[04 OCT] [Q] HD2 headphones issue - HD2 General

Hi guys! I have an issue.
When I use my original earphones that came with my HD2 everything is perfect. The music plays and never gets interrupted, but as soon as I plug in ANY other headphones or earphones, and try to play some music, it starts skipping around, stopping, starting, pausing, cahnging songs etc.
The problem is that this happenes in EVERY single OS and ROM. That being WM 6.5, WP 7/7.5, Android etc. I spent about a 100$ on proper headphones (senheiser hd218) and I don't want to use the original headset JUST because of this issue. I don't know what to do. I searched throught the whole forum and found some people with similar issues to mine, but noone had given a proper answer.
Is disabling the headset controls possible in the new YukiXbmod WP 7.5 ROM, cause I know from previous expirience, that this helps (It was possible in Android)? And EVEN after freezing the stock music player and the headset commands in the player i'm using it tends to pause and play again every now and then (In Android, which was the ONLY one that kept the phone behaving for the most part).
I'm desperate. Please help me! Thanks in Advance!

surprising how often this comes up in conjuntion with senheiser phones. As you found there are a few threads like this, and (from memory) senheiser comes up in most of them. I have senheisers too, and they make the phone go crazy on winmo, but fine on android.

I really hope some one post here with a definitive answer cause you are right it is several threads that discuss this question but none have a definitive answer. I myself had this issue with my HD2 for a period of like one week. Any headphones I plugged in would cause the music player to go crazy. It would even turn the music player on as soon as I plugged headphones in. It would skip doings, lizard and restart the song, or just get stuck in a Vicks of playing like 3 to 4 seconds of the song and then pausing it for 3 to 4 seconds then play and pause, play and pause.
What I did to fix this was to run a Task 29 and re install cLK and then reinstall my ROM then restore just my data from a Nandroid backup. I did this three times in one week because the issue kept filming back. But after the third time it never returned. But I can not say that this is the definitive fix for this as I think I might have just gottin Lucky and it did not come back.
Now this thread looks like a good place to discuss this problem too. I had another problem with the music player in Android on my HD2. It would double every song I had in the list of songs in the music player. This would cause it to play songs twice before going to another song when I had shuffle on. I have also experienced this issue with my HTC Sensation. Now this is what I have found in my research of what causes this problem. Now when I say research I mean my own research with my device and things that I do with my device as I could find nothing anywhere about anyone else having this issue. So I literally came across the suspected reason for this by myself. What I noticed is if you just turned off USB mass storage on your device and unpmuged the USB cable without ejecting the device from the computer. ( You know when the computer says save to remove) This is when I would see the problem. Now a simple reboot would always fix this issue but it was a very annoying issue. I also totally reformated my 16 gig SD card nd have not seen the problem again on my Sensation.
Hope you get an asset to your question, and I hope this post might help others with the issue I mentioned.

It must be something hardware wise, and not software wise, just like I said. I am running WP7 Mango atm, and both my SD cards got locked up (silly me, should have studied up on this better) so I'm STUCK on WP7 and won't be able to test Android nor WM 6.5, as WP7 is the ONLY thing that can read my cards . But anyway, I have never heard about your issue. There are some bizzare things around the HD2 Headphones. It might just be a factory defect, which I HOPE is fixable, because I've had my HD2 in almost an year now and I doubt I will be able to return it. Do you think the problem might be caused because I have dropped my phone several times, where one of them was on asphalt while I was running to catch the Bus ( which was the wrong one )?

samsamuel said:
surprising how often this comes up in conjuntion with senheiser phones. As you found there are a few threads like this, and (from memory) senheiser comes up in most of them. I have senheisers too, and they make the phone go crazy on winmo, but fine on android.
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Like I said, Android keeps the phone behaved because some ROMS are unable to recognize the commands that the Headset gives. And if you disable those commands in the Music player you're using (say Power AMP) and Freeze or uninstall the Default Music player, you have pretty much solved your problem.... for the most part....

