Development of Bangla Language Patch - Galaxy Ace S5830 Android Development

Bangla is a major language. But many of us can't see Bangla just by replacing Bangla font (Replacing DroidSansFallback.ttf) on all devices. It shows bangla after replacing but it can't show properly.
Devices like Samsung Ace (& some others) which comes with stock ROM 2.3.3 can show Bangla properly.
Maybe it has some indic scripts installed into it by default.
There are many language patches for Arabic/Hebrew etc etc. But there is no patch for Bangla. Can anyone make one for the whole Bangla Android users?
FYI I'm not so geek to make one. So I don't know anything about it. Has anyone any idea how to make it? I can provide all of you with informations you want. As I'm not a developer I can't make it


Arabic language on Android..

Hi guys, I wonder if someone can tell me where are the files that can be hacked in order to change or add new languages for the Android, in my case is Arabic.
here is a solution for you
Thanks buddy
>> Arabic on T-Mobile G1...Half a Solution!
Where is the second Half ?
Arabic Support in Android 3.0 Honeycomb
It looks like official native support for Arabic finally comes to Android
See the snapshots at
best luck pro ...
looking for this also...
Do I have to root?
I think you just need to add Arabic font after rooting your phone. I did not try this yet and I am new to android.
Or maybe using one of Arabic supported ROMs like Cynagon for example.
I hope anyone can help.. I am still looking for a solution for my nexus s.
I flashed latest build of cyanogen for nexus one yesterday and seems arabic is finally solved. letters are connected letters, right to left alignment in msgs.
It's CM7 build#35
It's now late November 2011. Any news of newer Arabic language stuff for droid phones?
I want to know about Arabic in droid too, bc my native lg for Uyghur. it's same to Arabic for use.
Noon keyboard
Must have keyboard for all those who want to write arabic on android
Supports 2.1 and up
Salam Aluikum everyone. Currently my sister's husband owns a htc sensation, and has been griping about reading Arabic on it. Now I COULD go and install cyanogen 7 on his sensation, as that has good Arabic support... but I personally don't want to do it as 1- I'm lazy, and 2- if something changes and he doesn't like it, guess who he's going to ***** at?
so are there any ways of displaying Arabic on his android correctly in everything? like texts, emails, and etc. The only thing I could think of was making him install Firefox as his browser, so he could read Arabic websites
COS DS Android 2.3.4 rom now supports all ASOP+CM languages and locals splited into 4 builds:
for arabic choose:
Build Langpack1:en_US ar_EG ar_IL ur_PK fa_IR bg_BG ca_ES cs_CZ da_DK de_AT de_CH de_DE de_LI el_GR en_AU
it has full support for arabic language...

Adding locales/languages in custom build?

Hi all,
Is there any possibility to add locales and languages in custom build ROM's? I know Haykuro and TheDude include additional locales, but JF isn't. How can I add them myself, is there any way?
I'm interested in this as well. I believe it can be done without having to cook a new rom though. My interest lies in the Thai language and I found the following sites describing (I think?) how this can be done:
I tried using google translate but the results didnt' help me much. From what I could make sense of, the how-to instructions are in the first link, and the file needed (maybe the fonts?) is in the second.
Anyways, if this helps at all let me know.
hehe i found this thread when I search on google how to add french language to my G1...
The emulator support french (and many others languages). I'm sure we can extract locales on the emulator and put them on the phone.. but no idea how to do that
I'm really interested in this too

[Q] Is there any guide for changing the language of the ROM??

Hope flash english to chinese.Anyone can offer a guide about how to do this?
Thanks in advance!
clarkkov said:
It's quite easy, but it depends on the ROM you are using. Some ROMs support specific languages (locales). To change the locale go to phone's "Settings" app. Tap on "Locale and text" entry and then tap on "Select locale" entry. Select your desired locale and reboot the device.
Sadly I have not seen Chinese locale in SG3 ROMs (probably because I was never looking for it). There is Korean locale in most of SG3 ROMs. Try flashing a couple of stock ROMs to see if they have Chinese locale or wait if someone replies which ROM is he using to get Chinese locale...
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Thank you all the same……
Maybe my description is not clear enough ,I mean how to make the ROM support chinese by modifing some files of the ROM.
My english is not good enough,hope you can understand……
clarkkov said:
Oh, that's another matter...This would include translation of the corresponding files in the framework, and the OS itself. All .apk(s) need to be translated, which considers decompiling and the recompiling the whole .apk, hunting down the GUI .xml(s), adding the translation and so on...Isn't there Chinese Android translation/localization?
...and I forgot one very important thing, the Chinese fonts and grammar! This can cause many compatibility issues. As I understand, Chinese characters cannot be translated respectively from Alphabetical characters. This would involve coding/writing a new/separate module for decoding and encoding Chinese characters. If Chinese is similar to Korean, this is the place to start. Word prediction and autocerrect software would have to be written also - for the keyboard, new keyboard layout etc...A lot of work (assuming there is no Chinese localization for Android).
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Thx a lot.
There are people who do the translation work on the Internet.But they are not able to turn every ROM to chinese version,especially when i find a ROM which i like from xda. I think i should try to find out how they do the work and learn it……

Developers only to enter here !!!!!!

