[Q] Fast and Stable ROM/Kernel - myTouch 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey guys, I'm gonna root my dads phone and probably install a custom ROM on it since he complains about some stuff on his phone that I'm sure will be fixed.
Now this ROM must be stable and have some nice additional features and be fast.
First thing that comes to mind is CM7. Since this is what the core of my ROM i use on the nexus S.
But I dunno if there are better over here. Any other suggestions?
Also whats the most stable kernel here?

did a quick look. How's Royal Sense?? THat ROM looks nice.

tankmaster90 said:
did a quick look. How's Royal Sense?? THat ROM looks nice.
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You mean senseless or panache? Because any royal rom will most likely have everything working
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App

RoyalGinger comes to mind if you want fast. It's what I'm using. You could also try Virtuous Unity which is a 3.0 ROM.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App

would a 3.0 ROM be stable though??
ALso what about MIUI, my dads coming from an iphone and I think he might like the styling.

Its great and got a lot of cool features over the other roms and the battery life is the best of any rom for any phone I have ever seen
Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk

i dont really feel like making a new thread, but i've tried rooting this phone like a billion different times but i get stuck on the same step in each and every different method.
When i get to terminal emulator and i type in cd/sdcard/(whatever the root files are in)
it always says"not found"
i cant evenn get to regular folders on the phone!! Its pissing me off because i need terminal emulator.
I guess I should get root explorer to try it, ES file explorer doesnt work I dunno why.

tankmaster90 said:
i dont really feel like making a new thread, but i've tried rooting this phone like a billion different times but i get stuck on the same step in each and every different method.
When i get to terminal emulator and i type in cd/sdcard/(whatever the root files are in)
it always says"not found"
i cant evenn get to regular folders on the phone!! Its pissing me off because i need terminal emulator.
I guess I should get root explorer to try it, ES file explorer doesnt work I dunno why.
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Maybe it is your SD card bad? Is it correctly mounted?
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Type correctly, and include spaces that you're missing.
"cd /sdcard/"

Jack_R1 said:
Type correctly, and include spaces that you're missing.
"cd /sdcard/"
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He said that even file explorer does not see the files and folders on SD card. I think it just not mounted properly
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AntonJart said:
He said that even file explorer does not see the files and folders on SD card. I think it just not mounted properly
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no i see the files, but when i click on it with es file explorer something comes up and asks would i like to open it as text image video, which shouldnt happen.

Jack_R1 said:
Type correctly, and include spaces that you're missing.
"cd /sdcard/"
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yes someone else pointed this out to me.
I didnt know that there was a space between cd" "/
thats the only space right?
Thanks a lot dude!


So, Now that you're rooted.....??