HD2_(ab)User said:
It must be something hardware wise, and not software wise, just like I said. I am running WP7 Mango atm, and both my SD cards got locked up (silly me, should have studied up on this better) so I'm STUCK on WP7 and won't be able to test Android nor WM 6.5, as WP7 is the ONLY thing that can read my cards . But anyway, I have never heard about your issue. There are some bizzare things around the HD2 Headphones. It might just be a factory defect, which I HOPE is fixable, because I've had my HD2 in almost an year now and I doubt I will be able to return it. Do you think the problem might be caused because I have dropped my phone several times, where one of them was on asphalt while I was running to catch the Bus ( which was the wrong one )?
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Oh I don't think it is hardware related cause if it was this forum would be flooded with threads on it because it would be more frequent. I believe it is software related, cause me running a Task 29 and re flashing my ROM did fix the issue for like you are having on my HD2.
Also I forgot to mention that with my other issue I reformated my SD card when I had the issue on my Sensation. I mean it is the 16 gig SD card that came with my HTC HD2. And I have not seen the issue anymore on my Sensation. I will add this to my last post.

T-Macgnolia said:
Oh I don't think it is hardware related cause if it was this forum would be flooded with threads on it because it would be more frequent. I believe it is software related, cause me running a Task 29 and re flashing my ROM did fix the issue for like you are having on my HD2.
Also I forgot to mention that with my other issue I reformated my SD card when I had the issue on my Sensation. I mean it is the 16 gig SD card that came with my HTC HD2. And I have not seen the issue anymore on my Sensation. I will add this to my last post.
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Then how come me Task29ing my phone a thousand times not fix it?!

HD2_(ab)User said:
Then how come me Task29ing my phone a thousand times not fix it?!
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That I can not say, and in that case your issue might be a hardware related issue. Sorry o hear the Task 29 is not the fix for you. I guess that just goes to show that the cause of the issue could be both.

T-Macgnolia said:
That I can not say, and in that case your issue might be a hardware related issue. Sorry o hear the Task 29 is not the fix for you. I guess that just goes to show that the cause of the issue could be both.
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Yeah, but we still didn"t get a definitive answer!


