[Q] Removing wallpaper size constraints? - Android Software Development

Thought I'd post this here since people in phone specific forums don't know.. how this is the right place....
With all the flexibility that Android OS is supposed to have, one restriction that is really aggravating me is the wallpaper size contstraint...
Is there any way to get rid of the wallpaper size restriction? My goal basically is to able to make a wallpaper as wide as the amount of screens I have so that when I go to a different screen it looks like a different wallpaper. To see what i mean, take a wallpaper and use 2 home screens only. When you switch between the two, it loads a half of the wallpaper, so if you made one picture with 2 480x800 pictures, it would look like two seperate wallpapers. What I would like to do is use 3 home screens, and a wallpaper created by using 3 480x800 pictures (1440x800), but whenever I try to set a wallpaper it forces me to crop it to a 960x800 area. Can anyone chime in on if this is at all possible?

I believe that it is dependent on the Home Launcher you choose, but there are alternatives.

It does not appear launcher related. I now tried Launcher, Rosie (sense), ADW, GO Launcher, Zeam Launcher, Launcher Pro, and with all of them when you set the wallpaper it takes you through the default system for setting wallpapers, where you select the wallpaper and then get forced to crop it to a locked aspect ratio.
I'm looking for a way to either change that aspect ratio it forces you to crop your pictures to, or to get rid of it and let the damn picture show as is. I really don't understand how "the most customizable platform" has to have some stupid "this is the only size wallpaper you can use" restriction.
The multilivewallpaper will allow me to use a totally different 480x800 picture on each screen, but it doesn't have a random feature, which is what I really want...
Any devs out there know of a way to change the aspect ratio of that stupid crop tool for setting wallpapers? Or how to get rid of it?
EDIT: Just saw they updated it since last I used it and with multilive you can now have it randomly change. Thanks! Will give it a shot.
EDIT 2: Works like a charm! Never thought about going back to it, so thanks for linking it otherwise I probably would not even have bothered with it again.


Applied wallpaper is blurry... Why?

(First, I'm trying to avoid HDwalls)
It has always bugged me that when you apply a wallpaper under Settings, that the wallpaper isn't as clear as if you were to view them in the "Picture" tab. In fact, the applied wallpaper is some what blurred at a lower quality.
Has anyone noticed this? Or is it just me because I can point out something you were not able to see.
try it yourself with some sharp jagged text as wallpaper. Then apply it to the lock screen as well.
You'll notice that the wallpaper on home screen is not as crisp and clear as the one on the lock screen.
Anyone know why?
you are right, I did notice this.
has it got something to do with the phone trying to squish the image into the right ratio instead of just cropping the image too fit?
not sure maybe some other members can offer their help?
See, you didn't even notice youself. And i think most people dont realize this as well.
Anyone got a fix?
rebump. rebump
Sense resizes the image to something smaller than 480x800 and then stretches it again (for some silly reason). It's a long-known problem - since the phone was first released. It's also one of the reasons that HDWall came about. The only alternative to HDWall I know is to install Co0kie's Home Tab. You can set wallpaper with that and it retains the original quality (as well as having a LOT of extra wallpaper options).
Try resizing or cropping the image to 480x800 then setting it as a background, that way the phone won't need to resize it for you.....
conantroutman said:
Try resizing or cropping the image to 480x800 then setting it as a background, that way the phone won't need to resize it for you.....
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It still does it. The default way of setting wallpaper in Sense is just crap.
johncmolyneux said:
It still does it. The default way of setting wallpaper in Sense is just crap.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Really? That is truly retarted.... thanks for the heads up!
johncmolyneux said:
The only alternative to HDWall I know is to install Co0kie's Home Tab. You can set wallpaper with that and it retains the original quality (as well as having a LOT of extra wallpaper options).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
cookies wall doesnt work. never did.
home tab>menu>home wallpaper> etc...
that path doesnt work.
unless there is some other way...
resizing images dont work either.
I just also want to mention that Cookies Home tab 1.8 does improve the quality of the wallpaper over normal Sense BUT they are still reduced in quality and resolution somewhat so are still not full quality.
So for me - HDwalls is what i use - though i sometimes have trouble getting it to work properly.
Use SPB Mobile Shell. You will get mega sharp wallpapers (custom of course) and far better functionality than standard sense.

Wallpaper size on android rom

what's wallpaper size for android rom on HD2 ?
Hi i think it is 960x480.
If the File has this size there is no need for scaling by Android.
Send from my [email protected] 2.2
If u want full wvga, its 480x800.
if u want ur wallpaper to span across more than 1 screen, its 960x800
But when I choose Home wallpaper, the picture are still cut, stretch
This was bugging me for the longest time and I've finally found the solution. Only way i've been able to get wallpapers to fit without cropping issues(where android zooms into the cropped section) is to use 960x800, this will however make the wallpaper span across all the screens.
Yes, IMO the best resolution is 980x800, there is an option in Launcher Pro though, if you prefer the screen stay still so the image on your home screen stays static.
Launcher Pro > Appearance Settings > Disable wallpaper scrolling.
Problem is kinda hard to find 980, don't use Google or a bunch of porn pops up when you search for exactly 980x800. There was a forum somewhere here on xda that someone posted like 50+ wallpapers all 980x800, can't remember where it's at though =\

[Q] Wallpaper (Help!)

