[Q] Chances of recovery after "freezer" trick? - HD2 General

I've installed on a friends HD2 one of the WinMo 6.5 ROMs, as they're all better than the stock firmware.
This was around a year ago.
A few months ago he told me he's having problems accessing the net, and that the phone locks up every time.
So I've set up a Skype conversation and wanted to walk him through installing a new firmware (at the moment he wanted to try out WP7). I didn't think it's anything serious; WinMo tends to go a little wonky every once in a while.
So I walk him through the typical steps: Task29 + radio, MAGLDR. All this works fine. Then we proceed to install one of the many WP7 roms (to make sure it's a decent rom I tried it first on my own HD2; it was working fine). However, MAGLDR locked up when preparing and clearing the partitions for the system. I've walked him through the procedure a few more times (thinking he might be doing something wrong or it was a one time fluke; we are still talking via Skype, remember), but it was always the same.
I've then tried to walk him through Android installation, but the process, once more, halted when installing Clockwork Recovery (once more, clearing and preparing partitions).
Finally, with no more ideas, I did the SD card trick to reinstall the original OS. That worked fine, but at the end he said the phone still locked up.
Yesterday he came to visit me, and brought the phone with him. I attempted to install Android, and indeed... the furthest I was able to get was the GO GO GO screen when launching AD recovery, at which point the phone locked up. Earlier, it would lock up on the countdown (123456) throwing errors. I must mention that I was able to install Clockwork, but it took far more time than it should when preparing the partitions.
At one point, when redoing the whole thing over (Task29, radio) the phone vibrated 7 times and refused to cooperate when installing the radio.
At this point, after reading some posts, I decided to give the old freezer a try and... put the phone in the freezer for about 30 minutes.
It came out nice and cold, and to my surprise, I was able to install Clockwork, run it, install Android... and it's still working.
It's definitely warmed up since I took it out, and has been working all night (albeit with no SIM card). I was able to reboot it, enter AD Recovery, and all in all, it seemed rather stable. But if it's just a temporary thing, then my friend is more willing to buy a new phone rather than keep on fighting with this one (and since the phone is way past it's warranty, there's little point in taking it for repairs).
With all that said, what's the chance that the phone will now function properly? Could the freezer trick actually FIX the phone, rather than temporarily mask some underlying hardware issue?

the freezer trick is more of a fast solution, but it won't fix the problem.. there's a thread about how to solve this:
I don't have overheating problems so I didn't bother trying it.

The freezer trick will only serve as an indicator that your phone is suffering from the thermal issues that are being addressed in the link that Dr.Move posted. I had another HD2 that wouldn't get past MAGLDR unless it was cold. Even then once it got warm it would shut off.

I have similiar problems with Shaamaan and I have another HD2, which works flawlessly and doesnt get stuck
while it might be either BAD BLOCKS, or the THERMAL problems as posted above, I am half tempted to put it into the freezer
I have warranty though, which I should probably warranty it before doign anything silly

Sorry for the late reply.
The thing is, after going through the freezer, the phone is now running smooth. Again, I don't have a SIM card for it (it's T-Mobile locked), but other than that, I was playing with it using my home WiFI and it didn't lock once. I've also rebooted it a number of time, entering the AD recovery mode without a problem.
I've taken a quick glance at the thread linked Dr.Move and... whoa, that looks scary. It's not even my phone, and I still wouldn't feel comfortable doing that. There's a certain level of finesse required with electronic devices of this kind; I can take a computer apart, but this?
Anyway, seems like I need to put a bit more stress on the phone. Any suggestions? Would running some of those Android performance tools be enough? Or do I specifically need a CPU stress testing tool like the one mentioned in that scary thread?
EDIT: I've found some stress tool on the store, and it's been running for 15 minutes now, reaching a temperature of 34 degrees and seems to stay there.

try to run games or stress tools while charging, this will heat it to over 40 Celsius, I got it over 42 before with no problems, but be cautious.

currently facing this issue as well
wonder if anyone else tried this and it worked, and what tips / concerns can be shared

Is it still fixed???


Anyone see lockups on stock after a while?

Hello all,
Not sure if anyone has had this happened to them as well.
I am looking to root the phone and this is the only thing holding me back in fears that would be a hardware issue and then can't replace. But thing that it is software.
Here is what happens, like in the mourning I will wake up and check time on device by just pressing lock once and put down (has happened even with out doing that) then will see that alarm won't go off and try and wake the phone with power button and will get no response from the device just black screen and phone is getting warm.
I will actually have to remove and reinsert the battery to get to come back on.
Has been doing this since the update. I have tried to go an uninstall all the programs I don't use and don't have anything on it that my mytouch is not running and that device has no problems. Tried master resetting the device a few times.
I have reset from the recover wipe data option and from spl neither seemed to help
Problem only seems to happen after the phone has been on for over 100 hours.
Weird thing I took notice is after a master reset it redownloads all the apps again right away. Don't know how to stop that.
Right now mine is running the stock software the shipped version manually update to official touch update from sdcard.
So my question is there anyway to have the phone keep the logs since logcat is reset when the phone is restarted to find the problem. Or if this something you all have seen. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Hopefully you have a software-only problem... and I don't know how to prevent logcat from resetting after restarting the phone... but I can recommend one possible solution...
1. Get the stock Google/HTC signed EPE54B firmware... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=642811
2. Rename it to PASSIMG.zip, copy it to the root of your SD card.
3. Reboot in bootloader and select Bootloader from the menu. Your phone should start scanning for the PASSIMG.zip and ask you to apply the firmware update...
And, yeah... no you won't void your warranty by doing this, since this is a stock signed original firmware....
I get this (or a similar) problem too. I'm not yet sure if it's a hardware or software problem, and am therefore avoiding rooting my phone until I'm sure.
I have noticed that this happens more often, or at least seems to be more likely, when the phone is cold... I've not had it happen during the day (when it's nice and warm in my pocket), but when I leave it on my night stand whilst sleeping, or for an extended period on my desk at home, it seems to freeze up then.
I'm an electrical engineer and suspect that this problem may be due to silicon right on the edge of it's qualification range (similar to how some people are able to overclock to 1.2 GHz stably, mine is unstable even at 1 GHz... :-( ), I think my device is unstable at 998 MHz at whatever voltage it's running at currently (looks like Qualcomm changed the recommended voltage from 1.25 to 1.275 and finally to 1.3V over the course of early 2010).
See some of these commit comments for more details:
Based on them, I would guess we can expect more stability in the FroYo release (assuming it's using the 2.6.32 kernel, and is coming soon). In which case I'll wait.
I will try that rom next. In my tinkering I went back to erd and let it auto update to ere on its own. and will see how that does. If it fails again I will try the other rom. I can still revert back from that to erd if I want later right?
everything except the radio... i believe the radio can only be downgraded on an unlocked phone... so i've heard...
It happen to one of my nexus one too, the other one never hangs. It happen mostly when i'm charging on the dock with screen on.
I address this problem with HTC once, and they told me to try remove the micro sd card and see if it happen again. So i switch a newer sd into the phone and its running fine waiting to see if it hangs again if it does, HTC say will they come send a carrier over to fetch the phone to check it.
Running fine for 4 days already, just weird tho how can a sd card cause this?
Could also be a low memory issue with the stock ROM. My wife's does that until I kill a bunch of background apps. I look at the available memory and it's at 13MB. She also hasn't reboot her phone in weeks...so that's probably why it was low on memory. I guess the internal Android task killer doesn't do it's job very well!

