[Q] Newie with a couple of questions? - G2 and Desire Z General

Got my Desire Z yesterday
Got a couple of questions if someone could answer them for me please?
1) If Wi-Fi is turned on and I browse the web etc, does the phone use the wi-fi (my home wi-fi this is) over the phone network, i.e. so I don't get charged as I'm currently waiting for my contract plan to renew and my free data does not kick in until next month.
2) Is there a way of closing off apps that I have previously opened, or do I need another app to do this as I assume leaving apps running in the background will be a bigger drain on the battery?
3) I have setup a HTC Sense account, does the phone remain connected to this the whole time? (just want to make sure nothing racks up my data usage as I'm not on free data as yet).
Thanks for any info.
Oh, and PS - can anyone recommend some good apps?

If your Wi-fi is on and you are connected to a wireless network, the traffic will go over this network. You can also edit your settings so that the phone doesn't use phone network to update facebook, weather, etc. This goes for all apps and functions, including HTC Sense, email sync, etc.
Task killers are not supposed to be used with Android. You can read more about that here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=849974
What a good app for you is, depends on what you're looking for. But as for games, I do recommend Angry Birds and Doodle Jump (Santa doodle is just too cute these days )

A couple of must-have apps for me:
ChompSMS - replaces built-in text messaging app
Winamp - media player
Astro File Manager - does so much more than file management
ScoreMobile - real-time updates on sports scores
BuzzBox - RSS reader
Kayak - itinerary manager and travel application
Barcode Scanner
Tim Hortons Finder - for Canadians jonesing for their cup of Timmy's
JuiceDefender -
setCPU - set up CPU profiles for
Battery Graph - tracks drain on battery
TED Mobile
Some games and lighter fare:
Air Control Lite - fun game
Paper Toss
Angry Birds
Hungry Shark
Kobo reader
Aldiko reader
Hope this helps kick you off in the right direction.

stiscooby said:
2) Is there a way of closing off apps that I have previously opened, or do I need another app to do this as I assume leaving apps running in the background will be a bigger drain on the battery?
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You don't need to worry, Android handles this automatically. The app won't be doing anything to drain the battery unless there's something seriously wrong with the app.
3) I have setup a HTC Sense account, does the phone remain connected to this the whole time? (just want to make sure nothing racks up my data usage as I'm not on free data as yet).
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You can control how often the phone syncs with your HTC Sense account just like you control the other things is syncs with such as Gmail, Facebook, etc, etc. So you can set those to sync manually so you have more control, and then only go and sync particular things when you need them.
HTCSense.com doesn't work too well for a lot of people at the moment (though you might be lucky), see http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=849410

Thanks for the replies.
So is there one overall setting to turn the data off or is there a setting within each app, where I can turn it off (just for the time being).
Oh, and one other question is there a way of checking how much battery is remaining apart from the little symbol at the top of the screen? Only got it yesterday and it's showing about a 3rd remaining. Seems to have gone down quickly, although I have probably been fiddling a bit more than what I will do once I "get use to it".

stiscooby said:
So is there one overall setting to turn the data off or is there a setting within each app, where I can turn it off (just for the time being).
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Go into Menu->Settings->Accounts & Sync and you'll see all the settings in there. One overall setting to sync automatically or not, and then individual sections for each account where you can sync them manually.
Oh, and one other question is there a way of checking how much battery is remaining apart from the little symbol at the top of the screen? Only got it yesterday and it's showing about a 3rd remaining. Seems to have gone down quickly, although I have probably been fiddling a bit more than what I will do once I "get use to it".
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You can also go into Menu->Settings->About Phone->Battery, and if you choose the "Battery Use" section you can see what's been using the battery.
There are loads of extra battery widgets you can install on the Android market, to give you a percentage display. I'm using this one - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=724778

stiscooby said:
Thanks for the replies.
So is there one overall setting to turn the data off or is there a setting within each app, where I can turn it off (just for the time being).
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I've installed the "Mobile Network" widget so I can turn data off and on at will.
Widgets > Settings... > Mobile Network


SOLVED : Hero uses a lot (too much) background data!

