How to minimize applications - G2 and Desire Z General

I was wondering if i could minimize applications on my phone and make them run as there are running normally . So that when i return to them they do not have to reload or anything . Something like the backgroundr application on iphone . Is something like that available on android ?
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App

hah are you kidding me? You're about to start a flame war lol.
Android has proper multitasking. When you hit the home button in an app, the app continues to run. Effectively "minimizing" the app. The only reason why it would close is to open up memory for a newer app that demands it. Switching between apps is as easy as holding down the 'home' button to see a recent apps list, and selecting which you want.
The iPhone is the one that actually doesn't do true multitasking. For most apps on iOS, they freeze the app rather than letting it continue to run. Things like streaming music, etc. will continue to play, but minimizing an app like a game etc. something will freeze the app till you return to it.
Some light reading on the subject that may give you a little insight:
After you understand that, I find this video explains it as well: (from a developer POV, but still shows how it works).

+1, home button to "minimize" the app, and longpress home to return to it.

Well I was gonna say, just hit home and it stays running but his post is epic lol.

Okay thanks and sorry for the dumb question but i still have a few inquisitions .. if i am browsing the web and i go to the messaging app to send a text then when i go back to the internet browser the web page reloads . As i have a slow mobile internet connection that annoys me . Secondly if i am watching a video and again have to send a text when i go back to the video it starts from the beginning . Is tht how its suppose to be or am i doing something wrong ?
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talha92 said:
Okay thanks and sorry for the dumb question but i still have a few inquisitions .. if i am browsing the web and i go to the messaging app to send a text then when i go back to the internet browser the web page reloads . As i have a slow mobile internet connection that annoys me . Secondly if i am watching a video and again have to send a text when i go back to the video it starts from the beginning . Is tht how its suppose to be or am i doing something wrong ?
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it more than likely means there wasn't enough free RAM available to run both applications (along with all other background applications) so it closes the previous app so that the current one can operate freely.
So what I'm expressing is that Android isn't closing the app because you switched apps, its closing in order to keep the other apps running properly when the system is low on RAM, rather than the phone freezing up.
Are you running stock HTC Sense? Because on MIUI I just loaded a page, then read a text, followed a link to the youtube app, watched a video, then toggled back to the browser and the page was still there...
If you're on stock HTC Sense I'm assuming thats why you're having RAM problems.

I like the htc sense look on my phone so i am using virtuous unity v1.31 that has sense 3.0 ..And i have the task manager application installed i have never seen my phones free ram lower then 65 mb . Its usually around 70-75.. so i wonder why my phone is closing apps by itself . :s
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I just checked 'running services' in the phone settings under applications . There the free ranging from 185mb to 165mb . :s
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App

Do you have a ''how-to'' to disable or uninstall services that we dont need?
In the same way as msconfig on windows.

talha92 said:
I like the htc sense look on my phone so i am using virtuous unity v1.31 that has sense 3.0 ..And i have the task manager application installed i have never seen my phones free ram lower then 65 mb . Its usually around 70-75.. so i wonder why my phone is closing apps by itself . :s
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
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This "Task Manager" you have running. Is it some app that kills other apps? If so, uninstall it. It is causing your problems and making your phone run poorly.

If you search around (maybe even on the Unity thread, if my memory serves me correctly . . . which it often doesn't!) there are some tweaks posted that are claimed to help memory management by slightly adjusting the parameters by which Android kills processes. I haven't personally tried them, so make a nandroid before changing anything, just in case.

talha92 said:
I like the htc sense look on my phone so i am using virtuous unity v1.31 that has sense 3.0 ..And i have the task manager application installed i have never seen my phones free ram lower then 65 mb . Its usually around 70-75.. so i wonder why my phone is closing apps by itself . :s
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What 'task manager application' do you have running? If its killing processes prematurely then that can be a problem...