I'm done with my N1. Back to WinMo for me.

This is not a troll posting. I swear...
I've had the AT&T flavored Nexus One since the day it was announced and I just can't suffer with it anymore. I'm running stock FRF91 with an unlocked bootloader. The only reason I unlocked the bootloader was so I could root and uninstall the apps that drained my battery or sucked resources that I never used - Twitter, Amazon-MP3, Genie-Widget, etc.
Pre-Froyo, it seemed pretty stable but the OS was very immature. Some things were just not well thought out. Activesync for example.
Post-Froyo: Turn on GPS, reboot. Talk on the phone for a long period of time, reboot. Charge the phone, reboot. Use Bluetooth, reboot. GPS is 100% useless now as after just a few minutes of use, the phone gets hot and reboots the phone. Hell, leave the phone in the sun in your car and it gets hot and reboots. Froyo offers some new features but some areas of the OS are still neglected and way behind where they should be. Can't move emails to a folder? Seriously? Can't undelete an email you accidentally deleted? That's just stupid. And there are a few other things that Windows Mobile had right for the last 10 years.
Yesterday alone, my phone rebooted several dozen times because I was trying to find a location with GPS and I was completely turned around with no idea where I was. I finally had to power off the phone, leave it off, and go ask someone at a gas station for directions. The phone reboots as soon as it gets hot and it appears everything makes the phone get hot.
Rip on Windows Mobile all you want, but I never once had a Windows Mobile device reboot on me and not do what it normally does. I'll throw CM6 on my N1 when it becomes final to see if things get better and I'll thrown on Gingerbread when that finally drops, but unless one of those solves the constant reboot issue, I'm done with Android. I've kept up with the Google forums and many, many, many people have the same issues I have so my N1 is obviously not an isolated case.
There are a lot of things I do like about Android so I'm not bashing Android. I like Android enough that if my phone didn't reboot constantly it'd be my primary platform moving forward.
I've had my N1 since the day after they were released and it has never rebooted spontaneously. Your phone is a lemon.
Try calling HTC?
vzontini said:
I've had my N1 since the day after they were released and it has never rebooted spontaneously. Your phone is a lemon.
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I agree, the only time my phone gets hot is when I leave it in my landscaping truck while I'm mowing, but I think any phone would have problems when it's 112 degrees outside and probably 140 in the truck.
Sounds like a bad phone. The only time my N1 rebooted was when I had an experimental rom on it.
Sounds like something is just borked, I use my phone all day it only reboots because I want to go into recovery.
Are yur using custom recovery? Wipe the cache and dalvik-cache.
Same as the above poster, mine never rebooted spontaneously even when hitting over 40C degrees. Only does so when I'm running some cutting-edge alpha kernels/ROMs, and then very rarely.
I was thinking it was specific to my device as well. I then googled "Nexus One overheating" and was overwhelmed by the number of people with the same issue. I also own over a dozen HTC devices, I've had ZERO problems with any of them. I've wiped my cache quite a few times. I've even wiped the phone and started fresh.
I've googled every specific issue I have had and found many others complaining about the same thing. Overheating/locking up the device when charging overnight - check. Rebooting/overheating when using GPS - check.
Lately, I've been uninstalling anything that runs in the background that isn't an essential part of the OS. Makes no difference. When I first got my N1, I used the GPS and Car Home app to drive an 8 hour trip. Not a single problem. The very first time I tried to use Car Home after going to Froyo it rebooted after just a few minutes and it's been that way since. I found MANY posts that confirmed this on Google's forums.
Personally, I think my device is fine. I suppose it's always possible that an app is causing the reboots. For example, the Weather Channel app is always running and that's not the most beautifully coded app I've ever seen...
Any suggestions, keep 'em coming. I'm not thrilled with Windows Mobile 7 yet.
Here's my installed apps (I love that program BTW). If you see anything as a possible suspect, let me know:
Adobe Flash Player 10.1 (v10.1.92.8)
andLess (v1.2.3)
Android Agenda Widget (v1.3.5)
AT&T myWireless Mobile (v6.0)
Audalyzer (v1.14)
Barcode Scanner (v3.4)
BlueRSS (v3.0.4)
Chrome to Phone (v2.0.0)
eBay (v1.1.2.3)
eBuddy (v1.8.1)
Ethereal Dialpad (v2.5.2)
FCC Test (v1.0.7)
Flashlight (v2)
FREEdi Video Download Helper (v1.3.1)
FrostWire (v0.3.7)
Google Translate (v1.1.1)
GPS Status (v3.2)
gStrings (v1.0.5)
HistoryEraser (v2.1.1)
HTC_IME mod (vv.27)
JScreenFix (v2.0)
Keyboard Calibration (v2.10)
Linda Manager (v1.5.12)
Listen (v1.1.3)
Log Collector (v1.1.0)
Music Junk (v3.0.4)
My Battery Status (v2.0.8)
MyAppsList (v1.4 BETA)
Network Info II (v0.3.4)
Note Pad (v1)
OSMonitor (v1.1.6)
Pandora (v1.3)
Penguin (v1.2.0)
RealCalc (v1.4.1)
Scanner Radio (v1.9.2)
Secrets (v1.9.2)
Shazam (v2.0.2-B70005)
Shopper (v1.12)
Solo Lite (v1.25)
Terminal Emulator (v1.0.12)
Tetronimo (v1.5.1)
The Weather Channel (v2.3.17)
Titanium Backup (v3.4.2)
Trapster (v1.6.3)
Tricorder (v5.11)
TTS Service Extended (v2.0)
Universal Androot (v1.5.3)
Voice Recorder (v2.0.7)
Wifi Analyzer (v2.4.8)
WiimoteController (v0.3b)
XDA (v1.2.1)
Device Summary
Device: HTC Nexus One
Android Version: 2.2
Build: FRF91
List Generated By: MyAppsList (market://search?q=com.boots.MyAppsList)
By the sound of it, it's not an app. The phone should be able to take a good amount of heat and not reboot - the only time I got it to reboot was under direct sunlight in a car, it was probably hitting 50 degrees Celsius. If yours reboots every time you do anything - it's time to nandroid, take out the battery and clean the battery contacts really well (on the battery and the phone, using alcohol), flash a bone stock FRF91 or something really close to it, try to repeat the things that made it reboot (shouldn't be very difficult), and if the reboots continue - then I'm sorry, but you have a lemon. And if they don't - change to your favorite ROM and start incrementally installing stuff in small packs, until your testing shows reboots again. Defining anything other than Google account (like Exchange account) is also considered "installing something".
E-Mail quirks are taken care of by E-Mail clients. Exchange server push might be draining the hell out of your battery and heating your phone, check the relevant thread. I really hope you find the problem in SW, but it doesn't look very much like it.
