official 2.3.5 (ki3) for Poland avaliable in kies - Galaxy S II General

official 2.3.5 (ki3) for Poland avaliable in kies for not branded phones
sent from my GalaxyS2

Download it from check fus:
Product Code: GT-I9100LKAXEO
Latest firmware: I9100XXKI3/I9100OXAKI3/I9100XXKI3/I9100XXKI3
Modified: 23/09/2011 08:26:53

Wow, way keep your finger on the beat. You're only late by a whole day.

Hi Intratech,
better late than never
Have just flashed it and have found ITV code in it, good!!
It is no wipe. Obviously, when have installed the ITV it wiped the device, so after I have wiped it totally!
Unfortunately, still have the vibrate icon at top when "always vibrate if not silent" is selected, as previous 2.3.5.
Now, install root and speedmod kernel, then play with it!
Uh! Quadrant always say ~3820 with this rom and the original kernel!
Best Regards


Unbranded Norwegian rom/modem/csc/kernel

I have an unlocked norwegian SGS II that I have installed custom rom on. But I forgot to keep track on what original firmware there should be in this phone.
Would be nice to know which rom/modem/csc/kernel I should have to make this telephone back to stock. (in case of warranty etc)
Also is the csc available to be flashed into the roms I use (villainrom 2.4.2)?
The most recent official stock Norwegian firmware was KF3, CSC was either XEE or NEE (can't remember which, but from previous experience there seems to be no difference).
You can always install an older stock ROM - f.ex KE2 or KE7 from this thread:
- then you can connect to Kies and you should get an update notification/installation automatically deppending on how you've configured it.
If you get into trouble - and you shouldn't! - I've got a backup of KF3 at home I think, I'll check it out later. Send me a PM if you want the files.
irvinmic said:
I have an unlocked norwegian SGS II that I have installed custom rom on. But I forgot to keep track on what original firmware there should be in this phone.
Would be nice to know which rom/modem/csc/kernel I should have to make this telephone back to stock. (in case of warranty etc)
Also is the csc available to be flashed into the roms I use (villainrom 2.4.2)?
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Maybe you should look in the firmware thread.
irvinmic said:
I have an unlocked norwegian SGS II that I have installed custom rom on. But I forgot to keep track on what original firmware there should be in this phone.
Would be nice to know which rom/modem/csc/kernel I should have to make this telephone back to stock. (in case of warranty etc)
Also is the csc available to be flashed into the roms I use (villainrom 2.4.2)?
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Mine NOR unbranded came with KF3 pda, ke7 phone and KF1 csc
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
As far as I am aware there is only one version of the Galaxy S II on the market in Norway (unbranded). It has product code GT-I9100LKANEE and the latest official firmware is I9100XWKF3/I9100OXXKF1/I9100XXKE7/I9100XWKF3.
Go to and you will be able to easily download this (or any other) firmware from Samsung's update servers.

