I started a spark that started a fire. - Epic 4G General

I gave you an easy way to root(using joeykrim root method) and booted CyanogenMod for the first time and the first to boot on a Samsung Galaxy S device ( broken until forcyctos came alone and helped speed up development) and ClockworkMod (mapping of key were wrong until koush fixed key mapping in recovery). That how started all that.
I am sorry, I started few drama that I didn't intend to. I am no longer developing for Epic 4G(I still have the device).

People just don't how to react in the presence of a god
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SAShady said:
People just don't how to react in the presence of a god
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I am more like a mother, not a god.

So you don't even develop. For yourself you have to be going nuts. I am a flash aholic and it bugs me not flashing a new rom. Just saying.
Sent from my fake Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App

notsosmrtgeek said:
So you don't even develop. For yourself you have to be going nuts. I am a flash aholic and it bugs me not flashing a new rom. Just saying.
Sent from my fake Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App
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I don't flash ROMS anymore

noobnl said:
I don't flash ROMS anymore
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But u r not on stock thou
Sent from my fake Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App

notsosmrtgeek said:
But u r not on stock thou
Sent from my fake Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App
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I am on stock with su in /system and drockstar recovery in bml8

Dang. Ok. I'm leaving. Back to marcusant v6 waiting for v7.
Sent from my fake Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App

Planing on sticking with the epic for awhile? Or do u have your eyes on another device?

silver03wrx said:
Planing on sticking with the epic for awhile? Or do u have your eyes on another device?
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Eyeing at Sprint Samsung Epic 2

Same here. Any plans on dev work on that? Lol or you retired for good?

silver03wrx said:
Same here. Any plans on dev work on that? Lol or you retired for good?
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A mother again?

Haha. I dnt blame you . People don't understand the devs get flooded with questions constantly inboxd. I can see It becoming annoying. Then the bickering.

Well we all appreciate your work and so many of us have benefitted from it as well as became somewhat educated along the way. Thanks.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App

I know. You can start a school for dev. I have been tring to find a android developer for dummys book. I'm sure it would take off. You would have to watch out for stalkers like ecooce lol jk.
Sent from my fake Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App

This is a frustrating group. Everyone is a wise ass, everyone sees conspiracy theories, everyone thinks Sam/Sprint is trying to hide the good stuff. I don't blame you for taking time away. For every useful and intelligent post out there you have to wade through 100 crap posts. If you move on then the ratio will get worse.
I appreciate your words of rationality on these discussions, and the development you've done.

been following you since the moment. im sad.

darksideauto said:
been following you since the moment. im sad.
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+1 on that bro
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App

Woh you actually used smileys lol
You seem a bit more modest now noob, nice change lol
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A_Flying_Fox said:
Woh you actually used smileys lol
You seem a bit more modest now noob, nice change lol
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
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I noticed that too...
The Moment wouldn't have been what it was without radioactive, annd the up arrow of death fixes you had out...
Help support autism awareness,it only takes 2 seconds to help make a difference...


please delete

please delete
LOL, really hope this person finds this thread...
Help support autism awareness,it only takes 2 seconds to help make a difference...
Sent from MyEF02 using XDAPA...
This is embarrassing ...
but have i been coming in that much ?
iSaint said:
This is embarrassing ...
but have i been coming in that much ?
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Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
This is fantastic.
iSaint said:
This is embarrassing ...
but have i been coming in that much ?
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Really? You? I don't think so man...were you just in yesterday? (Friday the 8th?)
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deano0714 said:
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squshy 7 said:
Really? You? I don't think so man...were you just in yesterday? (Friday the 8th?)
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10 char
Lol I doubt it was iSaint..... he knows how to use odin (I hope lmao)
Just for the record, whoever you are have no reason to be "scared" or anything like that by contacting me. Obviously we don't care that you're rooting your phone since we've helped you everytime, it's just getting to the point that someone seriously needs to help you out. As I said before, it'll benefit both of us.
And by the way, I'm not the same tech that you've talked to face to face. I'm an epic user unlike him.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
This has got to be the the funniest thread ever
GituSum Epic4G
GituSum said:
This has got to be the the funniest thread ever
GituSum Epic4G
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Please dont make this embarrassing for this user. It'll decrease the chance that I find this user and possibly result in a customer complaint.
This is definitely a serious inquiry. We should all be willing to lend such a helping hand
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
squshy 7 said:
Please dont make this embarrassing for this user. It'll decrease the chance that I find this user and possibly result in a customer complaint.
This is definitely a serious inquiry. We should all be willing to lend such a helping hand
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
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LOL @ Thread title beginning with " WANTED " LMAOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
squshy 7 said:
Please dont make this embarrassing for this user. It'll decrease the chance that I find this user and possibly result in a customer complaint.
This is definitely a serious inquiry. We should all be willing to lend such a helping hand
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Just edit the OP, and have the user PM you, that way it stays private and allows the user to not have to come forward publicly. Honestly though, if the user does see this, there's no reason to be embarrassed... we were all unfamiliar with how to do this stuff at one point or another (Im still not great at it, but good enough to get by), and learning how to do so is nothing to be ashamed of.
Lol I live by cranberry but never been to the sprint store there.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
I was just joking ....
But is there a reward if we find this wanted criminal.
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iSaint said:
I was just joking ....
But is there a reward if we find this wanted criminal.
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Lol no. Title edited. Didn't mean for it to come across like that
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pfft i wish my sprint store was as cool as this, the manager there gets all huffy when he sees me.. of course that was due to him trying to talk to me like an idiot and me correcting him on several points about the nexus s 4g...
best of luck to finding your lost soul.
I have to agree. What you are doing here is a good thing. Instead of bashing him, you are helping him learn. This is a win for all involved. Good job man!
Has the wanted surfaced yet?
Next time he comes to the store, redirect him to this thread on his phone!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App