What do you guys do first with this bad boy now????
I am looking for some ideas from you guys on what you guys do after rooting.
I know I want to remove the bloat, but I am not sure how without paying for root explorer....
Anyways, feel free to leave words of wisdom about your rooting adventure!!!
I removed the preinstalled apps and installed Wireless Tethering.
HostileJava said:
I removed the preinstalled apps and installed Wireless Tethering.
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What did you use to remove them?? or which files? -Thanks
remove bloat via adb
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jdkoreclipse said:
remove bloat via adb
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I have adb only half working unfortunatly... I rooted without it using this: http://www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-x-hacks/62450-how-root-without-using-adb.html
Anyone know of a free alternative to root explorer??? I suppose I could take the time to rm -r all through the terminal emulator... but that would take quite a while....
i have an incredible, and adb was the only way to root until a week ago. i have to say, i like adb better than the new easy root methods.
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jdkoreclipse said:
i have an incredible, and adb was the only way to root until a week ago. i have to say, i like adb better than the new easy root methods.
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Uh.. ok? Care to specify why or maybe even address my question regarding root explorer??
cbaty08 said:
Uh.. ok? Care to specify why or maybe even address my question regarding root explorer??
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if you want a file manager astro is good. if you want the frills of root explorer, then get it. i prefer just using astro for file manager, and adb for everything else, but x users cant have custom recovery, and most x usere so not have adb set up.
and easy root methods are good for people who are not good with adb, but since android IS linix, you and the shell will cross paths evwntually.
ps. sorry if i came off strongly amd made lots of typos.
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jdkoreclipse said:
if you want a file manager astro is good. if you want the frills of root explorer, then get it. i prefer just using astro for file manager, and adb for everything else, but x users cant have custom recovery, and most x usere so not have adb set up.
and easy root methods are good for people who are not good with adb, but since android IS linix, you and the shell will cross paths evwntually.
ps. sorry if i came off strongly amd made lots of typos.
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I've got ASTRO, but it doesn't have root permissions.... like I cannot rename root files with it....
cbaty08 said:
I've got ASTRO, but it doesn't have root permissions.... like I cannot rename root files with it....
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i just looked in the market really quickly and found an app called android mate (free) i havent tested it yet.
edit: it replaces homescreen, so get an app called home switcher and it will launch your homes.
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jdkoreclipse said:
i just looked in the market really quickly and found an app called android mate (free) i havent tested it yet.
edit: it replaces homescreen, so get an app called home switcher and it will launch your homes.
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I don't want a diff. home.. I use LauncherPro for that anyways....
I need a file explorer with SuperUser abilities......
UPDATE: get root explorer here: http://www.4shared.com/get/DHtj78rk...sionid=EAB7E9B01C8F962A064F3ED794D6D883.dc209
if you want to remove the bloat just use titanium backup. just back up the files and then uninstall them. a lot simpler than using adb.
I can't get wireless tether to work.
Anyone have any luck?
Bluetooth tether worked before rooting.
generic.imitation said:
if you want to remove the bloat just use titanium backup. just back up the files and then uninstall them. a lot simpler than using adb.
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So i used a method i read elsewhere and just renamed the apk to bak so the system doesn't read the file and no longer runs it. Easy as pie with root explorer : )
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Izord said:
I can't get wireless tether to work.
Anyone have any luck?
Bluetooth tether worked before rooting.
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Try out barnacle from the market. Free and easy.
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Easy root access for (nand) HD builds

