Dropped calls. - Galaxy S II General

I have a really annoying problem on my SGS2.
The phone ends calls randomly by itself. It is a pain in the ass when I have been on hold for 10min and then I am the next in line and CLICK! I want to throw the phone into the wall when that happens.
Or when I need to call my friend back 7 times during a conversation.
Anyone else have this problem?

i have not had a single dropped call and i use at least an hour per day. here are the three things i would do
1. make sure you have a fairly new 3g sim card (or bull**** 4g depending on which provider you have). i used to have issues with rogers when i had the htc magic and getting a new sim card fixed them.
2. check which apps you have installed on the phone. some apps turn off data for periods of time and you might be having an issue when data comes back online. i have read about different android devices that let data have a priority over voice, so if you are on a call and your device tries to download an email you might drop a call. i would uninstall or freeze any apps which could do this and use the phone for a couple of days to see if the issue stops.
3. if you still have issues i would backup whatever was important and hard reset the phone (deletes all info) and start from scratch. you might have a corrupted file or something
good luck

May be your network sucks. No dropped call issues here.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App

1. I use the same card as I had on my N900, didn't have this issue, but will check it.
2. I live in Europe where we can Call and surf at the same time, so not a problem.
3. I flashed the phone to KE7 2 weeks ago, and factory reset it too. Gonna try to change the modem kernel when I get the time.
Kirdroid: No, it happens everywhere, and hasn't happened with any other phone before this.
Gonna see if changing the modem kernel can help.