P.S. There are so many ways to get a WinMo phone stuck (my wife has one, I regularly practice using the reset button when doing something with the system) it's not even funny.
thanks for the tips. I'll give them a shot. I read in a couple different threads that HTC has been sending replacement batteries to those with overheating issues. I have a hard time believing it's the battery but what do I know?
One thing I forgot to add about WinMo, I soft reset my device every morning on the way to work. Just a habit I got into with Windows.
Yeah sounds like you got a faulty device. If the above suggestions don't work, call HTC and they should do a swap for you
went to the Google "Device Troubleshooter" support page: http://google.com/support/android/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=185837
Step 1: What are you having an issue with?
selected: A hardware problem I'm having with the Nexus One
Step 2: A hardware problem i’m having with the Nexus One
selected: My device overheats
Then it said this:
It is normal for your phone to get warm after an extended period of continual usage, such as a long phone conversation. If your phone becomes so warm that you cannot hold it comfortably, please try removing the battery and waiting until the phone cools off before replacing it.
If your phone overheats to the point of shutting itself off repeatedly, there may be a hardware defect with your phone's battery. Please visit our warranty information page.
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So I called support (open 7 days a week - nice) and they are shipping out a new battery tomorrow and if that doesn't work, I'll send it in for repair. Didn't want to replace it because it was engraved.
I really hope this fixes it. I do like Android and I love the community work. iOS blows and Windows Mobile 7 just doesn't have me wanting one.
I'll update this thread when the new battery arrives and if necessary, after the repair work...
I used to have the same problem, but i don't think it was rom specific for me. I had a black case on my phone and my car mount was a black universal one mounted on my windshield. I would use GPS nav and play music at the same time and sometimes make phone calls and it would reboot pretty frequently. Through SetCPU i noticed that the temp was somewhere between 45-50degrees C. only way i was able to use my phone was to remove the battery and stick it in my AC vent along with the phone itself.
So since then i got myself a AC mounted carmount and no longer use my case and its been fine ever since. When ever it gets hot in my car i usually have AC on and the phoen gets cooled by it also. Average temp was around 15-18degrees C while i was using GPS/Music/Calls.
lulz, sounds like your phone had a hardware issue if it was rebooting all the time like that.
I have had my phone on for literally weeks at a time with out a reboot. Android is rock solid stable.
Way to not get your issue fixed and go back to a dead mobile OS that was never developed properly in the first place. Good luck with that champ.
My phone could stab me in the balls all day long and I still wouldn't revert to the current winmo.
McHale said:
This is not a troll posting. I swear...
I've had the AT&T flavored Nexus One since the day it was announced and I just can't suffer with it anymore. I'm running stock FRF91 with an unlocked bootloader. The only reason I unlocked the bootloader was so I could root and uninstall the apps that drained my battery or sucked resources that I never used - Twitter, Amazon-MP3, Genie-Widget, etc.
Pre-Froyo, it seemed pretty stable but the OS was very immature. Some things were just not well thought out. Activesync for example.
Post-Froyo: Turn on GPS, reboot. Talk on the phone for a long period of time, reboot. Charge the phone, reboot. Use Bluetooth, reboot. GPS is 100% useless now as after just a few minutes of use, the phone gets hot and reboots the phone. Hell, leave the phone in the sun in your car and it gets hot and reboots. Froyo offers some new features but some areas of the OS are still neglected and way behind where they should be. Can't move emails to a folder? Seriously? Can't undelete an email you accidentally deleted? That's just stupid. And there are a few other things that Windows Mobile had right for the last 10 years.
Yesterday alone, my phone rebooted several dozen times because I was trying to find a location with GPS and I was completely turned around with no idea where I was. I finally had to power off the phone, leave it off, and go ask someone at a gas station for directions. The phone reboots as soon as it gets hot and it appears everything makes the phone get hot.
Rip on Windows Mobile all you want, but I never once had a Windows Mobile device reboot on me and not do what it normally does. I'll throw CM6 on my N1 when it becomes final to see if things get better and I'll thrown on Gingerbread when that finally drops, but unless one of those solves the constant reboot issue, I'm done with Android. I've kept up with the Google forums and many, many, many people have the same issues I have so my N1 is obviously not an isolated case.
There are a lot of things I do like about Android so I'm not bashing Android. I like Android enough that if my phone didn't reboot constantly it'd be my primary platform moving forward.
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Your phone is defective. I've NEVER experienced a spontaneous reboot.
uansari1 said:
Your phone is defective. I've NEVER experienced a spontaneous reboot.
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Same here** (only when I played with different kernels )
GldRush98 said:
Way to not get your issue fixed and go back to a dead mobile OS that was never developed properly in the first place. Good luck with that champ.
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you're not much of a reader, are you?
JCopernicus said:
My phone could stab me in the balls all day long and I still wouldn't revert to the current winmo.
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Fact: Windows Mobile still does several things much better than Android. And those things are important to me on my primary device.
I get what you're saying though. Despite a few issues, Android is dominating everything in it's wake. But instead of Android spending so much time with new flashy features, they should focus their attention getting the basics right first. Their contact and email handling B L O W S. How about proper email folder handling and a basic undelete function...
I agree with the rest. To be honest, I didn't get my Nexus new, it has had two users before me. It came with Cyanogen Mod, and to be honest I find it gives better battery life and performance compared to the stock OS. If I were you I'd try it out once you get the Nexus back.
I use ROM manager to download and install ROMs, give it a try.

