[Q] Porcesses that keep the phone up? - Galaxy S II General

Hi, I am using watchDog to try to see what processes start while the phone is in sleep mode. But I cannot find anything on WatchDog that tells me what is consumming battery.
I hope I make it clear.
The situation is the following.
When the phone is sleeping, with no 3g or wifi, it takes around 10% in 8 hours. Just iddle. This happens at night. When sleeping.
As soon as I wake up, I turn on 3g. And the battery starts draining. I understand this is normal. But should the phone be awake all the time just by having 3g on?
The awake bar is almost full. Eventhough the phone is locked. This happens only when I turn 3g or wifi on.
That's basically my question. Sorry if it is misleading or something.

the phone will be awake if you installed some rogue app that connects to the net every 2 minutes to check something, or just some badly coded app.

So I should start uninstalling each app to see which is the one? Or can I use an application that will tell me that? Itried watchdog, but got no success.
Any ideas?

I've found eBuddy to keep my Awake bar completely solid... EVEN if I'm completely exited out of it. It has to do with the fact that like any other app, Gingerbread keeps a cached version of the process in the background. But in eBuddy's case, staying cached causes the phone to stay awake, so the only way to resolve this is to completely kill eBuddy and any of its cached processes.
That's why I still run ATK at 30 minute kill intervals. Getting great battery life. Here's my original post on this issue:

almorsol said:
So I should start uninstalling each app to see which is the one? Or can I use an application that will tell me that? Itried watchdog, but got no success.
Any ideas?
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You can start by going into settings -> applications -> running services
Tap the "menu" button and make sure you are looking at only "show services in use" as opposed to all services including cashed.
You will get a list of about 10-30 (depending on what you installed and how you configured the phone)
Then go to settings -> accounts and sync, and under "manage accounts", see what accounts you created that sync up with somehting. make sure the icons (round circles) are green only for the accounts you truly want to sync.
Also tap through each account you do want to sync and check the sync settings . If there is an account that is set to sync every 2 minutes, or is set to sync at an unreasonable short time, change that. There could also be a bunch of account you what to totally switch into "manual sync" mode, for example email addresses you do not care about.

cmd512 said:
I've found eBuddy to keep my Awake bar completely solid... EVEN if I'm completely exited out of it. It has to do with the fact that like any other app, Gingerbread keeps a cached version of the process in the background. But in eBuddy's case, staying cached causes the phone to stay awake, so the only way to resolve this is to completely kill eBuddy and any of its cached processes.
That's why I still run ATK at 30 minute kill intervals. Getting great battery life. Here's my original post on this issue:
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I will install ATK and follow your steps buddy. Will let you know how this worked for me.

I will do the same. Thank you!

Have a query, What Auto Kill level should I set and what's the difference between Crazy-Aggressive-Safe? I atm at Agressive!

ithehappy said:
Have a query, What Auto Kill level should I set and what's the difference between Crazy-Aggressive-Safe? I atm at Agressive!
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I do Crazy, 30 minutes, and Low level so that I can see all processes (including system level). I then run my phone as usual and add any/all system related processes to the ignore list.
Good luck, and hope it works for you as well.

I just made a test, and found that the app that makes my phone to be awake all the time is the MSN Talk Pro.
I disabled it, and everything went to normal.
Is this normal in IM apps, since the other person was having the issue with ebuddy?
How could I have the IM app running without having my phone awake all the time?
The task killer would definetly work, but then I would not be able to get msn messages.
Is this the only option?
Thank you.

almorsol said:
I just made a test, and found that the app that makes my phone to be awake all the time is the MSN Talk Pro.
I disabled it, and everything went to normal.
Is this normal in IM apps, since the other person was having the issue with ebuddy?
How could I have the IM app running without having my phone awake all the time?
The task killer would definetly work, but then I would not be able to get msn messages.
Is this the only option?
Thank you.
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Let me try to explain the situation.
If you have an IM client and you want it to be ready to accept messages from your buddies, it has to be in "listening" state to "hear" from your buddies. How that "listening" state is implemented by the developer defines how much batt power the application is eating.
Two opposite example:
1) Some stupid developer coded the IM client to always stay in foreground on your phone, actively pinging the servers on the internet , asking the servers if you have new messages. Your battery is wasted big time man.
2) A smart developer coded the IM client to use Google's C2DM interface (Cloud to Device Messaging framework). Such an app will stay dormant on the phone, and will be woken up by the android core processes whenever a new message arrives for you - Google servers will wake up the app on your phone. Such an app will not waste battery much.
There are a number of variations that go in between (1) and (2) above. So there is no clear-cut good or bad app. All depends on the implementation, and also on the way you configure your phone and the app on it.
Latest version of eBuddy was supposed to use C2DM too.
Ad the new Trillian is using C2DM. I never tried any of these though, can't vouch for any.
Just keep trying various IM apps until you find one that does not stay awake.