GinoAMelone said:
This "Task Manager" you have running. Is it some app that kills other apps? If so, uninstall it. It is causing your problems and making your phone run poorly.
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the task manager app is the app already installed in the virtuous unity rom .. and i cant seem to uninstall it . and i dont think it would cause problems as it is packaged in the rom. would it ? .
---------- Post added at 08:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:50 PM ----------
redpoint73 said:
If you search around (maybe even on the Unity thread, if my memory serves me correctly . . . which it often doesn't!) there are some tweaks posted that are claimed to help memory management by slightly adjusting the parameters by which Android kills processes. I haven't personally tried them, so make a nandroid before changing anything, just in case.
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thanks i am going to search for it in the virtuous unity thread and see if i am able to solve the problem .recently i noticed if i am playing music in the background and i open the messaging app or a big site like the desktop version of facebook on my browser the music application crashes so there is definately an issue with memory management in my phone

The main issue is that Sense 3.0 is not really meant to run on our phone, due to lack of memory. Sense 3.0 takes a huge chunk of memory, so it doesn't take much more to push the system over the edge. The tweaks I've read about won't be a huge change in memory management. But people on here swear they are helpful.

redpoint73 said:
The main issue is that Sense 3.0 is not really meant to run on our phone, due to lack of memory. Sense 3.0 takes a huge chunk of memory, so it doesn't take much more to push the system over the edge. The tweaks I've read about won't be a huge change in memory management. But people on here swear they are helpful.
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With the new virtuous unity 2.37.0 (sense 3.0) I have an average of 130 mb of free memory. I use temp+cpu widget to monitoring.
Is it not enough?
I read an article about memory managing (auto killer apps) on GB roms, an apparently it wont give a faster speed or better battery life.

oVeRdOsE. said:
With the new virtuous unity 2.37.0 (sense 3.0) I have an average of 130 mb of free memory. I use temp+cpu widget to monitoring.
Is it not enough?
I read an article about memory managing (auto killer apps) on GB roms, an apparently it wont give a faster speed or better battery life.
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If the latest version of Unity uses less memory, updating to that version might help the OP with his particular issue. I'm personally on 1.29. I tried every version after that (with the exception of 2.37), and they all resulted in my battery life being cut in half, so I'm back on 1.29.
The memory management tweaks I spoke of are simply adjustments to the parameters by which Android's built-in task manager kills tasks when memory is needed, not a separate auto killer app. Android inherently kills idle tasks when memory gets low. The adjustment I've seen, if I remember properly, actually raises the threshold for how full memory is before it starts killing tasks.
I agree that 3rd party auto killer apps will not increase performance, except in pretty isolated cases (like a rogue app, badly coded app with a memory leak).

Yes i was thinking of updating to v 2.37 nd see if tht solves my problem . And i was wondering if there was a simple way to stop android automatically closing applications till its down to more like 20-25mbs . But it will never go tht low will it ?
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auto killer preset or custom settings

