android 2.3 won't recognize SD card - GT540 Optimus General

hello everyone ,
i have installed android 2.3 on my gt540 rather easy but ,now it doesn't recognize my SD card , im really not sure if this is common error but i couldn't find any similar topic on this, so please help with this ,i cant transfer any data from my PC and therefor can't finish system install....

A re-flash is recommended along with a full wipe.
How did you flash the ROM?
Fully wipe data and reflash by typing:
fastboot -w
fastboot flash system <enter system image here>
fastboot flash boot <enter boot image here>
Definitely replace brackets with the images.
An example would be:
fastboot flash system system.img
And remember that each stage is in every line. So the first one: which is "fastboot -w" will delete all your data. Typing all three lines at once won't work.
AND REMEMBER THAT "fastboot -w" with DELETE ALL YOUR DATA, so backup if you like

First of all ,thank you for helping
Second , perhaps i messed up my sd card when i installed fastboot on my phone since it had none , i used this link (h**p://*** to flash ROM , there was a warning to pull out the sd card , i haven't ,but after i did it was normal when i plugged phone in my PC sd card was there and phone could see her , that's whats weird and still don't think its problem with sd card (although i could me mistaken).
I will be trying reflash next couple of minutes , just hope it will help

What do you exactly mean by saying
but after i did it was normal when i plugged phone in my PC sd card was there and phone could see her
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So your phone recognized the sd card after flashing with CM7 when you plugged it in the computer or when did it happen ?

After I flashed and installed fastboot , i plugged my phone on PC and i could enter sd card , but after i flashed to android 2.3 phone could not see sd card , i tried with another sd card and phone could see her... So i probably burned sd card somehow..
Is there any way to get her back by the way? :/

You might not have the drivers or settings enabled. When you plug in the your phone to a computer, it should show a drive for your phone and you need to enable Mass Storage from your phone. There should be a mass storage notification on your phone. Also try disabling USB debugging from Settings --> Applications --> Development, and then select USB debugging.


Can't Install from SD card!!

