Too many stickies - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

Wow, what happened to the NAND forum? There is far too many unnecessary sticky topics, or is it just me?

TheATHEiST said:
Wow, what happened to the NAND forum? There is far too many unnecessary sticky topics, or is it just me?
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Yepp...was asking myself the same thing.

For me it's right as now!
"unnecessary sticky topics"
unnecessary O.O?..LOL

12/18 months ago when the winmo rom dev section dropped all stickies but one, the cry was ' oh woe, where are all the stickies! how will we ever live without the stickies"

I think this thread should be stickied.

legolas93 said:
For me it's right as now!
"unnecessary sticky topics"
unnecessary O.O?..LOL
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What on earth are you talking about, dude lay of the crack.
samsamuel said:
12/18 months ago when the winmo rom dev section dropped all stickies but one, the cry was ' oh woe, where are all the stickies! how will we ever live without the stickies"
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When did I say absolutely anything about dropping all stickies but one?
Im referring to the fact that there now seems to be topics that seem to be unnecessarily stickied.
Why do we need 5 kernels to be stickied? We could have a single sticky with links to important kernels in there. There just isn't any need for all these on same page.

TheATHEiST said:
When did I say absolutely anything about dropping all stickies but one?
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Lol, I wasn't suggesting just 1, or implying that's what you meant. I simply added a worthless post to a pointless thread.
No matter what you sticky and what you don't, there will be people saying it should be otherwise.
As with most things in life, It is what it is, live with it, or if it matters so much (and your angry response suggests it annoys you quite a bit) then work at becoming an admin and then you can decide what should and shouldn't be stickied, just like this forums mod and the winmo dev section mod decided on the current sticky list.
Unnecessarily stickied
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Just cos you don't have a use for a sticky doesn't mean someone else doesn't either.
maybe this forums mod is playing with kernels and wanted them all handy? His / her prerogative to sticky them if (s)he wants.

I agree, too many stickies. When using a browser I have to scroll half way down the screen before I can actually see new and active topics. It's not so bad on tapatalk.
One sticky with a link to the various kernels would suffice, right now it just looks messy imho.

Lets not end up with a fight again, at the end, someone will get banned..
I agree, way to many stickies....

I agree that there are too many stickies.
The NAND forum is pretty old now, and there's a wealth of information kinda scattered about.
It does seem that it's time for some housekeeping, it would be nice to have the most frequently needed info re-organized into a few sticky threads that have links to their related resources.
One of the big reasons we have so many 'Please help me I'm a noob' threads is because new members are overwhelmed by the tons of info that is there to help them, but so hard to navigate that they give in and ask for help.
(I know they should use the search function, you know it, but they're panicking because their phone is bricked and they can't think of the correct keyword for the life of them.)
It doesn't seem so disorganized to the experienced members because we've been here forever and are just used to it.
You go into a hoarder's house and ask where the toilet paper is, and they tell you 'Duh it's in the foyer where it's always been'.
If it is ultimately decided that any of the HD2's fora need to be re-organized, I don't mind with helping out.

At least the xda app separates the stickies on to a separate tab. I've been using it more and more now

Made a compilation thread
check my sign
hope you like it

I am constantly lurking kernel and fix development threads on that subform and I ended up searching on about 4 to 5 pages to find all of the threads I follow.
Having important dev topics stickied is greatly important to the ongoing development of android on the hd2.
Are you still certain those stickies are useless?

nemuro said:
I am constantly lurking kernel and fix development threads on that subform and I ended up searching on about 4 to 5 pages to find all of the threads I follow.
Having important dev topics stickied is greatly important to the ongoing development of android on the hd2.
Are you still certain those stickies are useless?
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No one said they were useless, just clutter. Anyway yz.hd has done a good clean up job. Also are you aware you can subscribe to threads? That would save you searching for threads you follow ...
Sent from my HTC HD2

Dizzle said:
No one said they were useless, just clutter.
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Not how I would translate the word "unnecessary" that was used by the OP.
Dizzle said:
Also are you aware you can subscribe to threads? That would save you searching for threads you follow ...
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Yes, Yes I am aware of that, thank you.
However, receiving mail notifications for "omg, Y ma g-sensor not work" in a [DEV] thread discussing a camera fix, is not what I want to subscribe to.

