R.I.P. HTC HD2. Tmoblie usa - HD2 General

Had a good long run bull miss my HD2 all android roms and energy roms and cell core Droid ill will miss greatly but I cracked my HD2 screen smd but and called tmobile the say the don't have the phone anymore so gave free upgrade to the HD7 now
Sent from my HD2 Sensation using XDA Premium App

Kastro1784 said:
Had a good long run bull miss my HD2 all android roms and energy roms and cell core Droid ill will miss greatly but I cracked my HD2 screen smd but and called tmobile the say the don't have the phone anymore so gave free upgrade to the HD7 now
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I feel your pain brother.

Kastro1784 said:
Had a good long run bull miss my HD2 all android roms and energy roms and cell core Droid ill will miss greatly but I cracked my HD2 screen smd but and called tmobile the say the don't have the phone anymore so gave free upgrade to the HD7 now
Sent from my HD2 Sensation using XDA Premium App
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that's a very dubious use of the word "upgrade"

orangekid said:
that's a very dubious use of the word "upgrade"
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Yes, not free or discount but the lets lock you back into a 2 year run for this.


Anyone up for a trade?

I have the htc g2 as of right now. Originally, I only got the phone because of it's physical keyboard, but now, I'm kind of finding want of a larger screen. Don't laugh, I know there's a few mt4g owners out there that want a keyboard ;P well, my phone is already perm-rooted, but id trade for a stock mt4g if the owner is desperate enough for a keyboard xD
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ohshootrawr said:
I have the htc g2 as of right now. Originally, I only got the phone because of it's physical keyboard, but now, I'm kind of finding want of a larger screen. Don't laugh, I know there's a few mt4g owners out there that want a keyboard ;P well, my phone is already perm-rooted, but id trade for a stock mt4g if the owner is desperate enough for a keyboard xD
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I may e up to this. I like changing phones and trying out something new. since i change phones every 3 weeks lol. and not into the keyboard but i like the device dec
I should be able to return to stock but man that was work to get full root
I may e up to this. I like changing phones and trying out something new. since i change phones every 3 weeks lol. and not into the keyboard but i like the device dec
I should be able to return to stock but man that was work to get full root
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If you ever feel up to it, just hit me up ;P I've loved the phone so far, but the screen just doesn't meet my standards. As far as performance goes, cyanogen himself has a g2 ;P oh you don't need to return to stock, I'm willing to trade for a rooted phone. I'm just cautious cause I don't want to accidentally trade my working g2 for a bricked phone and have no one to blame but myself xD
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Anyone else? I'm looking for an upfront trade if possible. I live in hawaii, pm me if you're interested.
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I'm getting no forthcoming answer from anyone I've been told to keep in contact with. Any more takers? If not, ill get the phone through local trading.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App
Told u ill trade
Pics please?
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When I.get to my laptop at home. Took them.last night
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I mean ill send you pix of mines later. But can u post pics
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I mean ill send you pix of mines later. But can u post pics
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Whoops, sorry bro, I thought you aired me xD yeah, if you still want it, you have priority, I just want a trade as soon as possible. Ill get em done.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App
Only thing is I only have one phone and need mine all the time. Well pm me.or email.
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You know the screen on the mt4g is only .1 inch bigger right? I mean it is noticeable... But was thinking if the screen size is what you want you can check out the Vibrant 4g or NS. Or a Vibrant 3g and you could get cash on top in exchange for your phone. Food for thought is all.
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TJBunch1228 said:
You know the screen on the mt4g is only .1 inch bigger right? I mean it is noticeable... But was thinking if the screen size is what you want you can check out the Vibrant 4g or NS. Or a Vibrant 3g and you could get cash on top in exchange for your phone. Food for thought is all.
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I was thinking that too, but the only other phones with larger screens for tmobile were either samsungs or windows. So uhh... no thanks. Haha xD plus, I don't wanna downgrade if I'm gonna trade. Even with money. i already paid for a 4g data plan xD
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ohshootrawr said:
I was thinking that too, but the only other phones with larger screens for tmobile were either samsungs or windows. So uhh... no thanks. Haha xD plus, I don't wanna downgrade if I'm gonna trade. Even with money. i already paid for a 4g data plan xD
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The samsung galaxy s 4g is a good phone surprisingly
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paczek said:
The samsung galaxy s 4g is a good phone surprisingly
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Oh I know. I've played around with my friend's galaxy 4g phones. Not rooted of course, but still nice. I don't wanna have to deal with samsung though. I'm too accustomed to using hboot. Better stick to my cards xD
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MyTouch 4G to HD2?