So I'm trying to find out how I can make a wallpaper fit (non-scrollable) portrait style. I'm not sure how to properly word what I'm looking for but I hope these screen captures can help get my point across.
The "want" picture is what I would my wallpaper to be. It fits the screen perfectly without having to crop anything. This works on other android devices but not on stock Android.
The "dont want" picture is what happens when I try to make that picture my wallpaper. It has me crop the pic with the height that I DO NOT want.
Is there a way I can have a wallpaper that will work the way I want it. I don't mind if it doesn't scroll. In fact I prefer it doesn't. Thanks for any help!
install Wallpaper Wizardrii
Yeah, wallpaper wizardrii will do it
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
image 2 wallpaper, select advanced from the options menu, worked a treat for me

[Q] Confused on setting wallpapers

Honestly, I'm not really sure why this has to be so difficult. There seems to be a million different ways to set a scrolling wallpaper.
First let me tell my setup. I'm using Nova Launcher and I force it to remain in landscape mode, so when I'm on my home screen it won't rotate. This should make setting my wallpaper easier. I just need wallpaper for landscape.
I basically want to get a wallpaper that's 5300x1600 and I want it to be DOT-BY-DOT on my background. In theory this wallpaper should never have to be cropped since the resolution is basically 2 nexus 10 screens side by side. The number of pages I have on my homescreen should simply only determine how far the wallpaper shifts each time I move to another page. Less pages means greater shift.
However, no matter how I set the wallpaper, it always seems to crop completely randomly and wrong. For example, the Nova wallpaper setter has a strange cropping indicator (looks like a fat cross) that makes no sense, and the background ends up looking huge (cropped too much) and doesn't shift much when I move to the left and right through screens.
Can anyone help me find the perfect way to setup my scrolling wallpaper? Thanks.
i dont know about scrolling...but you can use simple image wallpaper to use a static image without cropping and it sets it as a live wallpaper even though its not but works perfectly
You may have to use this:
I've had TONS of trouble with using the Gallery to set my wallpaper due to cropping. On the other hand, I THINK QuickPic worked well but its been years since I've used that. Well, A year.
Android.Addiction said:
Honestly, I'm not really sure why this has to be so difficult. There seems to be a million different ways to set a scrolling wallpaper.
First let me tell my setup. I'm using Nova Launcher and I force it to remain in landscape mode, so when I'm on my home screen it won't rotate. This should make setting my wallpaper easier. I just need wallpaper for landscape.
I basically want to get a wallpaper that's 5300x1600 and I want it to be DOT-BY-DOT on my background. In theory this wallpaper should never have to be cropped since the resolution is basically 2 nexus 10 screens side by side. The number of pages I have on my homescreen should simply only determine how far the wallpaper shifts each time I move to another page. Less pages means greater shift.
However, no matter how I set the wallpaper, it always seems to crop completely randomly and wrong. For example, the Nova wallpaper setter has a strange cropping indicator (looks like a fat cross) that makes no sense, and the background ends up looking huge (cropped too much) and doesn't shift much when I move to the left and right through screens.
Can anyone help me find the perfect way to setup my scrolling wallpaper? Thanks.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Use nova launcher, edit this wallpaper you got with paint, change the resolution to 2560x1600. Set this wallpaper with nova and it will be DOT-BY-DOT on your background. You can't do it with 5300x1600.
The fat cross is for the landscape preview (the horizontal bar of the cross) and the portrait preview (the vertical one).
I'm using Nova and I look for wallpapers that are around 4000x2000 so that when I crop, it fits around the tablet's resolution without losing quality.
Basically the highlighted portions in the cross will be the background of the primary home screen. It'll shift left and right as you scroll. It's not at all complicated, not even from Gallery. It's quite easy to operate.
Sent from my Nexus 10

[Q] Why does TouchWiz not scale wallpapers properly?

(The following applies only to the original TouchWiz launcher, modified to enable scrolling wallpaper.)
I've noticed this lately - TouchWiz will quite frequently ignore your specific scaling settings in whatever wallpaper app you're using and crop out parts of the left and right sides of the wallpaper so that you don't get to see everything in full. It even does this with its own default wallpapers! Here's the proof:
(Original wallpaper (pic reduced to half its original size for easier viewing).)
(How the leftmost and rightmost sides look on the default launcher, default 5-home-screen setup, using Samsung's own wallpaper picker.)
In case you're wondering, the amount of home screens has nothing to do with it. All adding more does (and from this 5-screen default you can only add 2 more anyway) is slow the scrolling rate down in order to display just as 'much' of the wallpaper as before.
Furthermore, I've seen it screw up the scaling in similar ways with programs like QuickPic, ES File Explorer, Wallpaper Wizardrii and what have you.
The only workaround so far that I've found to getting it to display the whole wallpaper without leaving bits off of the edges is by resizing the wallpaper's width to 1680 pixels (so for instance, 1680x1920) and using the "Image 2 Wallpaper" app from Google Play, telling it to not resize the wallpaper.
I'm hoping this is something that can be rectified by modifying the SecLauncher APK, or the SecWallpaper APK, or whatever. An alternative launcher shouldn't be the only solution really!
