Question about Google Plus App on Android - Atrix 4G General

Wanted to know if its just our devices, or just MINE
1) Does push notifications work, and do notifications refresh automatically
2) MORE IMPORTANTLY, does the INSTANT UPLOAD feature work, i uploaded mine days ago, and have it enabled. But in Google Plus , under 'photos from phone', nothing shows up. Its very annoying! Where did my photos go.

The push notifications haven't worked for me yet. I've only had 2 photos show up from instant upload that I took just after installing the app can't get existing photos to show up.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk

how long after u took the 2 photos did they show up

Not to sure I took them earlier in the day and when I went to G+ later last night they were there.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk

are u on stock rom, or gingerblur (gbread)

Im on kenns 2.3.4 beta #4 rom.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk

I guess I just suck then
it is beta after all, patience.

What is the easiest way to get on Google +? I have read you have to get a invite but I do not know how to even sign up to be put on the list! Maybe I am just dense and not understanding it!

You need someone that has it already to invite you.
These don't work:
Instant Upload is wonky
Upload existing pictures
Push Notifications

drew47715 said:
What is the easiest way to get on Google +? I have read you have to get a invite but I do not know how to even sign up to be put on the list! Maybe I am just dense and not understanding it!
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If anyone needs an invite, pm me your email address and I'll get you in.

I triggered the upload of existing photos. It worked just fine. Instant upload also seems to work fine as long as you are on wifi.

Instant upload only works if you take a picture. It can go over wifi or att, video can go over wifi only. Your exsisting photos wont upload unless you go to settings and hit upload exsisting (not a good idea. I did this and had to explain to my wife why her nude photos were on the net. She was not happy. So be careful it will send everything).
As far as an invite. PM me and I will send you one.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App

ericu571 said:
Instant upload only works if you take a picture. It can go over wifi or att, video can go over wifi only. Your exsisting photos wont upload unless you go to settings and hit upload exsisting (not a good idea. I did this and had to explain to my wife why her nude photos were on the net. She was not happy. So be careful it will send everything).
As far as an invite. PM me and I will send you one.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
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Luckily, these photos are not shared by default (as far as I'm aware). You have to go into G+ and go to photos and check which ones you want to share. At least that's how mine is, not sure if there are settings to auto-share everything.

SS2006 said:
Wanted to know if its just our devices, or just MINE
1) Does push notifications work, and do notifications refresh automatically
2) MORE IMPORTANTLY, does the INSTANT UPLOAD feature work, i uploaded mine days ago, and have it enabled. But in Google Plus , under 'photos from phone', nothing shows up. Its very annoying! Where did my photos go.
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Instant upload works, I have had no problems with it.

No it wasn't publically shared. Thank god, or I would be divorced. And I didn't want to torture you all. She is kind of scary.....nah, Im just kidding.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App

Don't want to hijack the thread, but does anyone else have a hard time typing with Swype? Google+ seems to have it's own autocorrect and when you mix in Swype's, it took me forever to type a post because words would disappear or change without my wanting them to.

Auto upload seems to work for me too. I changed the settings so it only uploads when plugged into the charger. My notifications work sometimes for stream posts and all the time for huddle conversations.
Sent from my MB860

My huddle doesnt work.. It keep FC when I try to open it..

I've had a grand total of one push notification actually make it through to my Atrix out of the 6 that should have received since I installed the G+ app (2.3.4 updated with the OTA file through stock recovery, no root, locked BL, no CWM)
edit: as a note to elias.parasini, huddle works just fine for me.

cerps said:
Don't want to hijack the thread, but does anyone else have a hard time typing with Swype? Google+ seems to have it's own autocorrect and when you mix in Swype's, it took me forever to type a post because words would disappear or change without my wanting them to.
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yes and this is driving me crazy -- G+ seems to be one of the only apps I've ever found that really does not like Swype.