Cryogenmod for epic

I am looking to flash a rom on to my phone and I have heard great things about cryogen. I looked at the community rom oage for the epic and noticed it said 90%. Anyone know what is not done or what it is missing and if it is stable.
Thank you
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
It's Cyanogenmod 7 and it's good enough for me. I'm running it right now. Broken things (as far as I know) include GPS, camera, and video playback. There may be more but I can't remember off the top of my head. Videos will play on websites via Flash Player, but youtube and mobile streams will not. These things should be fixed shortly after we get kernel source for Gingerbread. *Crosses fingers*
Also, for future reference, post questions in the Q&A section. It keeps the Dev section cleaner and keeps the whiners quiet.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
Sorry for the miss spelling. I am at work using my phone and I am terrible at spelling. Thank you for the help. I am greatful.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Cryogen lololololololol
It gave me a laugh
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
i thought this was going to be a lame thread about how sad they were that cryogen isn't fully ported to the epic yet, and then i opened the thread.
I +1 this thread about Cryogenmod
Sent from my SPH-D700
Somebody make Cryogen, please.
Don't be mean now lol we all make spelling mistaks
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
ROFL Now thats a great name for CM7
rulyskull said:
Don't be mean now lol we all make spelling mistaks
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
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Were not being mean
It just sounds funny
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I approve of this thread, and I thanked the OP. We need CryogenMod!!
Avelnan said:
Phones are going to come to life someday. Take note: LG Optimus line. ASUS Transformer. And now the Nexus Prime.
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"Cryogenmod" lol cuz dev is frozen awaiting GB source! Lol Funniest typo EVER!!
Specialksg1 said:
"Cryogenmod" lol cuz dev is frozen awaiting GB source! Lol Funniest typo EVER!!
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Maybe it's Cryogen because people wont stop crying about getting the full ROM. ;-P
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
QQogen Rom

Calling All devs: I need help on miui

Hey guys. I'm the miui developer for the epic. I've fixed a lot, like calling and text and no more screen flicker, not to toot my own horn, but need some help on fixing data. Please post ideas or your gtalk here if you can help. Me and a lot of people would love to see this working
Yeah, the progress is amazing. If someone can assist with the data, I will give you 5 thanks a day for a month...lol
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
Yeah. If anyone knows what I can do, please let me know.
xboxfanj said:
Yeah. If anyone knows what I can do, please let me know.
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People are going to get upset with me because I am going to be a one man bump machine on this thread. I want that 3g working so bad right now.
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JohnCorleone said:
People are going to get upset with me because I am going to be a one man bump machine on this thread. I want that 3g working so bad right now.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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Make that a 2 man bumping machine.
Don't have an epic..but my wife does. Would love to install this for her.
Sent from my E3D.
Third bumper checking in. if only i could offer more.
Maybe this title will get me some help
So no data at all? noobnl would be perfect for this. I'm guessing its ril related, or way over my head. But I will take a look at the ROM before I install the new simply ASOP.
malcolmXman said:
So no data at all? noobnl would be perfect for this. I'm guessing its ril related, or way over my head. But I will take a look at the ROM before I install the new simply ASOP.
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OK, thanks. No data, cept wifi. Latest link is on the last page of that thread. Still no data though.
Sorry for the bump, but a lot of people would like to see this happen and this will help.
Xboxjfan you should check this out
I spoke to a dev that will take a look right after his next ROM release which should be any day now
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
masaidjet said:
Xboxjfan you should check this out
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For looking at the site on my phone I accidently voted for another phone lol
Sent from my SPH-D700
JohnCorleone said:
I spoke to a dev that will take a look right after his next ROM release which should be any day now
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
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Ooooo I love these teases. Does this devs name start with a "C"
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xopher.hunter said:
Ooooo I love these teases. Does this devs name start with a "C"
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I can't say because I don't want to put any pressure on him but CompKid would be a good person to give it a try.
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masaidjet said:
Xboxjfan you should check this out
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Epic isn't on the poll, is it?
JohnCorleone said:
I spoke to a dev that will take a look right after his next ROM release which should be any day now
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
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If he has any questions have him pm me

