{Battery Issues} Phones mysteriously cuts off and loses charge - EVO 4G General

one min my evo is on and battery might say it's at 49% charged. then out of no where, my phone will cut off and when i turn it back on, sometimes its completely dead. sometimes, it's showing 2-4% battery life left.
WTF is going on?

Is it a stock battery from sprint/htc or one you got from eBay or any other seller?
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium

Steven 1 said:
Is it a stock battery from sprint/htc or one you got from eBay or any other seller?
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it's the stock battery 'the red one', shipped with the phone. it use to work fine up until a few days ago, when i noticed what was happening.

redm1st said:
it's the stock battery 'the red one', shipped with the phone. it use to work fine up until a few days ago, when i noticed what was happening.
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Ive been purchasing 2000mha batteries from eBay and they have been working great for some time now.
I believe that sometimes the length of your battery life experience will depend on the way you charge it through out your day and the amount of charging cycles you've used during the life time of that battery.
Sure I do agree that certain things can be done to improve battery life, but sometimes... It's just time to discarded it and get a new one, imo anyways.
Sent from my PC36100

I figured that, but I didn't wanna get a new battery if it was a bad ROM flash or something.. but I'll use my extended battery when I get home and see how it plays out. I just that damn bulky Ness to that battery.

Change roms and wipe battery stats in recovery. If its still acting funky then it must be your battery. I think sprint replaces them for free if you tell them that your battery is disfunctional
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redm1st said:
one min my evo is on and battery might say it's at 49% charged. then out of no where, my phone will cut off and when i turn it back on, sometimes its completely dead. sometimes, it's showing 2-4% battery life left.
WTF is going on?
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I had same problem when I bought my 3500mah sedio battery. So I exchanged it. Most likely there is a problem with your battery.
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Steven 1 said:
Change roms and wipe battery stats in recovery. If its still acting funky then it must be your battery. I think sprint replaces them for free if you tell them that your battery is disfunctional
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Just came from there. Bastard said no free battery. And I did swap roms, and it still happened. Went a head a bought a new battery. Testing out now.

culua said:
I had same problem when I bought my 3500mah sedio battery. So I exchanged it. Most likely there is a problem with your battery.
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Yeah, just did that. Think it was over used. Regular charge, trickle charge, over charged. It's toast.

Been running the new battery over a day now. No restarts at all. Guess it was the battery.


This is a first

This is the ffirst time I have itterally gone a whole day on one charge; got up and switched to the N1 at 910 and at around....830 I put it back on the charger at around 15 percent.
I checked email, surges the web and texted throughout the day; I could maybe go half a day on my Captivate.
I seriously thought aabout ordering some spare batteries off of eBay but I'm really rethinking that now.
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what is your setup?
No need to. Just keep a charger in your car. Problem solved
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I hear htc its giving out batteries for free under warranty if you say yours is discharging to fast. Wink wink
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ddgarcia05 said:
I hear htc its giving out batteries for free under warranty if you say yours is discharging to fast. Wink wink
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Ill have to check up on that, thanks.
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My setup is the rooted, deoxed version of stock 2.3.3. Amazingly fast (just as fast and smoother than the Atrix) and obviously has great battery life.
I'm using Zeam launcher with a few Widgets, light flow and my led light (top of phone) stays lit all if the time.
Checking the stats, I used 83 megs of data that came from web browsing, twitter, downloading applications, and email and stuff.
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ddgarcia05 said:
I hear htc its giving out batteries for free under warranty if you say yours is discharging to fast. Wink wink
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this is true, when my wife's N1 was just about 2 months old and I noticed the battery was draining too fast i called them up and sent me a new one for free I later found out my was not activating her screen lock before putting inside her bag lol...
ddgarcia05 said:
I hear htc its giving out batteries for free under warranty if you say yours is discharging to fast. Wink wink
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could i still get this if i bought my phone off a guy from craigslist?
jonesy420 said:
could i still get this if i bought my phone off a guy from craigslist?
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you should be able to as long as the 1 year warranty is not up. Did he happen to mention when he purchased it?
I don't have much problem with battery life, if I am at the place with good signal receptions.
Here is my, Battery use graph, which is built into the Gingerbread.
BTW, I did re-charging during the duration.
Settings -> About Phone -> Battery use -> Tap the title bar.
My setup.
Stock GRI40
Kernel : from android.git.kernel.org (compiled with my own taste of configurations)
Governor : Conservative
CPU speed : 128Mz - 998 MHz.
Based on my battery stats, I have an estimated battery life of nearly 48 hours if I leavr the phone alone.
With CM7 RC2 and wifi sleep policy set to never.
SalsaForte said:
Based on my battery stats, I have an estimated battery life of nearly 48 hours if I leavr the phone alone.
With CM7 RC2 and wifi sleep policy set to never.
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With sleep policy to never on CM7 RC2, does that affect battery life when wifi is turned off? Read some posts its just some bug?
boky3000 said:
With sleep policy to never on CM7 RC2, does that affect battery life when wifi is turned off? Read some posts its just some bug?
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set wifi sleep to never increases your battery life dramatically. if you let wifi sleep, then it switches back to 3g which destroys battery much faster than wifi. so leave wifi sleep on NEVER.
just called htc and told them i was having battery issues. they asked for my imei# told me i still had 3 months of warranty left then asked where i would like my new battery sent great customer service!