Opened this subject so gave the signal is ignored by most developers of Arabic that deal with more people of the Middle East, and I want to interact with me in this subject seriously. And put several questions to be answered.
Do you add the Arabic language difficulties programming? Why, if the French and English, Chinese and others is not difficult.
I tried hard to integrate localization of multiple sources to multiple copies. I find sometimes accepted and sometimes the system fails and re-install it again
I know I am a user and not a developer but I get the tire on the front of an Arab of the new system and new versions by developers. I feel so sad that we Arabs are not accepted when the developers and the Arabic language neglected in the margin
Thank you and please consider the issue seriously.
Its most likely too much hassle for a western dev to even bother attempting to incorporate the language since it uses right to left instead of left to right and would need more modification to rom maybe.
Remember devs do this because they enjoy it, not because they are trying to serve you or others. If you really want Arabic language try a Arabic forum or find a Arabic dev or user that can do it for you.
By the way , use proper topic titles that describe the topic. Your title is not descriptive.
1st: thnx2u
i want all developers Join to this thread
Yes, I am with you says you are right.
But there are some manner of languages ​​such as Arabic and Hebrew which are written from right to left, we find that developers are added and the Arab is not added.
I, for my system (NDT SENSE3.0 PYRAMID BASED V6.0) I was impressed by being fast and no problems it has tried repeatedly to converting it into Arabic, but was re-installed the system fails once again tried several copies of Arabization Arabization not notice that I mean that it is a separate unincorporated with the system and thus was forced to do several attempts so that I can correct that this localization is very boring not notice it
If you have a solution please kindly give me the link so that I can use that version and thank you
kasserx said:
1st: thnx2u
2nd : Yes, I am with you says you are right.
But there are some manner of languages ​​such as Arabic and Hebrew which are written from right to left, we find that developers are added and the Arab is not added.
I, for my system (NDT SENSE3.0 PYRAMID BASED V6.0) I was impressed by being fast and no problems it has tried repeatedly to converting it into Arabic, but was re-installed the system fails once again tried several copies of Arabization Arabization not notice that I mean that it is a separate unincorporated with the system and thus was forced to do several attempts so that I can correct that this localization is very boring not notice it
If you have a solution please kindly give me the link so that I can use that version and thank you
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Go through the SD forums and search for Boxmax. I don't know what developers' views are on this, but perhaps you could contact him via PM and ask how to do this. If you are willing to use SD builds loads of his have Arabic RTL support.
Exactly this version of an Arab, but not required I use the offline version (NDT SENSE3.0 PYRAMID BASED V6.0) by a NAND Magdrl

[Q] Right to left language support

I'm new to this, so I apologize if this has been discussed before.
I am trying to get Hebrew support on my phone. Any existing hebrew and hebrew that I type comes out backwards. I'd like to avoid rooting/modding, or whatever since I'm scared of destroying the phone, unless of course there is no other way to do it.
Any help is appreciated.
I have the same RTL problem. I live in Israel and I need Hebrew support. Stock 2.2 versions have Hebrew support so SMS messages are displayed correctly. New 2.3 stock ROMs lack this support. They have the fonts, but Hebrew is displayed left-to-right. Is there any way to add Hebrew support to 2.3 ROM? If not, which custom ROMs have good Hebrew support?
I think i have a solution.
Download and explores apk Swiftkey X
Keyboard isn't the problem. The problem is how the text is displayed.
RtL support: FIXED
After scouring the internet with no viable solution, I decided to join the world of rooting and modding/Romming (?). I read as much as I could and was as careful as possible. The solution? I rooted my phone and installed ClockWorkMod and CyanogenMod7. It has Hebrew built in and can switch back and forth easily. Built in keyboard also has the option to change languages by sliding the spacebar. I will post step by step soon. It's been over a week and so far everything is working fine. I would suggest backing up your current ROM (after you install CWM but before CM7) just in case.
