[Q] HD2 not able to boot up, Show black screen - HD2 General

My HD2 is not booting up at all, just vibrate and show a black screen, I tried to load from USB but still the same, More over cannot even update any ROM as it hangs in 0%. I have my data (contacts n stuff) is there a way to remove everything and reinstall from factory ?? Even the factory hardreset didnt help me as i m able to restore by pressing the VOL up n down key + power key but it says 100% restore (which takes 3 - 4 sec.).

They seven vibrations is not a good sign. This is thought to be a tell tell sign that the device is having CPU malfunction, a corrupt NAND chip, or some other major hardware malfunction. The Hard reset that you tried is sort of proof too that your issue is a hardware problem cause if your processor or NAND either one are not working correctly it can cause the flashing problem you are having. If you have not tried to flash via SD card then try that. If you get the same results you will have to replace the mainboard or just scrap the HD2. I know that sucks but it is the truth.


G1 Restarting

My g1 has developed some fault where it keeps restarting.
At first I assumed my SD card was dead so I bought a new one, however it is still restarting.
At first it seemed like the SD card was causing the problem however it does restart without having an SD card in it, sometimes it won't boot at all even to recovery, it just keeps restarting.
It all started last week randomly, didn't drop it or anything.
It doesn't matter what rom is on it, seems to be a hardware fault.
It can work for a bit then if I pick it up it will restart, adb logcat doesn't show anything either.
Any suggestions?
Eh had this happen to a friend, he returned the phone for a new one. If you still have warranty it'd be wise to check out.
I want to unroot it to take it back but I have the danger SPL..
Is flashing DREAIMG from danger SPL the only thing required to go back to stock?
I'm following
However I am stuck at step 5
"# Follow the on-screen instructions to flash the image. On some G1s it may require pressing the action button (trackball), while on others it may require pressing the power button. "
My G1 says to press the power button to flash, however it just restarts when I press it
Turns out the g1 restarts when ever presure is applied to the hardware keys, going to tmob to for a fix tomorrow.
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[q] help! Bricked samsung intercept!

Last year(late 2010, maybe mid November), I rooted my phone and flashed recovery with no problem s at all. Some time after that I added Apps2SD and that went smoothly with no problems for about a week. I purchased an 8 GB SD Card for more storage room and after I partitioned it and switched the cards my phone started acting up so i rebooted it. After that I was stuck in a boot loop, so i tried to flash it back to stock but it wouldn't take to it no matter how I tried, whether it be through recovery or SW Update. So then I tried Odin Multi loader(cant remember which version but at the time I made sure it was the one meant for the Intercept) after I flashed it with the Stock through Odin, the phone bricked. Now it will not turn on in any way(recovery or other) the only thing it does do is vibrate when I plug it in to a computer, and it will occasionally show battery life through the touch screen and keyboard buttons by lighting them, but as soon as the it is unplugged it is a brick. I see the little bit of functionality as a little bit of to be able to fix this phone whether through ADB or another function but I desperately need help with this. Can someone please help me fix this phone?
note: I currently have a Samsung Transform as my main phone so if the Intercept can't be helped then it's not that big of a problem.
I have the same problem! Please help!
When you root a phone you put the rom, and recovery onto the sd card. changing sd cards disrupts this process. Put the old sd card in and tell me what happens.
The phone doesnt come on at all
see if you can get it into download mode with the battery out.
Pull battery
connect to computer with usb
vol down + camera + end
If you get into download mode this way flash the stock.tar using SWUpdater.
Nope, it doesnt work, thx though
Ok I've got the same problem with my intercept as well, So i just like to add (maybe its just me) that when i plug my phone to the computer the phone shows that its still functions right (without the screen on), I'm able to make calls, and receive them as well (with the touch of the answer button) but just the screen doesn't turn on, AT ALL!, so KJON i don't know if your having the same problem as me but I'm just a noob and i wouldn't know what to do. But there's some ammo if you need it.
I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM! i dont even know where /sdcard/sdx/zip/ is!
My phone is also a samsung transform and not and intercept and whenever i press vol down+ Power, only the function buttons at the bottoms light up but not the screen
i am a noob.
noooooob here...i didnt wanna start another thread since i have this same problem, so i hope someone reads this..
couple days ago i bricked my sprint intercept i was using SWu and forgot to take the Binary files for the Moment out so now i cant get my phone to DL mode, ive been searching since saturday night and have tried every Button combo posted and nothing, my phone will not turn on and ofcourse it isnt recognized by my pc BUT, ive noticed that only when its plugged in to the computer after trying to power it up several times it´ll vibrate then the 4 touch buttons will react to either the call or end button, also it makes the low battery sound and if i press the camera button it makes the volume sound but i CANT get to download mode, can i bring my phone back or is it done with? help please! and thanks in advance...
well, i would say boot into rrecovery by making the phone off either power button, or remove and replace battery.
next, you will need to press and hold in order: power/end call, call, and volume down.. this should boot recovery mode.
lastly, use the red scroll device to go to reset facory defaults or factory recovery, use common sense while looking. select with clicking and use arrow back button to go back to recovery main, then reboot to system. easy as pie.
Have you tried ODIN or ADB?
I have flashed the Intercept numerous times, soft bricked more than once, I was always able to recover using either the stock bootloader, CWM recovery, or flashing the ROM/Kernel directly using ODIN or ADB.
If you are still having these issues drop me a line and I'll gather some links together that should get you back up and running.
If the phone will not boot at all, even with a charged battery, I would definately try contacting Virgin Mobile and escalating the issue. I've had plenty of luck replacing devices claiming that the device just dropped dead without notice. They are usually good about sending out a replacement phone, and on rare occasions even giving you an upgraded unit if they are out of stock.
Good luck!
Did you use Odin or the swupdater?
Bug difference. Sounds like there's a missing boot loader.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
Hi, did you guys fix your bricked phones? Today I have bricked my Samsung transform (bad flash went with SW upgrade.
Only vibrates sometimes and the buttons flash a little, but no boot at all. Is there any chance to fix it? even with Jtag?

