Best Homescreen Widgets? - Acer Iconia A500

Just wondering what all you guys have found in the widgets department.. looking to add some flair to my screens!

Appstack in the market. Love it and well worth the 99 cents.

I like the Asus weather widget that can be added to our tabs.


Weather/News Widget

What's your favorite? I was using "Android Apps' Weather Widget Forecast", but I do like the detail of the stock app.
I have seen some nice ones in pictures of the N1 so what's all out there that seems to work for you? I'm not very entertained by FB widgets.
My stock weather doesn't work anymore. Sliding the time doesn't update the forecast. Thinking this is a data service issue cost I changed roms and no fix. New Zealand.
Beautiful weather widgets home widget has got my vote.
Macmee said:
Beautiful weather widgets home widget has got my vote.
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Weatherbug's free once isn't bad, you have the ads that run, but they have a large and small version. I use the large on on it's own screen. Plus, it has plethora of cities to choose from/locations compared to the stock one.
Macmee said:
Beautiful weather widgets home widget has got my vote.
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Pretty neat. They have the one very similar to the one I was using before but I REALLY like the one that is sort of a mix between the stock app and that.
Going to give it a try. Thanks!
techlogik said:
Weatherbug's free once isn't bad, you have the ads that run, but they have a large and small version. I use the large on on it's own screen. Plus, it has plethora of cities to choose from/locations compared to the stock one.
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+1 very cool detailed weather information!

[POLL] Favourite launcher

What launcher is everyone using?
I use launcher pro and adw
Launcher pro.
Tried them all and it seems to run like it shud be there.
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
i use launcher pro atm, mainly because of the config dock, scrollable widgets (pure message) and the nice zoom out effect when one closes a program or window!
[X] LauncherPro
- smooth (imho smoother than adw or stock)
- nice, configurable dock with notifications and icons - good animations
- ...
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Launcher Pro for me also. Used some others but this is great with the bottom dock
Lol sorry, no poll
Anyone no how to edit in a poll?
Using the stock HTC Sense, just love the deam thing
Tell me what should I put in poll and I will put!
-stock launcher
-launcher pro
-zeam launcher
-helix launcher
-slide screen
I love both LauncherPro and ADW Launcher. Cant stand having widgets in different styles and colors though so I don't use any of them, I'm sorry to say.
Why can't the 'Pure' widgets be lowered a few pixels I hate them attach to the notification bar and the side of the screen, it looks like a mess .
I went for the ADW.launcher, but i'm currently giving LauncherPro a second try, and I must say i like it.
Pros ADW.launcher:
- 5+ icon coloumns on homescreen
- Gestures
Pros LauncherPro:
- Nice dock
- Seems a bit faster/smoother
- 3D appdrawer is amazing
Launcher pro is my favourite.
Sent from my HTC Desire
LP is the one i like
I was using Openhome and have just tried (and using) Launcher Pro.
Freddan80 said:
Why can't the 'Pure' widgets be lowered a few pixels I hate them attach to the notification bar and the side of the screen, it looks like a mess .
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+1 Such a shame, especially with the scrolling, find myself pulling down the notification bar way too much.
Only 1 other person using Sense? That's the reason I got my Desire.
Sense UI - beautiful piece of kit.
ADW - Fantastic, especially custom widget sizes. Eagerly awaiting themes
Acer Launcher - Just for simplicity.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App

4x4 Weather Widget

Can someone recommend a good 4x4 weather widget? I'm using Cyanogenmod so I can't use the Sense one. Also does anyone know of a good 4x4 calendar app that looks like the Sense one?
I don't know much about free options, but Beautiful Widgets is an excellent weather/clock widget. For a calendar, I haven't used it personally but I know a ton of people who use Pure Agenda Widget, seems to be pretty customizable. If you use Launcherpro, the paid Plus version has a calendar widget as well.
coppertop4646 said:
Can someone recommend a good 4x4 weather widget? I'm using Cyanogenmod so I can't use the Sense one. Also does anyone know of a good 4x4 calendar app that looks like the Sense one?
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stayclean said:
I don't know much about free options, but Beautiful Widgets is an excellent weather/clock widget. For a calendar, I haven't used it personally but I know a ton of people who use Pure Agenda Widget, seems to be pretty customizable. If you use Launcherpro, the paid Plus version has a calendar widget as well.
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Yup I agree, LPP is a nice sense replacement
Thanks, LPP is pretty much exactly what I needed. Only question though, when I started using LPP I only have 3 screens to select from, is there anyway to add screens?
coppertop4646 said:
Thanks, LPP is pretty much exactly what I needed. Only question though, when I started using LPP I only have 3 screens to select from, is there anyway to add screens?
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Preferences > Homescreen Settings