I've been seriously considering switching from my mt4g to an hd 2, would I be downgrading by doing this? Is it worth it? I've compared specs of both phones and basically the hd2 wins with the bigger screen and the option of 3 OS's and the mt4g wins with 720p recording and the 4g network. I've seen some really good deals on amazon for an hd2. Also should I buy the unlocked version or settle for the tmobile version?
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if you buy one take the tmous version. for flashing roms the 1gb rom are very useful. with the normal version you always need an ext partition on your sd, especially with sense roms.
rauschkugl said:
if you buy one take the tmous version. for flashing roms the 1gb rom are very useful. with the normal version you always need an ext partition on your sd, especially with sense roms.
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I did, I can't wait to put dual boot on it, it should arrive in a couple of days, $233.49 used in very good condition...I can't wait! What should I be looking in to while I wait?
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that's a good price. here you can't get the normal version with less rom under $300 used.
Hey i also downgraded from a galaxy s4g to the hd2, man it was well worth it even thought it doesnt have the front camera, you can still do so much with this phone
Congrats are in order I love the hd2 take this from someone who used to work for T-Mobile it's well worth the downgrade!
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Ok so I got the phone but the touch screen is un responsive, should I go ahead and return the phoneor is there a solution ? How do I return a phone if I bought it on Amazon?
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
Definitely return it if the touchscreen doesn't work. Non-functional or malfunctioning digitizers are a relatively common problem in the HD2, and aren't a very easy thing to fix yourself, or very cheap to have fixed. Definitely get your money back if it's totally unresponsive.
huggs said:
Definitely return it if the touchscreen doesn't work. Non-functional or malfunctioning digitizers are a relatively common problem in the HD2, and aren't a very easy thing to fix yourself, or very cheap to have fixed. Definitely get your money back if it's totally unresponsive.
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I will have to wait untill Tuesday, I also noticed that the end call key is sort of stuck, it still works but its harder to press, Ive been reading these forums and saw that that may be the problem. Well I ordered a "new" hd2 and returning this one on Tuesday *sigh* more waiting time.
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Yep, that sounds like a damaged digitizer ribbon all right. Man that sucks, sorry bout your bad luck, but at least you have a new one on the way.
Its finally here! Time to get started and this one actually works perfectly!
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hd2 or evo?

Hi guys.
trying to be a bit cheeky here. i just broke the screen on my beloved euro hd2. So i was gonna get an american friend to buy and send me a hd2. (i live in england btw)
However, i then remembered the evo 4g! Not just coz of that great youtube classic.
So do you think i should take the leap and buy an evo or stick with the hd2?
appreciate any thoughts.
Unless you have a CDMA carrier available in Europe that will allow you to activate the phone on their network, I think it's the HD2 for you.
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sike222 said:
Hi guys.
trying to be a bit cheeky here. i just broke the screen on my beloved euro hd2. So i was gonna get an american friend to buy and send me a hd2. (i live in england btw)
However, i then remembered the evo 4g! Not just coz of that great youtube classic.
So do you think i should take the leap and buy an evo or stick with the hd2?
appreciate any thoughts.
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If you can get it activated I'd definitely go with EVO
I'd also say for the evo
Customized Evo
+1 evo if you can
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wow glad i asked. i had never heard of cdma. i just assumed all your phones were gsm as well. so the evo is only sold with cdma? if this is the case then i am buggered and will have to revert back to the hd2.
thanks for taking the time to reply.
Yes evo is only cdma sorry mate
Customized Evo
sike222 said:
wow glad i asked. i had never heard of cdma. i just assumed all your phones were gsm as well. so the evo is only sold with cdma? if this is the case then i am buggered and will have to revert back to the hd2.
thanks for taking the time to reply.
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Get the htc inspire 4g. That would work. Its the GSM version of the EVO minus the ffc
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Rem3Dy said:
Get the htc inspire 4g. That would work. Its the GSM version of the EVO minus the ffc
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that looks like a quality phone i will see if i can find it within my price bracket.
cheers again folks.

