SHARE: best ram setting - XPERIA X8 General

guys,just wanna share my experience for the best ram setting i've ever set.
i use GDX v.010
i feel:
1.smoother in games,no fc in the middle.
2.faster response on opening something.
3.better multitasking (can open more app without being closed).
things that i do:
1.set sdcard buffer to 512kb,set on boot.
2.use 3gbooster script.
3.use rom tool (free edition,u can choose pro version if you want),
a)set sysctl value:
-min free=4012
-dirty ratio=40
-vfs cache=10
-oom allocate=on
set on boot.
b)min free ram=choose 25mb.
set on boot.
4.cyanogen mod settings-performance
set vm heap to 16mb.(i don't know,for this one i get smoother play at lower value,and i still can play hd games without fc,ex: snowboard hd,dungeon hunter hd,fruit ninja hd..).
5.freeze dsp manager,email,gmail,gmaps and other things that're unnecessary.
voila,i've got smoother and more responsive operation then.
maybe you have other setting that's better,but those one,is the better one i've got.
you can try

ok ty. but why the hell did you post this at Android Development ? THis was good in the x8 general.

thanks bud,my mistake.
i will move it soon..

Moved to General


[HowTo] Tweak your Archos

recently i came upon a thread with someone asking :
how to optimize the archos to be quicker ?
As this is propably a question many people might ask (even I still do ) I thought about creating a thread about. This is not just to answer his question but also for all u nerds out there to corrent me - as I might be wrong in some points AND to gather new options to speed up the device. This is what i have learned yet...
Anyway all of the things I list here require root as far as I know. So get your device rooted or abandon the Thread
Memory Management:
Introduction: HAVING FREE UNUSED MEMORY ON ANDROID HAS (nearly) NO ADVANTAGE (exception having 0 memory also fu**s up the device -> 1. )
All of those methods wont make your device faster in the meaning of really getting faster in speed... as android already has a quite good memory management.
BUT if u get more space in memory your device can keep more of the apps U LIKE in memory (being inactive according to app lifecycle). This will make them get called faster next time u use them and your device will "feel" faster and more responsive.
1. What should work on all roms are the "minfree" settings -> meaning when android really kills apps - depending on free memory (if u don't know what is mean by - search for the "App Lifecycle" of android)
You can try setting those to the values mentioned by sibere (scroll down) or try finding your own settings. There for u can use any app like "AutoKiller Memory Optimizer" just serach "memory optimizer" in the market.
KEEP IN MIND - you may play a bit with those settings - BUT still u should know what u are doing if u use it!
LOW: If u set the values to low the device will kill apps very late keeping much of them in memory this might make you device get slow. If there is too less Memor fo a "new" app or another process just need more memory while running it has to close down other processes before memory can be allocated.
HIGH: If u set em too high u kill most apps instantly - and your device will get problems and might get unstable as far as i understood.
2. Try gettign more "free" memory by disabeling services - as those got the highest priority they wont get killed that fast by the memory management. For checking u might get an app like "TaskManager" wich lists all running processes.
Just check out what takes your memory and disable those u dont need.U can disaable them by using "Titanium Backup" disable app / uninstall em / or just uncheck their autorun by using a programm like "Autorun Manager". Remember if u just disable the autorun they might (re)start later still.
3. Use a low sceen count in your launcher and keep the widget count low. This is related to 2.) as most widgets run a "background service" to update itself / pulling information (e.g. a waether widget getting latest conditions, a calendar widget keeping connection to your calendar app,...) - each widget took at least 8MB memory when i checked with TaskManager - "greater" widgets like "Fancy Widget (sense like clock and weather widget)" sometimes take up to 25MB
4. DONT USE A LIVE WALLPAPER (live wallpapers use MUCH memory most 20MB-40MB - either they get closed down all the time - or they just reside in memory taking the memory u wanted to use for keeping other apps active)
I also noticed that the App Drawer got "much/noticeable" slower in every Laucher I tested while a live wallpaper was active
5. DO NOT USE A TASK KILLER (remeber the introduction!!! - and think about it yourself - if at least 20 ppl ask why - i write this down here )
6. SWAP / COMPCACHE (can be activated through UD config) - this is a really hard question - those methods extend your memory but the memory u gain is MUCH slower then the internal memory. So again u have to decide and try out if it helps u or it doesn't (I used em long time but never realy felt a big advantage of. Compcache even made my device feel slower and i got more FC's most time - also I tried to figure out how the memory management uses this "memory". But i din't find a clear answer yet - as some ppl mentioned that "inactve apps" wont get swapped - need some clear source... Anway in general those 2 should increase Multitasking capability at cost of speed.
- noting yet - its GINGERBREAD only - so we have to wait...
