[Q] Help with epic issues - Epic 4G General

okay i been having issues with my epic
1. over heating when back to stock and still getting same problem
i mean i don't even use the phone an nothing
2. some parts of my screen are dead no response i have to tap a few times to get to work.
3. calling i cant hear people and people cant hear 6-10 calls are like that.
4. keys are skiping and or dont respond at times.
5. i get roaming warnings when im in a full coverage area.
well i call sprint they send me to a repair center, the first time they did a hard reset and blah blah long story short work for 2 days booomb happens all over again. then again send me to a new repair center they say were going to replace screen blah blah again long story short, again same issues this time roam is getting out of hand.
now question is how can i get sprint to switch my phone for a new one? im tired of wasting my time going here and there for a fix that doesnt fix anything. last rep told go back an let them know what its going on with the phone an they will fix it. what can i do ? what can i say to have them understand
that its not getting my problem fix.
ps im sorry if this has been ask or answered. and my grammar it sucks i know.

I thought they had a policy if you return it for the same problem 4 times they will replace it. Go back to the store and ask for a supervisor.

either get a supervisor involved, or find the customer retention line and give em a call. just gotta complain to the right people to get a replacement..

My wife has been having similar problems with her Epic. First, it would delay connecting on outgoing calls for 30 seconds or so. She got a replacement phone from the local Sprint repair center. The replacement eventually had the same issue. I rooted it, installed a new ROM, and for a while it seemed OK. Then, it stopped allowing her to answer incoming calls. Tried a new ROM. Same problems after a day or two. At some point, she started having issues with SMS, also (replies to texts she received wouldn't be delivered - she had to start fresh by composing a new text instead of replying, and even then, I think some would randomly just not go through). Eventually, the phone would refuse to wake after the screen went to sleep without a battery pull. So, I ODIN'ed back to stock, and took it to the Sprint store. I described the issue in detail. They played around with it for a while, and eventually told me it was working. I told again them that the problem never manifested unless it had been "asleep" for 5-10 minutes, and asked if they'd let it sit that long. The answer was no, so we let it sit for a few minutes, go to sleep, and then tried waking it up. Didn't work. So, they took it into the back again and replaced the screen.
That replacement eventually had screen troubles, where the screen would freeze and get all distorted with multicolored lines running through it whenever the keyboard was opened. So, they replaced the screen. The replacement screen has issues with the front "menu" capacitive button, and takes a lot of tapping/sliding/long-pressing to bring up the menu.
Now, she's getting the incoming call problems as well, and it's on a completely stock, unrooted. I think they may finally be about ready to give her a new model, but from what the guy at the store told her, it sounds like they'll only give her a new phone at upgrade pricing, not just swap it out. Hopefully, they'll at least let her get the new-ish Epic Touch, and the bugs are gone. I might try to steer her into something HTC instead, as I've had an EVO 4G for about a year and a half, and I still love it, except if they make her extend her contract, I don't want her stuck with a single-core phone for that long.
I/we are at the point where the phone is more trouble than it's worth, and while the staff at the local Sprint repair center are very pleasant, and seem to actually care about what they're doing, it seems like they just keep giving her the same phone back with a few parts swapped, or they really just don't know how to recreate the issues we describe to them, and thus can't diagnose the problems & fix them.


possible new tmobile factory ROM?

well while fixing some other issues i had with my plan. i desided to have them transfer me to the tech dept to complain about my phone.
i asked about a possible new rom out to help with the searching issue i have had with my phone since i bought it. (good signal out side. walk into a parking garage. loss all signal. walk back out onto the middle of the road where it wa sgood before. and will search for 30 mins to get a signal.) had record of this since the 2nd day i owned it with them.
i asked about a rom. since another tech told me about it when i first called several months ago. i asked and asked. never got an answer. they said there going to send me a new phone! they said it was normal before. i asked how is it different? cause i have lots of programs on it. and i would rather not have to redo my whole phone again. unless its different in some way. they side steped every attempt to get info out of them.
im thinking they will send my a new phone with a different rom but do not want to admit it. so every doesnt call them hahaha
i geuss we will see when the new phone arrives in the mail.
I called tmobile today about a an issue I was having. Also, I asked several times about "push email" and actually had a tech that was willing to talk. I was told that by September, AKU2 will be released to Tmobile USA customers.
So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed....