Latest firmware on Kies

I've been away from the forum for a while and was hoping someone could tell me what the latest firmware is on Kies for UK phones. Don't feel like flashing my phone backwards just to find out.
2.3.3 is the latest
slugger09 said:
2.3.3 is the latest
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No, it's 2.3.4.
Samsung Firmware Info Tool
Type or copy the firmware file name into the box bellow
Model: I9100
Region: France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, UK, (Branded: no)
Available languages: de, en, es, fr, it, pt, tr, (pl),
September 2011 Revision: 4
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dandroid13 said:
No, it's 2.3.4.
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UK unlocked here, I can only get 2.3.3
slugger09 said:
UK unlocked here, I can only get 2.3.3
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Lie! There's no Brazil update.
Had to flash using Odin, which I recommend.
I've been waiting for 2.3.4 XEU to be available on Kies so I can update to official firmware. But I was just thinking...why do I care if its XEU or not? I can flash an official update from another region and still switch the language to english. I am in USA on AT&T anyway so its not like even XEU matches my country.
Am I missing something here? Is there a reason it matters to be on XEU for Americans?
It can depend if your phone is branded as the carriers can block Kies updates! There are serious problems with builds before KF3 (eg wifi sharing bug) so it worth flashing to that version if your carrier is blocking Kies updates. I updated about two months ago via Kies to build KF3 (2.3.3). I am in the UK unbranded O2/car phone warehouse. I am waiting for this latest new update to arrive on my s2 via Kies.
I am unlocked/unbranded. I think I'm going to just flash another official 2.3.4 firmware from Intratech's thread and then when a UK version comes out, I'll just flash that. I'm being patient for no reason Now I just have to figure out which region's firmware to flash....
TheSopranos16 said:
I am unlocked/unbranded. I think I'm going to just flash another official 2.3.4 firmware from Intratech's thread and then when a UK version comes out, I'll just flash that. I'm being patient for no reason Now I just have to figure out which region's firmware to flash....
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He has posted an XEU CSC version. Just used it myself. It's perfect.
Just look for it in the thread.
Yep, KI4 includes english (US) I guess, so it shouldn't bother you.
I have to stick to UHKG7 because european roms don't include brazilian portuguese...
dandroid13 said:
No, it's 2.3.4.
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Right, but we're talking about Kies, KI4 isn't on Kies, nor is 2.3.4
donalgodon said:
He has posted an XEU CSC version. Just used it myself. It's perfect.
Just look for it in the thread.
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what do you mean? i'm on NEE_I9100XWKI4_I9100XEUKI2_I9100XXKI1_I9100XXKI4 and can select English UK?
Why not use Odin, mate? Then you can have the latest fw version.
question: I wanted to check out if the new firmware is available in my country, so i just restored (from cwm) my original firmware (cf-root kernel), reflashed a original kf3 kernel.
But Kies message is "You cannot update this device type".
Did i forgot to restore something original? besides the "root" everything else (rom + kernel) is original.
Well np i go back to miui i dont rly care atm, but in future if icecream is released, i prolly want to try it and having a working kies makes it faster.
Any suggestion?
Sandwiches said:
Right, but we're talking about Kies, KI4 isn't on Kies, nor is 2.3.4
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Its a roll-out beginning with Nordic countries as posted here on XDA on this very section .
That is via Kies official Samsung product updates .
OTA may even follow .
rembrandtlnx said:
question: I wanted to check out if the new firmware is available in my country, so i just restored (from cwm) my original firmware (cf-root kernel), reflashed a original kf3 kernel.
But Kies message is "You cannot update this device type".
Did i forgot to restore something original? besides the "root" everything else (rom + kernel) is original.
Well np i go back to miui i dont rly care atm, but in future if icecream is released, i prolly want to try it and having a working kies makes it faster.
Any suggestion?
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Seriously, man. Ice Cream will be melted loooong before it shows up on KIES. If/when it shows up and you want it sooner, you'll more than likely need to flash it via Odin. KIES is limited by carrier releases. My SII wouldn't update via KIES either. Odin is the standard around here for a reason. It's safer, and it allows you to try what YOU want when YOU want it. Not when your carrier and/or Samsung releases it.
donalgodon said:
Seriously, man. Ice Cream will be melted loooong before it shows up on KIES. If/when it shows up and you want it sooner, you'll more than likely need to flash it via Odin. KIES is limited by carrier releases. My SII wouldn't update via KIES either. Odin is the standard around here for a reason. It's safer, and it allows you to try what YOU want when YOU want it. Not when your carrier and/or Samsung releases it.
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Hope so, thanks for the heads up
So, how come Poland has got an official 2.3.4 update then..?
Sandwiches said:
Right, but we're talking about Kies, KI4 isn't on Kies, nor is 2.3.4
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Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Latest on Kies are:
AUT = Switzerland I9100XWKI4/I9100OXXKI2 (Android 2.3.4)
THL = Thailand I9100DXKI2/I9100OLCKH1
Source: Samfirmware tweet
If anyone can post a link for download the first, I'm interested

