Making better backups - Epic 4G General

Today I use a combination of Titanium and Mybackup pro to do my backups/restores. It works pretty well, there are just some questions I have:
I would like to backup my phone settings (ringer volumes, vibration settings, security settings, etc.) - Is this backed up using Android settings in Mybackuppro?????
When restoring applications I would like them to restore to their backed up location (Phone vs. SD Card). I tried to select the option in Titanium to do so, but it didn't work. Any tips on getting that to work?
Is there anyway to backup touchwiz settings??? (widget locations, icon locations, etc.)
I think this is it for now.

I am bumping this as these questions are still needing answers please.

Bumping again guys. Please help!

I too originally purchased MyBackup Pro. It does a decent job, but it doesn't work as well as it should. I too have found that it doesn't restore everything you need it to. But, that's because it doesn't give you the kind of control that Titanium Backup does.
I finally bought Titanium Backup and started doing some reading on how to use it properly. As you play in the program, you are going to need to look up terms and read on how to properly use the features. It's just how it is. Remember, Android is running Linux under the hood. They really didn't intend the average person to get in there and get their hands dirty. That's why you have to ROOT your phone to even be able to get access to your Apps data.
I really hope at some point Android will get better about being able to do App Data backups! I would love it if there was an option to not only sync the apps that I have purchased (free or paid), but also the app data. Hopefully Google will include that some day. They're willing to backup all my picture for free to Google Plus, you'd think they would also do my App Data.
Here's some helpful instructions for Titanium backup. Enjoy!
Just type this in to Google Search.
how to backup and restore with titanium backup
I was going to give you a link, but it won't let me until I post 8 times. LOL


Google backup vs Mybackup,Titanium ?

Seems like a great time to start comparing.
Im very confused as to what exactly Google backs up now.
I tried it out yesterday and it seemed to backup my wifi , desktop , apps , and user dictionary.
Desktop icons and Alarms dont seem to have returned.
I havent tried MyBackup Pro but the new "with root" feature claims to re-install apps with market links. But does it keep per app preferences ?
Titanium does all of the apps/data/market in batch. But does not do "settings" ((if it did i recall having issues I forget which))
Just wondering if Googles backup/apps2sd is comprehensive enough that from now on flashing new ROMS or updates we'll no longer need to worry about backup reinstalls.
((Yes I know nandroid is best but for updates like this useless))
I don't think the full Google Backup demo'd at the I/O will be operational until has re-launched with the new functionality.
Is there a list of what it currently backs up ?
I never really tires it extensively so not sure what it does/doesnt do.
The apps did work for me though.
Apps only, and only if you're unrooted I think.

Back up/Restore - Titanium Backup v's MyBackUp - Which one and Why ?

I've used Titanium Back up from the very start, call me tight but not the Pro version (real reason just not got round to buying it, I do own quite a few paid App's HONEST ) I also use "SMS Back up" to back up my Call Log and SMS's to my Gmail Account, I really like the way it does this and gives them different labels Call logs and SMS's etc... And I'll still continue to use "SMS Back up" no matter which one of these 2 great App's I choose to continue to use.
The reason I chose "Titanium Back Up" in the first place was through researching "back up & Restore App's on Google, Android Market and reading through XDA forums.
Tonight I thought I'd give "MyBackUp Root" a go, after all I'd also read quite a bit about it.
I'd say you get a lot more choice in Titanium as to what you want to back up/Restore, but if your like me and sometimes you just like to get the job done, especially if you like flashing different ROM's then I'm starting to side with MyBackUp Root. The BIGGEST pain with TB, well the free version, is when restoring you have to click install, lots and lots of times, well twice for every app you've got plus more. What a fresh of breath air it was to have a 1 click restore as well as a 1 click back up. OK with MyBackUp you've got to restore Application and Media, then Data so you have 2 tasks but I think 2-6 clicks at most beats hundreds. I'm changing camp and picking MyBackUp Root, well at least for the foreseeable future or unless I find any nasty bugs.
What do you use to Back Up and Restore ???
And which do you prefer out of Titanium Back Up and MyBackUp Root ???
It's not Titanium Backup that is your problem. Your problem is that you don't want to pay the developer $5-6 to support his app. Having the Pro version is three step process.
Menu -> Batch -> Restore.
You set it and then forget it. Titanium Backup works, just buy the pro version. You won't regret it. Best $6 you'll ever spend.
To be fair, I don't think you're in a position to be judging Titanium Backup because you haven't used the Pro version which unlocks all of the features. So you haven't experienced the full potential of Titanium Backup.
the op is comparing titanium backup with mybackup root, both free versions of their respective premium glory. i would also enjoy reading a comparison of titanium backup pro and mybackup pro. perhaps someone would like to spend the extra money on a superfluous app for research purposes?
i use Ti backup. i've heard good things about it, and it works.