FINALY: u have to decide on your own what u really NEED to run "simultaniously" (I personaly rather have less widgets and run background services like growl, eventghost, tasker) but u can count it yourself by checking back with taskmanager and having in mind your archos (GEN8) just has 256MB of internal memory.
CPU Manaagement:
8. (UD) If u got Urukdroid u can try setting your CPU Governor to another value like:
"Interactive" is more reactive than "on demand" (-> SIBERE)
9. Try an OC (OverClocked) Kernel -> get it in the Urukdroid Dev Thread (I wont link any here as u should know what u do and wich u choose!)
BEWARE not all devices can use an OC Kernel (sadly mine can't) but try it out...
10. Try overclocking your device with the Milestone Overclock Utility. This overclock method is based on a module insert. Again this just works with root.
Each CPU is different -> each device is different and can handle different maximum speeds - this is related to the former position of the CPU on its waver while production...
So u have to try out what your CPU can handle safely - so it might happen your device will refuse to boot after u flashed a kernel or set some permanen OC values. Keep a BACKUP or reflash old kernel...
In general u normaly can't brick your device by overclocking as the CPU overheats -> safety function of the CPU stops it -> the device resets itself before the CPU get "burned" (hope this also aplies to ARM processors )
11. The Launcher: I tested out much lauchers already: ADW, ADW EX, VTL, Laucher PRO, Zeam Laucher, GO Laucher - most of them seem to be eaqual in speed and more differ in features (event Laucher PRO is still the fastest on my Wildfire [but development stopped some time ago], GO seemed to be a bit slower imho) - take any of those but avoid taking some over exagerated 3D'ish laucher like Regina, SPB Shell, Claystone...
12. Apps like "AutoKiller Memory Optimizer" have additionaly features to "optimise" the speed,... u might test those out but I didnt notice a difference most time. Still keep in mind - u should know what u are doing
13. Ok - u may want to hit me for that:
It's more a cosmetic thing - but I recently used UOT Kitchen for theming my framework and used the fly-in animations - and they feel much faster then the default animations just try it out... keep a backup of your original framework for reverting.
All the following Tweaks are mentioned by sibere (credits go to him and propably some other people)
echo "1536,2048,4096,6144,8192,10240" > /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/minfree
(this is related to 1. ; 1MB = 256 => valueas above are 6MB, 8MB, 16MB, 24MB, 32MB, 40MB)
to enable cgroups cpuacct:
mkdir /acct
mount -t cgroups -o cpuacct none /acct
mkdir /acct/uid
to change ioscheduler:
cd /sys/block/mmcblk1/queue
echo "deadline" > scheduler
cd iosched
echo 1 > fifo_batch
These are lost on reboot so if you wanna keep them, add a script to /etc/init.d
Finaly I also have patched the sqlite library. If you want the file, let me know. It boost a lot SQL database writings. See this thread
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Will ask him to comment on "cgroups, ioscheduler, and sqlite" as im not sure if they work with all rom versions / neither how they work exactly.
aditional threads with tweaks
- Supercharger
SOME OF THEM MIGHT NOT WORK AND PEOPLEARGUE ABOUT THEM (e.g. the "debug.sf.hw =1" is heavily discussed)
For a full reference to cgroups, you may read the cgroups documentation from the kernel.
Basically, it provides process aggregations in the Linux kernel, mainly for resource tracking purposes.
deadline IO scheduler has been used a lot for SSDs and proven to be quite adapted to flash memory.
The minfree settings set here are pretty much optimised by me for the archos. It gives you a good balance between available cache and free ram . Android starts to complain when the free ram drops below 32Mb. with these settings, the OOM task killer will try to maintain a free ram level above 32Mb. You DON'T need a task killer. It will just use precious ram resources and will mess up with the android integrated task killer.
Those settings are reset on boot, so you may add them in a script added to /etc/init.d/ directory.
SQlite optimisation is of great help and I already posted a lot of information about it when I posted the tweaked file. Please refer to this post. (You'll have to look for it, it's somewhere in the dev thread )
Enjoy your optimised archos!
Thanks guys, learning new tips.
Nice! Good tips. Thanks.
Very usefull reading, thanks!
thanks for the tips ! cheers!
Hello, I am JustLoveJoy, I am an up and coming developer, although I work very hard on my phone right now, my gf has gotten an Archos 8 G2 4GB tablet and I have it rooted but it constantly gives me some issues. Finding this thread, I have to ask, can these or any tweaks be applied to her tablet? is there any source code on github or somewhere else? I mainly wish to get her to be able to do her Farmville on it. I'd like to get on to the development boards with a custom rom for it but I need someone with a little experience to point me in the right direction for that. Thanks So much for starting this thread!
hi i just want to try to root my arnova 7g2 bit i don't find a straight 3d on xda. you clan indicate the right street
Inviato dal mio GT-N7000 con Tapatalk 2
did you notice that crow (CM7) for Gen8 was released ?
still nothing for developing for the Archos 8 G2 4GB? If I can get adb shell I would be happy!
thinks man
Thanks for the great post! I still have one of these!