nemuro said:
Not how I would translate the word "unnecessary" that was used by the OP.
Yes, Yes I am aware of that, thank you.
However, receiving mail notifications for "omg, Y ma g-sensor not work" in a [DEV] thread discussing a camera fix, is not what I want to subscribe to.
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Well 'useless' and 'unnecessary ' are two completely different words but this isn't an English lesson
I don't have any notifications turned on so don't have that problem.
Sent from my HTC HD2



We've got a lot of new users appear on here lately, it looks like in search of updated roms for the x1.
A) reading
B) reading some more
C) reading even more!
All the roms should come through the SE Update Service, please use that as it is a simpler method and if something goes wrong, then you can go to SE to complain..
Please use the search if you have a problem, if you don't find what you want the first time, then search again, maybe try searching around the subject.
There's a very very good chance that the question has already been answered several times!
If you can't find the answer then flick through the older pages on the thread, if it's something to do with the operation of the X1 then there's a good chance it's in the oldest pages of the forum.
Experienced members get upset by people starting new threads with the same moans or questions because it really clogs up the great search system with all manner of wasted threads. If there's an existing thread than use that please! If the questions already been asked don't ask it again!
This forum is not a SE support forum, no-one (that will admit to it anyway) is from SE so if you have issues with them why not raise it with them?
If you want to know how you X1 does various stuff try one of the operators online guides.
If you flash a custom rom or another rom obtained from here, despite being warned not too. DO NOT go running off to MS or SE complaining that it's all gone wrong, they
A) won't likely listen
B)won't like us very much
You should keep this on the very first ROMS subforum page fards
I know It's already written everywhere... old problem... but many people falls in parachute here, landing directly inside the ROMs post from external links. XDA DEVS is da bomb
And no newbies seem to read anything but exclusively what they are looking for
gtrab said:
And no newbies seem to read anything but exclusively what they are looking for
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Hmmm...a rather sweeping generalisation methinks...
I'm a noob here, I'll admit that. However, I'm a board Admin elsewhere in cyberspace so I know exactly where you're coming from. I've done my time reading, understanding, occasionally asking relevant questions in the relevant places, and trying to help out where I might have some answers.
Your advice is spot on, and anyone who is inexperienced should tread slowly and carefully. There is all the time in the world to learn how to get it right, but it takes very little time to totally stuff things up.
"Use the search, Luke"
Instead of telling new guys to read, you could've put the same effort into and making a nice thread for them instead.
Maybe a list on where to start reading and so on!
This thread has no meaning whatsoever. New guys will probably just read first lines skip it and ask a question.
And remember we have all been there, not knowing how to flash etc.
Also searching can be a very time consuming thing to do, and asking and getting an answer is often way faster.
this thread doesnt make sense without any links to where to read...
This forum is where you read. it is a development forum, not a help forum!
you read the first thread that the moderators try to get EVERY NEW USER to read, this was a gentle reminder to get people to do just that.
People are not here to act as customer service for people who are too lazy to use the search facility on this site.
try that and the one below for starters.
tarnaman said:
this thread doesnt make sense without any links to where to read...
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A perfect example of not reading. The purpose of this thread is not to reference, it's to inform.
FrezoreR said:
Instead of telling new guys to read, you could've put the same effort into and making a nice thread for them instead.
Maybe a list on where to start reading and so on!
This thread has no meaning whatsoever. New guys will probably just read first lines skip it and ask a question.
And remember we have all been there, not knowing how to flash etc.
Also searching can be a very time consuming thing to do, and asking and getting an answer is often way faster.
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Searching is quite time consuming but you have no idea what kind of information is in this treasure chest. U accidentally stumble on to some great stuff.
Bxsteez said:
Searching is quite time consuming but you have no idea what kind of information is in this treasure chest. U accidentally stumble on to some great stuff.
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and unfortunately it gets harder the more threads we get asking exactly the same thing over and over again.. ;P
Yea that is true. I was searching PIE6 and i ran across about 13-14 threads of the same question. i was on like page 3 or 4 of the search before i got the right hit.
maybe should be registered as a none development and referance site? lol
Bxsteez said:
Yea that is true. I was searching PIE6 and i ran across about 13-14 threads of the same question. i was on like page 3 or 4 of the search before i got the right hit.
