hi, im new to all this and i would like to know how to flash my htc evo to boost. im tired of paying sprint their high bills.
can anybody help me out?
If search was used you would see the thread for this very question in this section. Just saying look around just alittle first.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
how do i get the droid on my htc hd2
Easy buddy! Buy a Droid and lay it on top of the HD2. Voila! "Droid on HD2"...you can get Android to boot on your HD2 though...just search!
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
seidel6969 said:
how do i get the droid on my htc hd2
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Your kidding right?
Is this guy really asking this question?
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
You can search Craigslist for someone who can out android on your phone for 20 bucks or so. Otherwise there is a very nice thread Un sticky called complete guide to android on hd2.... you can umread that ... do some research n you will be on your way...
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
I wish I was a mod
This smells more like a troll than a n00b if you ask me.
...or maybe not? Welcome to real life.
Try being a mobile phone salesperson during summertime.
- You'll change more ringtones and introduce people to their own phones (RTFM isn't allowed) than spend time actually selling or counseling.
- Technology just ain't for everyone, but marketing is GREAT. Now grandma can make Sudoku's on her brand new 700$ iPhone 4. Neat.
I would like to apologize if this is the wrong area to put this I am new, and assumed since I'm talking about a possible ROM you guys call it, it would go in development.
Hi guys I'm completely new to these forums and I'm new o android, however I managed to root my myTouch 4G and got ROM manager and all that down. But I'm seeing people with STOCK Android on their myTouch 4Gs and I'm wondering how? Is there a possible link that would put me in the right direction???
Ad0n1s said:
I would like to apologize if this is the wrong area to put this I am new, and assumed since I'm talking about a possible ROM you guys call it, it would go in development.
Hi guys I'm completely new to these forums and I'm new o android, however I managed to root my myTouch 4G and got ROM manager and all that down. But I'm seeing people with STOCK Android on their myTouch 4Gs and I'm wondering how? Is there a possible link that would put me in the right direction???
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Because they're using Cyanogen Mod. There's a thread here in the dev section.
Mackster what a coincodence. Your videos are the ones that helled me root it hahaha. With stock can I still use my wigets or no??
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
Ad0n1s said:
I would like to apologize if this is the wrong area to put this I am new, and assumed since I'm talking about a possible ROM you guys call it, it would go in development.
Hi guys I'm completely new to these forums and I'm new o android, however I managed to root my myTouch 4G and got ROM manager and all that down. But I'm seeing people with STOCK Android on their myTouch 4Gs and I'm wondering how? Is there a possible link that would put me in the right direction???
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If you're thread title has "Question" in it and/or your thread ends with "???" it's belongs in the Q&A section. By seeing do you mean you actually with your eyes saw? or heard people talking about running stock on here? cause on here running "stock" does not mean the same thing as "vanilla" or regular android. It means they're running the rom the phone came with.
Ad0n1s said:
Mackster what a coincodence. Your videos are the ones that helled me root it hahaha. With stock can I still use my wigets or no??
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
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On stock or "Vanilla", "AOSP", or Cyanogen Mod... or any other non-sense version of the phone you will not be able to run the HTC widgets, but I'm sure there are some similar ones out there if you look.
Please post questions in Q&A section.
Q&A Please! Not being an ass, just saying! LOL!
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
Hey guys, we need your help over at the Vibrant general section http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1043824
There, madguitarist63 has the phone for one day, and we need help rom dumping so if anyone can help or put him in the right direction PLEASE DO.
It was actually a sgs2, not a 4g... But I believe super curio was able to help him get the rom dumped
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I'm retarted lol I meant sgs2 school + no sleep =sgs4g
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
I am getting the EVO Design 4G today, and I am wondering if there is a specific forum for that particular phone, or if this is it. Thanks to any help you can give me.
This is not it, sorry. There will be many differences with your hardware/software. You try Googling Evo design xda forum?
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
No this is the Supersonic: Evo4g forums. The Evo Design 4g AKA Kingdom phone does not have its own forums on XDA. No roms here will work on design because of hardware difference
scottspa74 said:
This is not it, sorry. There will be many differences with your hardware/software. You try Googling Evo design xda forum?
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hehe - did you?
It wouldn't have turned up much. There is a guide to rooting it (and similar HTC devices) under the general Android hacking area, and in fact that thread is mostly populated by Design 4G users, but there is no dedicated forum on XDA for that device as noted above.
I seriously considered getting that phone for awhile and the lack of a big development community was the main reason I decided to stay with my trusty old EVO 4G...
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
NxNW said:
hehe - did you?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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No, I didn't. It's not my device. But the question wasn't intended as a smart ass remark. It was serious.
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
It's been awesome guys. Especially the devs. Thanks for keeping the EVO relevant. My upgrade has come and my EVO has gone. Maybe some devs from the EVO I will see in the GSIII forum.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using XDA Premium HD app
good to know you got a new phone...I really wish everyone could make these threads so the general section could be full of a bunch of locked threads....