[Q] Sleep/Charge death issue, think I've tried everything...

Hey guys!
I've got 2 of the T-Mobile HD2 handsets, both 'yellow reset button' revisions. One runs Windows Mobile 6.5 (have yet to find an alternative for texting through Outlook/Exchange), the other running some flavor of Android. This setup has been working just fine for months, but last month I started experiencing random restarts, sleep death, and charge death. In two known instances, this happened during calls.
Now having been educated on How to ask a question properly, I have done my best to attempt all the due diligence I could muster...
--The Android handset is presently running the Nexus ICS 1.5 ROM with the Dormanix ICS kernel. After the first few random restarts, I tried it with the regular kernel (tyung's?) and had the same issue. I then reverted to my mainstays of Typhoon Cyanogen and Hyperdroid, both with stock kernels, both demonstrating the same issue after the first day or two.
--I've tried every radio release from 2.10-2.15, being careful to only install the '50' releases, not the '51's. None of these have alleviated the issue.
--I used setCPU to try overclocking, underclocking, then just set it back to stock and uninstalled setCPU.
--The most recent format attempt, while I didn't task29, I did format /system and /data from within CWM.
--Also with the most recent attempt, I didn't install any backup software or create any backups, except with text messages through GoSMS. I did not restore any backups with Titanium Backup or MyBackup Pro.
--I have not uninstalled any system apps with ROM Toolbox.
--I have tried updating my CWM install version to 5.x.
--I have attempted switching the OSes of the two handsets; both have had the same issue with Android but neither have SoD'd with Windows Mobile.
Just about the only thing I haven't tried was switching the the cLK bootloader instead of MagLDR; my logic for not doing so is that I do keep an archive of all the old versions of the ROMs I've installed so that, in cases like these, I could try some older known-stable-to-me releases, and all the ones I've downloaded were for MAG. Additionally, none of the other threads I read indicated that the seemingly mature MAG platform was found to be the cause of anyone else's issues; all the other threads seemed to relate to either titanium backup restoring something in an extremely wonky manner, or an unstable/incompatible release of the baseband firmware.
The only other thing I could think of that could cause the issue that started roughly around the time that this problem started was my use of LBE Privacy Guard. I'm hesitant to blame LBE for the following reasons:
1.) LBE has been perfectly stable on my Incredible 2.
2.) LBE hasn't been blamed for any of the other SoD issues discussed in these threads.
3.) The Google Play page for LBE indicates no such issues reported in either the dev writeup or the first five pages of reviews.
4.) The SoDs don't seem to coordinate with the times that LBE blocks things.
5.) Uninstalling didn't make the issue go away.
However, given the nature of LBE and the kind of low-level access it gets to the system, I felt it worth mentioning.
Thanks for reading my lengthy plight; any assistance (including thread links if I missed a thread in my searches) would be greatly appreciated. In the meantime, I'm going to give Task29 and installing CLK a try.
Okay, after reading your question/issue thoroughly, it seems that you have tried almost everything but to no avail.
First thing I noticed was, " I started experiencing random restarts, sleep death, and charge death"
This may indicate bent battery pins, or just a faulty battery.
(Have you tried a different battery? Checked the pins?)
Have you tried going to complete stock and using your phone normally? If yes, did you experience any restarting, sleep death, charge death or any kind of issues? If not, do so.
Have you ever had your device stuck while flashing something? radio ? bootloader ? and you had to remove battery?
Have you ever felt that your device is overheating or lagging a lot ?
Have you ever dropped your device ? Had something spilled on it? ( This may seem a weird question, but ... you never know )
Marvlesz said:
Okay, after reading your question/issue thoroughly, it seems that you have tried almost everything but to no avail.
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I do my best to walk all the beaten paths before I ask for help. If I'm going to ask everyone else to spend their time helping me out, the least I can do is demonstrate that solving the issue is worth my own time.
First thing I noticed was, " I started experiencing random restarts, sleep death, and charge death"
This may indicate bent battery pins, or just a faulty battery.
(Have you tried a different battery? Checked the pins?)
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I've got five different batteries I rotate regularly. Two do admittedly need replacing, but the batteries all work perfectly in the WinMo handset. Additionally, I've had instances where I've been playing Robo Defense, and while it won't respond to input until it does its reboot, the game still carries on with the screen fully lit. However, the issue doesn't appear to be related to a capacitive touch screen failure, since a known unresponsive screen has ALWAYS been met with an restart, given enough time, and a battery pull ALWAYS returns it to proper working order.
Have you tried going to complete stock and using your phone normally? If yes, did you experience any restarting, sleep death, charge death or any kind of issues? If not, do so.
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If you're talking stock as in WinMo 6.5, then 'yes' in the sense that the issue first started on the first HD2 (we'll designate it "Alpha"), which was running Android, while the second HD2 ("Bravo") was runing WM. Since I too wondered if it might be a hardware/bootloader/whatever issue, I task29'd both phones and made Alpha run WM and Bravo run Android. Alpha, which would SoD regularly with Android, has never done so with WM. Bravo, which never had an issue with WM, SoD's with Android. Having both phones at my disposal has enabled me to pretty reasonably conclude that it's something to do with Android and rule out a hardware issue.
Have you ever had your device stuck while flashing something? radio ? bootloader ? and you had to remove battery?
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The closest I had to that was a radio revision whereby the bootloader never got past the 'loading' prompt, but neither that, nor the MagLDR install, nor any of the radio installations I've tried have required a reflash due to a botched installation attempt.
Have you ever felt that your device is overheating or lagging a lot ?
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If you're a fan of the SyFy Channel series "Warehouse 13", reading this question felt like being asked, "did you smell anything that you'd describe as smelling like fudge?". That being said, I've occasionally noticed it, but it's never seemed to be correlated to a reboot/SoD. Usually graphics intensive apps or GPS navigation will do it, but that's been mostly consistent ever since I owned an iPhone 2G. If you're going for "the CPU is being pegged" as a cause for the SoD, I'll be a bit more vigilant as I use it to see if a heat issue seems to trigger it, but my immediate reaction is "no".
Have you ever dropped your device ? Had something spilled on it? ( This may seem a weird question, but ... you never know )
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Not weird, perfectly understandable, and I'm pretty good with keeping my gear unsmashed
Hope it helps!
voyager529 said:
Additionally, I've had instances where I've been playing Robo Defense, and while it won't respond to input until it does its reboot, the game still carries on with the screen fully lit. However, the issue doesn't appear to be related to a capacitive touch screen failure, since a known unresponsive screen has ALWAYS been met with an restart, given enough time, and a battery pull ALWAYS returns it to proper working order.
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Have you checked your pins? Swapping batteries make them vulnerable.
Also, I have never ever had a non responsive screen. So this may, JUST MAY, have something to do with a hardware related issue.
voyager529 said:
If you're talking stock as in WinMo 6.5, then 'yes' in the sense that the issue first started on the first HD2 (we'll designate it "Alpha"), which was running Android, while the second HD2 ("Bravo") was runing WM. Since I too wondered if it might be a hardware/bootloader/whatever issue, I task29'd both phones and made Alpha run WM and Bravo run Android. Alpha, which would SoD regularly with Android, has never done so with WM. Bravo, which never had an issue with WM, SoD's with Android. Having both phones at my disposal has enabled me to pretty reasonably conclude that it's something to do with Android and rule out a hardware issue.
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From the redded part, I can understand that the issue started on Alpha, and soon thereafter it had affected Bravo.
This could mean that it is a thing shared between the two devices, a thing you do/use on both devices.
Maybe an sdcard ? Have you tried booting android from sd? have you tried booting android from NAND without an sdcard?
voyager529 said:
If you're a fan of the SyFy Channel series "Warehouse 13", reading this question felt like being asked, "did you smell anything that you'd describe as smelling like fudge?". That being said, I've occasionally noticed it, but it's never seemed to be correlated to a reboot/SoD. Usually graphics intensive apps or GPS navigation will do it, but that's been mostly consistent ever since I owned an iPhone 2G. If you're going for "the CPU is being pegged" as a cause for the SoD, I'll be a bit more vigilant as I use it to see if a heat issue seems to trigger it, but my immediate reaction is "no".
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lol, okay then, it's not the device overheating.
Let's narrow it down, your both devices started to have charging/screen issues. With a relatively close time from each other.
Now, there is something bugging me. If Bravo was on WinMo, and you said you have had no issues on WinMo whatsoever, how did you know that the it was is experiencing the same issues?
(If your answer is going to be "Because I put android on it" , then the issue probably originated from the way you flash android.)
You also said that: on Winmo, both devices ran fine and on Android both devices had SoD's .
This may mean, the ROM you are/were using is simply malfunctioning. Have you tried various ROMs or it is just one ROM ?
Sorry for being late, awaiting your reply
Have you checked your pins? Swapping batteries make them vulnerable.
Also, I have never ever had a non responsive screen. So this may, JUST MAY, have something to do with a hardware related issue.
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Ironically, Bravo (the one presently running Android) was warranty replaced less than a month ago due to an actual, legit unresponsive screen. The fact that the pattern is consistently "screen stops responding/SoD/CoD -> hot reboot -> phone resumes working perfectly", and has been on both phones, leads me to put that particular explanation towards the bottom of the pile. Rather selfishly, the supplemental reason to that is that T-Mo isn't going to honor a warranty replacement for an issue that only happens on an operating system that is an unofficial port, so if it is some bizarre hardware issue, it's gonna be mighty expensive to get the phone swapped.
This could mean that it is a thing shared between the two devices, a thing you do/use on both devices.
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I have a thought about that that I'll get to in a moment...
Have you tried booting android from sd?
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No. good catch =)
have you tried booting android from NAND without an sdcard?
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I always use the NAND methods, but data is a bit hard to store without an SD card. You have inspired me to do a MicroSD shuffle though. I'll give that a try.
Now, there is something bugging me. If Bravo was on WinMo, and you said you have had no issues on WinMo whatsoever, how did you know that the it was is experiencing the same issues?
(If your answer is going to be "Because I put android on it" , then the issue probably originated from the way you flash android.)
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That is, in fact, the answer lol. Originally, Alpha ran Android and Bravo ran WinMo. This problem started, so I switched them around: Bravo was configured to run Android, and Alpha became the WinMo phone. Alpha, which would SoD with Android, has not done so in the weeks since it became the WinMo running handset. Bravo, now sporting Googleware, exhibited the same issues.
To answer your last question regarding whether it was the ROM, I tried the ICS ROM with stock kernel, Dormanix's kernel, Typhoon CyanogenMod (the most reliable in my experience), and HyperDroid. All of these ROMs did the same thing after the first day or two, but hadn't done so in the past: I used both the latest release and older releases that I've used and am 100% certain have worked for me, on my hardware, without fail. As such, this is starting to ratchet back to being a PEBKAC/ID10T issue, but I was never able to pinpoint anything specifically that would earn me a dunce cap. This morning though, I had a breakthrough...
Yesterday, I decided to ditch MAGLDR and opt for CLK instead. I must admit that I do greatly prefer MagLDR, but I was determined to try as many things as possible to get to the bottom of this. I Task29'd, got CLK in along with CWM Recovery, Flashed the ROM again, and started restoring apps from the Google Play Store. No reboots at this point, but then again, most flashes have worked wonderfully the first day. As an aside, I'm torn: I do like the greatly decreased boot time and increased internal storage availability, but MagLDR was much simpler to work with for frequent flashing chores. Oh well.
The stock lock screen gives me a camera launching option by dragging the unlock icon to the left. Being left handed, on more than one occasion I've ended up getting myself to the camera by accident because the side of my palm triggered the multitouch. As such, I did a little experiment. Using ROM Toolbox, I 'froze' the camera app; I never use it intentionally anyway. After doing so, I was curious as to how the lock screen would react. Behold! I finally found a way to consistently trigger a restart! This got me thinking two things:
1.) As much as I like taking out things like the stock news/weather/twitter apps that I never, EVER use, maybe one of those were being randomly restarted (as Android apps tend to do), and instead of giving up on starting the app, my phone instead decided to divide by zero.
2.) The utility of Advanced Task Killer and its ilk have been hotly debated in Android forums. Personally, I find ATK to be extremely useful and love its functionality. As such, it's among the first things I install. Hence, I wonder if, for some bizarre reason, ATK is either killing the wrong task, or its presence is wreaking havoc.
Thus, I have foregone MagLDR, foregone ATK, and foregone pulling out stuff in ROMs I don't want. Also, I bought the GOTO lockscreen to help me get rid of the camera launching problem. So far, my system uptime is 6 hours, 14 minutes
voyager529 said:
The stock lock screen gives me a camera launching option by dragging the unlock icon to the left. Being left handed, on more than one occasion I've ended up getting myself to the camera by accident because the side of my palm triggered the multitouch. As such, I did a little experiment. Using ROM Toolbox, I 'froze' the camera app; I never use it intentionally anyway. After doing so, I was curious as to how the lock screen would react. Behold! I finally found a way to consistently trigger a restart! This got me thinking two things:
1.) As much as I like taking out things like the stock news/weather/twitter apps that I never, EVER use, maybe one of those were being randomly restarted (as Android apps tend to do), and instead of giving up on starting the app, my phone instead decided to divide by zero.
2.) The utility of Advanced Task Killer and its ilk have been hotly debated in Android forums. Personally, I find ATK to be extremely useful and love its functionality. As such, it's among the first things I install. Hence, I wonder if, for some bizarre reason, ATK is either killing the wrong task, or its presence is wreaking havoc.
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lmao !! xD
But that is weird. Why would your phone reboot when the app is frozen ? When you freeze an app, it disappears from the app launcher, but being available on the lockscreen may be the cause.
