appinventor simple help - Android Software Development

i am trying to create a very very simple thing. i simply want (but dont know how) to do the following:
-main screen has 2 buttons
-when button 1 is pressed display 2 images hosted on my personal site
same thing as button 1 with button 2, display 2 different images when that is press.
thats all! the reason for hosting them remotely is i dont want to be making the app and can simply replace the image hosted so i dont have to keep making apps for the images to change. i am trying to learn this but i am at a lost on how to do load content from my host to display on the app. thanks for reading! any help would greatly be appreciated! i am also trying to learn eclipse so if you can help better with that or upload me the source ready to put in my image urls like the folks who did the soundboard template would help a ton!


Custom Program

I am using my Kaiser for business use and want to get rid of the dreaded paperwork and use my device for everything.
I visit various clients to carry out inspections. I am wondering if there is someway of having a program made to insert various information instead of loading the Inspection everytime in Word and saving it each time as this can be really slow and a real pain.
What programs are needed to make a working program to work on Windows Mobile? Does this sound like a do - able task or am I better of doing what I do now?
I do have a copy of the inspection sheet i use which is too large to upload here.
Hope someone can help.
Thanks In Advance.
Do you mean you have a word file or similar, and you want a program to populate it, to eliminate tedious scrolling and whatnot? It can be done. As far as doing it yourself, there are several routes/languages/IDE's to choose from, but the learning curve on programming is a little slow to justify just one program. If you've programmed before, I can help set you in the right direction. If you want to learn programming, I'd start on the computer, then move to the PPC once you've learned to program with libraries and DLL's.
However, if you want to email me the form, I'll see what I can do fo you. I won't charge, but any donation would be appreciated upon delivery.
Drop me a line with your email address and I will forward you a copy of the file I use for the inspection.
Mine is [email protected]

CycloneSkins [Knowledgable Coder Wanted]

I have 'created' (to an extent) the first Horizontal Theme , based off of the built-in CPR file, for Titanium Homescreens on WM6.5, however I have a setback...
This theme is being developed initially, and probably mainly, for the T-Mobile DASH (HTC Excalibur/S620) which as a 320x240 screen. In order to make this work, i need a very simple background program running. This is what the program should do:
Detect a certain set of pixels on-screen, and check to see if colors match up with predefined values (much like MortScript's "ColorAt()")
If the values match up, swap UP/LEFT and DOWN/RIGHT (to emulate horizontal movement)
likewise, if it detects that the active window is the Desktop/Homescreen, it will Swap
If not, it will not do anything
This program needs to be low RAM usage, and not all that big (which is optimal for every program). The reason I have it check pixels is for people, like myself, who run SmartToolKit , which adds a 'mask layer' over the HomeScreen, making it harder to detect if it is actually the homescreen. If someone can create a better way of doing this, then thank you!
However, my main concern is getting a coder to make this application for me, without it the theme can essentially not exist. More details will be given upon contact.
If you are interested, please PM me or E-Mail me (both are provided by XDA through my profile).
Thank You all!
I am going to work on the actual theme today...
Is there anyone who could make this very simple program for me?
I dont know if this is considered 'double posting' since these posts are weeks apart...anyways.
I am in DESPERATE need of some kind person to lend me a hand as far as making really a simple app. I do not have the environment set up for making Windows Mobile applications (i do not have Visual Studio as microsoft insists I do). The app would be:
1- ButtonSwap:
This one will check certain pixels on the screen and use them to confirm if it is the HomeScreen. If it is, then it will swap keys, if not, it wont do anything.​
So PLEASE, if someone is willing to do this VERY SIMPLE task, i would be very very grateful!
Max B.

App Development Help

I've been trying to create themes for the Market Home Alternatives (such as Panda Home, Open Home, aHome, etc) however, I'm a Graphic Artist, not a programmer. I know very little about Java and even less as to how its applied to Android and I need some help here.
I managed to figure out how to create an .apk in Eclipse (after many failures and problems) and even figured out how to sign it in Eclipse. The app installs fine on my device but it doesn't do anything. It will not apply to any Home Alts.
What I need to know is, what do I need to include to allow it to access these home alternatives. Is there something I must include in the Android Manifest? I noticed a some XML files when I looked into other peoples theme.apk's that aren't in mine.
Could someone explain this to me please? I would appreciate it greatly. Thanks in advance to anyone who drops a line.
On another note, does anyone know why Jarsigner in the Java SDK wont open? When I try to open it, a command-like window opens and then immediately closes. Any ideas there?