Those of you running auto killer in your roms, did you use the aggressive settings or custom?
I'm just curious to see if anyone increased the auto kill.
I use either the aggressive or custom depending on the Rom honestly. DC ROMS= Aggressive. FRESH ROMS= strict. and all others = custom
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I have the damagecontrol rom and I dont know if it came with auto killer or what...I restored my titanium backup and all i know is i dont have it there an apk floating around for it?
Try the market
I thought it was a custom xda application. I didn't see it in
the market.
Sent from my HERO200 using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
I've been using Aggressive on Fresh 2.0d and it's been running great.
I tried Moderate for a while at first, but Homerun Battle 3D wouldn't even startup consistently. Once I changed it to Aggressive it has been working great.
Another quick note. I know Autokiller is supposed to reapply the settings on boot, but I'm not sure mine is. I haven't rebooted for a day or so, but the last couple times I rebooted I couldn't get Homerun Battle to run. Then I went into Autokiller and applied Aggressive again and it would start. Anybody else having similar experiences?
I used either the aggressive or strick on Fresh 2.0d. So far everything is running the smooth and fast. This the way HTC hero should have come out of the box.
What does each preset do? Is this for speed or battery life or both?
flammenwurfer said:
I've been using Aggressive on Fresh 2.0d and it's been running great.
I tried Moderate for a while at first, but Homerun Battle 3D wouldn't even startup consistently. Once I changed it to Aggressive it has been working great.
Another quick note. I know Autokiller is supposed to reapply the settings on boot, but I'm not sure mine is. I haven't rebooted for a day or so, but the last couple times I rebooted I couldn't get Homerun Battle to run. Then I went into Autokiller and applied Aggressive again and it would start. Anybody else having similar experiences?
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Damn. I wish Homerun Battle 3D would run great for me. Problem is I get crummy service at work and with it going in and out of 1x and EVDO, causes the game to lag.
I have noticed sometimes on first opening HRB, it force closes but it always opens the second time.
james33440 said:
Those of you running auto killer in your roms, did you use the aggressive settings or custom?
I'm just curious to see if anyone increased the auto kill.
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i'm running aosp 1.6 from gbhil and i used custom autokiller settings.
the way i see it they made these phones with all this ram may as well use it, what good is it to have all this free ram?
1536,3072,4096 (all default) then hidden app is 7680. content provider is 8960 and empty app is 10240. i normally run around 40-45 free ram thats about where i like it. the phone still runs fine all the way down to 20mb free but any less than that it starts going downhill.
so, im MB my settings are 30 then 35 then 40. runs great!
yeah, I get some lag now and then if I don't have great service. Playing offline seems to work fine though. I think it's just the online play that it effects. A co-worker has a Droid and his lags when playing online as well if he's in a spot without good service.
flammenwurfer said:
yeah, I get some lag now and then if I don't have great service. Playing offline seems to work fine though. I think it's just the online play that it effects. A co-worker has a Droid and his lags when playing online as well if he's in a spot without good service.
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Well, mine actually lags on offline play too. As long as the phone isnt switching back and forth, it runs smooth.
How can you remove this autokiller crap, I have tried freshkitchen, uninstaller, and from settings-applications menu, all to no avail
vedwed said:
How can you remove this autokiller crap, I have tried freshkitchen, uninstaller, and from settings-applications menu, all to no avail
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Using command prompt (adb)
adb shell
# rm Autokiller.apk
troyboytn said:
Using command prompt (adb)
adb shell
# rm Autokiller.apk
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Ohh thanks much appreciated.
I did not try that way, I figured if it couldn't be done in freshkitchen then it was just built into the rom. Thanks much again
