Samsung Epic Touch - Epic 4G General

I'm posting this thread to kinda get some opinions about the new Epic coming out this October. I personally can't wait because all of these developers put in hard work making these roms, kernels & themes for the Epic as is so it will be interesting to see their creativity.
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- Biggest Screen to date
- Exynos Dual-core (was rumored Tegra 2 chipset)
- 16 GB internal storage
- 1800 mAh battery
- Unlocked bootloader
- Wayy better than EVO 3D!!!! (& Photon)
- Screen is slightly big for myself...but I'll adapt, I'm sure.
- Ready to develop for it once I get a hold of it!

Overstew said:
- Biggest Screen to date
- Exynos Dual-core (was rumored Tegra 2 chipset)
- 16 GB internal storage
- 1800 mAh battery
- Unlocked bootloader
- Wayy better than EVO 3D!!!! (& Photon)
- Screen is slightly big for myself...but I'll adapt, I'm sure.
- Ready to develop for it once I get a hold of it!
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Oh ok looking forward to see your work. Gonna be the best phone on the market
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I'm definitely getting it as soon as i can. And plan on theming for it
Avelnan said:
Phones are going to come to life someday. Take note: LG Optimus line. ASUS Transformer. And now the Nexus Prime.
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I traded my evo 4g for an evo 3d the same day it came out,
returned it at 29 days. I've been on a palm pre ever since, considered the photon but I preordered the gs2 yesterday because exynos was all I needed to hear.
besides that I'm definitely bringing some dev skills to the table. #savaged-zen lol

Great, im glad to see great devs just as ready for this phone as well. I'd love to learn how to make themes
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

Keyboard keyboard
The touch looks real nice but i cant stand the onscreen keyboard. it takes up OVER half of the screen as you type. i would give up the "thin-ness" anyday for the 5 row qwerty

Also the keyboarded phones compared to touch only phones show there is no noticable difference in battery life.

bbedward said:
I traded my evo 4g for an evo 3d the same day it came out,
returned it at 29 days. I've been on a palm pre ever since, considered the photon but I preordered the gs2 yesterday because exynos was all I needed to hear.
besides that I'm definitely bringing some dev skills to the table. #savaged-zen lol
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Glad you are getting the GS2. I loved your kernel on the Evo
Sent from my MIUI Powered device

Anyone know when the topic touch forum will be up?

Should be around a week after it comes out
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epics for 99 dollars
right now you can order the epic for 99 dollars from walmart and you can get it before the 16th says it will ship on 9-12-11.i preordered mine last night and paid 8 dollars for 2 day and i should have it by the 14th

is this let's talk you're talking about?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App

Is the Wal Mart pre order in store only or is there a special link? Anyone know if they deal with SEROP lines? Having a hell of a time trying to pre order with my SEROP.

So WalMart can deliver the phone before Sprint themeself can? That's odd
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JohnCorleone said:
So WalMart can deliver the phone before Sprint themeself can? That's odd
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thats not odd at all. i rememeber when the touch pro 2 came out i got it from best buy like a month before the sprint stores had it
Tapatalkin' it from my Epic 3g

pspbyer said:
right now you can order the epic for 99 dollars from walmart and you can get it before the 16th says it will ship on 9-12-11.i preordered mine last night and paid 8 dollars for 2 day and i should have it by the 14th
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I'd be very surprised if they shipped it before the 16th.
I'm wondering how porting my number would work with the Walmart Wireless deal. I pre-ordered already through WireFly and filled in all my number porting from Verizon. I don't know how difficult it would be to get the phone normally from Walmart and then port my number after the fact. If I can get details on how easy it is to port without doing it during the ordering process, I might switch my pre-order to Walmart Wireless.
EDIT: I've switched my pre-order to the WalMart one.
But I'm not seeing the release date on the site.

