[Q] Charging While In MAGLDR 1.13 - HD2 General

Ok, so last week my iPhone got lost, and I had to get a new sim card (on AT&T). I asked all my friends if they had any sim card phones I can borrow, and one of them let me use her HTC HD2 (T-Mobile branded).
I installed everything correctly, Radio, MAGLDR, HardSPL and Android perfectly. The phone has been working great (sans 3G) for the past week.
I noticed the battery died VERY quickly, and seeing as the phone was old, ordered a new one.
I got it in the mail today, and upon plugging it in (because of MAGLDR 1.13), it automatically turns on and tries to boot android from NAND.
Here is the problem: It doesnt have enough battery to fully boot up, so about 5 seconds after showing the Dark Force Team screen, it reboots. And loops.
I can find no way of charging the battery. Wall chargers and USB cords do the same, it automatically turns on, and will NOT charge.
I'm not sure why MAGLDR automatically turns on the phone instead of just keeping it off, or am I missing a setting somewhere?

Pull the battery press and hold the power button until it boots into magldr and leave it like that for 10 or 15 minutes it will charge but not indicate its charging then switch on normaly

It continually surprises me that the advice to "boot into magldr and leave it for 10/15 minutes" keeps being offered.
the person who wrote magldr clearly states that the phone WILL NOT CHARGE under magldr,,, android must be running. The code to control charging doesn't exist in magldr, it is not possible to charge using only magldr. That's why magldr starts the phone when it detects the USB connection,,,, so that android can boot to allow charging to start.
OP, get a spare USB cable, mini / micro, cut end off, bare red and black, take out battery plug usb into wall charger and hold red to + and black to - for a minute or two. Should now be enough charge to boot into android and start charging.
When a battery is empty, but only just empty, not fully discharged, letting it rest for ten mins often allows the residual charge to build up a little, so a phone that wouldn't start suddenly has enough to just about start. I believe this is why people think leaving it in magldr charges it. It doesn't.

I left it for an hour and still the bootloop.
I even tried it with the battery I know works. After 25 minutes the battery had 3% less charge then before I left it plugged in at the MAGLDR main menu.

if it bootloops with a good battery, there's a good chance it is a bent battery pin. Either that, or sometimes when a battery dies whilst the OS is running, it screws up and then wont boot until you do a hard reset or fresh flash. (However normally it would hang rather than bootloop, but anything is possible)

samsamuel said:
It continually surprises me that the advice to "boot into magldr and leave it for 10/15 minutes" keeps being offered.
the person who wrote magldr clearly states that the phone WILL NOT CHARGE under magldr,,, android must be running. The code to control charging doesn't exist in magldr, it is not possible to charge using only magldr. That's why magldr starts the phone when it detects the USB connection,,,, so that android can boot to allow charging to start.
OP, get a spare USB cable, mini / micro, cut end off, bare red and black, take out battery plug usb into wall charger and hold red to + and black to - for a minute or two. Should now be enough charge to boot into android and start charging.
When a battery is empty, but only just empty, not fully discharged, letting it rest for ten mins often allows the residual charge to build up a little, so a phone that wouldn't start suddenly has enough to just about start. I believe this is why people think leaving it in magldr charges it. It doesn't.
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Are you sure about this? Because if you turn off phone at 1% charge, turn on MAGLDR 1.13 -> USB FLASHER and leave it over night, battery is at 100% when turn on and lasts for a day.

Just going on what cotulla says, and since he wrote magldr he knows that the code to control the charge circuits doesn't exist in magldr, plus the OP says he left it in magldr and the % went down.
However you sound like you've tested this yourself, so I shan't argue with you, since I haven't.
Perhaps USB flasher mode exposes the battery terminals to raw USB power, bypassing the charge control circuits, giving the same effect as holding bare wires to the battery?

Yeah I'll have to figure something out. And not to knock the writer of MAGLDR, because I could certainly not create something like it, but I find it odd and almost disturbing that the creator is fully aware that a dead battery basically bricks your phone?

I think "bricks your phone" is a bit harsh,, its not like its a surprise, most roms spend the last 15/20% warning you of low battery.
I've used the bare wire method three or four times now when my battery ran out, and although I did say it sometimes won't boot after running out, as often as not it does boot ok. I'd go into cwm and clear cache,, if that doesn't help I'd try a cwm backup,hard reset (via cwm, not the built in bootloader hard reset) see if it starts fresh, and if it does restore SD ext,, if THAT works I'd then restore data.