Just stop using task killers entirely. This isn't Windows Mobile guys. You're getting all OCD in here about the placebo effect.
Sawawa said:
Just stop using task killers entirely. This isn't Windows Mobile guys. You're getting all OCD in here about the placebo effect.
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Autokiller does have a built in task killer but its real use is to tweak memory settings at boot and then shuts itself down (so Android can take care of the rest). So, in reality it is not really a task killer per say.
Fair enough, but it's still entirely pointless. I trust the device manufacturer and Android far more than I ever would the random numbers that I might otherwise delude myself into believing were somehow better.
Just let Android do its thing all of the time. It doesn't need any additional help (particularly with the process management in 2.1). Stop including this garbage in ROMs.
Sawawa said:
Fair enough, but it's still entirely pointless. I trust the device manufacturer and Android far more than I ever would the random numbers that I might otherwise delude myself into believing were somehow better.
Just let Android do its thing all of the time. It doesn't need any additional help (particularly with the process management in 2.1). Stop including this garbage in ROMs.
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It actually very useful for making roms run smoother. By default the memory numbers are very low, which lets a TON of apps run at the same time. The higher the memory numbers the more it ends apps that you werent even using. It gives what you are currently running or recently ran more priority. Even if you dont use AutoKiller, which is just an app to adjust the memory setting, every rom comes with an edited memory setting other then htc's default. Its most commonly known as gumbo's memory settings.
Also in AutoKiller you can adjust the settings to default, or just really low like htc would have them set.
Its really not a bad thing to include in roms because most people want there rom to be smooth and as close to lag free as they can get. AutoKiller helps achieve that by ending stuff you dont currently have up making the phone run faster. Thats if you have a decently set setting. I run mine on optimum, and it doenst close unnecessary things like if im on the web it stays running.
I can understand an app like Task Killer which just terminates the apps. AutoKiller is just setting the memory setting of your phone, which end apps the same way as if the phone were running normally. Just if the numbers are higher the more apps it will end quicker freeing up more space.
Also you really trust htc and sprint?? haha good luck with that
Jus10o said:
It actually very useful for making roms run smoother. By default the memory numbers are very low, which lets a TON of apps run at the same time. The higher the memory numbers the more it ends apps that you werent even using. It gives what you are currently running or recently ran more priority. Even if you dont use AutoKiller, which is just an app to adjust the memory setting, every rom comes with an edited memory setting other then htc's default. Its most commonly known as gumbo's memory settings.
Also in AutoKiller you can adjust the settings to default, or just really low like htc would have them set.
Its really not a bad thing to include in roms because most people want there rom to be smooth and as close to lag free as they can get. AutoKiller helps achieve that by ending stuff you dont currently have up making the phone run faster. Thats if you have a decently set setting. I run mine on optimum, and it doenst close unnecessary things like if im on the web it stays running.
I can understand an app like Task Killer which just terminates the apps. AutoKiller is just setting the memory setting of your phone, which end apps the same way as if the phone were running normally. Just if the numbers are higher the more apps it will end quicker freeing up more space.
Also you really trust htc and sprint?? haha good luck with that
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Either way it should be a choice made by the USER not someone who decides what I need or do not need on my phone. What I choose to have running or not running, there is no need for this garbage for the average joe who just wants something that does not look and feel like Sprint garbage. If its such a great and useful thing put it on the market and let users have a choice.