[THINK TANK] Facebook adobe air?
Source code for Facebook client for Adobe Air
We have air for Froyo now.
Is it possible to compile into android air apk for a GOOD Facebook client?
For the love of God, please.
technically if it were developed using adobe's software tools and is sourced for AIR it shouldn't be hard to port in to an .apk i guess we shall see...
Have you actually tried Facebook for Air? It's just a news feed and status bar. No other features. It is worse than Android Facebook.
Plus, AIR apps must be optimized for mobile. This one wouldn't be too hard to optimize if you have all the code, but it isn't just BOOM throw it into Flash CS5 and BOOM export to APK.
i was really hoping for something good out of this...facebook for android is downright HORRIBLE. I don't understand why the iphone version has not been put to use on android, considering there are more android running devices than ios.
Well, from the other apps I have converted, this should be easy.. will report back soon!
not sure if this will work as is, with the popup to login and all.. but I will try
Thanks dg
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
In the past few months, the facebook for android app has gotten infinitely better. It's almost on par with the iphone version now. What is it that you all feel is missing that would be remedied with this version? Just curious.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
Lee1733 said:
In the past few months, the facebook for android app has gotten infinitely better. It's almost on par with the iphone version now. What is it that you all feel is missing that would be remedied with this version? Just curious.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
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The fact that when you get a notification it takes you to the mobile site is a big issue, unless I'm missing something. That just seems like they got lazy in their design because you can view all of your updates manually. Also a lack of IM feature also kind of sucks. It's got a nice look to it, but the iphone facebook app is much better.
halfbrainhunter9000 said:
The fact that when you get a notification it takes you to the mobile site is a big issue, unless I'm missing something. That just seems like they got lazy in their design because you can view all of your updates manually. Also a lack of IM feature also kind of sucks. It's got a nice look to it, but the iphone facebook app is much better.
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Agreed. Plus it doesnt notify. Anyone else got more to add?
Can't comment on pictures
Hydrocharged said:
Can't comment on pictures
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cant tag them either
can't get push notifications either. you have to keep refreshing your app.
if you click the "messages" tab too quickly and pick a thread you were already messaging someone in, it shows up blank and you have to restart facebook... sooo frustrating
My biggest gripes are no push notifications, no tagging, no picture commenting, no liking statuses, and no "places" functionality.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
i think facebook is just doomed for android lol
The biggest gripe I have is previously on my Dream(G1 for AT&T Canada) they ported the nexus facebook app over- which is the same app with a few more features. They had the ability to Sync your pictures/updates with contacts in your phone. It worked like the official twitter app works. On our phone its just plane broken. If you uninstall-reinstall the app and go through the setup it will give you a "finish" button after signing in the first time. If you hit your back button on the touchpad you will see the contact sync. Sad thing though is its just broke. If you Go to your accounts sync in settings you will see the SNS setings up top then the Facebook down below your Gmail. If you click on it though nothing happens- on my Dream it went back into the facebook app's sync settings.
I also agree with the other points people have brought up on no comments on pics etc. The app will eventually be updated for the Galaxy but until then we just have to live with crap. I decompiled the app back in the day and wanted to modify it a little bit but never got around to actually doing it. If I was to modify the Official Android app, would this violate copyrights? Is it based under GNU licensing? I have seen "Colored" versions of the Official app in the market and wondered if they were violating terms by selling a black version of the exact same app? Anyone care to shed some light?
Sorry to go off topic but BOOMER
malfuncion said:
............the ability to Sync your pictures/updates with contacts in your phone...........If you Go to your accounts sync in settings you will see the SNS setings up top then the Facebook down below your Gmail. If you click on it though nothing happens- on my Dream it went back into the facebook app's sync settings.
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I just tested this on my Captivate running Cog 2.2B7 with no issues. I can see all the profile pics from FB in my contact list. When I open the FB app I can "like" wall posts and comment on pictures.
aNdroidnut said:
Sorry to go off topic but BOOMER
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CB650 Wolf said:
I just tested this on my Captivate running Cog 2.2B7 with no issues. I can see all the profile pics from FB in my contact list. When I open the FB app I can "like" wall posts and comment on pictures.
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So youre telling me you see this: (pictures are in order according to my post on how to get there)****/0.png****/2.png****/3.png
This is what happens on my Cog2.2 B7. I reinstalled fresh, get the first sign in, then I get "Finish". If you hit your back button you then get the Sync options. This function however doesnt work for me and hasnt on any of the Rom's Ive tried so far on teh captivate. I have read a lot on it and it appears to be a problem on all the Galaxy devices. If yours is working, I'd like to know how?
Only thing I can think is you have your SNS settings setup? Those are the ones in Account/Sync options at the Top -> Facebook, Myspace, Twitter. If so, they will auto sync pictures and junk for you- however it loses links very often- or did for me in previous versions of cog. I would get wall posts and pics in my contacts.. then next day I'd only get twitter, if I got any at all. Also my contacts would lose thier pictures and wouldnt let me re-add or associate them again. I would try over and over to reconnect the contacts to FB and couldnt unless I totally removed the account and reset it. This hap'd multiple time for me. It was rather craptastic syncing and I stopped using the built in SNS accounts all together and just use the official apps now. Only downfall is Facebook's sync doesnt work, twitter's however does.