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which reminds me the pie8 files that sun_dream posted in his BA 6.5 thread work, when copied over on itjes 6.5 (it's still pie6 core I think. but a bit snappier).
How about a period of not being able to post when registering ?, a day or three would give new members with their questions a little time to cool down and search/read for the answers which will usually be found here somewhere.
Just an idea.
loggy said:
How about a period of not being able to post when registering ?, a day or three would give new members with their questions a little time to cool down and search/read for the answers which will usually be found here somewhere.
Just an idea.
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I actually think that's not a bad idea, was just suggesting it to a couple of other members. Only drawback I think is that it couldn't be restricted to one sub forum such as the x1 from my experiences with vbulletin..
So it would restrict some of the truly amazing first posts that have come from some of the great genii?? on this site..
Alternatively we could have another Sub-forum, in the X1, with for newbies to ask the same questions of each other (like a creche) and anyone found straying outside of that forum until they've learnt to search and read would get electrocuted.. or something..
you mean, something like asking a question about an advanced feature, if you have it right then you're allowed to the real forums?
Well to be honest, the only thing a noob should read are the stickies. I learned to flash, edit, modify, type, behave, proof read, error correction, ask nicely, say please thank you cookie i love you, by reading those stickies.
Actually I think it's a good idea to have a sub-forum for the newbies, and then bomb them with the 'READ THE F-WORD STICKIES OR DIE' *going too far here...
Search ?? No thanks
FrezoreR said:
Instead of telling new guys to read, you could've put the same effort into and making a nice thread for them instead.
Maybe a list on where to start reading and so on!
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I LOVE this one.
Seems like he hasn't even seen the ROM-DEV subforum front page with all those sticky posts full of DIY tutorials, clear explanations, links, "how to"s... never mind...
FrezoreR said:
Also searching can be a very time consuming thing to do, and asking and getting an answer is often way faster.
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Maybe he's right: xda-devs should delete the "search" box and google is a freaking waste of time
And yes: I received two or three "search and read!!" replies to my very first posts too... Human nature...
gtrab said:
I LOVE this one.
Seems like he hasn't even seen the ROM-DEV subforum front page with all those sticky posts full of DIY tutorials, clear explanations, links, "how to"s... never mind...
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Well sure the sticky post are great, but this post could be done more helpful instead of saying something that is already stated all over the forum
Maybe he's right: xda-devs should delete the "search" box and google is a freaking waste of time
And yes: I received two or three "search and read!!" replies to my very first posts too... Human nature...
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But to search efficient you have to know what to search for, the keywords are important in a search engine. And when you're a newbie those terms might not be known to you. Or you might not understand a lot of them.
And beeing sarcastic about my comment is not helping anyone that is just pure immature.
fards said:
would get electrocuted.. or something..
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Haha. Make sure everyone has an 'xda' branded keyboard with strategically placed electrodes on it..
Ok ok, I guess that would be a bit overboard!
FrezoreR said:
Well sure the sticky post are great, but this post could be done more helpful instead of saying something that is already stated all over the forum
But to search efficient you have to know what to search for, the keywords are important in a search engine. And when you're a newbie those terms might not be known to you. Or you might not understand a lot of them.
And beeing sarcastic about my comment is not helping anyone that is just pure immature.
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Lets face it. Most people that come here with questions like "how can I flash my ROM?" just didn't bother to look. And trust me, there's plenty.
The bothersome thing is not that people ask questions, that's normal in a developer environment. What does bother me, and most - if not all - others is that they ask questions they can answer themselves by putting just a wee bit of time into it. Instead, they had rather have other people spend time doing everything for them. I can see where this attitude comes from - it's easier, but you get my point.
FrezoreR said:
Well sure the sticky post are great, but this post could be done more helpful instead of saying something that is already stated all over the forum
But to search efficient you have to know what to search for, the keywords are important in a search engine. And when you're a newbie those terms might not be known to you. Or you might not understand a lot of them.
And beeing sarcastic about my comment is not helping anyone that is just pure immature.
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If people manage to use a search engine to find this site then they can manage to use a search engine to find the answers to their questions.
Not knowing or being too lazy to be independent enough to search is the real immaturity.

