Market Problem - I am desperate! - Acer Iconia A500

Ok for almost a week now I have been unable to download anything from the Market. The downloads start and nothing every happens, they never download. Everything else on my tablet works fine. I have tried everything:
1. Flashed multiple roms, even rooted stock rom, cleared formatted everything, same problem.
2. Flashed multiple kernals including stock
3. Cleared market and download caches
4. Tried replacing with different market versions.
5. Deleted all files on internal sd
Nothing. I am going crazy. Could there be a file on my internal SD that maintains it self after a reflash (doesnt get formatted?). Anyways I am desperate and need any advice you can give me.

You probably already did this but on the off chance. In CWM clear cache and then goto advanced and clear Delvic cache.

yes I have done all of that.

i have the same problem, the way I fix it is to go out of the market, then start it up again, and try to download it again. This sometimes takes 3 or 4 tries. I try it on both the native market app as the website. No id why it happens, I am running 3.2 stock rooted.

Go to the android market on your computer.
Find the app you want.
You put in your google account info and it will ask which device you want to install it on.
Click Iconia A500 and in a few minutes it will download to that device.
I had one that would not download and did it that way.

Did you try this by any chance?
Remove your google account and re-sync it

Try going to....
Settings, accounts & sync, click your gmail account, then on the top right of your screen it says "remove account", click that.
Go to the market, resign in with your gmail and password.
Worked for me... hope it works for you.
My wife hates XDA


Market issue : "no item can be found"

Hi guys,
seems like I cannot dowload any more app from the market.
Everytime I select one I get a pop-up sayng "not found - no item can be found"
Also all my paid app have gone and on "my downloads" I got nothing listed!
I'm running qtek 1.8 on a magic 32B, but it seems like this is not depending from roms...
Look here :
And here, on the "flash this hero" dream thread : (page 65 and 67 so far...)
What do you think the problem is depending from?
Have no clue...
Seems like no wiping or formatting sd card is doing...
Don't do any wipe when finish flashing roms.
That's not the case, no wipe after installing
Hey guys,an update: I switched back to an old cyanogen backup and now I got back the abilty to browse the market,buy or download app....but "my downloads" still remains void and it's no more taking track of downloaded or neither new bought app (had a try with a cheap one).
Luckily all my paied app are still recognized as "bought"...
I just wonder what could have happened...
I saw a lot of people having the same problem, would really like to have their feedback too..
double post, sorry
I was previously on the latest Cyanogen ROM with updated Donut style Market before I flashed this Herver 1.1r2. I wonder if it has anything to do with downgrading to the old style market(Cupcake or before)?
I gave up on the hero builds since both Herver and King's build gave me this market error. I flashed to Cyanogen's latest 4.2.1 and the market is working perfectly now.
Edit: Oh forgot to mention that my downloads list shows the apps that I've downloaded previously.
LOL...I did the same thing, however 4.2.2 came out tonight. Flashed it and running way faster than the fastest hero rom. Market works perfect and all downloads show even though they are not even installed yet. Perfect.....thanks Cyanogen......Heros UI is cool as hell, but not quite there yet.
ahill005 said:
LOL...I did the same thing, however 4.2.2 came out tonight. Flashed it and running way faster than the fastest hero rom. Market works perfect and all downloads show even though they are not even installed yet. Perfect.....thanks Cyanogen......Heros UI is cool as hell, but not quite there yet.
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So you confirm that "my downloads" is getting back to work?
I just got back to a backup...maybe I have to try a fresh new install and see what happens...
Did you manage to make my downloads working just through a backup or you did a brand new install?
I'm pretty sure its to do with many of the hero roms don't have the new market place application.
Ok, gave a try installing cyanogen with a fresh install (repartitioning and wiping) and market got back to its normal status.. with "my downloads" fully working again...
I just wonder what could be the problem with these new hero roms...
On google support forum I've seen people having the same issue even with the official taiwan update... so strange...
moskuito said:
So you confirm that "my downloads" is getting back to work?
I just got back to a backup...maybe I have to try a fresh new install and see what happens...
Did you manage to make my downloads working just through a backup or you did a brand new install?
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I started from scratch to get this to work, but did not try to even go the backup route as I felt it would be wasted time.
I formatted SD card and repartitioned with 128MB swap(which i not used in this ROM), a 512MB ext2 and the rest FAT32. By the way this is on a 2GB stock SD card.
After that I wiped the device and installed the ROM following the "install from scratch" methods, reflashing SPL and Radio, rebooting to recovery, then flashing the 4.2.2 ROM. Everything on my phone works like a champ. All apps show up and downloads appeared even when not installed yet.
I haven't updated my rom in weeks and weeks... 3 days ago i got this error and nothing is working. I'm not really wanting to change roms as i finally have my whole phone setup jussst like i want it. I'm on the my hero 1.1.8 i think. what the fups going on ? =(
I had the same issue too.
This is how I solved it:
1. Clean cache for Google Apps in Settings>Apps>Manage
2. Try to enter Market, it will ask you for a Google Account, create a new one.
3. Check that with the new account that apps are there again.
4. Clean Google Apps cache again.
5. Try to enter Market, when it asks for a Goggle Account enter your "usual" account.
6. Now Market should work fine.
zaidanark said:
I had the same issue too.
This is how I solved it:
1. Clean cache for Google Apps in Settings>Apps>Manage
2. Try to enter Market, it will ask you for a Google Account, create a new one.
3. Check that with the new account that apps are there again.
4. Clean Google Apps cache again.
5. Try to enter Market, when it asks for a Goggle Account enter your "usual" account.
6. Now Market should work fine.
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Thanks! I am able to install new apps again. "My downloads" is still empty though.
said it too's not working again =(
Ok, can try this too. Do a wipe and flash to another rom (normal cupcake or donut), go into Market and make sure everything is there (might take some time for it to sync). Do a wipe again and flash the Sense rom.
Once the phone boots up, DO NOT log into Google Account using wifi. Skip the initial intro part and go key in your APN settings. Then launch Market and sign into Google from there.
It worked for me and fingers crossed that it will go smoothly from here.
Hey guys, any news on this problem?
I didn't flash any other sense based rom since then... Do you know if newer roms solved the problem once and for all?