Heres where i ordered the epic touch[/url]

Go directly to the overnight shipping is free and you can put in a code "take20back" to get 20% off. If you start from the Walmart site it is slightly different and overnight shipping is $19.
I also confirmed twice, that if you are on a family plan and use one line to upgrade and want to switch phones after you receive the new phone to different number on same plan you can do it. As long as you call let's talk customer service/activation department to do the swap.
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Android Police hands on:
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HTC Sensation

So how many of you are going to be getting this phone come June 8th? I for one am preordering mine as soon as i can.
Sent from my LG-V909 using XDA App
Me, I don't like ordering phone online if something happened in like to return asap. I'll be getting at tmobile store.
Sent from my HTC Panache using XDA Premium App
according to reports it will have a locked bootloader. not sure I'll be getting it at all - might as well wait another couple of months for the next nexus.
Its going to be rootable really fast cause everyone is saying its impossible
Sent from my LG-V909 using XDA App
sorry, just looked weird seeing your name with no thanks attached.
what is the retail on the sensation?
499.99 from what I hear about it.
Oh yes, been waiting for it. It was either the G2X or the sensation. I'm going with the Sensation.
It's almost like the MT4G, except dual core and a bigger screen. But it's all good. I can't wait!
Why not just wait for the mytouch 4g slide?
darinmc said:
sorry, just looked weird seeing your name with no thanks attached.
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It's not the faux123 we all know.
TeeJay3800 said:
It's not the faux123 we all know.
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lol had me puzzled for a second there...Ill be waiting a couple of days after its release to see what its all about
I work at an indirect dealer and will probably bring one home the day we get it.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
I recently got my MT4G and wont be getting this...Guess I will wait for the Quad-Core android devices in 2013!
This phone should be good enough till then, or I can buy one from ebay and put it on the contract I have and sell the MT4G.
How can you guys manage to pay for phones like that? I mean, the earliest you could have gotten the mt4g was like what, 7 months ago? Do you pay full price for them or trade in your current phones or something?
kimbernator said:
How can you guys manage to pay for phones like that? I mean, the earliest you could have gotten the mt4g was like what, 7 months ago? Do you pay full price for them or trade in your current phones or something?
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These guys are trillionaires they can get things quickly, I wish I was so lucky to get a new phone that often . But I like my MT4G and I can always put Sense 3.0 or 3D on this thing
Edit: typo
Ace42 said:
These guys are trillionaires they can get things quickly, I wish I was so lucky to get a new phone that often . But I like my MT4G and I can always put Sense 3.0 or 3D on thing thing
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not true, I upgraded to the samsung vibrant back in july after it came out, then the mt4g dropped and so i bought it full price, which was like $400 and then sold my vibrant for $350 on ebay, so out of pocket it costed $50 for the "upgrade", so not trillionaires, just smart shoppers lol
true, if you keep a phone in great condition you can get a good resale value. as for me, I upgraded my sidekick 08 to the mytouch 4g and it cost me around $200 and Im keeping it as mint as possible
Yeah its pretty easy to sell a phone on Craigslist or eBay for a good amount then go purchase a new one at full retail.
smatthew45 said:
not true, I upgraded to the samsung vibrant back in july after it came out, then the mt4g dropped and so i bought it full price, which was like $400 and then sold my vibrant for $350 on ebay, so out of pocket it costed $50 for the "upgrade", so not trillionaires, just smart shoppers lol
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I was only joking, i've been doing that with old phones when i see something new. Went from Instinct-->SK09-->G1-->MT3GS-->MT4G
But I had to get a contract to get the cheaper price, so now i have to keep this and cant sell it
Like i said, I work for an indirect dealer. I have my tricks, but get 3 or so phones on New contract price over a yeat
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
Guys, DO NOT GET THE SENSATION, get the g2x instead the sensation has a arm a8 processor (even though it's clocked at 1.2ghz), compared to the g2x's arm a9(clocked at at 1ghz), so it's actually a better processor, regardless of all the other specs.