Hi there!
Just got my first "Hero only" phonebill after getting the device and I must say I'm pretty shocked. It was 3 times normal!
I have only used Facebook INTERMITTANTLY and not logged in under the "Social" function. Twitter has been off. I haven't used email yet. I have only used Android Market under wifi and my only real usage has been various news sites with iPhone adapted webpages.
The only thing I can tell that's "on" has been the weather.
So I installed 3G Watchdog to monitor the usage and this is what I found out:
- In a twelve hour window with
- No Browser usage, no Facebook/Twitter/Flickr/Market
- Setting for Google has been "Enable background data usage" but not Auto-sync
- No Exchange usage or email
- Enable always on mobile has been activated
- No other internet function is activated as I can tell
- This has resulted in 610kb if data usage, that's 1.2mb in 24hrs
- That's 36MB a month, 436mb a year (and I pay per mb)
To me, this is "data out the widow" which I havent used, but the Phone has somehow "eaten" up.
I feel as though I havent got much control over how and when the Hero used data, the settings are not "clear" in the Android/Hero settings on administrating data usage. In my instance, it uses data without me needing it.
Is there any way to monitor WHICH program or function uses data without need? Ie. something like 3G Watchdog but more detailed?
there is net-counter.. but its familiar to 3g watchdog..
Android phones, and phones like them (e.g.iPhone) are really not designed to be used with "pay per MB" plan. I couldn't tell you what processes are going to be "consuming" data, but I'd consider 1.2MB to be pretty insignificant, though I understand that if you're paying by the MB your opinion would be significantly different.
I know it's probably not much help, but if I were you, since you are not using any of the "push" facilities of the device (e.g. GMail) I'd be inclined to switch off mobile internet and only switch it on as you need it.
foxmeister said:
Android phones, and phones like them (e.g.iPhone) are really not designed to be used with "pay per MB" plan. I couldn't tell you what processes are going to be "consuming" data, but I'd consider 1.2MB to be pretty insignificant, though I understand that if you're paying by the MB your opinion would be significantly different.
I know it's probably not much help, but if I were you, since you are not using any of the "push" facilities of the device (e.g. GMail) I'd be inclined to switch off mobile internet and only switch it on as you need it.
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Good advise there for you. 1.2Mb is very little though in the big scheme of things. Its about a minute of a typical MP3 or less than the capacity of a floppy disk (if you remember those).
The phone is designed to be used with an unlimited data plan - its a cloud based phone really.
As an aside, I do think these plans are still too expensive in reality.
foxmeister said:
Android phones, and phones like them (e.g.iPhone) are really not designed to be used with "pay per MB" plan. I couldn't tell you what processes are going to be "consuming" data, but I'd consider 1.2MB to be pretty insignificant, though I understand that if you're paying by the MB your opinion would be significantly different.
I know it's probably not much help, but if I were you, since you are not using any of the "push" facilities of the device (e.g. GMail) I'd be inclined to switch off mobile internet and only switch it on as you need it.
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I'm aware of this fact Dave, I had the Diamond before I got the Hero. But what I lack is a built in function to "control and monitior usage". As of right now, it seems like it lives it's own life. If you have an unlimited plan, you wont really care. But Another point is the fact that this "unwanted" data usage consumes battery power and thus limits the battery life.
All I want is to be in control of my phone....
I am considering an unlimited plan or a 1gb/2gb plan. But there is a "cap" on my current plan where I won't pay for data over 3MB every day, but it's still a lot when you use that much every day.
You could try something like Droidwall ( http://code.google.com/p/droidwall/ ), but this only works for rooted devices.
At least you should be able to "whitelist" the apps that you want to be able to talk to the outside world, and see if this has any material effect on your data usage.
Perhaps something obvious, but have you turned off the 'always on mobile data'?
You can find that under the wireless controls, mobile network settings.
And with a lot stuff (like the weather applet) you can disable the automatic updates.
Also turn off some data sync stuff under settings, data synchronization.(Google services for example).
Hope this helps a bit, although you might have done this already
Droid wall might help otherwise as a previous post also says
I had the same problem as I don't have a plan and my carrier charges per mb , so I installed APNdroid (it changes the APN settings , and restores it if you want to use mobile network ) .
HTC even provide a widget to turn mobile data on and off quickly. Put it on your Home screen.
I used this while on vacation to avoid huge data costs.
Also set Google synchronisation to non automatic, sync it when you need too.
TBH though, the Hero is such a data centric device, its pretty boring with no live data connection... as are iPhone and any other smartphone.
RaptorRVL said:
Perhaps something obvious, but have you turned off the 'always on mobile data'?
You can find that under the wireless controls, mobile network settings.
And with a lot stuff (like the weather applet) you can disable the automatic updates.
Also turn off some data sync stuff under settings, data synchronization.(Google services for example).
Hope this helps a bit, although you might have done this already
Droid wall might help otherwise as a previous post also says
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"Always on" should not use up data as it is only there to keep the connection open so the phone doesn't have to connect each time an application needs to use 2G/3G/3.5G
I disabled the always on, weather etc... but something is still consuming data. Must be one of the apps circumventing the phone settings.
But my point is this, it is to diffucult/complicated/cumbersome/unintuetive so control the amount of data the Hero uses.
Also make sure stocks is set not to update.
If you are really concerned then just turn mobile data off until you need to use it (via the widget).
The point of these type of phone is to connect to many different services. Its simple to turn all data off if you wish.
The expectation for the smartphone is that it will be dragging information in constantly, keeping you up to date with your social network.
However, you might try WiSyncPlus to automatically disable data access when you are not in range of known WiFi networks. That might be the easiest way of controlling your data consumption over the cell/mobile network.
The new official Facebook App was to blame for almost the entire 1,2mb a day usage. I did not log out, just pressed the home button and the app was running in the background updating.
Is this a bug? Is there any need for it to update when you don't have it open? I'm thinking battery power here as well as data usage.
Sebastian768 said:
The new official Facebook App was to blame for almost the entire 1,2mb a day usage. I did not log out, just pressed the home button and the app was running in the background updating.
Is this a bug? Is there any need for it to update when you don't have it open? I'm thinking battery power here as well as data usage.
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The "Home" button doesn't actually shut down the app , it merely puts it to sleep. The "Back" button on the other hand closes the app and removes it from memory.
Linux has it very own and famous scheduler which on its own manages sleeping apps and can discard them from memory at will when the need for more memory exists
In settings you have the option to set the refresh interval, you can change it to 0. Might also be worth using a task manager to kill unwanted programs.
Devs need to write their apps correctly TBH. If its in the background and the user has not set its background processes to keep working, then it should stay silent.
ONLY if a user elects to have background processes running should an app continue to work away.
A simple setting in an apps preferences is all thats needed.
The back button to kill apps... thats pretty silly TBH especially with Browser. You would have to hit back multiple times to return to the very first web page you opened before you actually exited the app... very cumbersome.
Again, a simple setting in each app and indeed globally in the Hero's settings would make life far less confusing.