Max charge 97%

Well my Max charge is 97 what could that be I am running cm7 any help is my battery damaged?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
This belongs in question and answers section.
You might be able to fix this by reconditioning your battery,otherwise your battery is just getting old
It could not be getting old I just got it last month
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
Thats how it is.
cm7 and miui have same problems, and its to save you from over charging, and thats some phones start heating up too much.
Don't worry about it, its for your own phones life.
Ok that's good to know and my phone charge extremely slow and sometime not at all but then I reboot and my battery life goes way up wat is that about
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Thats because your phone is mis-reading your battery's charges.
a Re-condition would help phone re-read it more accurately, but idk how you'd do that since to re condition you have to charge till' 100% lol.
Will they change rom to make it 100 cuz I don't want to go back to 2.2 rom cm7 is to good
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Jasonhunterx said:
Will they change rom to make it 100 cuz I don't want to go back to 2.2 rom cm7 is to good
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the CM7 your using is not OFFICIAL, so the problems your facing is up to the developer to solve, not the CM team because as far as i know, they haven't even supported CM7 for us fully yet.
it's just how cm7 is reading the battery. on one revision i would get a max of 95% then 97% on another. just recondition the battery after its been plugged in for while after hitting the 97%. worst case is you have to recondition your batter again after you flash another rom or it gets fixed.
Do you know what cm7 version they've used as a base for the vibrant version? The Nexus S does this by default, to protect the battery as others have mentioned.
Sent from my Google Nexus S
i am having the same problem and im running bionix 1.3.1
DHarr20 said:
i am having the same problem and im running bionix 1.3.1
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YOU need to re-condition, YOU can fix it.
the people on MIUI or CM7 can't.
As stated its a known thing.
I used my Samsung Focus to charge a battery to 100 percent put it in my phone and it discharged to 95% then back up 97%. So the phone isnt charging the phone up all the way as it is. This is also good for the life of the battery and the battery will last longer. Also it gives and accurate reading. Sometimes with phones if it says 100 percent it is discharging thus you actually only have <95%.
I fixed the problem I just switched to best rom(trigger) then reconditioned and it charges perfect thanks for the help
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Jasonhunterx said:
Well my Max charge is 97 what could that be I am running cm7 any help is my battery damaged?
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This is by design and should occur on all Roms. Below is a link to a good Phandroid article tiled "Your Smartphone's Battery Gauge is Lying to You and its not Such a Bad Thing". It really does an excellent job with a fair amount of data explaining why your battery will only charge to 95 - 97%.
It boils down to three options:
The phone manufacturers essentially have three choices:
1. Use older charging styles which actually maintain a full battery, thereby decreasing its eventual life
2. Use new charging methods and have an accurate battery gauge
3. Use new charging methods and have the inaccurate battery gauge
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Smh nvm not fixed my battery said 88% then I plugged in charger then it dropped to 85% wats up wit dat
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Jasonhunterx said:
Smh nvm not fixed my battery said 88% then I plugged in charger then it dropped to 85% wats up wit dat
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I told you before everytime you flash a different rom, the battery is going to be different, so reconditioning is going to help you make it more accurate reading. brah.
I did I fully charge then wiped then drained recharge then wipe
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Jasonhunterx said:
I did I fully charge then wiped then drained recharge then wipe
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You may need to do it a few times.
But since you are on a 2.2.1 rom... no need to worry, when it tells you its at 97% it's actually at 100, soon when you don't notice going from 1% to 2% will take more than regular time, it'll make up for the 3% somewhere along the lines
Ok ill let u know the results of this second try and do I have to recharge when phone off
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App