Rom Search

Hey all, I've been looking around but haven't been able to find my cup of tea exactly. I've been looking for a sense based rom that allows me to use HTC apps and widgets, however I want a customizable dock and number of screens, like that off launcherpro. Is there any such thing that exists?
Any sense rom will let you run launcher pro.
Except you can't use htc widgets...
Nope, if you run a launcher you can't use HTC widgets. However, if you buy LauncherPro Plus you get a, bunch of widgets that are similar to HTC's widgets.
Sent from my HTC EVO 4G with Tapatalk
Launcherpro plus has some sense like widgets, so it depends on which widgets you are looking for.
You can also look for ROMs/themes that change the rosie look and function.
Short answer though, is no, no ROM exists like that.

Level up turned Beautiful Widgets into Ugly Widgets? Any alternatives?

Hey all,
So seeing as level up have ruined beautiful widgets, does anyone know of any good alternatives?
Most if not all of the clocks and weather themes I used are gone, and the clocks are low rez, lose time,
and the Home weather widget is gone. The weather part of the app is ugly and poorly designed now too.
So i'm trying to find some clock widgets to replace it as I am furious they took an app I loved and replaced it with
an abomination lol.
I actually prefer the new version of BW. Using the HTC One X theme found on the theme market
But I see that HD Widgets is pretty up there in popularity. Not a fan of it though.
zephiK said:
I actually prefer the new version of BW. Using the HTC One X theme found on the theme market
But I see that HD Widgets is pretty up there in popularity. Not a fan of it though.
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Thanks I will take a look. More than anything I need one that keeps time, which this one it seems still doesn't
I am annoyed because almost all the themes left for the clocks are exactly the same, all the home weather one's I liked, unless i'm not looking properly like angry birds, are gone, and the app is now slow and laggy.
Guess it's all down to personal preference but I just wish they would offer the old version.
zephiK said:
I actually prefer the new version of BW. Using the HTC One X theme found on the theme market
But I see that HD Widgets is pretty up there in popularity. Not a fan of it though.
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HD Widgets looks excellent I might have to give it a go. Although I'm reluctant to give another Dev my cash, they
are editors choice on the play market, and I guess I could backup the .apk in case it is updated in future
biffsmash said:
HD Widgets looks excellent I might have to give it a go. Although I'm reluctant to give another Dev my cash, they
are editors choice on the play market, and I guess I could backup the .apk in case it is updated in future
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Hit the thanks button if I helped I bought BW when it was on sale so I'm not too crazed about it, idk I like the improvement of BW 5.0 doesnt feel laggy at all, especially not on the N4.
I have both HD Widgets and Beautiful Widgets. There are a lot more style choices in HD Widgets. HD Widgets also allows you to customize the look of the widget more than BW.
kgeissler said:
I have both HD Widgets and Beautiful Widgets. There are a lot more style choices in HD Widgets. HD Widgets also allows you to customize the look of the widget more than BW.
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I used The 4x1 Weather widget in Beautiful widgets with the SimpleSolid skin. But when the 5.0 update came, it made the icons in the widget bigger and due to that they don't fit into the 4x1 space properly anymore. Parts of the images get cut off because they extend outside the widget boundaries.
I had to switch to another skin that uses much smaller icons but I really liked the SimpleSolid skin and will probably explore alternative widget options.
I have both and I prefer HD widgets because I don't have to search for widget themes as you can edit the widgets through the app and HD widgets has switches that I use a lot.
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