My E900 just died =/ - Optimus 7 General

I bought this phone new on December and today I noticed a few random reboots until now, when the phone turned down and didn't rebooted.
Now when I try to turn it on, the LG logo appears for 2 seconds and the phone turns off again. I've tried to do a Cold Start pressing Volume Up, Down, Power and Shutter, and the phone keeps turning off just after the "Cold Start" appears on the display.
I have no factory warranty as the phone was bought overseas, so anybody knows what is happening?

Did you check out this thread on random restarted?
Have you changed anything? Dropped it? Used it in a harsh environment (hot, humid)?

Did you flash it? I thought manufacturer warranty was valid even if the phone was bought overseas.
Sent from my Samsung Omnia 7 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App

Thanks guys. I found the "problem" and it's the charger, actually the USB cable of the charger. It's probably stopped working in the middle of the night and as I needed only to use the E900 24h later, the battery was dead due to lack of recharge.
When I plugged my old Motorola Micro USB charger, the E900 simply turned on as usual and it's everything fine now.
The only strange thing is the original Micro USB cable is visually in perfect shape, but that's it, never trust in these bulk generic cables and sorry for the false alarm.


8125 died, now is acting strange. Red light shows charging, but isnt.?

2 days ago i had my cingular 8125 plugged into a charger . when i woke up it was off and dead, still plugged in?
now when i plug it in (to the stock charger) the red light comes on, but if i take the battery out, it stays on. if the battery is in, it is on. but i cant turn it on. ive left it for 15 hours now, and still nothing
even tried another battery.
when i first put the other battery in it turned on, was booting, but then died. probably cuz the battery was dead. but i had it plugged in as soon as i turned it on.
now the same thing happens.
any ideas?
i also thought i smelled something burnt. like if you have ever had a laptop that had a bad a/c connector and would heat up a bit, or even smoke!
dont know if it was my imagination or what?
thanks in advance
T mobile MDA shows RED LED
that is strange that you post this today, because I just received T-mobile MDA unit from 3bay that has a similar problem.
-The phone does not turn on when I press the power button.
-It does not respond to a soft reset or a hard reset.
-With the battery in, I connect the AC charger to the phone and for about 1-3 seconds the charging LED color is RED. THe LED turns off and I can not get the same result if I reconnect the AC charger.
The only visible sign of life this MDA unit has is:
-with the battery out and the AC charger connected, when the USB is removed to the point where it is not connected to the MDA, the charging LED light flashes red for a split second and the screen flashes white for a split second as well. [I hope this is a sign that there's still life in this MDA, but i'm thinking my unit is truly a brick..]
From all the websites I've searched, this does not seem to be an issue, although for me it is a scary one! Anybody that can help would be much appreciated because I want a working MDA not a dead one
EDIT: It turns out my non-booting MDA was due to a faulty vibrator and flashlight MDA part. After removing these two pieces that are connected to the back cover of the MDA housing, the MDA booted up with no problem.
danrw84 said:
2 days ago i had my cingular 8125 plugged into a charger . when i woke up it was off and dead, still plugged in?
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I'm in exactly the same position - left phone on charge overnight two days ago and in the morning it was completely dead. I have managed to get it to power on for about 2-3 seconds on one or two occasions but now it won't do a thing
Not sure if this will help, but have you tried to push that soft reset button that you have to to push with your stylus when it is plugged in?
Sounds stupid, but my power button is completely dead and I thats how I have to start mine up. I also have to pop out the SD card to get the screen to come out of sleep mode!
I might not work, but hey...worth a try.
Well, I eventually got back up and running. Turns out the battery was completely dead. I used the 9v battery trick and then used my USB charger to get the battery fully charged and all is well.
This leads me to query how do I now charge my phone when I don't have access to a PC? I was using a standard AC wall charger and the phone showed that it was charging but due to the fact that the display stays lit whilst on external power, this eventually killed the battery as the charge indicator appeared to be false.
*as posted verbatim in another thread*
funny...i'm having the same problem with 2, what were perfectly fine, wizards.
which is what brought me to this forum post.
These two devices were turned off and sat in my desk for months as they were not needed. They were perfectly good, successfully unlocked and upgraded from the advice/steps/tools provided here (thanks!). They were my primary personal and work devices until i was given the option to try a few iPAQs.
Now that I want to go back NEITHER device will boot. On the original chargers (both wall and usb) both devices will display the red light as shown in the pic above, will not boot normally, or via the 2 or 3 button methods common for these devices. The batteries do not get warm, which tells me that they are not getting current...which makes NO sense if i'm using 4 different stock charging options (2 wall and 2 usb) in different locations. One expect some variable would work to eliminate some oddity, but nothing is working.
something odd is going here. how can 2 perfectly good devices and charges suddenly crapout? I could really believe it's the battery, but one is grand spankin new (only used for a month)! Both have the main board die? Both not recognizable on any computer?
Is it possible that the backup battery is causing this? Can it me charged same as the standard if its drained? I know i'm grasping at straws here, but this odd a coincidence.
okay..this was too simple.
for some reason the USB will not provide enough"juice" to pop these out of their sleep.
I have been using this great little charging system made by good old Radio Shack that is a single plug with different adapters for all different devices...i've been using it for my iPAQ's, Blackjacks, BB's, ect. SO as a last resort i went and got the CORRECT adapter (as there are many mini usb adapters available) and SHAZAM!!! they boot right up!
don't ask me why the stock wall chargers will not work, but these RS iGo systems are the trick!
i'm going to link to the other similar issue in hopes any other folks having the same issue can benefit from this.