cmd512 said:
I do Crazy, 30 minutes, and Low level so that I can see all processes (including system level). I then run my phone as usual and add any/all system related processes to the ignore list.
Good luck, and hope it works for you as well.
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It has worked for me mate, worked well I should say. You deserve a Thanks mate.
I set it on Aggressive mode, with Auto kill at an interval of 1 hour, and NO apps but only my Power Schedule app in Ignore list, and I kept the Network On (Normally I use Flight Mode at night time), and after 9½ hours the battery drained just 2%, from 90% to 88%. Usually on Flight Mode I used to have a 3-4% drain overnight, so it's a big improvement.
BUT there are still two small but solid Awake bar present there while the Screen was off! What could be the reason? Is it because ATK was running and caused the Awake bar by itself or other apps? Take a look at the pic.
I have another query,
If I don't add any system apps (those come by default) to the Ignore list will there be any problem?

kreoXDA said:
Let me try to explain the situation.
If you have an IM client and you want it to be ready to accept messages from your buddies, it has to be in "listening" state to "hear" from your buddies. How that "listening" state is implemented by the developer defines how much batt power the application is eating.
Two opposite example:
1) Some stupid developer coded the IM client to always stay in foreground on your phone, actively pinging the servers on the internet , asking the servers if you have new messages. Your battery is wasted big time man.
2) A smart developer coded the IM client to use Google's C2DM interface (Cloud to Device Messaging framework). Such an app will stay dormant on the phone, and will be woken up by the android core processes whenever a new message arrives for you - Google servers will wake up the app on your phone. Such an app will not waste battery much.
There are a number of variations that go in between (1) and (2) above. So there is no clear-cut good or bad app. All depends on the implementation, and also on the way you configure your phone and the app on it.
Latest version of eBuddy was supposed to use C2DM too.
Ad the new Trillian is using C2DM. I never tried any of these though, can't vouch for any.
Just keep trying various IM apps until you find one that does not stay awake.
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Thanks man.
I will keep trying some of them. Starting with the ones you said.

almorsol said:
Hi, I am using watchDog to try to see what processes start while the phone is in sleep mode. But I cannot find anything on WatchDog that tells me what is consumming battery.
I hope I make it clear.
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I have recently removed watchdog and noticed that battery consumption rapidly reduced...