Epic is Toast

So, after over a year without any major issues with my phone and no replacements, my Epic is ready to be replaced. My charger port is no longer charging correctly. Sprint said that Epics are on backorder and it may take a week and have offered me an Evo, Evo Shift, or Nexus as a replacement. I actually LOVE my Epic thanks to all of the developers on here and custom roms available. What would you do?
get the nexus or wait a week?
I highly recommend the Nexus S if you enjoy having the latest&greatest roms, and active community.
However, if you are attached to the Epic, then wait a week. This phone still has a lot to offer once it get's Gingerbread, and though that seems like a long time from now, I'm sure your patience would be rewarded one way or another.
Getting the Evo or Evo Shift is pointless due to its lack of Odin or ADB. In my opinion, rooting and flashing roms on an HTC device is risky.
So those are my two options for ya. I recommend the Nexus, but I hope the Epic still persuades you to stay with the community. It would be unfortunate for another member to go, however do not feel like that should hold you back.
Nexus. I love my Epic but I could live without the keyboard if it means faster updates
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
I just got an epic replacement today in the mail, as mine was on the fritz. I wanted a nexus s, so if you are interested I will trade my new epic to you if you get the nexus. PM me if you want more info. I think I have 15 days to send in my old one.
I put butter on mine
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nom303 said:
I put butter on mine
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Haha I didnt get it till I backed out and saw the thread title again
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VassagoX said:
So, after over a year without any major issues with my phone and no replacements, my Epic is ready to be replaced. My charger port is no longer charging correctly. Sprint said that Epics are on backorder and it may take a week and have offered me an Evo, Evo Shift, or Nexus as a replacement. I actually LOVE my Epic thanks to all of the developers on here and custom roms available. What would you do?
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htc phones are compromised at the moment. look at the news. WAIT
BigOnes69 said:
htc phones are compromised at the moment. look at the news. WAIT
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I just saw that! Craziness...
So, I decided to get an Epic replacement and already told them to place the order in. I really do love this phone and the community around it. I considered the Nexus seriously, but decided I wasn't willing to give up on this phone yet. It's been the best smartphone I've had yet.
I would seriously like to see a non-FC GB release though lol, EH17 and below have driven me crazy! I hope Samsung and Sprint don't leave us behind with the Touch out.
Will they make you send the epic in?
My epic has a few annoying problems like the charger port and wouldn't mind if they offered a nexus as a replacement, but I still would like my epic which was definitely paid for in full by now. My 1 year is at thursday
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A_Flying_Fox said:
Will they make you send the epic in?
My epic has a few annoying problems like the charger port and wouldn't mind if they offered a nexus as a replacement, but I still would like my epic which was definitely paid for in full by now. My 1 year is at thursday
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Yes, they give you 15 days to send it in but I said I needed more time to test if GPS is working properly.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
Wait is this through the replacement program? If not is it exchanged for free? I have the same issue with my charger port.
i had this same issue and when i went to take it into the sprint repair center they didnt even look at it and told me that i had to file a claim for the insurance. 2 weeks a 2 damaged replacement phones later im still stuck with a phone that i cannot charge or flash. Asurion sucks make sure they send you a new one and dont take no for an answer!!!
I have the insurance and yes, it's free. They are on backorder though, so I have to wait some extra time.
It's crazy, I thought it was the roms I was using not charging right, but turns out it was my phone.
almost at a year?
A_Flying_Fox said:
Will they make you send the epic in?
My epic has a few annoying problems like the charger port and wouldn't mind if they offered a nexus as a replacement, but I still would like my epic which was definitely paid for in full by now. My 1 year is at thursday
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If you're already at a year, why not just wait until you have an upgrade available? Than you can def keep your epic.
Yeah, that's what I'm doing. I'll keep my Epic for another year. It's treated me good. I picked it up the day it came out and I've loved it. My replacement comes in tomorrow. Let's hope it lasts another year and by then a new phone will have my heart.
VassagoX said:
I have the insurance and yes, it's free. They are on backorder though, so I have to wait some extra time.
It's crazy, I thought it was the roms I was using not charging right, but turns out it was my phone.
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I got my Nexus in 2 days. It was so easy that I expected to get a bunk phone or an,Evo "by accident" but it was probably the easiest most pain free call I have made to Sprint yet
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JohnCorleone said:
I got my Nexus in 2 days. It was so easy that I expected to get a bunk phone or an,Evo "by accident" but it was probably the easiest most pain free call I have made to Sprint yet
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I should get my Epic replacement today. I just couldn't go with the Nexus. Little things like the lack of an LED really bother me, as I explained in another thread. Taking away features that should be so basic on every phone just IRKS me.
Personally, I would check and see what phone has the highest value on eBay. Check the completed auctions to see. If Epic isn't one of them consider replacing with the highest priced one and then sell it and buy an Epic 4G on eBay or like I did, on Craigslist.
swear0730 said:
Personally, I would check and see what phone has the highest value on eBay. Check the completed auctions to see. If Epic isn't one of them consider replacing with the highest priced one and then sell it and buy an Epic 4G on eBay or like I did, on Craigslist.
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I have insurance on the phone. I'd rather keep a replacement from them so I can keep the insurance on it. I don't have the money out of pocket to replace it if it's broken again. The insurance has already paid off with my need to replace it once.
I picked up my new Epic today. I finally don't feel disconnected from the world around me.