Mytouch 4g or HTC Sensation 4G

Wanted to know your thoughts on whether I should trade my mytouch 4g plus cash ($50) for an HTC Sensation 4G. I know the sensation is a very nice device, just not sure about the locked bootloader and dev support since it wont be T-Mobile's flagship device.
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Save ur money and flash evil D's virtuous fusion 1.1.8
Seriously tho only thing u gain with sensation is screen size and dual core IMO, mt4g still can hang it out till the quadcore phones/higher end 35nm dualcore phones release.
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d12unk13astard said:
Save ur money and flash evil D's virtuous fusion 1.1.8
Seriously tho only thing u gain with sensation is screen size and dual core IMO, mt4g still can hang it out till the quadcore phones/higher end 35nm dualcore phones release.
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I agree, just run Virtuous Fusion if you want the Sense 3.0 look and save your phone/cash until the quad cores come out later this year
Trade plus $50..****..Do It!
Lakeshow423 said:
Trade plus $50..****..Do It!
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Yeah how are you pulling that deal off, OP?
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Skip the Sensation and save your phone, just wait for the Quads like unk said, by that time we would have ice cream sandwich phones with no buttons and 720P resolution(better than qHD), Full HD Camera/vid, and who knows what else.
There is always gonna be a better phone that is going to be released. If you want the sensation and feel that its a good deal then go for it. The mt4g is still a great phone though and i probably wouldnt trade mine away.
Yeah I've been thinking about it and I'm leaning toward keeping the mytouch 4g because I feel it will have a larger user group (which means more support as far as rooting/ROMs). Also, not sure if the bootloader will be unlocked on the Sensation 4G.
mwilliams05 said:
Yeah I've been thinking about it and I'm leaning toward keeping the mytouch 4g because I feel it will have a larger user group (which means more support as far as rooting/ROMs). Also, not sure if the bootloader will be unlocked on the Sensation 4G.
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Just get the sensation then...It is better in performance since you have neither just get the higher-end one. But I would recommend you to wait for the SGII or ICS phones at the end of the year. But I'm getting very repetitive in explaining why you should get one or the other.
kimbernator said:
Yeah how are you pulling that deal off, OP?
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chem.manish said:
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I have a friend that wants the mytouch and is up for renewal. I told him mine was in very good condition and I would give it to him plus $50, if he upgraded and got the htc sensation 4g.
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mwilliams05 said:
I have a friend that wants the mytouch and is up for renewal. I told him mine was in very good condition and I would give it to him plus $50, if he upgraded and got the htc sensation 4g.
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Dang. you're a lucky dude.
kimbernator said:
Dang. you're a lucky dude.
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Might as well then, it's not like the sensation won't ever get unlocked. It will happen eventually, and if it doesn't effect your own upgrade hell why not..
d12unk13astard said:
Might as well then, it's not like the sensation won't ever get unlocked. It will happen eventually, and if it doesn't effect your own upgrade hell why not..
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True. I was looking at the sensation forums and it seems like an unlock is very close, official or not. some people were "accidentally" sold sensations with S-OFF and root.
I would do it, $50 Imo is not that much especially when you're getting a sweet looking and powerful phone like the sensation. I am very very happy with my mytouch but if I was offered that deal than I would definitely pull the trigger! If you got the money then do it but if you really don't then don't even think about it just don't do it. Either way I would still upgrade to kai-el. I am off contract so don't really have to worry about termination fees or early upgrading. Thank god!
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Do it sell it for 450 buy another mytouch for 200
200 profit rright there.
Sent from my demonSPEED! Glacier using Tapatalk
mwilliams05 said:
I have a friend that wants the mytouch and is up for renewal. I told him mine was in very good condition and I would give it to him plus $50, if he upgraded and got the htc sensation 4g.
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lucky you! I would go for it.
eunkipark92 said:
Do it sell it for 450 buy another mytouch for 200
200 profit rright there.
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agree....very good arbitrage situation.
i would get the sensation
I love root and I root every phone I get my hands on before I even log into my Google Account, and the lack of root on the Sensation really pains me. Honestly, all I want is Titanium Backup capabilities so I can transfer my data from games such as Aqua Pets and the various Kairosoft games.
The phone is super sexy, but I guess I'm a "Power-User", cause it only takes a few minutes for my battery level to TANK. Example - Week after power cycling the phone (so hopefully this battery is "conditioned" enough), I leave my house at 8am and around 815 I start downloading Audible books over HSPA+. I lose service at 840 when my train goes underground, and when I get to work 10 minutes later, I'm at 76% already.
The 4G KILLS this phone, and I need Juice Defender Ultimate on EXTREME just to make it through the day.
Comparatively, my MT4G on stock battery last slightly longer under the same circumstances.
So I would recommend holding out on this phone for maybe a month or so. I'm not going to return it, I love it, and Sense 3.0 is actually quite nice. The weather animations and the carousel are nice touches, as are the lockscreen shortcuts and "themes". It's not a bad skin to stock Android, and it doesn't seem to slow the phone down.
There is a ton of useless bloatware on the phone, and some stuff that might be running in the background, so root would be awesome to have to trim the fat in that sense (pun intended).