And thanks for the fish

Seriously devs, outstanding work. I've had this Epic for 20 months and you guys still never cease to amaze us.
Thanks for the ICS and now the JB.
J.ust A. R.eally V.ery I.ntelligent S.ystem
Thanks for the geeky reference
Earth is mostly harmless
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda app-developers app
Everyone leaving/ left
Now im too sad to .... you know.
iSaint said:
Everyone leaving/ left
Now im too sad to .... you know.
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Not everyone! Some of us still hanging around.
Waiting for the black GS3...
orlzzt said:
Not everyone! Some of us still hanging around.
Waiting for the black GS3...
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Whenever I feel depressed at work about my mundane job, I look at the picture on my desk of the wife and kids and thank my lucky stars. That I'm at work.
Sadly that won't work here
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I'm still lurking daily.
Sent from my AOSP Android 4.1.1 Galaxy Nexus
Zeinzu said:
I'm still lurking daily.
Sent from my AOSP Android 4.1.1 Galaxy Nexus
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Thanks for the warning
Yeah, its funny- all these guys upgraded to Gnex or GS3, then come back to the Epic thread to argue about hardware and complain about the noobs, trolls and flamers on the other threads. Might as well get a f**k**g iPhone....
Glad to still see you around, brother Zeinzu!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
It is funny, all these goodbye threads, but they never really leave. I wonder if it is buyers remorse when they realize our Epics do everything their shiny new several hundred dollar phones do...... Yep, I bet that is it.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
socos25 said:
It is funny, all these goodbye threads, but they never really leave. I wonder if it is buyers remorse when they realize our Epics do everything their shiny new several hundred dollar phones do...... Yep, I bet that is it.
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Well, I spent fifty bucks on my Galaxy Nexus, so no harm there. I love the device, but I still like this forum.
Sent from my AOSP Android 4.1.1 Galaxy Nexus
socos25 said:
It is funny, all these goodbye threads, but they never really leave. I wonder if it is buyers remorse when they realize our Epics do everything their shiny new several hundred dollar phones do...... Yep, I bet that is it.
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But none of their complaints pertain to the phone... the only remorse I see is that they now have an entire pack of looneyrats to deal with, and I completely understand that sentiment
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styles420 said:
But none of their complaints pertain to the phone... the only remorse I see is that they now have an entire pack of looneyrats to deal with, and I completely understand that sentiment
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but I thought looneyrat was gone .... ( or was that 2bunny ... )
TexasEpic4G said:
but I thought looneyrat was gone .... ( or was that 2bunny ... )
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No dude that was krazykamel.
Sent from my Samsung Epic 4G using xda app-developers app
SwimDrewid said:
Seriously devs, outstanding work. I've had this Epic for 20 months and you guys still never cease to amaze us.
Thanks for the ICS and now the JB.
J.ust A. R.eally V.ery I.ntelligent S.ystem
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If you've enjoyed any of my work, then you're welcome
Sent from my Samsung Epic 4G using xda app-developers app
styles420 said:
Thanks for the geeky reference
Earth is mostly harmless
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Whenever my 6 year old gets upset about anything, I tell her "Don't panic, and carry a towel". That (usually) seems to help
SwimDrewid said:
Whenever my 6 year old gets upset about anything, I tell her "Don't panic, and carry a towel". That (usually) seems to help
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No idea what you guys are talkin' about, but definitely reminds me of towelie from south park.
"Don't forget to bring a towel."
Sent from my Samsung Epic 4G using xda app-developers app
xboxfanj said:
No idea what you guys are talkin' about, but definitely reminds me of towelie from south park.
"Don't forget to bring a towel."
Sent from my Samsung Epic 4G using xda app-developers app
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Then I'm guessing the thread title made no sense to you either - they're all references to an amazing series of books that started with The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I highly recommend reading all of them - so much better than the movie
Or even better, try to find audio of the original radio broadcasts...
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda app-developers app
---------- Post added at 09:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:37 PM ----------
TexasEpic4G said:
but I thought looneyrat was gone .... ( or was that 2bunny ... )
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From what our friends who have moved on have reported, it seems like his entire family uses either a Gnex or an SGS3
Edit: I was being lazy and decided not to worry about a double post... they were automatically merged! Now I know why some posts have that "original message was at" message - very cool
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda app-developers app
styles420 said:
Then I'm guessing the thread title made no sense to you either - they're all references to an amazing series of books that started with The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I highly recommend reading all of them - so much better than the movie
Or even better, try to find audio of the original radio broadcasts...
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda app-developers app
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Yep. The audio books are also great. They have sound effects and Adams' voice for Marvin is quite a chuckle.
J.ust A. R.eally V.ery I.ntelligent S.ystem
"Blessed St Lebowitz, keep 'em dreaming down there!"
Thanks, devs, for 2 years of pure Epic goodness. Your hard work and vision gave us the greatest experience in the history of Android...
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Thanks for the donuts.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium

Hey guys. I come from the MT4GS

Hey guys. I was just wondering what HTC sense roms. Do u guys have up and running without MAJOR problems. I just read the sense4all project is gonna be turned into sense 3.6
Sent from my myTouch 4G Slide using xda premium
What you see is what you get.
Only 1 Sense project.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
nikon120 said:
What you see is what you get.
Only 1 Sense project.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
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Only sense project I see that's stable enough is sense 2.1
Sent from my myTouch 4G Slide using xda premium
just make sure you have the EPIC 4G with a physical keyboard before you flash anything from here.
Warm is a bit unstable but an awesome ROM.
Yeah we'll be doing Sense 3.6 as well as part of that. I am a part of that team.
AOSP>Sense anyway. Get some 4.1.1 love on that thing.
Sent from my Stock AOSP Android 4.1.1 Galaxy Nexus.
@Taz umm not trying to be rude but I'm not stupid. Ikno that any rom won't work unless its the right phone.
Sent from my EXPERIENCED myTouch 4g Slide
K7Cobb said:
@Taz umm not trying to be rude but I'm not stupid. Ikno that any rom won't work unless its the right phone.
Sent from my EXPERIENCED myTouch 4g Slide
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Taz meant no offense. We get a LOT of Epic Touch GS2 people in here by mistake.
Sent from my PantechP4100 using xda premium
kennyglass123 said:
Taz meant no offense. We get a LOT of Epic Touch GS2 people in here by mistake.
Sent from my PantechP4100 using xda premium
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What kenny said. And the fact that you are coming to this phone which is over 2 years old (almost end of life (I THINK) makes me think that you might be getting a touch not a OG. That is where my train of thought was sorry didn't mean to "insult you". Well I am thinking of it +1000000000000 what Z said!
Based on your signature I thought you had the wrong forum.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
tazfanatic said:
What kenny said. And the fact that you are coming to this phone which is over 2 years old (almost end of life (I THINK) makes me think that you might be getting a touch not a OG. That is where my train of thought was sorry didn't mean to "insult you". Well I am thinking of it +1000000000000 what Z said!
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Why? He's coming from the mt4gs lol obviously he likes keyboards
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A_Flying_Fox said:
Why? He's coming from the mt4gs lol obviously he likes keyboards
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What might seem obvious could simply be an assumption - it is always better to ask than to assume, in case the details you base your assumption on were never even considered by the person about whom you are assuming
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda app-developers app
It's okay guys. I was just letting him know I'm no noob or anything of that sort. At the above post about assuming EXACTLY. LOL. U guys seems cool. Wish I had this phone just to chat and stuff. But thanks guys. Keep in touch
Sent from my OverDosed 4g Slide
sense 2.1
K7Cobb said:
It's okay guys. I was just letting him know I'm no noob or anything of that sort. At the above post about assuming EXACTLY. LOL. U guys seems cool. Wish I had this phone just to chat and stuff. But thanks guys. Keep in touch
Sent from my OverDosed 4g Slide[/QUOT
I think you'll like sense 2.1 go get it.....lol
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styles420 said:
What might seem obvious could simply be an assumption - it is always better to ask than to assume, in case the details you base your assumption on were never even considered by the person about whom you are assuming
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Lol NO ONE ASKED HIM ANYTHING! People assumed that he's retarded and doesn't know how to read forum titles lol getting at him as if he has an epic touch...why was that the first thought to cross peoples minds lol? I know we've had an influx of people coming to this forum from the e4gt, but that doesn't mean EVERY new guy is stupid lol if people are gonna assume at all it should be to assume he's in the place where he wants to be (are you too stupid to go to the correct forum? ) and if its determined he's in the wrong spot then allow him to bask in his stupidity lol
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda app-developers app
A_Flying_Fox said:
Lol NO ONE ASKED HIM ANYTHING! People assumed that he's retarded and doesn't know how to read forum titles lol getting at him as if he has an epic touch...why was that the first thought to cross peoples minds lol? I know we've had an influx of people coming to this forum from the e4gt, but that doesn't mean EVERY new guy is stupid lol if people are gonna assume at all it should be to assume he's in the place where he wants to be (are you too stupid to go to the correct forum? ) and if its determined he's in the wrong spot then allow him to bask in his stupidity lol
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Really I already posted my train of thought lets drop it and get back on topic.

