[Q] Rooted Xoom - Poor battery life... - Xoom General

I rooted/overclocked (to 1.4Ghz) my Xoom a couple of weeks ago and everything seemed ok, all of a sudden though the battery is draining rapidly throughout the day.
In standby with light usage over the last 5 hours the battery has been depleted by nearly 30%, by light usage I mean I looked at my tweets in the Twitter app for about 15 mins.
I keep the screen brightness on auto but it generally stays quite dim, in SetCPU the scaling is set to OnDemand and the Xoom is connected to a wireless network with almost full signal so it's not constantly searching for a network. Before I rooted the battery would last for a few days with average usage and now I'm charging it every night.
Any ideas what could have happened? I'm running the kernal.

rich549 said:
I rooted/overclocked (to 1.4Ghz) my Xoom a couple of weeks ago and everything seemed ok, all of a sudden though the battery is draining rapidly throughout the day.
In standby with light usage over the last 5 hours the battery has been depleted by nearly 30%, by light usage I mean I looked at my tweets in the Twitter app for about 15 mins.
I keep the screen brightness on auto but it generally stays quite dim, in SetCPU the scaling is set to OnDemand and the Xoom is connected to a wireless network with almost full signal so it's not constantly searching for a network. Before I rooted the battery would last for a few days with average usage and now I'm charging it every night.
Any ideas what could have happened? I'm running the kernal.
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You are overclocking. That will drain battery faster. Also you didn't mention if you have set profiles in Set CPU to save battery charge when the screen is off, for instance. I set mine on interactive, as well, as Team Tiamat has advised. Also look at what is using your battery the most--screen will be most of it. Also, some apps try to sync all the time and your battery can drain faster that way.

Well I knew that by overclocking I'd drain the battery faster, but I didn't expect the drain to increase so dramatically! You've made a good point with the profiles in SetCPU, I'l be honest and say that I havent really had much of a look around the app other than overclocking the CPU and using the info screen to check the temperature, benchmarking etc.
I'll give the profiles a try, with regards to apps that sync data constantly I've only used the email, gmail and twitter clients for this since I brought the device so I wouldn't have expected this to contribute to the increased drain.
I'm no noob to Android devices and rooting but overclocking is a whole new thing to me

So you overclocked your CPU and gpu to use twitter and the gmail client?

albundy2010 said:
So you overclocked your CPU and gpu to use twitter and the gmail client?
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Errrr no.... they're just the apps that are always syncing data from the web, I was giving an example of the apps that are always syncing to answer the previous poster's point that a lot of apps will sync data in the background.

Adding a ScreenOff profile to SetCPU didnt help very much, set the max CPU to 312 and min to 216, also set scaling to Conservative. Proceeded to charge the Xoom to 100% and then left it on standby all night, this morning the battery was down to 68%.
I've now restored my Xoom to a backup I did the same day I overclocked it, as I mentioned in my original post this issue only started a couple of weeks after overclocking.


