Most rock stable combination? - Galaxy S I9000 General

After getting a Galaxy Note, I'm giving this phone to my dad and I want to have the most stable combination there is that is without any sort of lag. Can anyone provide any recommendations?

works for me
Ramads stock deodext rom with semaphore kernel no lag battery 48h....

infact odex unrooted would be best, maybe even last froyo js8 i think it was

$omator said:
infact odex unrooted would be best, maybe even last froyo js8 i think it was
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Correct, after many months of testing, the best most stable, no lags, no low memory even after open close apps and 3D games, no bugs, and with a fully working wifi, ad-hoc and call recording integrated...
Its Darky 9.5 extreme edition based on the froyo js8.
Combination i find perfect is darky 9.5 with speedmod k13e kernel with ext4 fastest enabled in kernel, with scripts enable in kernel, and with fugu tweaks
Modem i use is zsjpg but bujp5 is also very good.
As i said this combination is simply amazing.
Using any gingerbread rom i would start lagging, and had 50 mg of ram after a few games and apps opened...but with the combination above no need to kill apps, the phone just runs anything with no problems at all, no low just works.
Besides...latest GB roms gave me wifi disconects, dont have fully working ad-hoc..and there is no call recording among other bugs and lags, low memory etc.

oSerX jvt rom with semaphore kernel..Its the best custom rom ..Stable as stock with solid batterylife..Its fast, smooth n simple...

I'm on the other side of the fence as others here. I'd recommend to stay stock with either Froyo or if maybe GBs JVR version. Since that seems pretty zippy, especially with browsing IMO.
The other plus with stock is the battery life is usually better. Maybe your dad might not use the phone as much as you, but it's still nice to have especially if he doesn't charge his phone as much...
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Battery life is a must, I'll give JS8 a shot and then try JVT if JS8 doesn't work out. What about GPS? Is there any decent fix out there for it?

Well GPS and battery life don't go together, GPS is a battery killer. If you have to use GPS then have a look here :
I use stock JVT + Semaphore kernel, and I'm very happy with it.

3d_jc said:
Well GPS and battery life don't go together, GPS is a battery killer. If you have to use GPS then have a look here :
I use stock JVT + Semaphore kernel, and I'm very happy with it.
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I know GPS kills battery, but he doesn't use it very often. Once in a while when required.

My sgs is flying with doctors rom and my mix tweaks.
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For you dad; I'd say go back to JS8 with speedmod. Or throw CM7 on there - I never have any stability problems with CM7.

JS8 or JSD (froyo roms).
In case he need gingerbread for some reason then I'd chose oSerX rom (odexed JVT rom).

most stable = latest froyo + no rooting + no custom kernels + no moding/theming and so on

Simplicity 1.5.1
The most stable gingerbread I've run.
No fc's and no noticeable lags. No reboots. I will not change till 4.0.
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and ignore those people like the one above advertising gingerbread roms
idk are they paid for it or simply not thinking clear

$omator said:
and ignore those people like the one above advertising gingerbread roms
idk are they paid for it or simply not thinking clear
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Are you serious dude?
Get off the hooch mate
My opinion not yours.
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you are advertising rom that is buggy, based on buggy gingerbread using buggy kernel... good luck in being 'stable' ;]

$omator said:
you are advertising rom that is buggy, based on buggy gingerbread using buggy kernel... good luck in being 'stable' ;]
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Sorry to disappoint mate.
Been stable as a rock for me.
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let me guess is it blazing fast also ?

Haha. Yeah. 56000 quadrant score.
Seriously though I've had not one issue with it. My daily has been running for about 3 weeks now untouched. All working well.
Only time I had an issue was when reverting back old market. Fc market issues. Put back new market and all good.
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Suddenly, my SGS is awesome