Data not working on my wife's phone

My wife flashed her hero to the official sprint 2.1. She had never rooted or flashed a custom rom before, so her going to the official 2.1 didn't really bother me much. However, now she's running into an issue with her data not working. A couple days ago she noticed she wasn't getting her e-mail. Strangely enough, mine quite working too (I'm on fresh 2.1.1). I rebooted my phone and mine started working. So I went to her wireless and network settings and turned off her data. I then turned it back on and after 30 seconds or so it said it was connected and everything started working just fine.
The strange part is there are no errors and even when the phone tries to check e-mail, it doesn't report any errors. Now, on my phone when this happened, my HTC Mail app threw a fit because it couldn't connect to the exchange server. Since I could refresh my gmail account and got no errors I thought it was just our exchange server. I signed into my account on my PC (for exchange) and it was in fact working fine. After I rebooted (just this one time as mentioned above) gmail kicked off with new mail and exchange connected fine.
Today, she has told me 3 times now that she went in and reset the connection (turn it off and back on) and a while later it would quit working again. She turns her phone off every night, but for good measure I am having her reboot it now.
Anyone else have this issue? She never had this problem on 1.5, so I don't think it's hardware. I've only had the issue once, but I'm also not in her area right now (tower related, maybe? My data borked when I was at home where she is at right now).
CodeMonk said:
Anyone else have this issue? She never had this problem on 1.5, so I don't think it's hardware. I've only had the issue once, but I'm also not in her area right now (tower related, maybe? My data borked when I was at home where she is at right now).
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This does seem like a tower problem. However, if you want to troubleshoot, you could always reset your data settings via the Sprint ## codes.
For data, enter this code: ##3282# on your Dial Pad. Give it a second and it'll ask if you want to view or edit your settings. Trouble shooting this problem would mean you have to Edit the settings, but in order to edit them you need your MSL code, which can be obtained by either contacting Sprint CS and asking them for it; or you can search around here on XDA and I'm pretty sure some people posted other ways to get your code.
Once you have your MSL code, choose edit when you get the pop up window and then click on your menu button -- there should be an option for you to choose reset -- enter your MSL code and your phone will reboot.
This may or may not fix your problem; I've had success whenever I've had data problems.
Hey thanks! I did a search for MSL and found a thread with a procedure to get it through CDMA workshop but the drivers don't want to work with Windows 7 x64.
However, my wife was complaining the other day that it takes a long time for her phone to start ringing when someone calls. I think I'll call sprint tonight when I get home and just tell them I need to fix that and see if they give me the MSL... Might kill two birds with one stone.
CodeMonk said:
Hey thanks! I did a search for MSL and found a thread with a procedure to get it through CDMA workshop but the drivers don't want to work with Windows 7 x64.
However, my wife was complaining the other day that it takes a long time for her phone to start ringing when someone calls. I think I'll call sprint tonight when I get home and just tell them I need to fix that and see if they give me the MSL... Might kill two birds with one stone.
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On the taking a long time to ring:
1) Move the ringtone off the SDcard into the phone, in some cases the SD card is to slow to read it fast enough. - Worked for a buddy of mine
2) There is a polling rate you can set when you get the MSL - but I have heard sprint forces a particular rate from the tower even if the phone has one set. - This will also decrease battery life.
CodeMonk said:
My wife flashed her hero to the official sprint 2.1. She had never rooted or flashed a custom rom before, so her going to the official 2.1 didn't really bother me much. However, now she's running into an issue with her data not working. A couple days ago she noticed she wasn't getting her e-mail. Strangely enough, mine quite working too (I'm on fresh 2.1.1). I rebooted my phone and mine started working. So I went to her wireless and network settings and turned off her data. I then turned it back on and after 30 seconds or so it said it was connected and everything started working just fine.
