I have been out of the X scene for a while. Is there a new gingerbread ROM out now ? Or should I install the leaked OTA GB build ?
Liberty GB beta is out. You have to download the donate Liberty Toolbox to get it. However, I think I'm waiting for the RC.
I'm running Liberty GB ROM v0.3 right now. It feels more like an almost complete build than a beta. It's lightning fast compared to liberty 1.5 or any froyo ROM and runs very smoothly.
You do have to download the donate version of liberty toolbox (they'll release a full liberty GB later for free) to get it now, but for the $5 dollars they make flashing a very painless process compared to when I first started flashing ROMs.
Basically, all you do is download it in the toolbox. The toolbox asks you if you want to make a backup and/or clean wipe. Then it installs. And done.
There are also a few alphas out of Apex GB for the DX and D2, and in my opinion they feel far more complete than the Liberty nightlies.
I second that. Apex 2.0 Alpha 2.
I have also heard great things about the apex alphas. I am flashing it today on my lunch
Jmoney47 said:
I have also heard great things about the apex alphas. I am flashing it today on my lunch
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linky poo?
Where can I download Apex 2.0 Alpha? I've searched around and can't find a download link.
Drewgarden has a few out too, Broodcomb 2.0 looks the most promising though. I am on Liberty .3 and it is awesome! Super Fast!
jeraspie28 said:
Where can I download Apex 2.0 Alpha? I've searched around and can't find a download link.
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After running both Liberty .01 and .03 for a few days, I have to say that the flash to Apex was a great decision. It's FAR more complete at this point, and running wonderfully for a ROM in progress.
smiteme said:
Drewgarden has a few out too, Broodcomb 2.0 looks the most promising though. I am on Liberty .3 and it is awesome! Super Fast!
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i flashed broodcomb, wih this was more stable. awesome looking rom.
I recently flashed the apex alpha and it is amazing. Definetly better than the liberty builds
I am on liberty 0.3 now, are there any screen shots of Apex 2.0 in the wild?
gimlet72 said:
I am on liberty 0.3 now, are there any screen shots of Apex 2.0 in the wild?
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it looks like stock gingerbread cm7. launcher 2 with 3d effect, black bar with green icons. gb lock screen, black menus except the dialer is not themed yet.
I am planning on flashing the new apex tomorrow, very excited about it.
Edit - it's pretty nice!
Droid X 2.3.3 Rooted
marculous said:
I am planning on flashing the new apex tomorrow, very excited about it.
Edit - it's pretty nice!
Droid X 2.3.3 Rooted
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Mind posting a link to where I can find the Apex alpha?
Edit: Sorry, found it a few pages back. =P
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will there be any gingerbread blur roms for the droid x?
i think all these aosp like roms are enough dont get me wrong
they are awsome,fast,better battery life,etc.. but its getting old
-new android phone is released
-finally rooted
-first rom? an aosp rom..
its always the same thing
i have a droid x and wheres the gingerbread blur roms at?
all there is is a deodexed & debloated but thats it..
Gingerale? That's what my phone is running currently.
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I currently have Liberty X 2.0.1 (Froyo based) installed on my Droid X and was looking to upgrade to Cyanogenmod, which is Gingerbread based. My question is what's the procedure I have to go through to get from Liberty to Cyanogenmod? Sorry for the newbie question.
If u know how to sbf I would just go to cm7.com and install the latest nightly for the droidx and flash it right of foyo and if the didn't work sbf to gingerbread and try it from there but I haven't had cm7 on my phone in a while but I'm pretty sure I installed it right from foyo becauae I remember coming from liberty to cm7 and loved it
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galaga4991 said:
I currently have Liberty X 2.0.1 (Froyo based) installed on my Droid X and was looking to upgrade to Cyanogenmod, which is Gingerbread based. My question is what's the procedure I have to go through to get from Liberty to Cyanogenmod? Sorry for the newbie question.
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SBF to 2.3.340 and take the OTA.
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mholton12 said:
If u know how to sbf I would just go to cm7.com and install the latest nightly for the droidx and flash it right of foyo and if the didn't work sbf to gingerbread and try it from there but I haven't had cm7 on my phone in a while but I'm pretty sure I installed it right from foyo becauae I remember coming from liberty to cm7 and loved it
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No offense to this guy, but I think i should clear it up a little bit. Since you are on froyo it will be easier to go to the official CM7 nightlies because, even though they are gingerbread, they run off of the froyo kernel.
There are unofficial nightlies that run off of the gingerbread kernel already, but it will be very complicated process to get there.
Here some tested instruction on how to get on the official and unofficial nightlies. Let me know if you have any questions!
Go to the link below, it explains the process in great detail. If you want to use the "official" nightlies (based on Froyo kernel) then do the section titled "for froyo kernel rom". Don't worry, it's still gingerbread based, just using the froyo kernel.
If you want to go to CM7 based on gingerbread kernel then you'll have to get to gingerbread .596, .602 or .605 first. Read the section titled "for gingerbread kernel rom".
I just went from .605 to RevNumbers' CM4DXGB the other day, loving it so far. He just came out with a new release which is on page 375 or 376 of his ROM thread. I haven't tried that yet but will probably update this weekend.
I'm new here.
I was installed the MS2Ginger 3.0 to my Milestone 2, and it looks good, but the camera picture is flipped...
Can you help me, how can I change it to normal?
Thank you for your answer!
Look motodoido's answer in the dev section... Patch required, the link is there.
Sent from my milestone 2 with tezet cm7 & endles7 mod using xda app.
Can someone possibly link me to the updated droid x miui gingerbread rom for gingerbread because every page i go to says it was changed to a new thread but i can't find it. Also i can't decide which rom i should switch to miui or liberty gingerbread and was wondering if you guys had any suggestions. Thanks
You can find the latest Gingerbread MIUI rom here: http://rootzwiki.com/index.php?/topic/19646-MIUI.us-DefX---2012.4.5
MIUI is a great rom that shouldn't give you any problems.
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