[Q] Anyone notice the Focus with Mango favoring 3G over WIFI? - Focus General

I have terrible 3G signal at home and my office. Since updating to the official ATT release of Mango (From the RTM release), I noticed that the phone will not use the WIFI at times until I turn off the data.
Anyone else notice this?

mine always uses wifi unless it's not connected to a wifi network.
wp7 does seem to shut off the wifi connection when its asleep though and then reconnects when you turn on the screen....

N!njaDuck said:
I have terrible 3G signal at home and my office. Since updating to the official ATT release of Mango (From the RTM release), I noticed that the phone will not use the WIFI at times until I turn off the data.
Anyone else notice this?
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YES...I have this very problem. At times, my Focus has trouble connecting to wifi, and at times when it is connected it actually uses 3G/3G+ and then the connection
In my case the 3G isn't bad, and neither is the wifi...if i turn of either Cellular data or WIFI then the other will work just fine for data. It is as though the phone has trouble switching between the two.
Finally, I have talked to a couple HTC Radar owners with the same problem in another forum. Besides having Mango in common, we all think it might be related to using Internet Sharing (which I 'hacked' onto my Focus). Do you have the Internet SHaring hack on your Focus?

With my Focus (with Mango update) did not have problem.
With Focus S, experiencing disconnects on WiFi.

My Focus prefers wifi over 3G.

More clarity on my experience:
It does not favor 3G over WIFI. It does check the 3G signal before WIFI and when in a bad coverage area that has "some" connectivity it seems to time-out prior to using the WIFI.
Any advice would be welcome.


Very bad wireless with Arc

All wireless are bad.
I often lose my wifi connection in my home. And often I even need to restart wifi.
The Bluetooth connection is bad with my car. I need to find the good position to have correct sound on the speakers.
My gprs data connection is often bad. And even if I have good phone connection.
I compare with my old HTC hd
I am really hesitating to send it back to my operator.
Sent from my LT15i using XDA App
I dont have any of these problems, its batter to get it back and take another one since its still under warranty.
Does anyone else have issues with low wireless signal and constant dropping wireless connections?
I have a friend here are work in the same area, he has an Iphone 4 and has no issues.
LT15a arc
To be honest I never had such issues.
no problem here either - only issue I've got is Green Power free doesn't always open up the wireless connections properly when I unlock the phone and I have to stop GPF to make it work.. but the phone itself is as good as my x10 was and better then my wifes HTC legend..
Yeah my wifi is rubbish. Disconnects each time i try to download something that is a little "big" from the marked or read web pages. It's annoying as hell but it seems like the next update from SE will have a new baseband. Hoping that will fix it else it's going back!
Yeah, hopefully the next update does fix this issue. It is more stable on my home network, but still drops out occasionally.
Yes, I just this Rogers phone today. I have the same problem or even worse. as soon as I open something that's a little big from any online apps or webpage, it disconnects wifi. but it still shows wifi connection on the top. Worse thing is, it seems to crash my router as well then disconnect my whole home network. I have been using my router for more than two years and it never had any problems. (I game and p2p a lot on my ps3 and pc). I have iphone4 wireless hooked up with my router as well and it works flawelessly when open up the same webpage which causes wifi disconnect on my arc.
I am thinking about returning this phone and get nexus s if they can't get it fixed soon....
I used to have problems with the WIFI untill I unlocked the bootloader and rooted it, now its perfect. But it depends if you decide to take the risk or not.
i had no problem with home wi-fi but come to broardband data simcard its terrible slow, assume telco matter but put that sim to OS6 device its run ok
The speed and connection of my arc is quite well.
The only problem of my arc is the time it takes until connection is established.
When i release the screenlock it sometimes takes up to 30 seconds until the WiFi symbol appears and the connection is established
download from market app wi-fi keep alive, it will solve your problems for sure, i had this issue too
wifi weaker than x1 (and to think that x1 wifi were pathetic), data on gprs/3g a lot better but it's Android thingy. most errors come from carrier in my experience.

Wifi issue after Mango 8107

Wondering if anybody experiencing Wifi signal issue after upgrading to mango 8107?
My wifi connection becomes very slow and unstable. It sees far less wifi networks than my Android phone on the same spot.
I am using the Telstra ROM.
Let me know if anybody knows any registry tweaks about wifi signals.
I'm having the same problem.
My phone can detect and connect but is extremely slow or does not connections at all.