Clean up useless posts

I love this forum and am on here every day. However, I find it hard to wake up in the morning and read through several pages of when is the update coming or flashing now etc.etc.etc.
I am not sure if a moderator has the abilityor not but, to me, It seems that all the useless posts should be cleaned up and removed from [DEV] threads. That way all the pertinant information reguarding the thread can be found in just a few pages instead of tons. Thus eliminating most of the how do you root, how do you flash, how do you, (well i think you get the picture).
Anywho,Just my humble opinion.
If I was a mod I would clean all the Dev threads but well I am just a poster
haha you gotta be kidding me to clean up this thread would be to much hassle...would be easier just to bomb this whole sub forum and just start new
even to clean just the dev threads that are most important are filled with so much useless posts it would take a lot of work for a mod to clean up
Not Necessarily.
Not sure how vBulletin works, but I know when I used to mod on PHPbb/Punbb forums, moderators had the option to do batch deletes on posts.
don't make useless posts about useless posts...
Maybe there should be a Android Dev forum for the cdma hero like the gsm hero have.
Someone had suggested in the darchstar rom thread that dev threads should have a rule that no one can post unless they have at least 200 posts under their belt. (or something like that)
I'm not sure if the forum has those kind of options, but that would cut down on some of the silliness that is asked on the threads by noobs. (usually because they didn't even take the time to read through all the posts and see that the same question had been asked, and answered, 10 other times)
I would sure like to see it. Even though I'm not close to 200 posts yet
realmrealm said:
Someone had suggested in the darchstar rom thread that dev threads should have a rule that no one can post unless they have at least 200 posts under their belt. (or something like that)
I'm not sure if the forum has those kind of options, but that would cut down on some of the silliness that is asked on the threads by noobs. (usually because they didn't even take the time to read through all the posts and see that the same question had been asked, and answered, 10 other times)
I would sure like to see it. Even though I'm not close to 200 posts yet
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That is a terrible idea. Post count is not an indicator of experience.
akijikan said:
That is a terrible idea. Post count is not an indicator of experience.
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and you are posting here too? JESUS CHRIST man!
johnsongrantr said:
and you are posting here too? JESUS CHRIST man!
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stfu, that thread was started to invite him to share with the people at large.
akijikan said:
stfu, that thread was started to invite him to share with the people at large.
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look at the G*D D*MN title of this topic!!! INVITE HIM WITH A PM NOT A NEW THREAD!!!
johnsongrantr said:
look at the G*D D*MN title of this topic!!! INVITE HIM WITH A PM NOT A NEW THREAD!!!
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No. I will post a question to him if I please. It's not hurting anyone else and its not "useless" as you implied with your reference to the title of this thread. His response could be of use to other people.
even though i know people will jump on my back for this I agree...some people on thius forum provide valuable help and services and then some people just think they are getting paid by xda to police forums....they act like they have stock in xda and have a say....although they may find some topics useless..some dont waste your time by acting like your gods gift to xda cause it legitimetly does no one any good
f*uck... i don't even care anymore... post a topic about eating a cheeseburger for all i care
johnsongrantr said:
f*uck... i don't even care anymore... post a topic about eating a cheeseburger for all i care
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lets not do that people.