The strange part is there are no errors and even when the phone tries to check e-mail, it doesn't report any errors. Now, on my phone when this happened, my HTC Mail app threw a fit because it couldn't connect to the exchange server. Since I could refresh my gmail account and got no errors I thought it was just our exchange server. I signed into my account on my PC (for exchange) and it was in fact working fine. After I rebooted (just this one time as mentioned above) gmail kicked off with new mail and exchange connected fine.
Today, she has told me 3 times now that she went in and reset the connection (turn it off and back on) and a while later it would quit working again. She turns her phone off every night, but for good measure I am having her reboot it now.
Anyone else have this issue? She never had this problem on 1.5, so I don't think it's hardware. I've only had the issue once, but I'm also not in her area right now (tower related, maybe? My data borked when I was at home where she is at right now).
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This may be too obvious of an answer, but have you tried using the device self service tool and updating your profile and prl?
CodeMonk said:
Hey thanks! I did a search for MSL and found a thread with a procedure to get it through CDMA workshop but the drivers don't want to work with Windows 7 x64.
However, my wife was complaining the other day that it takes a long time for her phone to start ringing when someone calls. I think I'll call sprint tonight when I get home and just tell them I need to fix that and see if they give me the MSL... Might kill two birds with one stone.
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No problem, hope everything works out.
I had the same problem, took it to the sprint store (Waste of time!) and ended up hard resetting it, seems to have fixed the problem. you can hard reset by turning off the phone and then holding down the end, back and home buttons and selecting "clear storage" or "clear user data" (sorry, can't remember the exact wording). It will completely reset the software but it will wipe the data off your phone.
I got her MSL code via the logcat method that was just recently posted and reset her data and also changed her slot index. Although some people say that it is overridden at the tower, I also changed her priority. I updated her PRL as well. Before, it was ringing after I would hear about 3.5 rings, sometimes 4 full rings. Now it's ringing on the second ring. Also, her data was essentially turning off after about 30 minutes. After doing all of the above, she is saying it hasn't stopped working yet.
Thanks for all the suggestions, looks like it might be fixed.
Well it's still not fixed. She has it happen a couple times a day and now my phone is doing it too. It's not happening consistently that I can tell, just seems to randomly stop working.
Also, I'm on Fresh 2.1.2 and I'm getting some really really bad lag. I don't use any custom ringtones, just the ones that came with the phone and sometimes my phone will start to ring and the only way I know is because the vibrate starts. Then a good 3 seconds later I'm still getting a black screen as the phone is trying to tell me who it is.
I will randomly pick up my phone to surf the web too and it won't respond or do anything for like a good 10 - 15 seconds. I open up ES Task Manager and usually one of the mail apps is trying to update with like a 5% - 10% cpu usage, but that's all that has any CPU percentage. I'm not really sure what to try next. I've removed some apps that I don't really use and a couple that I just recently installed just to see if they are the culprit.
I'm using the Launcher Pro Beta too. Maybe that's it?
I've had a similar issue... only happened to me a couple of times since the update though... but I've just been turning "airplane" mode on and then off it turns off the radio and then turns it back on... seems to have worked for me...
again.. for me it's only happened a couple of times since the update to 2.1 so it could be a different issue.
I never thought of airplane mode. Doing what her and I are doing just reconnects data, not turning the radio on and off. I'm going to have her try that next and see if that fixes it. She says that she turns the phone off every night, but maybe she isn't some nights.