I don't think it's ATK, since I was on the SD versions of Android, I used to use ATK. And never had a problem. On the other hand, I did notice some random reboots on ICS after freezing some system apps with Titanium Backup.
That said, these reboots shouldn't occur when on typhoon, Hyperdroid or any non-ICS ROM, should they ?
I'm still confused about this "Originally, Alpha ran Android and Bravo ran WinMo. This problem started"
There is no way in hell, two separate devices, would face the same issue without any relation.
And, forgive me but, if the problem only occurred on Alpha, why did you put Android on Bravo while it was working fine? (Again, sorry, but I need an answer for this )
Update: The phone froze twice yesterday, but has been fine since...wait, literally just rebooted as I was typing this after I hit the 'home' key.
I'm thinking that at some point early next week, I'll try task29ing again and put typhoon on there with no task killer and no alternate launcher and see if I get anywhere.
To answer your question, the problem started on Alpha. As a desktop computer tech, when a desktop has issues like this, it tends to be faulty RAM. Since phones don't have user-swappable DIMMs, I wanted to rule out a hardware issue. Alpha has been running WinMo 6.5 flawlessly ever since, which leads me to believe that it is, indeed, a software issue of some kind.
voyager529 said:
Update: The phone froze twice yesterday, but has been fine since...wait, literally just rebooted as I was typing this after I hit the 'home' key.
I'm thinking that at some point early next week, I'll try task29ing again and put typhoon on there with no task killer and no alternate launcher and see if I get anywhere.
To answer your question, the problem started on Alpha. As a desktop computer tech, when a desktop has issues like this, it tends to be faulty RAM. Since phones don't have user-swappable DIMMs, I wanted to rule out a hardware issue. Alpha has been running WinMo 6.5 flawlessly ever since, which leads me to believe that it is, indeed, a software issue of some kind.
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I don't know if it was just me not reading this whole thing properly (which it probably was, given the amount of information you're providing) but you never seemed to have actually answered the questions about bent battery pins. You mentioned that you are often swapping batteries which makes the battery pins vulnerable to being unintentionally bent out of shape, and they may not be making contact with the battery properly. I have no clue as to how this would really help you (maybe the reboots, not the screen issue), but it wouldn't do any harm to check it out
---------- Post added at 02:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:51 PM ----------
Marvlesz said:
And, forgive me but, if the problem only occurred on Alpha, why did you put Android on Bravo while it was working fine? (Again, sorry, but I need an answer for this )
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Didn't see this earlier, but surely the question is 'why would you leave the HD2 on the world's worst OS?'
I'm disinclined to believe it's the battery pins for the following reasons:
1.) in certain cases, the screen is unresponsive, but the send/end buttons light up, indicating that power is indeed flowing.
2.) in certain cases, I've had the phone do a 'hot restart' (i.e. not going through the bootloader, just showing the boot animation) mid phone call or during other kinds of use. If it was a momentary disconnect, wouldn't it be doing a complete, cold restart?
As for why I'm using Windows Mobile, two reasons:
1.) Android has been giving me issues lately, as this thread clearly illustrates. For all the crap Windows Mobile 6.5 gets, it's been pretty stable, ALWAYS rings, is significantly less demanding on battery life.
2.) Its killer feature for me is that it enables text messaging through Exchange/Outlook 2010, something no other mobile OS presently provides. Additionally, it does all of the core phone functions I use (calls, texting, tethering, web browsing with Opera Mobile, Facebook notifications/caller ID sync, USB mass storage, video/music playback, Swype input, etc.). It might not have 100,000,000,000,000 apps, but the Sencity flavor of EnergyROM is extremely reliable.
voyager529 said:
If you're going for "the CPU is being pegged" as a cause for the SoD, I'll be a bit more vigilant as I use it to see if a heat issue seems to trigger it, but my immediate reaction is "no".
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Even if you can't feel it overheating, try putting it in a cool place for some time until you can feel that the aluminium back cover is cold to touch, then do something which would normally cause a hot reboot or any other issue. An open window with a slight breeze is normally good enough to cool the phone down (so long as it isn't too sunny or hot obviously).
I guess you're right about WinMo being the most stable OS (although from what I've heard WP7 is very good as well) but I just couldn't live with it. Even if I started experiencing large issues I would do everything in my power to not use that OS again! Used it the other day on my friend's HD2 which he now keeps purely as an alarm clock and it's ghastly, I found it painful to use again.
voyager529 said:
I'm disinclined to believe it's the battery pins for the following reasons:
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Will checking the battery pins trigger a bomb ? Why don't you just CHECK THE PINS to eliminate all the doubt. Instead of the assumptions you keep making !
And do what Nigel has said, and report back.
Marvlesz said:
Will checking the battery pins trigger a bomb ? Why don't you just CHECK THE PINS to eliminate all the doubt. Instead of the assumptions you keep making !
And do what Nigel has said, and report back.
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I apologize for my earlier lack of clarity.
I did check the pins for any obvious bending or lack of pressure, and they all appeared to be correctly shaped and pressured. As a result, I'm hesitant to blame it on the pins' shape and pressure at a micro level because of the reasons below - if the pins are bent in such a manner that it's undetectable by me personally but causing the problems in functionality, I wouldn't expect it to happen mid-call or mid-game.
In the none-too-distant future, I do intend on doing another task29 and going back to MagLDR and trying a previously untried ROM. Also, I have ordered new batteries, in the event that it's the physical batteries themselves.
I'll report back with what happens, and again, than you so much for all of your help.
voyager529 said:
I apologize for my earlier lack of clarity.
I did check the pins for any obvious bending or lack of pressure, and they all appeared to be correctly shaped and pressured. As a result, I'm hesitant to blame it on the pins' shape and pressure at a micro level because of the reasons below - if the pins are bent in such a manner that it's undetectable by me personally but causing the problems in functionality, I wouldn't expect it to happen mid-call or mid-game.
In the none-too-distant future, I do intend on doing another task29 and going back to MagLDR and trying a previously untried ROM. Also, I have ordered new batteries, in the event that it's the physical batteries themselves.
I'll report back with what happens, and again, than you so much for all of your help.
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Ah, OK thanks for clearing that up (I, like Marvlesz, thought you simply were refusing to check the battery pins for some odd reason). Did you try the fridge trick? I've read in many places that it works for some people, maybe it could help you too (although don't leave it in there for too long; I'm no expert but I would assume phones aren't designed for that ) and report back.
Just thought I'd follow up with everyone...
On April 22, I task29'd, MagLDR'd, and installed HyperDroid-CM7-Observant-Opossum -v5.9.0. Since then, my phone has been working properly.
Thus, I am chalking the whole ordeal up to one of three things:
1.) an issue with a backup of some kind.
2.) an issue with the internal memory that I managed to 'partition around' when I installed MagLDR again.
3.) an issue with ICS/kernel compatibility that was unique to my phones for some odd reason.
Regardless, for the past ten days, the only reason I've had to reboot the phone was due to a dead battery. Thank you everyone who watched this thread and helped me with my issue. I am greatly appreciative of your willingness and patience.

