[GUIDE] Getting connectbot to work on KF - Kindle Fire General

I've gotten connectbot SSH to work perfectly on my Kindle Fire, and thought I'd share.
Difficulty: prohibitive for the non-technically oriented.
First, root the kindle. Plenty of guides on this via Google, but I used this one.
Next, get android market and a third party launcher like GO launcher installed. Again, plenty of guides out there for this, but I used this one.
Next, install connectbot ssh and Hacker's Keyboard via the android market.
Follow the instructions in this guide to use the hackers keyboard, but instead of the database string they give you for the swiftkey keyboard, put in org.pocketworkstation.pckeyboard/.LatinIME .
This should allow you to long-hold a text input field and select the hacker's keyboard as your input method.
Switch the hacker's keyboard's settings to always use the full keyboard.
You should now be able to use connectbot ssh to connect to a server because unlike the kindle fire's keyboard, you'll always have access to the enter key.
Once in an ssh session, you will need to switch back to the kindle keyboard in order to quit or do anything else because of the lack of the home key when the keyboard is displayed. Silly amazon.
But that's a roundabout way to be able to use connectbot well.

As an update to this, the issue with no return key on the keyboard was tagged
%go to the connectbot webpage and look at the issues log% (can't post links)
The fix is to recompile connectbot from source while changing the EditText input type fields. This new apk can then be sideloaded onto the fire without requiring root.
The changes are described in the messages located at the link above. The recompile process is not that complicated.
I am not the one who fixed the issue, I am just passing along the message, with verification that it works.

Confirmed this works well.
Another way to get the Home button bar is to press the Settings portion of the notification bar.


Can't type a space or "S" in an Opera bookmark name

When naming/renaming a "favorite" in Opera Mobile, I can't type a space. It's just not accepted. If I copy a space character from somewhere else and paste it into the name of a bookmark, it works fine. But typing it in doesn't work. This is independent of input method.
Also, I can't type in the letter "S" in any bookmark name. In fact, when I type any "S", the input panel is closed instead. Again, this is independent of input method. And, again, copying an "S" from somewhere else and pasting it in works fine.
Am I the only one who noticed this, or is it just my device? I do have a CAB installed to re-enable the traditional WM word completion pop-ups, which screws up the HTC-specific custom input methods a little bit. Could that be the culprit?

No CTRL key option on HD2?

Just got my HD2 and fired up Putty to check it all works and realised there's no CTRL key on the included keyboard?
Any workarounds?
Biffy said:
Just got my HD2 and fired up Putty to check it all works and realised there's no CTRL key on the included keyboard?
Any workarounds?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Install other keyboards
Which though? I've tried searching but can't see an obvious candidate. Finger keyboard doesn't seem to have one.
You might give MIDPSSH a shot. Java based SSH client. It's a bit finicky, but once you get used to it, you have all special keys available quickly.
Key is to open the Menu once you are connected and have the prompt, then go to menu>type to type right on the prompt (or hit INPUT and type in a new screen, not sure why it was designed like that). There are also all special keys there for tapping (when using the MENU). if the text is too small, go to SETTINGS and change the font size from "tiny" to "device".
Link: http://www.xk72.com/midpssh/

More Swype issues

I read the thread about Swype tap-hold issues with interest. I experienced the same thing... tap and hold simply does not work reliably.
In addition to that issue, I found another problem with the stock Swype on the HD2:
In some editing situations -- notably including the SMS composer -- certain operations on the text don't work. Two examples:
* Double-tapping a word to bring up the word list doesn't do anything.
* Many of the controls on the edit keyboard don't do anything, e.g., Select All
(I know some of these sorta kinda have workarounds but they're not as convenient as the normal way Swype is supposed to work.)
Looks like Swype only works properly with the standard Windows edit control, and specialized edit controls like the one HTC uses in the SMS composer foul it up.
For these reasons, basically I find the current stock version of Swype to not fulfill its promise, and for me it's unusable. Back to XT9!