2 batteries for the life of your phone?

So I remember reading somewhere that if your battery starts to lose charge fast do to having it for a long time, that you can take it to a Verizon store and get a free battery and this can only be done twice for the life of your phone. Is this true.? I'm concerned because I find myself charging my phone everyday so I'm gunna need the extra. And please don't respond with battery saving techniques lol. Thank you
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Please tell me you have the extended battery. Otherwise if it is bad that you have to charge it everyday(omg!!!), you never use your phone.
Lol seems bad to me
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Haha...most people are lucky to only have to charge it once a day. Its a smartphone and being that android phones are always syncing something somewhere on the phone, you're not going to have superb battery life. Ive got an LG Dare ill sell you though. Gets great battery life XD
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juanzr1 said:
Lol seems bad to me
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I normally charge 1-2 times during the day and always overnight. I can make it through the day if I use no data at all
Jmoney47 said:
I normally charge 1-2 times during the day and always overnight. I can make it through the day if I use no data at all
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Youtube drains the battery like crazy watching phone reviews. Stuff I need to save that for my pc
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Battery Drains QUICKLY!

I got school at around 6 am. By the time I eat lunch it's already at 57%. By the time I get home around 5 and it's already at 17%.
All I do is listen to music (doubletwist/playerpro) and play Cut the Rope, WTF!?
Cell standy by is 46% in batter usage followed by wifi with 11%
any help guys?
What I tend to do is have brightness down to about half. Have you also tried fully charging the phone, taking the battery out and charging back to full? I sometimes find it drops down but regenerates itself.
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is it stock no over clocking mods etc no app keeping phone locked awake?
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Droid117 said:
What I tend to do is have brightness down to about half. Have you also tried fully charging the phone, taking the battery out and charging back to full? I sometimes find it drops down but regenerates itself.
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fma965 said:
is it stock no over clocking mods etc no app keeping phone locked awake?
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Brightness is below half,I never go over. WiFi is on but not all the time.
Stock rom 2.3.4 rooted
Do you have data off?
How's your phone signal most of the time? It has been proven that low/bad signal drains battery quicker than good signal.
Sometimes certain buildings/rooms have pretty bad reception making it a huge drain for your phone.
Droid117 said:
What I tend to do is have brightness down to about half. Have you also tried fully charging the phone, taking the battery out and charging back to full? I sometimes find it drops down but regenerates itself.
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This is a useful piece of information, however is not really practical. Ideally we don't want to be turning off our phones on every charge :/
I myself own 3 batteries, and alternate them (I have a wall charger for the batteries)
what ver are you using if 2.3.4 the battery issue is fix.
I get 3 /4 bars, at school right new and yea some times I get nothing, especial ly during the subway ruse which is an hour
Sent from my R800i using XDA App
Once I updated my phone to 2.3.3 I noticed that the battery life was sub-par, only lasting 3/5s of the day on a full charge.
I proceeded to root my phone (as I don't have the money to unlock my Big Red Bootloader); after installing SetCPU I took down the clocking meter 1 notch (768MHz) and the phone is stable with not difference in performance (so far). Doing this and removing some unneeded bloatware has increased my battery life 2.5x and I can go almost 3 days on a single charge.
xiEvo said:
what ver are you using if 2.3.4 the battery issue is fix.
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xiEvo is correct and I've read a lot of good stuff regarding battery life with 2.3.4. I can only begin to imagine what kind of battery life I'll have once I get that update.
get juice defender off the market ultimate version is best. this will lookafter everything for you.. juice defender is a must have app for all android devices
Sent from my R800i using xda premium
I'm 2.3.4.
Honestly I had the best battery life with 2.3.2, IDK why.

