Samsung Captivate converted to run as Nexus S - Epic 4G General
WOW! Can we try to do this with the epic to a nexus s 4g?!?
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Fatonuseni said:
WOW! Can we try to do this with the epic to a nexus s 4g?!?
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Link is broken...

Works for me, I think your phone is toast

Short story, they still need a custom pit for mapping. And its would still be a serious challenge for the epic atm.

malcolmXman said:
Works for me, I think your phone is toast
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I'm on computer actually, and I finally got it to load

Unfortunately I don't think we will ever see it though it would be pretty kick ass.

Well we need to wake the devs up! Looks like waiting for source is not the only option! I would love deca's or noobnl's views on this!
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Fatonuseni said:
Well we need to wake the devs up! Looks like waiting for source is not the only option! I would love deca's or noobnl's views on this!
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All source does is make it easier for the devs...they can do without source, but they'd have to write evrything from the ground up, which, funnily enough, should've been done by now if the cm devs didn't keep falling back on the sauceline.
But its completely understandable. Its like when I used to play pokemon yellow. I've gone through mt.moon numerous times without flash, but flash makes it A LOT A LOT A LOT easier,so I go and get it.
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A_Flying_Fox said:
All source does is make it easier for the devs...they can do without source, but they'd have to write evrything from the ground up, which, funnily enough, should've been done by now if the cm devs didn't keep falling back on the sauceline.
But its completely understandable. Its like when I used to play pokemon yellow. I've gone through mt.moon numerous times without flash, but flash makes it A LOT A LOT A LOT easier,so I go and get it.
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I love the comparison in this post! Thanks clicked.
Yes, I am a Pokémon nerd.
Avelnan said:
Phones are going to come to life someday. Take note: LG Optimus line. ASUS Transformer. And now the Nexus Prime.
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FYI we need a donor device to get UnBrickable Mod onto Epic.
I thought I found someone but haven't heard back from them in a while.
BTW, "donor device" means a device which will have it's CPU (destructively) removed to find the correct pins and do the mapping.
See here for more info.
Keep an ear out for any dead / bricked Epics that someone might want to donate to the cause.

nubecoder said:
FYI we need a donor device to get UnBrickable Mod onto Epic.
I thought I found someone but haven't heard back from them in a while.
BTW, "donor device" means a device which will have it's CPU (destructively) removed to find the correct pins and do the mapping.
See here for more info.
Keep an ear out for any dead / bricked Epics that someone might want to donate to the cause.
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I think its already been done before.
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Korey_Nicholson said:
I think its already been done before.
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I thought two people offered a phone and one was sent. We need to ask Adam if he received the phone.
Edit: pm sent
Edit2: Adam never got the phone.
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Why no Gingerbread roms yet

no GB roms for epic 4g yet why
We're waiting for u to cook one, hurry up before Windows Phone 7 comes out on Sprint.
we dont even have official froyo yet. QUIT WORRYING ABOUT GINGERBREAD.
*EDIT: i need to change my sig
Because you touch yourself at night
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Sh0wNuF said:
Because you touch yourself at night
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Samsung sees you when you're sleeping, knows when you're awake. Knows if you've been bad or good so stop touching yourself for goodness sake.
muyoso said:
Samsung sees you when you're sleeping, knows when you're awake. Knows if you've been bad or good so stop touching yourself for goodness sake.
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lol nice glad to see some comedy on this forum
I'm already on 2.2 rom and rooted
There is no official froyo, and Ginger just came out in the recent past. Keep your panties and take some deep breathes. It will be put soon enough...just have to wait
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tmacgarris6727 said:
no GB roms for epic 4g yet why
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Im already on honeycomb buddy your late!
sent from my Epic 4G
jeffyv2 said:
Im already on honeycomb buddy your late!
sent from my Epic 4G
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Seriously...this joke was funny a month ago. C'mon people try to be at least a little original.
Actually they just recently dumped the nexus s source.... I'm surevit could be done pretty easily since they are both galaxy s phones
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dfitzpatrick said:
Actually they just recently dumped the nexus s source.... I'm surevit could be done pretty easily since they are both galaxy s phones
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Wow, if you're sure it can be done easily from the Nexus S dump then it must be true. Someone who can make a statement like that must have the expertise to whip up some drivers for our CDMA radio, wimax, and all the other stuff that is different in the Epic from the Nexus S. Let me know when all this "pretty easy" work is done so I can flash it.
it can be done easily all we need is cm7 source done
noobnl said:
it can be done easily all we need is cm7 source done
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Sure, if easy means that you and all the other super smart guys on the CM teams spend time working on it. As for the OP, I'm guessing he hasn't been committing any code.
dizidi said:
We're waiting for u to cook one, hurry up before Windows Phone 7 comes out on Sprint.
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Wp7?? No thanks. That OS is worse than the original Edge only iPhone...that's pretty bad.
jeffyv2 said:
Im already on honeycomb buddy your late!
sent from my Epic 4G
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I was on honeycomb when it was on vinyl.
Worst thread of 2010?
DiGi760 said:
I was on honeycomb when it was on vinyl.
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richse said:
Wow, if you're sure it can be done easily from the Nexus S dump then it must be true. Someone who can make a statement like that must have the expertise to whip up some drivers for our CDMA radio, wimax, and all the other stuff that is different in the Epic from the Nexus S. Let me know when all this "pretty easy" work is done so I can flash it.
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Angry much?
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stir fry a lot said:
Worst thread of 2010?
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this is already the worst thread of 2011