[Video] HD2 freezes when using Sense Music Player before/after phone call

I'am experiencing an annoying problem with my HTC HD2 and I was wondering if anybody else got the same problems.
I use the integrated Sense player a lot when I'am one my way to work. Sometimes I encounter phone calls or I need to call someone, which indeed shouldn't be that uncommon for a phone.
When phone rings, the music stops and I can phone in normal way. After the phonecall the music resumes for about one or two minutes, then music stutters until the phone is unusable and music stopped finally.
Touchscreen doesn't react. Most hardware keys don't react. Only the shutdown button behaves in the usual way (display on/off).
It is pure horror! The only way to resolve the problem is to put the battery out of the phone, cause I can not push the reset button when traveling.
Some details about my phone:
OS: 5.2.21869 (21869.5.0.82)
Manilla-Version: 2.5.19211619.0
ROM: 1.48.407.1 (71294) GER
ROM-Date: 11/19/09
All my music is Windows Media Audio (DRM-protected (Napster subscription)). I don't know if that is happening also when playing MP3 files.
Did somebody experience the same issue?
Is there a newer german ROM (>1.48)? I don't know which is the actual version beside of the brand-new 1.6 version that is only available on the asian website.
I used the board seach feature, but most of the roms offered are modified in installed programs or Sense design and offer only english language.
Thanks in advance.
I think you have the latest german ROM. Maybe it has something to do with your SD card.. back it up and try formatting it with the HD2.
Maybe it helps to install the Storage card update, if you haven't already..
I installed all hotfixes offered on the german HTC website.
I use a 16 GB SDHC card manufactured by Toshiba. Indeed I did not reformat the card, but I cannot believe this would fix the problem.
I experience no troubles beside of the crash issue when the Sense player has to automatically stop and resume music because of the incoming phone call. All programs I use for example are installed on the storage card.
I have already contacted HTC support. They told me that they will forward the ticket to the development team and agreed that this can't be a hardware failure, but nothing happened at all.
[email protected] said:
I use a 16 GB SDHC card manufactured by Toshiba. Indeed I did not reformat the card, but I cannot believe this would fix the problem.
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Cards formatted to Fat 32 and 4096 block size 'tend' to work better than cards formatted any other way. It's deff worth checking the formatting of your card.
Ok, I will give it a try this evening.
In the meantime, I have recorded the issue on video cam and I will post it later on. Maybe someone else could try to do exactly the same as I did (on german ROM perhaps).
Give me a hour or two to convert and upload it! It is definitively worth looking.
Video is now included.
Due to I'am not verified for posting links outside xda-developers and mods did not reply in the last 20 minutes, please copy the link ( ul.to/elihle ) manually into your browsers.
id love toy include the link into ur first post but the link will not work
I hope everybody can open the link in the web browser.
Maybe you have to add the http in front of the string.
I apologize for any inconvenience.
I actually backup all data from my SD card and will reformat it with the posted settings. Tomorrow I will test if this solves the problem and let you all know.
But please: If someone with german ROM could try the same thing I did in the video, I would be thankful.
link has been added to first post
I have exactly the same problem here. Was on O2 1.43 stock rom. So I Gold card flashed to 1.48 stock asian rom, problem persists. I can reproduce this bug everytime by listening to mp3 on htc music player whilst making or receiving a call.
Not sure if the cooked roms will fix this for me, but as I need to use chinese rom and am not aware of any cooked roms that supports chinese language, I have not gone down the HSPL route just yet.
I am just using the 2Gb SD that came with the phone. I don't believe it has anything to do with this bug as the music is always fine if there is no phonecall.
Just letting you know that you are not alone with this problem.
Hi isoya!
You are totally right. I've formated the whole SD card with settings stated in Post #4.
Problem persists. Then I've formated the SD card with the phone. Problem persists. I checked out if this is only a WMA DRM-issue, but you are totally right. MP3 files playback lag with the same issue.
I really wonder why nobody before complained about this bug?! Come on, people.
This is a really serious failure by HTC in my opinion!
There were other posts about this problem but the replies fall into two categories:
1) Its there something wrong with your SD card? Are all your music in one folder?
2) Use another music player (nitrogen, kinoma... etc)
In the latter case, it shows that the more experienced htc users have already accepted that htc will not be fixing this as I remember someone said this happens on some other htc phones with the same music player.
I personally tried to use other players but failed to get them to continue playing music if I lock screen by pressing power button. htc player continues playing if I do the same.
Still love this phone tho.
Are you sure?
I used board search but found only some Sense issues complaining about lag in tag reading or general crashes which is just fine on my phone.
Yesterday I contacted the german HTC support with a link to my video proof. Maybe someone will answer the support ticket.
It is really annoying. I mean I'am in need for the WMA DRM support. On my old Omnia I was forced to use Windows Media Player to play those files, cause Pocket Player won't play all files (license problems, beside of it looks as ugly as WMP).
I will reply another time as soon as I received a statement by HTC.
I just used Goldcard method to flash to the latest Stock 1.66 Asia ROM. So far, have not been able to reproduce this problem !!
And no 'battery removal resets' required so far with this ROM, fingers crossed.
I heard Norwegian and Danish versions are out for this ROM version, maybe you can give that a try, as the chinese X9 keyboard on the Asia rom is not to everyone's taste.
Will post here if problem still occurs, otherwise Best of luck with this !

[Q] What does it mean when HD2 hangs on startup?