Early upgrade for high value customers...

Fyi, till December 31, in corporate retail stores sprint has a targeted offer to allow upgrades many months in advance for "high value" customers. Basically I've seen customers with bills averaging over 130 getting upgrades available as early as 9 months before true eligibility. Only way to check is to actually go in to a corporate retail store and have them look at your account. Under offers for your line it will say early hup. Manager has to override price but you could hit the upgrade lottery
This will NOT be reflected online, on the phone, or through any other method than physically setting foot in the retail store. Just FYI. Good luck.
Please don't repost this, it's only for my epic brethren.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA App
THX 4 that info
Is there even anything worth upgrading to yet?
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algorhythm said:
Is there even anything worth upgrading to yet?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
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When I was looking a couple nights ago at phones I decided that waiting awhile was the best option for me. :-(
D-Buckner said:
When I was looking a couple nights ago at phones I decided that waiting awhile was the best option for me. :-(
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Yeah I feel the same way.. sure, I can roll the dice and see if I can drop 200$ on an early upgrade E4GT, but it's not THAT much better to burn my upgrade so early.
I got my daughter the epic touch; it is pretty nice. ROMs are still maturing though.
How spoiled are we when custom rom selection effects phone selection
my wife is due for an upgrade in june, but they told her about this in store a few daysw ago. same rep almost sold her an "iphone4g" for 99 bucks saying it was on sale.
im glad i changed the pin number a few weeks ago, or i wouldve had to have stabbed someone.
austin420 said:
my wife is due for an upgrade in june, but they told her about this in store a few daysw ago. same rep almost sold her an "iphone4g" for 99 bucks saying it was on sale.
im glad i changed the pin number a few weeks ago, or i wouldve had to have stabbed someone.
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I'm hoping the sprnt rep lol...
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ac16313 said:
I'm hoping the sprnt rep lol...
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Yes, lol. The rep, for hustling my wife.
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I just found out about this and walked out with a new Epic touch for the wife and I.
I called sprint to see if I could get around the $36 activation fee. What we ended up doing was the allowed me to buy out my term for $45 each then he credited me $100 on my account and waived the activation fees!
So I went to post it here and found this thread!
No upgrade for me until a decent LTE phone arrives.
That's my plan too. I'm still enjoying my epic, and I don't see any need to upgrade before then
Is there a way to find out if one of those stores are near me?
Yeah, as much as I like new toys to play with (root, rom etc.) there's nothing available that would even tempt me out of my $200.. now if Sprint gets the Galaxy Nexus in the next couple days.. that might be a different story (my buddy keeps sending me pics and updates about which roms he's flashed etc.. he just got the damn nexus today.. lol)
Our account is just over $130/mo with taxes and such... 2x (SeroP + 4G + $8 TEP). Anyways, my wife has been complaining so much about her Evo, and won't let me root/rom it that I want to get her an iPhone just to shut her up...
I managed to pick up an epic touch for cheap without using my upgrade, but I have to say I would hold onto my upgrade if I didn't have other options. Phones in 2012 will be quad core, amoled hd, and lte. But if you are desperate, it is another option for you.
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This could make my daughter very happy.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Xparent Blue Tapatalk
poit said:
No upgrade for me until a decent LTE phone arrives.
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I am happy I didn't jump on the upgrades a few months ago when I could. Now my upgrade comes in July right when the new LTE phones come out. So everything works out if you let it
Thanks OP for the info though.
Yup this is no bull. All of my lines are eligible.
shane6374 said:
This could make my daughter very happy.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Xparent Blue Tapatalk
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got mine the epic touch; she had the htc shift. she is all now.
haven't rooted it yet, letting the roms mature a bit before putting anything on it.
it is very nice, the sgs3 though is looking like a sweet phone, i'm waiting to see what all unfolds next year.

