[Q] need help with wallpaper app - Android Software Development

hello I am wondering if someone can help. I would like to create a simple wallpaper test app. I have tried a few things with no success. eventually I started playing with gallery codes and have a few achievements. but...I am not sure how to attach a wallpaper function to the gallery. i am new to all this (I am only a few months into learning Droid apps with eclipse) is there someplace where I can find complete java coding and possibly the xml files for a working wallpaper? I cannot build from scratch but I am getting better reading the source code creating buttons etc etc.
another option is how can I insert a save as wallpaper function to the working gallery I have? I am assuming I can set a long press function but I am not sure how to go about that either. I do have a tutorial for creating long presses but I am not sure about the proper java setup to accompany this.
any help will be appreciated. keep in mind I am new to both java and android coding. in other words keep it as simple as possible please. or if someone has a simple wallpaper app and they don't mind sharing the source code... that would help immensely..


App Development Help

I've been trying to create themes for the Market Home Alternatives (such as Panda Home, Open Home, aHome, etc) however, I'm a Graphic Artist, not a programmer. I know very little about Java and even less as to how its applied to Android and I need some help here.
I managed to figure out how to create an .apk in Eclipse (after many failures and problems) and even figured out how to sign it in Eclipse. The app installs fine on my device but it doesn't do anything. It will not apply to any Home Alts.
What I need to know is, what do I need to include to allow it to access these home alternatives. Is there something I must include in the Android Manifest? I noticed a some XML files when I looked into other peoples theme.apk's that aren't in mine.
Could someone explain this to me please? I would appreciate it greatly. Thanks in advance to anyone who drops a line.
On another note, does anyone know why Jarsigner in the Java SDK wont open? When I try to open it, a command-like window opens and then immediately closes. Any ideas there?

[Q] Guide to make digital clock widget?

Can someone point me in the right direction for making a simple digital clock widget? i know only some basic java but i think i could do something like this i just need to know a good way change the image based on the time. I think i could do it now but the way i am thinking of doing it is doing- if minutes = 1 display 1.png but i don't want to have to write that out for every number and make a image for every number 0-59.
If this could be done in app inventor or started in app inventor and then brought into eclipse it would make it easier on us beginners but even just giving me an idea on how to write this where it would be somewhat more efficient.
If someone would would be willing to help or write a guide it would be really helpful for beginners looking to learn java and customize their phones at the same time.

appinventor simple help

i am trying to create a very very simple thing. i simply want (but dont know how) to do the following:
-main screen has 2 buttons
-when button 1 is pressed display 2 images hosted on my personal site
same thing as button 1 with button 2, display 2 different images when that is press.
thats all! the reason for hosting them remotely is i dont want to be making the app and can simply replace the image hosted so i dont have to keep making apps for the images to change. i am trying to learn this but i am at a lost on how to do load content from my host to display on the app. thanks for reading! any help would greatly be appreciated! i am also trying to learn eclipse so if you can help better with that or upload me the source ready to put in my image urls like the folks who did the soundboard template would help a ton!

[Q] [HELP] [NEWBIE] Guidance needed for creating a simple app/mod

A friend of my asked me to create a simple button on his Galaxy S 2 home screen,
that will simultaneously turn on bluetooth and GPS, and will start his navigation program (e.g WAZE).
I wondered what is my better option for doing so - writing a simple application(i'm familiar with java) or creating a simple mod for his ROM (which I have no idea how to do, but figured It's time I learn to anyway..)
So what i'm asking is, actually:
1. Can I create a simple java application that turn on bluetooth and GPS on his phone, or is it restricted?
2. Is creating a mod that allow these option from the notification bar is complicated? what do I need to know for doing so?
3. What do you guys find as the better option - creating an app (and maybe a widget) or creating a mod?
thank you all in advance...
I would appreciate any help
Since your friend is asking for a shortcut to do three tasks (enable BT, enable GPS and open an app) I would create a widget directly. I would not mess around with mods.
There are no restrictions, you just need to add the permissions in your AndroidManifest file :good:
Definitely agree with patedit,
Custom roms are not terribly hard to make, but android has exposed the widget sdk exactly for this purpose. Unless you absolutely need to place the button in an extremely exotic location, you should write an app.
The easiest way to do this is to create a widget! It will not take you long enough to learn how to make one but it won't be easy too!! Don't mess with mods just create a widget
The disadvantage about creating a mod for his ROM is that he would probably have to flash it. This way it's also not as easy to uninstall the "widget".
In short, definitely the widget.

[HELP] Android unlock mechanism

I'm new in Android environment, but I have some experience with Java programming. I want to try some mobile apps, so i started to writing my first game. Everything is ok, but I don't know how to create mechanism like in "maze" Android unlock screen (can't put any link with photo ). I have list of points on screen and I want to give user ability to draw a path between these points. I've heard that there is special listener for this, but I can't find that.
Thanks for your help and sorry for my English
chris_black said:
I'm new in Android environment, but I have some experience with Java programming. I want to try some mobile apps, so i started to writing my first game. Everything is ok, but I don't know how to create mechanism like in "maze" Android unlock screen (can't put any link with photo ). I have list of points on screen and I want to give user ability to draw a path between these points. I've heard that there is special listener for this, but I can't find that.
Thanks for your help and sorry for my English
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Don't know it at the top of my head either, but checkout the source of this lockpattern library, I'm sure you can find out how they did it

