Selling phone, stock recovery help - myTouch 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I am currently using cm7...
I will be selling my phone on Craigslist and I'm looking for a totally stock ruu/ image.
Suggestions? The ones I seem to keep finding are tweaked or have some stock/bloat removed...
Can you help? Thanks gurus!!!

Post questions in the Q&A section.
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Sigh.....people just dont read the rules.
Sent from my Dell Streak 7 using xda premium

There is a Q&A section if you did not know. This is the development section so you need to post that question in the Q&A section.
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You might get help if you posted in the correct place
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surfnhawaii808 said:
I am currently using cm7...
I will be selling my phone on Craigslist and I'm looking for a totally stock ruu/ image.
Suggestions? The ones I seem to keep finding are tweaked or have some stock/bloat removed...
Can you help? Thanks gurus!!!
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2 or 3 pages down in development forum.
You also could have read the stickies and found this yourself.
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surfnhawaii808 said:
I am currently using cm7...
I will be selling my phone on Craigslist and I'm looking for a totally stock ruu/ image.
Suggestions? The ones I seem to keep finding are tweaked or have some stock/bloat removed...
Can you help? Thanks gurus!!!
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you are a senior member with 14 thanks and 190 posts. you should know by know that questions go to the Q&A section...

Thread has been moved to Q&A...


Cyanogenmod 7 help

Im lost how do I get the android market on Cyanogenmod 7 what do I need to do plz help.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
download and flash the gapps
Can u find the site that I can download them at plz and thnx
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233AK said:
Can u find the site that I can download them at plz and thnx
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
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cyanogen mods web site will have it or the thread where you found the ROM you are using as of currently.
Sent from my HTC Glacier
Ok im looking now
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Man I can't find it ahh
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233AK said:
Man I can't find it ahh
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When you look at the first post in the Nightlies thread or in the RC2 thread, you will see a link for the software pointing you to's forum, thusly:
In the first post in =that= thread you will find three links. 1) A link to the Team Douche mirrors to download CM7, 2) a link to download Gapps, 3) a link to Twitter to follow the committed patches as CM7 development continues.
Click on that second link. I hope this helps.
233AK said:
Im lost how do I get the android market on Cyanogenmod 7 what do I need to do plz help.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
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All the links are usually in the first post of the thread where you found the rom. To be perfectly honest you just need to slow down and read the first post COMPLETELY before flashing.
99% of these questions can be avoided by rereading the thread or by doing a simple search. Good luck.

[Q] Stock Rooted ROM (Post-OTA)

Has anyone been able to find the stock rooted post-OTA ROM for the myTouch 4G? I searched each thread and can't find it.
open1your1eyes0 said:
Has anyone been able to find the stock rooted post-OTA ROM for the myTouch 4G? I searched each thread and can't find it.
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Do a search for a thread posted by Football with in the title.
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open1your1eyes0 said:
Has anyone been able to find the stock rooted post-OTA ROM for the myTouch 4G? I searched each thread and can't find it.
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I have one pisted in the dev section, just view my posts and you will find it...
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Phateless said:
Do a search for a thread posted by Football with in the title.
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I found that but that one is not rooted from what I understand. It is the original ROM to revert to factory state. I basically need exactly that but a rooted and recovery flashable version.
irrelephant said:
I have one pisted in the dev section, just view my posts and you will find it...
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Maybe I'm looking for the wrong thing but I can't see it. Do you have link? Make it is as I stated above, rooted and post-OTA flashable ROM.
EDIT: I see some in the dev section but I need specifically as is, untouched, nothing removed or added, just rooted is the only change.
open1your1eyes0 said:
I found that but that one is not rooted from what I understand. It is the original ROM to revert to factory state. I basically need exactly that but a rooted and recovery flashable version.
Maybe I'm looking for the wrong thing but I can't see it. Do you have link? Make it is as I stated above, rooted and post-OTA flashable ROM.
EDIT: I see some in the dev section but I need specifically as is, untouched, nothing removed or added, just rooted is the only change.
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Use the first download or the second one... Only difference is bash script added
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irrelephant said:
Use the first download or the second one... Only difference is bash script added
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
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Wow I can't believe I missed that. I guess I must have seen the "debloated" in the title and skipped it in the search.
Much thanks.
open1your1eyes0 said:
Wow I can't believe I missed that. I guess I must have seen the "debloated" in the title and skipped it in the search.
Much thanks.
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No problem! Make sure to hit the thanks button if I helped ya
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App