2.2 on Vibrant?

i have a captivate running froyo, but is there a leaked froyo out for the vibrant or no?
if I was a mod I'd lock this thread
I'll one up you, I would ban him
You can get froyo in the vibrant thro a custom rom.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I want to know why many peeps here hate about question on froyo for vibrant?
SiL3nTKiLL said:
ok my bad guys, i did research on it afterwords and it seems there isnt a full froyo out..Mod edit: language removed from quote
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This is why people rage about this...There are 20 gazillion 2.2 threads...and one search button. Search always loses
All the roms available for the phone are on the first two pages of the development side. Not like people are hiding **** keeping full 2.2 roms to themselves, that's why these threads are stupid.
Lol at researching afterwards haha.
SiL3nTKiLL said:
i have a captivate running froyo, but is there a leaked froyo out for the vibrant or no?
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No 2.2 for the vibrant yet... No eta either. Just be patient, we will get it eventually.
In the mean time you should try one of the two froyo roms that are in the forum.
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looks like 2.2 for vibrant may come shortly though. we'll see.
SiL3nTKiLL said:
man people are so uptight on this forum now, back in the day it was never like this...oh well, i guess when ur a 12yr old hiding behind a monitor, u can be the biggest e-thug u want to be out there :/
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No its just the fact that no one these days can figure out how to use the "Search" function & there are all of these useless threads that pop up. (Hint: This thread)
uwradu said:
... mind numbing rudeness of people ... Nothing sours the moment more quickly than scanning a thread for nuggets of hidden info while constantly tripping over tripe ...
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+1 Agree, This community has become a little bitter - Why ???
People are bitter and frustrated because every day dozens of people are posting new threads about topics that have been answers, already have dozens of threads about the same topic, the answers are in the sticky, or just general whining. I personally have never seen a forum where so many people create new threads about the same exact thing numerous times a day.
The fact that a huge percentage of threads that are questions could be answered by using the search function is also a source of frustration. All of this crowds up the forum making it harder to find people with new issues, actually finding GOOD information (how many times do we need to hear that a TMO rep said something was coming in a week? really), and trying to find legitimate news.
If people on here would display even the most basic forum etiquette, it would be much, much better for everyone.
KerryG said:
If people on here would display even the most basic forum etiquette, it would be much, much better for everyone.
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This ^^^^^^
KerryG said:
The fact that a huge percentage of threads that are questions could be answered by using the search function is also a source of frustration.
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I do wish there was a little more active moderation in this forum. As for the OP's suggestion that people calm down, spending any time in this forum ~1 day before the JI6 update dropped would have seen no less than 2 Froyo threads in the front page, and there have been by last count 7 within the last month.
If people on here would display even the most basic forum etiquette, it would be much, much better for everyone.
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This won't happen until they invent the "physical beatdown over IP" protocol. The Internet is what is it because being polite isn't required to escape physical confrontation unscathed. It's easy to be willfully ignorant and to shrug off attempts to be educated, and it's just as easy to browbeat people who flippantly ignore general etiquette. Copernicus would be rolling over in his grave to know that everyone on the Internet thinks the universe revolves around them.
I like how people who just registered an account last month and have a few posts under their belt feel like they can bash anyone who posts here, regardless of the topic.
If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all. If you see a thread with a title that you find offensive why do you then go into that thread and proceed to post in it. Seems to me your point would be better served by ignoring the thread rather than spam bumping it with useless information and insults.
Zylograth said:
I like how people who just registered an account last month and have a few posts under their belt feel like they can bash anyone who posts here, regardless of the topic.
If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all. If you see a thread with a title that you find offensive why do you then go into that thread and proceed to post in it. Seems to me your point would be better served by ignoring the thread rather than spam bumping it with useless information and insults.
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because trolling is easier on internet. And I have only seem one modertor working in this forum (he was doing a great job at it), but he isn't around all the time, and for some reason moderate refuse to delete threads that are redundant such as all the 2.2 date predication threads.
PaiPiePia said:
because trolling is easier on internet. And I have only seem one modertor working in this forum (he was doing a great job at it), but he isn't around all the time, and for some reason moderate refuse to delete threads that are redundant such as all the 2.2 date predication threads.
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so rather than ignore the thread and let it fall off the front page you would rather spam insults and useless information?
PaiPiePia said:
because trolling is easier on internet. And I have only seem one modertor working in this forum (he was doing a great job at it), but he isn't around all the time, and for some reason moderate refuse to delete threads that are redundant such as all the 2.2 date predication threads.
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Well folks, another has appeared. I've done a clean-up here, and fired off infractions to those flaming and cursing. This will not be tolerated, and trolling will be dealt with seriously.
This thread won't be opening due to the sheer number of similar threads already in existence.