[Q] Any Vibrant Experts Around?

My Vibrant is having some serious issues. I've only found one other person that seems to have my issues and that thread went out of control so I'm starting another.
Within 5ish (if that) minutes of a factory reset, the market will get stuck on Starting Download... for any application. Nothing fixes it. I can download 10ish applications but that's all.
Attempted Fixes:
Factory Reset
Various ROMs via Odin
Flash JFD ROM with "repartition" option selected, then flash another ROM over that without repartition
Factory Reset and different Gmail account to set up the phone
"Easy Fixes" like logging in to GTalk, resetting Market cache, switching networks and over to wifi in any combination and every other suggestion that doesn't work.
Everything was working fine until that OTA update came in and I opted to install it without checking online to see if there were any issues. Of course, the update froze halfway through and I used Odin to install JI6, then all these issues started.
This is my first phone and it used to work perfectly well in any number of locations around where I live. Now it doesn't work anywhere.
I periodically get spammed with a lot of application downloads that I didn't initiate and they all turn up unsuccessful (since the problems started).
I tried using the Appbrain quick web installer feature which may or may not have caused the problem.
I am currently using Bionix 1.8 with VOODOO.
My wife's phone has the same set up and works. I tried her Gmail account on mine after a factory reset and I had the same issues.
Any suggestions?
When you flashed JI6 did you use the pit file?
are you restoring any backups after you flash?
I posted this in another thread. Someone did this with success and it worked for me too. The key thing "AND Uninstall updated"
I have managed to sort this now - here's what I did:
Go into settings - applications - manage applications- scroll down to market & long touch to open. Clear cache AND Uninstall updated. It will ask for confirmation and then uninstall. I then went back to market and Bluetooth file transfer downloaded and installed with no probs. Hope this helps anyone else with same problem.
m509272 said:
I posted this in another thread. Someone did this with success and it worked for me too. The key thing "AND Uninstall updated"
I have managed to sort this now - here's what I did:
Go into settings - applications - manage applications- scroll down to market & long touch to open. Clear cache AND Uninstall updated. It will ask for confirmation and then uninstall. I then went back to market and Bluetooth file transfer downloaded and installed with no probs. Hope this helps anyone else with same problem.
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Also have you ran a "Fix permissions" from RomManager? It seems to help with a lot of these strange errors ....
Sorry for not responding... work is keeping me busy.
Anyway, when I go Manage Applications, select Filter~>All and go down to Market there is nothing to do with Uninstall. I tried long clicking and that did nothing. When I click on Market, the only buttons are Clear Cache, Clear Defaults, and Force Stop. Am I missing something?
To answer other questions, both the JI6 and JFD .tar files I used (found on xda) came with their own .pit files and I did use the respective .pit files when flashing. After the flash, all I do is install Appbrain and start loading my applications again (no other restoration methods). I've run fix_permissions and that didn't help when I ran it though I've only done it once or twice in the whole process.
Note - I have Market 1714.
Cleared the download manager cache?
+1 on Fix Permissions in ROM Manager. This has fixed many market issues.
The TMo Android customer service folk had me try clearing the Download Manager's cache (and I tried again just for laughs) with no results. Tried fix permissions again with no luck. My replacement (refurbished? from TMo) should show up today.
Got the new phone (with JI6 on it and the new market that keeps applications up-to-date), flashed Bionix Fusion 1.1 and things look to be working pretty well. My signal is noticeably better than it was before (it used to be good then got worse for some reason so I guess it's back to what it used to be).
I paid $10 for 7-10 business day shipping or something like that but I got a text about it shipping on the 25th and it got here today (after being back-ordered) so I'm relatively satisfied. Sure would like to know what's wrong with the other phone and how to fix it if need be in the future but I'll just avoid accepting any OTA updates in the future.