GPS fix, and the cause of many issues

I seen a few threads on GPS fixes. I read them and still see some people having issues after applying fixes. I found out something interesting so it's my turn to post a fix for the GPS issue.
Here is what this will fix:
taking a long time to get a fix.
Not being able to keep a fix.
Not accurate data.
GPS consuming more battery then it should.
I can tell every one who is having trouble still right off the bat that they have their TB's overclocked.
I found out something interesting while trying to get from point a to point b a few days ago. All of a sudden I was having all sorts of issue that I never had before. After futzing around to try and find a solution I focused on the only thing different then usual.
I had my TB overclocked to 1.5GHZ when I normally don't go much higher then 1.2GHZ. mostly not to drain the battery.
My unit took several minutes to get a fix, and when it did, if I started moving again,(driving down the road) it completely lost the fix, or it was sporadic at best.
I lowered the clock speed to 1.2ghz. Killed all apps for a fresh start. Started navigate again, and I got a fix in less then 10 seconds. And it held a fix.
I put the clock speed back to 1.5ghz and I lost the fix again. Problems were occurring again.
I was able to get a good fix at 1.3ghz, but it took a tad longer, still under a minute to get a fix, but at 1.2 it works flawlessly.
Apparently the chipsets used for GPS don't like too high of a frequency above normal.
If anyone is having an issue with GPS, lower your cpu to 1.2ghz or lower. Kill all apps. then restart your GPS software.
Hope this helps any one having issues out!
Great theory, and may be true to an extent. I don't oc and today I could not get a lock to save my life. And I was in wide open lake country where a lock should have been instant.
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Yea I dont OC at all and Still even with a couple of patches Ive tried, it still dont work right.
My gps has never worked correctly since I got the phone. So interesting theory, but purely circumstantial and unscientific testing. The issue comes about from XTRA code being incomplete in the framework.jar. This is needed for fast locks. Secondly, the radio needs updating. Both are present in a yet unreleased TB ota.
Why you see wildly different results is that eventually, even a standalone gps locks. Fiddling with settings and so forth, you eventually get a lock. Once you have lock and keep it 'warm' with somewhat regular use, you get the illusion of your gps being fixed.
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i hate this **** its pissing me the f*ck off
Upstreammiami said:
i hate this **** its pissing me the **** off
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Return the phone for civil language lessons then.
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adrynalyne said:
Return the phone for civil language lessons then.
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adrynalyne said:
Return the phone for civil language lessons then.
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sorry to hurt your feelings why dont you give me the lessons your self .
Upstreammiami said:
sorry to hurt your feelings why dont you give me the lessons your self .
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Thank you for contributing to the maturity of this community.
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adrynalyne said:
Thank you for contributing to the maturity of this community.
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anytime buddy!
Yeah, I'll agree with everyone (minus the troll). The OC may be affecting your problem, or seem like it is. But, me, from the time I walked out of the store my GPS has not locked a single time. Glad I've still got my not-much-better fascinate to use nav with hhaha.
Currently, using the unreleased update I mentioned, I wait a maximum of 10 seconds on q cold lock, and I'm overlooked to 1.5ghz.
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Upstreammiami said:
anytime buddy!
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You do realize that adrynalyne is one of the developers helping make this, and other phones better right? Quit being a child, show some respect to people - be it devs or other trolls like yourself.
hawkxcore said:
You do realize that adrynalyne is one of the developers helping make this, and other phones better right? Quit being a child, show some respect to people - be it devs or other trolls like yourself.
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Just ignore him. This guy has a history of taking credit for my threads on the Incredible. He is better off being ignored and forgotten completely.
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hawkxcore said:
You do realize that adrynalyne is one of the developers helping make this, and other phones better right? Quit being a child, show some respect to people - be it devs or other trolls like yourself.