Development stickies

Hello! Recently, as many of us have noticed, the moderator of the Vibrant forums here on XDA has decided to consolidate all of the sticky threads in to a single thread. I, and several other members of XDA, have some major concerns with this including:
Former stickies are mixed in with development threads
Stickies are more difficult to find
Stickies receive less attention, and therefore there is less incentive to update them
Since having easy to access information reduces the number of off-topic and question posts over in development I put forth a suggestion to our moderator, that the users of XDA decide if the stickies are returned or an alternative solution is devised! If there is a majority in favor of changing the presence of the stickies mmelo has stated that he will abide by the will of the users.
If anyone has any alternative solutions besides the ones I have posted in the poll please come forward with them!
Being someone who has two of these stickies, the ones geared for those who need the most help... And the amount of time I spent... And for all those who post questions in them that I answer...
I'm a little offended and upset. I mean first there were stickies that had absolutely no business being stickied and now lumping them all together (now I have no clue if someone posts a question).. Whatever, I've taken a break from it for a few days and it's been nice. Perhaps this is my sign to just quit trying to help so much.
Perhaps we just need a new bibrant moderator too though.
Edit: I guess my suggestion is:
How it was before (before meaning not including threads that should not be stickies)
a new mod, someone who has a pulse on the vibrant and speaks English (isn't that a guideline for being a mod)... I mean absolutely no disrespect, just being honest.
My suggestion was to remove threads like the Nero fixes and stuff and the Samsung numbers.
Not your threads but I guess he didn't exactly understand,but this being a mobile website and all the stickies were filling up most of the screen.
There's plenty positives about this and negatives, but the statement its harder to find is BS.
U guys tell newbies to search anyways and searching will only lead to the same thread.
Find a post where I said search, AND didn't provide an answer.
It is harder. If someone posts a question, I have no clue now unless my thread happens to be on page 1.
The only positive I see is that you don't have to scroll down as much...
You know if you guys don't like what he is doing to the vibrant forum you can always go above him and let the administrators know.
A mod is just an employee and they aren't perfect, some even abuse their powers at times.
Ultimately if the forum members aren't happy then let the people above the mods know.
I personally think there were too many stickies to begin with, but sticking them all in one, including the bible and noob guide was a bad idea. Just my opinion that is all.
As someone who searched first and asked later. I miss the previous setup.
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I liked it the way it was tbh. Was very helpful to have all the info in one area, now i have to search for everything than bookmark it.
ZachLL88 said:
I liked it the way it was tbh. Was very helpful to have all the info in one area, now i have to search for everything than bookmark it.
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Search for everything? You guys are over exaggerating it.
Its all in 1 sticky.
At the TOP of the page.
S15,you want to answer questions on it thread? Bookmark your thread and check it once in a while. Your not going to get 500 questions at a time and lose answering questions.
s15274n said:
Being someone who has two of these stickies, the ones geared for those who need the most help... And the amount of time I spent... And for all those who post questions in them that I answer...
I'm a little offended and upset. I mean first there were stickies that had absolutely no business being stickied and now lumping them all together (now I have no clue if someone posts a question).. Whatever, I've taken a break from it for a few days and it's been nice. Perhaps this is my sign to just quit trying to help so much.
Perhaps we just need a new bibrant moderator too though.
Edit: I guess my suggestion is:
How it was before (before meaning not including threads that should not be stickies)
a new mod, someone who has a pulse on the vibrant and speaks English (isn't that a guideline for being a mod)... I mean absolutely no disrespect, just being honest.
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s15 did put a lot of work into his thread. I tried searching for something and IT IS harder to get an answer. I say we put it how it was. Especially for the new people here.
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HG! said:
s15 did put a lot of work into his thread. I tried searching for something and IT IS harder to get an answer. I say we put it how it was. Especially for the new people here.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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Why are you saying search???
Its the first thing up there. WHY ARE YOU SEARCHING?
clicking 1thing to get info on 5 other threads isn't that hard.