Hello all,
So I've been digging through the site for a week or so before i made the plunge to Root my stock Magic. I bought at v1.5, updated to 1.6 (before I new I wanted to Root). I have since gone back to 1.5, created back up with Cyanogen, Flashed, Wiped and am now at the point where Im trying to load my new Rom (Cyanogen's latest) via
Problem is, Im using a mac so there is no zip extension by default. I add the extention, plug the SD into my phone, boot to recovery and attempt to install but I fails displaying: "E:Can't access open/sdcard/ (bad) Installation aborted"
Any idea's? I've seen a couple recommenations to rename minus "zip" or reformat the SD card. None of which have helped. Im currently sitting at v1.5 rejecting the Tmobile 1.6 system update messages a couple times an hour!!! *sigh*
if your using a recent recovery rom you should have choose zip option
so just download cy rom leave name as is then put in root of sd boot to recovery and choose zip
sitimber said:
if your using a recent recovery rom you should have choose zip option
so just download cy rom leave name as is then put in root of sd boot to recovery and choose zip
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Thanks for you response.
I am using CyanogenMod v1.4 Recovery. I have the option to "apply any zip from SD" but nothing is displayed in the list unless its named "" I had other files on the card that don't show up. In fact, Cyanogen's last update links to a Wiki that doesn't even instruct you to rename the new Rom's to 'update' but again, my SD doesnt display them.
Is the zip on the root of your card? You should probably redownload the CM rom and put that one you redownloaded on your sdcard without renaming it or anything. That might work.
how do you copy the file across
phone in recovery mode or phone fully booted
if the first you will need to reboot back to recovery after you copied it accross to show
you could fully format your card fat32 if your using cy rom mount sd card and copy just the cy rom across to the card remember to backup card first
sitimber said:
how do you copy the file across
phone in recovery mode or phone fully booted
if the first you will need to reboot back to recovery after you copied it accross to show
you could fully format your card fat32 if your using cy rom mount sd card and copy just the cy rom across to the card remember to backup card first
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I tried 2 options. 1)Fully booted via usb into the card and 2)removing card and mounting via a Card Reader to my Mac. In both cases I booted to Recovery Mode on the phone and had the same result.
As far as formating the card, its not stock, its an 8 gig that I formated via the phone's erase/format function. Is that not sufficient?
In regards to cy's ROM Im not able to access it after I backup with the apk i have (never get the "Load Custom Rom" button, which is why im using cynoagens.
Anartic said:
Is the zip on the root of your card? You should probably redownload the CM rom and put that one you redownloaded on your sdcard without renaming it or anything. That might work.
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Yup...had already tried that too. *sigh* SD card wont see anything unless its named ''.
try the amon_ra recovery 32a phone 32b phone
Copy recovery-RA-magic-v1.2.3H.img to a location where fastboot can find it.
Boot your Magic into fastboot mode (boot while holding BACK)
Connect your Magic via usb to your pc/mac/...
fastboot devices (to make sure that fastboot "sees" your device)
fastboot flash recovery recovery-RA-magic-v1.2.3H.img (remember to change the H to a G if you have 32b)
when booted to recovery
partition card via this
than go to bottom of menu and select mount sd card
copy file across and reboot back to recovery
select and ???????
Ohene10 said:
Im currently sitting at v1.5 rejecting the Tmobile 1.6 system update messages a couple times an hour!!! *sigh*
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I'm assuming the quoted statement above is still true. I flash via a Mac all the time, so here's what I would do if I were you.
Have the phone booted into your standard ROM.
Plug in the USB cable.
Pull the top menu down on your phone and choose Mount USB.
You should see a new volume in Finder on your Mac (Mine is called no name)
Put the TWO files required for Cyanogenmod on the root of that volume (one of the files is called HTCRootedBase something or and the other is Cyanogen's actual changes)
Power off the phone after the file copy is complete.
Unplug the USB.
Reboot into recovery by holding the Home&Power button.
Choose apply any zip
Select the HTCRootedBase file first.
Let it do its thing.
When it says "Install from SD complete", run apply any zip again.
Choose the Cyanogen zip file.
When it says "Install from SD complete", reboot the phone.
Be PATIENT. It may take 5 minutes for the phone to reboot, but as soon as you see the blue Android logo with the guy on the skateboard you can start doing the happy dance.
sitimber said:
try the amon_ra recovery 32a phone 32b phone
Copy recovery-RA-magic-v1.2.3H.img to a location where fastboot can find it.
Boot your Magic into fastboot mode (boot while holding BACK)
Connect your Magic via usb to your pc/mac/...
fastboot devices (to make sure that fastboot "sees" your device)
fastboot flash recovery recovery-RA-magic-v1.2.3H.img (remember to change the H to a G if you have 32b)
when booted to recovery
partition card via this
than go to bottom of menu and select mount sd card
copy file across and reboot back to recovery
select and ???????
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Forgive my ignorance but Im completely new to this. After fastbooting and connecting to my Mac Im stumped....
jsnyng said:
I'm assuming the quoted statement above is still true. I flash via a Mac all the time, so here's what I would do if I were you.
Have the phone booted into your standard ROM.
Plug in the USB cable.
Pull the top menu down on your phone and choose Mount USB.
You should see a new volume in Finder on your Mac (Mine is called no name)
Put the TWO files required for Cyanogenmod on the root of that volume (one of the files is called HTCRootedBase something or and the other is Cyanogen's actual changes)
Power off the phone after the file copy is complete.
Unplug the USB.
Reboot into recovery by holding the Home&Power button.
Choose apply any zip
Select the HTCRootedBase file first.
Let it do its thing.
When it says "Install from SD complete", run apply any zip again.
Choose the Cyanogen zip file.
When it says "Install from SD complete", reboot the phone.
Be PATIENT. It may take 5 minutes for the phone to reboot, but as soon as you see the blue Android logo with the guy on the skateboard you can start doing the happy dance.
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Unable to install the ROM...same error message: "E:Can't access open/sdcard/ (bad) Installation aborted"
can you try another sd card
Ok, problem solved! It seems my Mac was not correctly downloading the files in the zip format even though i was manually changing the extention. Luckily i have Parallels so I downloaded via XP and added the correct zip files to my sd from there and success! Thanks for all your help!!!
glad you got there bet you learned alot about adb recovery because of your little problem