[Guide] Minicm7 Guide | Bug Fixed | Review | Extra

This is all guide with bug fixing on minicm7 2.1.X​
Screen Cut:
Only in CWM/CWR
I think NMEAListener is GPS
I found that gps.conf is europe settings
since that i have no problem with it
for non-europe residence Here Patch
Wait till nAa fix
Video Recording Lag:
did you experience this
use this file Download
Auto Brightness:
use this tutorial
1. disable auto brightness first in display
2. go to cm settings --> display --> automatic backlight --> choose use custom and allow light decrease
3. tick edit other level
4. set number of levels to 13
5. look at this pic [URL=""]Here[/URL] And [URL=""]Here[/URL]
6. enable auto brightness in settings (not cm)
7. restart
8. enjoy
Android market app won't show up:
clear data on app settings
Just use recommended tweak:
Non-Recommended tweak make ur phone less stable
Ram Manager / PRO
Juwe Ram's script
Build.prop tweak
init.d tweak
End of first post continued in 2nd post ​
Guide for Minicm7​
Notice ADW launcher Lag use this settings:
1) Screen Preferences - Desktop scrolling speed - set to something low-ish like 150-200, default settings are just plain moronic here. Desktop overshoot should be fine at 30 or 40.
2) Drawer Settings - Horizontal Drawer definite on (this is far superior to the scrolling drawer if you have more than a few apps, and feels much smoother).
3) Drawer Settings - Zoom effect speed - 400 is a decent setting, default was way too high.
4) Drawer Settings - Columns/Rows - 4x4 is a nice setting for portrait, if you don't like a crammed screen.
5) System Preferences - Wallpaper Hack - check this. If you have issues, change wallpapers to something of a sane size.
6) System Preferences - Use Screen Cache - check this.
7) System Preferences - Scrollable Widget support - you should start with this unchecked. Only check it if you have issues with some
Make ur phone fast without tweaks?
here my perfomance settings
Go to CyanogenMod Settings --> perfomance settings
1.) Set compcache ram usage to 18%
2.) Enable use jit
3.) Disable Surface Dithering (optional)
4.) Enable 16bit transparency
5.) Enable Allow purging of assets
6.) VM heap size 48mb
SDcard cache size 1024kb Class 1,2
SDcard cache size 2048kb Class 3,4
SDcard cache size 3072kb Class 4,5,6,7,8
SDcard cache size 4096kb Class 9,10
Go to CyanogenMod Settings --> perfomance settings --> cpu settings
1.) Available gorvernor set to smartassV2
2.) Min Cpu frequency 245mhz
3.) Max Cpu frequency 691mhz+ (optional)
4.) Set on Boot
Make minicm7 more battery save?
here my battery save settings
Note: this settings overwrite "Make ur phone fast without tweaks"
Go to CyanogenMod Settings --> perfomance settings --> cpu settings
1.) Available gorvernor set to smartassV2
2.) Min Cpu frequency 19mhz
3.) Undervolt
4.) Set on Boot
final step: Delete Unused App
Extra Section​​
Coming Soon
End Of My Post ​
LtHuNTer_StepheN said:
Don't use any tweaks:
tweaks make your phone fast but less stable
and don't use xloud and mobile bravia
they are fake
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
+1 10char..
I agree with other settings, but would you mind explaining why VM heap size is 48? I've read that 32 is better in the FAQ thread of minicm7, and 2048 sd cache cause hiccups while playing music in lower class sd cards, if you can, try to edit some things for lower class cards and higher class cards, for lower class cards 128 sd cache is better and doesnt cause hiccups, just a suggestion . On the other hand, I will try your CPU settings, the smartass v2 settings with min 248mhz and 691mhz, 691mhz is indeed the most stable for nAa kernel. BTW I use tweaks without any stability issues, supercharger v8 and sometimes ram manager pro.
This is the thread that I have read:
hixvolnutt said:
I agree with other settings, but would you mind explaining why VM heap size is 48? I've read that 32 is better in the FAQ thread of minicm7, and 2048 sd cache cause hiccups while playing music in lower class sd cards, if you can, try to edit some things for lower class cards and higher class cards, for lower class cards 128 sd cache is better and doesnt cause hiccups, just a suggestion . On the other hand, I will try your CPU settings, the smartass v2 settings with min 248mhz and 691mhz, 691mhz is indeed the most stable for nAa kernel. BTW I use tweaks without any stability issues, supercharger v8 and sometimes ram manager pro.
This is the thread that I have read:
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For Perfomance it's better set 48mb
this help app memory management
this heap size is usefull for HD games
Oh i forgot
i will edit it
for that tweak is already tested
what i say is
build.prop tweak
mobile bravia engine
and useless tweak
for that tweak it may increase stability
i will edit so people understand
Post Updated
Is there any way to fix compass?the compass is somehow inverse
for auto brightness setting, how many level are you using? Ultra brightness enable or not?
Sorry, but screen cutting still exist even with bootanim enabled..especialy when in recovery..
Btw nice thread...^^v
Sent from my E15i using Tapatalk
Post Updated
LtHuNTer_StepheN said:
Post Updated
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Oops, i'm still using nAa 08...maybe because of that...0_x
Sent from my E15i using Tapatalk
bayumahendra24 said:
Sorry, but screen cutting still exist even with bootanim enabled..especialy when in recovery..
Btw nice thread...^^v
Sent from my E15i using Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i think screen cut happen with smartass v2
D E V I L said:
i think screen cut happen with smartass v2
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Flash the new nAa-08b kerner. This fix the problem
Hi!! I have just one question. The tethering wifi always disconnects when screen turns off. I tried wi-fi settings, advanced, never sleep but does not work. Do you have other solutions? Thanks
still score highly!!!
plus avent updated kernel and rarely get screen cuts!!
so id say great rom plus kernel!!
flegga92 said:
Flash the new nAa-08b kerner. This fix the problem
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Still using nAa 08 (havent change kernel because what i see on the changelog, the difference between nAa 08 and 08b only the screen cuts fix) with:
- Cpu freq 19-600mhz
- smartassv2 on
- undervolt on
- bootanimation enabled
No more screen cuts since my prev post.
Screen cuts SOMETIMES only appear when i'm in cwm req...thats good enough for me..
For the video lag fix,does it work with other rom which have the same problem?flash with xrec or cwm?
Hello to everyone and excuse me if my question is probably going to be dumb (for sure it's an OT so please forgive me about that) but I'm quite clueless about the issue I'm experiencing and I hope to find an advice here.
I own and X10 mini with MiniCM 2.1.6 and kernel. Everyhing's fine, really a great piece of work that has put new life into my beloved X10 Mini but I'm experiencing the 'screen cut' issue that's discussed here too: it happens only with some apps (Labyrinth for example) but it happens and I'd like to get rid of this.
I don't know if it could be an issue related to the apps not being designed for Gingerbread but I don't think so because I expect something different should this be the case.
I've read that the kernel nAa-08b is intended to solve this issue but it seems (maybe I'm wrong) that it isn't suitable for my X10 mini (I've made some digging around and the latest kernel version for my mini seems the one that I've already installed while the 08b seems to be intended for the X8). I'm sure that the reply is already around here but I couldn't succeed in finding it though I've read a lot (really a lot!) of posts here and there, especially on the official thread:
where unfortunately I couldn't post because I'm a new member with less than ten posts. Some advices? Thanks anyway!
very good guide
thanks you very mach!
post updated
sorry im busy lately