[ROM][2.3.6]Testmode I9100XWKK2/I9100XSAKK1/I9100XXKI4/I9100XWKK2

Product Code: GT-I9100LKJXSA
Latest firmware: I9100XWKK2/I9100XSAKK1/I9100XXKI4/I9100XWKK2
Modified: 12/8/2011 8:25:29 AM
New firmware available in Kies Testmode for Australia unbranded.
Firmware comes with a cooking recipe app and Navigon (including maps)
hence the firmware of almoust 1 Gb but the apps can both be unninstalled as they install themselfs on the internal SDcard not the internal memory.
Download link :
Password :
let me know how the KK2 goes if you decide to try it coz I am looking at getting that my last step before the real icecream
onbacardi said:
let me know how the KK2 goes if you decide to try it coz I am looking at getting that my last step before the real icecream
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I'm running it for almoust an hour now. It runs great , you can easily uninstall the two apps without even rooting the phone but i went for cf-root to get CWM recovery then flashed the stock kernel using mobile odin.
I passed on it directly from 4.0.1 , did a data wipe from recovery and it all went nice.
Seems really well put together and fluid. So far no differences from Netherlands KK2 except maybe bit more responsive in menu's.
It's build date is 11 November , so it's about the same as netherlands.
LE : I may be mistakin' but it seems it's got some nice transitions now .. that i didn't quite notice on netherlands KK2
Have noticed that this firmware is now out of test mode and is official.
Any update on it's performance and whether it's worth me upgrading from the Netherlands KK2
kersey said:
Have noticed that this firmware is now out of test mode and is official.
Any update on it's performance and whether it's worth me upgrading from the Netherlands KK2
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I kept it over Netherlands as it feels more fluid in menus and even game loading.
Also it has a smaller memory print.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

[Q] Why won't my Beast Running UBKK2 Update?