Here's a very easy way to gain root access to your Nand HD builds.Some have mentioned something called z4root from the market but every time i put that in search it couldn't find it. What i DID find was an app called Super Manager that works like a charm and has many functions such as task manager,apk manager, file explorer, and app back up. What you want to do first is go to settings(where you can access just about anything..shake capture,full screen mode,font size..etc.)then go to 'enable root function'. After that,you'll be able to go into root explorer..and enjoy.
If you can't find them on the market, you can always find them HERE
hey thanks lude. that page must have eluded me cause i had no idea it existed..probably because i never really checked the android only pages. i usually hovered around the hd2 android pages.anyways,thanks.i have one question for you..i hear allot about busybox but i'm not exactly sure what it is..or the magic behind it. could you explain?
fusion06 said:
Here's a very easy way to gain root access to your Nand HD builds.Some have mentioned something called z4root from the market but every time i put that in search it couldn't find it. What i DID find was an app called Super Manager that works like a charm and has many functions such as task manager,apk manager, file explorer, and app back up. What you want to do first is go to settings(where you can access just about anything..shake capture,full screen mode,font size..etc.)then go to 'enable root function'. After that,you'll be able to go into root explorer..and enjoy.
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just search z4root on google and the first thing is the link from here
Google is Your Friend
People have said that z4root does not work on desire hd builds. Can anyone confirm?
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Dung8604..iv'e heard the same thing...Another reason i went ahead and used Super Manager. Well that and the fact that it has so many options.
fusion06 said:
hey thanks lude. that page must have eluded me cause i had no idea it existed..probably because i never really checked the android only pages. i usually hovered around the hd2 android pages.anyways,thanks.i have one question for you..i hear allot about busybox but i'm not exactly sure what it is..or the magic behind it. could you explain?
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Basically it gives you additional unix/linux commands so you can deploy different tasks at the root level. Similarly, it's like having a registry editor in windows for you to slice and dice around.
i cant remove apps from system
but titanium backup have root right
is this will help ?
fusion06 said:
Dung8604..iv'e heard the same thing...Another reason i went ahead and used Super Manager. Well that and the fact that it has so many options.
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I'm gonna give it a shot and report my findings then. Thanks.
Edit: I've gotta say this is definitely worth a go. Don't know if everything works as described, (such as app backup) but I'm definitely looking at my system files. I tried copying the miui music app into /system/app directory but it said not enough free space. Strange, but I will play with it some more tomorrow. Thanks for the find!
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dung8604 said:
People have said that z4root does not work on desire hd builds. Can anyone confirm?
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Didn't work for me on one of the hd builds.
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Hi man !
Can you root with this build: [Dec 31][NAND][TMOUS]CMYLXGO's Desire HD - NAND Edition[KERNEL: gauner1986]
And some Squash build ?
I don't see why not. it should work with any build.
Dosent work
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Does not work on cmylxgo version, its only beta 1 maybe next version..
sent from my NandTopia HD2
With Superuser (V9.99 ) his own, can't reply any other Superuser ! So can't root
Change Log...
- Added News reader widget
- Added HTC Location widget
- Root should be fixed
- Minor tweak to system files and settings
- Squashed system files
- Some other fixes I can't remember
Initial Release
Thanks for sharing this easy root access for NAND builds
I still cant delete apps on my Desire HD build
white-energy said:
I still cant delete apps on my Desire HD build
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May be it has Squashed system files? Than its readonly.
white-energy said:
I still cant delete apps on my Desire HD build
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SYS App Unistaller will take care of the System Apps you want gone.??
EDIT::: Anything in Squash may have a issue. Not running a "Squashed" ROM so I can't test.
Doesn't hurt to try...
Sent from my HD2 DROID.
Not working

[Q] HTC Evo Shift rooted Roms?!?!?