[GTA3]Audio Performance Tweak[V4.0]Lags demystified,Tweaks to make games more smooth

Hello guys,
I modified several files so you can play without lag in gta 3. The radios were disabled you can turn them back by renaming them (against a loss of performance of course). This does not change the game atmosphere
It work with all the android devices but I have to create this one for the galaxy S.
I created an archive
Step one : Backup your actual audio folder Android\data\com.rockstar.gta3\files\GTA3
Step two : Delete your audio folder
Step three : Just extract it in Android\data\com.rockstar.gta3\files\GTA3
Feel free to send me a return
Sincerely Kwee
V1 Best experience audio but a bit laggy
Features :
- Rain
- Horn
- Ambient noise(Cops, screeching of tires, etc)
- Radio(were disabled by default)
- All dialogues characters
V2 Middle experience audio but very fast
Features :
- Rain(Tweaked)
- Horn
- Ambient noise(Cops, screeching of tires, etc)
- All dialogues characters
V2.1 (Minors tweaks, bugfix(V2.0 work pretty well but i prefer fix it))
V3 Middle experience audio but extremely fast
Features :
- Rain(Tweaked)
- Horn
- Ambient noise(Cops, screeching of tires, etc)
- All dialogues characters
- Tweaked sound cars
- Minors tweaks
Other versions are obsolete. Thank you to download the V4 for a better experience
This archive is the complete folder of gta 3. Thank you for making a backup of your actually folder and delete the existing one before extracting it.
V4 Best experience audio and really fast
- Sd Cache from Xperia Play/Ray (Version 1.3)
- PowerVR and Adreno Img
- All Radios
- gta3.set for best performance Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
For best performance, I recommanded a sdcard readhead 256 kb or 512 kb.
Tweaks to make yours games more smooth
- Download galaxy tuner and apply my settings in memory manager, you must to be root(Snapshot 1)
- Kill unnecessary services, services leave only these services (see Snapshot 2)
- Put this configuration in gta 3 (only works for version 1.3) (see Snapshot 3)
- Freeze the following applications with titanium backup or app freezer : Allshare, ChocoEuKor (wallpaper), Swype (or keyboard samsung if you do not use it), CoolEuKor, 1.0.0 Error, Print via Bluetooth, Maps, MTP application, RoseEuKor, VPN Services, SNS 1.0, 1.3 Talk
- Overclock your phone at 1,2 Ghz(safely) or 1,4 Ghz(much faster but risky)(see Snapshot 4)
- Use Io Scheduler "Noop"
- Use a bigmem kernel version(break 720p and front cam) but with that i've no slowdown(I would do a video to show you the gameplay on my phone)
A higher LMK or a lower LMK makes your game slow, for me this is the best configuration.
It depends on how many applications you have and the number of services that run in the background.
If you except freezing after 1-2 min on Soc Qualcomm(I think about the i9001, Xperia Ray and other), it's a adreno issue i have not found a fix
If you play on PoverVR chipset, there are no worries
Galaxy [email protected],4 Ghz Kernel Semaphore 2.5.0, Rom XXJVU(edit by me)
Ps: Sorry for my bad english, i'm french...
Edit : Links are dead. V4.0 archive is reuploaded.!scUCHLLS!W7vmzwoayQRADYaiQ5pTXji-FRUVgdZnYKoUSGM7wPs
V2 is Out ! Same experience with and without sound !!
After some changes I got to get an audio folder rather optimized to achieve the same performance (approximately that without sound). Somes sounds was missing but this does not ruin the game experience.
I uploaded this on mediafire.
Edit : Uploaded !
V3 is out ! Just try it !
V3 is out ! The changes were indicated in the first post
Hi, Thanks for your work i'll be sure to try this and keep it up!
[Gta 3]Audio Performance Tweak [V4] Lags demystified
I recently installed Gta 3 on a Xperia Ray, it worked perfectly on it (Xperia ray Snapdragon MSM 8255 to 1 GHz). I was a little surprised then I decided to copy the data on my phone and go through Chainfire 3D plugin Qualcomm). The game worked better than my old data but lacked a lot of textures). So I modified the data by adding images to PowerVR chipset. Results: No more lag with all audio. I do not really understand why I'm trying to dissect the data to see why. Knowing that the game has been optimized Xperia play I think the code is less heavy for its chipsets. Other Soc PowerVR are carrying a dual core. This is my theory. If anyone has more info is welcome. I'm currently uploading the "optimized" archive.
Awesome. Thanks dude
Sent from my galaxys using xda premium
Remount script for data audio on External SD
This is a tweak for those who have an external memory card, the script can raise the audio file Gta 3 on the sd card. It allows you to empty your memory a bit but mostly frees your internal map of a load. This allows for an even smoother gta 3. I will soon make a list of all the tweaks which make the phone more responsive.