Hi all
Being a student, and thus a professional procrastinator, i have spent hours and hours and days and days reading forums, flashing things, getting freaked out because i think i've bricked my phone, etc etc...
I think i've hit the motherload re ROMS. The reason why i'm posting this is because it took me over a month of browsing forums in my spare time to find it... DebusROM.
Battery life is amazing - to the point of being irritating if you're TRYING to drain your battery flat for batterystats.bin reset reasons.
Performance is really great too.
I've flashed from Darky 9.5 (awesome, a tad buggy) to Darky v10 RC 5 (not final) (also awesome, a tad more buggy). As amazed as i was when i first experienced a custom ROM's improvement - thats how amazed i am at DebusROM. Fast, best battery life i've ever experienced, and BUG-FREE!
I had a random reboot issue when i first flashed, which made me cautious, however the DebusROM thread supplies a patch which fixes this issue.
Very happy. Hoping to spread the good news, and help DebusROM become as mainstream as Darky or CyanogeMod...
I'd digg to hear what others have experienced using this ROM.
Anything on cards for i9003?
Ask the DebusROM devs
In my case, battery issue was more related to calibration and kernel than the roms. I can hold 2 to 3 days on a standard (OEM) rom (running JVH now). Only the first "drain" is "quicker", but you HAVE TO totally drain the battery and charge it to 100%, then it's all good!
sidenote: it sounds like (from this great article) that calibration doesn't actually affect battery life, just the correctness of the battery indicator.
t1mman said:
In my case, battery issue was more related to calibration and kernel than the roms. I can hold 2 to 3 days on a standard (OEM) rom (running JVH now). Only the first "drain" is "quicker", but you HAVE TO totally drain the battery and charge it to 100%, then it's all good!
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What are your thoughts on an OEM rom like JVH versus something like CyanogenMod7? I'm curious, as I am also on Bell with an i9000m and had nothing but difficulty with getting a JVH rom to install properly so that I could test it.
MrGreencastle said:
What are your thoughts on an OEM rom like JVH versus something like CyanogenMod7? I'm curious, as I am also on Bell with an i9000m and had nothing but difficulty with getting a JVH rom to install properly so that I could test it.
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imho cm7 is not worth the efford yet, theres no benefit over a good customized samsung rom.
MrGreencastle said:
What are your thoughts on an OEM rom like JVH versus something like CyanogenMod7? I'm curious, as I am also on Bell with an i9000m and had nothing but difficulty with getting a JVH rom to install properly so that I could test it.
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Well, I've used darky's 9.X before GingerBread was out "officially", but I haven't tried CM7 since I don't feel the need to. JVH is faster than Darky's with LagFixes, so it's not "worth" it IMHO
As for issue with switching to JVH, it can be done pretty easely, if your modem is already "fixed" to use any modem others than JL2/KC1 or you'll need to flash a 850Hz compatible modem after you flash JVH (both way are quite simple, but I prefer to have the modem that came with the rom) with ODIN.
jonalexgalaxy said:
sidenote: it sounds like (from this great article) that calibration doesn't actually affect battery life, just the correctness of the battery indicator.
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Of course it woun't affect battery life, by definition, calibration means "putting the right borders"
Calibrating a sensor won't affect how the monitored system works, only states the REAL Min and Max value
dbraaker said:
imho cm7 is not worth the efford yet, theres no benefit over a good customized samsung rom.
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I'm afraid you are very wrong there are huge improvements in cm7 that you won't find in custom Sammy roms
I'm nowhere near a cm fan boy but i've tried loads of customs and this runs the best battery life could be better but performance can not be beat i didn't wanna rant but I think you are very misinformed
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whats the diference between custom samsung roms and cm7? is darky's a custom sammy rom? what about debusROM? what is?
CM7 is vanilla android - you won't get a whiff of anything Samsung.
jonalexgalaxy said:
whats the diference between custom samsung roms and cm7? is darky's a custom sammy rom? what about debusROM? what is?
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I was with darkys roms as my daily till I switched to cm7 now the difference is as follows
Based on factory Sammy roms with some custom code/tweaks
Meaning darky gets 2.2 Sammy rom opens it up cleans it up a bit fiddles here and there and boom one darkys rom
Is ASOP meaning it is the android untouched by a company i.e SAMMY, HTC etc etc its what you get with a pure Google phone like the G1 for instance
So it has all the stuff you got from Google so ext4 file system as default all the gingerbread bells and whisle like overscroll and what not
It is still customed but there is more coding because things have to be built to work with our beloved sgs hardware as the phone was designed to run Sammy drivers
Hope that was clear enuf and I was accurate its just what I believe is correct if I am wrong someone people educate me
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isn't CM7 still a bit buggy?
Aren't MIUI and CM7 built from scratch?
Tried CM but was depressed by it.
Also had this story, exact same situation. Even got pissed of new GB rom that battery drain was so slow (wanted to reset stats)
Was on 9.5 darky, flashed to RC3. All good, but disappoint compared to proper GB rom.
I'm using Simply Honey now, it's basically thesame to Debusrom, as with Juwe. Looking to try Simply Honey 3.4 or Juwe 4.2 or new Debus, which are all equally awesomeness.
cm7 is reli disappointing. the battery drain is crazy. otherwise will reli stick to it.
now on darky's rc6 and was on rc3 be4 trying miui and cm7.
abcba said:
cm7 is reli disappointing. the battery drain is crazy. otherwise will reli stick to it.
now on darky's rc6 and was on rc3 be4 trying miui and cm7.
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The battery situation is much improved. Most of us now manage a day+ of normal use. If that was the only thing keeping you on the Samsung ROMs, try out the easy new install procedure and see cm7 for yourself again.
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cureently suing Tweaky Rom and works great. No issue/s so far.
thanks for the info
rschenck said:
The battery situation is much improved. Most of us now manage a day+ of normal use. If that was the only thing keeping you on the Samsung ROMs, try out the easy new install procedure and see cm7 for yourself again.
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Thx for the update~ will try later