Android.process.acore draining EVO battery fast

I've got two HTC Evo's. One lasts for 24+ hours on a single charge, the other lasts 3-4 hours tops. They are both have been running Fresh 0.3 until yesterday. I upgraded one to 0.5 and the other will remain at 0.3 until today. The one still running 0.3 has terrible battery life. I've been running system panel on both and saw that Android.process.acore has kept the CPU ramped up for hours on end, the battery is always 40C+ and when I checked on it this morning it had been streaming 200kbps of data nonstop through the night. There are no market apps installed on this phone except for Advanced Task Killer, GScript Lite, and System Panel. There are no apps installed from untrusted sources.
Anyone know what Android.process.acore does exactly, and why it would be streaming data all night long? System and System Processes also have much higher CPU utilization on this phone as well. I've tried reinstalling Fresh, rebooting the phone, killing absolutely every task ATK will let me, etc and nothing seems to stop the flow of current. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This happened with the stock software as well. One phone always lasted longer than the other. However, I'll let you know if Fresh 0.5 changes anything.
Thanks everyone.
I upgraded 2 days ago. My phone was always stock. Yesterday I took lots of video, like 15 mins or more, and battery, and GPS, and Google sky. A friend of mine invited me to his boat and we were on the river for almost an hour. The battery was still on the green side. I definitely noticed some battery improvement after the software upgrade. When I watched the video on the computer I learned the hard way that there are not vertical HDTVs.
Streaming data all night?
We may just have the first Android Trojan lol.
Sent from my Evo 4G
ejittles I think what you're seeing is a sync-loop, likely with facebook or exchange. This was supposedly one of the things addressed in the recent OTA update.
Try removing and re-adding any accounts you're synced with, disabling background data, etc.
scriptx said:
ejittles I think what you're seeing is a sync-loop, likely with facebook or exchange. This was supposedly one of the things addressed in the recent OTA update.
Try removing and re-adding any accounts you're synced with, disabling background data, etc.
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Brilliant Scriptx, I'll bet that is exactly what it is. I'm guessing its the exchange server. I will give that a try when I get access to that phone tonight. Will keep you posted. Thanks a ton.
scriptx said:
ejittles I think what you're seeing is a sync-loop, likely with facebook or exchange. This was supposedly one of the things addressed in the recent OTA update.
Try removing and re-adding any accounts you're synced with, disabling background data, etc.
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im with Him i also use shortcuts to turn on and off the internet (mobile) and i also use airplane mode when i don't what any one to call me my battery lasted MORE than 19hr and 31 min and i was using it downloding app, giving files, i saw some videos well you know the thing that you do when you brag about your phone. i am in the ARMY, so alot of people were looking at my iphonekiller (EVO) and wile some friends with evo battery already gone.... mine lasted 19:31 y lasted 24 before some sleep XD ( i have no ATK not needed for battery life)
Do you have a lot of contacts? On my Evo I have my personal gmail which only has a few hundred. On my Hero I have my developer account linked up which has thousands. During sync it isn't uncommon to see:
SyncManager(): canceling and rescheduling sync because it ran too long.
It will do this over and over and over again non-stop until it finally goes through. Secondly as was already mentioned is something like Facebook/Twitter/Friendstream. I personally only have twitter setup (and I use the official Twitter app for that) but again while testing on the Hero I found that the way Friendstream (and possibly facebook overall, and peep too but I'm not sure) gets updates is it checks the current status on EVERY SINGLE contact of yours. This of course is a huge battery drain.
The reason that I make the comparison with the Hero by the way is the software is basically identical. They are definitely forked off the same branch at HTC. So any problems on the Hero are likely the same on the Evo. The reason I don't have answers for you from the Evo side is because I use it as my personal phone and I don't have much on it.
You may also want to see this post: http://geekfor.me/faq/you-shouldnt-be-using-a-task-killer-with-android/
There is a chance that your phone keeps killing off background processes while they are trying to do stuff, so then they turn around and run again, then get killed again, and again. Automated task killers are the devil. The only way I recommend using a task killer is the same way you would use task manager or top in linux. Just to kill off the random zombie process that may be causing you issues.
flipzmode said:
You may also want to see this post: http://geekfor.me/faq/you-shouldnt-be-using-a-task-killer-with-android/
There is a chance that your phone keeps killing off background processes while they are trying to do stuff, so then they turn around and run again, then get killed again, and again. Automated task killers are the devil. The only way I recommend using a task killer is the same way you would use task manager or top in linux. Just to kill off the random zombie process that may be causing you issues.
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First of all thanks for the great work on Fresh Evo. Secondly, I only use ATK at startup to kill any processes that are set to start on boot that I don't care about. It's not set to autokill or to start automatically. I kill ATK when I kill everything else.
I think it has to be friendstream because I only have a handful of facebook contacts and the other phone has over 300 facebook contacts to deal with. Thanks for pointing me in this direction. I'll have facebook turned off on that phone and see if that makes the difference.
That particular phone is only set to receive email via exchange while mine syncs all of my work stuff via exchange so I don't think that is the problem. That just makes me suspect friendstream even more.
*EDIT* Also, I hope that ATK sends a sigterm to these processes and not a sigkill? Or is that not an option w/ the VM? I'm not too familiar with the internals on android atm. Haven't had time to play with anything due to work.
ejittles said:
I only use ATK at startup to kill any processes that are set to start on boot that I don't care about.
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Do yourself a favor and go grab Autostarts (autostarts not autostart) from the market instead. It will be the best $0.85 you've ever spent on an app. It lets you control every single onEvent trigger in Android, preventing the applications from starting in the first place.
flipzmode said:
Do yourself a favor and go grab Autostarts (autostarts not autostart) from the market instead. It will be the best $0.85 you've ever spent on an app. It lets you control every single onEvent trigger in Android, preventing the applications from starting in the first place.
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haha did you do that conversion for me from EUR to $ or is there a way to set a currency in the market app? Downloading it now. Thank you sir! The Evo has a great community here on XDA and I look forward to contributing when things settle down at work in the next few months.
ejittles said:
haha did you do that conversion for me from EUR to $ or is there a way to set a currency in the market app? Downloading it now. Thank you sir! The Evo has a great community here on XDA and I look forward to contributing when things settle down at work in the next few months.
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I'm just smart. haha j/p. When you actually click on buy in the app it will show you the USD price. That's where I grabbed it from. I did buy it for my Hero over 6 months ago just so I could deconstruct it though and I knew it was under $1. lol
Fresh 0.5.3 and the disabling of friendstream has the second phone performing great. Battery lasts 24+ hours now. I suspect it was friendstream. Thanks for the help.
I had this exact same issue and with system panel's help I was able to determine that Facebook for Sense was causing the problem. I turned off FB's auto-update and the problem went away completely. After the OTA, I am able to turn auto-update back on without issue.

