.
Could you be so kind and point me to the posts where i can find kernels roms and tools?
And the procedure if i want to revert to stock.
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here's link to newest g3mod kernels...
they are .tar files...flash one of them with'll get g3mod recovery....and you won't lose any data by flashing kernel....find odin and ops file with google...or...if you'll download kyrillos' rom there is map called extras in pack which includes flashing tools
you can download system.img for each rom you wan't boot...and u can use multiboot option...
now...when you flashed kernel...go into cwm by pressing volume + an - at same time then home and power key then hold them until samsung gti logo appears
then let them should be now in recovery mode...if you want to backup your current multiboot-backup current rom..and select rom1 yes..and wait..after that you have your stock rom backuped...but i doubt you'll ever go back to stock when you'll flash custom rom
Sent from my hybrid sg3
Kyorarom Infinity b2 powered by
g3mod 2.1 b2 OC
We have no official support for CWM or the ROM Manager, so right now me and the G3MOD team are creating our own.
First BETA shall be released somewhere this weekend.
Uffff i had a usb cable bug and it took me a while to solve it.
Ok now i downloaded didnt go for a 2.1 .
Can I flash a g3mod by renaming it to and flash via recovery console?
I found also this 2 treads that might sound important.....
Click me IMEI backup if something goes wrong. (should i do it first?)
Can i download files from and use this walkthrough to flash kyrilos v8.0 then 8.0+?
Click me
P.S. what is an OPS file?
EvgeniyDragunov said:
Uffff i had a usb cable bug and it took me a while to solve it.
Ok now i downloaded didnt go for a 2.1 .
Can I flash a g3mod by renaming it to and flash via recovery console?
I found also this 2 treads that might sound important.....
Click me IMEI backup if something goes wrong. (should i do it first?)
Can i download files from and use this walkthrough to flash kyrilos v8.0 then 8.0+?
Click me
P.S. what is an OPS file?
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if you want to flash kyrillos' 8.0 ..
just download part1 & part 2...right click on part 1 select extract here and inside you have all you need for flashing including instructions how to...
you can try g3mod 2.1 non oc b2...
Sent from my hybrid sg3
Kyrillos' v 8.2.1 powered by
g3mod 2.1 b2 OC
Which OPS?
I want to install CWM recovery on my G3. Here is my double question
1. I can update my kernel to g3mod to do it, will i need to use another ops OR apollo_531 will do?
2. Here I found a method to install it on Samsung Mini, can I use it for g3 with provided OPS? OR I will need to it with apollo_531?


Hi one of my frnds needs ics in his galaxy s
so i m thinkin to flash miui v10 to flash in his cell
so here r few questions
1)Do i need to update to latest firmwaire ?
2)How to root (wich app)
3)Can i flash cwm frm rom manager??
thnx in advance
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda premium
1. I recommend 2.3
2. Flash a Kernel
3. Idk
Gesendet von meinem GT-I9000 mit Tapatalk
I recommend that you go to
from there just select the type of miui you want and there should be instructions. You can also google "MIUI <country name>" for more country/language oriented versions of it. Installations of MIUI will usually root your device by default so you don't have to mess around with it.
Hope that helps.
Can any one give me detatiled instruction ??
How do i root...cwm nd do i need to upgrade latest firware ???
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda premium
Flash stock ginger bread rom through odin. Then flash a kernel (cf-root for example) through odin. Now you have cwm recovery. Copy the zip file of ics rom (I recommend aokp rom by bhuvan) to the phone. Go into recovery and do full wipe and flash the If you end up into bootloops then open recovery again, do full wipe and flash the zip file again.
Really, 'HI'?.....go to Facebook dude, xda is for nOObs and trolls only and yeah also those weird . ≈_≈
hassaan123 said:
Flash stock ginger bread rom through odin. Then flash a kernel (cf-root for example) through odin. Now you have cwm recovery. Copy the zip file of ics rom (I recommend aokp rom by bhuvan) to the phone. Go into recovery and do full wipe and flash the If you end up into bootloops then open recovery again, do full wipe and flash the zip file again.
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Plz can u gve link for dat ?? Nd how i flash cwm ??
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda premium
Once you flash the cf-root kernel the cwm is installed automatically. For links, go to android development section and find the threads for each particular thing.
every thing is just need to search