Still a buggy phone!!

The Nexus S is quite possibly the best but most frustrating phone I've ever had. I love the hardware and the android OS. I still get random reboots, sometimes sms notifications never show up, and sometimes when I get a phone call the phone becomes unresponsive.
I've been using the latest NSCollab rom for several versions and have never over/under clocked. I clear the dalvik cache after every update and clear data/restore with titanium backup whenever necessary.
I'll feel like I've been doing everything correctly, yet I'm still left with a phone that gives me a lot of grief. What's the problem here? How can I fix this? This is extremely frustrating with no obvious solution.
I had a lot of problems with the nexus s... Now i have a galaxy sii, but i still have the nexus. Using the nscollab, i had a looooot of problems, now the phone are with the stock 2.3.4, in my tests, everything is fine. I will sell it now.
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I don't know what kernel that rom uses but that and settings on voltages make the whole difference in stability. Something like stock rom with stock kernel or cm7 with stock or netatchys kernel are always good choices and will give you stability.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
mariosergio2112, how much do you expect to get from selling it?
I believe NSCollab is Cm7 with netarchy and the stock gingerbread launcher -- nothing crazy here.
NSCollab 1.0.35
Android : GB 2.3.4
System : CyanogenMod 7.1 [RC1] [CM Team]
Kernel : Netarchy CFS 1.3.4 [Netarchy]
Truth of the matter is that I've yet to come across a ROM that's rock solid. I've tried them all and always had either lots of random reboots, bootloops, or sluggishness.
I went back to stock last Thursday and it's been butter smooth since. No problems or anything of the sort.
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That's both good and bad news. Good news: there's a fix. Bad news: I really like some of CM7's features, but I guess it must go.
I'll give the stock rom a shot I guess.
glasslung said:
That's both good and bad news. Good news: there's a fix. Bad news: I really like some of CM7's features, but I guess it must go.
I'll give the stock rom a shot I guess.
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The Oxygen ROM is very stable aswell.
i tried several roms, but after all i came back to stock, it is stable and fast.. I do miss many features from cm7, but i guess i can live without it.
currently i'm trying to find a kernel with a battery life as good as stock one... i really miss bln ...
All I'm saying look into your voltage settings. Each phone will work different and you have to play with adjusting them. It also takes some time and patience.
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No matter what rom I use I end up going back to stock. I don't even think the net kernel is good enough.
glasslung said:
mariosergio2112, how much do you expect to get from selling it?
I believe NSCollab is Cm7 with netarchy and the stock gingerbread launcher -- nothing crazy here.
NSCollab 1.0.35
Android : GB 2.3.4
System : CyanogenMod 7.1 [RC1] [CM Team]
Kernel : Netarchy CFS 1.3.4 [Netarchy]
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I will sell it in brazil, where i live, i think 1000 reais, i dont know yet.
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Vandam500 said:
Truth of the matter is that I've yet to come across a ROM that's rock solid. I've tried them all and always had either lots of random reboots, bootloops, or sluggishness.
I went back to stock last Thursday and it's been butter smooth since. No problems or anything of the sort.
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no ROM I've tried has ever compared to stock, especially 2.3.4, when it comes to stability.