Batteries and Battery Life

I've had my Hero since October. I've been reading these forums ever since I bought it. I keep reading about people switching from one rom to another, discussing battery life changes. Some people are stating they only have to charge their battery every two days, or get 16+ hours of heavy use on a charge. I'm on my 3rd rom, having tried Modaco, Fresh 1.0, and Fresh 1.1. I am now runnning Fresh 1.1 + Gumbo + SetCPU.
I work for Sprint. Advanced Tech Support. I work 13 hour days. I get to work, I turn off the mobile internet connection on my phone. I disable background data. In my SetCPU, I set it to powersave mode Min 245 Max 485. (Those might not be the exact numbers, at work can't check, but you get the idea.) After 13 1/2 hours, I go out and my battery is giving me the >15% remaining warning. I've maybe missed two calls and recieved 8 txts. On my off days, I wake up, take the phone off charge, and do a moderate amount of txting. I play a little music while im playing Xbox, maybe open the browser to check a game FAQ or walkthrough. Within about 3 hours of waking up I'm below 50%. If I'm planning on going to the bar to shoot pool I have to make sure my battery is fully charged, or if anyone is trying to get in touch with my I won't know cause I'm at the bar for 5+ hours txting and talking, and my phone will have died if not 100% charged. So...
I read that running Fresh 1.1+ Gumbo + SetCPU would greatly increase my battery life. Tried it. haven't noticed a change. I don't use task killers, I don't run apps, I think I've downloaded 9 apps from the market in 5 months. I use Shortcovers (Ebook reader). Dolphin browser, Handcent sms. Thats about it.
Is there a viable solution here? Does anyone have any troubleshooting steps to recommend, apps that might help, do a complete wipe and re-install Fresh and Gumbo? Change settings in CPU? I've been reading about Mugen and other batteries, any recommendations on which one would be best to try out? I love my phone, and I don't do anything to it without reading up on these forums first, just looking for any advice to not have to stay tethered to an AC outlet all day. Thanks.
fresh 1.1 + the less aggressive gumbo kernel will help alot. you don't need setcpu at all. i also recommend looking into a bigger extended battery, one that doesn't require the use of another back cover.
sirstanley said:
I've had my Hero since October.
I work for Sprint. Advanced Tech Support. I work 13 hour days. I get to work, I turn off the mobile internet connection on my phone. I disable background data. In my SetCPU,
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It really sounds like you have a background task that is running and not letting your phone sleep. I turn off mobile internet at night (so I don't get bugged with Tweets and other alerts) and my battery drops 3-4% overnight (7-8 hours while sleeping). What is your awake time?
On a full charge, I can go all day (7am - 10pm) and still have more than 30% left. I have 2 email accounts, each set to sync every 30 minutes, a twitter app set to sync every 15 minutes, and I don't use weather or location services. I think a lot of people experience poor battery life due to signal quality. I get really good signals at home and a fairly decent signal at work as long as I say out of the lower (basement) floors.
Here's my experience with my HTC Hero from H3G (Three) UK:
Had the phone for about 2 weeks now, battery lasts me easily 1 day with quite heavy use (30-60 min GPS, 2-3 hours browsing, installing programs, 30 min music, some texting and talking. I know that for some of you guys out there this might be 'light' usage, but I believe for all of this, battery life is quite good, better than my friends' Iphones. With moderate use i get through 2 days of usage. I am just experimenting with turning off Mobile Internet, have had the phone running for 60 hrs + and my battery is at 65%, I've been turning wifi on for a few minutes a couple of times and have been talking and moderate texting during this time. I intend to leave Mobile internet off until the battery runs out of power to see how much time I get out of it. I never turn the phone off at night. I am amazed what a big difference turning off Mobile Internet does.
The OP clearly states that he downloads / runs minimal apps, and asking a Sprint advanced tech if his phone is sleeping, while a nice gesture, isn't terribly practical. I hope.