To run the script you need a kernel that supports init.d if it does you can follow these instructions
- Make a copy of your audio file (/ mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.rockstar.gta3/files/GTA3/audio)
- Copy the audio file on your external card (path / mnt / sdcard / external_sd)
- Copy my script in / system / etc / init.d with Root explorer or file manager
- Restart your phone
The audio file will be physically Gta 3 on your external card but the system will think the content is still in / mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.rockstar.gta3/files/GTA3/audio
nice work, will try this one later today
which rom are you using for playing gta3?
Just a rom XXJVU changed with my tweaks and devoid of the bloatwares.
I understood why the Xperia ray cache / play is faster. The game has been optimized to take less memory (The Xperia Play has 512 mb of ram). In Gta 3 there are two factors slowdowns: audio and memory.
The Xperia Play cache is optimized to take less ram, that eliminates one factor. This leaves the audio (the audio code of Gta 3 is really poorly optimized). By combining my two "tweaks", this allows a game much more fluid and enjoyable.
i'm not sure if there's any difference between the original files and the files that you provided because i couldnt get the wifi to download the original files.
so i just put your folder into my sd card and the game worked. not as smooth as i'd like but it's good enough.
i just downloaded the v3 pack to replace the v4 audio pack because im still getting horrendous lags whenever a sound plays in the game.
thanks for your effort, buddy.
May I ask how big is the performance boost gained by using the adreno cache?
This is really awesome!
Aside from the boost in FPS, graphic improvements such as car lights and traffic lights were also included. It's really smoother than the original files.
One question though, why is the game files from V4 a hundred megabytes larger than the original game files for my Xperia Play? Did you add some other things besides the performance tweaks? Were the audio files the only ones you manipulated or are there other unlisted manipulations you did? I'm being paranoid, please help me clear my mind. I don't want strange things happening to my phone or my Xperia PLAY optimized games. Thanks!
I tried V4 on a i9000 with cm9 kang. The run much faster but it lacks a lot of textures.
how can i fix it?
I had the files downloaded already, didn't want to unzip all the things from v4, so i only changed the audio with v3...and wasn't running this nice even on Gamerz rom (JVU)...i'm on Simply ICS 2.9 right now, glitch kernel v14 b6...everything is lags at all...overclocked to 1.4 GHz
I'm glad i found this thread...
Hello people, first thank you very much matyas69 for sharing with us your work with sounds and creating those 4 packs.
I managed to install GTA 3 on ZTE Skate and now it runs smooth on it the only problem i have it only runs smooth if I delete audio file (turn sound off) so I tryed to use your v3 sound pack but it still runs bad with it.
For budget phone like ZTE Skate GTA 3 can work with sound only if it has just basics.
So i would like if you can make sound pack with only:
Car sound when it hit something, tire sound
Weapons sound, movie voices sound
Turn off:
All background sound
Siren sound (it is on too often)
Engine Sound (it is on too often)
Pedestrians comments sound
Or if I am asking too much can you give me advice how i can myself turn all those sounds off. There is much ppl with budget phone who would like pack like that also ppl who like extreme performance so it would be good to have extreme performance sound pack
Thanks in advance
Gesendet von meinem GT-I9000 mit Tapatalk 2
I have a Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant running on 2.2Froyo(Toxic Rom & DMZ Kernel)
Even games like 9mm & Asphalt 6 run fine on my device, with overclock(in rare cases)
But I have installed GTA III v1.3 and took Titanium Backup.
Then I downloaded SD data from some site. I have two versions of the same(So basically my first question is that is SDcard data size specific to a version,and as long as it is higher it shouldn't be a problem rite?)
And then I copied audio from your v1.4 Sddata zip.
Now, I have tried with different launchers - GO, Zeam and killing tasks or boosting memory ,etc.
But when I click on GTA III, after I accept EULA and it asks me to download data(I press back button)
and then press home key.
then when I click GTA III from notifications, it opens up and then after two vibrations or so, it closes itself, without any error message(like this process stopped responding).
I know this is independent of your audio tweaks.
But I have tried numerous times, yet i can't get this game working on my device.Please help !!
nice i try v3 and worked amazing but now il try to test v4 and apparently part2 went offline, can reupload please?
Nice work!