t mobile equivalent to Sprint htc 4g (non lte)

my Aunt gave me an evo 4g for sprint today and thought i could use it (i have t mobile), so after about 15 minutes of explaining to her why i can't use it, i decided it was easier to just accept it and say thank you.
But now I have this phone that i cannot use and i am wondering what would be a t mobile equivalent seeing as how i am looking to trade it.
Any suggestions? It's mint condition with an otterbox
Root, super CID and use it?
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GuyInTheCorner said:
Root, super CID and use it?
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk 2
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well its cdma, so no SIM slot so i wouln't be able to use it....right?
Oh... derp. I dont know much about US phones so yeah maybe use it as a gaming device (put a load of ROM's n emulators on there. Use it as an alarm clock? Thers literally literally 100's of uses.
Sent from another dimension...
thanks don't hurt ya know?
Maybe HTC mytouch 4G? Idk, I think its a better idea to sell the EVO then buy a different phone rather than trade.
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yea, i thought about the hand-held emulator thing, but seeing as how i have a rooted g1 and a jb unlocked iphone 3, i'd really just like a newer phone.
If i sold it, what do you think i could get for it? 100 dollars?

HTC didn't really make many T-Mobile phones of that generation. Just the MT4G AND G2. Spec-wise, the Samsung Galaxy S 4G is similar, but the Vibrant has much better support by devs here.
I think you can also unlock the Infuse 4G to run on TMO, but I'd check on that yourself to see if you can get it to run on TMO's 4G network. Otherwise, sell it, save up some cash, and buy a T989 used. Some great ROMs for us over there.
root it through a custom rom on it, sell it for $120
It doesn't have a SIM slot?
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MrObvious said:
It doesn't have a SIM slot?
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nah, just cdma support
i can't get into the marketplace >.< but does anyone have a t mobile phone for sale that has a 1 gig processor and hopefully around 512 ram? I just found out that the evo i have doesn't have a clean ESN because i was mistaken....i thought it was my aunts old phone that she didn't need anymore, but really it was just a phone that she found. so i am in the process of contacting the previous owner to give the phone back
DHD is a good (but the Dev's are dropping like flies) device, served me well for nearly 2 years
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