new to android world , want to root :)

ok im new to all this android thing so bare with me
my first android phone is the SGS2 its stock 2.3.5 unlocked and i want it rooted i readed and watched videos about how to do it and i think im rdy to do it i just need help with the kernel files so i dont make a mistake by chosing the wrong ones
can some put plz the rooted kernel and the original kernel so i can remove the triangle after
preferable as atachmed both ones ty
here about phone pic
have a read of this
Darkside Agent said:
have a read of this
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im lucky you incrased your post count by 1 more usless post
if you dont want to help then dont post ffs
CF-Root, KI8 kernel, KI8 stock kernel.
Shomi87 said:
im lucky you incrased your post count by 1 more usless post
if you dont want to help then dont post ffs
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Lol, like post counts matter
If you don't want to educate yourself first and read up, then...
You know the rest
oinkylicious said:
CF-Root, KI8 kernel, KI8 stock kernel.
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tnx for help and not acting like an wiseazz like the other dude
But honestly, Darkside had a point but maybe not presented in the best way. I guess some people are tired of answering the same questions when there are clear posts/threads about it that are also easy to find.
I'm a beginner as well but I tend to look for a solution myself rather than asking. But we are all different I guess.
Such is society. The world is full of people who would prefer to have information hand fed to them. No wonder many people cannot infer from information.
Bergaliden said:
But honestly, Darkside had a point but maybe not presented in the best way. I guess some people are tired of answering the same questions when there are clear posts/threads about it that are also easy to find.
I'm a beginner as well but I tend to look for a solution myself rather than asking. But we are all different I guess.
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Your post explains EXACTLY where im coming from, thank you.
And the part about searching yourself is music to my ears.
yes, maybe i went about it the wrong way, i will admit that...BUT:
I know this isnt my forum, i have no say in anything on here at all...but its depressing having to read the same thing over and over and over - and all these threads do is push the good informative threads off the first couple of pages and makes it very hard to garner good honest information posted by people making a genuine effort to improve things for our phone.
Check the Q&A & General section, count how many ICS threads there are already...all talking about the same thing. Its like all of a sudden theres an influx of new members (probably young guys/girls) who are in a competition to feel part of something, and satisfy this need by posting threads on massive forums like this one without using the search function...that function is there for a reason, its mentioned in the rules and its just common sense to check if what you are about to post is already available...isnt it?
Maybe im completely wrong, maybe im looking at it the wrong way, but i now struggle to find anything of value on this forum because im wading through...well, you get my point....
/end rant
Shomi87 said:
tnx for help and not acting like an wiseazz like the other dude
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lol...feel superior now?
Darkside Agent said:
Your post explains EXACTLY where im coming from, thank you.
And the part about searching yourself is music to my ears.
yes, maybe i went about it the wrong way, i will admit that...BUT:
I know this isnt my forum, i have no say in anything on here at all...but its depressing having to read the same thing over and over and over - and all these threads do is push the good informative threads off the first couple of pages and makes it very hard to garner good honest information posted by people making a genuine effort to improve things for our phone.
Check the Q&A & General section, count how many ICS threads there are already...all talking about the same thing. Its like all of a sudden theres an influx of new members (probably young guys/girls) who are in a competition to feel part of something, and satisfy this need by posting threads on massive forums like this one without using the search function...that function is there for a reason, its mentioned in the rules and its just common sense to check if what you are about to post is already available...isnt it?
Maybe im completely wrong, maybe im looking at it the wrong way, but i now struggle to find anything of value on this forum because im wading through...well, you get my point....
/end rant
lol...feel superior now?
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I am not that clever, but I do know that Search & Read are the most valuable things to use this site. And if I am able to do it, then most can do as well.
I can understand if the Rooting and Flashing of ROMs was explained in a very technical way, but the posters have taken time to do step-by-step instructions. Okay sometimes for noobies it can still be confusing. I guarantee that if they read through that thread then they will have found someone already who asked that question for clarification (which will have been answered).