[Q] Backup from NDT MIUI ROM, Restore to gtbluesky MIUI V5 ROM?

Hi all
I have been using NDT MIUI ROM for quite some time. I am now planning to move to MIUI V5 3.9.20 ROM from gtbluesky.
However, I don't find a definite answer on how to backup my contacts, messages, call logs, etc from my old ROM and successfully restore them to the newer one. I am not bothered about my apps, I can do a fresh install of all.
I hope someone could have been in a similar situation like me, may be you could share your experiences.
Of course, others too can come up with your recommendations
Many thanks!
Usually, people only back up apps and forget about everything else. I see the opposite here.
You can try using some apps from the market, like Super Backup or Carbon. I'm not sure about what they exactly back up, but you can read a review.
Your contacts should be on your Google account (If you have chosen automatic sync), so they're not a problem.
For the apps (if you want to back them up), I suggest using Titanium Backup.
Marvlesz said:
Usually, people only back up apps and forget about everything else. I see the opposite here.
You can try using some apps from the market, like Super Backup or Carbon. I'm not sure about what they exactly back up, but you can read a review.
Your contacts should be on your Google account (If you have chosen automatic sync), so they're not a problem.
For the apps (if you want to back them up), I suggest using Titanium Backup.
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Thanks Marvlesz!
I use limited apps, just one app for a purpose so not really bothered.
I see a lot of backup/restore apps in the play store doing a good job for some and equally bad job for some others. So, I am unable to narrow my decision to any of those.
Anyway, like you mentioned Google Account would do for contacts. For messages and call logs, may be I have to look for simple backup to XML format, so that they don't conflict with different android versions.
Hi Dinnu,
for back up the contacts, call log, calendar, and so on I recommend "MyPhoneExplorer". It's an apk from play store and you need additionally a client for Windows (it's freeware). It's a very comfo rtable way to back up and restore many (but not all) things.
You can also try the MIUI internal back up tool. Unfortunately I don't remember if it worked for me, it's to long ago.
Sent from my HD2 MIUI V5

Moving from G4 to 6P

So, I'm getting a 6P soon, and I was curious if there was an easy way to move all my stuff from the rom I have on my G4 to the 6P when I get it- accounts, apps, everything, so I don't have to take hours redoing everything again
start fresh, my friend.
Yea start fresh. Like a new house. You don't want to bring all the old crap your new house that's why you get a new house. But when you setup your new phone it will ask if you want to migrate settings etc from another device it works pretty fast I have had to do it on my 6p when I install a ROM and it only took maybe half an hour to set up. It's actually super fast compared to last year technology
I just made the same move and Helium was the solution that I found. Lets you easily transfer app data without root which was the key for me.
You can backup your apps with Titanium Backup & then restore them
The only problem with Titanium is that it would require an immediate rooting of the N6P. I would recommend trying it un-rooted, at least initially.
Here is a link to a good guide on use of Carbon-Helium to move to an un-rooted phone:
If you root your 6P, you can use Titanium Backup to restore your apps and certain app settings, but as far as accounts and so forth go, start fresh.
Unless you have the itch to root your 6P, I would stick to a purchase of Helium and use that on both devices to move anything that is devices specific. Only restore apps/games/saves that are device specific, don't try to do things like settings, apps with cloud saves, etc. Helium can be a bit tricky as you have to do a few steps to get the computer and device to recognize it but once running I've found it to work smoothly.
You could use android transfer or whatever its called. It mostly transfers your accounts though
If you plan on rooting, do that first.
When you unlock the bootloader, you have to wipe(everything) the device again.
At a minimum unlock the bootloader before you do anything for reason mentioned above.
I just transferred from a Note 5. The Android build-in transfer process will bring over your account info and WiFi passwords, and download your apps again, but that's about it. For SMS/call log, I recommend SMS Backup/Restore, for app data use Titanium Backup (so root is required). I wouldn't restore too much if you can help it just because it is a large change in systems. I only restored some app data to avoid logging into tons of apps again. Most everything else is cloud based nowadays.