I think that there are certain phones that don't scale with GCK or a change in the CPU governor very well. I have bounced around to every ROM available, flashed and reflashed, cleared boot and dalvik caches and played with about every governor / frequency setting imaginable. With all that, all I can conclude is that my personal phone does significantly worse when the governor isn't MSM7K and drains downright terrible under GCK's stripped governors on anything other than MSM7K. Even Powersave (which OP referenced) drains my phone significantly faster than MSM7K.
I'd recommend you keep your current GCK install and adjust SetCPU to MSM7K to min 245 max 480. Then enable Profiles > Sleep > min 160 max 245. For a bit more performance when your phone is awake slide your normal max to 528; add significant performance by sliding normal min to 480. See if that helps any.
mkeyslehman said:
The OP clearly states that he downloads / runs minimal apps, and asking a Sprint advanced tech if his phone is sleeping, while a nice gesture, isn't terribly practical. I hope.
I think that there are certain phones that don't scale with GCK or a change in the CPU governor very well. I have bounced around to every ROM available, flashed and reflashed, cleared boot and dalvik caches and played with about every governor / frequency setting imaginable. With all that, all I can conclude is that my personal phone does significantly worse when the governor isn't MSM7K and drains downright terrible under GCK's stripped governors on anything other than MSM7K. Even Powersave (which OP referenced) drains my phone significantly faster than MSM7K.
I'd recommend you keep your current GCK install and adjust SetCPU to MSM7K to min 245 max 480. Then enable Profiles > Sleep > min 160 max 245. For a bit more performance when your phone is awake slide your normal max to 528; add significant performance by sliding normal min to 480. See if that helps any.
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Could just be the different experiences folks receive with the Hero but when I used SetCPU to create profiles, I saw much higher battery drain. Once again, may have just been my experience but battery runs much better without profiles on my device.
Thanks for the response. And yes, my phone does sleep. I checked Spare Parts, and my most used app is Lightning Bug (use it when I sleep at night. I live in the hood and it covers up the radios and dogs barking.) After that it's Shortcovers (my ebook reader.) and then Handcent. So no abnormal program activity. Lightning bug only runs while I sleep, shortcovers just when Im reading. So nothing keeping my phone awake or anything. I do have one of the first Heros, I pre-ordered and recieved it like October 10th, so it's not Google branded, if that makes a difference. I'm considering just getting another one, but after 5 months of flashing and moifying and tweaking I'm kinda attactched to my phone. I'd feel like I was trading in my wife. So I guess I'll just go for an after market battery. Any more advice would be great. Thanks again.
kbizzle said:
Could just be the different experiences folks receive with the Hero but when I used SetCPU to create profiles, I saw much higher battery drain. Once again, may have just been my experience but battery runs much better without profiles on my device.
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Personally I'm on Modaco 2.2. Pulled mocaco.sh and changed the governor from "performance" to "msm7k" and pushed it back to the phone. No compcache, but I did include the internal task killer call in compcache.sh. Read thru either the Modaco 2.2 thread or GCK if you need help.
I'm having the same results as you. I have a non-"with google" Hero200, and my battery life absolutely sucks.
Today, took it off the charger at about 10:30, now at 3:30 it was down to 20% battery.
this was leaving mobile data on and a few text messages.
How exactly do you choose how often you want email to sync? I tried finding that in the settings menu of the Gmail app, but there's nothing there about that, just signatures and such.
I am running gumbo 1.5c bare, so it's quick (no sense UI) but battery is just as bad as with sense.
I'm not running setCPU or anything, just gbhil's kernel (i think?)
I'm about ready to spring for an 1800 mAh battery
Hate to say it, but I'm glad im nota lone on this one. Misery loves company.
I'm gettin tired of reading about people claiming they get 2 days of moderate use out a hero without charging, with a stock battery. "Oh, with this new rom I just tried, after 12 hours I was below 50%, this is unacceptable, I can normally go 2 days without charging." WTF? Did they just build a choice few heros with super batteries? Just wondering.
sirstanley said:
Hate to say it, but I'm glad im nota lone on this one. Misery loves company.