Since I received my N7000 on November 17, 2011 from Mobilecityonline my Galaxy Note won't update. It's running UBKK2 - the CSC is TTT - which a Brazilian CSC.
I've searched every thread and correctly followed every step of the process I've found unsuccessfully, I've tried the manual update and receive "no update available" every time I read about a new firmware release. The CSC is listing only 3 codes; VNO, TTT, and TDR - I installed each one of these CSC codes in an attempt to prompt a software update to no avail. I haven't even gotten the update from January that provided the addition of the Torch & everything that came with it!
Short of rooting my Note is there anything I can do to either change the CSC Code to one that receives updates regularly or manually update the firmware? I thought I'd wait until ICS became available hoping that would correct these issues but I'm slowly getting PO'd that I may not be even to receive ICS.
Plus I didn't/don't see the reason to have rooted by now - I've rooted all of my Android devices from HTC EVO 4G's & 3D's, Nook Color, to Asus Transformers. Is there anything I can do without rooting this beast and will I even receive Ice Cream Sandwich?
I'm begging for help please. I'd sincerely appreciate ANY help and I'm willing to donate to anyone that will help achieve everything I'm missing out on to date.
Thank you in advance,
Jim G.
If keeping it stock is all you want, just download one of the stock firmwares and flash it with odin.
You may have to be a member to see this link but.....
They are the South Amercian firmwares currently out, but the European ones are newer if you want to try those.
Wow that was fast!
Wow! Thank you for the super fast reply. Can I D/L and use any stock firmware, I was hoping to use either the UK or German versions cuz they look like they get updates more often than the rest. If I'm wrong I stand corrected - could you please point out a version to use or am I stuck using the BZ version forever?
Oh Lord I hope not! * Forgive me - I saw you suggested the EU versions after I hurried to reply, my fault! *
Again, Thank You in advance,
Jim G.
Brazil Note.
I too have a Note with a ROM from Brazil. Since this is my first Android phone and I'm a noob so far, what will it take to get mine over to a euro one. Will this brick my phone? What region do you recommend for a US user? I understand that you meant Europe, but there a lot of choices like open, open euro or open germany or europ or german. Any directions or advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
flshing a firmware for another region is fine... I offen just update to whereever has the newest update
But if i update to a stock rom from another country without changing csc, will i be able to update via kies whenever a newer csc update gets release online for my country? I got this ideia it wont be possible and will still need to change it again via Odin. It bother me if it wipes my phone each time i update. Still in kka/5 here with unlocked phone...
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA
William Haven said:
But if i update to a stock rom from another country without changing csc, will i be able to update via kies whenever a newer csc update gets release online for my country? I got this ideia it wont be possible and will still need to change it again via Odin. It bother me if it wipes my phone each time i update. Still in kka/5 here with unlocked phone...
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA
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After updating to another regions ROM, You can just Odin back to the original stock ROM if you really wanted to, to restore KIES function for the original configuration.
But to be honest, the only time I ever have, is just for warranty purposes, I don't touch kies in any shape or form, there really is no need.
The way I work is, I like to use the stock ROMs, but rooted etc... So, when I got the phone, I rooted it, put the ClockWorkMod Recovery (CWM) on and now I just update my ROM with the repacked stock versions made to be flashed with CWM. They are exactly the same ROMs but rooted and deodexed, some I "believe" are multi CSC too.
Swyped from my finger, to your face on my Samsung Galaxy Note, using Tapatalk!
Thank you for all the help! I'm choosing to use the open-Germany (DBT) stock ROM cuz I've been keeping track of the ROM that was updated the most. I found it to be the German and UK versions but it seems the open-German edges it out.
I've got it all D/L'd and am actually waiting to get my notebook up and running after a CPU upgrade. Once I receive the thermal paste updating my Beast is the 1st order of business!
It sucks that the UBKK2 firmware never allowed any kind of an update, it makes me wonder if I'd even get the ICS update when it's released on March 15 or shortly thereafter. Of course that's according to the rumor mill and I'm simply referring to that since the SGSII's received their ICS earlier today according to SanFirnware.
So who knows? Again, I thank everyone fir their help and input.
Jim G.
Direct from my Samsung Galaxy Note GT-N7000