[HELP NEEDED] Errors on all OSs / Bad NAND blocks?

For the last several months I noticed that my Androind builds are hunging up, sometimes several times a day, sometimes once a month. While using it might just stuck/freeze and it doesn't react at all until I remove the battery and instert it back.
Recently I decided to browse the forums and read about possible bad sectors on my NAND memory. Somebody mentioned that I should use MTTY and do >task 2a, which actually confirmed that I have a bad block, bud it's only one. The issue is that now being tired of MIUI ICS which hungs quite often, and ICS CM9 builds which are quite stable but at some point are freezing as well, I decided to move to WP7, which earlier was running perfectly on my phone and was able to install those ROMs without any problems. Today I found out that while flashing WP7 ROMs I can't get over Flashing Partition 7, same error with 3 different builds..
Also today I flashed an original WM 6.5 build, which was installed correctly but after 5 minut had an unexpected reboot...
I trying everything I know, Task 29, reinstall HSPL, reinstall MAGLDR, different partitions for CWR, looks like nothing helps..
Does anybody has any ideas or hints?
seems your battery was fault?
I have the same problem
anyway if you find how we can know if there any bad sector tell me..
for me I realize that after charging battery outside it restart
What I noticed that under normal usage (basic applications, internet browsing, email and listening to music) nothing bad happens, at least on ICS CM9 with HWA.. It freezes when it gets warm. Under heavy usage it might get stuck and while it's still hot I can't really load the system properly, as it will freeze instantly. Once it settles down, in about 15minutes, the system would work like nothing happened. I actually discovered yesterday that I still have 2 months of warranty left, maybe I should just return to the shop. But that means I need to flash back WM 6.5
nand problems or heat problem ?
i have many freeze system on a day when working on my hd2
i tried many systems wm and android nand and sd its always the same problem
i have to remove battery and wait for a minimum of 20 minutes i f i want to boot correctly
can somebody help with a program to remove bad blocks on the nand of hd2 ?
I dont thing it's possible to fix bad nand memory blocks.
I'm guessing that the only way is to change the main board.
My HD2 works perfectly with stock WM6.5 and android, so i might not have any memory problems, but i have been reading about it and it seems that is not that uncommon.
Regardless, if there is a way to recover/block these bad sectors by some software tool, i would like to know also.
Well, in the end I had to return my phone to the shop today, as it's still under warranty.
I'm curious if there are going to do something with it, fix it, replace, or just return back, as I'm not really sure if they will find any errors, but I hope they will.
Just in case, I flashed the original WM RUU from HTC, and yesterday, while playing with it for a while, it rebooted a couple of times, and was quite hot as well.
Last week-end I've been to Lisbon, were we had 32 degrees at some points, so my phone was freezing every 5 minutes, when I put it in front of the blowing AC fan from the car it could work like that for hours without any issues, but I suppose it should work like that always and in all conditions. This made me understand that the overheating due to a faulty board could be the root cause of all problems. I suppose that even the bad blocks appeared after the overheating issue appeared
I will write here an update when I'll get my phone back from the service.
nickriley said:
Well, in the end I had to return my phone to the shop today, as it's still under warranty.
I'm curious if there are going to do something with it, fix it, replace, or just return back, as I'm not really sure if they will find any errors, but I hope they will.
Just in case, I flashed the original WM RUU from HTC, and yesterday, while playing with it for a while, it rebooted a couple of times, and was quite hot as well.
Last week-end I've been to Lisbon, were we had 32 degrees at some points, so my phone was freezing every 5 minutes, when I put it in front of the blowing AC fan from the car it could work like that for hours without any issues, but I suppose it should work like that always and in all conditions. This made me understand that the overheating due to a faulty board could be the root cause of all problems. I suppose that even the bad blocks appeared after the overheating issue appeared
I will write here an update when I'll get my phone back from the service.
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What happened in the end? I'm facing the same problem, 5 bad blocks...how do I know where those bad blocks belong? I mean, which partition? Thx