I cant seem to find a decent rom for my newly rooted evo shift. was wondering if anyone has found a good solution.. i saw on other forums we have NFX's rom and another stock rom( which is mis-labled as a rom) I would just like a rooted rom with all of sprints bloatware removed.. Nothing too facny, maybe even with OC, let me know what you guys find!
Why don't you remove the bloatware yourself? Then flash bcnice's OC kernel.
^ Shift Faced
The easiest way for you to remove the bloatware would be done using titanium backup. Its available in the market, I recommend the pro version.
powered by the tears of a million orphaned alpacas...
i am running bcnices Desire Z port, along with his kernel. The desire z rom offers ALOT more than the shift rom. it still has the bloatware (anyone know how to remove that?) but its much nicer.
nbunn said:
i am running bcnices Desire Z port, along with his kernel. The desire z rom offers ALOT more than the shift rom. it still has the bloatware (anyone know how to remove that?) but its much nicer.
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Look directly above you^
^ Shift Faced
Could you by chance give me the adb commands to remove and add applications? Thanks
alew182 said:
Could you by chance give me the adb commands to remove and add applications? Thanks
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Buy and use Titanium Backup, or open the rom with winzip (Don't extract) and remove the apk's before installing the rom.
Correct me if I'm wrong...but hasn't it been said that removing the bloat completely isn't safe and that the better solution is to rename the .apk files?? I don't remember the exact method of doing so nor do I recall what we were to rename the files but I do recall seeing something to that extent.
That was in the Epic forum though as well if that makes a difference.
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Quis89 said:
Correct me if I'm wrong...but hasn't it been said that removing the bloat completely isn't safe and that the better solution is to rename the .apk files?? I don't remember the exact method of doing so nor do I recall what we were to rename the files but I do recall seeing something to that extent.
That was in the Epic forum though as well if that makes a difference.
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Renaming the files would do nothing. You can remove the bloatware with no issues.
how do you use titanium backup to remove apps? I got all of them almost gone except like sprint zone and nfl and stuff like that cuz i cant find the apk listed..
alew182 said:
how do you use titanium backup to remove apps? I got all of them almost gone except like sprint zone and nfl and stuff like that cuz i cant find the apk listed..
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Titanium Backup > Backup/Restore > select the desired app > uninstall.
powered by the tears of a million orphaned alpacas...
oboroninja said:
Titanium Backup > Backup/Restore > select the desired app > uninstall.
powered by the tears of a million orphaned alpacas...
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You need to root the phone in order to use Titanium Backup?
Yes you do need to be rooted
Hello everyone I am very new to android platform. I recently left my long time companion the iPhone lol an am very confused, I wanted to root my new Evo Shift but dont know much about Rooting so I did a temproot with Visionary, and installed Rom Manager Pro, & Titanium backup pro which Titanium downloaded BusyBox as well! And I am trying to figure out how or where to get custom roms which I guess are the themes and custom software (OS)! Can someone please help me out? I also seen the comment about Face Shift can someone explain to me what that is?
Hello everyone I am very new to android platform. I recently left my long time companion the iPhone lol an am very confused, I wanted to root my new Evo Shift but dont know much about Rooting so I did a temproot with Visionary, and installed Rom Manager Pro, & Titanium backup pro which Titanium downloaded BusyBox as well! And I am trying to figure out how or where to get custom roms which I guess are the themes and custom software (OS)! Can someone please help me out? I also seen the comment about Face Shift can someone explain to me what that is?
http://forum.xda-developers.com/wiki/index.php?title=HTC_Speedy is the wiki site...or how you're in the general section goto Android Development for roms..also there is a themes and app section
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JKILO said:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/wiki/index.php?title=HTC_Speedy is the wiki site...or how you're in the general section goto Android Development for roms..also there is a themes and app section
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do any of these guys actually even look at the topics in the forums? jeez
I forgot to click reply to the post before mine..big deal..
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JKILO said:
I forgot to click reply to the post before mine..big deal..
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oh i wasnt talking about you. i was agreeing with you
melvargasjr said:
I also seen the comment about Face Shift can someone explain to me what that is?
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You mean my signature? It's a pun.
^ Shift Faced