[Official Firmwares: GT-I9082L] I9082LDCUBMK2 [Updated 12/04/14] TESTING***

Official Firmwares for the Samsung Galaxy Grand DUOS GT-I9082L (Latin Variant)
These are NOT all the firmwares; here will mainly be base, unbloated, unbranded, universal ROMS.
BUILD: 2212586
REGION: TTT - Trinidad & Tobago
Carrier: Unbranded
- New "Galaxy GranD" Splash Screen
- Brighter Display
- Gradient Notification Bar
- Better/More Readible Text Layouts: Weather widget, Settings/Menus, Google Search bar
- Minimum UI & Sound changes (Notification/Pop ups, Keyboard sound, Gallery Swipe sound, etc.)
- Homescreen Lag Fixed
- Improved light effect
- GPU driver upgrade: Images now are displayed with higher resolution.
Samsung seems to have done some upgrades to the GPU, for in the past I'd load a High Resolution Wallpaper and it would pixelate, now, it looks great, the same goes with the lockscreen light effect, a bit smaller effect, buta noticeable higher resolution. Overall... this factory firmware feels like its a custom ROM. Touchwiz feels light, the notification pane is silky smooth. Nice. So far, the best one yet.
[*]BUILD: 1341883
[*]OS VERSION: 4.2.2
[*]Carrier: Unbranded
- New "Galaxy GranD" Splash Screen
- Gradient Notification Bar (vs. Transparent)
- Better/More Readible Text Layouts: Weather widget, Settings/Menus, Google Search bar
- Minimum UI & Sound changes (Notification/Pop ups, Keyboard sound, Gallery Swipe sound, etc.)
- Homescreen Lag Fixed
- Improved light effect
- GPU driver upgrade?
*** I AM EXPERIENCING PROBLEMS RESTORING TO THIS BUILD: I've always used Titanium to restore My Apps and Data, but this build, and for the first time, it completely lagged my device. So if you install this and want to restore, do not restore it's data.***
Install Update (1/10/2014): I figured out that by 'upgrading' from any of the previous build to this one, no such lag is present. A fresh install from a fully wiped phone has yielded several devices to lag, but after several tries as an "upgrade", no lag issues have presented.
BUILD: 1839656
REGION: Brazil
Carrier: Tim Mobile
Note: This is a branded build for Tim Mobile-Brazil. It comes with Tim Media Bloatware as well as several Samsung ones as well. Performs well, though knowing from previous experiences, branded firmwares don't perform as good as unbranded ones. But, currently it's the only 4.2.2 released for the Galaxy Grand L.
BUILD: 1342590
REGION: Trinidad & Tobago
Carrier: Unbranded
Note: Testing
BUILD: 1272899
REGION: Brazil
Carrier: oi
Note: As quick as the I9082 4.2.2 Scored 9200+ on Antutu Benchmark, but has some bloatware. Some are pretty cool, but portuguese.
BUILD: 1248672
REGION: Unknown
Carrier: Unbranded
Note: No Bloatware. Very quick. Much better than I9082LUBAMC2.
BUILD: 1091514
Carrier: Unbranded
Note: No Bloatware. Super Smooth.
it's works on i9080 too.
Are you working on the L variant?
Thanks !
Thanks for the Stock Roms, I'm from Chile and I have installed:
BUILD: 1091514
Carrier: Unbranded
And no problem with it, but with I9082LDCAMF1 I cound not find spanish language, so I've installed and app that turned my phone from english to spanish but no idea how to change the language in the keyboard cause there is not a spanish dictionary to use so I had to install the I9082LUBAMC2 cause this one comes with spanish language system and keyboard.
If you have any idea about how to change or add spanish dictionary to use it on the keyboard plz tell me how
Sry for my poor English.
New firmware release
VERSION: 4.1.2
BUILD DATE: 21.06.2013
gracias!! :fingers-crossed:
Does anyone have a updated about 4.2.2 for L variant???
Really looking foward to this!
focasam said:
Does anyone have a updated about 4.2.2 for L variant???
Really looking foward to this!
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There is not a 4.2.2 rom for the L variant yet, I'm wating for the same stuff.
mauriciotmc90 said:
There is not a 4.2.2 rom for the L variant yet, I'm wating for the same stuff.
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Yeah, we are waiting and waiting!!!!!!!!
zmp2000 said:
Yeah, we are waiting and waiting!!!!!!!!
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mauriciotmc90 said:
There is not a 4.2.2 rom for the L variant yet, I'm wating for the same stuff.
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Yeah, the problem is we don't get ETA by samsung...
I wish Dual-SIM was supported in Cyanogem Mod, that way we wouldn't need Samsung to update our device!
mauriciotmc90 said:
VERSION: 4.1.2
BUILD DATE: 21.06.2013
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Since the build is identical to another one posted, I didnt bother to update it...
Help Please
Paul_Days said:
Official Firmwares for the Samsung Galaxy Grand DUOS GT-I9082L (Latin Variant)
These are NOT all the firmwares; here will mainly be base, unbloated, unbranded, universal ROMS.
BUILD: 1839656
Carrier: N/A
Note: Testing