Must Have Apps

So I just picked up a pair of evo's yesterday.
I got my fiance a white one and me a black one.
I'm new to the whole android scene but not to the hacking scene. I came from the palm pre which lets face it sucks if you don't hack it.
But I was wondering what are some must have apps and/or widgets for the evo.
For me and my fiance alike.
I got a task killer and sms popup and some stuff like that. But what else is there that is going to really make this phone shine?
Let me know. OH and I got the xda app so don't worry about suggesting it lol
And I've used xda in the past with my old windows mobile dash/exaclibur. It's a great community.
Please use the Q&A section. It's there for a reason.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
If someone would be kind enough to move this for me that would be awesome. I didn't see that question and answers thread at the time of posting this. My bad.
Just do some research.
Task killers are a no no.
There are 70,000 apps to choose from, to each their own. Check out appbrain.com for reviews etc.
redditor01 said:
Please use the Q&A section. It's there for a reason.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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[sarcasm] excellent response, junior [/sarcasm]
For one, give up on the task killers now. They are redundant and do more harm than good. Task killers are good for one thing in an android device, closing a problem app. Android does a great job of managing tasks all on its own.
My must haves:
Handcent (be sure to disable notifications in the stock messaging app)
Audio Manager
Root Explorer
Google Earth
Google Voice (I use it for vvm only)
System Panel
Wireless Tether for Root Users (now in the market )
What's wrong with task killers? I'll take it off cause I trust you guys but just wondering what is the problem with them?
Barcode Scanner
Apps Organizer - Put apps in folders instead of having one long list
Systray Monitor - See percentage of battery left in toolbar
LED Desire Light - lets you use the flash for your camera as a flash light
Google Sky Map
Dolphin Browser - better browser
Shazam - recognizes songs
Music Junk - can find just about any song
guitarjockey said:
What's wrong with task killers? I'll take it off cause I trust you guys but just wondering what is the problem with them?
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Do some searching, you will find plenty of good reading on the subject. You may even start in one of the older device forums, there was a lot of discussion on the subject in the CDMA Hero section.
Android manages it's ram and it does it quite well. A task killer is just another app that is always running, it's completely unnecessary and if you don't set it up right you might be killing stuff that you need.
If you want more detail than that I'm sure it will be VERY easy to find..
@xHausx, fwiw I used to be a huge fan of SysTray Monitor but I learned it runs rampant and uses more juice than it deserves. Unless they have updated it to perform more efficiently I had to drop that one from my must haves list when I had my Hero.
I use a task killer and have had good results with it, I just have it ignore everything except stuff I know is not needed and kill it when I am done. If you kill everything stuff will be constantly restarting and draining your battery
nebenezer got most of the must have apps. However, one app you MUST get is AppBrain. Its also a website. What it does is you go to www.appbrain.com, log in with your gmail account, get the app from the android market and then you can surf the Android market through a web browser and select which apps you want. Then go to your phone, open AppBrain, select Manage my apps, and sync. Then you can install all the apps that you just saw on your PC. Very handy and much easier than surfing the entire market on your phone.
Basically, you will want a file explorer like Root Explorer (only useful if you are rooted (which I recommend you do)), Astro File Manager, ect.
If you dont like the Sense UI that comes with your HTC Evo or if you would like to try something else, some other home applications are available. My fav is LauncherPro but another great one is ADW.Launcher. These apps replace your entire home screen and interface with highly customizable interfaces that can be themed and tailored to your expectations.
The stock music app sucks imo. doubleTwist is a great player to replace it until we get froyo.
Another must is Screebl Lite. This app detects how you are holding your phone and will prevent the screen from sleeping until you set it down so that its resting at a 90* angle or a 180* angle and with this you can have the phone's timer set very low to allow for excellent power savings. Mine's set at 15 sec so when Im reading something on the internet, I dont have to keep tapping my screen so that the screen wont dim, turn off, and lock on me.
Here is the list of Apps I use a lot and are must haves for me:
Barcode Scanner
Gmail Unread Count
Screebl Lite
doubleTwist Player
Handcent SMS
AppBrain App Market
Pandora Radio
AudioManager Widget
ASTRO FileManager
Gmote 2.0 <~ Very cool app if you like to watch stuff on your PC from your bed or couch.
Places Directory
SwitchPro Widget
LauncherPro Beta
Lastly, the whole speculation on task killers is kinda iffy. Some ppl think that killing tasks hurts the battery cause the apps will just then have to restart and that uses more CPU cycles than just leaving it running in the background, and in theory they are right. With a stock, unrooted, HTC Evo, you are going to have bloatware constantly restarting if you use a taskkiller. I used one anyways cause I multitask like a champ and when I finished my session, I ended it with a task killer and then locked my phone and went about my business. Now, what you need to do is pay for and use a program called 'System'. Its amazing. It will show you all the apps running in the foreground, background, system apps, and user set excluded apps. System shows how much CPU time apps are using and how much of a drain it puts on your battery for a period of time which is set by you, the user. It can monitor and show apps that eat battery like a fat kid at mcdonalds. With System, you can add apps to an "excluded" list so that they arnt killed when you run the taskkiller. Very handy app.
Hope this helps. tl;dr.
xHausx said:
I use a task killer and have had good results with it, I just have it ignore everything except stuff I know is not needed and kill it when I am done. If you kill everything stuff will be constantly restarting and draining your battery
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You should definitely check out an app called autostarts, you'd probably like it
so embarrassing

Just got my SGS...so what first?

