[WIP]Google+ Messenger PC(Google+ Messenger on PC)[Need help!] - Android Software Development

Google+ Messenger PC
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What is this?
How many of you use Google+ on Android? If so do you use Google Huddle(Now Messenger)? Have you asked if the huddle could be a webpage or program on a computer instead of just mobile devices? Well I have decided to code a Client that will allow you to use Google Huddle on a PC.
Google Huddle uses Google Talk which is based on a Jabber/XMPP service. If I'm able to use the same method as a regular Google Talk Group Chat Session or even a Google+ Hangout then it's possible. Once I have what I need, I can code an application first then even better a web app for portability.
What help do you need?
I have been researching and I need the address of the Huddle group chat. PM me for more details.
If you want to help then PM me. I do need help so I can continue my project. Hopefully I can have someone help me with the little things I need, this project will be big!

I am more than willing to help you! Get with me on MSN and we can work out details.

iZ3RO said:
I am more than willing to help you! Get with me on MSN and we can work out details.
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Thanks for the help. Especially for working on the theme.

Any progress on this? I've been trying to reverse engineer their protocol without too much luck. I've figured out that it's (not surprisingly) all based on XMPP but they're doing something someone odd with the actual data. Here's an example client > server communication...
<message xmlns="jabber:client" type="headline" from="[email protected]/clientid" to="[email protected]"><push xmlns="google:push" channel="realtime-chat"><recipient to="[email protected]" data="" /><data>ChESDGM6NTU3ZGM5NjU6MJIBABIWQW5kcm9pZCBidWlsZCAxMzM5IGQ6MA==</data></push></message>
The data is Base64 encoded but there's something strange going on. When decoded, there's lots of unprintable characters and it doesn't seem to make any sense. Any ideas? I'm trying to write my own app for Windows Phone but can't make any progress til I get their protocol figured out.


[APP] Myphone Microsoft Online Backup 200mb

The service is available today.
Basically it consists of a password-protected web site and an on-device application, which together will help you back-up, restore, and manage your mobile phone data. If you’ve ever wanted to save your text messages, hated re-entering all your contact information when you bought a new phone, or wished you could easily archive some of your pictures, then I think you’re about to be happy. From the main site, getting started is as simple as entering your Windows Live ID. After you’re signed in to the web site, you’ll need to download the application to your Windows Mobile phone. You can either navigate to an installation link using your phone’s browser or you can have a link text messaged to your phone.
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Once the application is installed on your phone, setting things up is pretty easy.
You’ll need to enter your Windows Live ID and select your synchronization method, but after that the application does pretty much everything for you.
By default, My Phone synchronizes contacts, calendar appointments, tasks, photos, videos, text messages, music, and documents that are stored on the device.
If you want to synchronize items from a storage card you’ll need to change your My Phone settings, but it is possible. For more specifics on what can and can not be synchronized, see the My Phone information page.
thanks for the info... i was waiting around for the mesh
*weep* you need a promo-code, well well, added to waitlist ^^
br3nt said:
thanks for the info... i was waiting around for the mesh
*weep* you need a promo-code, well well, added to waitlist ^^
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if you look at the my phone twitter account, they post promo codes. Otherwise you'll have to wait. Luckily for me, I got into it because I signed up before MWC Bacelona.
Here is the twitter page
auto-refresh every 15 mins hehe
I just love it!
but, the display of agenda on web has problems with repeating appointments.....
so far it synced up fine, downloaded from microsoft itself and didnt ask for any promo code

DroidBook V1.6.1 Android Social Network {December 3}

Mobile Site
URL: m.androidftw.com
Okay so now the desktop site is up and ready my goal to build a mobile site got the best of me so with a plugin and some error editing we now have it so on any mobile device mostly android XP point you browsers to:
Automatic Redirect Set Up
Here some screenies
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"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
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"lightbox_share": "Share",
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"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
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Errors when you load this page there will be errors at the top becuse this is fresh just got it working at 6.10 eastern time.
Please ignore the errors for now i am currently trying to fix them thanks
Desktop Site
URL: www.androidftw.com/droidbook
Change Log
Fixed Mobile site now error free.
New Graffics
DroidBook Logo - done
New Background - not done
New Navigation - Almost Done
-Added Mobile
Lots of features
Live Location Maps
Live Chat
Photo Albums
Status Updates
New Profile Fields
Got it working and other starting issues
DroidBook ir currently looking or people that can help with "themeing" we have diffrent offers of pay so please contact me by pm or email [email protected]
You spelt it wrong on the image too haha
for this thread you can edit your title by clicking edit, then go advanced.
I like the idea. any sample pages of what you would put in there?
You spelt it wrong on the image too haha
for this thread you can edit your title by clicking edit, then go advanced.
I like the idea. any sample pages of what you would put in there?
I wanted it to be DroidBook but for all android users think i should change it and go to http://androidftw.com/droidbook and register its 100% functional
androidftw said:
I wanted it to be DroidBook but for all android users think i should change it and go to http://androidftw.com/droidbook and register its 100% functional
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no i meant you mispelled droid. it says driod
ill check it out once im on my comp
Oh did i actuly do that i cant believe that slipped by me lol ill fix it ina sec
do like perhaps make an app so we could log in via our phone.
And its actually and mabey? in the poll
Yea ill look into it im using social engine i know i can make a mobile site the app ill work on though
All New {Bump}
Great idea!
I'm signed up
New Features {BUMP} Thanks
Added Mobile Info {Bump}
Site looks good!
Went to the site (desktop) and it looks great! Heard about it from Meltus on twitter!
Glad the words getting around hope it gets big now i just need a devolper to help me with the android app

Any developers need a designer?