New to android...taskmanager??

This is obvioulsy my first android device and although cool. its a lot to get use too. I am used to having a taskmanager to close any open applications or ones running in the background. How do you to that with the Droid X? Everytime i opened an app, i just hit the home button and assume it closed. How do you close a program or an running app? Sorry if its a dumb question
You can download an app manager from the market. However, you probably don't even need to worry about that since the processor can more than likely handle the open apps. The android os is pretty good at managing your apps for you. Some people even say that the app manager messes the phone up.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
thank you...i'll just keep it the way it is then and assume the app closes when i exit to the home screen.
Another question for all the Droid X users. Is there a way to remove that little green droid that give you tips on the home screen. He is as annoying as the paperclip dude in microsoft word
nevermind...i just had to drag it down into the waste basket. i did try it before, must just not have draged it far enought donw before
Just to tell you, btw, apps in Android are notified when they get minimized so they can release resources. So say you're in a game, and you hit home, the game knows that you aren't playing anymore, so it's not just sitting on the menu eating resources.
microdot said:
nevermind...i just had to drag it down into the waste basket. i did try it before, must just not have draged it far enought donw before
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All that does is remove it from the home screen, it doesn't kill the app.
nindoja said:
All that does is remove it from the home screen, it doesn't kill the app.
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i understand, i just wanted to have it off the homescreen....maybe replace it with a nice digital clock widget.
Another winmo convert like myself? Just laughing as this is what I was doing all day yesterday.
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Two recommended Task Managers are TasKiller (I use) and ATK / Advanced Task Killer (my wife uses). Both are spoken highly of around here.
x.v_ said:
Just to tell you, btw, apps in Android are notified when they get minimized so they can release resources. So say you're in a game, and you hit home, the game knows that you aren't playing anymore, so it's not just sitting on the menu eating resources.
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Sorry so are you saying that android automaticaly kills the program when you exit out or say hit home? If so is apps like taskkillers really necessary and why do people have them?
No, task killers aren't necessary, and generally people only have them because they don't know any better. Having loads of free memory will do nothing to increase your performance because most apps don't require much, and the very reason Android keeps them in memory is to reduce loading times. Unused RAM is wasted RAM. Android will automatically kill old tasks if it needs to free up memory, so trying to micromanage and preemptively kill tasks yourself is a waste of time and will only make your experience worse. Poorly designed "automatic" task killers from the Market can even decrease your battery performance, so be wary.
I may fall into the "don't know any better" crowd since this is my first android phone, but I'd had the voice recognition app lock up on me a few times and using the task killer to end the app and restart it was the only way I could get it running again.
Unless you have any way I could have done that, it seems to me that task killer has its uses.
You can kill tasks and services from stock Android's Applications menu under Settings.
microdot said:
Sorry so are you saying that android automaticaly kills the program when you exit out or say hit home? If so is apps like taskkillers really necessary and why do people have them?
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Because whoever builds the ROMs for these phones thinks that having built in apps you never use running in the background is a good idea.
DroidX for instance launches a whole bunch of apps on boot you are not using, no need to have them tying up memory.
Even some relaunch themselves in the background when other apps are opened.
So to answer your question, the default ROMs that ship with the phones are generally sloppy. You dont NEED a task killer but it helps speed up the device.
Its like getting a cheap HP or Dell computer from Best Buy, they load it up with some much crap you have to re-image or uninstall all the software you dont need.
You can't unfortunately uninstall the programs that are locked by the ROM.
The only app manager I use is System Panel from the Market. I only used it before on my Eris to monitor memory and battery life. I use it on my X now for informational purposes, because the X is so much faster than the Eris was, which I loved by the way.
Tl;dr its good for monitoring, but above posters are right, mostly unnecessary.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App