Stock Rooted, Deodexed, Zip-aligned rom?

Title says it all.. I am looking for the stock rooted deodexed zipaligned rom for the NS4G... There was a thread for one but all the links are dead... Where can I find this? Thanks for any help!!
Swayyy said:
Title says it all.. I am looking for the stock rooted deodexed zipaligned rom for the NS4G... There was a thread for one but all the links are dead... Where can I find this? Thanks for any help!!
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Yea, that was my thread I believe. The server I had them on mysteriously lost all my files. I will ask someone to post the files. I know Pete has some posted but it was brought to my attention that he changed some things so they are not technically stock.
mikeyinid said:
Yea, that was my thread I believe. The server I had them on mysteriously lost all my files. I will ask someone to post the files. I know Pete has some posted but it was brought to my attention that he changed some things so they are not technically stock.
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im looking for a stock rooted rom no mods etc cant seem to find one or the link is down i rather have a stock rom with root whats ur suggestion
edit: for now im going to flash the system.img and root it
Swayyy said:
Title says it all.. I am looking for the stock rooted deodexed zipaligned rom for the NS4G... There was a thread for one but all the links are dead... Where can I find this? Thanks for any help!!
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Here you go, just what you're asking for
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reddv1 said:
Here you go, just what you're asking for
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That is the one to use for sure Love it!
Why is that thread only posted in the GSM section? You should split them, or copy and paste it in the 4G side too.
reddv1 said:
Here you go, just what you're asking for
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mikeyinid said:
Why is that thread only posted in the GSM section? You should split them, or copy and paste it in the 4G side too.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
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I've just been lazy, and I originally started that thread before xda split the Dev section.
I'll start a thread in the NS4G section soon.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
Cool. Thanks
reddv1 said:
I've just been lazy, and I originally started that thread before xda split the Dev section.
I'll start a thread in the NS4G section soon.
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I been asking no help

I have been asking for help and know one will help I tell them what's wrong but they don't real help me all I need is how to get temp root and downgrade I try every thing there is to try
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follow the wiki - it explains both how to downgrade and then how to root
I did that I have adb but it won't run look at my other post
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using xda premium
casper82384 said:
I did that I have adb but it won't run look at my other post
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using xda premium
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i suggest u follow read this sounds to me ur not using adb correctly
I realise you feel frustrated, but starting a new thread really isn't going to help, especially since several people have tried to help you already.
Sent from my Desire Z running CM7.
have you tried talking to the irc guys? they really help! #G2ROOT
A bit of teamviewer should help.
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Hd2 toolkit needed

Someone please provide a working link for Hd2 toolkit
Sent from my HTC HD2 using xda premium
Here is the actual thread, and if you read it you can find the link (hint: try this post), so please don't post unnecessary threads without reading. You could also have just asked the same question in the thread you created a short while ago.
Nigeldg said:
Here is the actual thread, and if you read it you can find the link (hint: try this post), so please don't post unnecessary threads without reading. You could also have just asked the same question in the thread you created a short while ago.
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The link in the thread ain't working
Sent from my HTC HD2 using xda premium
Anurag pandey said:
The link in the thread ain't working
Sent from my HTC HD2 using xda premium
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The one in the post? That appears to work.
Nigeldg said:
The one in the post? That appears to work.
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It doesn't work for me.anyways somebody uploaded to dropbox for me
Sent from my HTC HD2 using xda premium