[Q] need help with wallpaper app

hello I am wondering if someone can help. I would like to create a simple wallpaper test app. I have tried a few things with no success. eventually I started playing with gallery codes and have a few achievements. but...I am not sure how to attach a wallpaper function to the gallery. i am new to all this (I am only a few months into learning Droid apps with eclipse) is there someplace where I can find complete java coding and possibly the xml files for a working wallpaper? I cannot build from scratch but I am getting better reading the source code creating buttons etc etc.
another option is how can I insert a save as wallpaper function to the working gallery I have? I am assuming I can set a long press function but I am not sure how to go about that either. I do have a tutorial for creating long presses but I am not sure about the proper java setup to accompany this.
any help will be appreciated. keep in mind I am new to both java and android coding. in other words keep it as simple as possible please. or if someone has a simple wallpaper app and they don't mind sharing the source code... that would help immensely..

[Q] imaginary project error + programming help

As I mentioned in the previous thread (which may be deleted now), I'm playing with the snake sample game. I was trying to create a menu following this guide (the XML way). I did exactly as the guide says but when I tried to run the project, the console said "main.out.xml: Error parsing XML: no element found".
Now there's an error in the project, but all files seem valid (there's a red cross sign next to the project, but not next to any one of the files). When I try to run the project, it tells me to fix the errors. WTF ? This is driving me crazy
Of course I tried googling, but I found nothing that could help me.
Another thing I wanted to do with the Snake app is change the way the snake is controlled - instead of keyboard I want it to be controlled either by swipe or by the accelerometer. Can any1 help me with that ?
I already got swipe, now off to accelerometer movement.
And any help with the menu thing would be appreciated too.
Guys help me out here. I'm trying to make a menu for the snake app, so one could set up things like max. apples at a time, move delay decrease rate and stuff like that. How should I do this ?
I thought of creating a new activity for the options which will be called from the menu (this menu will be shown after pressing the menu button). Is that a good solution ?
Seriously... WHAT THE **** ?!?!
I create a folder under 'res' named 'menu'. I create a file under 'menu' named 'menu.xml'. I instanly get an error message : 'error: Error parsing XML: no element found'. Now I can do whatever the **** I want (I put some menu items in it), I will NEVER EVER launch the app again, because it says there's an error in the project even though there are NO ****ING ERRORS ! FFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
grandioso said:
I did exactly as the guide says but when I tried to run the project, the console said "main.out.xml: Error parsing XML: no element found".
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Are you sure you didn't try to run the .xml file instead of the whole project? When you do that you get an error, a 'main.out.xml' file and your app wont run until you delete it
For the first time I did. But the app didn't run even after I restored everything to the previous state. I had to delete the whole project and create it again.
Now I didn't even press the run button - I got the error right after creating the xml file.
But now I get it - I can create a menu, but I always have to delete the project (keep the files) and create it again. Kinda sucks.
Now please could any1 give me advice on how to handle the snake by tilting the phone ? I googled my ass off, but didn't find anything I could use.
grandioso said:
For the first time I did. But the app didn't run even after I restored everything to the previous state. I had to delete the whole project and create it again.
Now I didn't even press the run button - I got the error right after creating the xml file.
But now I get it - I can create a menu, but I always have to delete the project (keep the files) and create it again. Kinda sucks.
Now please could any1 give me advice on how to handle the snake by tilting the phone ? I googled my ass off, but didn't find anything I could use.
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Click to collapse
Next time you get an error, try simply deleting it from the error log. Eclipse is buggy as hell and sometimes that can fix things (if not the error will just appear again).
As for using the accelerometer, i can't really help you but it looks pretty complicated!
Try looking through the source code of "Amazed" - - It may be of some help!
Well if it's complicated then screw it, I don't have much time to funk around.
I'll try the menu, but I'm still not sure if I shoul create an extra activity for the menu. How do I save the settings if I do ?
Meltus said:
As for using the accelerometer, i can't really help you but it looks pretty complicated!
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Click to collapse
That's an overstatement. It's a lot simpler to do than implementing your own listview adapter, for example.
Anyway, all you need to is just let your class implement SensorListener. Then you will need to override two methods; onSensorChanged and onAccuracyChanged. Each are pretty explanatory. Inside onSensorChanged however you will need to check the sensor type, and before you can listen to the sensor you need to register it with the SensorManager (system service). Remember to unregister when you don't need it any more else it will just pointlessly suck battery.
There are many tutorials, but it is really easy to do. Just Google them if unsure, the link posted by Meltus doesn't make it easy to see how it's meant to be used.
OK, first I need to make the menu work.
So first I need to create an activity that extends PreferenceActivity. Then I create a preferences.xml file and an arrays.xml file, that's more or less clear to me.
What bothers me is that I only found 4 types of Preferences - List Preference, EditText Preference, Checkbox Preference and Ringtone Preference. Is that it ? A ****load of apps uses a number choosing preference, where you have a text input a + and a - button - did they all have to create a custom preference type ?
And I have one more dumb question - I just can't for the life of me call the damn preference activity. How do I do that ?
OK, preferences are all done.