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smh how im i being a child, i cant be pissed of at my phone?
adrynalyne said:
Just ignore him. This guy has a history of taking credit for my threads on the Incredible. He is better off being ignored and forgotten completely.
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lmao dude your still talking crap about that damn!!! wow .. threads? it was only one dont give ur self so much credit
Grabs popcorn.
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Tease! When will we see BAMF'o updated with this"unreleased" update
adrynalyne said:
Currently, using the unreleased update I mentioned, I wait a maximum of 10 seconds on q cold lock, and I'm overlooked to 1.5ghz.
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mikeyinid said:
Tease! When will we see BAMF'o updated with this"unreleased" update
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As soon as I am allowed.
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Allowed? Ok, I won't ask. On a side note, gps is spot on right now. Oc'd to 1.4
adrynalyne said:
As soon as I am allowed.
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Not sure how many of you follow him on Twitter, but this was just posted 20 minutes ago.
"I think I'm gonna step down and no longer work on android."!/MysteryEmotionz
A great themer going. Sad to see him go too. I sure hope we don't lose everyone D:
Sad to see him go too. Much respect to him.
Nooooooo! Hes my teacher!
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Looks like the end of the world is beggining...
Sent from my Epic™ 4G using XDA Premium app
Edit: definitely will be missed.
jeffyv2 said:
Looks like the end of the world is beggining...
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Can we just let the dust settle.
Alot of people here well miss him. Alot will be happy he's gone. I just see this thread going down hill cause he's probally the most understood individual on these forums with his un orthodox ways
YoungBloodTheKing said:
Can we just let the dust settle.
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A lot of people just wanna know what went down. What's happened happened so what difference would it make.
cd's or tapes?
I think he's a cool dude, agreed with the other poster that he's the "least understood". He'll be back He's said he was going to leave before and stuck around. He'll be here.
isn't this his 3rd or 4th time?
YoungBloodTheKing said:
Can we just let the dust settle.
Alot of people here well miss him. Alot will be happy he's gone. I just see this thread going down hill cause he's probally the most understood individual on these forums with his un orthodox ways
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I for one, will miss him. He helped me tremendously with my theming. I hope he makes his return when everything settles down
Well all this is going to definitely change things....
k0nane... Out? Gone for good? We don't know.. Only time will tell...
Mystery... Same as above...
Dreamsforgotten, last I talked to k0nane personally on the night of the ACS/INC start he told me Dreams was knee deep in smali code (theming) for the Nexus 4g..
So we definitely have a lot of important pieces missing to the big Epic 4g puzzle... I sure hope one day they all come back so we can finish this picture.
We still have some great themers and developers, plus many new in the last month or so up and comers that have made a great impact on the scene so we are going to all have to pull together and do the best with who/what we have. Everything will be fine.
Now more than ever everyone needs to work together, hand in hand and share to make future GB and the last of EC05 development the best it can be for the Epic 4g.
Thread cleaned. No flaming please. Thank you.
Ha, I didn't even post in here and people were already fighting. Obviously I'm not the problem lol
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Whosdaman said:
Ha, I didn't even post in here and people were already fighting. Obviously I'm not the problem lol
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Dude... not the time for this...
[sig]I'm close to rooting, as long as it doesn't freeze today[sig]
zanderman112 said:
Dude... not the time for this...
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lol, toosoon toosoon
I'm working with jez2cool on aosp 2.3.4 on the epic, were coming along got a booted version but some software permissions and kernel code to work out. Anyone else who would like to contribute is more than welcome
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dreamsforgotten said:
I'm working with jez2cool on aosp 2.3.4 on the epic, were coming along got a booted version but some software permissions and kernel code to work out. Anyone else who would like to contribute is more than welcome
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
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[sig]I'm close to rooting, i have to see if its messed up first [sig]

I started a spark that started a fire.