I tried Many ROMs but all before 2.3.4 (end of April?) and none was able to run for more than a few days without some kind of reboot/bootloop etc.
2.3.4 has been running flawlessly ever since.
Current uptime is like 1100+ hrs and that too cause i had to remove battery to change SIM card.
I have installed NSCollab 1.0.35 on a week and have not problems on my Nexus S.
To resume, i had some endless bootloop and a lot of reboot on long calls.
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My 2 cents:
I'm on NSCollab 1.0.34, Netharky 1.3.4, KB3, OV to 1.2 Ghz, UV with protonvoltage. Gingerbread 2.3.4
I find this combo much faster than the stock one, smooth and pretty stable. Actually I have some reboots when I stress a lot my device, but they are rare.
So I don't want to renounce to Cyanogen features as the stock rom was really slow IMHO and I will give a try to NSCollab 1.0.35 very soon!
No problems in answering, good radio performance, faster than light (quadrant score: 3600) !! I can survive with a couple of reboot in a week!!
Too much porn?
Sent from my Nexus S 4G
Why don't you people stop confusing CM7 with a stable ROM? CyanogenMod and netarchy kernel are probably the most crappy android software that were ever made.
I suggest you use Oxygen ROM and Jame Bond kernel. No fancy quadrant benchmarks, stock ROM with basic functions like notification power control and text reflow in browser, zipaligned and all that stuff. Delete setcpu, delete juicedefender and other crappy so called battery savers, do not undervolt and do not touch the CPU frequency. Just let the ROM run like it is supposed to, don't fill it with all the bloatware you find on market that is said to increase performance or battery life, all they do is eating system resources.
I have yet to find a better combination like this for the nexus S, I am using the ROM since 3 days now without a single reboot/FC/freeze/bootloop. I am playing order and chaos MMO 2-3 hours and I can go through the full day without problems, the phone is responsive and simply works, no fancy sh*t.
Using the stock, all is fine..
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lvnatic said:
Why don't you people stop confusing CM7 with a stable ROM? CyanogenMod and netarchy kernel are probably the most crappy android software that were ever made.
I suggest you use Oxygen ROM and Jame Bond kernel. No fancy quadrant benchmarks, stock ROM with basic functions like notification power control and text reflow in browser, zipaligned and all that stuff. Delete setcpu, delete juicedefender and other crappy so called battery savers, do not undervolt and do not touch the CPU frequency. Just let the ROM run like it is supposed to, don't fill it with all the bloatware you find on market that is said to increase performance or battery life, all they do is eating system resources.
I have yet to find a better combination like this for the nexus S, I am using the ROM since 3 days now without a single reboot/FC/freeze/bootloop. I am playing order and chaos MMO 2-3 hours and I can go through the full day without problems, the phone is responsive and simply works, no fancy sh*t.
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How does oxygen rom compare to oxygen rom with james bond kernel? I installed the oxygen rom last night and have had no problems so far. Time will tell how it holds up in the long run.
lvnatic said:
Why don't you people stop confusing CM7 with a stable ROM? CyanogenMod and netarchy kernel are probably the most crappy android software that were ever made.
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Yeah... if it wasn't for that crap you would have **** for your ROM.
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ROM Reviews and Discussion