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I have a Question. My device is gt i9082L with 4.1.2 firmware.
GT-I9082L TTT I9082LUBAMH1 is my lates firmware. i want to install the GT-I9082L ZTM I9082LVJUBMJ1 with 4.2.2 firmware. It is possible? If Yes How Can I Do It.
My device is allredy rooted.
lucaniulian said:
I have a Question. My device is gt i9082L with 4.1.2 firmware.
GT-I9082L TTT I9082LUBAMH1 is my lates firmware. i want to install the GT-I9082L ZTM I9082LVJUBMJ1 with 4.2.2 firmware. It is possible? If Yes How Can I Do It.
My device is allredy rooted.
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Yes, this is the reason why in the forum we post the latest firmwares.
There are several ways but the most common is with ODIN (Samsung Firmware Update Utility).
Odin Thread:
Example Odin Flashing Guide
Basic Walkthrough:
1. Download and Decompress the firmware
2. Download and Install Odin on your computer (if you dont have Kies, it would be wise to install it for it's driver, option B: download Samsung device drivers.)
3. Load Odin, select the PDA tab and find your firmware, it should be in ".tar" form
4. Boot device in 'Download Mode', (Press VOL- / Home / Power)
5. Connect USB Cable to device and PC, press VOL+ to continue
6. Once a YELLOW Prompt shows up with a COM port displayed, PRESS "START"
7. Let ODIN Flash the firmware until the YELLOW Prompt displays "PASS" in GREEN.
Read the Guide first, this is just a quick walkthrough.
Good luck,
Paul_Days said:
Yes, this is the reason why in the forum we post the latest firmwares.
There are several ways but the most common is with ODIN (Samsung Firmware Update Utility).
Odin Thread:
Basic Walkthrough:
1. Download and Decompress the firmware
2. Download and Install Odin on your computer (if you dont have Kies, it would be wise to install it for it's driver, option B: download Samsung device drivers.)
3. Load Odin, select the PDA tab and find your firmware, it should be in ".tar" form
4. Boot device in 'Download Mode', (Press VOL- / Home / Power)
5. Connect USB Cable to device and PC, press VOL+ to continue
6. Once a YELLOW Prompt shows up with a COM port displayed, PRESS "START"
7. Let ODIN Flash the firmware until the YELLOW Prompt displays "PASS" in GREEN.
Read the Guide first, this is just a quick walkthrough.
Good luck,
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And the Kernel Files? how do i flash it? the same way. it is necessary?
lucaniulian said:
And the Kernel Files? how do i flash it? the same way. it is necessary?
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Factory Firmwares have everything included (kernel too), so you dont need to flash anything else. If you choose to flash a third-party or modded kernel, then you follow the same steps.
Paul_Days said:
Factory Firmwares have everything included (kernel too), so you dont need to flash anything else. If you choose to flash a third-party or modded kernel, then you follow the same steps.
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Thank you. I followed the steps you listed and everything is ok for now.
lucaniulian said:
Thank you. I followed the steps you listed and everything is ok for now.
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New Firmware Released: I9082LDCUBMK3
I9082LDCUBMK3 is available for our devices.
- New "Galaxy GranD" Splash Screen
- Gradient Notification Bar (vs. Transparent)
- Better/More Readible Text Layouts: Weather widget, Settings/Menus, Google Search bar
- Minimum UI Sound changes
Overall... this factory firmware feels like its a custom ROM. So far, the best one yet.
- Enjoy
Paul_Days said:
I9082LDCUBMK3 is available for our devices.
- New "Galaxy GranD" Splash Screen
- Gradient Notification Bar (vs. Transparent)
- Better/More Readible Text Layouts: Weather widget, Settings/Menus, Google Search bar
- Minimum UI Sound changes
Overall... this factory firmware feels like its a custom ROM. So far, the best one yet.
- Enjoy
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Thanks for the update will be installing this one
---------- Post added at 08:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:43 AM ----------
Paul_Days said:
Official Firmwares for the Samsung Galaxy Grand DUOS GT-I9082L (Latin Variant)
These are NOT all the firmwares; here will mainly be base, unbloated, unbranded, universal ROMS.
*** I AM EXPERIENCING PROBLEMS RESTORING TO THIS BUILD: I've always used Titanium to restore My Apps and Data, but this build, and for the first time, it completely lagged my device. So if you install this and want to restore, do not restore it's data.***
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What rom were you running previously?
stdly said:
thanks for the update will be installing this one
---------- post added at 08:37 am ---------- previous post was at 07:43 am ----------
what rom were you running previously?
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