[Q][Mod Request] no clock in status bar

Will anyone want to take on this task? I would really appreciate it and I'm pretty sure other people would be interested in this.
I've searched the forum and found a few flashable zips for this mod but none work for new sense 2.1, 3.0 roms. I've even searched google and still nothing. I also found a couple of threads here and on android forums on how to remove the clock and I would try it myself with apk manager but I do not own a computer.
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it would help if you told us what rom you are using....
JDV28 said:
it would help if you told us what rom you are using....
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I'm on unity right now. But its not my daily. My daily is panache. My tethering stopped working on panache so I'm waiting for drew to update. But I know alot of people use panache and unity. So if you or some one else that can, make the mod for both unity and panache sense versions would be great.
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Anyone else?
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Depending on your rom, look into the settings an you can get rid of it
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If I understand right, the easiest way would be to:
Decompile SystemUI.apk
Change layout.xml to reduce clock frame width to 0.
Recompile SystemUI.apk
If SystemUI doesn't hold dependencies on Sense framework, one file can be made for both ROMs. If it does - then it will have to be separate.
I'll try to do it some time today, and post the result if I get anywhere.
Miui how to ?
Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk
In MIUI there's a menu option, if I remember right.
I've modified SystemUI.apk as per my own suggestions above.
Now I need testers.
The file is attached. I'm uploading APK on purpose - to avoid happy flashers that'll flash anything without knowing how they'll revert from it.
You'll need to push it to /system/app/.
Reboot to recovery
adb shell mount /system
adb push SystemUI.apk /system/app/
adb shell unmount /system
In case it doesn't work - to restore do the same thing with SystemUI.apk from your ROM. If you don't have the ROM available - please back up SystemUI.apk before overwriting it.
If it works - I'll make it update.zip.
Jack_R1 said:
I've modified SystemUI.apk as per my own suggestions above.
Now I need testers.
The file is attached. I'm uploading APK on purpose - to avoid happy flashers that'll flash anything without knowing how they'll revert from it.
You'll need to push it to /system/app/.
Reboot to recovery
adb shell mount /system
adb push SystemUI.apk /system/app/
adb shell unmount /system
In case it doesn't work - to restore do the same thing with SystemUI.apk from your ROM. If you don't have the ROM available - please back up SystemUI.apk before overwriting it.
If it works - I'll make it update.zip.
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Thanx for the effort but I tested it and it did not work. The systemui you edited breaks the signal icons and the clock is still there. It puts the signal bars infront of the 4G. Also the 4g icon is tiny and has the errows on top.
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Jack_R1 said:
I've modified SystemUI.apk as per my own suggestions above.
Now I need testers.
The file is attached. I'm uploading APK on purpose - to avoid happy flashers that'll flash anything without knowing how they'll revert from it.
You'll need to push it to /system/app/.
Reboot to recovery
adb shell mount /system
adb push SystemUI.apk /system/app/
adb shell unmount /system
In case it doesn't work - to restore do the same thing with SystemUI.apk from your ROM. If you don't have the ROM available - please back up SystemUI.apk before overwriting it.
If it works - I'll make it update.zip.
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another possible way is to use root explorer or some other file explorer that has rw access to the phone. copy the downloaded systemUI.apk from sdcard and move to /SYSTEM. (DON'T MOVE INTO /SYSTEM/APP YET OR YOU'LL GET FC'S.) change the systemUI.apk permissions to rw-r--r-- and then copy over to /system/app (tap yes when root explorer ask if you want to replace).
saranhai said:
another possible way is to use root explorer or some other file explorer that has rw access to the phone. copy the downloaded systemUI.apk from sdcard and move to /SYSTEM. (DON'T MOVE INTO /SYSTEM/APP YET OR YOU'LL GET FC'S.) change the systemUI.apk permissions to rw-r--r-- and then copy over to /system/app (tap yes when root explorer ask if you want to replace).
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That's exactly how I did it. I didn't get fc's but still broke the status bar.
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I'll try to create another version today and test it myself.
Jack_R1 said:
I'll try to create another version today and test it myself.
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Thanx. I really appreciate the effort. I will hit the thank button for sure.
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So.. in Royal Ginger (and CM7?) i have this option..
Royal Ginger Settings>Interface> Status Bar Tweaks> Show Clock
I have my status bar clock turned off. Also, under tablet tweaks, i've moved my status bar to the bottom.
I wouldn't try reinventing the wheel here.
Obviously, RoyalGinger / CM7 are different ROMs, and have this option made in code and compiled from source. Sense ROMs can't be compiled, since nobody but HTC has the source, thus it must be made differently.
nicholasb said:
So.. in Royal Ginger (and CM7?) i have this option..
Royal Ginger Settings>Interface> Status Bar Tweaks> Show Clock
I have my status bar clock turned off. Also, under tablet tweaks, i've moved my status bar to the bottom.
I wouldn't try reinventing the wheel here.
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I did state in my first post for sense roms, if it wasn't for sense I would've never started the topic. I know asop roms like cm have that tweak, I've used them before.
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Still interested...
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Where the pros at?
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coupetastic-droid said:
Where the pros at?
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I have not heard of such a thing in sense, perhaps check the desire hd section that' where a lot of activity is, especially on sense mods. I know miui has the option too, but i see you dont use that.