[Q] Problems after flash rocket rom v6 for galaxy note

i flashed RocketRom V6 and my note keeps rebooting randomly after turning on.
i came from CheckRevo rom.
Please someone revert on this.
Do all 3 wipes....go back to stock GB base such as KL3 via pc odin...root it and install all 3 wipes again and install RR....tell me if it worked
If u want flash rr op suggest to flash through lpy. Dont flash through gb it will have problem. Correct me if i wrong.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
why do you post this here and not in the rocket rom-tread. and please give us more information what you exactly did. nobody can help you, if you give us such few infos...
flash a stock LPY using PC ODIN, root it. Dr Ketan has a nice guide for it. Follow B2 instruction of eyebee1975's rr v6 (abyss 4.2, wipe wipes), then install the rom. Remember you should come from LPY ICS to have a very safe install.

Revert back to Oxygen from Aurora [HELP]

I had Oxygen at first, but decided to install the ICS aurora and now im really struggling to revert back to Oxygen. Feels like i've tried anything. Could someone please guide me how to revert back? Thanks!
Edit: Tried to install back to stock 2.2, and in CWM install oxygen, but the phone just get stuck in bootloop.
Are you using official recovery to install oxygen? Any version above that will result in a bootloop because they are only for .35 kernels.
Sent from my U8800
fjsferreira said:
Are you using official recovery to install oxygen? Any version above that will result in a bootloop because they are only for .35 kernels.
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Does this worked or not?

Help! I think something is wrong

Ok guys ..hi there. I am running PAC ROM 4.4.4..ok guys am having an issue ..i originally got this phone (i9500) with 4.4.2 kitkat touchwiz i rooted it and installed twrp and all was well..Then i decided to install the ozcan rom 6.3 ...after flashing the rom...the first boot was stuck on Samsung logo ( and yes i advance wipe my phone several times using the mke2fs format) and this rom is for my model! So i was disappointed... Then i wiped again and tried to restore my backup which also led to a bootloop..soo i had no choice but to flash a next ROM... The rom that worked was 4.2.2 wanam lite (jellybean) ..i got tired of it and went to pac ROM now.i wanted to try the ozcan rom again.. It didn't work! I tried arrow didn't work ..and these worked for other i9500 am wondering is my recovery outdated and not doing it correctly ? So the main question is WHY CANT I INSTALL A TOUCHWIZ KITKAT ROM??
Sent from my GT-I9500 using XDA Free mobile app
BenDroid1 said:
Ok guys ..hi there. I am running PAC ROM 4.4.4..ok guys am having an issue ..i originally got this phone (i9500) with 4.4.2 kitkat touchwiz i rooted it and installed twrp and all was well..Then i decided to install the ozcan rom 6.3 ...after flashing the rom...the first boot was stuck on Samsung logo ( and yes i advance wipe my phone several times using the mke2fs format) and this rom is for my model! So i was disappointed... Then i wiped again and tried to restore my backup which also led to a bootloop..soo i had no choice but to flash a next ROM... The rom that worked was 4.2.2 wanam lite (jellybean) ..i got tired of it and went to pac ROM now.i wanted to try the ozcan rom again.. It didn't work! I tried arrow didn't work ..and these worked for other i9500 am wondering is my recovery outdated and not doing it correctly ? So the main question is WHY CANT I INSTALL A TOUCHWIZ KITKAT ROM??
Sent from my GT-I9500 using XDA Free mobile app
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You could try updating recovery. And maybe try to flash it via Odin (if that's possible)
Hi guys it turns out that my recovery was outdated (twrp its working great now..i love this ROM i don't think i'll be changing for a while. ..Until 6.4 gets out lollipop based ....So yea guys now i have 6.3 ozcan rom and the latest philz touch recovery ...i flashed it via twrp
Sent from my GT-I9500 using XDA Free mobile app