Best Way to Back Up All Data and Apps Nexus 6P

I about to redo my phone completely and I still own Titanium Backup Pro, is that still the best way to backup everything or can I simply backups my files (photos, videos, PDF's etc...) and use Google's basic restore apps when I reboot my phone from stock?
I know TB is great but last time I used it, I felt there were some bugs and it couldnt restore some apps which was disturbing. Then in the end, I have no idea what is actually did and did not restore, a real PITA.
It also took forever and felt like it got stuck in some parts.
Are there any downsides to using Google apps restore feature? Not sure if that will also maintain all my game/app data.
I also read some good things about TunesGo Android Backup.
Dathaeus said:
I about to redo my phone completely and I still own Titanium Backup Pro, is that still the best way to backup everything or can I simply backups my files (photos, videos, PDF's etc...) and use Google's basic restore apps when I reboot my phone from stock?
I know TB is great but last time I used it, I felt there were some bugs and it couldnt restore some apps which was disturbing. Then in the end, I have no idea what is actually did and did not restore, a real PITA.
It also took forever and felt like it got stuck in some parts.
Are there any downsides to using Google apps restore feature? Not sure if that will also maintain all my game/app data.
I also read some good things about TunesGo Android Backup.
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The Google apps restore has improved significantly since MM. I do keep TWRP Nandroid backups offline, but have not used them in ages. I use Google apps restore for all of my Play Store and System apps, and TiBu for the "non market" stuff... maybe ~30 apps? I zip the TiBu folder into a single file (Solid Explorer) and move it offline. When upgrading from 6-7 or 7-8, I just completely wipe the phone, flash a full image, let Google Play restore from the cloud. Then extract and use TiBu zip to restore the remaining apps. Icing is a Nova launcher backup to restore all the shortcuts and widgets, and my setup is 99% there in under one hour from a complete blank slate. I've also been experimenting with FlashFire to make ADB backups offline. Very slick backup tool, in addition to it's primary use of flashing monthly security updates. I have not yet restored a FF backup via ADB yet... I just keep one recent backup as a precaution. As for your other thread on rooting- I only see the upside. I don't see any downside. Android Pay not working irritates many, but I will never use that so not a concern. Why buy a Nexus if you're not going to unlock and root?
v12xke said:
The Google apps restore has improved significantly since MM. I do keep TWRP Nandroid backups offline, but have not used them in ages. I use Google apps restore for all of my Play Store and System apps, and TiBu for the "non market" stuff... maybe ~30 apps? I zip the TiBu folder into a single file (Solid Explorer) and move it offline. When upgrading from 6-7 or 7-8, I just completely wipe the phone, flash a full image, let Google Play restore from the cloud. Then extract and use TiBu zip to restore the remaining apps. Icing is a Nova launcher backup to restore all the shortcuts and widgets, and my setup is 99% there in under one hour from a complete blank slate. I've also been experimenting with FlashFire to make ADB backups offline. Very slick backup tool, in addition to it's primary use of flashing monthly security updates. I have not yet restored a FF backup via ADB yet... I just keep one recent backup as a precaution. As for your other thread on rooting- I only see the upside. I don't see any downside. Android Pay not working irritates many, but I will never use that so not a concern. Why buy a Nexus if you're not going to unlock and root?
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Awesome reply, exactly what I was looking for thanks!
So u gave a lot of info and I just want to summarize what I should do to redo my phone as cleanly and quickly as possible, but first can you tell me how you personally differentiate the non-market stuff for TiB? Meaning I have like 200 total apps, so just trying to plan a process here.
Dathaeus said:
Awesome reply, exactly what I was looking for thanks! So u gave a lot of info and I just want to summarize what I should do to redo my phone as cleanly and quickly as possible, but first can you tell me how you personally differentiate the non-market stuff for TiB? Meaning I have like 200 total apps, so just trying to plan a process here.
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Lots of tutorials out there on how to properly wipe and install a fresh stock image onto a blank phone. Probably the best example can be found on the Google webpage where you download the full image. I use Google restore for all system apps plus the apps I have paid for at the Google Play Store. I use TiBu only for those apps from elsewhere that are not backed up or restored by Google restore. It's made easy by TiBu because after Google restore is 100% complete restoring everything it possibly can, I fire up TiBu and use the "Restore Missing Apps" option.
Can't wait to see the day where all the apps (Gapps too) stop asking things you already seen or chosen when you do a factory reset or change your phone.
Android Backup and Restore has improved a lot, but still has a long road to go. Probably in the future, you just change the Phone and everything, not just some things, are restored. All the little checkbox you ticked in each of the apps. (With "Settings" app, this is happening a bit at the moment, some settings are restored).
Examples: "Dark theme enabled in Tapatalk" / "Use" or "Background activity disabled for Facebook Messenger lite".
thesebastian said:
Can't wait to see the day where all the apps (Gapps too) stop asking things you already seen or chosen when you do a factory reset or change your phone.