I am not sure if this has to do with using Android or not, but sometimes my HD2 decides to reboot itself unexpectedly, on WM as well as on Android and I can't really find what's causing it.
But what happens is, after switching itself off, it switches itself on again and hangs on the HTC logo, sometimes with or without the following info:
D 1.66.76641
I am using stock ROM that came with it, i assumed it will be stable by itself but it reboots itself randomly sometimes just like on Android.
Does it have to do with the Radio version (i changed it from 2.07.xx). I tried 2.12.xx before and had same problems.
I should note that the only way for it to run again is to remove the battery for a while and then put it back. If i remove it and put it back briefly it will still hang.
Anyone is familiar with this strange behavior?
ME too
I have the EXACT same problem. It only started for me after using android. now whenever i run Android it will unexpectedly reboot and sometimes hang like yours. It also does it in WM though not as often. I was able to notice it might have something to do with data connections bc if i run android but only use wifi it seems to be fine. I tried changing Radios WM ROMs and Android builds i even hardspled my phone again but nothing solved it. The problem needs to be talked about more. it got so bad for me I bought a Desire and gave up on my HD2 for the moment. Keep this thread up.
sounds like i have to follow
I hope not!
I notice if i do heavy download on wm or android i get it. But it could be that the phone is too hot? But it's not alarmingly hot tbh.
I hope more people can shed light on this.
Thanks for your input.
Yeah this is what seems to happen to me too, i start a downlogsd it gets a bit warm then freezes or reboots and gets stuck. However it doesnt even have to be a large download for me, a simple cab file or youtube video sometimes. And as far as heat, this never used to be a problem and i know for a fact my phone used to heat up way more before without a problem.
Maybe the qualcomm chipset go in "safe mode"..i remember that for first start tickle the orange led and after the device freeze or restart..maybe your device overheat. Try to touch cover's device or install a battery status monitor software. If you have changed radio, return on the original status. In case the restart happen always, make a backup using Pimbackup, and do an Hard Reset. For first try to use the telephone without the memory card and test the stabilty. If is all ok, you have to provide to format your SD card in Fat32. Try also to change the HSPL with the original SPL.
What happened to this thread? Suddenly 3 recent posts have disappeared?
relic said:
What happened to this thread? Suddenly 3 recent posts have disappeared?
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As many of you may have heard, we underwent routine maintenance on our Database Server. Upon rebooting the Database Server, it refused to boot and all indications are that the RAID 10 (what is RAID? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAID) array failed.
We have restored the Forums from a 24 hour old backup. We know this is not ideal, but at this point, the chances of recovering the failed array are slim.
We sincerely apologize for this. In fact, this maintenance was intended to boost the redundancy of our database setup and lightening strike.
User Experience Admin
Thabks. Back to the subject, today i tried downloading on wifi a 150mb file on android and it rebooted byitself.
Then i tried to play a wmv video file on WM stock ROM and after 6 min it rebooted.
So its starting to look more and more like cpu/heat problem, anyone having these issues?
So does anyone think this might have something to do with all the overclocking in those android builds we've been using?
After 45 mins of install HD2 still hanging?
Hi, I just installed FroyoSense by darkstone
Release date: 07.AUG.2010
I don't know if this is the latest (probably not) but after 45 minutes of install the screen has in the top left hand corner tiny small text (excuse my lack of knowledge here) but no scrolling text as I expected, its now like 50 minutes, how long should it take?
Any help please would be appreciated, thanks
New to the HD2
So, I just bought a used HD2 a week ago. It was having similar problems in WM. I took it to a local store, and they said that is just how WM phones are. I've flashed HSPL and different radios and ROMs, installed Android, but still have trouble with freezing and rebooting on it's own no matter what I do. IT happens the same in WM or Android. Is there any way to find out if these might be due to hardware problems caused by the previous owner?
I got the same problem, when I do a lot of things on the same time on the HD2 it hangs or reboot. During de restart of the phone it hangs on the White screen with HTC on it. I have te take the battery out of it en than reboot again.
When I listen music and Internet the same time it almost always happends.
It happends on WM but also on Android, I tryed different ROM's and Radio Version's but nothing worked. Also tryed to work without SD-card, but still the same problem.
So I have no idea how to solve the problem...
I hope someone now's how to solve it...
Sorry for my bad English but I hope it's clear
FroyoStone with HTC Sense V2
Polar bear said:
Hi, I just installed FroyoSense by darkstone
Release date: 07.AUG.2010
I don't know if this is the latest (probably not) but after 45 minutes of install the screen has in the top left hand corner tiny small text (excuse my lack of knowledge here) but no scrolling text as I expected, its now like 50 minutes, how long should it take?
Any help please would be appreciated, thanks
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Ok having waited for 2 hrs, I shutdown and installed FroyoStone v2, this time the tiny text appeared and faded after about 5 -10 seconds and the screen has gone blank, is this normal? No scrolling text, nothing, I going tpo re-boot and will keep you updated. Thx
If you read the previous posts you would know this thread has nothing to do with the problem youre describing. I understand the confusion of the title but pls read the thread first.
Polar bear said:
Ok having waited for 2 hrs, I shutdown and installed FroyoStone v2, this time the tiny text appeared and faded after about 5 -10 seconds and the screen has gone blank, is this normal? No scrolling text, nothing, I going tpo re-boot and will keep you updated. Thx
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Your problem is unrelated to this thread.
So far we have more and more people having the related issue on WM and Android. We need some expert to help us pinpoint the problem.
jasperbleumink said:
I got the same problem, when I do a lot of things on the same time on the HD2 it hangs or reboot. During de restart of the phone it hangs on the White screen with HTC on it. I have te take the battery out of it en than reboot again.
When I listen music and Internet the same time it almost always happends.
It happends on WM but also on Android, I tryed different ROM's and Radio Version's but nothing worked. Also tryed to work without SD-card, but still the same problem.
So I have no idea how to solve the problem...
I hope someone now's how to solve it...
Sorry for my bad English but I hope it's clear
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i have the same issues.
I can add also playing videos for longerthan 5-10min would make the phone reboot too weither its WM or android.
Today I was in the Store where I bought mine HTC HD2, because I was sick off it. They told me that is was a familiar problem with the HTC HD2. They also would repair it free for me. I didn't do it yet because first I have to delete my HSPL etc.
I asked them also what the would repair to solve te problem, he told me: the will do a complete bodyswap. So everything will be renewed, exept the tochscreen and front.
So I guess it is a real and serious hardware problem....
Why we dont hear people conplaining about it if its comon?
I find that very odd.
Someone could try PMing one of the devs in the forum and linking them to this thread to see if they could shed some insight or at least bring more attention to the issue.
Well I live in the Netherlands and on the Dutch HTC HD2 forum, I heard some people complaining about it. But the salesman of the store said that it is a familiar problem, so that sounds to me like a regular problem. But indeed it's weird we doesn't hear more people complaining.
Maybe the most of the people think is normal with WM, but I am really sick of it...