Pray for me :-)

Going to Sprint this morning to return my EVO LTE for the gs3 on day 11 of my 14 days. Never actually returned a phone before so let's hope this goes as planned.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
Good luck I have the HOX what don't you like about the evo?
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
Non removable battery and after a while sense just gets old. Kinda strange because I loved sense on my HTC Sensation.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
You just want this beast of a phone! Lol just tell the truth. I
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
I asked them friday if I could get the EvoLTE then change to the GS3 and said no, the first batch will be for people buying the phone and the second batch could be for phone swaps. Needless to say, Im going to a store also and buying the phone today.
This is why I went to bb for the 30 day return period. I don't like the evolte myself and can't wait for 2 more hours to have the gs3 woohoo
jbadboy2007 said:
This is why I went to bb for the 30 day return period. I don't like the evolte myself and can't wait for 2 more hours to have the gs3 woohoo
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Ugh I hope they don't bs me, or I hope I can at least demand my money back and walk right across the street to T-Mobile.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
The stupid thing is the policy states you can exchange the phone, but the employee who originally sold it to you will get dinged for the exchange (even though you are going still have a phone). Also, some stores have an in-this-store-only policy to only allow new sales with contract (you know - the ones that they make commission on) for the first run of phones so they reserve the inventory to those that make them money.
Sprint doesn't like these type of exchanges because they now have to make a $550 phone into a refurbished phone, losing the subsidy for it (whether it's done in BB or corporate stores) and because of how much it affects the salesperson's overall numbers, it's become a huge deal just to take advantage of the policy.
Best advice: Don't be a crybaby about policy, stay cool and keep calm. If you start getting mad or demanding your money back, you're going to have a bad time. Bring all the crap that came with the evo (box, manual, charger and cable) and if you buy accessories from them for the GSIII, it might help sway their decision.
monkeyracer said:
The stupid thing is the policy states you can exchange the phone, but the employee who originally sold it to you will get dinged for the exchange (even though you are going still have a phone). Also, some stores have an in-this-store-only policy to only allow new sales with contract (you know - the ones that they make commission on) for the first run of phones so they reserve the inventory to those that make them money.
Sprint doesn't like these type of exchanges because they now have to make a $550 phone into a refurbished phone, losing the subsidy for it (whether it's done in BB or corporate stores) and because of how much it affects the salesperson's overall numbers, it's become a huge deal just to take advantage of the policy.
Best advice: Don't be a crybaby about policy, stay cool and keep calm. If you start getting mad or demanding your money back, you're going to have a bad time. Bring all the crap that came with the evo (box, manual, charger and cable) and if you buy accessories from them for the GSIII, it might help sway their decision.
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Yeah just when you get there lied that you are a new activation, I can't believe I had to say that at tmobile store to exchnaged my one s, I just told them if they didn't have it I just wanted a refund, and somehow they had the phone
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
I'm already at Sprint waiting! 45 more minutes!!! Can't wait to gett that beast!!! This EVO LTE isn't bad at all but to me its just NOT the SGS3!!
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
jgalan14 said:
Yeah just when you get there lied that you are a new activation, I can't believe I had to say that at tmobile store to exchnaged my one s, I just told them if they didn't have it I just wanted a refund, and somehow they had the phone
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
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Yea I'm hoping me asking for a refund will sway their mind, some way some how I plan on going home with a gs3 :banghead:
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
I can't stand dealing with Sprint... AT&T has always been great to deal with...
That's ok I did the same thing and just picked many gs3 up today
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
Well back from the sprint store disappointed,I was greeted with 'we can't do exchanges until tomorrow" I came close to asking for a refund and going to T-Mobile...but my nosey gf convinced me to wait until tomorrow. On a positive note, I actually got to play with it for a while and man does it blow away the EVO lte ....And I'm definitely getting the white, the blue just didn't appeal to me.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
I was told that they couldnt sell it because first batch was only for new lines or upgrades... I called account management and they told me they couldnt do that, so they talked to the employee who then called the store manager who allowed the guy to sell me the phone... yup, Im another proud owner of a Galaxy S III phone.
Now a proud owner of a white gs3 ...Took only 10mins, got to say the sprint rep was very easy going and didn't make it difficult. Loving the phone so far, I think I'm so use to Samsung phones now and that was probably why I couldn't appreciate the Evo lte
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Iphony89 said:
Now a proud owner of a white gs3 ...Took only 10mins, got to say the sprint rep was very easy going and didn't make it difficult. Loving the phone so far, I think I'm so use to Samsung phones now and that was probably why I couldn't appreciate the Evo lte
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Congrats I'm going to try and pick one up (when my local AT&T store gets one if they do) soon!
Iphony89 said:
Now a proud owner of a white gs3 ...Took only 10mins, got to say the sprint rep was very easy going and didn't make it difficult. Loving the phone so far, I think I'm so use to Samsung phones now and that was probably why I couldn't appreciate the Evo lte
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Welcome friend! Glad everything worked out for you. Enjoy it! I love mine.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2