Hi guys,
Still on stock ROM, but looking to flash a new one really soon - looked through both Original and Development threads and haven't been very confident so far. Why?
The most popular ones seem to be Lightening and VillainROM, but I haven't found any comprehensive reviews of their battery life and performance - VillainROM doesn't have screenshots either. Mostly the posts on their threads are questions or debugging or pointing out bugs, so its hard to get a proper gauge.
So what are your thoughts on the ROMs so far? Looking for the usual - good battery, stability, performance. I don't care much for the blue of Lightening but as long as it works, it works. What makes it different from Villain?
Also appreciate any other ROMs that may be good to install!
One of the best and smoothest ROMs I've tried has been CyanogenMod 7. Its stable (even in the 7.1 RC), fast, good battery life and reliable. Check it out, its a definite favorite in my book
Sent from my Droid 1 CM7.1.0 RC1
So far I've only tested VillainROM. I'm waiting for a more stable CM7 to try it out, but until then VR seems to be okay. To be honest there's nothing special about it. Battery life is acceptable, it's close to a stock rom, it doesn't have bugs, it has Nimpo kernel, vrtweaks which let you install some mods more easily, and the devs are skilled and helpful. That's enough for me
TheSaw said:
So far I've only tested VillainROM. I'm waiting for a more stable CM7 to try it out, but until then VR seems to be okay. To be honest there's nothing special about it. Battery life is acceptable, it's close to a stock rom, it doesn't have bugs, it has Nimpo kernel, vrtweaks which let you install some mods more easily, and the devs are skilled and helpful. That's enough for me
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Which one of this roms has BLN already activated?
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I've now used villain, darkys, adam's aosp, CM7 and MIUI.
All great roms. Villain and darky are both quite close too stock TW. AdamG AOSP is as about as close to androidstock as you can get-which is clean and simple. CM7 is the ultimate ROM for the tweaker and hacker and its also v fast.
MIUI is the most visually different rom. It looks completely different and has some great visual cues. Battery life its also v good on the latest build (.29 beta 32). Its the one I'm using at the moment, but I switch between it and CM7 on occasion.
you won't go wrong with any and although they aren't fully stable (the non TW ones). I've never had any stability issues with them. Just be prepared to not have an fm radio or full bluetooth audio...
My 2 cents, hope it helps!
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P.s. Not sure about lightening but one of the earlier builds of villain gave me the best battery life ever on this phone. I think it was 1.4, but this was about a month ago..
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EmilianM said:
Which one of this roms has BLN already activated?
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There are quite a few, VillainROM is included. You can also flash a BLN compatible kernel to make BLN work.
Thanks, I may want to stick close to TW-based ROMs for the time being until CM7 is stable and GS2-friendly then I've done MIUI before, its a fantastic ROM for older phones, but of course there's problems with translations sometimes and the UI gets old/too iphone after a while.
currently on lightening 2.2 with nimphetamine 2.04 kernal. More than happy with my battery. I get more than a days use out of it quite easily, battery loss is about 1% an hour in standby and the rom itself is very stable. Ive never had a force close, reboot or anything. Im using the steel blue theme too as i like the look of the icons more.
Ive no plans to try any other roms until a fully released cynagen rom is available which i will try, just to see what the fuss is about more than anything.
any ideas how close we are to a stable cm7 release?
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drasifriaz said:
any ideas how close we are to a stable cm7 release?
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I would also like to know.
A VillainROM user here along with ninphetamine kernel I find this the best combination, battery life is awesome and the devs are useful. It's smooth fast and just well top notch.
I've tried many roms but always come back to VR. The best thing to do is try them and find one for your own liking there are dozens to choose from now. In the future I'll try CM7 as I used to run that on my DHD but as of now I'm happy with the TW roms.
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Batista70 ROM w/ Ninpo's 2.0.5 kernel here, so far so good. Runs smooth and quite battery-friendly.
I've used Lite'ning also but somehow the I've run into some battery drain issues with it before. Eye'ing CM7 once it gets a stable release.
The latest CM7 nightly, 13, is running really well, it all seems just as it was on my Desire so far, no crashes, just a lockscreen hang every now and again.
Don't know about the Bluetooth audio as I prefer a wired headset.
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CM is the nuts
knny said:
CM is the nuts
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"Gold Spade of the Year" for you
Hanczak said:
"Gold Spade of the Year" for you
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what does that mean, mate?
knny said:
what does that mean, mate?
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I mean that he was digging very long to find this thread...
Hanczak said:
I mean that he was digging very long to find this thread...
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I've had this thread subscribed since the beginning and today I just desided to share my experience with CM