Sudden Loss of Data on Nexus S

Hey guys,
This is actually my first post here but I do A LOT of reading on this forum.
I didn't quite find anything regarding my question (or at least a solid answer), however, so I've decided to post it up.
Has anyone else experienced a sudden loss of data from time to time out of nowhere?
I go from having Full Green 3G bars to grey bars out of the blue. I've heard the green bars is to let you know that you are connected to Google services but I am not able to access anything that uses data.
For instance, when I open up the browser, I receive an error telling me there is no network connection. When I open up anything else that uses a data connection, Market, News, etc, I receive the same error about there not being a connection.
This would make sense if I was moving and going in and out of service areas, but it happens when the phone is simply sitting on my desk and not moving at all. I usually use it to listen to Pandora while at work and have noticed that the songs cut in and out due to this sudden loss of a data connection.
I went from a Nexus One to the Nexus S and have never, not once, lost my full 3G bars in this same exact location. I personally believe its a software bug of some kind and have high hopes for it being fixed in the future. The N1 had similar issues when it first launched and Google / T-Mo were able to remedy that for the most part.
I am actually on my third Nexus S because the first two had some type of hardware issue; the first one's back button didn't work or light up and the second one had a blown ear speaker and would sound like a blown speaker in a car. As an early adopter, I expected this, so it didn't bother me in the least bit.
ALL of them did the same thing, so I know it is not just limited to my exact phone. This is definitely something with the Nexus S in general (or the current build of Gingerbread).
Can anyone shine some light on this situation? Thanks in advance and keep up the great work here guys!
UPDATE: Here are a few steps that I have taken in order to solve my sudden loss of data issue. I'm not guaranteeing this will work for you, but it has worked for me and a couple of users here on the forum.
Do the following:
Activate / Use the Sim Card that came with the phone (this is to ensure you are using the latest sim cards)
Make sure you have a 4G internet plan. (No t-zones, No web2go -- FULL internet only)
Call T-Mobile and have ask them to Reset your phone with their Towers
Here's a more technical explanation posted by Johoja:
1) Having network selection set to manual ( i.e selecting 302490 or TMOBILE) will result in No Service on a reboot. Solutions: - Have to cycle airplane mode to get it to pick up service (can be done with automatically tasker) - OR Use automatic network selection. (you can force wcdma only but that will reset the SMSC which is annoying if you go in and out of wind away/home areas and you want to roam.)
2) Being in a area with no service for extended periods of time 5+minutes(subway, basement, etc) will result in a dead baseband, meaning once you come into an area with service the phone will not reacquire signal, airplane mode will not work as the baseband is now crashed, cant maunally search for a network. Have to reboot to get signal. Solutions: -Use tasker to cycle airplane mode on and off when in no service areas i.e) search signal 4 minutes, airplane mode on 10 minutes. This will keep the baseband from crashing and possibly save battery. -Use NoBars to accomplish thesamething ( taskergivesyou a bitmore flexibilty of course but harder to use) http://www.appbrain.com/app/nobars-b...omdryer.nobars - Use airplane edit to avoid turning wifi/bt off when airplane mode is on. http://www.appbrain.com/app/airplane...kalti.airplane
3) WCDMA perferred does not work. - No solution
I read one users response on a different thread regarding something similar to the issue that I am having.
They said T-Mobile told them to get a newer sim card and that this may remedy the problem. In my case, this has been the only constant in the 3 phones that I have been through. I have had the same sim card for about 3 years or so now.
I will try activating the sim card that came in the box with T-Mo to see if this remedies the problem. Since I'm at work right now I will have to try when I get home later.
Does anyone think this will have any affect what-so-ever?
The galaxy s phones when first released, all variants, had issues of signal dropping from full to zero bars while sitting in one place. I remember because there were YouTube videos of it All over and it was shortly after the apple antenna issue.
Not sure if or how it was ever resolved. But it seems that Samsung may just have this type of radio baseband performance if we see all these individual units doing this. I don't know maybe others can respond.
I have the same issue as the OP. I travel to the same location weekly with NEXUS ONE, signal never drops in the T-MO Country here locally, and streaming CNET POD CAST never a hiccup, however, with the new NEXUS S, I would lose DATA Connection only, while the 3G will show full signal. I had to reboot the phone to get the DATA back.
is it the S issue or 2.3 issue?
food for though....
If you have T-zones or Web2go or Phones 1st web, you will have problems
I had the same problem too, now I fixed the problem. The thing was that had the wrong data plan on the NS, i had my old web plan from my hd2 which seems like different from the one for the NS. I restarted my phone after 5 mins off and now i have my internet working beautifly. A T-Mobile rep said that it was an error in the system that made the phone think that that was the right plan for the NS for a few. A glitch you may say, but all you have to do is put the right data plan that all, easy. Hope this helped and have a wonderful holidays everyone.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
this is happening to me too, last night for a little while and today for about hte last 4 hours can't get connection back. i have full white bars, with 3g icon but can't access anything