PC-like keyboard mapping for hardware USB keyboards

WARNING: This is a work in progress, but I want to get my partially working config out there for someone like me who desperately wants this to work.
Edit 1: In retrospect, titling it "better keyboard support" was a bad idea, this has nothing to do with the "betterkeyboard" app.
I purchased the apad/gpad case with the integrated USB keyboard from witglobal here:
However, there are issues with the control and escape keys, particularly in connectbot. Since I got the keyboard so I could connect to Linux machines, missing those two keys is pretty ugly. I know you can tap the touchscreen to get ctrl and esc, but that's really slow, I'd like to use the hard key.
So far, I have discovered that there are several things getting in the way of the key working. First is the keyboard mapping files. There are no native key mapping for 'esc' and the default key mapping for the 'esc' key is "BACK". This is fine for many uses, but not for mine. Secondly, it looks like there is a very small set of "custom" keys available in the keymappings.h file. Since there are no "USER1" etc keys, it will take a rebuild of the keyboard code with added entries to make it work better.
This is an attempt to fix control and esc functionality with a USB keyboard. It consists of a kcm file and a kl file to replace the current ones. I am doing my work on VEGAn beta5, but I suspect any ROM will benefit from these files.
To install these files, do the following:
adb pull /system/usr/keychars/usb_keyboard_102_en_us.kcm.bin usb_keyboard_102_en_us.kcm.bin.orig
adb pull /system/usr/keylayout/usb_keyboard_102_en_us.kl usb_keyboard_102_en_us.kl.orig
Install mod
adb remount
adb push usb_keyboard_102_en_us.kcm.bin /system/usr/keychars
adb push usb_keyboard_102_en_us.kl /system/usr/keylayout
Unplug and replug your USB keyboard
Once this is done, the following changes are made:
Ctrl is mapped to DPAD_CENTER
Esc is mapped to DPAD_CENTER
To use it, go to connectbot, log in, and hit esc or ctrl once for ctrl, and hit esc or ctrl 2x for escape.
Current Issues:
Shift , generates a ;, not a < in Connectbot, but works correctly in other places
Shift . generates a :, not a > in Connectbot, but works correctly in other places
Insert does not work
Del generates a backspace
] and } keys generate the character + a beep
I'm a long time betterkeyboard user too. So this mod allows a USB keyboard to use the hardware spell checking option like I can on my droid one?
you might want to send a note to the devs about inccluding this by default. They added the ability to change key height pretty quickly when a few folk sasked.
Sent from my GTablet using Tapatalk
sharpfork said:
I'm a long time betterkeyboard user too. So this mod allows a USB keyboard to use the hardware spell checking option like I can on my droid one?
you might want to send a note to the devs about inccluding this by default. They added the ability to change key height pretty quickly when a few folk sasked.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This is to enable escape and control keys in Connectbot (and possibly others eventually). If you don't use connectbot or a terminal emulator on the gtab, it most likely will be useless to you.
The intent, eventually, is to make a hardware USB keyboard work identically to how it works on a PC (control/alt/esc/etc send the correct keycodes)
Thanks, this helps a lot
As an Emacs user, not having ESC doesn't bother me much.
Ctrl key now works, but only in a way that you tap it once than tap another key, instead of conventional way of pressing a key while ctrl key is pressed.
Is there anyway to fix that? Thank you.
Thanks for doing this work, I too was upset that after buying a USB keyboard it was useless for SSH. Have you made any progress on the issues listed at the end of your post since posting this in Jan? Hope you found a solution and could share it with us!

[Q] No word suggestions bar on ANY keyboard making 9 key input, Chinese etc. unusable

It seems there is a serious incompatibility with keyboards in general (I'm rooted on 1.1 with touchnooter and oc kernel), where the word suggestions bar does not display (in any keyboard). breaking support for 9 key input or chinese IME along with many other input methods. Only keyboards that automatically choose the first result in word suggestions can have auto correct, and even then there is no way to choose between words. What is keeping the word suggestions box from displaying in any keyboard (I have tried about 10 keyboard input methods so far all with the same problem)?
The problem is, normally there is a bar where you type the romanization and it gives you a list of options to click for the correct spelling/characters. That bar is missing from every keyboard app I have installed with spelling correction or chinese character typing.
Does this have anything to do with the nook firmware, or the system folder installation method? What is the proper way to install a keyboard (step by step) and can ANYBODY confirm or get a working keyboard? (EDIT: I'm positive I installed correctly and installing different ways makes no difference on suggestions bar support)
If a dev can please help us out, maybe try installing sougou android pad as it has english config menus. Basically, if you type a word like "xiang" it should give you a list of characters to select between, such as 想,象,向 etc. If it doesn't display the list of characters then obviously you can't type in chinese (not legibly anyway). Imagine chinese input like 9 key input, if you don't have the ability to select the best guess, half of what you type will be gibberish. Well, the bar used to display those guesses are missing in every keyboard I've installed on the nook.
Additional info:
I have tried installing:
Sougou input (tablet)
Sougou phone input method
Smart Keyboard plus chinese
smart keyboard plus english
All have the same problem where they do not fetch different spelling options or character options. They are missing that popup selection or bar completely. This also makes it so 9 key keyboards won't work obviously which depend on guessing and allowing you to select the correct 'guess'.
Please help, this may be due to the keyboard support in nook firmware, or it may be a simple setting or missing file that which can be corrected somehow. If you have this problem or have any ideas or suggestions please share your experience! If you have a working suggestion bar (NOT just auto correct) please share how you got it as well. With googling, although hard to find I have seem some reports of this problem appearing on other devices /custom roms as well, so it might not just be nook simple touch specific but a problem with the rom! Thanks!
To avoid any confusion, text prediction, word dictionaries, etc. all work, it doesn't seem to be a problem with the keyboard application, and it applies to every keyboard running on the nook. It's the actual suggestions bar that is not visible on any keyboard. Unfortunately this means that unless the first prediction/suggestion is what you want, you're screwed. Obviously this makes 9 key impossible, as well as typing in languages, especially Chinese. Before someone asks, it doesn't matter if you set the suggestions to be visible or not, no keyboard, regardless of settings, is capable of displaying a word, spelling, or character suggestions bar on my NST until this bug can be fixed.
I posted some images of this problem here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=35976521&postcount=2