Let Andriod die now have a paper wheight

ok here is the problem.
4 nights ago i forgot to plug in my hd2 while android was running and the battery died.
the next morning i went to turn it on and the screen no longer turns on but the phone does boot. the battery doesnt charge, status light doesnt either, end key doesnt work, when i answer calls no noise can be heard or made.
any hope?
Im guessing you cant run bootloader?
Maybe this is a warrenty jobby
If you know someone with another HD2, Try swapping the battery.
chrisizzle492 said:
ok here is the problem.
4 nights ago i forgot to plug in my hd2 while android was running and the battery died.
the next morning i went to turn it on and the screen no longer turns on but the phone does boot. the battery doesnt charge, status light doesnt either, end key doesnt work, when i answer calls no noise can be heard or made.
any hope?
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does it enter in bootloader mode?
retry flashing wm rom+radio
chrisizzle492 said:
i went to turn it on and the screen no longer turns on but the phone does boot. the battery doesnt charge, status light doesnt either, end key doesnt work, when i answer calls no noise can be heard or made.
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Hi Chris,
Please eleborate/clarify your OP, because I don't think anyone gets this... At least i don't! You say the screen doesn't turn on but the phone boots?! How do you figure that? Your device is actually on because you can receive/answer calls!?! :S
Sounds like your device has just BSOD (Black Screen of Death) which is discussed quite a lot here. Just press reset button or pull the battery (please tell me you have tried that before...).
If your device IS NOT powered on, please try this:
Does the device vibrate shortly when pressing the End-button? If so you should leave it connected to the charger for longer. If battery has drained too much it takes a while for the device to allow it to power itself up (prevention of overdrainage, which Lithium-batteries don't like very much).
Do you charge through USB, or with the supplied charger? I've had this before trying to charge it with a (different brand) microUSB charger. Turned out most chargers only give out 500mAh, whilst my normal charger (and car-charger) give out 1000mAh i believe. That might help.
You can order a cheap replacement battery from China (i got mine with dockingstation), which is already charged about 60% (for storage purposes).
BTW if your problem is fixed, please add the prefix [FIXED] or [SOLVED] to your topics title.
shufflez said:
Hi Chris,
Please eleborate/clarify your OP, because I don't think anyone gets this... At least i don't! You say the screen doesn't turn on but the phone boots?! How do you figure that? Your device is actually on because you can receive/answer calls!?! :S
Sounds like your device has just BSOD (Black Screen of Death) which is discussed quite a lot here. Just press reset button or pull the battery (please tell me you have tried that before...).
If your device IS NOT powered on, please try this:
Does the device vibrate shortly when pressing the End-button? If so you should leave it connected to the charger for longer. If battery has drained too much it takes a while for the device to allow it to power itself up (prevention of overdrainage, which Lithium-batteries don't like very much).
Do you charge through USB, or with the supplied charger? I've had this before trying to charge it with a (different brand) microUSB charger. Turned out most chargers only give out 500mAh, whilst my normal charger (and car-charger) give out 1000mAh i believe. That might help.
You can order a cheap replacement battery from China (i got mine with dockingstation), which is already charged about 60% (for storage purposes).
BTW if your problem is fixed, please add the prefix [FIXED] or [SOLVED] to your topics title.
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i have restarted many times.
i use the wall charger.
but why would the phone boot but not turn on the screen or have the mic work?
remove your sd card and the battery. you may have to hit the rest button on the back after you plug the battery back in as well, but as long as you have the sd card out it should come back on. try plugging the phone into a charger and then remove the battery as well sometimes it'll wake it up so to speak. it's just a matter of playing with it. mine did the exact same thing and i freaked out for a little bit.
now if after all this it doesn't work and you've played with it for a while then yeah, best of luck to you =\. but whatever you do in playing with the battery and the charger, keep the sd card out until you can boot into winmo.
EDIT: never mind, i thought the phone wasn't booting. i misunderstood, but i went back and reread the original post. try reflashing your rom if you're in winmo and experiencing those issues. or take the sd card out and reboot.
i would suggest making an backup, as your phone turns on you should be able to estaplish a remote-connection with some (3rd-party-)software and do a hardreset.
if this wont work i would recommend setting it back to factory default (revert hspl if you have one and install stock rom) and send it in for warranty.
seems to be some major problem...
All this steps should be possible without screen turning on (working touchscreen may be needed for backup, but flashing doent need screen input)
if drive-mode is default for your usb connection and holding you from flashing you can do a hardreset and afterwards active sync will be default again and you can establish an active sync connection and flash
check if any of the pins that contact the battery are bended or broken, try to avoid removing the battery when you have to reset your hd2 because the pins are fragile
similar thing happened to me just last night!
I tried the jmz dual boot last night and I was nearly out of battery. I didnt look at any instructions I just installed it and restarted the phone to check out the new toy. it finally got done loading I chose android right away and I was walking towards the bedroom. when I went to see if android had fully booted and plug in the phone I had nothing! It was off. I decided that the battery must have died so I tried to turn it on and all that happened was the tmobile flash screen came up for a second and then it went right off, I got so desperate that I was going to do a hard reset but that wouldnt even work! the boot loader screen would just shut right off. I was suggested to try another battery we had at the house and bang it fired right up I took a wiff of my other battery and I dont know what happened but I think I let the magic smoke out cuz it is fried!
chrisizzle492 said:
ok here is the problem.
4 nights ago i forgot to plug in my hd2 while android was running and the battery died.
the next morning i went to turn it on and the screen no longer turns on but the phone does boot. the battery doesnt charge, status light doesnt either, end key doesnt work, when i answer calls no noise can be heard or made.
any hope?
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hello friend...i have a problem similar to this. basically when my phone is in android which i use alot if it dies in android, when i reboot it it will turn on for about a second to see my splash screen then turn itself off (the battery is obviously flat). so i plug my charger in and it stays on now but doesnt indicate charging....i boot it into windows mobile and the batt just stays at 0% but its still working. however once i unplug it it will die.....its like the battery is not in the phone. luckily i have two batteries and a dock which charges batteries, so i replaced the battery and everything works fine. once the battery that died in android was fully charged i tried it again and it was guesing the moral to this story is dont let your phone die in android mode
I do notice my HD2 runs hotter while in android than while it runs in Windows.
I am not sure if that's an issue to this, which is why I never mentioned about it being hotter. Although my HD2 is noticeable hotter, it never gets to a point that I think I should unplug the USB due to overheating concern...
Just a few inputs from passed experience
I use TMOUS Stock 2.13.531.1 WWE ROM radio (not stock)
k going to tmobile today to see if they have any extra batteries i can try.
then ill update
i went to tmobile. and while i was there i noticed the screen was turning on but very dim without backlight (barely noticable). but the rep helping me did not notice and i let it stay that way because tmobile is sending me a new refurbished phone as long as i send the old one (and the rep was totally cool he uses xda also and said they wont check my software and if they do they wont ask for the phone back). he also let me get insurance in case this happens again, instead i will just say its lost. so i basically killed 2 birds with one stone