So I activated the new sim card last night and I'm still having the same problem. Albeit it doesn't happen as frequent, but it still does it nonetheless.
I will call T-mo again to verify my plan. I am on a 1500 Minute Family Plan which includes unlimited data and messages. I will see if they need to tweak something and let you guys know if this remedies the problem.
Ok, it seems like the issue has been resolved after I spoke to T-Mobile earlier today.
The rep on the phone verified that the data plan I was on was in fact the correct one. He said he was going to reset the signal from the towers to my phone to see if this would resolve the issue. He asked me to turn my phone off for about 15 seconds after we hung up.
Since then, I haven't seen the problem arise again so my guess is that it somehow fixed whatever was going on.
I'll let you guys know if this changes and the problem occurs again.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
peakaboohaha said:
I have the same issue as the OP. I travel to the same location weekly with NEXUS ONE, signal never drops in the T-MO Country here locally, and streaming CNET POD CAST never a hiccup, however, with the new NEXUS S, I would lose DATA Connection only, while the 3G will show full signal. I had to reboot the phone to get the DATA back.
is it the S issue or 2.3 issue?
food for though....
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What's with the CAPS? ?
On topic: i have a captivate and I can confirm that all galaxy S phones had droppend data. An official ota update fixes it so maybe you guys need to wait for something official. Isn't there a new firmware for the nexus S already? Try flashing that and see if you still have issues.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Doesn't every android phone from samsung have this problem?
I know the Moment has that problem, after 3 updates samsung called it quits, I still have to reboot mine 2 to 3 times a day for data lockups.
@timur525 Yea, I'm already on 2.3.1.
I manually updated the first hour it came out hoping that it would solve the issue. The problem was still there after the update.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
I have exactly the same issue as the OP. Extremely annoying to reboot the phone every time it happens. One thing I have noticed is that my phone doesn't know its number. If I go to settings, about phone, the number says unknown.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
Memnoch30 said:
I have exactly the same issue as the OP. Extremely annoying to reboot the phone every time it happens. One thing I have noticed is that my phone doesn't know its number. If I go to settings, about phone, the number says unknown.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
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That shouldn't affect anything. My number shows up in status.
I had this issue resolved a few months ago as the push-to-talk app Tikl requires this in order to use it.
I was having the problem even with my number showing up. Call T-Mobile and have them reset you with the towers like they did for me and see if that helps you too.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
I posted about this same issue on wrong section of the forum. Ive had this issue ever since samsung vibrant. I have applanet installed on my phone and some of the app that i installed accessed my apn and totally changed my apn setting to "Sirious application disabled.epc.tmobile" or something like that so i wyped everthing off from the phone and so far i havent had the issue ever since yesterday. Also i had the locale and language setting to korean so im thinking that might be causing it also.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
adamr240 said:
Doesn't every android phone from samsung have this problem?
I know the Moment has that problem, after 3 updates samsung called it quits, I still have to reboot mine 2 to 3 times a day for data lockups.
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That's what I remember too. I think its just an issue with the radio Samsung uses in all their phones. Might not be a way to fix it if even their new phones like the nexus s still have this issue. They prob would have tweakdd it by now if they could.
Same problem here. Xmas eve on shift and I have a phone that had no connection whatsoever (not even phone capabilities) this may be the one thing that takes the phone back. (If it happens again)
robstunner said:
Same problem here. Xmas eve on shift and I have a phone that had no connection whatsoever (not even phone capabilities) this may be the one thing that takes the phone back. (If it happens again)
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Have you called T-Mobile to see if they can give you a reset to the towers?
I had this done yesterday afternoon and haven't had the problem again since.
Also, if you'really using an old sim, I would suggest activating the one the phone came with just to be on the safe side.
If that doesn't help you then I would at least wait until just before your return period ends to see if there will be an update to address the issue.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
Never had this problem with the captivates I've had.
adamr240 said:
Doesn't every android phone from samsung have this problem?
I know the Moment has that problem, after 3 updates samsung called it quits, I still have to reboot mine 2 to 3 times a day for data lockups.
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Epiksol said:
Have you called T-Mobile to see if they can give you a reset to the towers?
I had this done yesterday afternoon and haven't had the problem again since.
Also, if you'really using an old sim, I would suggest activating the one the phone came with just to be on the safe side.
If that doesn't help you then I would at least wait until just before your return period ends to see if there will be an update to address the issue.
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Ill give them a call on Sunday
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Randomly presenting SIM pin code screen when waking phone from standby