Google Music beta - Outside US access :D

Hey Guys
Woke up this morning to an email from Google saying my invite for Google Music beta has been accepted! In the process of uploading all my tracks now..
Thing is... I'm in New Zealand. I did request an invite with a proxy browser but I never expected to actually get an invite as it's currently closed to US only right?
Unless they've broadened their reach in response to iCloud, otherwise the proxy was all I needed...
I should note that I have a Google voice account by the same means (proxy browser), maybe that helped trick them.
Either way I thought I'd post to see if anyone else has gotten access besides our American ...friends.
So far it works great, but all my album art is the same image, and it's taking a very long time to upload, also the upload program has skipped 4000 songs due to an error.....
And what happens if I change the filename or meta data of a song, does it upload it again as another song? I'd also really love the ability to delete a song from my harddrive if I delete it from the cloud, as I have a lot of music that I haven't yet decided if its worthy to keep or not.
This is really great because I have unlimited 3G access with my employee plan @ vodafone
I got the invite too this morning and I have access to google music without a proxy. I'm in Romania. Still, because of this, I can't download the music app from the market.
Try this m8...
Or rather this one:
I got mine last night too. But I am beginning to question how much I'll use it as I don't have an unlimited download plan...oh well, it's always nice to have
I did the same thing from the UK, got an invite a few days ago, have uploaded some music but not quite sure yet on their policy of making sure it's all legally acquired....
Streaming seems to work well though
The client works fine in linux using wine 1.3.
Gosh...... after uploading 400 songs I realised they all had the same lame album art image because of a stupid JPG in a root folder.... I've now spent the better half of my day off trying to get album art for all my songs @[email protected]". Discovered the hard way it's best to just put all ur music into album folders and update with WMP...
I got one too. And I am from China.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Just to clarify, you guys all used a proxy server to do this, right? I'm going to try this at home tonight. I don't know how to set up a proxy/VPN so if someone can kindly post a link to a very simple instruction it would be great. Otherwise I can do a Google Search I guess. Thanks!
And I'm from Canada. Yesterday the new Music app update shows up on the Android Market. I didn't use market enabler or anything. It just showed up. I updated and this new music app replaced the stock one.
Just requested an invitation via VPN, hope I get it
How long it take to response after the request send? I requested 2 weeks ago, but no response from google yet. i m from Malaysia, i used proxy to request.
I requested about 2 weeks ago using hidemyass and haven't heard anything either, so you're not alone.
According to Paul @ MoDaCo you can speed things up by editing your build.prop so it looks like you're using a 3.0.1 Xoom.
NexusDro said:
Just to clarify, you guys all used a proxy server to do this, right? I'm going to try this at home tonight. I don't know how to set up a proxy/VPN so if someone can kindly post a link to a very simple instruction it would be great. Otherwise I can do a Google Search I guess. Thanks!
And I'm from Canada. Yesterday the new Music app update shows up on the Android Market. I didn't use market enabler or anything. It just showed up. I updated and this new music app replaced the stock one.
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I used the HideMyAss extension to the Chrome browser (probably also available for FF) to request an invite. I'm based in Ireland and got an invite after a couple of weeks after signing up. Started uploading my 5000+ songs yesterday and so far about 650 are done. The upload speed on my internet connection is rather slow. worked for me I think, if that fails and you need software I recommend Hotspot shield.
Here's my blog for initial experience, if you're wanting to make sure your music collection is tidy before committing it to the Cloud, check out
Thanks! I also came across after some Googling but wasn't sure how reliable it is. Since a couple of you have tried it, I think it should be safe
NexusDro said:
Thanks! I also came across after some Googling but wasn't sure how reliable it is. Since a couple of you have tried it, I think it should be safe
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Doesn't really matter how reliable it is, just that it thinks you're in the US
I got the invitation several days ago. I only use proxy to request the invitation. After I agreed the term and conditions, I can access my music account without any proxy.
Same goes to my gv too
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
hmm..... I've uploaded about 4k songs so far but now the program just keeps crashing
kieranc said:
Doesn't really matter how reliable it is, just that it thinks you're in the US
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no I mean, logging in with my username and password through a proxy. Is it possible for the proxy to eavesdrop? But either way, I used it to request an invite
Got my invite today, it's a great service... shame about the upload time mind.