Hey guys, just picked up my SGS and have had about 30mins playing with it (before I killed the battery...lol).
What should I get first?
For some reason I cant find Swype...I thought it was pre-installed in Samsung phones? Its not in the Samsung Apps App either.
Also, what do you recommend for testing the GPS? I am curious to see how bad it is.
Anyhow, just a real quick message to say, thanks for all your help over the past 2 weeks (and upcoming weeks).
For now it appears to be a kick ass phone.
djglenn1337 said:
Hey guys, just picked up my SGS and have had about 30mins playing with it (before I killed the battery...lol).
What should I get first?
For some reason I cant find Swype...I thought it was pre-installed in Samsung phones? Its not in the Samsung Apps App either.
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You can find many ways, these (sorry mine is in Finnish now, but...):
-> Messages -> New Message -> Push Write Message.. -> Input Method (something like that) -> Swype / Samsung Keyboard
-> Applications -> Settings -> Area and Text
djglenn1337 said:
Also, what do you recommend for testing the GPS? I am curious to see how bad it is.
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From Android Market -> GPS Test
djglenn1337 said:
Anyhow, just a real quick message to say, thanks for all your help over the past 2 weeks (and upcoming weeks).
For now it appears to be a kick ass phone.
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Have a nice time with your phone. I have used mine two days now.
[email protected] said:
You can find many ways, these (sorry mine is in Finnish now, but...):
-> Messages -> New Message -> Push Write Message.. -> Input Method (something like that) -> Swype / Samsung Keyboard
-> Applications -> Settings -> Area and Text
From Android Market -> GPS Test
Have a nice time with your phone. I have used mine two days now.
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GPS test is a nice thing to get the specs on the GPS (basically accuracy, your satellites in view and the # you are locked on). For testing GPS, in how it will affect your real world performance get My Tracks. Run my tracks and go for a: walk, jog, run, bike, car ride (whatever is closest to your hobbies and/or typical usage scenario). It will show you where you've been on a map, show places where your signal has dropped (if at all), shows you things like your speed and elevation (elevation is stated to be a good relative indication of indication, e.g. total ascent/descent, but not necessarily accurate to sea level).
Besides that, try out LauncherPro, see if you like it more than Touchwiz. I recommend caching your pages, to improve moving, however it will slow down adding new widgets and icons. In addition to LauncherPro I use QuickDesk (free IIRC) and Widget Locker (paid between .99-1.99 USD IIRC, if not probably confused with Quickdesk).
A weather widget can be cute and useful. Beautiful widgets is an extremely popular option (1.49 euro, IIRC, I use a free knock-off called WF & Clock Widget).
Power Control for a great one touch access to: wifi, bluetooth, gps, sync & brightness settings
Text-to-Speech TTS
QR scanner
Gesture Search (regular search is more powerful and might be more popular, not sure, I like gesture search)
Google Goggles
Wifi Analyzer
A business finding app, maybe: Foursquare, places directory, yelp or other.
alovell83 said:
GPS test is a nice thing to get the specs on the GPS (basically accuracy, your satellites in view and the # you are locked on). For testing GPS, in how it will affect your real world performance get My Tracks. Run my tracks and go for a: walk, jog, run, bike, car ride (whatever is closest to your hobbies and/or typical usage scenario). It will show you where you've been on a map, show places where your signal has dropped (if at all), shows you things like your speed and elevation (elevation is stated to be a good relative indication of indication, e.g. total ascent/descent, but not necessarily accurate to sea level).
Besides that, try out LauncherPro, see if you like it more than Touchwiz. I recommend caching your pages, to improve moving, however it will slow down adding new widgets and icons. In addition to LauncherPro I use QuickDesk (free IIRC) and Widget Locker (paid between .99-1.99 USD IIRC, if not probably confused with Quickdesk).
A weather widget can be cute and useful. Beautiful widgets is an extremely popular option (1.49 euro, IIRC, I use a free knock-off called WF & Clock Widget).
Power Control for a great one touch access to: wifi, bluetooth, gps, sync & brightness settings
Text-to-Speech TTS
QR scanner
Gesture Search (regular search is more powerful and might be more popular, not sure, I like gesture search)
Google Goggles
Wifi Analyzer
A business finding app, maybe: Foursquare, places directory, yelp or other.
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Oh yeah, the rest of the Google Software Suite:
Google Earth
Google Voice Search (installed on most devices, but not all)
Google Maps (I think installed on all devices, but I can't remember), I also like brut mod that was developed at xda. http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=brut+mod
Google Sky Map
Google Translate
Google Voice (if in the US)
Shopper (if you use Google Shopping)
Excellent guys, thanks for the great info!
I have got swype working, and have tried gps test.
On my first test the GPS inside my car seemed flakey...i.e first it found 8 sat's and locked onto 7, but then it suddenly dropped to 3, and then back upto 8.
I will have more of a play with it later.
First impressions are great! Phone really seems amazing, however I have noticed that the battery goes down very quick..
I had the phone fully charged this morning @ 07:00, and 1hr 20mins later I am down to 80%!
At this rate my phone will be dead in another 4 hours....
I also cannot seem to connect via the USB, just using mass storage.
I disabled the debugger, and selected mass storage, but the 2 files that show up in my computer just say that they are not accessible.
Any ideas?
You need to open the notification area at the top of the screen and tap on "USB Connected", then "Mount". Not quite sure why this isn't automatic when you've already selected "Mass Storage", but never mind!
Mithent said:
You need to open the notification area at the top of the screen and tap on "USB Connected", then "Mount". Not quite sure why this isn't automatic when you've already selected "Mass Storage", but never mind!
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You can also download "auto mount" from market to do that.
djglenn1337 said:
Excellent guys, thanks for the great info!
I have got swype working, and have tried gps test.
On my first test the GPS inside my car seemed flakey...i.e first it found 8 sat's and locked onto 7, but then it suddenly dropped to 3, and then back upto 8.
I will have more of a play with it later.
First impressions are great! Phone really seems amazing, however I have noticed that the battery goes down very quick..
I had the phone fully charged this morning @ 07:00, and 1hr 20mins later I am down to 80%!
At this rate my phone will be dead in another 4 hours....
I also cannot seem to connect via the USB, just using mass storage.
I disabled the debugger, and selected mass storage, but the 2 files that show up in my computer just say that they are not accessible.
Any ideas?
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Losing 20% on a (nearly) brand new battery after 1:20 minutes with the display running OR the GPS running is to be expected and probably better than average for the phone. If you have both running, well consider yourself to have some good battery life when having the phone idle and using more typical (? moderate is probably a better word) daily usage. The 4" screen will suck power, for instance if you are just reading without any processor intensive activities going on the display will cause over 80% of the battery drainage, running GPS/3G/wi-fi/backgrounding will drain the battery even faster though the display will be a smaller % of the drain.
I think even a fully conditioned battery should last about 5 hours with the display, GPS and 3G on all at the same time. Not quite sure as I'm just unwilling to torture my battery like that.
As far as the files go, I assume you actually mean "folders", the 2 drives that it says are available from "My computer" with new drive names. One of these is the expandable storage, and you won't be able to access it until you insert an SD card into your phone. The other will be accessible after you properly install and mount the device.
Mithent said:
You need to open the notification area at the top of the screen and tap on "USB Connected", then "Mount". Not quite sure why this isn't automatic when you've already selected "Mass Storage", but never mind!
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Samsung drivers are miserable to install. In my experience, it might just be my firmware, after you get them installed you don't have to deal with the mounting thing. Am I wrong? Initially, I had the same issue, but maybe I am mis-attributing the resolution.
Dont listen to any of these guys here ... u got ur sgs ... now secure your phone. Whether it be the built in security app that can only be used in asia or europe or wherever (cant be used in us so i dont know)
I personally use wavesecure, it cost about 20 a yr for autobackup plus if ur phone gets lost or stolen you can track it down.
Then get a screen protector ... i personally use the zagg maximum body protection.
After your phone is protected carry on with your regular app installing.
Boo to screen protectors (i used one on my original iphone but nothing since), but to each their own. Also, you are essentially saying "don't bother using your phone in the meantime until you get your screen protector...double boo