i just flashed the maesus leo ROM to my HD2.. now im stuck on the "this cincludes beta" screen.. and i am unable to sync my HD2 to reflash a different ROM... please someone help!!
take the sdcard out and pplug it into a pc then copy the nbh file to the root directory. rename it to LEOIMG.nbh. power of the phone and put into bootloader (hold vol down and power) the bootloader will recognise the image and ask for confirmation to flash the rom.
I flash that way as i run linux so obviously no activesync
when i put my SD card in my pc.. i dont see a Root directory? im sorry for sounding so noobish
hey nd have you installed hspl btw?
if you have, boot your phone into bootloader mode by holding down bottom volume key as the phone does a fresh start.
then connect the phone to your pc, you should see it connect and then you can start the rom install process.
the root of your sd card is the part of the storage card that you put files in when you dont put them in any folder on the storage card.
ye, bootloadermode / tricolourscreen should do it
u shouldnt flash via sd card..
oh yes I did forget to mention, flashing via sd card is consdered a last resort, Its dangerous, more so than flashing via usb. work via usb while you still have that option.

[Q] External SD-Card error, please help

I have HTC hero with CWM recovery. I was in recovery and mounted the sd card, copied few files from sd-card to comp and then on the phone I just clicked back button then realised I should have Unmounted that, having done that on the next reboot it gave me an error to remove the card and insert it, I realised something is wrong so went back into the recovery and tried mounting it but it gave me the error - "unable to write to ums Lunfile".
I dont know what to do now, the card is 8GB and dont have any other card, everything was working fine prior to this.
Plug the card into your PC and format it
sorry mate, that did not work, I also used another 2GB card, formated but that does not work as well.
Using 2GB and going into CWM recovery, while mounting it still gives the same msg?
I also checked that 8GB card putting into the card reader and using it on Win-7, the card shows fine, it is showing that Fat32 partition, obviously it is not going to show me Linux partitions.
So the point is how am I going to use that 8GB card back into my HTC hero?
should I flash CWM again on the phone? will that work?
But the phone does not recognise any sdcard so I cannot flash as well..??
what to do?
Try to reflash jordfaz's CWM
Try that :
kemoba said:
Try to reflash jordfaz's CWM
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That does not seem to be for hero gsm i guess
SANSYF said:
Try that :
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this thread to be honest has got only 1 person replying and was quite annoyed as he couldnt do it and was gonna throw his phone then so I am worried.
Is there anyway I could either flash RA-Hero-1.7 recovery image through command windows, if that could solve this problem?
and how to if possible. here, copy the .zip to a SDcard via your PC and flash it with your existing recovery
kemoba said: here, copy the .zip to a SDcard via your PC and flash it with your existing recovery
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My friend you didnt get it.
My sdcard itself is not recognised by the recovery, so obviously even if I put it on the sdcard, the card itself is not recognised so I cannot use it.
Thats why I asked if it would be possible to put xxxxxx.IMG file through FASTBOOT and if anyone can advise if that would work?
Else as I already have CWM 5.xx can I replace it with recovery-RA-hero-1.7xx.IMG file? will that solve the problem?
Try it, i taught you cant mount your SD card, are you S-OFF, if you are get Amon RA .img, reboot to fastboot, do fastboot flash recovery AmonRa.img
kemoba said:
Try it, i taught you cant mount your SD card, are you S-OFF, if you are get Amon RA .img, reboot to fastboot, do fastboot flash recovery AmonRa.img
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No I am S-ON
will that be a problem?
suddenly now adb has stopped working.
what a day begins man
could you please give me the step by step commands to flash amonra.img please..
Can you boot into your ROM ? Does your ROM "see" your SD card. If both of these questions answer yes then do this. Mount your SDCard in your ROM and copy amonra.img to it. Then do
adb remount
adb shell
flash_image recovery /sdcard/amonra.img or flash_image recovery /mnt/sdcard/amonra.img
adb reboot recovery
Hopefully it should go ok, if you get some errors copy output here and i'll help
I can boot into ROM but it cannot see the sdcard?
Now no matter what I do the "adb" doesnt see the devices as well -
I treid
adb kill-server
adb start-server
adb devices
and it says no devices found
I tried going in fastboot mode and then also adb does not see my device.
it has gone to a stage - helpless
Is USB debugging on ??? Are you on linux or windows ?
kemoba said:
Is USB debugging on ??? Are you on linux or windows ?
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windows 7 and debugging is on
:S This is weird... It sure would help if you were S-OFF but now since no SDCard or ADB this is gonna be a tough fix. Only think i see posible is to get ROM Manager from market and flash CWM recovery from there, i think that ROM Manager will flash version 2.x.x.x
i checked that, there is no market on the phone now as everything was app2sd, market is gone as well
I have Ubuntu on one machine, it was there just for some trial and learning purpose
would anything help with that
Are you sure your USB cable is OK ? No device found is almost 100% bad cable connection, do you have a spare USB
My cable is ok, i have a spare one as well, tried that , same thing, adb doesnt find anything.
I also installed android sdk20 on another pc (64bit) and that doesnt recognise phone in recovery as well..
even while connected, it doesnt even show new drivers installing or nothing..