I gave you an easy way to root(using joeykrim root method) and booted CyanogenMod for the first time and the first to boot on a Samsung Galaxy S device ( broken until forcyctos came alone and helped speed up development) and ClockworkMod (mapping of key were wrong until koush fixed key mapping in recovery). That how started all that.
I am sorry, I started few drama that I didn't intend to. I am no longer developing for Epic 4G(I still have the device).
People just don't how to react in the presence of a god
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SAShady said:
People just don't how to react in the presence of a god
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I am more like a mother, not a god.
So you don't even develop. For yourself you have to be going nuts. I am a flash aholic and it bugs me not flashing a new rom. Just saying.
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notsosmrtgeek said:
So you don't even develop. For yourself you have to be going nuts. I am a flash aholic and it bugs me not flashing a new rom. Just saying.
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I don't flash ROMS anymore
noobnl said:
I don't flash ROMS anymore
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But u r not on stock thou
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notsosmrtgeek said:
But u r not on stock thou
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I am on stock with su in /system and drockstar recovery in bml8
Dang. Ok. I'm leaving. Back to marcusant v6 waiting for v7.
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Planing on sticking with the epic for awhile? Or do u have your eyes on another device?
silver03wrx said:
Planing on sticking with the epic for awhile? Or do u have your eyes on another device?
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Eyeing at Sprint Samsung Epic 2
Same here. Any plans on dev work on that? Lol or you retired for good?
silver03wrx said:
Same here. Any plans on dev work on that? Lol or you retired for good?
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A mother again?
Haha. I dnt blame you . People don't understand the devs get flooded with questions constantly inboxd. I can see It becoming annoying. Then the bickering.
Well we all appreciate your work and so many of us have benefitted from it as well as became somewhat educated along the way. Thanks.
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I know. You can start a school for dev. I have been tring to find a android developer for dummys book. I'm sure it would take off. You would have to watch out for stalkers like ecooce lol jk.
Sent from my fake Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App
This is a frustrating group. Everyone is a wise ass, everyone sees conspiracy theories, everyone thinks Sam/Sprint is trying to hide the good stuff. I don't blame you for taking time away. For every useful and intelligent post out there you have to wade through 100 crap posts. If you move on then the ratio will get worse.
I appreciate your words of rationality on these discussions, and the development you've done.
been following you since the moment. im sad.
darksideauto said:
been following you since the moment. im sad.
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+1 on that bro
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Woh you actually used smileys lol
You seem a bit more modest now noob, nice change lol
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A_Flying_Fox said:
Woh you actually used smileys lol
You seem a bit more modest now noob, nice change lol
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I noticed that too...
The Moment wouldn't have been what it was without radioactive, annd the up arrow of death fixes you had out...
Help support autism awareness,it only takes 2 seconds to help make a difference...

Calling All devs: I need help on miui

Hey guys. I'm the miui developer for the epic. I've fixed a lot, like calling and text and no more screen flicker, not to toot my own horn, but need some help on fixing data. Please post ideas or your gtalk here if you can help. Me and a lot of people would love to see this working
Yeah, the progress is amazing. If someone can assist with the data, I will give you 5 thanks a day for a
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Yeah. If anyone knows what I can do, please let me know.
xboxfanj said:
Yeah. If anyone knows what I can do, please let me know.
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People are going to get upset with me because I am going to be a one man bump machine on this thread. I want that 3g working so bad right now.
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JohnCorleone said:
People are going to get upset with me because I am going to be a one man bump machine on this thread. I want that 3g working so bad right now.
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Make that a 2 man bumping machine.
Don't have an epic..but my wife does. Would love to install this for her.
Sent from my E3D.
Third bumper checking in. if only i could offer more.
Maybe this title will get me some help
So no data at all? noobnl would be perfect for this. I'm guessing its ril related, or way over my head. But I will take a look at the ROM before I install the new simply ASOP.
malcolmXman said:
So no data at all? noobnl would be perfect for this. I'm guessing its ril related, or way over my head. But I will take a look at the ROM before I install the new simply ASOP.
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OK, thanks. No data, cept wifi. Latest link is on the last page of that thread. Still no data though.
Sorry for the bump, but a lot of people would like to see this happen and this will help.
Xboxjfan you should check this out
I spoke to a dev that will take a look right after his next ROM release which should be any day now
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masaidjet said:
Xboxjfan you should check this out
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For looking at the site on my phone I accidently voted for another phone lol
Sent from my SPH-D700
JohnCorleone said:
I spoke to a dev that will take a look right after his next ROM release which should be any day now
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Ooooo I love these teases. Does this devs name start with a "C"
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xopher.hunter said:
Ooooo I love these teases. Does this devs name start with a "C"
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I can't say because I don't want to put any pressure on him but CompKid would be a good person to give it a try.
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masaidjet said:
Xboxjfan you should check this out
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Epic isn't on the poll, is it?
JohnCorleone said:
I spoke to a dev that will take a look right after his next ROM release which should be any day now
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If he has any questions have him pm me