I'm gettin tired of reading about people claiming they get 2 days of moderate use out a hero without charging, with a stock battery. "Oh, with this new rom I just tried, after 12 hours I was below 50%, this is unacceptable, I can normally go 2 days without charging." WTF? Did they just build a choice few heros with super batteries? Just wondering.
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Lol, sorry man (I'm guessing you read my post at one point, 12 hours to 50%, it really did annoy me lol). I CAN get 2 days using Fresh 1.1, gumbo kernel, and SetCPU. Granted, I don't use my phone nearly as much as a lot of the people on here, but I also sit in areas with little to no service for most of my time, which can have a drastic effect on battery life.
rt1oo said:
I'm having the same results as you. I have a non-"with google" Hero200, and my battery life absolutely sucks.
Today, took it off the charger at about 10:30, now at 3:30 it was down to 20% battery.
this was leaving mobile data on and a few text messages.
How exactly do you choose how often you want email to sync? I tried finding that in the settings menu of the Gmail app, but there's nothing there about that, just signatures and such.
I am running gumbo 1.5c bare, so it's quick (no sense UI) but battery is just as bad as with sense.
I'm not running setCPU or anything, just gbhil's kernel (i think?)
I'm about ready to spring for an 1800 mAh battery
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OUCH. I unplugged mine at 9am, it's now nearly 4, and I'm only down to 80%. Had WiFi on all morning, and mobile on from noon on. Sent a dozen texts, and read a half dozen emails (syncs every 15 min). Mobile data SHOULD sleep when your phone goes to sleep, and I think it'll turn on when your accounts/email sync. Same thing with WiFi.
I'm amazed at the massive variation in battery life people have. I wonder if there were a few different manufacturers of batteries, and that's causing the problem.
But I cant even bring my phone into the building so it sits in my glovebox with all data services off and no apps running for 13 hours and its at ten percent when I get off work. I just don't get it. I think I'm gonna wipe, reflash Fresh 1.1, reflash Gumbo, and start over.
sirstanley said:
But I cant even bring my phone into the building so it sits in my glovebox with all data services off and no apps running for 13 hours and its at ten percent when I get off work. I just don't get it. I think I'm gonna wipe, reflash Fresh 1.1, reflash Gumbo, and start over.
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Wow, it sounds more like something might be wrong with your battery.
I could turn everything off on mine, and leave it sit in an area with decent service, and probably get over 2 days out of it...so that just seems odd. Are you running SetCPU? That'll help. Set it at either 160 or 245 min, and 528 max. "On Demand" seems to be working the best for me. It'll basically drop your processor speed when the phone's asleep, and bring it back up when you need it.
daryelv said:
It really sounds like you have a background task that is running and not letting your phone sleep. I turn off mobile internet at night (so I don't get bugged with Tweets and other alerts) and my battery drops 3-4% overnight (7-8 hours while sleeping). What is your awake time?
On a full charge, I can go all day (7am - 10pm) and still have more than 30% left. I have 2 email accounts, each set to sync every 30 minutes, a twitter app set to sync every 15 minutes, and I don't use weather or location services. I think a lot of people experience poor battery life due to signal quality. I get really good signals at home and a fairly decent signal at work as long as I say out of the lower (basement) floors.
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+1 on this. While I understand you're a Sprint tech, it's still good to check the awake time, as it's a good indicator that something's awry. You said you run minimal apps, do you run any weather apps at all? Had some bad luck with those. Also, do you roam? I know setting it to Sprint Only helped me at home, and this is what you suggest to ppl everyday, so I'm not telling you anything, but some of the things we KNOW to be absolutely true can be wrong under our noses sometimes because we're so sure. Double check everything again.
I know it's painful to think of this as a viable solution, but there absolutely IS a way to determine if it's apps or not. I've had great luck with Fresh 1.1 AND Gumbo 1.5b. SetCPU and Gumbo Kernel made it even better.
Try this: Install either Gumbo or Fresh 1.1, the Gumbo Kernel, and setCPU (that one is optional for you I suppose, but I'd recommend it)