Erased my phone, need help.

I screwed up. I rooted my phone (oneplus 5) and was in the process of trying some new roms.
Went to install another rom and accidentally hit erase pretty much everything.
I figure no sweat, I'll just copy a rom from my PC onto the phone. No so easy.
Went in recovery (TWRP) The PC see the phone and "internal Storage" but won't allow me to copy anything to the phone, so I can't copy the rom to get back up and running.
Is there a way to flash the rom (zip) in fastboot onto the phone or a way to copy the zip to the phone so I can install it using TRWP?
I've had a mounting issue before, try rebooting to recovery, if that fails again I flashed the stock recovery to format all partitions then re flashed twrp.
blackcell1 said:
I've had a mounting issue before, try rebooting to recovery, if that fails again I flashed the stock recovery to format all partitions then re flashed twrp.
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I can get into TWRP, but I have no files there (on the phone) to flash. How do I flash from the PC? I have the ROM zip files on the PC.
Click reboot, recovery on twrp and reconnect your phone to your PC and it should mount so you can drag files over
blackcell1 said:
Click reboot, recovery on twrp and reconnect your phone to your PC and it should mount so you can drag files over
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That is not working and the device is no longer appearing in windows. Add to that, this time when I tried to communicating with it in fastboot, it the PC was reading "waiting for device" and doesn't seem to be communicating with the phone. Ugh.
Format user data in TWRP, reboot back into recovery and then try again.
Or you can run these commands in fastboot:
fastboot erase userdata
fastboot format userdata
Reboot into recovery and see if it works
rickysidhu_ said:
Format user data in TWRP, reboot back into recovery and then try again.
Or you can run these commands in fastboot:
fastboot erase userdata
fastboot format userdata
Reboot into recovery and see if it works
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It is not.
I erased data in TWRP still will not appear in windows.
I can not connect with fastboot any longer, When in fastboot and trying to connect via the PC (fastboot device) I am getting "waiting for any device" I hope I'm not dead in the water.
noncomjd said:
It is not.
I erased data in TWRP still will not appear in windows.
I can not connect with fastboot any longer, When in fastboot and trying to connect via the PC (fastboot device) I am getting "waiting for any device" I hope I'm not dead in the water.
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Erasing data is different from formatting
As for the fastboot error, try using a different USB port and also try restarting your computer.
Also make sure your fastboot/adb platform tools are up to date
noncomjd said:
I screwed up. I rooted my phone (oneplus 5) and was in the process of trying some new roms.
Went to install another rom and accidentally hit erase pretty much everything.
I figure no sweat, I'll just copy a rom from my PC onto the phone. No so easy.
Went in recovery (TWRP) The PC see the phone and "internal Storage" but won't allow me to copy anything to the phone, so I can't copy the rom to get back up and running.
Is there a way to flash the rom (zip) in fastboot onto the phone or a way to copy the zip to the phone so I can install it using TRWP?
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If you have the rom on PC but you're enable to copy into device..... maybe ADB sideload? Through TWRP you can also sideload a rom, connecting the phone to pc but only if ADB driver is recognized....
EDIT: if i dont remember wrong you need only to open TWRP>Advanced>ADB Sideload>Swipe to start then connect the phone to pc and the command is adb sideload
Hope i've not forgot something :good:
rickysidhu_ said:
Erasing data is different from formatting
As for the fastboot error, try using a different USB port and also try restarting your computer.