Atrix Black Screen

So Im a proud owner and enthusiast for the Atrix 4G (original only I cant stand any of the others released they did it best first time around). Ive had this phone with some minor problems for over a year. For a while the phone would randomly reboot in my pocket so long as it wasnt doing anything. If I were playing music on the device it wouldnt reboot but the second I stopped the music, put it in my pocket, and pulled it out it would be powered off. I reset the phone to factory (I had a flashed rooted rom on the device) and the problem stopped.
Now about 3-4 months later I made a phone call put the phone in my pocket to pull it out with a black screen. Now I thought the phone just died was all so I went in and plugged it in to the factory wall charger and to my surprise the LED came on and the phone chirped that it was charging. So it was actually still powered on. I tried looking at the screen from all angles and shined a light on it but there is no picture to be found anywhere. Otherwise the rest of the device (to the best of my knowledge) is still working properly. I could confirm this by my alarm going off in the morning and my in-ability to turn the alarm off due to a black screen.
Also ive pulled the battery, allowed the device to die, and have tried several chargers and other batteries I have so its not a battery or power issue. The screen also remains black on boot, you know the device is powered on once it boots into the OS and chirps that it has service.
Ive dis-assembled the phone to check all the cables in hopes that it would be a simple fix such as a loose cable however everything was double and triple confirmed to be plugged in and locked in place.
I had allowed the phone to die and waited a day or so with the battery pulled out once it had died and then plugged it in and allowed it to charge before powering it on for 30 minutes still to no avail. Ive even tried hard-naving to factory reset and still have had no luck.
I would like to purchase your dead phone for parts.
Sent from THE most powerful smartphone in the world!
To me, it sounds like you have a broken LCD screen.
Atrix 4G replacement LCD on ebay
(Note... that is simply the first link I saw on ebay. Do your research before buying anything, I barely even read it.)