Don't install a single app or widget for the first day. Not a single one. Leave it for 24 hours, and see the battery life. (exceptions for apps that don't run in the background or connect for data or updates)
Then install them one by one until you find your culprit. This is how I found the weather widget was sucking the life out of my hero.
I too, have a non "with google" hero 200, and I have GREAT battery life, and even had great battery life on Fresh 1.1 when I had near 80 apps installed.
I'd bet money it's something in the background. I can speak a lot for Fresh 1.1 as I've used it the most. Great ROM, great battery life.
Btw, I also have two email accounts, one Exchange, one Gmail, BOTH set to "as items arrive" and I still can go from morning to bed on a charge with no probs.
To echo Tatonka_hero, I also recommend doing the ondemand 528/245 as it worked really well for me. I got even better battery life when going that route than before, although I was never complaining about battery life in the first place.
my opinion.. it has to be something due to the signal strength.
I wonder if there is a way.. to check and monitor how often the phone looses tower contact? Then it has to try to find the next tower available, then has to bounce back to the closer one when it pops up? Is it constantly, jumping from one week signal to the next?
Which would keep the radio up and running... while the phone itself looks asleep.
Just me guessing.. with no Knowledge to base this off of.
I don't use any weather apps. A list of every app I have that didnt come with the phone:
Lightning Bug
Spare Parts
ES File Explorer
I know you guys are really stuck on the idea that I'm running some intresting app, but I'm sorry to dissapoint. I wiped the phone, flashed Modaco, wiped, flashed Fresh 1.0, wiped, flashed Fresh 1.1, wiped, flashed gumbo. And then I re-downloaded the apps above. I work 7 days a week, I like to read Ebooks before I go to bed, I use lightning bug when I sleep, and if I'm riding with someone I play my emulators. Thats the story of my phone use. Also listen to music if I take a day off and im playing xbox. Theres nothing running in the background. I always have at lest 3-4 bars of signal strength. I turn off mobile network (data) when not using it. I keep my GPS off. I check Spare Parts, and everything in there is pretty much correct. My phones awake time is about 20%, if that. haven't checked in a couple days. So, tonight I'm gonna wipe, re-install Fresh 1.1, re-install Gumbo, and see if that helps at all. Is there any kind of consensus on the best settings for setCPU to save my battery?
sirstanley said:
I don't use any weather apps. A list of every app I have that didnt come with the phone:
Lightning Bug
Spare Parts
ES File Explorer
I know you guys are really stuck on the idea that I'm running some intresting app, but I'm sorry to dissapoint. I wiped the phone, flashed Modaco, wiped, flashed Fresh 1.0, wiped, flashed Fresh 1.1, wiped, flashed gumbo. And then I re-downloaded the apps above. I work 7 days a week, I like to read Ebooks before I go to bed, I use lightning bug when I sleep, and if I'm riding with someone I play my emulators. Thats the story of my phone use. Also listen to music if I take a day off and im playing xbox. Theres nothing running in the background. I always have at lest 3-4 bars of signal strength. I turn off mobile network (data) when not using it. I keep my GPS off. I check Spare Parts, and everything in there is pretty much correct. My phones awake time is about 20%, if that. haven't checked in a couple days. So, tonight I'm gonna wipe, re-install Fresh 1.1, re-install Gumbo, and see if that helps at all. Is there any kind of consensus on the best settings for setCPU to save my battery?
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Thanks for the detailed reply...it helps us get a better picture of your habits.
That being said, use the ondemand 528/245 and you should be just fine. Make sure to set it to save those settings on reboot too, because setCPU used to (not sure if it still does) set itself to performance mode on reboot otherwise which would definitely drain your battery.
alright this is probably a stupid question but how do i check awake time with spare parts? is it under battery history? then is it partial wake usage option?
And is Locale.apk known to be a battery hog...I feel like it might be...ouch.
rt1oo said:
alright this is probably a stupid question but how do i check awake time with spare parts? is it under battery history? then is it partial wake usage option?
And is Locale.apk known to be a battery hog...I feel like it might be...ouch.
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It's just under Settings > About Phone > Status then all the way down