[Q] Screen Issue - Bright negative on wakeup.

Just done a search about this prob and there is a couple of similar threads but they are not really same issue.
This has happened 3 times now with different roms over past month and not sure what is causing it. Phones screen seems to go bright white on wakeup, looks like a negative.
Is there any experts out there who could shed some light on it. Does it sound like a slow hardware failure or is it more likely a software issue. As I say its only happened a few times and a reboot brings it back to normal but it just concerning
Has anybody else had this same issue on wakeup before?
My first reply post here...
I have the same issue...reboot will recover it...but ones it recovered after normal stand-by upon wake up...I assume it is just some incompatibility of Android with HD2 graphic processor, minor issue.
Current ROM
Omega WM6.5.x v14
Current Android Build
NexusHD2 v1.8
I used to have the same problem and put it down to an incompatibility. Since moving to a Nand ROM it seems to have gone away.
TheATHEiST said:
Phones screen seems to go bright white on wakeup, looks like a negative.
Has anybody else had this same issue on wakeup before?
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I used to have this issue, but only on SD builds, and very, VERY rarely. From about 5-6 months of SD Android, I probably had it about 4 or 5 times.
I agree with madmillsy that I've not seen it on a NAND build, but I don't think I'd seen it on recent SD builds either.
Is it an SD build you're running, and if so, how old is it?
Edit: Forget that last question - just saw your current ROM in your sig.
I saw this effect twice, never in WM, only in Android. First time with SD build, but second time, last week with gauner's HD NAND build.
As it was already described, there is probably some incompatibility regarding graphic, when waking up from idle mode. I do not think it is related to SD builds only, they handle graphic same way, with same kernels.
By the way in gauner's build I noticed also problem with activating sound from idle mode time to time. So maybe it is not directly graphic driver part, could be somewhere else and this is just consequence.
At the end, it is rare and minor issue, the only discomfort is because of restarting the phone.
Had a few times this issue, and didnt need to reboot to make it worn off. Just put it in a colder environment, and it will go away after 10 minutes orso. So I honestly thing is has todo with the temp of he device. Mostly it came up after a long phonecall I had, which maked the phone a little 'hotter'.
Just a speculation though, didnt have this issue since I use NAND. But I guess it can come-up randomly, but I don't worry it to be honest.
Its happened twice on SD builds and once on NAND build.
I was concerned that I was starting to get a hardware fault but im relieved to hear that others have had it so it must be simply a soft bug.
It rare anyway so no big deal.
Thnx for replies guys.
happened to me once with NAND - sorted with a reset. Scared the hell outa me
F-bone said:
happened to me once with NAND - sorted with a reset. Scared the hell outa me
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same here, including the scared bit.
sodeknetters said:
same here, including the scared bit.
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the weird thing is that since I posted in this thread it happened to me twice today!...total 3 times so far... Im getting worried...
Never happened to me with an SD build (after 3 months of use) but happened twice to me with DFT's NAND, reboot fixed it as stated and yes...it scared the **** out of me the first time lol
For anyone that might be debugging the issue - it might be connected with calls.
I receive a call. After I'm done with talking, i turn on phone and it's on negative. Alright, i restart it. After restart it works fine, until i call somebody. After call, again negative screen. It happened two times in a row.
Also i don't really need solution to this problem. Only some kind of workaround that will allow us to fix problem manually without restarting phone. Maybe a script that will reset display driver or something?