Which apps I can kill?

I'm newbe to android. I have problem my x10a ruuning out of juice in 12 hours. I'm using Advance Task Killer to kill the apps when screen is off but not sure which I need to put in Ignore List and which one I can kill safely. Here list of apps currently running and Ignore list
Currently Running Apps
Pure Calender widget
voice dialer
3G Watchdog
Superuser Permissions
Barnacle wifi Tether
Ignore List
setting profiles
Advance task Killer
Battery Status Ultimate
Smart Keyboard Pro
Moxier Mail
MyBackup Pro
Thanks is advance
I've had started a collection over here:
Have you tried not running Advanced Task Killer??? I'm running on f/w R2BA020 with no task killer and no startup auditor etc... and after a day of average use I down to about 40% after c.15 hours... I tried ATK and various others and in the end ditched them cos they were making the battery slightly worse, and making the phone slower cos it had to keep restarting app/ background processes that it uses..
Your power consumption will very much depend on what your running etc.. do you have any widgets that are updating regularly, or possibly faulty and preventing your phone from sleeping.. try using juice plotter for a while to see what your discharge profile looks like - you should see it going almost flat when you have a period of non use..
PS.. I've had bluetooth on (but not connected), wifi on, and 3G/ GPRS on all day today and after 11 hours I'm now on 52%.. have used the phone a reasonable amount.. maybe 20 texts, email syncing hourly, contacts and calendar on auto sync with google... no widgets on my home screen which sync, and no use of timescape.. used mediascape for about 30 mins, internet for about 20 mins, XDA app for about an hour.. played games for about 30 mins too..
I'm using Task Manager.
It pushed me up to 46hrs Standby, coming from 20hrs, when the battery is fully charged.
Thanks Guys
@McKebapp - It is good thread but need add info like one of the guys sugesting, which are ok to kill and Do NOT Kill
@ im_iceman - The problem is if you don't have ATK or other Task Manager, most application keep running once you clicked on them. I was looking Battery Use, this tell me its and Display and Standby but detail which program was using during standby
Hi - Yes some apps will sit in the background, but they should be sleeping and not actually doing anything, unless they've been badly written.. Android, based on Linux, manages the memory so that it's running on almost full most of the time and therefore is quicker to resume something which you were previously running, or is stored in memory awaiting use.. killing these things will mean that the processor has to work harder reloading them into memory all the time..
@Mckebapp - That may well be because it's killing a dodgy app that you've got running which isn't/ wasn't sleeping properly.. trouble is it may well be killing other stuff you need too..
Each to their own though..
GPdhillon said:
Thanks Guys
@McKebapp - It is good thread but need add info like one of the guys sugesting, which are ok to kill and Do NOT Kill
@ im_iceman - The problem is if you don't have ATK or other Task Manager, most application keep running once you clicked on them. I was looking Battery Use, this tell me its and Display and Standby but detail which program was using during standby
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The absolute "NOT TO KILL" ones are written.
All other ones depend on the individual usage.
To me: I kill each one, that is killable
What about continuing my collection and making it more precise?
McKebapp said:
The absolute "NOT TO KILL" ones are written.
All other ones depend on the individual usage.
To me: I kill each one, that is killable
What about continuing my collection and making it more precise?
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Sure, I'm glad to help but I'm newbe just tell me what to do

This may help your battery life.