[HELP] LG Optimus 7 E900 (WP7.5) stuck on boot logo

Hi good day, im a newbie here. I have problem with my LG Optimus 7 E900 Windows Phone 7.5, its just stuck on boot logo. The problem started last week, i was sleeping and i woke up because my pillow is kinda hot and then i found out it was my phone. It was hotter than the usual and it was not even plugged in to a charger, it was also stuck to the LG boot logo screen. I tried to unlugged the battery since i cant turn it off, waited for 3 -5 minutes and plugged it back in - still the same. I tried to do the Cold Boot, by holding the Volume - and Camera and tapping the Power button but nothing is happening, it just says Cold Boot and wont do anything. I tried to do the Restore, by holding the Camera button and tapping the Power and i got the screen that shows it needs to be connected to the computer. I've connected it to the computer and Zune automatically detected it and says the phone needs to be restored. For few minutes the restoration was complete and the phone started to turn on again. I was very happy but then, the problem starts again, the phone just turn off and stuck on the boot logo. I've unplugged the battery, after half a day i plugged it back in and the phone turned on. I reset the phone because i thought that it could theres no memory left but after few minutes, it happened again. So my phone is now useless, it will turn on for 10 to 30 minutes if i unplugged the battery for 3 to 5 hours. Is this a software or hardware issue??? I am really wondering why and Im kinda frustrated about LG or WP7 already.
If anyone out there can help me i would really appreciate it. If you have the same problem, lets help each other so that we can have our phone working again. Thanks for reading! Have a great day!
please help
This is hardware problem. You have to buy this board:
You can buy New SIM Card Micro-HD Flex Cable for LG E900 Optimus 7 from, or
I recommend to buy it from It 100% works!
Juriyx said:
This is hardware problem. You have to buy this board:
You can buy New SIM Card Micro-HD Flex Cable for LG E900 Optimus 7 from, or
I recommend to buy it from It 100% works!
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Hi sir, thanks for your reply. after two weeks, my phone starts working again. its been two days now and still working fine. what happened is that i tried to charge it when it was off, after 30 mins or so i turned it on and it works. but i noticed and smelled burnt plastic. i stick my noise on the micro usb part and its really smells something is burning inside but the phone is still turned on. i took off the back cover and i felt that the upper is hot and the battery seems to be ok.
i guess my concern is, is it okey to use this still? im afraid that it might explode or something while on my pocket. what would you suggest?
thank you very much!, i really appreciate it.
I solved this problem by disabling the detection of the position in the menu settings. You should have a lot of patience in being able to restart it at least once to enter the menu, possibly leaving it off and without battery for a whole night.