[Q] can't setup google account

So for the past few months I've been messing with different roms and accidentally setup one of my roms with a different email and bought the app chandroid. When I reverted to the main Rom I use chandroid wanted me to update so I tried but since I bought it under a different account it wanted me to buy it again. I found that the new market let's you switch between emails so I installed it but was unable to download or update any app.
This is where all the trouble started. I went to Google for answers and someone suggested clearing the data in the market. After doing this market would just say an error has occurred and shuts down. I then tried a factory reset. When I go to setup the account it says can't establish a reliable data connection. I understand this is a known problem but its different from my problem because even factory reset won't fix it. I've tried the YouTube method as well to no avail. One of my roms didn't come with the YouTube app and when I tried downloading it it said I already had it but it was no where to be found under app management.
The only luck I have had is with the muiu Rom. I was able to setup the account but that Rom looks too much like the iPhone and I prefer cyanogen 7 mod. I have factory reset, wiped cache, reinstalled rom. The only way market works is when I reinstall backed up roms.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
So basically you have a problem with the market app? or your google account?
because if you have paid fopr an app on a different email account, you can just save the apk and reinstall it.
isinisterx said:
So basically you have a problem with the market app? or your google account?
because if you have paid fopr an app on a different email account, you can just save the apk and reinstall it.
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It was installed. The problem is that it uses Google to authenticate the app and I can't setup my Google account so it can't authenticate. When I factory reset I get the message can't establish data connection. My internet works perfectly fine. Right now I just want a clean install of cyan 7 with the new market. I installed gapps as well and still same problem.
I really don't care about the app anymore since I installed 4chon. I just want my market to work again.
Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? I've tried everything possible as far as I know.
Okay so I figured it out. What I had to do was unroot my phone. Just download the online and put it on the root of your sdcard. Go into clockworkmod by powering the phone off and then holding the down vol. and pwr button at the same time untill the hboot screen shows up. It will automatically detect it and just say yes when it asks you to install it. When it's finished you have to either delete the file or rename it otherwise everytime you reboot the phone it will reinstall it. That's not a very good fix but as I am the only person I know of who has had this problem I do not see a better fix anytime soon.

Official Marketplace Myapps isn't showing anything.

I'm not sure how it happened, but the official Google marketplace just doesn't work anymore.
On Bell Atrix, 2.3.6, Stock.
The Marketplace loads up fine, by when I go into my apps it just doesn't list anything. Not my installed apps, not my purchases, nothing. I can download apps just fine, but nothing then gets linked to my apps.
I have tried my account on 2 other devices(galaxy nexus and asus transformer), and it works fine. I have also tried someone else's account on my phone and that works.
I have tried a factory reset, and it the marketplace v2.3.6 works for the first login. But after it just gives the following error.
"A server error has occurred. retry, or cancel and return to the previous screen"
Retry just loops the error, with no success, and cancel just returns me to the marketplace's main page
After the marketplace updates, when I go to my apps I just get a generic white page w/my google account and 2 buttons to go to either the game or apps section.
This site lists the exact same issue I'm having. No fixes though =/
Try erasing market's cache, or using a different market version.
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
I have the same issue. Nothing worked for me soo far... The only think you can do is to install cm7, cm9 or miui. It works on these roms just fine.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
install neutrino rom
JaronBang said:
Try erasing market's cache, or using a different market version.
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Did all that, even did a few factory resets.
Foka002 said:
I have the same issue. Nothing worked for me soo far... The only think you can do is to install cm7, cm9 or miui. It works on these roms just fine.
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I was hoping to avoid that. Blasphemy, I know, but I like being on stock.
Have you tried returning to stock, and seeing if it works?
Cryingmoose said:
Did all that, even did a few factory resets.
I was hoping to avoid that. Blasphemy, I know, but I like being on stock.
Have you tried returning to stock, and seeing if it works?
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Yeah went back to stoc using sbf and that did not work. My 1st though was that titanium backup messed up my links or something then I saw that other people has the same problem... Wierd
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
I emailed Android Market Support on friday when it started. They emailed back asking for more information pretty quickly.
However, I haven't heard anything, since responding to the initial email.
Try submitting a request. It might not account to anything, but it may make them realize others are having the issue also
Try erasing market cache and then deleting /data/data/ with some file manager. After rebooting market should work properly(but you may need instal something or restore links using TiBu) at least for while
EDIT: I have this error from ca. 1,5-2 months, reported it and google did exactly nothing about this issue
Ok, this has worked for me so far. My fingers are crossed that it'll be a permanent fix.
1) Go to Market Tools -> Market Doctor and Unlink all User & System apps.
2) Reboot device.
3) Open any Root Explorer or Browser and locate and delete the file "market_assets.db" in "/data/data/".
4) Reboot device.
5) Go to TB Pro and to Market Tools -> Market Doctor -> User Apps and link all the User Apps that you installed on your device from the Android Market. Make sure that no System App is linked.
6) Reboot device.
7) Install a free app
Looks like that was only a temp fix, because the issue came right back this morning....