Wifi not reconnecting

What happened:
I am using a new Nexus 4 in various buildings on a campus (specifically, the University of Washington). For simplicity, let's assume that there are just two buildings, Building A and Building B.
There is a strong WiFi signal within both buildings, and I can connect to the WiFi network in either one. When I walk between buildings, the signal drops outside, and the phone switches to 3G networking (as expected).
Once I'm inside the other building, however, the WiFi does not always automatically reconnect. Instead, the phone will often remain on 3G mode, despite being in the presence of a strong WiFi signal.
If I restart the phone, the phone will then reconnect to the WiFi signal. Unless I do this, however, the phone will remain in 3G mode indefinitely. This drains the battery and results in high data usage with my phone plan.
Steps to reproduce the problem:
1. Connect to campus-wide WiFi.
2. Walk outside. WiFi connection will drop, and phone will switch to 3G.
3. Walk inside another building. Phone will remain in 3G mode, rather than switching back to WiFi, despite being in the presence of a strong WiFi signal.
4. Restart the phone. After rebooting, the phone will now connect to the WiFi network.
What you think the correct behavior should be:
The phone should automatically switch back to WiFi when in the presence of a suitable WiFi signal. A manual restart or manual reconnecting to the network should not be necessary.
What kernel are you using?
Jsparta26 said:
What kernel are you using?
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stock kernel from paranoid 3.50
Did this issue occur before you were on PA rom 3.5?
If it didn't then I think it could be the rom if it's not then it's the school's wifi. It happens to me when I'm on campus too and I found out it the school's WiFi network was getting hammered and the signal was disrupted. No clue how that any of that happened.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
Hi, I have the same problem. Did anyone manage to solve it? I have my Nexus 4 since yestereday and it's not reconnecting to my home wifi. Previous phone HTC Incredible S didn't have this issue and since that phone my wifi settings wasn't changed. I have AirLink AP, no name router and wifi is encoded with WPA. But i don't have to restart the phone to reconnect. It's enough to turn wifi on the phone off and on in settings. But it's really annoying. Thanks for hints.
And please excuse wrong expressions, I'm from Czech republic
Edit: I have stock rom, JB 4.2.2

Wifi issues on Airport Extreme 750AC

The only issue I've had with the phone since receiving it on Friday is network issues using wifi over and Airport Extreme 750AC, that we have at work.
I upgraded to the 6p from a 2014 Moto X, which had no issues at all with the wifi at work. Also no one else at the office has complained about this kind of issue either, with a mixture of Android and iOS devices.
The phone connects to the wifi quickly, with very strong signal strength. But something is interrupting the connection after 10-15seconds, causing full loss of transmission. After another 10-15 seconds of no connectivity, it will come back strong for another 10-15 seconds. At home, wifi signal strength and speed has never been better, using a Cisco e4200.
Has anyone else experienced this with their 6P?
EDIT - This still occurs if I tell Android to connect to 2.4ghz, or 5ghz only, and not automatic. Both 2.4 and 5ghz networks use the same SSID.
EDIT2 - Issue resolved. Was not due to anything on the device, but an issue with the network DHCP instead.
I've brought a Nexus 7 to work running Android 6.0 as well, and it has no issues with the wifi. Posting just in case someone else runs into the same issue.

Connection issues/radio instability

Is anyone else having problems staying connected to WiFi and/or cell service with the international version of this phone? After a while, everything seems to die. Putting it in airplane mode and taking it back out seems to fix it.
See the attached screenshots. The wifi will show connected with issues, and the cell service will be zero signal. After toggling airplane mode, everything goes back to normal.
Yours is IN2025 right? Are you on 10.5.4? I had some wifi issues but not sure if it was the phone or ISP problem. I updated to 10.5.5, haven't had a connectivity problem since. The update log specifically points to addressing connectivity problems
t-mizzle said:
Yours is IN2025 right? Are you on 10.5.4? I had some wifi issues but not sure if it was the phone or ISP problem. I updated to 10.5.5, haven't had a connectivity problem since. The update log specifically points to addressing connectivity problems
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Yep, IN2025, but in 10.5.5. What is funny is that it has not happened once all day. It happened so many times the past few days before, that I was able to tell it was usually after putting it down for a period of time (maybe going I to a deeper sleep?). At this point, I'm hoping it will not come back, but I also know nothing changed to have fixed it either.
I wonder if it is related to the wifi calling bug, where not everyone sees it. I noticed the people who aren't getting wifi calling seem to be connected to APs that allow TKIP. I have Deco M9 Plus "mesh" APs, which are generally great, but don't offer much in the way of advanced configuration options... like not being able to select AES over TKIP.
I guess I'm still having issues. Almost immediately after I posted that reply, I noticed my cellular signal was showing really low. It didn't seem to resolve on its own, so I shut wifi off (wifi seemed fine this time). As soon as I shut wifi off, I got LTE+ mobile data, and the signal strength jumped up. I have only recently actually started to trust the signal strength indicator, after the fiasco with Apple marking them up a bit to make it seem like the signal was stronger.
It should be noted this is a partner tower outside my house (which is usually a strong signal) and not the home cell spot. Not sure why I'm not connected to the latter, as I haven't left the house today (which is usually when I pick that up).
Are you by any chance with Charter/Spectrum ISP? My aging netgear router crashed a few times as I was flashing and rooting but I just kept going so couldn't really tell what was going on. I am with Google Fi and have wifi calling enabled but have not had any issues. I do not have the mobile/wifi linking. I did see on 1+ forum that someone had an issue with his router crashing but I believe he had mobile and wifi connection linking enabled.