hd2 only boot screen every time

i was have win7 and android on hd2 and treid to back to 6.5i tryied every thing almost things 6 months a go and i was fail.one time it was dead.again jteg.
i cant boot it.it stuck in boot loader.I dont press volume down.i tried usb and card recovery.it complete 100% but again go in boot loader.some said it have faulty nand memory which cant be clean
i tried task 29.one guy replace board as a test.and it work but he didnt sell it.
so may b in these 6 month some 1 have same problem and found solution?
Sort of sounds like you may have had a bad NAND memory or that your volume down button was stuck in the down position. Those are the most likely senerios.
at least i know that,thats not in button problem

U8800 Internal Memory freezed

hi guys.......
my phone issue is still not solved.
i have a U8800, came with 2.2.1 b136 rom. all things used to work fine and one fine day while i was out and the battery drained off, Returning back home i plugged my phone to the power and kept for charging as usual. in the morning when i power up the phone it started but got hanged up on the android text animation screen and then a loop of same. from that day onwards my phone is not working.
it starts up showing big huawei screen and proceeds to the android text animation there it get stuck for a few seconds and then again back to android text animation continuously the same.
I can get into the pink screen bu pressing Vol up + Vol Down + power.
I can also get to the blue screen Vol Up + Power.
i cannot change any thing in any of the drives or partitions in the pink screen. the image folder (in the pink screen), and other partitions also all the 4 partitions are freezed. even if i delete or replace files, the previous files comes back the very next movement. as if the memory is freezed. i even tried to format the 253 MB partition (image folder partition) but format gives error cannot format this drive , checked the attributes is unchangeable read only partition.
i tried updating official rom 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.3.5, but update failed, Some times even it reaches the update process to STEP 2/2 and there its like hanged the progress doesn't moves further even tried keeping hours, also tried update without battery but the same.
OK logically i assume i cannot update if the partition is read only. but why is it.
it used to be a working phone worked well and once sudden day its like.......
Is my phone bricked and what i can do to get it on. please help.
i cannot go asking for warranty as it is already out.
i am been asking for help like more then 45 days.
Sent from my u8800 using xda premium
I found the solution is working:
sorry for my English (I use the translator)
I noticed that when inserting the USB cable the phone came on,
well, same with dload in sd, volume + volume - and insert USB cable
without pressing the power button starts the update.
ettoremarzan said:
I found the solution is working:
sorry for my English (I use the translator)
I noticed that when inserting the USB cable the phone came on,
well, same with dload in sd, volume + volume - and insert USB cable
without pressing the power button starts the update.
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well ettoremarzan
I do the same as to update without using battery but still it doesnot update !
Any ways i will try again without holding power ...........
my problem is my phone doesnt get updated with any rom even the stock 2.2.1. and just keep it into boot loop at android animated logo screen.
Well Maksimitoisto, i cannot claim on my warranty as it is already out and sencondly befor i can put efforts and take pain of paying for another phone or replacement, i want to try max what we can do on it to solve the issue.
since the phone can boot into the Pink and blue screen and also the normal way (with boot loop) i belive its not more then a software problem, the only thing is i need to get the right to overwrite it.
Any help please write.
Appreciate everyonce solutions & support.