Just a quick related question - can you charge your phone while in bootloader? I couldn't find an answer to that but I need to know...

Allegedly not. At least that's always been the answer that has been given for the past two years. I for one believe that it doesn't charge in bootloader.

Heres the update : I had a bad charger and the usb cable was messed up as well hence the phone dies on me as battery got over. When i was trying to charge it, was getting a bootloop because of MAGldr so what i did was left the phone in the main Mag menu for 5 mins and rebooted and viola it booted in android and is charging now hope this helps i guess somehow MAG does charge your phone cheers


[Q] Dead Battery Issue

So I thought I had turned my phone off last night because I left the charger at work but apparently it did not shut down and the battery died. I know that MAGLDR doesn't allow charging while the phone is off, does anyone know a way to get enough of a charge to get the phone to turn on so I can charge it fully?
I can charge in MAGLDR, just the orange light sticks on and will stay on until you pull the battery. Try giving it a few minutes just to get some charge in it, pull the battery, turn on and start the booting process, then plug the charger back in, works for me on NAND builds, did it last night even whilst calibrating my battery.
Ok I will plug it in and leave it for a bit, the orange light shuts off after a few seconds but we will see what happens. I was always under the impression that MAGLDR didn't charge
chrisrj28 said:
Ok I will plug it in and leave it for a bit, the orange light shuts off after a few seconds but we will see what happens. I was always under the impression that MAGLDR didn't charge
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That's correct, magldr won't charge.
Another solution I saw a few days back said to go into Bootloader and charge from there - just tried it as an experiment and unless it charges without activating the charging light, Bootloader doesn't charge either.
When I had a similar problem I just kept booting it up into WP7, allowing it to charge for a few minutes until WP7 shut itself down again and then pulling the battery to repeat.
It took 5-10 cycles of this but eventually the phone decided it had enough battery to charge itself - seems daft to me too, but there you go.
If all else fails, search this forum - there was thread from a week or so ago where someone chopped a USB cable to charge directly to the battery terminals. A spare battery is also an option if it fits your wallet and timescales.