Today I had been experimenting with my battery life again and stumbled across this.
If you download advance task manager from the market. *NOTE* It is a paid application or *NOTE* This is illegal but you can download an .apk but again it is illegal and I am not encouraging you do it. *NOTE* You can purchase it and return it within 24 hours with your money back.
Step 1- Get advance task manager.
Step 2- Go into your home system and go into your default home or your home system.
Step 3- Now choose a screen in the home. Eg: 1,2,3 etc...
Step 4- Keep your finger tap'ed on the empty screen or somewhere empty in the screen. You can also just press the menu button and tap *ADD*.
Step 5- Choose widgets and find advance task manager.
Step 6- Now when you tap the widget icon, it will terminate all your applications.
Step 7- It will then direct you to a choice for your home application/s.
Step 8- You can just press lock and not choose your home and it will stay draining very little battery.
*Note* I do not guarantee this to work but it worked for me since I had my phone on the lock where I had a choice of home screen since 3:00 PM and it is now 6:00 PM...
3 hours and still full battery.
I have also previously managed to keep the battery up for 3 days and in the 3 days I was left with 15 percent battery.
I will post images if you people are having trouble *JUST PM ME OR POST BELOW IF YOU WANT IMAGES*
Appreciate the tip but since the inception of the Android OS this was one of the first and biggest tips amongst all of the community. It's nothing new. The Android OS actually does a damn good job of killing apps by itself. Unused RAM is useless RAM. It's a *nix based system.
The only time where this is good is when you have a stray app that's using CPU when it opens in the background when it shouldn't. Especially when it's keeping things awake. I only advise that you use this before locking the phone intentionally, and when you'd like it to go into a deep sleep.
I use task killers only when I'm putting my phone away for a while. Works better than when I used task killers. I'm also mindful about the apps I install and I uninstall and reinstall when need be, format my phone occasionally (I am an extremely heavy user) and defrag my SD card because of the heavy usage.
bongd said:
Appreciate the tip but since the inception of the Android OS this was one of the first and biggest tips amongst all of the community. It's nothing new. The Android OS actually does a damn good job of killing apps by itself. Unused RAM is useless RAM. It's a *nix based system.
The only time where this is good is when you have a stray app that's using CPU when it opens in the background when it shouldn't. Especially when it's keeping things awake. I only advise that you use this before locking the phone intentionally, and when you'd like it to go into a deep sleep.
I use task killers only when I'm putting my phone away for a while. Works better than when I used task killers. I'm also mindful about the apps I install and I uninstall and reinstall when need be, format my phone occasionally (I am an extremely heavy user) and defrag my SD card because of the heavy usage.
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I agree but this worked for me and I recommend trying this. Also I agree with everything you have said and sometimes when I am out somewhere I tend to keep the phone in a deep sleep but I do not want to miss any calls or texts happening to me so I do this.
Appreciate what you have told me as well.
Also what good does formating do? (NOT SAYING IN AN OFFENSIVE MANNER, I AM JUST CURIOUS)
zm4 said:
I agree but this worked for me and I recommend trying this. Also I agree with everything you have said and sometimes when I am out somewhere I tend to keep the phone in a deep sleep but I do not want to miss any calls or texts happening to me so I do this.
Appreciate what you have told me as well.
Also what good does formating do? (NOT SAYING IN AN OFFENSIVE MANNER, I AM JUST CURIOUS)
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Bongd is absolutely correct in what he says, the whole android system is designed to manage apps automatically, therefore while an app may appear on the task manager, they do not necessarily waste battery as they are sitting "idle"- that also means that an app will load up quicker when you go to open it, rather than if you kill the task.
Also my other point, and this is the big one, killing tasks can not only corrupt an app from working correctly but also it can cause instability to your system in the long run (because you are also killing certain tasks which are system processes) thus you notice bugs ion your phone and required to flash firmware again.
I've used advanced task manager and task panel side by side quite religiously for a while, yes it is faster and battery life does SLIGHTLY improve but trust me your phone doesn't like it.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
zm4 said:
I agree but this worked for me and I recommend trying this. Also I agree with everything you have said and sometimes when I am out somewhere I tend to keep the phone in a deep sleep but I do not want to miss any calls or texts happening to me so I do this.
Appreciate what you have told me as well.
Also what good does formating do? (NOT SAYING IN AN OFFENSIVE MANNER, I AM JUST CURIOUS)
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Formatting is good because just like a computer, things can get f***ed up for no reason. You can have all the correct settings but things don't happen as anticipated. It happens with any complex electronic devices, so this is why I recommend it every few months but this varies depending on how intensely you use your phone.
I use mine like crazy and tweak the hell out of it. I do it about once a month, but then again I have cell phone OCD.
The task manager helps to close apps that constantly keep connecting to the Internet, it's not about freeing up RAM it's about using the Internet connection
Some "apps" are some bad hogs when it comes to the phones recourses
Some "apps" are quite some hogs when it comes to the phones recourses.
Internet connection, Syncing, Updating ads and so on.
Some of these "bad hogs" also keep running "at full speed" in the background.
They have no whatsoever routines to save energy/recourses once loaded (background or not).
Designers of these "bad apps" don't care about battery-life, or they simply have no whatsoever knowledge/experience about mobile devices and how an application should behave on a such device.
If one are the kind who downloads lots of "cool" applications from the market, a task-killer can help allot, depending on how many "recourse hog" application one have installed and loaded in the background.
SysGhost said:
Some "apps" are quite some hogs when it comes to the phones recourses.
Internet connection, Syncing, Updating ads and so on.
Some of these "bad hogs" also keep running "at full speed" in the background.
They have no whatsoever routines to save energy/recourses once loaded (background or not).
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yeah but we don't have any app that tells us which app is using the battery and data connections right? sure the android OS tells us the battery usage, but data?
A app to stay away from is eBay it hogs cpu time and constantly refreshes in the background, my batt goes from 2days down to 8ish hours when the eBay app is installed
Sent from my X10a using XDA App
tookieboy said:
yeah but we don't have any app that tells us which app is using the battery and data connections right? sure the android OS tells us the battery usage, but data?
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System Panel can do this
Taskkiller stuff is not welcomed by my X10. When I kill all the apps , sometimes my connection to my operator goes down. I don't know how many necessary process' this taskkiller stuff kills as well.. I avoid "kill all" , instead I kill the ones that I'm sure that they're using internet and cpu in vain. Wish all the mobile developers use the close() method , then we won't be facing that kind of problems..

