[Q] HELO!!stuck at Sony ericsson logo - XPERIA X10 General

i have tried to flash my ROM i have followed these steps
now i can not turn my phone on it always stucks at sony ericsson logo ((
help me someone please
btw i run on 2.3.3 gingerbread help me someone please

which rom u was going to flash.....

capone_17 said:
i have tried to flash my ROM i have followed these steps
now i can not turn my phone on it always stucks at sony ericsson logo ((
help me someone please
btw i run on 2.3.3 gingerbread help me someone please
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Do you have flashtool installed?

maansie said:
Do you have flashtool installed?
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Yea , You forgot to flash the Baseband... You should flash back to 2.1 and then flash EWJET http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1192326


[Q] Flashing x8 froyobread v015 back to stock rom

Hi....as the title says..i am using froyobread 015..n i tried to flash back my x8 to stock rom cause of lags..maybe in last time i updated the wrong thing.....
so i wanna go back to stock..n reflash agin n reroot to froyobread 016,,is a great rom ..^^....
i tried using SEUS n PCC ...but came with no success...it just says my phone is updated...and it skips the update....
Use FlashTool
dbts25 said:
Use FlashTool
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please provide me a link
Here you can find everything:
dbts25 said:
Here you can find everything:
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about the flash tool..which version shud i download?
lukewong01 said:
Hi....as the title says..i am using froyobread 015..n i tried to flash back my x8 to stock rom cause of lags..maybe in last time i updated the wrong thing.....
so i wanna go back to stock..n reflash agin n reroot to froyobread 016,,is a great rom ..^^....
i tried using SEUS n PCC ...but came with no success...it just says my phone is updated...and it skips the update....
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instead of update press repair ...

problem xperia arc s

hi guys i have a problem with my xperia arc s.
I wanted to install cm7 mod on it and downloaded the zips from here:
just before i unlocked my phoen with bootloader. everything worked. installing the cm7 followed the steps it was bootlooping. i didn't know what to do so i reboot it and restored it. Now if i turn it on it will stay at the sonyericsson logo and is does nothing further. Please help
ps: sorry for my bad english
you should flash fw and start again from scratch, may you miss some steps
i had the same problem
lilude56214 said:
you should flash fw and start again from scratch, may you miss some steps
i had the same problem
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how to flash the fw? sorry don't know much about this
Using FlashTool
Sent from my iPad 2 using Tapatalk
Flo95 said:
Using FlashTool
Sent from my iPad 2 using Tapatalk
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that's right, download fw for arc S and use flashtool to flash. It's here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1000012
luctreebusch said:
Now if i turn it on it will stay at the sonyericsson logo and is does nothing
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Flash kernel too....because if you get stucked SE LOGO...then it mean. You don't have right kernel.
Cm7 kernel logo is FXP.
Command "fastboot flash boot boot.img"
Sent from my MT15i using Tapatalk
Everything works correct now. Thanks everybody

[Q] Stock Rom for SE Xperia X10i

Hi ,
Please can someone help with the SE Stock Rom. I am trying to do a reinstallation of software after flashing it to the custom ROM but it is not working and it says u already have the latest software. It is not re-installing. Any thoughts or help will be much appreciated.
U mean your X10 stuck at the bootscreen? Try SEUS.
Sent from my X10i using xda premium
sinatra_shinoda said:
U mean your X10 stuck at the bootscreen? Try SEUS.
Sent from my X10i using xda premium
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I did try with SEUS but it is not reinstalling, Error : You already have the updated software. I have flashed my ROM to a MIUI and then to WOLFBREAK but now i am trying to get back but doesn't seem like it is letting me reinstall
SEUS on OFF mode
MohanBV said:
I did try with SEUS but it is not reinstalling, Error : You already have the updated software. I have flashed my ROM to a MIUI and then to WOLFBREAK but now i am trying to get back but doesn't seem like it is letting me reinstall
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Have you tried SEUS with your X10 on OFF mode?
sinatra_shinoda said:
Have you tried SEUS with your X10 on OFF mode?
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I am not sure how to have it updated on OFF mode. Do you have the steps for it?