screen on by itself when screen off

My have screen on when screen off by itsels..
is there anyone have the same condition as me??
Same here
Welly_11 said:
My have screen on when screen off by itsels..
is there anyone have the same condition as me??
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Yeah, I'm running into the same problem.
What Rom are you running, and does it only happen under certain conditions?
I'm running
LiquidSmooth Rom (4.2.2 - It seems super stable, only 2 total problems with it)
CodeFireX .62 or .64, I don't remember
NOS Tweak Package v0.4.5_r1 (was having same problems before this; it actually improved my battery life somehow )
HTC MyTouch 4g/Glacier (Obviously, since I'm posting here, but I figured I'd say so just in case)
Anyways, the problem I'm running into is that I can't get the backlight to stay off after locking the phone.
I lock it, then after ~7seconds the backlight comes back on.
Also, this has happened on each 4.2.x rom I've tried
I read somewhere that messing with the settings/app killers can help, but no change from that. I've also tried setting my backlight to all the way off, as well as full, and the brightness doesn't change while the screen is off.
I can try to make a LogCat of it later, though.
Jaxas said:
Yeah, I'm running into the same problem.
What Rom are you running, and does it only happen under certain conditions?
I'm running
LiquidSmooth Rom (4.2.2 - It seems super stable, only 2 total problems with it)
CodeFireX .62 or .64, I don't remember
NOS Tweak Package v0.4.5_r1 (was having same problems before this; it actually improved my battery life somehow )
HTC MyTouch 4g/Glacier (Obviously, since I'm posting here, but I figured I'd say so just in case)
Anyways, the problem I'm running into is that I can't get the backlight to stay off after locking the phone.
I lock it, then after ~7seconds the backlight comes back on.
Also, this has happened on each 4.2.x rom I've tried
I read somewhere that messing with the settings/app killers can help, but no change from that. I've also tried setting my backlight to all the way off, as well as full, and the brightness doesn't change while the screen is off.
I can try to make a LogCat of it later, though.
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How did u install nos ?
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N_otori0us_ said:
How did u install nos ?
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From this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2158329
Download the file that and unzip it, then follow the ReadMe inside
Also, wow it looks like there's a new version out already...
Jaxas said:
From this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2158329
Download the file that and unzip it, then follow the ReadMe inside
Also, wow it looks like there's a new version out already...
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My phone got stuck, what recovery are you using?
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N_otori0us_ said:
My phone got stuck, what recovery are you using?
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Clockwork v5.something
It's not a flashable zip though, you have to install it from the terminal emulator
Jaxas said:
Clockwork v5.something
It's not a flashable zip though, you have to install it from the terminal emulator
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I think topper issue would have tho be that nod thing as I have the room installed with no issues. Will try and let you oboe
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Jaxas said:
Clockwork v5.something
It's not a flashable zip though, you have to install it from the terminal emulator
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How exactly would I do that, sorry I'm a noob lol.
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N_otori0us_ said:
How exactly would I do that, sorry I'm a noob lol.
Sent from my HTC myTouch 4g using xda app-developers app
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Ehh, I am too really - everyone's gotta start somewhere though!
Anyways, what it means is that you can't just take the nos_whatever.zip file and flash it from the recovery, you have to actually open the app called Terminal Emulator (can be found on the market, needs root) and install it from there.
The instructions on how are all in the readme inside the .zip file, just follow those and you'll be fine.
What do you mean your phone got stuck?
--- Edit ---
xanda143 said:
I think topper issue would have tho be that nod thing as I have the room installed with no issues. Will try and let you oboe
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I was having the same 2 issues beforehand (Backlight coming on while the phone is locked, and cell signal dropping after I miss a call until I turn airplane mode on->off)
Also, I noticed that at least in my case my phone seems much less likely to turn the backlight back on if I'm not doing anything in the background such as listening to music. I'm pretty sure that's only been working today though, not sure why...
Jaxas said:
Ehh, I am too really - everyone's gotta start somewhere though!