How to get best performances for LG GT540

Can somebody indicate me the way for getting best perfomance the low devices.
Best regards, Papu Singh
using lg gt540
You cant do much, take one of the latest roms like zoe 6.5 or also polish vodkas jellybean. They are both smooth.
Then maybe overclock the cpu to like 750 and take a governor like interactive
Some people say the seeder app might help, but I personally didnt notice any difference
Do the following:
- Install SDSL v4 or AOSP 2.0, not ZOE or any other softmods,
- Do not install any themes or tweaks,
- Do not use swap,
- Install launcher that uses small amount of ram ( Zeam launcher, Nemus Launcher, Lighting Launcher ),
- Enable zram and reduce VM Heap Size to 24 MB or lower,
- Keep number of installed applications as low as possible,
- Install Titanium Backup and freeze all not needed applications that are running in the memory ( example: DSP Manager, Google Search, Email ),
- Install lightweight applications.
This is the best you can do to make this device as fast as possible.
Yeah but a rom for games what that can be?
Caarihiboz said:
Yeah but a rom for games what that can be?
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The ones i stated above.

BlitzBrigrade Optimization

If you havent already known theres a game called
and well its a clone of TF2 But for Mobile, Amazing!
Many Users on the Xperia Play say that the Game has Bad FPS and is Unplayable because the game has bad Optimization for the Play
Well im here to fix that, because i wont let all of you Die Hard fans play with that Ghetto Touch Screen!
So here is my Guide:
1.) Put the Graphics on Low, Go into the game settings and Video and set it to Performance and exit the Game, not only will this save battery, but it will increase performance!
2.) Freeze most Apps that run in the Background; Here is a great guide!
BlitzBrigrade isnt a Cpu Game, its more of a Ram game, so in this case its better to allow the game to eat up ram and let it "Roam"
3.) Download and Flash: Adrenaline Boost
Now download and install Terminal Emulator and type :
--1.) su
--2.) boost
Then wait till everything stops moving and Press Menu>Close
Alternatively Run the Flush Command in the SuperCharger V6 Script (If u have it)
5.) Start up the game in XP Mode(Gamepad open) And leave the phone idle with the process running for about 3-5 Minutes (Set Screen Dim to 5 mins) This allows the app to Start Building Dalvik Cache ( Do this Straight after Step 3)
6.) Now The Last tip is to Always keep ur thumb on the Left touchpad and try to remove ur finger from the right one as LITTLE as Possible, This is just something i found out due to Weeks of experience and Testing
If this dosent work Tell my in the Comments!
Nice Tips, but in here, the game performance is perfect! I thought that already well optimized.
the only problem on this game is the touchpad . sometimes one of the touchpad not giving response . you can't move+camera at same times .
kurosaki99 said:
the only problem on this game is the touchpad . sometimes one of the touchpad not giving response . you can't move+camera at same times .
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Yes i used to Get that ALL the time and it was annoying, but the 6th tip is to Keep ur finger on the left one so it dosent do that,it does it cus of Direct input getting mixed up and then shuts one down,or something like that...
SteelDragonX said:
Nice Tips, but in here, the game performance is perfect! I thought that already well optimized.
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Same,Im on Atomic GB and its buttery smooth without any of this, im not joking,but all i have is Adreno Booster 2.0 (performance edition) and i use the boost script before i play ANY game and everythings smooth and Blitz Brigrade can run on Optimal (or otherwise known as High)