how do you guys get great battery?

i have been reading about some of the battery u guys get and all i have to say is......how do u guy get such great battery life?! i don't get any where near that. thinking of deleting pure calendar since i heard it takes up a lot of battery. but do live wallpapers eat up that much memory? i got other widgets like beautiful home (updates ever 15 minutes), Mobile Buzz widgets, myspace (yea i kno. cant seem to get to facebook yet. unless some of you guys want to add me there ) widget, Process manager widget, Touiteur widget that updates every three minutes, FML widget, some beautiful home widgets, Yahoo NFL widget, Android Guys widget, i have Nimbuzz IM always running, Weatherbug on my notification bar that updates every 15 minutes, battery indicator, and wifi (when im at home). my display at 140/225 (power manager) and i have most of my widgets on ignore when i hit the kill all button on Process manager. what apps you think that i don't need to have running would help battery life? you guys that have SetCPU, what can u recommend to set my profiles at to see better battery life? my current set up is:
998 Max
245 Min
384 Max
245 Min
Power > 100%
998 Max
768 Min
Power > 30%
614 Max
245 Min
what do you guys suggest to improve my overall battery life? ANY help at all will be greatly appreciated
**PS, i do the average usage of web, IM, a lot of texting, little to no myspace, twitter always running, and some flash video. also is it bad if i charge the battery a lot?**
I've had most noticeable battery improvements from using JuiceDefender and Switching the Network Type to GSM (auto) PRL. Generally getting about 17 hours with I would say heavy usage.
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i guess u shouldnt be using
998 Max 768 Min on <100 setting to save battery..
imho the default 998 Max 245 Min ondemand (read setcpu=off) is the best setting..
afaik cpu lowers the clock on sleep by default.. so why bother?
same goes to all app-killers and auto-process-killers.. not needed =)
All those things that update frequently are what eats your battery. Every time an app wants to update it has to wake the processor and radio connections, do its thing and then shutdown again. If you've got this happening every few minutes your battery won't last the day.
I don't have anything updating more than once every 3 hours. That way I get 2-3 days battery life unless I'm using the phone heavily.
p.s. app/process killers won't help. Infact they generally make things worse. If the processes are sleeping (which they will be if you aren't using them or they aren;t auto-updating) then they don't use any processing time or power. Auto killing processes does however use power......
GlenH said:
All those things that update frequently are what eats your battery. Every time an app wants to update it has to wake the processor and radio connections, do its thing and then shutdown again. If you've got this happening every few minutes your battery won't last the day.
I don't have anything updating more than once every 3 hours. That way I get 2-3 days battery life unless I'm using the phone heavily.
p.s. app/process killers won't help. Infact they generally make things worse. If the processes are sleeping (which they will be if you aren't using them or they aren;t auto-updating) then they don't use any processing time or power. Auto killing processes does however use power......
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Exactly what my reply was going to be. If you don't need all that stuff, then either turn off the widgets or set them to only update every 1+ hours. The internet will kill your battery. Its nice having stuff at your fingertips everytime you turn your phone on, but are you really checking it every 10-15 minutes?
Live wallpapers also use more battery than regular ones, so even though they're pretty and nice, they can use more battery. I'm not sure how much more though, it might only be .5-1%/hour extra.
Also, if you want to use SetCPU, take t0ols' suggestion. If you're setting the minimum to 768, then that's the slowest it'll run. By default, it'll clock itself down to 245 even without SetCPU. You can also try changing the governor for the Sleep profile to Conservative or Power Save instead of On-Demand. With all that said, I've uninstalled SetCPU and my batter life isn't any worse or any better than when I had it installed. There's a thread on here where half of us say it doesn't help any and half say it does, so you might try uninstalling it too.
As far as the process managers go, I keep one installed, but only to kill some apps that continue running in the background. I don't auto-kill everything. For a while I was having pretty bad battery life while I didn't have a process manager, once I installed it, I noticed there was an app that was running in the background, using data. Some apps just aren't programmed very good and require manual killing.
Another thing, which I didn't see you mention, is screen brightness. Either set it to auto or set it to something less than half. The screen is one of the biggest battery killers there is.
Another one is your network connection. I usually leave mine on Edge only and use WiFi when I need something fast. 3G/H uses more battery than WiFi, so I'll leave WiFi on all day. If I go away from a connection though I turn it off to keep it from hunting for a WiFi signal.
If you must have 3G on, try dialing *#*#4636#*#*, go to Phone Information, then scroll to the bottom for "Set Preferred Network Type" and set it to GSM Auto PRL instead of WCDMA Preferred. Some have reported that this helps with their battery life.
Hope that helps.
Isn't this a duplicate of a duplicate of a duplicate of a thread?
My N1 with K9 Mail (2 online IMAP, 4 poll folders), Latitude, random stuff, including Pure Calendar... 3%/hr. That's as good or better than my previous smartphones. Google syncing cal/contacts, but not mail.
I don't have Facebook or Twitter syncing.
I'm happy with the battery life.