Why no exit

Ok a very general question but why is it so hard to exit an application with android!
This is my first android phone and I love it, I will never use another phone type.
My previous phones where windows mobile and closing an application was pretty simple.
With android it's easier to just turn the phone off each night and back on but I would really like to end an application when I want to.
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You need to read up on the subject a lot more.
In a nutshell, Android keeps programs in memory for quick retrieval. If a program goes unused, it eventually gets killed to make room for other executed programs.
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jetpack101 said:
Ok a very general question but why is it so hard to exit an application with android!
This is my first android phone and I love it, I will never use another phone type.
My previous phones where windows mobile and closing an application was pretty simple.
With android it's easier to just turn the phone off each night and back on but I would really like to end an application when I want to.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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this isnt windows mobile dude... read up on how android works..
jetpack101 said:
Ok a very general question but why is it so hard to exit an application with android!
This is my first android phone and I love it, I will never use another phone type.
My previous phones where windows mobile and closing an application was pretty simple.
With android it's easier to just turn the phone off each night and back on but I would really like to end an application when I want to.
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as some of the other users have said, android isn't same as windows or iphone ... its based on linux and unlike windows, the memory management is much different in linux
whereas in windows, it is better to have extra free memory and this actually speeds up applications etc, in linux it is the exact opposite ... linux will take care of memory management itself and likes to keep things in memory for longer in case you ever decide to open the same application again.
so in a nutshell, as you're new to android stay away from 'app killer' apps, as your'e doing more harm than good ... it might look nice having 300megs of free memory, but you'll notice a considerable decrease in speed as every time you will doing anything, the OS has to load that app into memory ... whereas if you leave it alone, you will only notice decreased performance once in a blue moon when you open up some ridiculously big app that the linux OS has to remove more than normal amounts of stuff from memory to make room for this obnoxious app ...
anyways, to answer your main question ... this is the main reason why you can't really exit an app ... and that is why multitasking is awesome ...
Thanks for the advice. I have a much better understanding of it now.
I was looking at a task manager app but will avoid them now based on your explanation.
Sorry for the delay in getting back. Couldn't access xda.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
what about apps you dont want to use but are always active? like msn messenger or palringo ?
In this case you can use a taskmanager to kill a specific app, not all thing in the memory.
like a do.
I think it's been confirmed, that task killing applications aren't necessary--and infact, use more cpu/battery power; opening and closing an app is far more intensive, than reopening it from memory.
You're best bet is to just leave the phone the way it is, in regards to application/task management. My fascinate did however come stock with a task manager, to force close anything I don't want--I use it rarely.
psycho_maniac said:
what about apps you dont want to use but are always active? like msn messenger or palringo ?
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even in this case, if the app was developed properly you can simply leave them alone. because the app would be running in 'background' mode it wouldn't be using negligible battery if any at all.
however, there is the rare case where the developers will act idiotic and force the app to run in 'foreground' mode even when its in the background, and in that case you can either use a task manager to only kill that specific app or go into the application settings and force close that app manually.
you can, on most occasions, figure out which app was developed with background and foreground running in mind when you check the battery usage. no one app should be higher than 1 or 2 percent over a long period of time, unless its an app that you're actually using exclusively for a long time, such as a game or maps app.
if you see any app that is higher than 5%, either simply get rid of it or use the task manager to kill it whenver you're done with it because thats a pretty good indicator that the developer didn't code it properly and is forcing the OS to keep the app running.
hope that helps
Beackman said:
In this case you can use a taskmanager to kill a specific app, not all thing in the memory.
like a do.
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I just uninstall such apps. I understand that Titanium Backup can uninstall "system" applications. I just use a shell script. But then, I've been a UNIX junkie for 20 years.
sign out of messenger apps, don't kill them..
Should I Use a Task Killer?
@psycho.. and everybody else:
Check out an app in the market called autostarts. It's not an task killer, it's an task preventer. Once you set it up it just keeps the apps you specify from even running in the first place.
Android does a great job of managing the background but if I don't need an app but maybe once every week or two (gmaps) I'd prefer it didn't even start every time I boot my phone. Another example is that I love the photobucket app, but I don't actually need it to start up every time I take a picture.
I don't kill apps with a task killer, but I still think all apps should have an Exit option.
There are times when you know you're done with an app, don't want the state preserved for next time, and want to make damn sure all its resources are released.
If you want to preserve the state and come back later, back out or hit Home.
If you don't, then use Exit.
Nothing to do with task killers, just a simple app design decision.
I'm seeing maybe 20% of apps have this.
The OS does a pretty good job of deciding which apps should possess which recourses. If an app is particularly hungry for resources and is of the type that is should relinquish those resources when able, the developer should take that into account. A wise developer will know this and develop his or her app accordingly. A foolish developer assumes his or her app is the only app in the universe and doesn't give a damn about the user. In an open environment like the android platform, where the user gets to decide what is best, the wise developer wins.