I've had a repeated problem (around 4 times so far) where my phone mobile radio must have died/reset while the phone was on standby with the screen off. When I wake the phone I am presented with the SIM pin code request screen. Usually entering the correct code reserects the phone. However last occurance it refused to accept the correct code so required a reboot to get it to work again.
Anyone else seen this?
I'm on O2 in the UK fyi.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
ok I'll guess the answer myself...
I guess this is related to the random reboots people have been experiencing primarily on calls. I note some people say the phone can reboot while on standby, since I 'had' SIM pin code enabled this was as far as the reboot while on standby was getting. I've removed the pin code request which will mean I guess the phone just completes the reboot without requiring my input.
I'm hoping this is fixed with any update to the reboot during active calls issue that google confirm they have repeated themselves.
I've just had this happen on my Nexus S. What service provider are you with? I'm with Tesco (O2).
I'm O2, 30day rolling contract. Basically I've disabled the SIM Lock now so hopefully until the standby or call (not experienced this one yet) reboots occur the phone will just restart without my intervention required now.
Same here. After connecting the phone to the charger yesterday evening, this morning the SIM Enter PIN screen showed up (like the phone did a reboot overnight).
After checking the system services, I noticed the phone hasn't rebooted, because the services where running for more than 12 hours.
So the SIM Enter PIN screen showed up without reboot. I think a no-signal situation has preceded before this screen showed up (and maybe the GSM module has got a total reset).
This is on Telfort/KPN, The Netherlands.
Interesting ArnoutVos.. these were my original thoughts too since every time I've had the phone next to me and not seen it reboot just present me with the Enter SIM Pin screen. I just naturally assumed I was getting the at standby reboot some people had seen.
I've got the same problem on t-mobile. Probably about 6 times in 2 weeks so far. I've also had it where the signal bars at the top just show grey with a little cross by them and the only thing i can do to sort it is restart the phone.
It also drains the battery like mad whilst in this state.
I also had this 2 times (only had the phone 5 days)
That is, i turn on the screen and i have no signal, I dont think my phone has been restarted, as i dont see the sim pin screen, it has just lost the signal/radio died. And nothing seem to restore the signal, i've tried switching from 2g and back, only thing i found to get the signal back is a restart..
i have had the same problem with the signal dropping out on me all morning. sometimes i can make calls sometimes i cant and sometimes rebooting helps sometimes not. today i had the sim card replaced just to make sure and i thought it helped but it just did it to me again. its really frustrating...
I had the same problem about 10 times during the last week. It seems to correspond with the creation of Radio_dump files in the /sdcard/ dir.
Nexus S, Android 2.3.3 Root
I get the same issue on A1 in Austria, not sure what's causing it, but it is annoying.
Let me give my 2 cents:
Getting this same thing happening all through the various combinations of roms and radio firmware, device is Nexus S 9020T, network is T-Mobile in Croatia.
CM 7 with I9020XXJK8 radio
CM 7.0.2 with I9020XXJK8 radio
Blandroid 2.3.4 with I9020XXJK8 radio
Blandroid 2.3.4 with I9020XXKB1 radio
Sometimes there is no pin input screen, so if I don't notice the little icon in the notification bar I'm completely unavailable to calls and sms's. During the time if the Wifi is on it will continue functioning normally, and radio dumps get created.
Will give newer radio firmwares a try before I start crying in my pillow.
Edit: don't know if it happened with stock android 2.3.3 which came on the device, didn't have it on stock for more than 15 minutes.
Alas and damnations, again mobile network radio fail, this time with
radio I9020XXKB3 and blandroid 2.3.4, so issue still present.
Only fix is reboot, airplane toggle does nothing. Does anyone else in europe experience this with a USA T-mobile version nexus?
Giving I9020XXKD1 a try, still with blandroid now 2.3.4p1. Keeping my fingers crossed!
Well well...seems to be a common pattern, as its happened to me a few times also in the last week. First time ive experienced it also...just over a week.ago. cant remember which rom i was using as i.change quite often. May have been a new 2.3.4 mod or just 2.3.3 im not sure. Not a good thing obviously but not a big issue so far. Hasnt happened again since about 3 or 4 days ago now.
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Such problems can occur when the SIM is disconnected from power or from reset line or has technical difficulties making it reboot.
Power or reset line can be disconnected if you have your connectors inside your Nexus bent. This can be tested by shaking your phone heavily in all directions. Be careful not to drop it. If the Enter SIM or the Enter PIN dialog appears, It's most likely a mechanical defect of your phone.
If the SIM is broken it may be reset itself. You can't really test this. Maybe something appears in the system or radio log. Another way would be to place your SIM in a known-to-work phone. If similar problems occur it's a broken SIM. You should call your provider to send you a new one.
bot47 said:
Such problems can occur when the SIM is disconnected from power or from reset line or has technical difficulties making it reboot.
Power or reset line can be disconnected if you have your connectors inside your Nexus bent. This can be tested by shaking your phone heavily in all directions. Be careful not to drop it. If the Enter SIM or the Enter PIN dialog appears, It's most likely a mechanical defect of your phone.
If the SIM is broken it may be reset itself. You can't really test this. Maybe something appears in the system or radio log. Another way would be to place your SIM in a known-to-work phone. If similar problems occur it's a broken SIM. You should call your provider to send you a new one.
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Those are some good advices, thank you.
I would rule out bent pins as the cause and also no amount of shaking produces the problem, and the problem happened always when the phone was on the desk (and connected to wifi for what its worth).
However, a broken sim - maybe. I haven't had any problems with it so far in any of the 2 previous phones and I'm careful handling it, but the radio log suggestion is excellent.
I will definitely go through it next time it happens ( its "adb logcat -b radio" so others don't have to search for it)
Does anyone got a solution on this?
I found today about 10 - 15 dump-files located in my SD-Card.
Its probably caused by an App which we all use... but i couldnt figure out which one...
is there a dump-debbuging programm which i can use or something else?
It's kind of interesting
Using a Nexus S in Austria (T-Mobile)
I've "solved" this by disabling the PIN altogether and setting up a script to run when the network is changed to delete any radio dumps:
It doesn't seem to matter which ROM, radio or kernel I use....I wonder if this is a hardware defect?
sorry to resurrect an old thread, but this is to report that on my sns on pete alfonso's 4.0.3 rom and matrix 14.5 CFS and KF1 + KD1, I still get this problem of the radio dying.
has anyone found a solution?
to be more precise, the mobile network connection (calls and data) randomly dies and the only way to get it back is to restart phone. airplane mode doesn't help.