HD2 charge from dead battery questions

I have an HD2 I just bought, should be still under warranty (aside from running wp7 and random warranty-voiding stuff) and I am noticing an issue of when I totally kill it, it seemingly won't charge (or no charge light comes on at least) until I pull the battery out and put it back in. Also, I have noticed it doesn't power on from that state (light goes from orange to green) until I pull out the battery and put it back in. Is it just because I'm running WP7 and hardspl3 or radio 2.14.50... (or whatever recommended radio is for wp7). It's not a huge deal but it makes me curious. Also I get occasional restarts upon booting wp7 but it always boots into it (maybe 1 or 2 restarts every ten boots, and it seems to happen more after total kill). Just wondering if people are having similar issues.
WP7 is pretty cool, but I am wondering how many prefer 6.5? I'm an avid Android user (never ran 6.5 except on a Blackjack ii briefly, and yes, 6.5) and I was curious what you guys thought of wp6.5 vs wp7.
Lastly, I am wanting a magldr compatible sd version of a Desire HD ROM with sense and everything that isn't overclocked (I know there are some out there that are, ie DL.DesireZ 3.x).
Please advise.
It's not WP7, it is MAGLDR. MAGLDR does not have a software in it which allows the phone to charge when off.
My advice to you, never, ever, let your phone lose charge. A dead battery is a dead phone in our case, unless you have spare batteries.
I figured something like that. It's not going to botch the magldr flash though if it dies, is it? I would assume magldr is read-only or close to or something like that to where it can't corrupt itself.
I don't see why a dead battery can kill MAGLDR, it'll just leave your hd2 unable to turn on. However MAGLDR, I assume, isn't incorruptible. Well if you're afraid of corruption from leftover flashing, for whenever you want to flash WP7, Android or winmo, perform a task 29 first, flash MAGLDR, and then the OS. Well if it winmo, then a task 29, then simply flashing winmo and done.
Oh and the reason WP7 kept on rebooting on yours was because your sd card was incompatible. My advice is to reformat the sd card with panasonic formatter, full format btw, and then reinstall WP7. If that doesn't work, you just have to get a new card.
A MAGLDR SD desire hd version I know not of. Since NAND came out, SD development has died off so there are only a few developers that still strive in that forum.
Well it restarts hardly ever so I probably am not going to worry about it. It's the stock HD2 sd that came with the phone. The reason I want an sd build is because I want to dual boot.
I don't understand how I seem to be the only one who can charge in magldr.
I've drained my battery many times to the point where it doesn't turn on to calibrate using Android. Pulled battery, reinserted and connected wall charger. Orange light comes on which means it's picking up charge, leave it for a few minutes so it gets some residual charge in it, pull battery and charger, reinsert, boot up, then during boot process plug the charger back in and away you are, charging from scratch.
I too didnt have any problems charging dead batteries via MAGLDR.
Those who are can update to version 1.13 as its now got a workaround for it apparently.
I wasn't aware v13 was even out. Well it's not a big deal. Glad everyone is having this issue . This bug still beats having to wait 20 minutes for my stock Sammy Vibrant to boot up. Damn ridiculous.
Is your battery life worse on WP7 or WP6.5? I get roughly 8-10 hours. I'm surprised it burns that much electricity seeing as how all it is is some colored squares and no data connection or multitasking.
EDIT: Updated to MAGLDR ver. 1.13 without a hitch. Will see how this goes. For the record I was using 1.12.
I guess this is the fix:
"*Fixed Power-Off-Cable-Plug-Stop. Phone now detects this situation and reboots. Battery controller inside LEO needs runtime control during charge, it implemented in OS."
I could do it on the first version of magldr, as long as the Orange light comes on you're good to go, just leave to get some charge then pull everything reinsert turn on, simple...
I found the trick--MAGLDR V1.13
Plug the phone into a wall charger. Hold the call end button as soon as the phone comes on booting into MAGLDR. Let the phone stay at the MAGLDR menu screen for about 15 to 20 minutes. Restart the phone and leave it on the charger. It will have enough power to make it to the android home screen.
sorry for the delayed reply bro but i justr had this problem lately and know abt the fix for it... just go into magldr by pressing the power key for sumtime on bootup... after that plug in the wall adapter for about 20 - 30 minutes... havng done that remove the battery and insert it agiain w/o the charger... start the phone and let it go the main wp7 screen where it will stay for only about 20 seconds... quickly run to the settings menu and switch on airplane mode and put the brightness to the lowest setting... and quickly lock the screen... the phn will start charging fine... now leave it for an hour to charge and then adjust the brightness as u like and turn on airplane mode... it will work fine... take precautions for next time... there is a kind of an odd fix that was in forums...(sorry dont have the link)... when the wp7 is working go to the default camera and go to the video camera mode and switch back to the still camera and press the windows buttn to go to the main screen... the battery drainage is very less in this case and the stanby increases... cheers!

Will not boot, powers down

Last night my battery completely drained so I charged it over night and when I went to power it on it says booting WPH go go go, boots to the HTC green logo screen and powers off. I have been running WP7 flawlessly for 3 weeks now and have not had this problem before. I don't really want to reflash right now because I'm hoping there's a way to salvage everything in the phone.
Are you sure the battery charged last night...reason I ask is...when it completely drains the battery wont charge when the phone is off due to Magldr.
Yeah, it's off the charger right now and it just keeps powering off after the HTC logo
same exact thing just happened to me. I'm going to start from scratch and redo it.
I am curious to know as to what caused this, it's very odd since the ROM has been working flawlessly.
your not restarting with usb cable attached are you?
how did you charge your battery? external charger?
there is some talk that charging in magldr usb flasher mode works dispite no status lights BUT its unclear if the battery controller will auto cut off when full, overcharging could shag your battery
oh a while back i had some odd restart issue too, pretty much as you have mentioned, happened 4 times in a row then worked
Help me too!!!
Me as well, about an hour ago, my battery drained, so I plugged it in, and the phone keeps restarting, but then powers off...
I've kept it on the AC for the past hour, and now it no longer hit's the magldr, it just flashes the screen black, then dies...
Is there a way to JUST CHARGE my battery? Without having it in the phone?
too bad you didnt seach for this issue, i wrote a nice piece that would have got you out of that mess if you hadnt kept restarting it, oh well never mind,
if you cant even get to magldr then your looking at an external charger, you could try connecting up an old usb cable directly to the battery but be very careful!
This happened to my old HD2 after I gave it to my sister once I got my HD7, to enable it to charge again all I did was remove cable, remove battery. Re-insert battery and attach cable, hold down the volume down button on the side of the handset and press the power button.
The phone will turn on and show the tri-color screen. Leave it on this screen for 20 minutes and the battery will charge, then simply reboot and you will be able to boot back in to Windows Phone 7.
TheDisneyMagic said:
This happened to my old HD2 after I gave it to my sister once I got my HD7, to enable it to charge again all I did was remove cable, remove battery. Re-insert battery and attach cable, hold down the volume down button on the side of the handset and press the power button.
The phone will turn on and show the tri-color screen. Leave it on this screen for 20 minutes and the battery will charge, then simply reboot and you will be able to boot back in to Windows Phone 7.
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Thanks for that tip...I am going to remember it in-case I one day run into the same problem