[SOLVED] Swiftdroid is killing apps way too quickly. How to prevent this?

I was using swiftdroid last two days and it appears to be killing all apps almost as soon as I quit it. I checked with Advanced Task Killer and it appears swiftdroid is trying to keep at least 45MB free even after I enabled 32MB swap with built-in VRAM.
This is very annoying. It keeps quitting facebook chat and IMO chat as soon as I switch to another app. I'm aware GT540 has very low memory but the thing is in stock, I didn't have any problem even though I didn't have VRAM/swap. I usually get around 25MB RAM free all the time and most apps stay in memory. I'm usually like able to launch the IM app, facebook app and still be able to use the browser or file expert or messaging app.
So, is there's a workaround? It's really annoying when it keeps quitting the IM app just like that!
Sorry for saying it's annoying. I know we get this for free and I shouldn't be complaining at all. It's just that it pissed me by quitting IM app, the only app I want to stay in the memory.
What version of Swiftdroid are you using
The latest one (M5), has improved RAM management a lot
And comes with better battery life, too
I got the same thing. Always 40-45mb free and apps being killed quickly. I'm on M5. Someone said that Joestone's AOSP is better in this aspect, but I didn't test it yet.
I'm on M4. I downloaded M5 only today. I don't think it lacks good RAM management. It's just that its memory management settings have been tweaked to keep maximum possible amount of RAM free so that any new app will launch faster. Am sure there must be a switch to change it.
I don't really have any problems with stock 2.1. I checked out Joe's AOSP and swiftdroid. The only real advantage apart from speed is voice input. In Joe's AOSP, I couldn't get voice to work. In swiftdroid, it worked.
that's what I meant with RAM management
Maurik changed the settings on M5
mhoangtr said:
In M4 rom, lowmemorykiller setting is 6,8,16,20,32,40 MB so apps killed too fast.
If you want to keep apps longer, try set to 6,8,16,20,22,24 MB (this is default value of android).
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But I don't know how can you change that setting in M4
Try M5, if it ain't working for you, go to Joe's
Mitalca said:
that's what I meant with RAM management
Maurik changed the settings on M5
But I don't know how can you change that setting in M4
Try M5, if it ain't working for you, go to Joe's
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@Mitalca: That's the whole purpose of the post. I couldn't find the option where I can change 6,8,16,20,32,40 MB to 6,8,16,20,22,24 MB.
How do I change it?
You can change these values with e.g. this application
I installed this app:
It does the same thing.
I set the values to 6-8-12-18-20-20. Now I'll have to see if that brings an improvement.
EDIT: Tested it for a few minutes. And it seems to be an awesome improvement! I can switch from Facebook, Twitter and Browser, and everything is kept in memory, meaning these apps don't have to reload everything!
And it seems to be stable. I also use some of the "advanced system tweaks settings".
Thanks you guys.
XDA memebers. Useful as ever.
I'm gonna try both the apps and keep the app with slicker interface.
M5 isn't working.
Says assert failed when trying to flash via recovery.
Trys v6 SuperCharger!
It Works Perfectly on our GT540!
I found this problematic, too.
I installed M5 yesterday. Everything is great except this (and I don't like oversensitive accelerometer, but it's not urgent problem ).
Last night I listened Music player, and surfed via Miren. After two opened tabs, Music player shut down . After four opened tabs, phone rebooted. Factory widgets' widgets are useless with this agressive RAM menagment.
hash87 said:
You can change these values with e.g. this application
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Thanks man.
Works excellent .
EazyLuke said:
I installed this app:
It does the same thing.
I set the values to 6-8-12-18-20-20. Now I'll have to see if that brings an improvement.
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To bad - it want access to too much permissions.
Access to too much permissions? Use LBE Privacy Guard!
What permissions?
And by the way, I wrote a PM to Mur4ik and asked him to try this app out. Maybe he'll change the numbers for RAM-management in his next release if he thinks it's an improvement.
EazyLuke said:
What permissions?
And by the way, I wrote a PM to Mur4ik and asked him to try this app out. Maybe he'll change the numbers for RAM-management in his next release if he thinks it's an improvement.
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There are plenty of custom ROMs that use Mur4ik's config. It boils down to personal preference. Do you want newer apps to launch really fast or do you want certain apps to stay in memory all the time?
Multi-taskers would prefer to have all apps in memory while people who like doing one thing at a time or who use phone for gaming mainly would prefer Mur4ik's config which launches apps faster.
The best thing for Mur4ik is to include an option to change the memory management config depending on user.
After changing the numbers my apps don't really seem to open slower.
In my opinion Mur4ik could lower the numbers a little bit, to allow better multitasking, but still let new apps open fast (just my personal opinion).
But I don't say he HAS TO do that, just a suggestion, if he doesn't like it it isn't a problem at all, because everyone can simply adjust the numbers easily .
That's true. xD
If I were to suggest, I'd suggest to add the option to change these settings. Apps opening fast depends on what individual apps are in the memory and what new app you are opening.
For example, if you open Angry Birds while your memory is at 16MB, you certainly can't expect it to open fast.
On the other hand, if you open messaging app while memory is at 16MB, it certainly will open faster.
But, I really disliked the apps Swiftdroid had in the latest release. I had to get rid of the whole GO suit with Uninstaller for Root.
nibras_reeza said:
But, I really disliked the apps Swiftdroid had in the latest release. I had to get rid of the whole GO suit with Uninstaller for Root.
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Try M6, was released yesterday, it's completely clean! Only Tonepicker and QuickSettings are added.
SWEETTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!! xD
you could also try to put mur4ik rom in the kitchen and play with autokiller settings ...
this is michalak8 from (mike's froYo dev) looking for that magic 10 posts to post my rom) Could someone close the rom thread in development section - I would like to post it my self without google-translate bugs

Not really able to multitask due to constant low memory situation?