Gingerbread customs rom opinions

Write here which custom rom is the best from your experiennce
GalaxyDroid v5.0 by HotMykeul. It's smooth, fast and has excellent battery life.
grimmaniac said:
GalaxyDroid v5.0 by HotMykeul. It's smooth, fast and has excellent battery life.
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can you compare it with jetpack...?
I think alerson rom is very good.
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rahimhn said:
I think alerson rom is very good.
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on what firmware ?
No, since I never flashed Jetpack, but you should give it a look.
It has a nice ICS-theme, customizable lockscreens and statusbar.
I think jet pack or darky the best ggb base rom.
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Darky is fast and stable
patr0 said:
Darky is fast and stable
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i think with no updates anymore...
apsoogos4ever said:
i think with no updates anymore...
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Yes, but stil fast and stable
come on guys....i m trying to find the fastest - stable best custom rom!
For me the smoothest rom seems to be MIUI (Galnet or Miuiandroid). With a custom kernel (Fugumod with Voodoo Color) i succeded to obtain also a good battery life. In the morning is 100% charged, in the evening 20% battery remaining (100+ apps installed). I've tried in the past a lot of roms but for a month i stayed on MIUI.
Smoothest and fastest roms are the ones with the best ram management and the most free ram. Hence, froyo 2.2.1 roms were less laggy than gingerbread roms.
However, now that we have bigmem kernels, gingerbread roms can become relatively free of microlags.
Hence, I would recommend the Gaming rom as it was made to minimise backgroud ram consumption.
the best rom is darky for sure..
especialy the 10.2 version. just rocks
or criskelo v62 awsome!
Jetpack Mod
I have tried most roms, F1 innovation, Darkys, SURFACE, etc. Jetpack mod is by far the most stable and fast rom I have ever used, the battery life is incredible too. I would recomend the JW1 version, as I dont like JVU very much
I've been using an Israeli ROM called PilotX 4.2 (2.2.1).
Yesterday I've installed F1 inovation.
With semaphore 2.4.0 and it's pretty AWESOME.
Sent from my SGS... Me LIKE it.
jetpack 8.2 jw1 f1 innovation are on the top now?

[Q] original or modified rom????

is better froyo 2.2 rom original or modified ROM is here?.
encuenta having all respects.
battery life.
performance with installed applications.
not crash all the time
and recommendations of the best rom for my Samsung T595 vibrant.
Hello there. if you have a vibrant it is a t959. I dont use froyo anymore since we have very good choices on gingerbread ann ICS. Iam on Skankwich CM9 Kang...very nice. You can find good choices if you search. Im my opinion a custom rom is better. You need to find out by yourself wich one you like and works better according to your needs. How? ...flashing!!
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda premium
I wouldn't run ICS if you don't feel like tinkering with your ROM. The GPS is inconsistent, and there will be little bugs every now and again as the developers continue to refine the base builds that will require you to keep an eye on the ROM you flashed for updates.
None of the bugs I found in ICS are real show stoppers depending on what you expect out of your phone (besides that encryption unsuccessful problem which is a big issue), but there were enough that I only flash ICS every month or so just to see how things are. I always come back to Froyo just for the sake of everything working.
Moped Ryder's EZ_Ryder/Slim_Ryder are good Froyo builds, but I, personally, always fall back to either Bionix-V 1.3.1 or Fishman's Bionix-V Mod with the DragonModz or Overstock kernel. That combo with the Holo launcher fits my needs just right.
Hey, if you're going for stability, battery life, speed, and performance...then a custom rom from the development is certainly better than stock froyo in my opinion. And..luckily enough, we have some great developers in the froyo department at the moment. I've tried a lot of Fish's builds and they are all awesome...but I had some of the best battery life and such on his updated Deranged rom
I was getting like 2 days worth of life while I was on that, and it was buttery smooth lol
But really, anything by Fish or Moped is definitely worth looking into my friend.
ToledoG28 said:
Hello there. if you have a vibrant it is a t959. I dont use froyo anymore since we have very good choices on gingerbread ann ICS. Iam on Skankwich CM9 Kang...very nice. You can find good choices if you search. Im my opinion a custom rom is better. You need to find out by yourself wich one you like and works better according to your needs. How? ...flashing!!
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda premium
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Froyo / GB is all I use for now. Dont forget the issues that come along with ICS and CM7 / 9.
1. A lot don't have working 911 (e911?) or inconsistant 911 with each build.
2. ICS from my knowledge still has the Encryption Unsuccessful bug.
3. For me at least gps works best on Froyo.
4. Possible mute/unmute bug (rare)
Those two are the deal breakers for me. Im a father of 3 so I have to have a working phone with 911 at all times.
btw - thanks for good word guys
If you find any old Froyo / GB rom and would like me (or Fishman) to update it to current status just ask.
If you want to try out Stock Froyo Id suggest the KB5 stock ROM I posted:
Its stock with lockscreens and a power menu added.