The last of a dying breed 2013: When will you submit to the carrier for a new device

With sprint taking pre orders for the iPhone 5 and also including new devices are being sold, when will you give in?
As much as we upgrade the rom to keep up with what's on the newer devices, is becoming quite hard finding a rom that has everything included. There will always be a sacrafice whether its 4g, stable camera etc. Developers have really out done themselves with such great roms but its the evo hardware that drive compatibility issues.
How many will enter 2013 sending a happy new year text from the original evo 4g, or will some of you switch before making that new years Eve toast....
I'm up for an upgrade in November. Looking at moving up to the LTEVO, SGS III or Galaxy Nexus. Probably going to hand my OG EVO down to my son.
Definitely not going to anything that starts with an "i".
Sent using my HTC EVO 4G and a magic wand
geeksquadryder said:
With sprint taking pre orders for the iPhone 5 and also including new devices are being sold, when will you give in?
As much as we upgrade the rom to keep up with what's on the newer devices, is becoming quite hard finding a rom that has everything included. There will always be a sacrafice whether its 4g, stable camera etc. Developers have really out done themselves with such great roms but its the evo hardware that drive compatibility issues.
How many will enter 2013 sending a happy new year text from the original evo 4g, or will some of you switch before making that new years Eve toast....
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I'm stuck till April of next year, but that gives me time to test out the sg4.
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
I can upgrade right now and I'm thinking about it, but even so, 249 + activation charge is still not cheap
Well my contract ends in April, so probably until then. We'll see what the next best phone will be around then for Sprint.
Get the EVO 4g LTE! I jumped the OG EVO ship and I'm never looking back!
PS. Screw the iPhone 5
Yea my upvrade is in april next year too :/
But on the bright side, I might be able to get the next evo!
Sent from my PC36100 using xda app-developers app
November for me and I have my eyes on the s3
Sent from my PC36100 using xda app-developers app
My upgrade is up. Still between the LTEVO or S3. Its a real honest tough choice. I will say I do see more dev activity on the LTEVO vs S3. Just hard to choose. Lol
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Don't know. Sprint has been slow getting 4G at least here in Los Angeles and I hate paying for 4G and not getting it. My friend's Verizon device simply flies. I know Verizon is a bit more expensive but damn their coverage is superb. According to some study I read online, even metropcs is beating Sprint on 4G. My contract is up in November so just sround the corner. Costco has some good Verizon phones and no activation fees.
I got a good year still left. But with the supposed HTC One X+ coming up, doesn't sound too bad with that tegra quad-core.
I'm always behind on my contract when new phones come out. I end up getting the about a year after they are released Hopefully I will be able to correct this soon, and yea I will probably be getting rid of my evo the first opportunity available
While the OG is getting a little long in the tooth, I still find mine quite useable and flash a new rom from these amazing devs about once a week. When development dries up here, that's when I'll start looking for something else. The gf is jumping ship for the iP5 [rolls eyes] after having her Evo for over 2 years. I feel sorry for people who are still running a stock, non-rooted OG with the Sprint base rom. This phone really shines once it's tweaked and modded a bit.