[Q] Does the quantity of apps drain your battery

I was wondering if the quantity of apps you have drains battery. Now when i first started my avav9 my powertime app said i had around 28 hours of power so when i did my titanium backup of all my apps the next time i charged the phone it went to only 20 which is still fine by me but was curious on why so i tried my 2nd fav rom azrael v2.3 (now v2.4) and ran the same sequence same thing happen so is the quantity or a specific app?? thanks if anyone can help
i wouldnt say the quantity of apps unless you have apps that sync or use services in the background, its more likely apps that stay running, some apps stay running but wouldnt really be noticed because they suspend when the phone isnt in use but if an active service wakes the phone that app will start back up as well, i would either install apps one by one and give it a day or so before adding the next to see if any particular app is the cause
om4 said:
i wouldnt say the quantity of apps unless you have apps that sync or use services in the background, its more likely apps that stay running, some apps stay running but wouldnt really be noticed because they suspend when the phone isnt in use but if an active service wakes the phone that app will start back up as well, i would either install apps one by one and give it a day or so before adding the next to see if any particular app is the cause
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Good idea thanks
I think that suspended Apps would still consume battery power.
The phone still has to power the memory where the App is loaded even if it is not synching data... NO?
R32Tony said:
I think that suspended Apps would still consume battery power.
The phone still has to power the memory where the App is loaded even if it is not synching data... NO?
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Not really. You can use systempanel to see exactly what each suspended app uses, and unless its actually syncing, or doing something else in the background, the amount of cpu and battery suspended apps use is negligible. Unless you have a rougue app that wasn't developed correctly...
Sent from my blah blah blah blah

[Q] Newie with a couple of questions?