MB526 (random) reboots, fix?

Hi, i have problems with random reboots its really annoying.
Some roboots arent random - when i recieve/send sms phone reboots almost everytime or when someone calls me its the same - reboot.
Any fix for this?
I have Defy+ (MB526), 2.3.6 android, kernel, stock ROM
try wipe or flash other sbf that you can flash
Don't flash anything, if it persists after a wipe, send it back
Sent from my MB525 using Tapatalk
Someone on this forum reported rebooting issues caused by a slightly shorter than spec battery (actually a few people as I recall). When the phone was moved it often rebooted and the fix was to add a single piece of electrical tape to the end opposite contacts. May be worth a try.
Switch to 2g and mobile data off then see if it reboots.
Might be this-
Ok, thanks for the answers, flashing doesnt work Ive tried it many times..
Ive just tried 2G and electrical tape, hope it will work
A few causes might possibly be the answer.
1) firstly confirmed the rom by playing the overclock settings. Some rom having too low on voltage or frequency setting. Or the rom itself is not stable. Flashing another rom is only way to confimed this.
2) Battery might have factory defect, use battery monitor widget to monitor the voltages/current of the battery consumption. change battery(borrow from friend) to see if the reboot still happen.
3) Check battery connection on the phone. Make sure no loose around it.
4) If all the above still causes the random reboots. you can return it back to the shop to repair the handset.
seems switching to 2G helped, no reboot since switch, thanks
This is the same problem I had with my Defy+
It used to reboot randomly for no reason even when siting on a desk doing nothing
all of a sudden i would hear a notification to say the sd card was loaded informing me it was rebooted.
When it does decide to reboot it can do up to 4 or 5 reboots continuously
I sent it back and got a new one.
The new one does the same thing but very rarely
maybe once every month or 2 months
I have posted about this on the Motorola Forums and There are other people with the exact same problem as us.
One of them mentioned they had to send their phone bak to Motorola and they replaced the main board and will get back to say how it went.
But since then no answer and Motorola changed their forums
mine is not rebooting anymore
Splashik said:
mine is not rebooting anymore
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Can you confirm if it's 2G or tape?
I purchased Defy+ 20 days ago with exactly same configuration as the one described in the beginning of this thread. Phone reboots at random when I am in the middle of conversation, or while accessing data through mobile network or while present in areas with extremely low single. I tried using a new SIM, checked loose ends (if any) of the battery i.e. stuck a 1 layer of tape on one end, also switched to 2G. The phone continues to reboot especially when I access internet on mobile network, and also booted once while I am in a call.
Unfortunately the customer service in India (any company) would be pathetic so I'm not hopeful in having Motorola fix the problem if I take the piece to their support centers...
I have heard of Defy going crazy when trying to access data in an area where the data signal is weak and goes in and out. Can you confirm you are getting reboots if you turn data OFF? Not sure how your phone is configured, but I mean even cut off 2G.

Strange N4 Issues

I've had the phone for a few months, only used it for 2 weeks then put it back in the box with plans to resell it. Dad needed a new phone for his job so i decided to give it to him and every day for the past week ive gotten at least one phone call from him with problems. He is extremely new to smart phones but I never had a single issue with this phone prior to giving it to him. For some reason he will receive text messages or voice mail and sees the notification icons up on the notification bar but when he goes to pull the bar down it does nothing. The only way to resolve this issue is to restart the phone then all of a sudden the pull-down starts to function as it should. The phone is completely stock out the box i didn't feel the need to touch anything or have to root it for any reason.
He had to go to AT&T to get a sim card for it and the people there basically wanted to run him out of the store and not even touch the phone because they do not sell it so not a single person wanted to even help him out even though he just dropped more money into their pockets by upgrading his plan to a smart phone plan. before i gave him the phone all i did was a factory reset to wipe out any of my data on the phone so it was clean and like new for him.
Im at a loss because the whole time i used the phone i had no issues and since the day he got it he has had nothing but problems. I chalked this up to user error but its not because when he gave it to me to see if i could figure out why things were acting weird the only thing i could think to do was restart the phone. Does anyone have any suggestions as to why this may be happening and/or how to go about fixing it and not making him regret ever having to get a smart phone much less this N4?
New paragraph!
What messaging apps are you using? You could always download the toolkit and flash the stock factory image again.
I would try another factory reset just to make sure things didn't go haywire during the reset you already did. I have had a bad reset with a phone before.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
yeah im gonna have to get with my dad and fool with the phone more. Its hard to troubleshoot something when he lives 45mins away and calls me with problems while im at work.
ONCE AGAIN the whole phone is stock so that would lead me to believe that the stock messaging app is being used. I will talk him through doing a reset again and see how that works out for him. From what he told me the only app hes even installed outside of everything that comes on the phone was Map Quest, which i told him he shouldn't need because Google Maps is already loaded on. So first im going to have him uninstall that from the phone as well as from his downloaded apps list in the play store and see if that changes anything.