[Q] HD2 dead Battery?

I woke up this morning and my phone was off. As you probably already know, the HD2 does not stay off if it is plugged in (with WP7 on it). I checked the charger and outlet; everything was plugged in. I also used a different charger, and different outlet which I know works, and got the same result. When the phone was plugged in it would turn on and start booting then I would see the flashing light - indicating that the battery was dying- and the phone would shut off. This happened like ten times.
I took out the battery and put it back in, with no results. Then I switched batteries and it finally worked. I'm still learning about technology in general; is it possible that my other battery is dead?
Has anyone else had this issue?
your other battery is probably just flat, and cant charge because it needs a running OS, and since the OS cant get far enough into the boot sequence to start charging, the several times it bootlooped will have drained the last of the charge.
Options - external charger, loan of a hd2 running winmo, or my personal fave, (used it three times now) usb cable with end cut off, red wire to + black wire to - on battery, hold for a minute or two, should have enough juice to boot far enough to begin charging. Best to use wall charger rather than pc usb, since the pc may connect and disconnect time or two whilst booting, preventing continual charge.
I forgot to mention that the first time that the I booted with the battery that doesn't seem to work I actually got to the wp7 home screen and it was about 20 seconds before the phone died.
Even so, I'll try that cut off cord thing when I reach home. Thanks for the advice.
I guess my phone just felt like being retarded the "flat" battery is working now.

Phone restarts once drained whilst charging

Once ive completely drained the battery, and i got to plug my hd2 WP7 in from a wall plug, it automatically switches on.
Then, it goes through MAGLDR and the boots WP7 onto the welcome screen, then restarts back to MAGLDR again!
So what i have to do, is leave it on the magldr screen for a few minuites and wait for it to charge up a little before starting WP7.
Anyone else have this problem?
I have checked BatteryTool whilst plugged in and on 30 second test, i get between 392 and 465.
Is this typical? this is whilst in the wall and the screen on.
p.s just looked at the charger, and its supposed to be outputting 5v DC and 1200mA
Same behavior here.
Seems that after x restarts also is capable of loading wp7 tough.
I run into the same problem. If you let it hang in MAGLDR, even on the first boot, to let it charge up some, then it can boot on the first round. For some reason it doesn't boot if you plug it in when the phone is off; does it not charge in this situation? I am yet to actually bust out a multimeter
The new magldr being developed supposedly fixes that. We all get that issue.
HD2 does it even without modifications. It seems it happens when it doesn't have enough charge to boot all the way into the OS so it reboots forever. As homeworld1031tx says, leave it on magldr screen for a few minutes which should let it get enough juice to boot properly.
aaah, glad to know im not the only one having this issue!
It becomes even more of a problem when your using a car charger.
I guess we will just have to waitt for the next MAGLDR
another one to watch out for, and that was what i thought you was going to say from your title
is that if you charge the phone whilst the red light blinks, it will not charge!
From what ive noticed this can happen from one of two ways, firstly is that you get the phone to hot, it seems to have some kind of thermal cut out, the second way is to run the battery right down low, it seems to get confused sometimes and wont let you charge even within windows. Infact the battery monitor program can sometimes show you a negative value for the charge left in the battery
In fact it almost discharges the device, The battery is a real pain in the arse, my advice to you is get an external charger cuz the other thing with using MAGLDR and The bootloader to charge is that it messes up your clock, an if you get a bunch of txts whilst its messed up it can be a pain in the arse to find them!
This isnt likely to get completely fixed guys (the Magldr issue fix is slightly different and wont fix everything), to try an make the best of a poor situation, i find a nice cradle with an Aux charge slot on it and a spare battery works wonders.