[Q] TEXTING on TF? i MUST be doin' something wrong

(wouldn't be the FIRST time
k, just wanna say i searched the word "texts" and dint get one hit in this thread. Thinkin' THAT can't be right but here goes...
Is there a way to send texts on this or becuz its wi-fi only, OR is that an "eyeroll question"?
Other than that shortcoming, i have to say my 1st 24 hours with this thing has been nothing but great.
I was one of those "whatintheworlddoineedatabletfor" ppl and i have to say i am madly inlove with this thing. i already had bought an ASUS MT91 Touch Tablet last fall (even tho it came with Windows 7 Home Premium, not Starter) but after just a few weeks it was just too slow to use at a desk and too heavy to use as a couch potato prop.
This thing picks up where my EVO leaves off and i'm lovin' it to pieces...
But again, what about sending texts? Is this capable of that? (and don't laugh, i KNOW i must be missin' something?
Ms D
Not from your own number unless you have an android phone too.
Text using Google Voice. Eventually people will recognize your GV number as well as your normal number (or if they're clever, they'll just add it to your entry in their contacts list).
I currently use "TextPlus" from the market, it works great and it's free.
No lag in message sending or receiving that I've noticed.
Google voice....
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium App
In my impatience... (lol)
.... I went ahead and bought & installed SyncMMS for 3 bucks which seems like it'd do the trick EXCEPT for the fact it keeps force-closing everytime i try to Register for a dropbox so it can "do its thing"... I sent a msg to the developer... But thanks y'all, appreciate all the replies : )
In the meantime. here's another dumm q... I know the Market Aps for Honeycomb are very limited right now, but again i MUST be doing something wrong, as i have seen so many posts here and there that say they downloaded thus and such on their Asus TF from Market and when i go there, i never find ANY. Just a handful. I read ALL apps should download but not "look right" or have a big black box around them, i'm not finding ANY apps i recognize....
Is there a way to bypass the Market and d/l straight from Internet, even if they won't look right, i wouldn't mind- i registered with App Brain but i'm not seeing it IF there is a way... : )
thanx again
If you're phone is also an Android device, try TexTab:
Otherwise, Google Voice is your friend.
I also tried SyncSMS, and I didn't like it at all. It uses Dropbox as an intermediate storage facility and sends messages between devices via WiFi. The problem with that is that you have to set polling intervals. Put them too close (5 min) and your battery life suffers. Put them too far (30 min) and the app is useless since you lose the immediacy of SMS.
TextPlus works pretty well too
mrcerulean said:
If you're phone is also an Android device, try TexTab:
Otherwise, Google Voice is your friend.
I also tried SyncSMS, and I didn't like it at all. It uses Dropbox as an intermediate storage facility and sends messages between devices via WiFi. The problem with that is that you have to set polling intervals. Put them too close (5 min) and your battery life suffers. Put them too far (30 min) and the app is useless since you lose the immediacy of SMS.
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that makes a lot of sense... Will ck out ur link.... ty!
**Edit... Just saw it was a zip file... Do i need to be rooted?
that looks like a sweet apk.
I don't think you need to be rooted. Unzip the file and install the apk on both devices. You might have to check the unknown sources box in settings/applications/unknown sources. This will allow you to install the apk through file manager by clicking on it.
I'm gonna download it now and check it out.