first full day with android and DHD

well nearly the end of the first full day with a new phone and a new OS having come from a TP2 and win mob so here goes
phones is the best i have ever had fast, fluid feels good to hold and to use
android while still learning i have seen enough to see its way better than win mo
so for you seasoned android users heres my niggles and im sure they will be easliy sorted
hate not been able to close an app down i feel likeit may still be running all the time
hate that i now have all my facebook friends phone numbers in my contacts and birthdays in my calender
would like a quick toggle app to turn on and off things like wifi/ BT/GPS
still not sure if my phone connection is correct yet to see a 3G logo
thats all after about 4 hrs of playing around so its dam good
thanks for any help
there are toggle widgets for the desktp to enable and disable wifi, mob data, gps ect....
you can go to accounts and disable facebook calender syncing
google have an indepth document about how android handles multitasking i believe it will answer you questions but for the most part 'most' applications when closed get their states saved but the program shuts down but 'processes' continue to run. similar to windows
some apps however will continue to run untill they are idle for a set period of time or ram is filled such as the internet.
i cant be more specific on where to find things as i currently dont have any phone let alone android cause i sold it to buy the DHD
combat goofwing said:
hate not been able to close an app down i feel likeit may still be running all the time
hate that i now have all my facebook friends phone numbers in my contacts and birthdays in my calender
would like a quick toggle app to turn on and off things like wifi/ BT/GPS
still not sure if my phone connection is correct yet to see a 3G logo
thats all after about 4 hrs of playing around so its dam good
thanks for any help
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1) If you are not using an app then it isn't running. While it may still be in memory it shouldn't be using any CPU cycles which would be what slows the phone down
2) Not used that feature, I imagine you can turn it off.
3) SwitchPro on the market is exactly this
4) that'll depend on location, you may only see H which is better.
Glad you are enjoying Android. Everyone always does.

[Q] Porcesses that keep the phone up?