What is wrong with that device?

Hi everybody..
As it is a general problem i decided to write my complaint in here, All of the operating systems have the same problem.
Lets start from the beginning.
I'm a 2 year (almost) HD2 owner.
I've used my HD2 WM 6.5, and after a long long time just tried my first android release. Core droid, and then cyanogen 7.
I never had problems while listenning music in my device.
But always had complaints about my battery life. It is consumed at the end of the day at minimal usage.
I did flash 2.14.50 to my device which had 2.15.50, from my latest original rom (3.14), just to try my battery consumption. I saw no diffrence and then back to 2.15.50.. in the tri colour screen.
And then I decided to try WP7!
Everything was fine till i realised that i cannot listen music.
Application stops and pauses by itsself. means that music interrupts anytime, anywhere no matter if i press buttons or not. Its so annoying!
Some people on the forum told me that this using speakers instead of headphone might be the origin of the problem. But the problem exists with my newly bought headphones. So thats not it!
I dont know what to do with my phone right now.
When i play a song using androids stock music application, songbird starts by itsself and ruins my whole joy!! overlays my songs, something stops my songs triggering something in the background. Intresting things going on at the background.
I need to find an explanation for this.
Explanation and a solution. Because i dont want to carry my old ipod anymore
Any help would be really appreciated.
Here is a post that i sent yesterday about this problem yesterday in cyanogen topic.
Wireless - wifi problem should be, a "radio unit" problem i think.
The whole thing started with my radio unit upgrade
Okay, After reading through your thread. Did you upgrade your radio unit or just update the radio software? Because if those issues were coming after a hardware upgrade then it is probably the cause. If not, try radio 2.12 .
As for the birds song and noise in Android in the background, a logcat would be helpful if it's not hardware related . (adb logcat)

[Q] Problem when using earphones...

I'm having problems when using earphones from the first day I bought my Omnia7. The problem is:
Earphones are fully functional, and there are no problems with listening music etc. But, after I make FIRST phone call using earphones or after I answer the FIRST phone call, my phone becomes unresponsive within short period of time, and I don't hear other people during calls nor they hear me. So the first call triggers all this. That first call however goes through without any problems, problems come after that. I tried using several earphones with same results. After I reboot everything works fine again.
I'm pretty much sure it isn't hardware related problem since I listen to music without any problem and the first call works great every time.
I'm running the latest version of OS and I got these new drivers from Samsung few days ago, but still no improvement. Anyone here with similar problems and if so, did you manage to solve it and how?
Almost 300 views so far, but none reply... It can't be I'm the only one with this kind of problem?!
I have same problem! Please help
When did you guys get your phone. Where are you now, have you flashed your phone or messed with any functions with in the Diagnosis App at all.
Omnia 7 has original Rom with mango update, no modding or special things.
Finally, some activity in this thread!
I had this problem, with stock Rom and also with several custom roms, so it must be hardware related. On the other hand, it shows some signs of software related issues, so I'm still confused...
hatuna said:
Finally, some activity in this thread!
I had this problem, with stock Rom and also with several custom roms, so it must be hardware related. On the other hand, it shows some signs of software related issues, so I'm still confused...
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