Been testing TextTab, known bug that after tge TF sleep I loose connection to the phone. I think once wifi is implemented it will be a great app.
One good things about SyncSms, if say you're going over sea, you can leave phone on at home and bring the
TF, so long a you have internet connection you can get and send sms.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
baseballfanz said:
Been testing TextTab, known bug that after tge TF sleep I loose connection to the phone. I think once wifi is implemented it will be a great app.
One good things about SyncSms, if say you're going over sea, you can leave phone on at home and bring the
TF, so long a you have internet connection you can get and send sms.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
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Thanks for checking all that out, i will do it too when i get home. Learned something new thanks 2 u, eventho i've rooted my phone, replaced pngs, installed ROMS, modified things in themes i didn't like, YET i never knew a reg zip file could be installed on an un-rooted phone, so THAN U!
Think i prolly won't be using the SyncSMS after the issue u described, and as for it being good overseas, thats not a plus for ME, since the liklihood of me going overseas is pretty nil. Work, home, Jack In The Box is about as broad a travelling that i
I tried SyncSMS but the lag was unacceptable...I waited 5 minutes for a text that never came through.
If that could be fixed, then it would seem to be a great app

Google+ Instant uplaod

Did anyone noticed that the Instant upload isn't working?
This worked on other android phones (NexusOne & Xperia Arc) but now on GSII it doesn't work. I loved this feature.
Am i the only one?
works for me
It works partially. If i click on "upload existing photos" it does sync. but not right after taking a picture.
First i thought it was because of samsung. but if it works for you then this is very weird. maybe clear data from google+ app
you checked the upload on wifi/charging-only settings?
mc2mc2 said:
you checked the upload on wifi/charging-only settings?
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I double checked all the settings. I'm on wifi right now. it just never worked on my Galaxy :s
I can confirm that it works, for me at least. I've also found a strange side-effect with it. I took some photos at a party last weekend and when I got up in the morning they were on my Galaxy Tab. I can only assume that Google+ downloaded them for some reason.
johncmolyneux said:
I can confirm that it works, for me at least. I've also found a strange side-effect with it. I took some photos at a party last weekend and when I got up in the morning they were on my Galaxy Tab. I can only assume that Google+ downloaded them for some reason.
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This is because they are uploaded to Picasa, and in gallery you can see your picasa albums. maybe this is why they showed up. not sure though.
Ok my phone is syncing but it happened after pressing the sync button. it also started uploading movies, i have a movie of 1gb+ -_- so i will wait till everything is finished and try instant uplaod again.
Working fine for me too.
Works fine for me.
Thnx everyone it must be me than. it still doesn't work. i loved the instant uplaod.
Working fine because it uploaded something that i didnt mean to upload !
OMG i want Google+ so bad!!! Inv me pleasee!!!
[email protected]
Works for me too
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Coentje44 said:
OMG i want Google+ so bad!!! Inv me pleasee!!!
[email protected]
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Send an invite
It finally works i cleared all the cache and did sync all one time. this fixed the problem, thnx everyone

Spy software possibly installed on my phone?