Holdin' out for the next Nexus and hoping it's a Motorola or HTC build.
I'm almost 6 months past my contract end with Sprint.... And am not looking to switch carriers. With development doing what it is doing...... I don't really feel an urge to jump. I switch back and forth between a few roms... Decks... Classic.... DK's Jackpot..... all of them keep me feeling like I have a brand new phone.
HTC vs SIII ... hmmm.... I'm following the forums here and watching who shows up where.
and while I'm here... Thanks to all the developers who just keep on banging out new tricks and new tweaks. It sure makes it fun.
HipKat said:
I can upgrade right now and I'm thinking about it, but even so, 249 + activation charge is still not cheap
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I can also upgrade now but i wouldn't take none of the devices out yet, waiting til March... some folks are taking $75 partial upgrades just to get am iPhone 5.. dummies
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Pre-dawn raid said:
While the OG is getting a little long in the tooth, I still find mine quite useable and flash a new rom from these amazing devs about once a week. When development dries up here, that's when I'll start looking for something else. The gf is jumping ship for the iP5 [rolls eyes] after having her Evo for over 2 years. I feel sorry for people who are still running a stock, non-rooted OG with the Sprint base rom. This phone really shines once it's tweaked and modded a bit.
Holdin' out for the next Nexus and hoping it's a Motorola or HTC build.
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Shh man just don't use the evo to record an unboxing of your girlfriend's iPhone 5 and put it on
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I jumped ship about 2 weeks ago and got myself an Evo V (Evo 3D) on Virgin Mobile. It's a nice little step up from the OG. The OG was treating me just fine and I would have been content to stay with it longer, but I have some cracks in the housing (around the power and volume buttons of course) and wanted to decrease my monthly bill. I think this new to me but already dated phone will last me for another couple years just fine.
The OG is still going strong though. I just got it an HDMI cable and coupled with my datel retro wireless controller (it's like a wii classic controller with wii remote built in to it) it is enjoying life as a dedicated gaming device now. Ouya!
geeksquadryder said:
Shh man just don't use the evo to record an unboxing of your girlfriend's iPhone 5 and put it on
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Ha, nah not me man. I just don't get the whole unboxing phenomena but I'm sure YT will be flooded with all the iSheep unboxing vids come Friday morning.
By this winter we should probably hear of some worthy candidates to replace our OGs but right now nothing is really tempting me. Also, I hate that everything is itching toward 5" screen size. Too big IMO. Just stop it already OEMs!!
evo4gnoob said:
November for me and I have my eyes on the s3
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November as well. werd.
honestly what dissuaded me from the iphone the most was the smaller screen. seems trivial to some, and my iFanboy bf thinks my Evo is huge. **** I'd get a Note II if they had it on Sprint, lol. S3 looks frickin sweet, though I shall miss my OG... I'll most likely sell it back to Sprint for a discount on my renewal. Sucks they're only giving about $60 for OG Evo's now "no respect, no respect!!"
as much as i wanted to wait for the iPhone 5, i bailed early and got the SGS3. for those of considering staying HTC; best of luck to you in Brick city.