Hi, I am using watchDog to try to see what processes start while the phone is in sleep mode. But I cannot find anything on WatchDog that tells me what is consumming battery.
I hope I make it clear.
The situation is the following.
When the phone is sleeping, with no 3g or wifi, it takes around 10% in 8 hours. Just iddle. This happens at night. When sleeping.
As soon as I wake up, I turn on 3g. And the battery starts draining. I understand this is normal. But should the phone be awake all the time just by having 3g on?
The awake bar is almost full. Eventhough the phone is locked. This happens only when I turn 3g or wifi on.
That's basically my question. Sorry if it is misleading or something.
the phone will be awake if you installed some rogue app that connects to the net every 2 minutes to check something, or just some badly coded app.
So I should start uninstalling each app to see which is the one? Or can I use an application that will tell me that? Itried watchdog, but got no success.
Any ideas?
I've found eBuddy to keep my Awake bar completely solid... EVEN if I'm completely exited out of it. It has to do with the fact that like any other app, Gingerbread keeps a cached version of the process in the background. But in eBuddy's case, staying cached causes the phone to stay awake, so the only way to resolve this is to completely kill eBuddy and any of its cached processes.
That's why I still run ATK at 30 minute kill intervals. Getting great battery life. Here's my original post on this issue:
almorsol said:
So I should start uninstalling each app to see which is the one? Or can I use an application that will tell me that? Itried watchdog, but got no success.
Any ideas?
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You can start by going into settings -> applications -> running services
Tap the "menu" button and make sure you are looking at only "show services in use" as opposed to all services including cashed.
You will get a list of about 10-30 (depending on what you installed and how you configured the phone)
Then go to settings -> accounts and sync, and under "manage accounts", see what accounts you created that sync up with somehting. make sure the icons (round circles) are green only for the accounts you truly want to sync.
Also tap through each account you do want to sync and check the sync settings . If there is an account that is set to sync every 2 minutes, or is set to sync at an unreasonable short time, change that. There could also be a bunch of account you what to totally switch into "manual sync" mode, for example email addresses you do not care about.
cmd512 said:
I've found eBuddy to keep my Awake bar completely solid... EVEN if I'm completely exited out of it. It has to do with the fact that like any other app, Gingerbread keeps a cached version of the process in the background. But in eBuddy's case, staying cached causes the phone to stay awake, so the only way to resolve this is to completely kill eBuddy and any of its cached processes.
That's why I still run ATK at 30 minute kill intervals. Getting great battery life. Here's my original post on this issue:
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I will install ATK and follow your steps buddy. Will let you know how this worked for me.
I will do the same. Thank you!
Have a query, What Auto Kill level should I set and what's the difference between Crazy-Aggressive-Safe? I atm at Agressive!
ithehappy said:
Have a query, What Auto Kill level should I set and what's the difference between Crazy-Aggressive-Safe? I atm at Agressive!
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I do Crazy, 30 minutes, and Low level so that I can see all processes (including system level). I then run my phone as usual and add any/all system related processes to the ignore list.
Good luck, and hope it works for you as well.
I just made a test, and found that the app that makes my phone to be awake all the time is the MSN Talk Pro.
I disabled it, and everything went to normal.
Is this normal in IM apps, since the other person was having the issue with ebuddy?
How could I have the IM app running without having my phone awake all the time?
The task killer would definetly work, but then I would not be able to get msn messages.
Is this the only option?
Thank you.
almorsol said:
I just made a test, and found that the app that makes my phone to be awake all the time is the MSN Talk Pro.
I disabled it, and everything went to normal.