Anyways, what it means is that you can't just take the nos_whatever.zip file and flash it from the recovery, you have to actually open the app called Terminal Emulator (can be found on the market, needs root) and install it from there.
The instructions on how are all in the readme inside the .zip file, just follow those and you'll be fine.
What do you mean your phone got stuck?
--- Edit ---
I was having the same 2 issues beforehand (Backlight coming on while the phone is locked, and cell signal dropping after I miss a call until I turn airplane mode on->off)
Also, I noticed that at least in my case my phone seems much less likely to turn the backlight back on if I'm not doing anything in the background such as listening to music. I'm pretty sure that's only been working today though, not sure why...
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Reinstall the ROM and this time format the system partition...., also u need ri get 4ext recovery its soooooo better
Sent from my myTouch 4G using xda app-developers app
xanda143 said:
Reinstall the ROM and this time format the system partition...., also u need ri get 4ext recovery its soooooo better
Sent from my myTouch 4G using xda app-developers app
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Ok, I may do just that. Will backing up and restoring what I have with TitaniumBackup break anything, so I don't have to reinstall everything?
Also, what're the advantages of 4ext recovery over clockwork?
Jaxas said:
Ok, I may do just that. Will backing up and restoring what I have with TitaniumBackup break anything, so I don't have to reinstall everything?
Also, what're the advantages of 4ext recovery over clockwork?
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No shouldn't break anything
And install 4ext before you reinstall just download 4ext recovery controlled.apk and flash it with that app very easy and the u.I is better
Sent from my myTouch 4G using xda app-developers app
xanda143 said:
No shouldn't break anything
And install 4ext before you reinstall just download 4ext recovery controlled.apk and flash it with that app very easy and the u.I is better
Sent from my myTouch 4G using xda app-developers app
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Hmm, it looks interesting - and having a touch recovery would help remove a major pain in the rear - but I'm completely broke and I can't seem to find the list of differences between the paid controller version and the free updater; would you still recommend the free version?
Yeah I'm using the free version.....PS put the name.apk into Google and u get any app
Sent from my myTouch 4G using xda app-developers app
xanda143 said:
Yeah I'm using the free version.....PS put the name.apk into Google and u get any app
Sent from my myTouch 4G using xda app-developers app
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I'll be getting a little bit of money soon, so I'll just buy it when that comes in.
Anyways, I just did a full system wipe (each of CWM's wipes, as well as the DarkUnicorn wipe script ((since it was on my SdCard already)) but I'm still having the backlight issue.
Haven't even installed a single app yet; still trying to connect to the store to get TitaniumBackup.
Any other ideas?
PS) Still planning on making a LogCat, not sure if it'll help though
--- EDIT ---
What Kernal are you using, the default?
Yeah default
Sent from my myTouch 4G using xda app-developers app
Jaxas said:
What do you mean your phone got stuck?
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It won't boot up, I tried it on blackout ICS I'll try it on liquid now
OK I tried it on liquid smooth and this it was unable to chmod cause theres no file, I posted a screenshot in the nos thread
Sent from my myTouch 4G using xda app-developers app
N_otori0us_ said:
It won't boot up, I tried it on blackout ICS I'll try it on liquid now
OK I tried it on liquid smooth and this it was unable to chmod cause theres no file, I posted a screenshot in the nos thread
Sent from my myTouch 4G using xda app-developers app
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NOS won't boot up or your phone won't?
--- EDIT ---
Also, back on the topic of this thread, are there any fixes for 4.2 roms turning the backlight back on after being locked?
It's a huge battery drain, and my biggest problem at the moment; any ideas would be most appreciated
lol actually I found out the problem. After I extracted it, ES File Explorer made a folder on my sdcard called "sdcard" with the install file in it. And I was stupid and ignored the fact that it should be on the root of the sdcard. Whoops lol.
N_otori0us_ said:
lol actually I found out the problem. After I extracted it, ES File Explorer made a folder on my sdcard called "sdcard" with the install file in it. And I was stupid and ignored the fact that it should be on the root of the sdcard. Whoops lol.
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Well at least it was an easy fix once you figured it out!
Anyways, I'm still having problems with the backlight staying on, but I should be able to provide that LogCat today at some point.