My Battery Percentage Increases...

First of all, I know what most people will say: wipe battery stats and condition the battery, but I'm too lazy.
So recently I've been noticing that sometimes my battery charge percentage goes up rather than down. For example, tonight I put my phone in my pocket at 18% battery left. I watched some tv and checked it again ~1.5 hours later to find that it was now at 32%. I've seen this happen on occasion before, but never such a significant jump.
Anybody have any clue as to why it would do this? Other than the fact that my battery stats are needing to be wiped. idk just seems weird to me
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thomasskull666 said:
First of all, I know what most people will say: wipe battery stats and condition the battery, but I'm too lazy.
So recently I've been noticing that sometimes my battery charge percentage goes up rather than down. For example, tonight I put my phone in my pocket at 18% battery left. I watched some tv and checked it again ~1.5 hours later to find that it was now at 32%. I've seen this happen on occasion before, but never such a significant jump.
Anybody have any clue as to why it would do this? Other than the fact that my battery stats are needing to be wiped. idk just seems weird to me
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Sometimes that happens after a random reboot, where when it comes back up, it has "dropped battery." Then it realizes it isn't actually that low, so the battery meter will climb till it actually equals the battery. Then it'll start dropping again.
butler360 said:
You rooted your wife?
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That was happening to me on Clean GB, I reboot my phone every 4 days or so and my percentage would drop significantly after booting back up, then start increasing. I've never wiped my battery stats. I'm using another stock-like ROM so I'll see if it happens again.
I am a counselor at Looneyrat's group home
worldwidepmp said:
That was happening to me on Clean GB, I reboot my phone every 4 days or so and my percentage would drop significantly after booting back up, then start increasing. I've never wiped my battery stats. I'm using another stock-like ROM so I'll see if it happens again.
I am a counselor at Looneyrat's group home
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When you reboot do it while plugged into a charger and that won't happen. It is a glitch in CWM and battery stats.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
thomasskull666 said:
First of all, I know what most people will say: wipe battery stats and condition the battery, but I'm too lazy.
So recently I've been noticing that sometimes my battery charge percentage goes up rather than down. For example, tonight I put my phone in my pocket at 18% battery left. I watched some tv and checked it again ~1.5 hours later to find that it was now at 32%. I've seen this happen on occasion before, but never such a significant jump.
Anybody have any clue as to why it would do this? Other than the fact that my battery stats are needing to be wiped. idk just seems weird to me
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Magic pockets?
The Root said:
Magic pockets?
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Haha I wish
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thomasskull666 said:
First of all, I know what most people will say: wipe battery stats and condition the battery, but I'm too lazy.
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That's your problem. /thread
k0nane said:
That's your problem. /thread
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"Conditioning your battery" after wiping battery stats takes nothing more than regular usage of your phone. All the people that say you have to do all that stuff after calibration are just recommending it because it causes your phone to adjust faster.
Just charge it all the way and use battery calibration to wipe stats. Your battery life will take a few days of use to improve to good levels, but it works and you don't have to do anything other than what you normally do with your phone.