Phone Just Died

So earlier this week, I was using my phone with Google Maps like usual. I plugged in my vehicle USB port to the phone to save battery. I had +50% on the phone and 1A USB port. So after like 5 minutes of it being plugged in, my phone just turned off. I tried turning it back on and all I get is the boot screen, then AXON shows, and puff... Phone off again. I tried booting into recovery but phone turns off before TWRP finishes loading. Phone doesn't seem to be charging. Tried different cables and charger to charge phone but nothing. No charge light. Seems like battery is dead because the phone turns off during boot and battery not charging.
Nothing seems shorted. Phone been working great for weeks before this. BL unlocked, Debloated stock, TWRP. Any ideas other than sending back for warranty? Luckily I still have my S7 as primary but I had my Axon for primary for my trip for real world daily use. Needles to say, photos and videos are wanted off the phone.
RoninBlackSoul said:
So earlier this week, I was using my phone with Google Maps like usual. I plugged in my vehicle USB port to the phone to save battery. I had +50% on the phone and 1A USB port. So after like 5 minutes of it being plugged in, my phone just turned off. I tried turning it back on and all I get is the boot screen, then AXON shows, and puff... Phone off again. I tried booting into recovery but phone turns off before TWRP finishes loading. Phone doesn't seem to be charging. Tried different cables and charger to charge phone but nothing. No charge light. Seems like battery is dead because the phone turns off during boot and battery not charging.
Nothing seems shorted. Phone been working great for weeks before this. BL unlocked, Debloated stock, TWRP. Any ideas other than sending back for warranty? Luckily I still have my S7 as primary but I had my Axon for primary for my trip for real world daily use. Needles to say, photos and videos are wanted off the phone.
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Have you tried going to bootloader mode by holding power and volume down
If the battery has died, then the phone wouldn't turn on is my thinking as everyone you then it on it eats some vattwry
You didn't mention specifically, but have you tried using the factory wall charger & cable and leave charge for like an hour?
Steve - O said:
You didn't mention specifically, but have you tried using the factory wall charger & cable and leave charge for like an hour?
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Original charger but with certified Micro-b/USB-C cable I've been using for weeks between my S7 and the Axon.
So I left the phone alone for the last few days as I was busy at work and Just didn't feel like messing with it when I got home. I tried to turn the phone on but battery was dead. The quick flash of red led was the indicator trying to power it up. So I used my Samsung charger as it was right there and the original ZTE cable. Phone lights up charging and so I left it as is to go to work. I get home, the green led is lit, so I'm hoping my phone will power up now. Nope, right back to my original issue. Power on phone, gets to Axon logo then eventually turns off or goes black screen. I tried booting into recovery but turns off before fully loading. I try to charge phone again but no led indicator.
So later today, I'm going to try to boot into fastboot and try the new TWRP recovery. Maybe it was enabling r/w on system that caused this. I had downgraded to unlock bootloader and then installed ZADmix. I've been usuing it nonstop for 2 weeks with no issues. I have xposed installed so I know rebooted a few times to get everything working and it never turned off since then.
Really frustrating as that's the phone that had my pictures on it.
Hi @RoninBlackSoul, so what did you end up do ? Have you found any way to bring back the Axon from the dead or sent it back to ZTE for repair / replacement ? Same thing just happened to me, and for me Axon 7 is my primary phone ... if the phone is really dead ... will neve buy another ZTE phone ever !!!
dr3am_r said:
Hi @RoninBlackSoul, so what did you end up do ? Have you found any way to bring back the Axon from the dead or sent it back to ZTE for repair / replacement ? Same thing just happened to me, and for me Axon 7 is my primary phone ... if the phone is really dead ... will neve buy another ZTE phone ever !!!
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Honestly not sure what did it. After battery drained, plugged it in to charge for 2 or 3 days. Then remembered some note about enabling write access in TWRP (something like that) would cause bootloops. Which is weird, rebooted the phone a few times when it was working.
Any case, I reflahed the recovery/bootstack in EDL and got my phone back. Been working great 5 months now
Sent from my ZTE A2017U using Tapatalk
@RoninBlackSoul, thanks for the feedback.
Got mine working also, my phone was not charging at all. After suddenly rebooting and battery went dead fast, phone was not able to charge for about two days. After which, suddenly started working again, was able to charge and works normally now. This is weird. From my point of view this could be: 1. some sort of auto-protection perhaps or 2. an actual hardware design issue that manifests at random (for some after few weeks or months after purchase). For the 1 point: I was using a non original cable using the original charger, and the USB type c plug was hot at the time the issue occurred. Perhaps due to that heat some protection mechanism manifested that got reset after phone was completely out of juice. Will use only original cable with the Original Fast Charger from now on, as the usb-c plug of the 3rd party cable was fine with a normal charger (non QC3). Hope issue will not manifest again or, Axon 7 will be my last ZTE device ...
dr3am_r said:
@RoninBlackSoul, thanks for the feedback.
Got mine working also, my phone was not charging at all. After suddenly rebooting and battery went dead fast, phone was not able to charge for about two days. After which, suddenly started working again, was able to charge and works normally now. This is weird. From my point of view this could be: 1. some sort of auto-protection perhaps or 2. an actual hardware design issue that manifests at random (for some after few weeks or months after purchase). For the 1 point: I was using a non original cable using the original charger, and the USB type c plug was hot at the time the issue occurred. Perhaps due to that heat some protection mechanism manifested that got reset after phone was completely out of juice. Will use only original cable with the Original Fast Charger from now on, as the usb-c plug of the 3rd party cable was fine with a normal charger (non QC3). Hope issue will not manifest again or, Axon 7 will be my last ZTE device ...
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I only use good chargers rated for QC or 2/2.4 amps like samsung, anker, aukey. Haven't had issues since. Plus certified type-c cables at all times
Sent from my ZTE A2017U using Tapatalk