Is this normal in IM apps, since the other person was having the issue with ebuddy?
How could I have the IM app running without having my phone awake all the time?
The task killer would definetly work, but then I would not be able to get msn messages.
Is this the only option?
Thank you.
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Let me try to explain the situation.
If you have an IM client and you want it to be ready to accept messages from your buddies, it has to be in "listening" state to "hear" from your buddies. How that "listening" state is implemented by the developer defines how much batt power the application is eating.
Two opposite example:
1) Some stupid developer coded the IM client to always stay in foreground on your phone, actively pinging the servers on the internet , asking the servers if you have new messages. Your battery is wasted big time man.
2) A smart developer coded the IM client to use Google's C2DM interface (Cloud to Device Messaging framework). Such an app will stay dormant on the phone, and will be woken up by the android core processes whenever a new message arrives for you - Google servers will wake up the app on your phone. Such an app will not waste battery much.
There are a number of variations that go in between (1) and (2) above. So there is no clear-cut good or bad app. All depends on the implementation, and also on the way you configure your phone and the app on it.
Latest version of eBuddy was supposed to use C2DM too.
Ad the new Trillian is using C2DM. I never tried any of these though, can't vouch for any.
Just keep trying various IM apps until you find one that does not stay awake.
cmd512 said:
I do Crazy, 30 minutes, and Low level so that I can see all processes (including system level). I then run my phone as usual and add any/all system related processes to the ignore list.
Good luck, and hope it works for you as well.
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It has worked for me mate, worked well I should say. You deserve a Thanks mate.
I set it on Aggressive mode, with Auto kill at an interval of 1 hour, and NO apps but only my Power Schedule app in Ignore list, and I kept the Network On (Normally I use Flight Mode at night time), and after 9½ hours the battery drained just 2%, from 90% to 88%. Usually on Flight Mode I used to have a 3-4% drain overnight, so it's a big improvement.
BUT there are still two small but solid Awake bar present there while the Screen was off! What could be the reason? Is it because ATK was running and caused the Awake bar by itself or other apps? Take a look at the pic.
I have another query,
If I don't add any system apps (those come by default) to the Ignore list will there be any problem?
kreoXDA said:
Let me try to explain the situation.
If you have an IM client and you want it to be ready to accept messages from your buddies, it has to be in "listening" state to "hear" from your buddies. How that "listening" state is implemented by the developer defines how much batt power the application is eating.
Two opposite example:
1) Some stupid developer coded the IM client to always stay in foreground on your phone, actively pinging the servers on the internet , asking the servers if you have new messages. Your battery is wasted big time man.
2) A smart developer coded the IM client to use Google's C2DM interface (Cloud to Device Messaging framework). Such an app will stay dormant on the phone, and will be woken up by the android core processes whenever a new message arrives for you - Google servers will wake up the app on your phone. Such an app will not waste battery much.
There are a number of variations that go in between (1) and (2) above. So there is no clear-cut good or bad app. All depends on the implementation, and also on the way you configure your phone and the app on it.
Latest version of eBuddy was supposed to use C2DM too.
Ad the new Trillian is using C2DM. I never tried any of these though, can't vouch for any.
Just keep trying various IM apps until you find one that does not stay awake.
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Thanks man.
I will keep trying some of them. Starting with the ones you said.
almorsol said:
Hi, I am using watchDog to try to see what processes start while the phone is in sleep mode. But I cannot find anything on WatchDog that tells me what is consumming battery.
I hope I make it clear.
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I have recently removed watchdog and noticed that battery consumption rapidly reduced...