So over the past few weeks, Ive noticed some strange "flashing" on my evos screen. The only way I can describe it is when movie theaters do a changeover on reels, and you sometimes notice a quick burn mark, or flash when I take a screenshot of my evos phone...if that makes any sense...
Anyways, today I ran a file recovery program on my evo to recover some deleted photos. After the software finished pulling all images from my evos flash card I noticed there were many screenshots. Anything from google searches I ran, facebook pages, websites, etc. Pretty much random screenshots from my phone. I know for a fact I didnt take these screenshots, so what can explain these images that this software recovered? Some of these screenshots are anywhere between 1 day and 10 months old...since then I have tried out numerous roms so I would assume any spy program (maybe a girlfriend installed?) would have been deleted.
Any input is appreciated.
Maybe just cached images.
Sent from my Google Nexus S using xda premium
I'm thinking cached images too....I know FB stores some profile pics in my gallery, and I've found advertisements in there from time to time as well.
did you leave "shootme" running in shake mode?
Im talking about full on phone screenshots. Including the page im on, the text im sending. Status bar at the top included. Just as if I did a screen capture. Images of texts im in the middle or replying to, etc.
alaman68 said:
did you leave "shootme" running in shake mode?
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did you leave shootme running?
alaman68 said:
did you leave "shootme" running in shake mode?
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That's a very good thought there....
Also what recovery program is this? And I doubt its a spy app
nobody calls my EVO a fizzle and gets away with it!!
and where exactly did you find these screenshots?
That would be bookmarks saved to the sd card sort of like web history on your pc, nothing to worry about, my evo does the same thing.
Saves history in
.bookmark_thumb1 on sd card
and in
Just internet history cache images.
Sent via XDA Premium app on my hybrid Rooted Evo 4G.
internet browser caches that include screen shots of his texts, etc???
Wanna think that one again?
Lol no I don't actually. In stock Android builds it caches everything.
No spyware caches images on the phone or sd card, it remotes it to the server in and encrypted file to be reviewed later.
Sent via XDA Premium app on my hybrid Rooted Evo 4G.
stanza said:
Im talking about full on phone screenshots. Including the page im on, the text im sending. Status bar at the top included. Just as if I did a screen capture. Images of texts im in the middle or replying to, etc.
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Some spy program like mobile spy can record text messages, visited websites and every activity on the phone. If you suspected that it may installed by your girlfriend, then talked about it with her. Don't distrust her if you have no evidence. Good luck.
Check this two most common hints:
1. Is your phone easily drained battery?
2. Does your phone connect to internet even if not used?
If these two is observed in your phone then you are under radar of someone who installed the spyware.
Do you even realize you're posting in a thread that's over a year old?
Sent from my IdeaTab A2107A-F using Xparent ICS Tapatalk 2
stanza said:
So over the past few weeks, Ive noticed some strange "flashing" on my evos screen. The only way I can describe it is when movie theaters do a changeover on reels, and you sometimes notice a quick burn mark, or flash when I take a screenshot of my evos phone...if that makes any sense...
Anyways, today I ran a file recovery program on my evo to recover some deleted photos. After the software finished pulling all images from my evos flash card I noticed there were many screenshots. Anything from google searches I ran, facebook pages, websites, etc. Pretty much random screenshots from my phone. I know for a fact I didnt take these screenshots, so what can explain these images that this software recovered? Some of these screenshots are anywhere between 1 day and 10 months old...since then I have tried out numerous roms so I would assume any spy program (maybe a girlfriend installed?) would have been deleted.
Any input is appreciated.
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I remember my old Samsung had Carrier IQ "spy ware."
There's an app on the Market place that detects for this, you should look it up.
Thanks for the info
Maybe some spyward ads, usually come from installing apps outside the playstore
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