Got my Desire Z yesterday
Got a couple of questions if someone could answer them for me please?
1) If Wi-Fi is turned on and I browse the web etc, does the phone use the wi-fi (my home wi-fi this is) over the phone network, i.e. so I don't get charged as I'm currently waiting for my contract plan to renew and my free data does not kick in until next month.
2) Is there a way of closing off apps that I have previously opened, or do I need another app to do this as I assume leaving apps running in the background will be a bigger drain on the battery?
3) I have setup a HTC Sense account, does the phone remain connected to this the whole time? (just want to make sure nothing racks up my data usage as I'm not on free data as yet).
Thanks for any info.
Oh, and PS - can anyone recommend some good apps?
If your Wi-fi is on and you are connected to a wireless network, the traffic will go over this network. You can also edit your settings so that the phone doesn't use phone network to update facebook, weather, etc. This goes for all apps and functions, including HTC Sense, email sync, etc.
Task killers are not supposed to be used with Android. You can read more about that here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=849974
What a good app for you is, depends on what you're looking for. But as for games, I do recommend Angry Birds and Doodle Jump (Santa doodle is just too cute these days )
A couple of must-have apps for me:
ChompSMS - replaces built-in text messaging app
Winamp - media player
Astro File Manager - does so much more than file management
ScoreMobile - real-time updates on sports scores
BuzzBox - RSS reader
Kayak - itinerary manager and travel application
Barcode Scanner
Tim Hortons Finder - for Canadians jonesing for their cup of Timmy's
JuiceDefender -
setCPU - set up CPU profiles for
Battery Graph - tracks drain on battery
TED Mobile
Some games and lighter fare:
Air Control Lite - fun game
Paper Toss
Angry Birds
Hungry Shark
Kobo reader
Aldiko reader
Hope this helps kick you off in the right direction.
stiscooby said:
2) Is there a way of closing off apps that I have previously opened, or do I need another app to do this as I assume leaving apps running in the background will be a bigger drain on the battery?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You don't need to worry, Android handles this automatically. The app won't be doing anything to drain the battery unless there's something seriously wrong with the app.
3) I have setup a HTC Sense account, does the phone remain connected to this the whole time? (just want to make sure nothing racks up my data usage as I'm not on free data as yet).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You can control how often the phone syncs with your HTC Sense account just like you control the other things is syncs with such as Gmail, Facebook, etc, etc. So you can set those to sync manually so you have more control, and then only go and sync particular things when you need them.
HTCSense.com doesn't work too well for a lot of people at the moment (though you might be lucky), see http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=849410
Thanks for the replies.
So is there one overall setting to turn the data off or is there a setting within each app, where I can turn it off (just for the time being).
Oh, and one other question is there a way of checking how much battery is remaining apart from the little symbol at the top of the screen? Only got it yesterday and it's showing about a 3rd remaining. Seems to have gone down quickly, although I have probably been fiddling a bit more than what I will do once I "get use to it".
stiscooby said:
So is there one overall setting to turn the data off or is there a setting within each app, where I can turn it off (just for the time being).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Go into Menu->Settings->Accounts & Sync and you'll see all the settings in there. One overall setting to sync automatically or not, and then individual sections for each account where you can sync them manually.
Oh, and one other question is there a way of checking how much battery is remaining apart from the little symbol at the top of the screen? Only got it yesterday and it's showing about a 3rd remaining. Seems to have gone down quickly, although I have probably been fiddling a bit more than what I will do once I "get use to it".
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You can also go into Menu->Settings->About Phone->Battery, and if you choose the "Battery Use" section you can see what's been using the battery.
There are loads of extra battery widgets you can install on the Android market, to give you a percentage display. I'm using this one - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=724778
stiscooby said:
Thanks for the replies.
So is there one overall setting to turn the data off or is there a setting within each app, where I can turn it off (just for the time being).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I've installed the "Mobile Network" widget so I can turn data off and on at will.
Widgets > Settings... > Mobile Network