HD2 Vodafone Customers beware!!

Ok, so the vibrate feature no longer works on my device. Whether it be the vibrate profile (phone stays silent but no vibrate), Haptic feedback is no longer working in keyboard and neither is the haptic feedback in HTC Sense and inc bootup.
I sent detailed info on my fault, phone was sent last friday. Vodafone sent me a txt saying they had received my device on Monday morning and then sent me another txt at 19:50 saying that the device is on it's way back to me fixed and would be with me tomorrow by Royal Mail and make sure someone would be in.
I then took the day off unpaid and the device never arrived until this morning. I was so excited to get it back but already annoyed due to losing pay yesterday. Opened box and there was my baby. I popped in my battery and no vibrate during boot?? No haptic feedback in keyboard (checked settings)??? Then tried vibrate profile and rang my phone, surprise "No Worky" phone silent and no vibrate. ??? Checked accompanying documents. One is a check list from engineer. As Follows:
"Reported fault Resolved Tick (No it's not)
Data Content Cleared Tick
Latest Version Software Same as sent
Established Live Call Tick
Incoming Audio (speaker) Test Tick
Display Test Tick
Keypad Test Tick
Imei: *********************
Date Test Completed 25/01/10"
Then letter says:
"hank you for sending your phone to us for repair, we are pleased to say that the fault has been fixed.
What we've done
One of our engineers has throughly tested your phone. The fault on your device has been corrected by upgrading the software to the latest manufacturer approved version. If you mentioned any other faults when you booked the repair, these will have also been fixed.
As part of the repair process, we have given your phone a full internal service including upgrading the software inside the phone, as this is how many faults are fixed. The software is responsible for many aspects of how the phone actually works and though you may not expect it, upgrading the software can increase battery life and memory capacity, and provide you with a more up to date phone.
If you need us again
You can pop into the shop or call customer services, blah blah blah."
Well what BULL. The software is the same as previous (before sending) Phone has not been fixed. I lost a days pays (although my choice I surpose for doing as they asked) And I'm now worse off.
I popped into vodafone store and they said they could do nothing as they dont sell that phone instore and were not even aware of the model. See said call 191 from phone. And all they would do is send it off again. I'm reluctant to do this as I'd be without a phone for further number of days. working virtually non-stop over next couple of weeks so being in to recieve the phone may be a prob. I just feel like taking they phone and both signed documents to a solicitor.. They clearly state it's been repaired but it's not. Exactly the same as was sent. Well as soon as contract is up with vodafone I'm going back with O2. First time with Vodafone and also my last!!
Sorry for the rant. Any Idea's? What would you do? Should I send it off for repair again or demand a replacement or just shut up and take it like a *****???? Thanks for listening... Anyone a Solicitor?? lol
Just for reference, the shops, the internet shop, and the phone shop are 3 different branches of the same company. They do not share deals, devices, staff, or even knowledge. This is quite common, and normal for most (if not all) of the major providers.
Anyway, I'd ring back and just explain to them what you've explained to us. Try and stay calm with them but be very persistent. Don't end the call till they've acknowledged what the fault is by telling you what they've recorded on your notes, and they've agreed to once again collect the phone.
If you do need a phone while it's away (do you? You already received text messages from them last time it was away), they may be able to arrange one of the shops to do you a loaner for a while, but it will be a piece of crap that will make you blush when you have to pull it out in public.
My best advice would be to not get angry on the phone with them. It's done, and the person at the other end of the phone isn't responsible for the problem. Too many people start these conversations aggresively, and that won't get you any further. If I was CS staff and someone rang up and started ranting at me immediately, I'd be disinclined to be as helpful as I could.
I know it's crap, but it is what it is, and the phone simply needs fixing or replacing.
Good luck, and let us know how you get on.
Thanks for your quick reply. The only reason I popped in store was because the letter said I could and I was going into town anyway so took my chance. I was very pleasant on the phone (couldn't have been anything else as I have a really sore throat and a blocked nose, lol) In fact i'd say that the Welsh guy from customer services is about the only thing Vodafone currently have going for them. He was great and very polite. Just waiting on his supervisor calling me for a chat but said it could take up to 48hrs.
Will keep you informed, Just cant believe they say that the problem is fixed. Well gonna keep smiling and looks like i'll have to use my mates pink flip up phone again for a while. uughhh, I'm not gonna hear the end of that I can tell you.