Also make sure your fastboot/adb platform tools are up to date
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Erasing data is different from formatting
Right you are.
As for the fastboot error, try using a different USB port and also try restarting your computer.
Been around computers now for a while now, you would think I'd check the basics. Was so damn pissed that I was so stupid to hit erase, I never checked the cable, it was half out...Doh!. Plugged it in and I was able to connect via fastboot, ran the two commands you wrote and was able to see my op5 on windows and was able to copy my files over.
Up and running, thank you all so very much.
rickysidhu_ said:
Erasing data is different from formatting
As for the fastboot error, try using a different USB port and also try restarting your computer.
Also make sure your fastboot/adb platform tools are up to date
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Erasing data is different from formatting
Right you are.
As for the fastboot error, try using a different USB port and also try restarting your computer.
Been around computers now for a while now, you would think I'd check the basics. Was so damn pissed that I was so stupid to hit erase, I never checked the cable, it was half out...Doh!. Plugged it in and I was able to connect via fastboot, ran the two commands you wrote and was able to see my op5 on windows and was able to copy my files over.
Up and running, thank you all so very much.
noncomjd said:
Erasing data is different from formatting
Right you are.
As for the fastboot error, try using a different USB port and also try restarting your computer.
Been around computers now for a while now, you would think I'd check the basics. Was so damn pissed that I was so stupid to hit erase, I never checked the cable, it was half out...Doh!. Plugged it in and I was able to connect via fastboot, ran the two commands you wrote and was able to see my op5 on windows and was able to copy my files over.
Up and running, thank you all so very much.
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No problem! We all have 'derp' errors every now and then lol. Glad you got it working!

Stuck in a jam

So I screwed up. When wiping my system for lineageos, I accidentally wiped everything, including the system, internal storage, and data. I am in TWRP right now. Trying to send files over at MTP just makes the progress bar not move. I cannot move it over with my phone mounted as a usb storage device. When using adb push to send over a ROM, the command completes, but it does not appear in the sdcard folder as I specified. Adb sideload just stops at 50%, with the phone displaying step 2/2 and not continuing after that- I have the option to reboot or wipe dalvik / cache. I have no OS. I know that rebooting into TWRP again will make MTP work, however as I have no OS installed I know that I will not be able to access fastboot. Any ideas on how to get a rom onto my phone's storage?
You might need to format your internal storage as it may still be encrypted which may be why files aren't copying across. This is just a guess though. If all else fails (I have been in a similar situation before), you should be able to boot into fastboot (bootloader) mode from TWRP and flash OOS back through that. You would need to find the fastboot version of the ROM. I believe there is a thread in this forum somewhere. A last resort would be using the MSMTool to get back to stock. I've never had to do this myself though. The phone will be in a like brand new state though, so you would need to unlock the bootloader again if you are going to flash a custom ROM or do any modding after.
You can use OTG storage, encryption has no effect on it and you can flash files too. I used it to bypass the encryption issue in TWRP. If that doesn't work then post #2 is your best option. Also you can still boot in fastboot even if your ROM is broken. You can find the fastboot ROMs in the guide section.