Since many Android apps lack any visual awesomeness, I am willing to help most developers create themes or concept designs of their apps in Photoshop.
Some of my work.
Please PM me or post here!
Here is a mock up I made for a supposed Twitter application:
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
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"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Can you draw sprites for games?
Well, I am not actually good at character design, I meant like UI/GUI designs for twitter, social, messaging, home replacements and that kind of applications
*Edit - although I may be able to, I have a Wacom tablet for a reason... lol. I just haven't tried yet.
Do you charge? if so how much?
Depends on how much work you need done. And it might be free if theres only a little bit of work and I get the app free. Sounds fair enough?
If you have any questions, discuss pricing, amount of work, deadline with me on my IM...
AIM - [email protected]
MSN - [email protected]
Yahoo - [email protected] (email here too)
If you need estimates tell me how much work.
*Not really in it for the money I will earn, but for the development of Android itself.*
Basic estimates:
*Couple of pieces of GUI for the app* -Free, but I want the Application free.
*Whole concept, design, and creation of the entire interface* - $25-45 based on complexity
*Icon(s)* - Free for basic icon, but want App. Many icons, around $10-50 based on amount and complexity
*Concepts* - $15-25
*Everything GUI (Icons, themes, styles, interface)* - $60-100
Will you do it for iPhone apps too?
dr1337 said:
Will you do it for iPhone apps too?
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Sure. I have a spare 3G laying around... why not? I hope you mean iPhone app "GUI" not coding them as i have no idea how to code at all.
Lets talk about it if you are interested.

[$$$] Android Development Job

I have a friend that's starting up a gym/health club to the likes of Lifetime Fitness, but a tad smaller in scale. He's looking for a MASTER Android programmer to help him develop (paid of course) a proprietary Android build or app for strict clientele management. The build/program must:
Be a proprietary product (in other words, no android marketplace/app brain postings)
Send/Retrieve Client info via WiFi or Tethering
Catalog customized client workout profiles
Catalog hundreds of exercises with visualization animations
Catalog various customized diet and supplement programs
Send a workout log to clients via email after every session (for Record Purposes)
Must front-end to a customized windows data managing program
Database must be easily editable on a PC.
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
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If anyone is interested and willing to take on such a huge challenge, PM me and we'll go about setting up a meeting (Face to Face or Netchat) with the guy.
Hopefully someone here can help him out.
IMO i dont think youre looking for an android develroper . You're kinda looking for a person that can set up a windows exchange server . My dad does this kinda stuff . but hes not an android developer.
he knows how to setup a server for a business like this i thinkk
JimmyKimChi said:
IMO i dont think youre looking for an android develroper . You're kinda looking for a person that can set up a windows exchange server . My dad does this kinda stuff . but hes not an android developer.
he knows how to setup a server for a business like this i thinkk
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Hmm.. think your right, Unless the [OP] already has a working server otherwise an android dev
I'm sure he doesn't give a care what it is that someone is called or what job title someone needs to be called. He just needs it done. So if anyone can do this, let me know and we'll get things rolling.
Figured I'd hit the XDA forums first seeing has how you guys can do just about anything. He's giving it one more week, and then opening the job up to a firm. If you want the cash, respond.
How much cash are we talking
Anderdroid said:
How much cash are we talking
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Well, the title has 3 dollar signs, so I assume the pay would be pretty good

Another proof: Apple is spying on you!

Ok, this ain't really a developpement post [sorry for that!] but I'm sure that, like for me, it will makes you real glad to be an Android user.
I kindly invite your to read this thread:
it is in french, but if you like to call yourself a dev, then I'm sure you know how to use a webpage translator .
In short: iphones and ipad are kepping unsecured data of all your geo-localisation on your phone and any computer that you synch to.
Isn't this hughe and nice of them !!??
So attention all of you cockold of this world, Apple with all it's kindness is making your life easier to confirm your status.
Big writeup today on Tech Republic as well. If iOS was open source they could rip it out like when Sprint CIQ was ripped out of the Epc 4G. Thanks K0nane!
Sent from Bonsai 7.0.3
You gon be disappointed:
Is that true? Does anyone know where is that database stored in Android?
And even if this data is being recorded, wouldn't it be possible to fix it as Android is open source?
Its stored on google's servers and yes you can turn this off on the android so none of the applications can track you! Killing your gps/3g/and data means they cant track you there are even anti gps apps that will tell them your in some other country. So just because some apps can doesnt mean they always do like on iOs. Its all about what apps you have installed really and what they're doing the easiest way to see this is with adb....adb logcat command while your phone is plugged in usb. Youll see google services running calling on your gps location and data collection you can see the code its plain as day!
Heres an old ss i had of what it looks like!↓↓↓
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What the guy said below me is not true but hey whatever you want to believe... They store your data because its worth money plain and simple...
Its worth money to marketing and analytical firms! Google knows more about you than YOU do!
They know your darkest secrets whatever you typed into google they know...
They've even developed software to collect and categorize all of it... So saying that Google is the devil LoL
Odissey said:
You gon be disappointed:
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they ask you if you wan't to send the information (unlike Apple) and they are using it to update your Latitude profile only