Call Answer not showing up

I have a problem with my X2 that was really minor for a while but recently has gotten extremely bad.
There are times when I get a call and my phone goes off but I never get the screen prompt to answer the call. I can't figure out how to get to the call either from button presses or menu selection.
Any way to fix this? I'm about ready to break my phone over this single issue. Today I missed a really important call twice because of it.
**** HELL!!
I reinstalled the firmware on my phone a few days ago and this problem popped up again. This is really pissing me off.
I'm probably never ever going to buy another SE phone ever again because of this crap (and I loved my P900 to death).

DVP crapped today with worst experience with Dell...........

Well today my DVP decided to crap on me today. Phone started acting weird for some reason. While I turned the screen on to check for some things for trip im taking this weekend I noticed some of the icons not refreshing and usually when this happened it took a couple seconds for them to refresh. The Tiles would be blank or have stars for the image in the app list. After noticing they never refresed I decided to power cycle the device. Once I did that The phone did not leave from the Dell logo start up screen. I then attempted to do a battery pull, first one sine the update. Pulled the battery and the same result came about. The phone would not start up it just sat at the Dell logo screen. Left it there for about 5 minutes same result.
So I call Dell to be a refurbished replacement as they usually do. I was hung up on three times before successfully getting a CSA that knew what they were doing and finally did some homework on my account. A problem stemmed from when I got my second replacement device. I guess the service tag on my second device was never turned over into my name and it still was in the name of the original owner.
The service over at Dell is absolutely sub par. It literally pissed me off that nobody could help me enough to look deep into my files to get me a replacement device. I had to curse out the last lady in order to get a device literally. Then didnt want to transfer me to management or anything. The CSA's absolutely suck over there and Dells needs to do something about that. They all sound Indian not that I have anything against them but its hard understanding sometimes and most of them seem to never know anything.
This experience has really lead me to really think twice about keeping this refurb they are about to send me. Its bad enough I have to go without a phone for about 2 days and I wont have a phone for my trip when I leave Friday. I asked the lady to overnight the phone and she stated she couldnt do that. After I explained to her my cell phone is my house and cell phone they still didnt care. I paid full price for this device and this is how I get treted. Dell you really dropped the ball on this one and this will be the last experience I will have with your company ever.
next time, try this: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2530409#method2

Phone froze and now will not turn on?

When it rains it pours. In a previous thread I explained how my phone would not boot up. I ended up successfully doing a firmware upgrade through kies which erased everything and brought me back to kit kat.
I was downloading all my apps again in the play store when the phone froze. After waiting a few minutes I did a battery pull. The phone will not turn back on now. My battery was at 80% when it froze. I tried plugging it in and no lights come on. I have held the power button for over a minute and nothing. I tried holding power, home and volume up and nothing. I tried plugging it in the cpu and nothing. I have also left it alone to maybe cool down for a while and nothing.
I'm having a bad phone day and hope someone can help. Thanks.
I think your phone maybe faulty you should take it back to the retailer for a replacement if possible.
The same thing has happened to me as well, but this isn't the first issue that I've had with this phone nor is this the first phone that i have had issues with. I truly think there is a much bigger problem then we are aware of and it has nothing to do with the phone owners. I think there is something wrong with the phone itself; now what that is i don't know. But what i do know is that there are thousands of people who are all dealing with one issue or another. Many of those people are just like myself who pay good money for their phones and expect to the quality and service that their money should buy. But it doesn't and in the end it we are the one's who are ultimately paying the price. And i mean that literally.
Something needs to be done about this. I think its time that we the people start to use are voices and speak up. There are issues at hand and at the very least they need to be addressed and fixed. Furthermore it's time that some of the blame is taken off our shoulders and placed on those who are responsible. My email is: [email protected] If you would like to see something be done about this, please email me. I could use your support. Thank you.
P.T. Kenny
bring it back to samsung service center and tell them what happened