Phone Idling at 400-420 milliamps

After seeing the charts done by Sky with the kernal comparison using CurrentWidget, i decided to install that on my setup. I was shocked to find out that after 10 minutes of screen off, sleep it was idle at 410MA average. The smallest I saw was 360. That seems rediculously high. I have noticed a massive drain like many others seem to have as well. I unplugged from the charger at 11am today, no facebook, no games, 2 texts, and checked email once. I am now sitting at 60 percent.
With or without SetCPU it still has very high draw.
Has anybody with high battery drain installed CurrentWidget and checked to see what the ma draw is?
Fresh w/stock kernal
No setCPU and with SetCPU (Screen off profile: powersave 245. Conservative governor screen on.)
Newest radio, wimax, prl, nv (0 TWS)
Wifi, GPS, everything off, including random account syncs and Google Talk
Using froyo unrooted w/ latest updates I get 300 half brightness
Edit: more testing shows 230 mA with backlight off and 198 with it at half??
Edit2: I can pull a max of 688 with the works running a speed test. Bluetooth 4g WiFi gps hotspot max brightness. Still no oc.
Edit3: some things I noticed: task managers do not save battery (already knew that, first empirical example), moving widgets around the screen can get your current draw as high as having all of the radios on at max brightness.
Final idle power draw is 180 mA.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App

[Q] mikg 1.03 battery issues

This is by far my favorite Rom yet but I'm having battery issues that I haven't had before. I unplugged my phone last night at 100% and when i woke up 5 hours later my battery was at 68% normally it would only drop about 10% or less in 5 hours. any ideas? I have all new radios and wimax and such.
Is your phone sleeping?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Once we get a new custom kernel, it should remedy the battery issues on that ROM.
We just have to wait for HTC to release the source for the latest kernel.
OK stupid question how do I know if my phone is sleeping ?
At 7am I reset battery stats and put in a 100% battery (charged on an external charger)
Now (11:15) I am at 69% I expect this to get better once the batt stats are done.
I have new radios and the kernel for the ROM.
stock battery. i dont think my phone is sleeping.
If you have mobile data on, your battery will drain a lot faster, especially while we're all stuck with the stock kernel
No battery problems here. Altho it is the stock Kernel, i can easily use my phone for a full day with several calls, a bit of gaming and youtube (3G) while in the pooper and have 50-60% remaining in the evening
Try to reduce app sync frequency (you don't need that when in bed really..), LED notifications
No juice defender, or taskiller, or extended battery- just using setCPU with "onDemand" governor
That's about where mine is, too. I'm used to my SBC setup though, where I'd be at 85% by the end of the day.
You should not be losing that much battery over night. I generally only lose 2-3%. Have you checked your battery usage? Post a screen shot of it.
It looks like this
You can see when your phone is awake vs screen off. And if you click on the apps in the list, it will tell you how long that app kept the phone awake,
So when can we expect a custom kernel. i use set cpu with ondemand also no juice defender or app killers here either.
gfullwr70 said:
So when can we expect a custom kernel. i use set cpu with ondemand also no juice defender or app killers here either.
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Probably at the end of the month. :/
If watching paint dry is your thing, you can look back here
my phone signal and wifi are lit up all way across i can see my phone wakes in tiny increments and then sleeps
gfullwr70 said:
my phone signal and wifi are lit up all way across i can see my phone wakes in tiny increments and then sleeps
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So something is waking up your device then. You don't have the wake lock issue. Do you use google latitude? That is a huge battery hog
yes i do use latitude all my sync like facebook and weather are set to 1 hour but have always been and never had this problem before.
gfullwr70 said:
yes i do use latitude all my sync like facebook and weather are set to 1 hour but have always been and never had this problem before.
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Try it w/o latitude on. I only drop 1-2 maybe 3% through the night once i turned those off. I have my facebook contacts set to sync once a day (don't really need more than that unless you add friends a lot or they update their picture frequently)
Weather I have set to 3 hours, but there is an option to update on device wake..so that isn't an issue either.
Give it a try and see if it helps.
Also if you haven't calibrated your battery, charge your phone to 100%, boot to recovery and wipe battery stats, drain battery til phone shuts off and then charge phone back to 100%. I can usually get about 24 hours of moderate use out of my phone.
ok will try those. i did battery wipe just yesterday
just click the link in my signature for some really good battery tips
OK guys so nothing I done helped my battery life while sleeping so I wiped wiped and wiped again and reflashed twice set everything back up and now my phone sleeps again. These roms can be funny like that sometimes I guess. Any thoughts on that?
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Roms, especially ones that are ports, can be weird like that sometimes. If a couple of wipes and a re-flash did the trick then I'd say that's great.
If not, then it's just bad luck I guess. Hopefully the kernel source will come out in the next few weeks and we'll be able to get kernels that can squeeze out better battery life.

