This section is ONLY, for android developing for this device specifically.
All other threads (non accessories or themes/apps that have their own section) are posted in general section!
Thank you,
We're happy to announce the opening of a new sub-forum in the HD2 section!
HD2 Android Q&A
From this point forward, please post all questions in this new forum. Any threads posted in either:
HD2 Android General Discussion
HD2 Android Development
Will be moved or deleted without notice.
ROM Discussion thread
After seeing the amount of offtopic posts, some of them by me in development threads. I thought about creating a rom discussion thread like I've seen in other sections. While this isn't limited to just a single rom. Like the discussion threads in other sections. You'll be able to talk and discuss about features, additions, tweaks and additions for all roms in the development section
So, I'll open up this thread. In hope that it won't go much more off-topic than posts have in the development section.
The post below says FireFox OS can be installed on Android devices, hope soon we can see Defy running with FireFox OS with ultimate performance.
Require developers attention.
MDN link:
wrong section
nice info but this is for q&a section or general, but not here.
Please post questions in the Q&A section
Also, please leave the development section for only development threads.
Thread moved
As you have already posted the question here...
Thread Closed
Edit: ouf , thanks , just now I saw category , sorry.Delete this topic please,sorry sorry.
This is not the correct place or way of asking, I suggest you to read the forum rules so you can know where to ask, on the development section only development threads are allowed and this thread will be closed by the moderators. Look for the Q&A sections and read the forum rules before asking again so you can be sure that you are asking in the correct section.
i need an indian stock rom 4.0.4 for hauwei u8825d and how can i install it.
Then please post in the appropriate section. Development sections are for posting work..... Aka development. Not requests, questions or help.
Thank you and thread closed.
Forum Moderator