I don't think this is limited to my device so I am asking here. Are you guys really able to multitask on your devices? On mine I start the web browser then I switch over a couple of apps and when I try to go bqck to the browser it gets launched all over again. Of course it remembers all the pages I have opened but they get reloaded. The same happens to other apps all the time. That drives me crazy. I installed an app called System Panel that I used to have on my HTC Desire and it shows that there are a lot of background services running and out of 700 megs of RAM it's only 50-80 free memory. Among those running apss there are services of widgets that I have never used like AP widget, world clocks, Yahoo finance, samsung hubs and etc. That's insane that such stuff occupies memory while apps that I really use gets killed so eagerly. Is there any way to improve on this behavior? My HTC desire seems to handle more apps at once than my GalTab :O
Sent from my GT-P7500 using Tapatalk
I'm with you about the browser. So irritating that pages are reloaded when you leave the browser. I put starburst ROM on mine so I'm not sure if that took care of the RAM issues, but the reloading browser is pure fail. (BTW- I use dolphin for pad and it's the same).
I guess it's more a matter of the OS killing background apps to retain memory than the app behavior.
In Android an app(it's called an Activity) cannot forbid the operating system from killing it when the OS decides to. An app can only gets notified about the event of being killed to persist its state to be able to restore it later. And the browser does that.
What the problem really is here is that because of a lot of bloatware(including background services of Samsung hubs, Yahoo widget, Associated Press widget) running in background the OS is not having enough memory to keep the user apps runinng. So soon afther an app is put into background it gets killed to make space in memory for other apps.
And as far as I know killing thresholds for available memory are set to around 56 MB. And this happens to be around how much free memory is available for most of the time. So it makes any app put in background to be killed almost immediately. This makes the OS that is supposed to have an edge over iOS in terms of multitasking to be in fact able to run a single app at a time
And ifor example my HTC desire that runs vanilla Android 2.3.4 (Oxygen) seems to run with close to 200 MBs (out of 576MB built in according to the specs) of free RAM during normal operation. I do not use any task killers or any similiar tools. This makes the OS to easily handle multiple apps in background.
So, the question becomes: "how do we [permanently] kill all those background bloatware processes?"
freeze them with titanium backup
U guys realize it only reloads browser pages if u back out or hit the home button right? X the tabs out and ur browser will not do this
The only app that ever shows me the low memory msg is logmein ignition
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium App
This is not really what we are talking about here. Try it this way. Open any page in a browser. GMail for instance. Log in and leave it this way. Now open the task switcher and go to some other app (e.g. Tapatalk). Navigate through some other apps and then select the task switcher and try to go back to your browser. You will notice that it was shut down silently and now it's started again. All previously open pages will be reloaded at this point. On my HTC Desire using the same scenario I end up with a web browser screen restored with the already open page not being reloaded. It even remembers what part of the page I scrolled down to.
bandit_knight said:
This is not really what we are talking about here. Try it this way. Open any page in a browser. GMail for instance. Log in and leave it this way. Now open the task switcher and go to some other app (e.g. Tapatalk). Navigate through some other apps and then select the task switcher and try to go back to your browser. You will notice that it was shut down silently and now it's started again. All previously open pages will be reloaded at this point. On my HTC Desire using the same scenario I end up with a web browser screen restored with the already open page not being reloaded. It even remembers what part of the page I scrolled down to.
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So the honeycomb memory management system is doing its job and freeing up memory when the browser is in the background idle. You are complaining?
bluskye said:
So the honeycomb memory management system is doing its job and freeing up memory when the browser is in the background idle. You are complaining?
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Well, it does not really. I just rebooted my device and noticed that now I can switch between tasks without having the one that I've just put into background immediatelly killed. Also after the reboot there is around 300 MB of free RAM compared to 50 MB thad I had after a few days of use. Also the entire device feels way more snappy now. Doesn't it look like a memory leak?
I have not seen this problem - can have many things running and still have close to 100mb memory free. Doesn't seem to have got worse from a few weeks usage, either. But I have noticed some running processes that I have never even opened, which is strange. Solution is definitely to root and then freeze the things you don't need, but personally I am not going to do this as my memory seems fine. You could try taking off certain widgets and not running certain programs after reboot to see if one thing in particular causes a big memory drain. Social Hubs? I have never even opened this as it caused a mess on my Samsung phone.