Black screen of death after flashing firmware

I have the S7 Edge originally the ATT version but I rooted and flashed the unlocked version firmware. I was trying to unroot the device and restore everything to the factory settings since I am using the trade in program through Samsung and have to send it back in stock. I tried to flash it using Zodin, the Mac version of Odin, but was unable to get it to work because I was not able to get the proper pit file, it always returned with the error that there is a corrupt file. Since I do not have Windows, I could not Flash the firmware using Odin. Out of desperation, I looked online and a website (the article was on Android forums with the title restore stock with flashfire no PC) said that I could use the Android app Flashfire to flash a firmware and return to the factory unrooted settings. I downloaded and inputted the full firmware file for the original AT&T firmware version and checked the boxes to wipe boot, system, internal data, and trusted Zone and also maintain everroot. It seemed to work and was processing with the fast scrolling command text on the black screen but after a few minutes it said there was an error at the very bottom of the screen. Eventually, it restarted but nothing has come up and the screen is black without any light from the LED indicator. I tried to restart it with the power button several times, holding down the power button and the volume down, holding down the home button and the power button, and holding down the power button, volume down, and home button. I left the phone unplugged overnight and plugged it in this morning to see if it would turn on but nothing happens. Any help would be greatly appreciated and I am hoping that I did not brick the phone.
Since Im not sure now if you also tryed to go in download mode again but ussualy you are always able to do that.
If not try to remove battery and put it back in after 10 minuts. And connect it to your laptop and let it charge for a few minuts. Next Hold buttons for dowload mode. Hold em for 5 secconds. Even if still have a blackscreen open samsung kies or switch. One of them has the emergency recovery option. It will detect it then and will say something like you need to repair the software want to continue etc. Lwt it do its thing and make sure you are on the internet. You drink some coffee and give it 30 minuts atleast.
Still not work? Try to put in a spare battery or charge it with another phone. If that not even works. I cant help you.
First of all, I do not have a battery that I can remove. I tried to enter download mode and recovery mode but nothing worked. It will not boot up into any mode.
Just hold the button combination for download mode for 10sec and connect it to a PC with installed smart switch on it. Smart switch should detect your phone, even if the display of the phone stays black.
I tried what you recommended but nothing works still.
I seem to have encountered the same problem, albeit not through exactly the same method. Essentially I managed a full stock firmware flash through ODIN, all the right messages came up and I got a pass from Odin. The phone rebooted and brought up the blue "updating" screen, which very quickly changed to a "removing" screen, at which point the phone froze. When I tried to reboot, the screen went black and now.... nothing. No recovery, no download, no light to indicate that its charging... nothing. My computer doesn't register there is even a device attached.
I've done heaps of flashing and never seen anything like this!
Would greatly appreciate any advice or assistance!
same issue here accept i was just using odin like usual. anyone figure this out yet? the phone was not rooted or anything. i had flashed the g935u firmware and then decided to put it back to stock g935t firmware. then it started doing this.
reflash but this time it check nand erase all
NEVVER EVER CHECK NAND ERASE ALL, dont advise others what you don't know yourself. This is for manufacturer and is not intended for repairing, if you nand erase your phone its just a paper weight then, beyond recoverable. But this issue is caused by wrong partitioning i suppose, but still it must go in download mode, try plugging it in when smartswitch is open in pc while holding home+vol down+power , if it wont detect then i suppose its nand failure due to any reason. And motherboard replacement is required.
Sent from my S7 Edge using XDA Labs
I recommended it because I had the same experience of the black screen and blue led that lights up and I flashed more than 50 times without any result and the solution that was given to me and which walked it's this one
stootie said:
I recommended it because I had the same experience of the black screen and blue led that lights up and I flashed more than 50 times without any result and the solution that was given to me and which walked it's this one
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If it really did nand erased all, your phone wouldn't even boot, your phone working is a proof it isn't nand erased. What people don't understand is that nand isn't the internal memory, its the non volatile memory holding vital info about functioning of phone just like a bios of computer, so if it is erased you are beyond recoverable damage. Here , i must say i dont know if odin can really nand erase all, because if your phone is working, nand is definitely not erased. And as far as what fixed your issues, there must have been some other reason. But for everyone, leave that option empty just to be safe.
Sent from my S7 Edge using XDA Labs
I was trying to install 935U firmware in my 935V US verizon s7 edge. After installation completed using odin phone rebooted and showed new sim setting something.... after that it went off and now its turning up.
Any help please?
did you find any solution?...plzzz help me i also got the same problem
HEY BRO...FIRST OF ALL , WHOEVER SAID THAT NAND ERASE OPTION AFFECTS PHONE... IM HERE FOR ANSWER. IHAVE FLASHED AND EVERYTIME used nanderase ...my phone feels brand new ..it jst repartitions the size of nand... also adding pit doesnt effect ...your problem is something other ... plug your phone to a good charger whole night.make sure charger is working...then try volume down and home and power into download mode..gudluck
zaighumjawad said:
HEY BRO...FIRST OF ALL , WHOEVER SAID THAT NAND ERASE OPTION AFFECTS PHONE... IM HERE FOR ANSWER. IHAVE FLASHED AND EVERYTIME used nanderase ...my phone feels brand new ..it jst repartitions the size of nand... also adding pit doesnt effect ...your problem is something other ... plug your phone to a good charger whole night.make sure charger is working...then try volume down and home and power into download mode..gudluck
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Ofcourse it doesn't effect S7 edge, because it DOESNOT wipes the nand.. so its not working simply..
On older phones it will wipe nand totally and thats a dead brick..
First search what nand is.. its the non volatile memory.. or simply nand chip .. if you delete it.. your phone won't be a phone anymore.. its the non volatile memory that is equal to a bios of a computer.. delete non volatile memory and your phone is completely dead..
Thanks to the latest phones that don't erase non volatile memory and instead selecting nand erase with s7 edge simply deletes userdata before flashing.. which is equal to a normal hard reset ..
Sent from my S7 Edge using XDA Labs