HELP with my X8

i had root the divice and try to install recovery to flash a cm9 rom.i install the xrecovery and i boot to the recovery menu.i wipe chace-davlik-factory reset and flash the rom.the phone stuck in sony ericsson logo and it not boot to xrecovery again.l am sorry i dont now much..
alexanter the great said:
i had root the divice and try to install recovery to flash a cm9 rom.i install the xrecovery and i boot to the recovery menu.i wipe chace-davlik-factory reset and flash the rom.the phone stuck in sony ericsson logo and it not boot to xrecovery again.l am sorry i dont now much..
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Firstly , you encountered a soft brick. Use PCC , and click repair phone to get back to stock eclair. Then you have to root all over again. If PCC fails (it won't) use SEUS.
Secondly , CM9 is for NaA kernel. Read in the thread where you downloaded , it mentions only for NaA kernel. You have stock kernel until you have unlocked your bootloader. CM9 which you flashed is NOT for stock kernel.
Check the compatibility of the ROM with stock kernel before flashing a ROM.
The compatible kernels are usually mentioned in the first few posts of the thread. If not mentioned , ask about compatibility in the thread
Thirdly , you should have posted this in the "Q&A section" and NOT the "General Section". Take care next time please
ok!what is that PCC?sony ericsson program?and is so simple click and restore?
alexanter the great said:
ok!what is that PCC?sony ericsson program?and is so simple click and restore?
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pcc is pc companion.
Software by Sony Ericsson.
Do not connect your phone.
Click on update phone/software.
It will not detect your phone (since it is not connected to the computer yet)
Then it will give a repair phone option.
Click on it , and it will guide you on how to connect your phone and restore back to 2.1
Mayank77 said:
Firstly , you encountered a soft brick. Use PCC , and click repair phone to get back to stock eclair. Then you have to root all over again. If PCC fails (it won't) use SEUS.
Secondly , CM9 is for NaA kernel. Read in the thread where you downloaded , it mentions only for NaA kernel. You have stock kernel until you have unlocked your bootloader. CM9 which you flashed is NOT for stock kernel.
Check the compatibility of the ROM with stock kernel before flashing a ROM.
The compatible kernels are usually mentioned in the first few posts of the thread. If not mentioned , ask about compatibility in the thread
Thirdly , you should have posted this in the "Q&A section" and NOT the "General Section". Take care next time please
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Nicely done

[Q] Not starting LG E612(rooted)

I have rooted my LG-E612 just before somedays & all was very good.Yesterday i switched it off for some reasons and when i was switching it on and it says "Security Error" at the startup LG screen.The phone stucks in that screen only,no changes.I don't know what to do please help me..
I havn't flashed any custom ROM or any recovery.Just rooted it.Help me plz,mind's going mad
Najmus said:
I have rooted my LG-E612 just before somedays & all was very good.Yesterday i switched it off for some reasons and when i was switching it on and it says "Security Error" at the startup LG screen.The phone stucks in that screen only,no changes.I don't know what to do please help me..
I havn't flashed any custom ROM or any recovery.Just rooted it.Help me plz,mind's going mad
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Try flashing a KDZ,, maybe it's a security from LG to prevent root
Hey raul,wouldyou plz explain it in details? I would be thankfull to you....How to do that??flashing a KDZ ?
raul338 said:
Try flashing a KDZ,, maybe it's a security from LG to prevent root
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Hey raul,wouldyou plz explain it in details? I would be thankfull to you....How to do that??flashing a KDZ ?
Najmus said:
Hey raul,wouldyou plz explain it in details? I would be thankfull to you....How to do that??flashing a KDZ ?
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First download the firmware for your device from here
And then follow this tutorial
I recomend to set up your phone in download mode before flashing kdz, search for your device to do that (its phone specific)