Android Backup and Restore has improved a lot, but still has a long road to go. Probably in the future, you just change the Phone and everything, not just some things, are restored. All the little checkbox you ticked in each of the apps. (With "Settings" app, this is happening a bit at the moment, some settings are restored).
Examples: "Dark theme enabled in Tapatalk" / "Use" or "Background activity disabled for Facebook Messenger lite".
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You mean like with a full Nandroid backup? :laugh:
v12xke said:
You mean like with a full Nandroid backup? [emoji23]
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No that's different... that's a copy of everything in the phone. I'm talking about Android backup and restore.
So you don't need to start configuring alarms, app and everything after you upgrade your phone.
Sent from my Nexus 6P
v12xke said:
Lots of tutorials out there on how to properly wipe and install a fresh stock image onto a blank phone. Probably the best example can be found on the Google webpage where you download the full image. I use Google restore for all system apps plus the apps I have paid for at the Google Play Store. I use TiBu only for those apps from elsewhere that are not backed up or restored by Google restore. It's made easy by TiBu because after Google restore is 100% complete restoring everything it possibly can, I fire up TiBu and use the "Restore Missing Apps" option.
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Ahhhhhhhh perfect, I didnt see that "Restore Missing Apps" last time I did this but that was a looooooooooong time ago... I was just nervous about using TiB again bec last time it kept freezing and it was an exhaustive process and basically I just gave up, pissed me off on a paid app.
thesebastian said:
Can't wait to see the day where all the apps (Gapps too) stop asking things you already seen or chosen when you do a factory reset or change your phone.
Android Backup and Restore has improved a lot, but still has a long road to go. Probably in the future, you just change the Phone and everything, not just some things, are restored. All the little checkbox you ticked in each of the apps. (With "Settings" app, this is happening a bit at the moment, some settings are restored).
Examples: "Dark theme enabled in Tapatalk" / "Use" or "Background activity disabled for Facebook Messenger lite".
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Ya seems like every app saves differently so thats why I laugh when people are like, whats the big deal, just redo your phone and only takes an hour.... um no. Maybe if you dont do much and use your phone to check email, calls, and texts and a couple of games but for me its an exhaustive process bec even after you think you restored, there are always some things in the subsequent weeks u find that wasnt restored, missing, or settings are all screwed up. Not a life breaker, but ya, someday maybe they will universally code settings the same way so a backup program can do something like what imaging does in Windows, although Android has many more roms and providers to deal with so u may need some additional steps anyways.
Yes it's a lot of work. For me is never an hour. It's like 3 hours after the android welcome assistant and then several days till I open app by app and setup the settings for each one of them.
Sent from my Nexus 6P
thesebastian said:
Yes it's a lot of work. For me is never an hour. It's like 3 hours after the android welcome assistant and then several days till I open app by app and setup the settings for each one of them.
Sent from my Nexus 6P
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Yea that sounds much more realistic... some people try to oversimplify and think they are doing it in an hour but not.... or they just cant tell time.
I still use TiBi pro for backing app all of my apps. It's just quicker in my opinion. Immediately after flashing new images or roms, I just go into batch actions of TiBu and restore all missing apps with data. Takes about ten minutes and all my apps and data are restored.
Dathaeus said:
Yea that sounds much more realistic... some people try to oversimplify and think they are doing it in an hour but not.... or they just cant tell time.
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And I have to add that recently I'm just not rooting anymore...
Currently I have the 6P with open bootloader but just because by bank doesn't support android pay and I don't want to go through this android restore slow process.
Sent from my Nexus 6P
Pain-N-Panic said:
I still use TiBi pro for backing app all of my apps. It's just quicker in my opinion. Immediately after flashing new images or roms, I just go into batch actions of TiBu and restore all missing apps with data. Takes about ten minutes and all my apps and data are restored.
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You never had it freeze or not restore something properly? That is the one I am most worried about, its a highly frustrating process when an "automated restore" just doesnt finish the job after waiting over an hour, which is what happened last time I used it for my Galaxy S4, tried 3 times too, so I ditched it and used Google restore and dealt with all the settings after manually.
Dathaeus said:
You never had it freeze or not restore something properly? That is the one I am most worried about, its a highly frustrating process when an "automated restore" just doesnt finish the job after waiting over an hour, which is what happened last time I used it for my Galaxy S4, tried 3 times too, so I ditched it and used Google restore and dealt with all the settings after manually.
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No sir. I've been running TiBu pro on my Nexus 6p since launch. I've flashed almost every factory image/security update after completing a full wipe before each flash, thus removing all of my apps and data along with it. TiBu pulled through every time. I also make sure to do a batch "redo" of all my backups prior to wiping/flashing the device so this way all my apps data are up to date when I restore them. I'd be lost with TiBu!