I am indebted to some very clever folk have developed programs or modified ROMs so that we can root and flash. And also to those who took the time to make the guides for us.
I only wish I knew how to go about learning about developing - it does seem to be a very steep learning curve.
Darkside Agent said:
Your post explains EXACTLY where im coming from, thank you.
And the part about searching yourself is music to my ears.
yes, maybe i went about it the wrong way, i will admit that...BUT:
I know this isnt my forum, i have no say in anything on here at all...but its depressing having to read the same thing over and over and over - and all these threads do is push the good informative threads off the first couple of pages and makes it very hard to garner good honest information posted by people making a genuine effort to improve things for our phone.
Check the Q&A & General section, count how many ICS threads there are already...all talking about the same thing. Its like all of a sudden theres an influx of new members (probably young guys/girls) who are in a competition to feel part of something, and satisfy this need by posting threads on massive forums like this one without using the search function...that function is there for a reason, its mentioned in the rules and its just common sense to check if what you are about to post is already available...isnt it?
Maybe im completely wrong, maybe im looking at it the wrong way, but i now struggle to find anything of value on this forum because im wading through...well, you get my point....
/end rant
lol...feel superior now?
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if its depresing for you to read it why you read it then and why post ?
just skip the thread then
and yes i feel ty
Shomi87 said:
if its depresing for you to read it why you read it then and why post ?
just skip the thread then
and yes i feel ty
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How is he supposed to know what you have posted without reading it. You may have tried searching & reading but there was a problem with actually doing the rooting.
There are a lot of folks on here that English is not their first language, so may need help with following the instructions.
If you have learned to use the best thing on this site - the Search - then his reply was worth it.
Shomi87 said:
im lucky you incrased your post count by 1 more usless post
if you dont want to help then dont post ffs
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No you're the useless one who can't read. It's in the bloody stickies FFS.
Sent from my HTC Desire S using xda premium
olyloh6696 said:
No you're the useless one who can't read. It's in the bloody stickies FFS.
Sent from my HTC Desire S using xda premium
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what ever i asked about the files to be sure i didnt ask for whole root procedure now gtfo
Shomi87 said:
what ever i asked about the files to be sure i didnt ask for whole root procedure now gtfo
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Oooh. You got me there.
If you can't find the kernel in the development section you obviously must be too thick. USE THE SEATCH BUTTON.
Er, no I won't 'gtfo'
You get out with your pointless posts.
And with your attitude, no one is going to help you out.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using xda premium
saying to some1 use the search button is not helping
you think idk to use the search buton ? i used it i found the files i just wanted to be sure if those r the right ones
now srsly stop posting **** i dont need your "use search button" replays
Shomi87 said:
saying to some1 use the search button is not helping
you think idk to use the search buton ? i used it i found the files i just wanted to be sure if those r the right ones
now srsly stop posting **** i dont need your "use search button" replays
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Clearly you didn't use the search button, or you'd have found the answer quickly. Or if you bothered to check the stickies for the kernels, or read through the thread.
If the files have already been posted by the developer and confirmed working, why are you asking people if its 'safe'?
And yes, asking people to use the search button is useful, if you even bothered to read the XDA rules.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using xda premium
blow me ?
10characters dooh
Shomi87 said:
saying to some1 use the search button is not helping
you think idk to use the search buton ? i used it i found the files i just wanted to be sure if those r the right ones
now srsly stop posting **** i dont need your "use search button" replays
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I have to agree with Olyloh6696 on this one. The advice given was quite acceptable. Everyday new threads are started for no reason when the info is already available. Some people just want to be spoon fed simple information. Maybe they are in a rush to solve their problem and decide why spend hours looking when I can just start a new thread and ask. Only problem is; hours of other peoples time is waisted looking at threads like this one.
Shomi87 said:
blow me ?
10characters dooh
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You have a very cocky attitude. No one will want to help you in the future.
'Blow me' possibly the worst insult I have ever heard.
And you've used it twice before you edited your other post.
Sent from my HTC Desire S using xda premium