[HELP] i think i've encountered a new bug.

hello, i have a new problem found few days ago and been trying to fix it but to no avail.
here is how it started.
i tried to install an app called fsecure vpn network from google play. then the phone when into a bootloop. then i did a clean wipe (reset, wipe cache and dalvik from recovery) but somehow my files were not gone. that is some kinda miracle i have no idea how it happened.
since then my phone have issue whenever i installed mihome:
-. google play services, trebuchet, package installer, and some other has stopped.
-. cannot open apps list in settings when mihome is present. the settings just stopped and crashed.
-. if i try to open the mihome, the phone goes reboot.
-. even uninstalling mihome from application list is not working, the package installer stopped. have to uninstall from google play.
-. i tried to make a bluetooth printer app, but when i put the app-debug.apk into my phone. file manager would crash whenever it tried to read the file. even by just scrolling down. example: file manager work fine if the file is not copied inside (meaning we can scroll around and not crash). but once the file is copied in then the file manager will work if we dont scroll down to find the file, but when we scrolled down to find the file then the app crash.
things i've tried:
-. clean wipe then reflashing rom and gapps.
-. manually update google play store, download google package installer and reinstall it.
-. tried to download google play services apk but was unable to install it.
-. tried the idea of clearing cache of google play service but still no luck (force stop was disabled anyway so i cant try that)
i have no idea how this all happen just because i tried to install that fsecure app. its not even fully installed yet. it was just starting to install after download then this hell happened.
im desperate for some help as i've tried for 3 days in fixing it but to no luck. any helps would be very appreciated.
thanks and regards,
yohhendry said:
hello, i have a new problem found few days ago and been trying to fix it but to no avail.
here is how it started.
i tried to install an app called fsecure vpn network from google play. then the phone when into a bootloop. then i did a clean wipe (reset, wipe cache and dalvik from recovery) but somehow my files were not gone. that is some kinda miracle i have no idea how it happened.
since then my phone have issue whenever i installed mihome:
-. google play services, trebuchet, package installer, and some other has stopped.
-. cannot open apps list in settings when mihome is present. the settings just stopped and crashed.
-. if i try to open the mihome, the phone goes reboot.
-. even uninstalling mihome from application list is not working, the package installer stopped. have to uninstall from google play.
-. i tried to make a bluetooth printer app, but when i put the app-debug.apk into my phone. file manager would crash whenever it tried to read the file. even by just scrolling down. example: file manager work fine if the file is not copied inside (meaning we can scroll around and not crash). but once the file is copied in then the file manager will work if we dont scroll down to find the file, but when we scrolled down to find the file then the app crash.
things i've tried:
-. clean wipe then reflashing rom and gapps.
-. manually update google play store, download google package installer and reinstall it.
-. tried to download google play services apk but was unable to install it.
-. tried the idea of clearing cache of google play service but still no luck (force stop was disabled anyway so i cant try that)
i have no idea how this all happen just because i tried to install that fsecure app. its not even fully installed yet. it was just starting to install after download then this hell happened.
im desperate for some help as i've tried for 3 days in fixing it but to no luck. any helps would be very appreciated.
thanks and regards,
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Did you try to reinstall Stock ROM ?
It happened to me that sometimes, apps or rom just run into a bug and maybe it corrupt the firmware but after a Stock ROM flash (via Odin) + custom recovery (via Odin) to wipe Cache + Data, everything was fix.
Hai, could u possible post me a tutorial on how to do those thing via odin? Coz i usually only do it via cwm. Thanks
yohhendry said:
Hai, could u possible post me a tutorial on how to do those thing via odin? Coz i usually only do it via cwm. Thanks
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Hey, maybe this one ?
yumi14 said:
Hey, maybe this one ?
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hello, im currently trying to download the stock rom however i couldnt seems to be able to find any working download link for indonesia version of firmware.
can i use other country firmware for flashing then later flash to RR back?
yohhendry said:
hello, im currently trying to download the stock rom however i couldnt seems to be able to find any working download link for indonesia version of firmware.
can i use other country firmware for flashing then later flash to RR back?
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Did you try to flash a recovery only ?
Maybe your firmware/system is not corrupted and then you could just reflash a clean rom ?
In Odin, Select AP and load your recovery.tar
I am having the very same issue. The difference is that it's happening with Spotify, Xposed and Relay for Reddit. So yeah it's been much worse for me. I will try to flash stock rom + reinstall another recovery and see if it fixes. By the way, I got a couple of questions:
1 - Does the country that I select when downloading the stock ROM matters?
2 - Which Recovery can you guys recommend? There's a bunch here but not sure if all them are worthy
Okay so I flashed an Indian stock ROM (I'm not indian nor live in the country), then I wiped all data, so I could boot. This is the default procedure to revert back to a Stock ROM.
After that, I noticed the Wifi wasn't working, probably due to the Stock rom I've downloaded. Anyway, I installed a custom Recovery (even an updated version of what I used before, then I reinstalled Ressurection Remix, and tried again.
....It didn't work. Relay for Reddit crashes everything, Spotify puts my phone into a bootloot. Same with Xposed. I have no idea what to do anymore. Someone, please help. I really can't afford to buy another phone right now and I really need those apps. Expecially Spotify.
Wagnelles said:
Okay so I flashed an Indian stock ROM (I'm not indian nor live in the country), then I wiped all data, so I could boot. This is the default procedure to revert back to a Stock ROM.
After that, I noticed the Wifi wasn't working, probably due to the Stock rom I've downloaded. Anyway, I installed a custom Recovery (even an updated version of what I used before, then I reinstalled Ressurection Remix, and tried again.
....It didn't work. Relay for Reddit crashes everything, Spotify puts my phone into a bootloot. Same with Xposed. I have no idea what to do anymore. Someone, please help. I really can't afford to buy another phone right now and I really need those apps. Expecially Spotify.
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Ok try to flash 4 files firmware repair but do it at your own risk.
you must know you how to do it with no mistake
Just do a search on Google about (4 file firmware repair for grand 2) the way is easy but have to do not a mistake.
Then good luck
mahmmoud1231 said:
Ok try to flash 4 files firmware repair but do it at your own risk.
you must know you how to do it with no mistake
Just do a search on Google about (4 file firmware repair for grand 2) the way is easy but have to do not a mistake.
Then good luck
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Okay, so I guess there won't be any need for that. I've redownloaded the stock ROM, but this time, I checked my phone Serial Number so I could download the right stock ROM for my phone. Now everything seems to be working again. Spotify and Relay installed without any issue. I will now try to reflash recovery and then another ROM and see if the problem persists.
For those who don't know how to check your Serial number, it's right above your android version, at the "About phone" section on Settings.
I still need advice on which Recovery I should use.
Anyway, thank you guys. I probably would't be able to solve this without your help.
UPDATE: I've installed TWRP, and also rooted the phone using it. Still on stock ROM. Everything seems to be still working without problems. I think I'll stick with it for now. Maybe later I'll try to lash a Custom ROM and see if it still works.
Wagnelles said:
Okay, so I guess there won't be any need for that. I've redownloaded the stock ROM, but this time, I checked my phone Serial Number so I could download the right stock ROM for my phone. Now everything seems to be working again. Spotify and Relay installed without any issue. I will now try to reflash recovery and then another ROM and see if the problem persists.
For those who don't know how to check your Serial number, it's right above your android version, at the "About phone" section on Settings.
I still need advice on which Recovery I should use.
Anyway, thank you guys. I probably would't be able to solve this without your help.
UPDATE: I've installed TWRP, and also rooted the phone using it. Still on stock ROM. Everything seems to be still working without problems. I think I'll stick with it for now. Maybe later I'll try to lash a Custom ROM and see if it still works.
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I'm glad you fixed you're problem. Sticking on Stock ROM is the best thing you can do if you need your phone as every functionnality is checked and working.
I personnaly use TWRP as recovery, its good you got usb, root and everything you need to backup/restore your phone + reset your phone.