Help! Note 4 freezing, crashing and constantly rebooting.

Its been a long time since iv been this stumped, about a week ago my phone started acting very strangely, laggy performance, freezing randomly and occasionally rebooting itself, now its getting worse, getting to a point where the phone is probably rebooting itself 5-6 times a day, iv uninstalled every app, iv factory reset it, wiped cache, replaced battery, removed the SD card (in case of file system corruption) using Samsung Smart Switch did an emergency flash back to original Rom, installed every troubleshooting app out there, monitored RAM and CPU usage, all i can see is that the CPU suddenly spikes to 100% with no real reason, i cant link any particular app or process thats causing this, all of the cores on the processor appear to be coping with no faults.
The only thing i can think of thats causing this issue is either iv got a pending hardware failure on the board, or possibly bad blocks on the nand memory, however i cant see any simple way of determining this without rooting and using the likes of ODIN or other 3rd parties etc - linux commands etc.
I dont want to root it particularly if i can help it as i was thinking about selling it on to mazuma or the like and let them sort it out instead, but i think i might have to bite the bullet and try it.
Can anyone suggest anything that i might have missed?
Actually iv seen an existing thread which appears to match my issues, so iv installed wakelock on the phone for now which seems to be helping a bit, time will tell, however this isnt a solution but more of a work around, but im still thinking this could be a motherboard issue myself, however, as i think this phone is over 2 years old, i doubt samsung will replace the component, nor would they necessarily believe me if i turn around to them and say its the board that needs replacing!
Terry6680 said:
Its been a long time since iv been this stumped, about a week ago my phone started acting very strangely, laggy performance, freezing randomly and occasionally rebooting itself, now its getting worse, getting to a point where the phone is probably rebooting itself 5-6 times a day, iv uninstalled every app, iv factory reset it, wiped cache, replaced battery, removed the SD card (in case of file system corruption) using Samsung Smart Switch did an emergency flash back to original Rom, installed every troubleshooting app out there, monitored RAM and CPU usage, all i can see is that the CPU suddenly spikes to 100% with no real reason, i cant link any particular app or process thats causing this, all of the cores on the processor appear to be coping with no faults.
The only thing i can think of thats causing this issue is either iv got a pending hardware failure on the board, or possibly bad blocks on the nand memory, however i cant see any simple way of determining this without rooting and using the likes of ODIN or other 3rd parties etc - linux commands etc.
I dont want to root it particularly if i can help it as i was thinking about selling it on to mazuma or the like and let them sort it out instead, but i think i might have to bite the bullet and try it.
Can anyone suggest anything that i might have missed?
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