Nexus 4 battery life problems and possible overheating

So I have the rev11 nexus 4 and it seems to have pretty awful battery life.. I'm running cm10.1 with the latest faux kernel with the faux clock app all set up: min clock is 594, max set at 1.35, intellidemand governor, eco mode and snake charmer on, voltage at -50mV, as well. I can't fit hardly any apps on this phone because I mistakenly got the 8gb version and can barely fit all the pictures and videos and music.. So no rouge apps or anything effecting the battery (I've already checked). The phones battery is at 40c, and CPU temp at 56c. Because of this, even when I have my phone set up the way it is and the brightness all the way down, I still only get 3 hours MAX of on screen time before it shuts off, completely dead. I've had this phone for a month but I'm about to call for yet another replacement (first one was defective but still had really good battery life). Does anyone have similar issues and should I definitely call and try to get a replacement?
BravoMotorola said:
So I have the rev11 nexus 4 and it seems to have pretty awful battery life.. I'm running cm10.1 with the latest faux kernel with the faux clock app all set up: min clock is 594, max set at 1.35, intellidemand governor, eco mode and snake charmer on, voltage at -50mV, as well. I can't fit hardly any apps on this phone because I mistakenly got the 8gb version and can barely fit all the pictures and videos and music.. So no rouge apps or anything effecting the battery (I've already checked). The phones battery is at 40c, and CPU temp at 56c. Because of this, even when I have my phone set up the way it is and the brightness all the way down, I still only get 3 hours MAX of on screen time before it shuts off, completely dead. I've had this phone for a month but I'm about to call for yet another replacement (first one was defective but still had really good battery life). Does anyone have similar issues and should I definitely call and try to get a replacement?
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Battery drain is mostly caused by installed user apps running in the background and/or sync settings. Have you installed BetteBatteryStatts to see what consumes most energy? Also install CPU Spy for deep sleep issues.
gee2012 said:
Battery drain is mostly caused by installed user apps running in the background and/or sync settings. Have you installed BetteBatteryStatts to see what consumes most energy? Also install CPU Spy for deep sleep issues.
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Well as I said in my post there are no rogue background apps. The only apps I even have installed are reddit, fauxclock, cpu spy, and xda. I've looked and no internal processes use up much battery also. It's just the screen which is on the lowest brightness setting that seems to suck all the battery which usually doesn't even last three hours.
BravoMotorola said:
Well as I said in my post there are no rogue background apps. The only apps I even have installed are reddit, fauxclock, cpu spy, and xda. I've looked and no internal processes use up much battery also. It's just the screen which is on the lowest brightness setting that seems to suck all the battery which usually doesn't even last three hours.
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Maybe a faulty battery, i get 3,5 to 4 hours screen on time with 50% brightness. Running stock rom and kernel atm.
I haven't had any battery drainage with my N4, but with my previous phone I did. In most cases when I had that type of drain, I would reflash the radio or flash a different one and that would cure it. I'm not sure what would cause the drain, but I was flashing different roms and at some point radio performance would drop off. I have seen some complaints with severe battery drainage with the N4, but I haven't seen anyone trying a fresh radio install. Might not help, but could be worth a shot.
fernandezhjr said:
I haven't had any battery drainage with my N4, but with my previous phone I did. In most cases when I had that type of drain, I would reflash the radio or flash a different one and that would cure it. I'm not sure what would cause the drain, but I was flashing different roms and at some point radio performance would drop off. I have seen some complaints with severe battery drainage with the N4, but I haven't seen anyone trying a fresh radio install. Might not help, but could be worth a shot.
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I think what I'm going to do is just flash it back completely to stock and just use it for a week without installing anything. If I still only get 3 hours of screen on time I will try to RMA it. There just has to be something screwed up with this phone though because my last phone with the same settings applied got at the very least 5 hours of screen on time. When I can't even go through half a day on this phone with normal usage, even after tweaking and cutting performance along with always having low brightness then I think there is a problem.
